iJA'MK iZmmk Uu -jEC M ? V-'T ? OAMltRN. SOUTH OAROU**. MUDAV, jjMWIUUUMt *, .??* Opportunity time" w the CHRONICLE'S_VOTING CONTEST Lauds of Free. Voles Will be &e? Amy in Neil Twe ? Weeks? On. E'ery Club of $8. Worth of Subscrip tions an Exlra Ballot Good for 25,000 Voles ; 1 ? ? h VOTING ALREADYJARTED BY CANDIDATES h. Greatest Opportunity ol the Contest to Now at Hand and for New Candidates to Enter and Those Who Arc Already Entered This Period in the Contest . Spells "Opportunity" with a Big "O" I The lid*1 ,w0 w0<>ks vv*'1 ?M>ri I out'h ll> The Chronicle's l>it? Au iol>ile and, Prize Voting QojitMt jj wni be known as" 'Opportunity L - Opportunity Time lw u J wo eks period in th$ coulee! where, ?forybody- takeeg|d vain ago of it n will bo thouuinds of votes e^d, during the next twd week's thousands of free votes will givW away in the eon-teBt. PftyBn the dates of Friday, De- I mbfrfirth and Saturday .Decent , at eight o'clock In the .. :.,00() extra vote ballot jj warded on every club of] , vol Mi of subscription Hont to P^Jgle office. In making up S) to. secure this extra ballot apt |>e necessary to hold bsctiptfon until the entire jotripleted, but they may bo in as soon an secured, A f record of the subscriptions kept at The Chronicle office are turned In and as soon elub is completed the extra H bo made out and award el candidates ? who earns j There will be no limit tp offer. Bach candidate Will W led to an many of the clubs as pian .secure. All subscriptions |Ae year and over will count' in ikbig up the.se clubs. For in inco, one ten year subscription Mid more than make a club and mid count $2; 00 over on another The 25,000 ballot 011 every ib will bo EXTRA ? in addition regular schedule. e I&st week 'Opportunity j^rr-batween the dates of- Mon -fte'eember '30th and January .at eight o'clock in the evening, Wuq nutftber of extra, votes will awarded on every club of $10.00 rtli of subscriptions. Therefore will be to the advantage of every odidate to secure as many sub ?ptions as possible during the Bt' week, of 'Opportunity Time.' ruto Big Subscript foil Ballot. ? pi? big subscription ballot, found ? the botton of this colunni, ftp pit today for the last time and \$ndl(Jates who have not already & Id vantage of it are aclylsed j dffjo at once ? before it is .too i. Clip out, and send in the big weflption ballot with $2.00- worth ?pwiptions before the week Is ?and you will be credited with 10,000 votes. Also, the sub Ptions sent in to fearn this bijg lot will be counted in on the 00 clijb offer, which is explained >Ve. ; p Jtgtea J at : r-; ' Uny subscribers pay Up their ?crlptlon at The Chronicle of each week, and. in. nearly every ?n$e.Jt.*lu'}' cast their votes for JJaay in the contest.' Several Wtypons have been paid since tot i?sue of the paper and J:he ml tllem Jmve heen credited EK? designated by the E5i ' of the ladles | have received support in this er 1ar? ?mong the most active, numbers,. of others, who. have tflsplay any activity, are '?g lots Of support from their* ?hil.1 ei: thp readers oi' The ft, . K*fe .lusj Starting. KJy marks the starf of activity be chmpai'gii in earnest inow at the beginning,}.; If you Hecided about entering tlie it lust look over tW list &.91 '? and 'then ask yourself if you Ml ia your spare time In a Profitable or more pleasant ?*?T. Thv lime 1-,* short, very ?baud there nij- so many prizes ? you cannot fall to win if you tolm&ke any tr**""' \;^u? wt? ?7m,. dlvl"? support in ?"? ft will take Bur isxm priBi"Kly !o Wi? the. fh i^? in W Ubr- Utt(1 ^8)U now (a tnfc time when It. Is eaBlear to secure lie subscriptions. This contest will mean much to tho ladles who are 6?A#r to grasp & real op poituuity, bo better send tp ;r3oday Jind -get fL |jut ;> CUr your <"nfl3Hftto*ou tbea$?;VoU>< and wither ?end or brim; thein to 4b? Contest Department ?>f The Chronicle. If you do Hot wish t<> . ht. r UK>i contest yournwir, l>e sure to savej votes anyway, tor some frluud^ Will wuni them mid appreciate your help, s it ? friends w you if jjou a?g? #* ' v. Til. ..M.I, ,1 wl? llir''" Will a# ^.r , 30, and the prlfces will ' bo awardet regardless of Urn vote Jj takes to cure them. The very fact 1 closing day will be lu the l| tbr^ Ul?tntere?ed MslnqsH fesstonal men should warrant t| fact, General Ilules aucl Conditions. ^ Any lady, married or single, re ftfdlug in Camden or its territory, may become a candidate. It 16 not necessary to be ?? a Hubserlbtov The Chronicle in order to $*ttfer. Just till out and land 'ttt^the, nol?i- | notion blank #ritit&l ^eiae where in this issue- A nomination countaj for 5,000 votes. Payment# on all subscription ?8fi@tco<>rdl MH ? ? iggsp 000. votes 000 votes ^vb.p.I u.w. .. . . : ^ j.A4>,000 vbtes _ years M0. 18,000 votes if years Oo r.j> . .. 26,000 votes 10 years 10.00 75,000 votes . ? . ? I .. MfK marriage took. ife&Onuv of ProbafCJudge W, t,. McDowell laat Sunday afternoon at 3 O'clock. The contracting parties were Mr. George Bright and Mies Catharine Blackwell, both of the Factory vUlaffe. They were accom panied, by qipte a iiumbei?7of thOlr friends w"ho witnessed the ceremony. After the marriage and congratula >ns ttt|vyoiui>; couple left happier d - richer, 1 for thoy both possessed i?"vbie property which,; in1 the of foe" law they did not own . they came. k Wo ext?*"4 |||j tulatlona Mrs. Jai mm* ty.vlmfcr ; ton mill, at th6 mtil ?? was 68 years Pine Creel Bon? and one dai burled- 4f Friday, fun era ?? ducted by Rev. ; ^jStfjhen ?' the : Toad A tfftntjeman, who was a stranger to ther usual throng, stepped up to thft ftitthog^ny, ordered a New Or tetfnd&i??-aild, reaching irL his\pock-. et' Pf^d forth a live -toad* and placed, it on the bar, pays Tjjfeg Hart ford qburant,' the love of Mike!" yelled the man next to him., "Why the toad?" "That toad play#- a atar part In a Bystem that 1 have used for many yeara with great aiicceaa,'' replied the gentleman. "Spring It/' shouted the mob. "Well, you see, 1 take my little friend itoad (and place him on the mahogany in front of me and order my driiUc, I take and then I order another, and -sometimes another, and perhaps then another, t look at my toad, and If th#i> is only one toad there I stay and en joy a few more rounds. As soon as there are two toada there instead of one I go home. I have never yet stayed until there were threes. That' a my system. Well, 1 don't mind if 1 do. A little more of the same, please." 'S Jl, u-n* | 'M 1 ?K ' w /J ; s .i . During the Episcopal convocation here last week Rev. ^foh'ja Kersjia jr, son of General, afterward JiSdge Joseph ,B. Kershaw,.' gave us > much, enjoyed . description -of ^ his health and weight gaining vacation in Montana last summer. The term "wild and Iwooly" no longer applies lo the west, for the "bad men*' ha o all died, mostly with their boots on, and the influences of the disbanded vigilantaare seen in the general observance of law.? Barn well People. v. After This Coupon Has Been Signed by the Conteit Manager it May be Held in Re?crre fcaK Gnod Fnr 1 (I AAA Vntoe p5"f" 11 1 > ^ ! mbaU-nlano,- A diamond _r% BARUCH'5 EXPERIENCES ' AS A PRISONER OF WAR ||L Cleveland, of The New York |Bs, Get* the Doctor to T*lk K and Reproduces Interview E^j inHer Paper. flWfVlskm (to whlfch my com ire uap oy a Union batteryK~r r ? battery, that had been aetit ercopt us, aa I learned nfter Tiie brigade appeared on ' the battlefield too lat? to participate in the fighting; just when Pope's! army was irr^ldtp^tit^eat across. an open field 'to u wooded kiioll; Aa we grossed thin field we were . greeted % bursting Bhells thrown from the eneray^ xfitraating artillery ; ^he fj&bsence of wounded or dead, the ap4 parent harmlessness of shell fire, file wild huzahB of our victorious troops, and the fleeing enemy in the cloud-enVeloped distance, filled cur hearts with enthusiasm in? which ?y etftid horse sfraWRl^o^ jfc tent of attempting to take the bit in his teeth and -to run away. My saddle seat was rendered unsteady by a large blanket which in the haste of the morning call to duty I had failed to secure to my Baddle, and whbsevown caVortingg made. me very uneasy, t : must - keep that blanket at all odds! That blanket occupied my attention to the for get fulness of the yells of the boys. "Suddenly the enthusiasur^r vic tory w$b converted into solemnity most oppressive to a nor ice in bat tle. Whlwdng pounds- penetrated the air above our heads; sounds strange aqjd -uncanny to the unprac tlced ear - were ' these.: Veterans whispered: JT.he enemy is making a Stand; these are Minnie balla at close range!' There was muchduck ihg and? dodging from tho Invisible foe/ and in a trice tho command was ordered to .'double Quick' into, shel ter for the purpose of forming a lino hi battle. Arrived at a wooded po sition 1 difcmo uned. Minnie balls atid '% rape sb of were flying through the tops of the trees, and shower ing torrents of leaves and massive bo?gJlSL_MPQn I. .Sft?r-rd?lOt fat. away-~ljjpilanket ! my .while, blank: et lying on the Held through Which we had 1uBt~ passed/' "You did not step out throuRh the battle-blur of bullets?"--;; {',cj "No," said Dr. Baruch, "though I needed that blanket, prudence had substituted a respect for active fir ing, in place of. the foolhardy 'brav ery' of the previous day. A litter appeared bearing a wounded man. While ministering to him under shelter of a rail fenqe, a solid shot landde on Its other side, throwing earth up^n Us. Again the sen Ration , prudence, asserted Itself i. and the latter was j_removed to a mor,e sheltered place. . The sun "sank blood-red behind (he western clouds. Night closed the pursuit. s that day, Bull Run," said Dr. Baruch, "my eyes beheld for the first *lme~*he tragical:, scene of^a battlefield' lB-?i?l lt?^ overwhelming pathos. Mere remnant* of men and animator arm# tlung^awey in the. .mad retreat; blood pools* th^t were les^orillrt* than, the HhuUered.bod=. lis wltfi vermin at foast. Near the Mlfflpjpouse, which was^llei|/|o overflowing with wounde&.th a grove of treee, fey hundreds of gaily dress- j ed ftodavew of the gallun command; they were Pajrade Itne, which the r?s?r rank untl Hie wlHilU?ring I ' hj# red-trousere men Jiftd met fierce Agqaul "HurtS* i but tt fey pea'# Ires* in ?mid mtfrr rbaned TltfonT without , gery, nave tl field h rendetiVi of tha rviousiy, -aad rlence in aur d fortune to f vhdting the ^.ra-t^or temporary ere (lu rin k the battle preceding days the w6uh ed wore operated on. Stopping In from ?f out' or theae improvised hospital*, i uaw tmrly attrgeon standing ready to oporate on a hoI dler who wa? being chloroformed on a 'table* constructed of two barrels, upon which a door was laid. , Pur veying my *lendbor straggler* had boon rounded JJ|? shrill and _ cheer? rushttl aftTlleryvrr aulleif ?(?f that^iffileid in formation. On camo the screech of the shells, bursting; nearer and nearer the terrific explodes. ;AU w^b confusion . 'tfowfiOlcuMed an. Qrderiy rct i nnt, i imdunte fOi* ? midnight i\ rude voicc ettiphasieed tiy violent shaking of my ? bodi a wakened me. ; A . young * Adiutant Btood before me. 'By order ot Oen Lite yoji a^evv to ie^ain 1| care? of the wounded at the Diactples' church Un^eon?bomrM^~ nnttl^ turm* ders,' he said. >Agaln I crawled neath the wagon and slept * j.iStrlighting th?1ioo?fy ''"ky xr;; I ma In* tent-^ipo^itbe serious work "before ifcC I #As fudely awakened to a re- . Allzation that 'war is hell.' L. , "The . rattle , of musketry ^pierced ? the peaceful air, followed by the C tattering of h thousand hoofs and the discomforting spattering of bul-. LiltoUupon .the Upper -walk^and rooftH of the houses round?abftut us. With gfWKt difficulty (he aUafldante were prevented from the abandonment of my patient to the Increasing fusil- . Llade.' A ster&S command brought j them 'back from a sheltering door way into which their first impulso had driVe??$}em. The patient v:a^ quickly -removed -into . the brick; church, and we all breathed #*e*Vr It was 4 ch a rge ofthe Union troops upon Ijee^ rear, guard. which -wa? sullenly disputing the advance of McClellan's troops. p ifptflp a? suddenly as it began. M in :? a few moments the streets of Boonsboro [Were filled with galloping cavalry me,V ?f realised tlhat \ was a pris "I Wish . to 1 record right here tl humane treatVnonT 1 received ap primmer within rit^vT jpnioa S lit , Courtesy ana consideration of were the rule. We obtained mtaue at the little country hotel, and at ?Uncle SJ^nVy expense. We rfailv met officers, socially as well as of JlAiatts*? '--Peering Uuuu&h 11hj"c6T mnns at rest ttti street, tlie re mark,., to be Are, :*rat often over heard, 'See the Rebut1' but said In no offensive way, | ?r CSil _ ? , ? . . - hftv# bouti i?kv most (WMgMtul of ?uy war experience* by reuaon of ^oMU>t?rtw#ie< of (the '.lll?l0r? ?no*llcftl ?i? n mvd Uio booim Amen \ tun lo wb?ch twine lovety Maryland 'ayiuya 'hUei-a' or U?o i|>? gontior ,*t>x nm loimOy contributed, inft the deilgut iUI m*y) wttro iiiuiumI by an J Much* which deprived mo or many of fth*? latter. The wounded having been ai9|>o8ed tii many, alae, roiouimng in hbnomhle grave* -the uUrgeon* wore #nt to Frederick tJUy lit *n rtmouUn^e timid the w#Jl wUhet* ot our medial *ud otheir frlooda. Af~H riving in HaUimoro n Utte hour together witn irttumlHT m ronivuci ate eonvaieaeentH (a mnall ' inont ot infMUfy.1) under th? euirrd \*vL M % : prttoner. They w8uiant, wno Maimed u? uh prisoners Of war !?? his keeping. u jpur romonstra|i?0 that u. w?i?< mm ronilMUuntH was met by tho statement that Hp wan in ciuyt bound io deliver ub with the .other prisoners to the proper ftu- , " iihorttleH. a ^.compromise was reauh- ;;1 b .though softie# lnex<>rableri| OUt request to let two of v\OuV : J T?& -pxaoaed with hTm to -tHeiH w(:|toiwe. tu wijgg mf <*eneral of the * departnttfe 3 olHr Southern vetBBffie Itt the mMst of 'horrid war.' After a toothsofce supper, lively music invit ed us to the dance. V |:^'ThA neit mof^^ ?hir hoBtaaa unnollMed that we were expecte dflVe out tot a rapid View of .jMtttful . mrusglo, Ow=tr,.? >?w?gte 'itEB^-zfavlUcli onlylthoge Who had ?g lo?u brothers and Bpnp Of tfo wan|ffe: ft ei > l^^S^^ndid tea m !#J1 ilfoWn, _ w j^y women whcuelaniored ^of our photo- : ?ip ? A*s?h of j^uiw ?vi niv* y*? Bay boat Louisiana, which conveyed ro rt- Mon rotv;,j'?er?. a boat took UB In change of that ?pjen_did,t.r: exc4tange^^ceY\^Ta3dr. Mulford.tft . Aiken's Landing^fche point selected . , for the exchange^ prisoners. Thus ?. ended dMightfUM BpQtfto .Union \v* "Ana yotl oner again?' ? i.'-.V *. II 4 w -! rueh. ? "The that I sho interesting [?Hy; wrSaiiej^the ofttftVeii Hhj Pennsylvania. While; passing tho HtreetB of : Chambersburg,.* fudged impressed the pa< TM Stars and Stripes were frc ly seen displayed In windows. yioxn bOBom?v 01 -M who stood- In their door \ defiance of the 'Kebs.' MThi* vheavy : arttfilef^. -J H*r.^ the removal of tlx? rail fence. It was a magnificent sffcbt to -?e? him loadgi j Ws men into ^ctlppf, _at .