gjiirial a?i? Jfrrflmutl m r* tdi?cd by MISS LOUISE Tt NfTTU3 - phu?. ;11UJ ? ? i^^j^_Sj_L ? i -':i' - ' Sliiloh! 1 irvorlJiK'tiig granite, enduring L ami polished marble stand at ??> commemorate Northern ? . but the Knightly Southern idlers who on that bloody ?ld ail' 1 *[e0V ln unmarked graves, Sol' ? where Albert Sidney Johur uu went down amid ? h?? victorious rSmrt* of hia aien' H,ul n<'Vt>r know that ike ?HU??e for which he died ' |0ttl to his people forever. TV I'nlied Daughters of the Con L/ederttt') are pulling together for a iLnumeiit at Hhlloh ; do you not r u( to help (hem. If bo, call at f Robin Zehip's drug Btore and (vg ,u) order for one of those beau-/ iifni'^ttUMidarB. Only one week more ~to take orders, so do oot ?yut it off, but call 'at once and see ?auuph'a- ? MlH. MlllN IfOSteSS. ?rjiW Wednenday morning bridge Lubwan charmingly entertained thlB week l>V Mrs. I/. T, Mills at her 1 koifro 0,1 <'hesnut street. The ?old ' uornlng made the home-like rooms, f,with Mts glowing fires all the more ! iuvltliifc. and cut flowers and pot Lflants formed a pleasing decoration. I Aft?*r cards ttlie hostess served a 'salad course. The following ladles were substi tutes: Mrs. Hratton deLoach, Mrs. "Win. Ancruni, Mrs. G. H- Lenoir and ..Urn. & |{- _ (^oiltiitg I'Hrty. The Ladles Aid Society of ,the Presbyterian Church was delightful , ly entertained at the home of Mrs. p. l^ofilic Zemp on Wednesday of this week, the occasion being an old-fashioned quilting party. The quilis ha?l been made by the niem bern of the society, who now com bined diity, >vorK and pleasure' at the (luiltiiij/. They were destined to snugly "tuck in" the little girls and boys Thornweil orphanage dur ing the- coming months of winter. V-ftlowiug fire made the room bright and cheerful and the ladles chatted merrily around the old-time frame* thai Stretched the length and breadth of the room, At I .It' , a delicious lunch was served ami in the afternoon quilting .resumed. Many bands made light work, and congenial company made j the hours ily swiftly by and the, crimson sunset brought only happy memories of a day that had been spent pleasantly and profitably. Kern's t'audiey arc "Candies Per* \ fcdion." They are made in their ?model plant by expert talent who tlelifihi in making only the BEST, h Kern's randies are made from the 'purest sugar, fruit juices, chocolifte : and inn meats. They are' fully guar LinUuid and satisfaction is assured. [Fresh supply just received at G. W. f Crosby's Ice Cream Parlor. r , , Thirteen Yi'Hht old, Oetobor the 19th, wuh the ihir h birthday, of Leon, the bright ill i In hum of Mr. uikI Mri. II. L. Hchloshurg, and in honor of the oc casion a dinner wuh given him ui the home of his parents, Quito a number of his young friends wero Invited, and they made a merry par ty around a beautifully decorated la? bio, laden with everything nice and tempting, in the evening at the homo of l1oh of bridge and a number of oth er guenlH who did not play. Fall roses were blooming everywhere and filled the rooms with their beauty and dainty fragrance. The honor guest wan presented with a berniti f til pair of Hilk hose, while Mrs. C. 1j. I^egge cut the consolation, a lovely card case. s After cards the hojetcBH Herved a Halnd course on the card tablos prettily appointed for the occasion. * T/i . Surprise Mundane. ? A mttlTlftle which came as a sur prise' to their friends was that of Mr, Roht. Karl McLeod and Miss Mamie (Iraee Tiller, which occurred Friday afternoon at the MetiiodlHt parsonage, the Rev. II. 13. H row no performing the ceremony. Up un til date of. the marriage' young Me Leod had been a student, at. Clem son Col lege. The young couple spent several days in Camden with relatives before returning to Hc t h line. Fur Cleaning:. The ladles of Camden will be pleased to learn that Mr. Nat Pearl lii an, who is well known here, has established a now firm here to lie known as the Canulen Fur Parlor, located at Rooms 1 and 2 of the Man building. Mr. Pearltnan is a practical furrier and no doubt that this kind of work Will bo plentiful and ladles are invited to inspect new models wlilchMr. Pearl ni an will make to order. Mr. and Mrs. John Cantey spent the week-end in Columbia. I HK ltoMi: < \VM l> <;o<>l>S I ? R? s MIkh Kiinj>s<.|i in i lt?u?l USToiv Hvlr lA'HKUt*. To thr l.a db-w ?.? f t In; 1 'u u i ti ?'ll Civic league: Tim Clvh Jy which tho girls of tho country may Innrn money for^ Uoihsolvea. Hi It develops trained mlmls and trained hands, kIho sounder health from out door work. 4, It relates tho activities of the home and school in such a way that each will ho more Interesting and moro practical. 5. I^aut, but not least, It fur nishes the l^c^mo with vegetables both fresh and canned all the year around; thus producing purer and hotter i'ood at a lower coat. Now, hero 1h whore the city house koeper can help, alao be helped ton Told. Those club glrlb have canuftd more foiuuloes and other vegetables than they will need for their own home use, ho we are sttrlving to create such a demand for those ab solutely pure and fresh goods, that tho girls will find no trouble In 'get ting a good market for their surplus canned product. If you ladles, when you order your household supplies, I would ask. th? groceryinan for the! .^.ibiclub brand of tomatoes, tenia- i toes and okra, beans, peaches, ber ries, otc. Instead of just letting him send any brand ho happens to have on hand, the state of affairs would soon change. instead of the farm- j er hunting a market, tho groceryman would go out over the country for months before the cr'op was ready for sale and put In orders for cer tain home canned goods. In this way at least part, of the $ 1 f?,000 sent out from Camden each year for canned goods would be kept here j and circulated in our own county. I And you can be assured that you are eating cleaner and more. sani tarily canned goods. The club girls are taught by government, instruc tors all rules of full weight and pure food laws. The girls tomato club has been federated In with the Women's clubs, and they have promised to help in all ways. So 1 earnestly by always inslsttlng* on having our hope and feel sure that you will help canned products for your housohold. Kate Simpson, ' County Organizer of Girls Clubs. < OL. KI'IUNUI TO MAURY. "?< lit ? ? lnlniM to IVoylo (i{ This u of Stut?\ The Charlotte pbwrjk^r of Tuuh' ?lay of last week contained the fol lowing announcement of an oiiKKge* ment. f Col, 'Spring* ib the soulor member of the well known firm of Springs & Shannon, *'of t li Ih city, and hi* business interest* here and mI?6wIuto in tho adjoining counties, makes lil in one of |ho best known inon in i.IiIh section; V/Mr. and ,Mrs. Thomas Meriweth er Jones, Of 1'ulnskl, Ton iiM an nounce engagement and approach 1 n k marriage of their daughter, l?e nu Jones Wade, to Col. Loroy Springs, of Lancaster, H. c,. The wedding will bo solemnised Sattir ii;is. November 29, at high noon at the homo ox ine't bride's karatUs." Tblf ,i u nouiM whion bus Just boon made, will bo egad with excell ing in i . and A C. Springs, Of thlB city, and a frequent visitor here. The wedding will be one of tho most brilliant of the winter. IVaisCH I test itooiti. Dear Mrs. VpnTresekow :? It gives me pleasure to apeak a word of praise in behalf of the "Host Room." It certainly 1b well conducted, comfortable and neat. I find the maid very accomodating aiuli reliable, and I wish to thank the ladles of the Civic League for estab lishing it, as it makes shopping loss tiresome. I presume the business inon must also be thanked for I bollevo they have the Interest and comfort of their patrons enough at heart to aid in such a good work. > ? I am not expressing my sentiments only bnl also those of the patrons of the rest room of tills neighbor hood. ? Again thanking you, I re main. Very sincerely, ' Mrs. 11. 1<\ Hoy kin, Logoff, S. C., Oct. 8, 191,1. What toEat COOK Your daily problem of what to eat is very eas ily solved ? pass it on to uk. U is not what you out that haa alone to he Considered it 1h the quality of what you eat. It 1h easy to aa> "Let'a have aome apodal d-'tth for dinner," hut the mere buy ing of the material*; for that dish doea not make your dinner a BUCceBB. Vou must have the heat of ovorything.no got the full oat enjoyment from ? the meal. ' Our reputation la built on selling the boat of Kroeeriea. Wo huye atudleO th nil* 01 chlosburg s Public bale -4? READ this advertisement and get just a faint idea of the marvelous savings at this store. Re member one thing, we are always true in our methods ? Positively the Greatest Public Sale of its kind ever pulled off by anyone in Camden. As we said before ? stock is big, time is short ? buy now and save big money. Read these low prices; it ought to convince you that this is a Bona Fide Sale for trie benefit of the public. READ? READ ON? AND REAP THE HARVEST. WOOL, XpIT GOODS Several dozen Children's Wool Knit Hoods and QQ Caps, in fancy and plain weaves, all colors, the best 75c and $1.00 values BED1 SPREADS 1 50 Bed Spreads; full 10*4 size, beautiful Mar- Q A seille patterns and crochette designs, the best $1.50 Bed Spreads, choice now LADIES' KNIT PANTS 7^'doz, Ladies Knit Pants, extra good 50c quality, AA banded around the waist and perfect in fit re gular 35c and 50c values HUCK TOWELS One case Genuine Huck Towels, 26x42, heavy ^ buch with beautiful red borders, well worth 50c, Public Sale price, each - - ? LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS Big lot Ladies' Dress Skirts, made of extra fine materials and daintely trimmed to suit the tasty ladies, worth up to $3.00, choice at. FRENCH SERGE ? : -r- (/ Several thousand yards of extra quality French Serge, in all colors, 42 inches wide and never sold for less than $1.50 yd. Positively all wool, at. . . GROCERIES, ETC. cy 7 25 lbs. Franklin Gran- $1.24 7 Cakes Rough Rider OC ^ ulated Sugar at * ? Baking Powder .... ?vC , 7 lbs. Choice Coffee . . 99c 7 Cakes Octagon Soap 25c LADIES' SWEATERS About 100 Ladies' all Wool Sweaters, all col- rf* ^ ors and all sizes ? these are actual values; ^ I strictly all wool, worth up to $4.0(0, choice . . t # $J.39 89 MEN'S DRAWERS 200 Doz. Men's Balmar Drawers, made of extra ^ heavy duck flannel and made to retail at 50c. /If Public Sale Price at ? LADIES' SHOES Big Lot Ladies' Shoes, this year goods, in rf* ^ AO Vici-Velour, Patent, Gun Metal, Tan, also ?K I 14 buttons boots, all worth up to $3.50 at. . t LADIES' LONG COATS About 300 Ladies' Long Coats and Coat Suits dfc J A Q the prettiest garments in Camden, ranging ? in values up to $25.00, latest creations at. . UP nj^'i MEN'S SUITS About 100 Men's Suits, 1913 styles, all wool material, made by expert tailors in about fll 60 different patterns, worth $15 and $17.50 + Everything for . Everybody HARRY L. SCHLOSBURG CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA ' ; o ' a ? r-? ?> *1 " . . . The Underselling Store