The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, June 13, 1913, Image 7

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^7^n i>iHi'KWHAHy iiK a < . i ? *7' | If tri to PlMW To K1<h'Uoii. An organisation opAtj^UtVg some J tho moat Influential won of the % u being perfeot<<i to fiybt th<, jJ^oped electron in which It* to Ih> Q2d wholltvr or not a diapenuu u to be re-eetabllshed hero, ^ ting Tueaday night In the dl -40?# ro?lu ot * bank. near score of citizens, forming what 2 to be known as the AJitl-fHspen Iry beague, Inaugurated tt move by Which they hope to defeat ?M* efforts of the pro-whiskey ele git of Kershaw (bounty. Xb? league's first move will ho j^juw tbo holding of an election. ?MD)Q)Utee l>aa hoen appointed io &ynlne the petition submitted to Sa mipervlaor and to use every WMioraolo method to defeat itw pur ged I>?- s- V. Hraslngtoh is chair-, of ibig cornm'lttflfi uud. Jtfessrtf ? Hiiiaon, A. J BcattJo and W. m NettU-.s are Ha other members. FhIH'?k 1,1 H" effort h to prevent ?lection being ordered the league, to which lta organissers to add hundreds of others. ^111 joave no stono unturned to gain I flctory ?it <lio polls. Xboaw who took part In the Ini tfal meet I OK are: Hev. Dr. H. B. grow no, C. C. Whltaker. !>r. H. F\ jraulugton ,H. T. Goodaje, John T. gackey, C. K. l^owls, F. M. Kemp, tH. Zemp, D, E. Ilinson, Jno. S. dauy, W F. Nettlea, A. J. Beat Ik 0. ('? Bruce, F. Mt Wooten, W. H Eve, Jr, II, L. Itichey, J. C. Bo nn. Dr. Braslngton ia chairman and Mr. Kve secretary, Ainericaiui Win First (tamo. Outriding and outplaying the Kng tbh polo ohallengera the American Hp defending team won the open of the sixth international jfttch by a score of* 5 1-2 goals to J, $t Meadowbrook, Lopg Island, on ftiesday afternoon. The English players did not show the surpassing team play which had been credited I ? Uirin, nor did their ponies out ?lass tbo American mounts. In fact, Ike reverse was Quite the case, and it almost, every run down field, He American players either( held their own or outrode their competi tors In the race ffefr the ball. The combination Work of the Am erican four, all of whose members Iftve played here wftn elffier "?KeT iimden or Aikeil four, with Larry Waterbury at No. 1, J. M. Watorbu rj, Jr., and L. E. Stoddard at No. y, Capt. H. P. Whitney at No. 3, and tevereux Milhurn at back was au Igfb. - 1 JLAJIHiK MUMUToflY KiHiug Star Chapter No. 4, H. A. M., meets third Tuesday In each month. N. R. Goodale, k. 11. P.; W. L. DePass, K.; G. 11. Griffin. Scribe; i* DuBose, Bee, Kershaw Ix>dge No. 29, A. P. M.. Uieel? first Tuesday in each month. H. T. Goodale, VV. M.. W. Qelsenhelmer, TrtM.; J. W. Wilson, Secretary < .linden Lodge No. 119 1. O. O. 9, i meets Hocond and fourth Tuesday In each month. It. T. Goodale, N. G.; C. W. lllrchmore, V. G-. ; 1. 0. Hough, Secretary. Jr. O. IJ. A. Mm meets fourth Fri day night In each month. Q. \V. Ilirchinore, C.; J. P. liatuman, U. 8. Live Oak Camp No. 4 9, W. O. W.* meets first Thursday night in each month, c. W. Blrchmoro, C, C., W. K. Johnson,, Clerk. DeKalb I^Odgo No. 41, K. of p., mod and fourth Mon day nights In each nipnth. W. < > , Wilson, 0. C.; M. II. lleyman, K. of R. & S. Poplar ('amp No. 369, W. O. W., meets Monday night on or before the full moon iu each month. B, E. Sparrow, C. C.; J. 10. Camp belle, Clerk. Antloch Lodge, No. 293, A. P. M., meets Thursday night on or be fore full moon in each month. I>. W. Joy, W. M.; W. R. Davis, S. W.; L. H. White, J. W. Richard Klrkland Council, No. 130, Jr. O. U. A. M:, (Antiofch) meets Tuesday night on or before full moonr In each month. P. D. Boy kin, C.;, C. W. Shiver. R. 8. Lafayette Council No. 2, R. & S. M., meets Second Tuesday In each month. C. H. Griffin, T. I. M.; R T. Goodale, R. 1. D. M; J. "C. Rowan, I. P. C. W.; C. P. Du Bose, Recorder. Attractive Folder. We have received a very attrac tive folder advertising the joys and pleasures to be found at the Saga more on Lake George In New York state. The Sagamore is owned by Mr. T. Edmund Krumbholz under whose management The Klrkwood, . PJLJbl?