?niD YOU EVER STOP TO THINK that one of my best National Banks is located in Camden, S. C. It is conser vatively managed and absolutely safe The First National Bank OF CAMDEN, S. C. TN your pair of * Crossetts you get a through ticket to the land of Comfort. K And you travel in style all the way. The new models are ready. $?/ .50 to $(>.00 everywhere I,ewis A. .Crossed, Inc., Makers, North Ahington, Mass. Style There's a special Crosse 1 t last for people with areli troubles. Ask our agents about it. SAFEGUARD AND PRESERVE your l' urs, Blankets, Comforts, Heavy Hangings. Poitiers. Carpets, Rugs, Winter Wrap s and Clothing by having them thoroughly cleaned by our SPECIAL PROCESS before storing for Summer. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS CUMBERLAND, Md. Always Safest and Best IIEAUIJrUL EWPICKARD clnrsi/v t+nstwrar . A neon, C. Z. ? All tho world gives to Col, W. 0. Oorgas, chief sanitary oflft cor, and li 1h assistants full credit for the wonderful work they have nfdorui pllshed In making the Panama cunul zone healthful and Keeping It bo. All tho world thut known gives equal r greater credit to those American, Ital ian and KiikHhI) doctors and soldiers who sacrificed their health and In somo cases their Uvea to prove that yellow fever and malaria, tho two ter rors of tropic America, are transmit ted' by the bite of mosquitoes. It la not my intention to tell over attain tho latter atory. Tho devotion of those brave men actually made pos alble the building of tho .Panama canal, for their work baa been tak en full advantage of by Colonel Cior gas and his forces, and the zone la now one of the most healthful places in tho world. . Hefore the coming of the Amor iennB tho JsthmuB was a Veritable pest hole. The French canal builders and their workmen and tho laborers on the Panama railway died like Hies, usually of malaria or yellow, fever. Today a fatal caso of malaria Is a rarity, the more malignant form being almost unknown, and not h single case of yellow fever has originated in the zone in several years. The Stegomyia mosquito, t^e yellow fever bearer, has not been exceed-' ingly hard to exterminate because it breeds and lives only near human habitations. When * the Americans had substituted a regular water sys tem and underground sewers for the rain water barrels and the open ditches in Colon, Panama and tho other towns, and had fumigated all the dwellings, Stegomyia was prac tically extinct. That job of fumigat Ancon ? Hill. Ing, by the way, raised a great row among the ignorant inhabitants of Panama. They conld not , understand why they should be all moved out into the street and their houses tilled with evil-smelling fumes, and they were inclined to .offer forcible re sistance until the zone police took the matter in hand. MlTcli more difficult has been tho task of eradicating malaria, for the Anopheline mosquito, which makes a specialty of carrying this disease, Is widespread and of several varieties. It is the female only that bites, and she needs ' blood ? preferably red blood^-for the development of hor eggs. The ckks are deposited in a slow moving or stationary water and hatch out into l;tlle larvae or "wrig glers." At least owe in two minutes the larva must come to the surface to breathe, and that is whore 'the san itary department gets it, usually. 4^ As one wanders about the zone ho sees at the headwaters of every stream, ditch or other water course, at frequent intervals along its banks, and at the edge of every pool, a big tin can or a keg. From this recep- j tacle there Is a constant drip, drip, d'ip of larvacide, a black, oily-looking compound of crude carbolic acid, caustic soda and resin. This spreads out over the water, an iridescent film, and when little Anophelin'e larva comes up for air he meets a swift death To replenish these cans of larvacide a small army of .Jamai cans is kept traveling about the zone, and others go around with tanks of the compound strapped on their backs, spraying every pool they come to Another measure of extermination has been the draining and filllne in of swampy ground and the straightening and clearing of water courses so that their tlow will be too swift for Mad ame Anopheline. The w^rk of draln r ?i :: r.nri tilling has been extensive and near (h< Pacific end of tho canal has resulted in the reclamation of large 'racts of land for hnildine sites The third r*rt of the anti mosouito 1 campaign in the careful screening of l buildings occupied by human beings. Ordinary mosquito netting would not , do and only copper wire will stand the climato there, Consequently a , lino moshod copper screening Is used. If any Anophelinea eBcape the larva j cido and succeed In gaining entrance to a habitation, the mosqulto-klllers are summoned and seldom fall to get them. Nino days muHt elapse after a mosquito ban bitten ~a malarious per son before It becomes Infectious, and this gives the mosquito brigade plenty of time to kill the insects while they aro asleop on the walls. The isola^ tlon of infected persons in the hos pitals helps a lot. for of course the mosquito cannot carry malaria until It has bitten a malarious person. Hats, that carry the bubonic plague, and Hies, that transmit various other diseases, have received adequate at tention from the sanitary depart ment, and dumb brutes are not neg lected. Ah an Instance of the lattor fact, every horse and mule In the zone must be placed at night In one of a series of corrals established by the department and there it is fed and cared for, the owner paying a reasonable fixed charge for the serv ice, These animals, If left out, often are attacked by a disease that is In fectious and may be transmitted to human beings. Resides that, the na tive cannot be persuaded to keep his stable in sanitary condition. Many other sanitary regulations aro imposed on the people of the isthmus. All garbage must be de ( posited In receptacles to be collected by the department's wagons and I burned in its crematories. Chickens may not be kept within a certain dis , tance of any dwelling. Italn water i may not be gathered and kept in , I open receptacles. That last rule is not easy to enforce, for the Panaman 1 lnh prefers rain water for drinking }? purposes. Hut all these aro for the general good, and the United Slates has the treaty right to attend to the .sanitation of Panama and Colon aa well as of the zone. In addition to the two great hos pitals at Ancon and Colon, the depart ment of sanitation maintains a dis pensary Avith physician and nurse at ! every town along the routo of tho j canal and at Porto Hello, where the ! commission has a big stone quarry, j The larger hospital, on Atieon hill, : close to Panama, jn the spring of the year had about 900 patients. Its | wards and the residences of tho I physicians and nurses are scattered picturesquely though rather Incon veniently on the east and north slopes of the beautiful hill, and the | grounds aro filled with magnificent I trees and lovely flowering vines and I bushes. A little further around the , hill is tho hospital for the insane, and it, too, is well filled, for the Ja maican and Harbadlan negroes go crazy at the slightest provocation. In Colon, stretching along the sea shoro In the only pretty part of that flat city, Is the .other hospital, smaller j but no less efficient and well manned j than that at Ancon. Its grounds are swept continually by the refreshing winds from the Atlantic and many of its wards are built out over tho wa ter. Both hospitals are served by corps of physicians and surgeons, mostly rather young, but able, ambi tious and studious. One mighty good thing the French company did was to establish a sani tarium on Taboga island, and tho Americans, recognizing its value, promptly reopened it for the benefit of white convalescents. These may remain on the pretty island for two weeks, paying $2 a day for room, board and medical attention. Taboga lies twelve miles duo south of Panama and is as attractive a trop ical isle as one will often see. Its curving white beaches in little bays are ideal bathing places; its lofty hills, clad with dense vegetation, af - ford occupation for the climber, and I the small fishing village of Taboga is ancient and not uninteresting. Gor geous birds and flowers and luscious fruits aro everywhere. Nothing more perfectly beautiful ca!i be Imagined than an evening on the grassy slopes of tho sanitarium grounds. A myriad stars slitter overhead, the Southern Cross and Canopus swinging above the southern horizon. In the forest night birds sing and a variety of tree locust sends forth a clear, musical note that can bo heard a mile. In the littln public square of the village the native women and children are laugh ing and singing as the men set forth on all night fishing trips. And off to the north, this side of tho glow of Panama, wink the light buoys of the oanal's sea channel. If in later years Taboga does not become* a favorite winterN resort for wealthy Americans, I shall miss my guess v JUST RECEIVED A Car Load of Fine Young Mules Prices are Right. Come and Take a Look at Them. Now is the Time to Buy. SPRINGS 8c SHANNON Camden, S. C. We have just received a ship ment of bicycles of the best makes, which we will have on sale at popular prices. Come and see them. - Have your automobile filled at our Bowser fill * ing station ? it's so easy. Malone - Pearce -Young HARDWARE CO: Funerals Directed We supply the best of burial goods, con duct funerals and relieve families and friends of many unpleasant duties ince dent to {leath. We are always prepared t to serve those who need our service. B. R. McCREIGHT, CAMDEN, S. C. TO THE PUBLIC I am still in the Drayage business and solicit your work. All orders for Coal and Wood you will kindly] ive to The Camden Fuel .