-Cilty4. has gained a national-) reputation. It is a cause for grat ification to us to see that Mr. Krumbholz has not lost an opportu nity to advertise Camden whenever practicable. Upon the folder re ferred to we notice a mention of "The Klrkwood" and of Camden. THE THIRST SEASON , ^'-r. rr::-y]--.t V HAS NOT PASSED Merely a little lull in the throat parching season ? an intermiession as it were. Before another week passes calling upon old COCA-COLA to give you that comfort which it has brought to millions 6very year for more than a decade. It's Pure, It's Wholesome, It Satifies IN BOTTLES EVERYWHERE 5c No. 9088. report op the condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Camden, in the State of South Carolina, at the close of business jg JUNE 4TH, 1PK. ^ ~ v- . . -,~v| RESOURCES. .. ... $212,612.43 JjoafiB and Discounts "... V. -? ??? OreTdrafts, secured and unsecuf?^' ' 50,000.00 J 8. Bonds to secure circulation. ... ... ?? ?? * 2'222SS Other bonds to secure Postal Savings . . ? * 792. 80 ^miums on U. 8. Bdnds .. .???*? . 1,550.1? Banking house, Furniture and 'aeents) . ? ? 18,244.34 One from National Banks (not Rankers Trust Com- ? 19 Nefrom State and Private Banks and Bankers, itu ^ 1,428.12 L panies. and Savinga-B"^* ?" . _ a,, Djfc from approved Reserve Agents. Checks and other Cash Items ;. .. .... 1.000.00 " W.U, Money Reserve la Bank. *?;. , ? M?.00 KLpSSa hrad* with * U. * 8. TrUiiwr (8 percent. of-- ..-jmH circulation) * ' .... $320,387.88 Total . . . ee. ??? * * * UAWLITIBS- .... $60,000,001 JjPltal Stock paid in .. ? ? -V ?" * * i?'lB6.06 ?urplus Fund.. ... .. .. ??? -raxes paid ??? ' ??? ??? iq'aio OO Undivided Profits, loss Expense* and Tax P? 40 OJO.O |*tional Bank Note? outstanding ; v ... ? *'J02* 80 ? to other National Banka . . . v;^ .?:nvere . . -? ? ? 4*968 b* to state and Private B?nk? ?nd BanKer* _ _ ?l6M?6B0 ^dividual deposits subject to <$b?ckr ... .. *Bft Settled Checks -T; - 799:57 filler's checks outstanding ? ? *, * * * "* # . . ??? ???' * * Postal Savings Deposits, .. f "deposit for money 000.00 payable, including certificates ol a p . . 15, uuu ^ borrowed. .. .. .. ?? - J'oOOOO fet'osf?orthT"Slan' those^vV itatSlV .' ... ? ?*? ^ Total . . . . . . : . ...??? i]' South Carolina^ Countv of Kerafraw, , . . . ?? ? ? nnlrmi'lT -+-J?ra T. Mwkey. OMhler of the aboye N UHV tb? &be? te trW> SXT ' """thed and worn to before me thl. 10tl? day o' June.1913. ^ John S. iAndsay. Notary POtmc. Attteat: <'? J. Shannon, Jr., ?T W. R. Hough, Dlractors. b M. H. Hoymaa WAS SUCH A TROUBLE By LENA MYER8, "Myra Is such a trouble to me," said Mrs. Wither*. * "All modern girls are rather ? er? ? self- willed, aren't they?" I replied, guardedly. ''Myra," said Mrs. Withers, "reouirea a particularly llrm haud. - She has it, of course. You would never gueus what difficulty I Mn<l In manag ing her 8ometlnie8. She's terribly dlfli sult." "Is she?" I said, sympathetically. I had never seen the troijhlesoite Myra. but Mni. Wit her* was most uwe-iuuplr ing ? one of those solid, determined, please-don't-argue kind of women-r and 1 felt a sneaking pity for any girl who was "maanged" by her. "She ruined? utterly ruined," said Mrs, Withers impressively, "her new tailor wade by cutting a 'split,' as she called it, up to the knee In the skirt. I refused to allow her to go out 'in it, of course, but thuro was , a sevojre struggle before I forced her to button it up. Hut that was not all- She cut the necks of her blouses so low that I was positively ashamed to give* them to the housemaid, and she bought herself a hat In which nothing was visible but her jaw, and the tip of her no?e!" "What did you do about it?" I asked. "Do? What did I do? I had to talk to her extremely seriously and tell her, once and for all, that i was not prepared to stand this sort of thing. "But," went on Mrs, Withers, warm ing to her work, "I discovered worse things than a desire to look like a mu sical comedy star. Myra," her voice dropped pompously, "was deep in a clandestine love affair ? with a boy from West Point"? Mrs. Withers' voice expressed infinite scorn. "They had met at a dance last autumn, it ap pears, and he had been writing to her." "Oh, yes," I said lamely. ? ? ?And she/' <x>?tlBvie4 Mfy?k's moth er, "had been writing back. He want ed to know if he might call ? that was how I discovered it. The child had, - if you please, been keeping his ex tremely badly expressed letters In her jewel case." ' ? "What did you do,?" "1 simply commandd her to put them ali on the fire, and never to see him again." "And how did Myra take this?" (Poor little Myra!) "Oh, abominably! We were treated to one of her 'acenea.' But?" Mrs.. .Withers smiled grimly ? "I think that is all settled now." The drawing room window was open and 1 heard a taxi drive up as she fin ished Bpcaking. "Not tomorrow, because I am going out to tea," said a girlish voice, "but Thursday if you like." "Thanks most Awfully," said a voice, which was emphatically not a girl's. ? "There she is," said Mra. Withers. An she spoke the dobr opened, and Myra came in. Her face was invisible because of her ^ridiculous hat, but she shook hands with me very pleasantly and' sank on to. a sofa. I caught a gleam of black silk stocking through an unbuttoned "split" and noticed a* purp!e velvet ribbon round an uncov ered neck; and trembling for her, watted tot the storm to break. Myra'A glance wandered round the room, and this is how it broke. , "I do wish," phe said, "that you wouldn't do your hair that way, moth er. I spoke about it yesterday, you know. And you've still got those yel low daisies in .that vase, where, as I've told you lots of times, they look simply awful; and"? wit^ a quick} glance at the table? "X said not' an other seed cake. Yon are madden "I'm sorry ;dear^' ^ald Mrs. Withers. "I'm afraid I forgot I'm really very sorry. You see, I?" I rose' precipitately and stammered out my adieu. , Something New to Tribunals. ? tribal legal suit will shortly be tried at Nairobi, British Bast Africa. The case baa, been brought . by the Masai tribe against the government. It is doubted whether there is any other case known of a tribe whose whole record Is one ot wa^lihw purmlf In dulging ln-the pacific methods Of legal procedure to establish what It consid ers to be right The exact cause of action is that* the natives consider that their rights . under the treaty signed in 1904 have been Infringed by an arrangement formulated and signed at Ngong In 1911. The natives have engaged lawyers on the spot* but It la regarded as possible that if the ver dict la* adverse to the tribe there may be some difficulty in persuading them to accept it; while if it Is adverse to the government It may be carried ul< timately te the courts In England. i Aa Poor aa Job's Turkey, a..:.--::-. - Job's turkey wub said to be S6 poor that it had only one feather in ita tail and was obliged to lean against a fence to gobble. This is the descrip tion of- the fowl, ** given by Judge Halibu^ton, author of "Sam Slick," and aa it represents the extreme of pov erty and forlornness, this mythical bird is used in a figurative way to designate anything or anybody that! baa reached the last stages of poor ness. ?' It may not be amlss to state in this connection that Job never . had a tur key. This fowl is a native of America and w as never heard of untfy this country began to be settled by Euro peans. 5w*v - ~ fcrar ?* "All things come to him who waits" be longs to the leisurely ? past. Cjj No good live Amer ican would father the phrase now. . CJI Present day success ful ones get a strangle hold on what' they want, and hang on. ^ All things come to him who uses print - er's ink and goes after what he wants. Cleanly ? Surroundings ' ^ . ^ ., .1 ???'? ahd sanitary methods guaran tee to our patrons the utmost purity in everything we handle. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton and Meats of every kind whenever procurable. ROBERTS MARKET Our coupon books give you more ice for the same money. They save you the an noyance of making change, waste of time, and the handling of wet and dirty money. Phone us for a coupon book ? give the ser vant the coupons, as needed. _ Sunday hours, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M. 1 V ^ |"1 CAROLINA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY L. S. BAXTER, Manager. Ice Platform,- Phone 1 65 PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING printing PRINTING printing PRINTING PRINTING printing PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRI*mt? 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' - ^ '*?*?': ' place your next order for printed stationary Og "OTJTjnJ-OTJ'TJTJ'-O'TJTJ'OTJ'O'TJTJ't'O sSilillii ??2222??S II ? 5225 _ lopdoooQoS TJ T3 nj TJ *0 ?TJ 1 ww?r ?iiii?.???s PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING* PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTIN0 PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING printing PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTINf PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTINQ PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTINQ -PRINTING PRINTINQ PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING