The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, March 17, 1911, Image 3

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THIRST, "Of all the torturee I 'should think the most terrible would be to be aw fully thirsty where no water could b* fecured." "Why water?" To Incline Toward Mercy. Jim hud been fur from a good boy during the duy and toward nightfall he realized the fact fully. Helng well acquainted with the workings of fam ily discipline, he asbayed u little di plomacy. "Shall you tell father about me?" he inquired of hit* mother. "Certainly I *hull tell him," re sponded his mother, with torrowlul firmness, "Bhall you tell him before dinner or after dinner?" asked the culprit. "After dinner," wan the aanouncc mcnt. "Mother," and Jim gave a wiggle of anticipation "couldn't you have a blueberry pudding for hlw dessert? Couldn't you do that much for me, mother ?"-^Youth's Companion. A Ruling Pasalpn. "Uncle Pinchpenny spent a great deal of tlmd at the home of Gcoige Washington." "Yes. He' couldn't bq persuaded to atop looking for that dollar George is Bald to have thrown across the Poto mac." RHEUMATISM Muuvou'h Rheumatism Remedy rclloroa p&iuH in tb? lcgu, iii'ms, buck, stiff or swollen Joints. Contains no morphine, opium, cocalno or dm^M (<? deaden tho pain. It neutralizes the acid and drives out nil rheumatic Miiotia from the sys tem. Write Prof. Munyoii, 03d and Jeff ?r?ju His., Plilla., l'a., for medical nd vlce, aliBoiutcly free. HMSBH0 Tin' WW H<iini1ar President Brjlrt l? Just as popnlur qh ever -you probably koovr Crura n:cpt?rj once wr.iu an exceptional tuiuo it la, but lot? of men who don't mini! paying ?i.uo lorn a moral fiu ry flood garoHuit aro now n^ariiur our Uvtra 'HinxMal PivMdoiit Work Bhlrt at 11.00 Tlirso two ?mde? rto tlx) bc%t for Jho rauxxoy tiv^r nmuofl om any count at in tho U H ? tbo lioary domum! t'KOV KH , it# Ma'lo in n. variety *?f ututirJir* strong, lout-color uiuRrixls to wail ovcry Your aetilor can ttipplj yon; If not solid tiA Lis niiuir. your c*>llur tize. ana price in htaiups for wiiDpi*> vhirt and book of now yatteriiH. A .The President Shirt Co. fl? West Payette Street Baltimore Maryland REGULAR EXTRA SPECIAL Constipation Vanishes Forever ' Prompt Relief?Permanent Core CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely veget able?acl surely but gentlr on the liver. Slop aftci dinner diitren? cure indU oetrion? i raptor? tho compter ion ? bright en ike cyct, Sm&ll Pill, Small Dote, Small Pric*. Genuine mu>tb?u Signature Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color; Invigorate* and prevent* the hair from falling oif, For 1*1* by Diu(giat*, or l*nt Olroet by XANTHINE OO., Richmond, Virginia frUl (I f" t?mpU 8o(U? jjt. %*n4 ??; Circular* r RCMEMBtH Pisa's for COUGHS L COUPS Wood's Trade Mark Clover and Grass Seeds best qualities obtainable. Sow Clover and Grass seeds in March on your fall-sown Wheat or other grain crops. *W6od> CfOp tells the ad Spccial'' vantages of these seeding*, and gives prices and seasonable infor mation each month about all Farm seeds. "Wood's.Crop Special** and Descriptive Seed Catalog T. Ww WOOD & SONS ,-RUfimond, Vt* ; QUEER MOVING BULL Remarkable Phenomenon in a Marion, Ohio, Cemetery, Great Granite Sphere Actually Turns, and Furnl?ho? Sclentltta With a New Subject for Their Vari ous Theories. Marion, O.?-In the lust few years the attention of scientist*, aud of the public In general, huu bpen attracted to u reinurkuble phenomenon discov ered In connection with the monu ment to the memory of C. U. Mer chant, In the Marlon cemetery. Tbo monument consists of a stone base, rough in finish, upon which is mounted a pottfhed granite ball. The hall is 26 inches In dlumeter and weighs 4,200 pound" When the ball was placed In posi tion in 189G the monument builder left but one spot of it rough. This wus the segment of contuct with the stone i>edestul, or that part of the ball which rented on the supporting stone. 80 thoroughly wan the rest of the ball polished that Its surface 1h like a mir ror. It reflects perfectly the treeB and shrubbery which surround it. In 1900, four years after the monu ment was erected, a visitor to the cemetery discovered that the granite sphere had shifted Its position. In vestigation proved that the rough spot was no longer In contact with the ped estal, Repeated efforts on the part of cemetery employees failed to re turn the ball to its former position. Those who attempted the task real ized that the ball had not been turned by human hands. At first its move ment was nHcribed to the motion of earth. This was the commonly ac cepted theory until newspaper reports cnlled the attention of scientists to the phenomenon. . Men of science from the Ohio uni versities made special trips to Marlon to study the problem. As tho story of the ball wa? spread scientific men from universities further away came to study tho ball. When the first professor of physics looked at tho sphere the rough spot on the hall was about half way up toward Its top as it rested on the pedestal. Ho took a photograph of the ball In that position, the rough spot designating that the ball was moving !r. the vertical circle. The next scientist who took a pic- i fure of^tbe ball showed it In a differ- | ent position. The ball had tnrned I11 ! part In tho vertical circle and then I CB.MERCHANT The Merchant Monument. had revolved in the horizontal. This led to further controversy until many men of science met to study the unique problem. Many theories were advanced as to the cause 6f the movement of the ball. Finally many geologists of note and recognized authority evolved a theory which is generally accepted as true. That Is: The constant moving of the ball? that is acceded?la due to the un equal expansion of differenv parts of the sphere's surface. As a sphere Its surface is presented to the four winds of heaven, and the portion.of It to the rays of the sun would become more highly heated than the part of the surface exposed to the north and its cold winds. Alro the surface of tho whole would be moro apt to become more heated during the day than would the base upon which it rest?, as the latter is larger and heavier than the ball itself. Now if one part of the ball expands r minute quantity mere than the oth er with each heating of one side, and contracts In the same ratio on cooling thero would tend to result a slight creeping movement which In time would move the ball sufficiently to let the change In its po?ftJ6n be noted by the nnked eye Naturally the expan rlon of ono side of the ball would mal<e that side heavier than the chill ed side, and the heated side would work Its way toward the bottom. Tho case is considered one of the most remarkable on record and has furnished science with a new idea concerning the expansion and con traction of solids. The conclusions of American scientists who examined the ball were submitted to scientists of Europe. All agree that the action of heat and cold of tho four seasons cauao tho ball to change its position a minute particle every day. Nationalities In Our Cities. New York.?In a single block in New York there are : 1,400 people of 10 distinct nationalities. There are moro than two-thirds n* many native born Irish in Boston as in Dublin. With their children, mainly of pure Irish blood, they make Boston unques tionably tho leading Irish eitjr-lfrthe wprld. New York 'Is a larger Italian city today than Genoa, having 600,000 Italians colqnists It?contains? no ? ~f$wef*Chan 1,000,000 Jews, mainly im? mlfctonUllrom Russia. Thus it i? the foremost Jewish city in the world. Pittsburg, tho center of the iron and steel industry, is another Tower el Babel. It contains more of that out of the war people, the 8ervUM, thfl> .tlx capital of 8?rrlm ItMtf. ?In 1 LIVED LONG WITHOUT EATIf.H Men end Aniira!? Have Made Some ReirarW-hi?> rr?t? a Mat ter of Record. ' _ *1 The word for fuatlug, so fur n? humanity Is concerned, is held by drank, a l<'i'<nch murde'er, who de termined to starve himself to death, and from ihe day of hla i?rr?si. refused to cut, In spite of every c-fTorl on the part of hlB warders, who llrsi tiled templing him to rat by placing the most dulr.ty iihlIs In hl? cell, and when thui fulled, attempted feeding him by force, he held out for 63 duya. at the end of which tlmo he dl?rd, I'p to then the longest authenticated fast on reoerd was that accomplished by Giovanni Huccl, who- faatcd at the Royal Aquarium, l<oudon, for 4T> duya. Hut theao records t-lnk into i tt cance when compared with th?? f?t pig of Dover, enshrined in Dr. W. B. Carpenter's "Manuitl of Physiology." This pig weighed 160 pouuds und waa entombed for 160 days by the fpll of a portion ^f the chalk cllfTe. When dug out it weighed only 40 pounds, but to the surprise of its owner wuu alive. WEAK QACK8 MADE STRONG. IUirUache in most cases Is kidney* ucho, und usually accompanied by ir regularities of the urine. To remove tho puin and weakness you must cure the kidneys. Do so with Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. Perry Mill roan, Mononpahela City, Pa, ?uy?: ?"i wax bo bad with kidney disease I despaired of relief. 1 hud inflammatory rheupmtlsm and final ly dropay net in. My ankles became bloat ed, uiy heart was affected and tho doctors gave me no relief. Soon aft?*r ubSiik Doan's Kidney Pills, I grew -si*oiiger mid ere lonjf 1 \vu? ablo to do my housework." Remember the name?Doan's. For sale by all dealers. GO cento a box. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N- Y. Kind but Careless. John P. Irish, the San Francise-o onitor and officeholder, was entertain ing Joaquin Miller, the poet, on?t, night. Upon hearing a particularly funny story by the host the poet f?*ll off hlH chair in u parOJcysm of mirth. Irish thought the poet had a selzuro of some kind and l:e rushed to tho sideboard, look a bottle ot whisky end stuck the top of it into Miller's mouth, hoping to revive him. Presently Miller waved his hands fefblv and Irish removed the bottl<>. ""What Is it?" asked IrlGh solici tously. "Remove the cork!" whispered the poet, hoarsely. "Remove the cork!"? Saturday Evening Post. Dare to Be Happy. 1x1 us never be ;>frt''d of inn^r^"* joy; Hod la rood ar.d what he does is well done; resign yourself io every thing. even to happiness; ask fcr the i rririt of sa'-rifi'-c of ^???obrnont of re nunciation, and above all, for thospljjt cf Joy and gratitude, the gtnuine and religious optimism which sees in (Jod n Fi<?hcr, and nsks no pardon for hir benefits.. We muot dare to be happy and dare to confess It. regarding our selves alwnyB as the depositories, not as the authors of our own Joy.?Araiel. Brought tho Tears. An unusual incident marked a re cent fire In New York. The fire started in the cellar of a five-story ten ement and before It was extinguished the 18 families in the building and all the firemen were weeping copiously from Inflamed eyes. In the cellar many bags of on'.ons had been stored. The chief fireman allowed tho tenants to remain In the building, assuring them that the fire was confined to the cellar. They did not stay, how ever. when the onions had got. well afire. EDITOR BROWNE Of The Rockford Morning Star. "About seven years ago I ceased drinking coffee to give your Poatum a trial. "I had suffered acutely from various forms of Indigestion and my stomach had become so disordered a3 to lepel almost evory sort of substantial food. My general .hoalth was bad. At c!oeo Intervals I would suffer severe attacks which confined ine In bed for a week or more. Soon after changing from coffee to Postum the Indigestion abated, and In a short time ceased entirely. I have continued tho dally use of your excellent Food Drink ar.d assure you most cordially that I ain Indebted to you for tho relief It has brought me. "Wishing you a continued success, I am Yours very truly, J. Stanley Browne, Managing Editor." Of course, when a mart's heiith rhows he can rtand co.Tce without trouble, let hiin drink it, tut most hlgh'y organized brain-worker3 slin ply cannot. The drugs natural to the coffee ber ry affect the stomach and other organs and thence to the complex nervous system, throwing it out of balance and producing disorders in various parts erf the body. Keep up this daily pois oning and serious dineaso generally supervenes. So when man or woman finds that coffce is a smooth but dead ly enemy and health is of any vnluo at all, there in but ono road?quit. < It is easy to find out If coffco be tho cmtfio of the troubles, for If left off 10 days and Postum be used in Its place end tho sick and diseased conditions begin to disappear, the proof 1b un answerable. Postum Is not good If made by short boiling. It must be boiled full 15 min utes after boiling begins.- xvhen^ tho rrirp flavor imd the rood elements are brought out of the grains and tho ber erago Is ready to fulfill Its mission of ~|Mkh*.trtMe comfort afld'TWieWtbg the colb; and nerve centers broken doa r by coffee. "There's' a IteiBon." Get tho llttlo book, "Tho ttoad to "WellTlite." In Pkg?. Ever rml ?h* #lwn A "?* m nitpMAi from time In ?t??, !?>*? ?r* irm* u4 fall mt kwMM PEOfcSTAL FOR Av POLICEMAN B!oc?~t Baltimore Traffl; O'ficcr It Ke?p? Hij Feet Warm Mid Dry. raltlnJC'e, ,Vd.---Anthony J T1j? n.erntin h ? 12 year copper and bltf f>?t of a'l il:o traffic squad, hih! ho doesn't piojKifco to take )i chance wltli or |inou;nrnl i ar.d Ive Sun 8iU?:'c of the pleasure ct seeing hhn 00 duty every U?v, kicplug the cars and wuKonts running straight and clf.irlnR the way for ll:nld pedes ti Inn*. And that's why he Ik tho only cop per In town who ftunds on u pedestal. When tho bad weather hit Haiti* more recently a khiik ot ltuMunu hap pened to be worl lnK on the pipes at Haltirnoru and Charles streets, and one of the rn. noticing Traffic Officer Tliv?meritki> Ftanoliip flat on tho cold ground thut oozet] slufch and sleet cut] snow, scratched his head In mqdlta-. (Ion. Then with a hnmnmr and nails ar.d a few boards ho knocked together i a little platform about two {tot square j ;?nd raised two inches from the | ground and handed it over. j "(Ireat!" said Tluimeriuan ns he | stepped a board, and over rlnce, every day, you can stjc Tlmmerman stand ing on his little platform nt the cor ner, recure from dangers thnt threat en under foot and keeping others from dangers that threaten in traffic. "Ii'r a fine idea. It keeps the cold Out of my feet, and If you'll take a look at my teet you'll tee I've got plenty of room to catch any cold that's coming my way." Not a few who have seen Tim mer man on his stand have remarked that it wouldn't be a bad idea for the po lice board to provide stands for all traffic in6n in bad weather or during the chilly reason n precautionary measure and to keep down drafts on the pension fund. CARRIAGE IS 150 YEARS OLD Ofrjlo Farmer Owns Vehicle Which Was Once Coneidered Finest In the West. Columbus, O.?Here is a picture of one of the first carriages manufactur ed in the United State3. It is nearly 150 years old and now belongs to a farmer living near Mt. Healthy, in this state. The vehicle was consid ered the finest rig in the west and the original owner paid $275 for it. The Workmanship Is guaranteed strictly hand made and the wood entirely of hickory. There were only a few pleasure ve hicles during the days of tho carriage nnd they were mostly in the form of heavy Wagons. Everybody for miles EaKlmore Pcllccmnn on Pedestal. 150-Year-0 Id-Carriage. around came to see John Sprlggs' fine rig nnd everybody west of the Alle gheny mountains knew John Spriggs was the owner of the finest rig In the country. One of the famous trips made by the carriage wao when the Spriggs family, consisting cf John, hia wife and two children, started out from Cincinnati for a long trip to Philadel phia In this now carriage. Two hors es wero hitched to the combination shaft and enough provisions for a month were packtd in the little bear skin covered trunk fastened to the back of the carrlngn. it took all of tv^o weeks to go from Cincinnati tc Philadelphia and ten days to come back. The carriage stood the trip well. It made other trips Just as woll and Is yet a good rig though somewhat out of date. The present owner, pictured seated In it, came in to its possession by inheritance, and occasionally''takes It out for a run but It is valued mostly now as an heir loom. Beef Fron^ Mexico. _ EJl Paso, Tex.?The constant de crease in the cattle ranges ot this stato-has given a boom to the cattle Industry serosa the border In Mexico and shipments of live stock from the latter country into the United States are .growths. American ranches are being loos ted in Mexico, where rang*' and may still he had, sod the re pub ic come a~ireat csttie country. PHYSICAL WRECK RESTORLO VO HEALTH BY GREAT Kill KEY REMEOY Pome (IiTM nfo I began (he u*e of IX*. Kilmer's 8w;nnpIl?ot with the most reinnrk?bin result*. For years I was utmost a wrock and was a great .sufferer. The dec tuts who treated me made me believe lli&t , my great sufferings were due to female ] trouble. 1 wad so bad at times I would J fitini away and had sinking spells. ; lMnnlly a new doctor was called in ami j he raid that. I had kidney trouble an 1 gave me medicine, of which I tot k ?ev- i erul to I ties. I obtained some relief from j this but 1 was getting weaker all the | tin e; I could not sleep and suffered so j ir.uch pain that my husband and children t had to lift n:e in and out of bed. After i this ti.':ie two friend* sent mo word to try Dr. Kilmer's 8wnmp-Hoot, which I did, j and I Am glad to state that the first do?o | gave me great relief After taking tho third do*e 1 was helped into bed and shut half of the ni^ht. I took several bottlea oI Swamp-Root and 1 feel that 1 owe my life to this wonderful remedy. The two family dec- I tors said that I could not live three months; my urine was in a terrible con dition?-tliieii ?;id slimy?end I would havo to be helped in and out of bed ten to ' twenty tintos every night. After taking Dr. Kilmer'a HwampKoot for tjvo days I j i was entirely free from getting up und could sleep Boumllv. ' MHS. D. K. IIILEMAN. i Tunnelton, West Ya. ' Personally appeared hrfore me this | 11th of September, 11W9, Mis. D. K. } llileman, who subscribed the above state i merit and made oath that the same is true in tubstance and in fact. . JOSKriI A. MII.T.KH. Notary Public, j LclUt u P.. IklUrr * Co. riR.'liimloa, h. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do Tor Yon Send to l>r. Kilmer A Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample liottle. It will convince anyone. You will alyo receive u booklet of valuablo information, telling nil about the kidneys and bladder. Whet) writing, b<j ?!ure und mention this paper. J''or sale at all drug stores. Prico fifty cents and one-dollar. THE ONE DEFECT. "An heirloom," explained the farm er's wife to her 13-year-old boy, "is .something that Iuib been handed down from lather to Bon, and in some In stances la greatly prized." | "I'd prize these heirlqoma I'm wear ing," remarked the youngster, "a good ! deal more If they wasn't ho long In I ? he legs."?Everybody's Magazlue. KPOHN'S DISTKMPKR CTRF, will cure uuv jiunttilde e??e rf I)1S I'lOMl'MIt, I'INK. r!\ K, and the like among heroes of all ages, nnd prevent* all other* in 11?.* same t-tal.le from having I he disease. Also cure* chicken cholera, aii'l <leg Any good (Iru'^nint can supply yni, or ?-n I to infra. o't cents nnd $1 .IK) A^bottle. Aden's wanted, l'reo l?ook. iSpolm M?dioil Co., Spec. Contagion* DieeuscB, G ;uhcn, lnd. Severe Cr!tlco._ Alice?I like To:n immensely, and he's very much the gentleman, but he does like to talk about himself! Grace?Yen, dear, your knight hath a thousand I's.-?Puck. TO OKI VE Ol'T IV* AI,A It IA am> hin.i> i r Tin: synti m Tako the OH Utandard (jht.lVKVS TAbTKLKtUj i till,1, tonic. You know what you tn i.? k iik 'i'lip formula la plainly printed on iivcrjr bottle ' ' in In a fhonlnir it Is islmply Oulnino and Iron 111 a Inhtu le>i? form. Tho 0"lnlne drives out the ^nialG rl? and the Iron bullos up tho sytstrni. dealers for 80 your* IVIct fO conu. Hold by u!) All Depends. "Want a good anecdote about a statesman?" "Was he re-elected?" Taylor'* Cherokee Remedy of Swept Gum nnd Mullen is Nature's great remedy? Cures Cousin, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough anil nil throit And lung trouble*. At druggibt.s, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per pottle. To render your neighbor a servico willingly shows the Rencrosity of your character; to preserve silenco over it, the grandeur of your soul.?Puysieux. A woman can straighten up a man's desk in five minutes so effectually that he won't be able to And anything he wants in five hours. For nEADArilR-Hlrkii) CAPPDINR Whether from Colde, Hfnt, Htomnch or Nervous Troubles, Capndlne will relieve you. It's liijnltl - plenHunt to take?nets Immedi ately. Try It 10c-, 25?;., and 50 ccuta ut Uruf; itturi'B. The longer we live the more we realize what we might have done but didn't. ' Garfield Tea corrects constipation, cleanses the pyutcm nnd purifies the blood. Good "health is maintained bv its use. Every man Is a comer utltll ho reaches a certain age?then he's a goer. ONLY ()NE"IinOMO QriKIXE." That l? LAXATIVH miOMO QU1NINB. lx>ck fnr ltic denature of U. W. UHOVK. Lied the SVorld t.ver to Cure u Cola In Ono JL>?y. " Each pen?y saved means one less i>ang of foreboding. All d/WRist* sell the famous Herb rem edy, Garfield Tea. It correct* constipation. Ixnid apparel naturally proclaims the man. |t? Its Due Order. Chump Clark, at a dinner If; Wash ington, i>U'udnd indulgence ior u to wit v\ hut rgjublliiiit .gjwslHNFr "Hull arrive," tald tint Democratic Under. If you'll only tclve him time. J lit* U like Doctor Thirdly. "doctor Thirdly wua dividing up hln sermon into Ith appropriate heads one ! tUn.dny morning when a member of i the co'.'BitgutIon t-hoiitfd liaaclbly; "'Meat, man! Give u? meat!' "'Well,'*ald Doctor Thirdly prompt ly, 'held on, then, till I'm done carv lug ' " <AI* WKAIt SHOKS on? kl-.o ?uwller ntlor utlntf Al;*u'? timi- IWo, ilio < po?j#r Ui t>e khiikrn IMo UuulwM. I< uukit u> u?? thuMt ImI r*?y; give* Intlniit ' relief to euros uud bunion*. TM? U itu va?jr Uxi hp-Inkle Allou1* >VK?l-tU??o In one iliuu Mint Dol In IM? oilier ?||J i?illc? Omj UilJnfunco. Hold over* wlivre, Mo. /'??'( ? icetfjt ??v itui*. k'??r KUKW trial < knge, AUOU ? OlMlkted, l?Hu) . N. V Tho Practical Agriculturist. Adam anlffed at the book farmer. "I don't believe in spraying applo < trues," he tinorted. I^ur ( OLDN Mud ?BIP in<-k?' t'AWUiK* t<? tlio l<ewt r?ruiedy?r? llew* vhe m hiUK liud feverl?Un*??-'<,ure# t lie v'olil hu<I lentoreu normal i'oiMlltloim. It'w L.pitd ? effeolH Immediately. JOo., lit*., uud CO*.-, j At limy oioieo. A may llkea to repeat, tho Minart things his children ?uy, becauae lie it In hereditary. You Mill unccj.p; perhaps f???l chilly. V?u? think you. are ditching co)<J, Don't vnit until you know it. Tuko a dose of lltndHia Wjauurd Oil ami you just cim't cattli cold. in;providence In triflta never made ft mililoimlro nor swelled ti bauli uc count. IMI.KK < IN o TO I 1 DAVH Y??'' will r?-l??n?? money ti t'A/A) olNl' Ml ST luilfc to euro ulij cum< of 1'oiling, Ittluit, dli. U -j uf I'rolrudili# 1 iU'? tn 0 Ui 11 Uiiyn. ?Ak'. No doubt the inli.d cure 1h all right? [f you hirve the mind to begin with. Mre. WIiikIow'h Hc?>:hlnjf Kjrrup for Children tcetMni.'. ??oft?-nn tlir kuiiih. re?Jue??i? hitlainiiiH' liou. a.lliij ? puui. eure* wliiil colie, SJe h bottle. Modern application Ih likely to ox tract tin teeth of an old biiw. In the Spring cleanae the ?y?tem and p\:iify the blood b> the nee of (J.irfield Ten. Her t?avlngH are thp Kiivtng of many a bushiest* kI'1 Spring Medicine There i* no other jrcaton *vh?n mfcdl* IjfjWfs *o muclt ueedad u? in wi ?pring, The Mood i? impure *ud irnnovwbdted n condition indicated by pimpfof, l>oll? ftnd other eruption* on the face and body, by deficient vitality, low* of, appetite, lack of itrengtli. 'lite beat tpring medicine, according to the experience nnd testimony of twv* naiidit utinuHUy, ia . Hood's Sarsaparilla It purifte* And enrirhea the blood, cure# eruption*, build* up the. ?yMlem, (Set it today in unu?l liquid forna or chocolated tabht* known u? Snrvatub*. Jfyrmcyve* Is GUARANTEED to stop and perma nently cure that ter rible itching. It is compounded for that purpote ond your tnoney will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunt's Cure fails to cumi Itch, Kczcina, Tetter, Ring Wonn or tiny other Skin Disease. 50c at your drugKiat'u, or by mall direct ?f he hu?n t It. Manufactured only by A. 0 RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sher.Dzn.Teui 1 Tro'le Mark A LIOUID rtEMEOY for CKSLOKtiM'S ILU IVIdkod Teething Easy KIX'<?MMKM>KL> I on Con<rtli>nMt>it, iitarrtiooa, Convublnna. Colic. rU.ur ?(;, <>10, It > i'Miuh Worm*. uIIim* tVtori'huui* iimO It ulUnUlifMlon. )l wnkffc'IVoihlim ??*/, Rrouiutu* < Im < k Hiifi prudncf* uliiih | Iror Mtlo tijr all iintyiiljlU an /d?it lor* #011 vol tic. Muny/*flvrtAOu BABY EASE CO.. ATLANTA. 6lOftQ(A' I IRON AND * WliRL FKNCKS V** All nrp?M GtiWfRN CNTIIIMHe rOUMDW7 * riNOI 00. 1177 KmI ?4Ui Stmt i UUMMAPOUS, PNMANA KBIN08AL0N If WRl/StaM <?i nnxtouH to ourn yood coinuiHhlon to Wrlto atone*. yon NALK-Moving plotur* Qlm. 1 not p?r foot. Sluciiiuin lio. If. 1>AVIN. Watortown, WU, - 1 r. Kj _* Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound . A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least 3 try a medicine which has the record ^f Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, is, it would almost seem, to blame ^ for her own wretchedness. Read what this woman Richmond, Mo. ? ""Whon my second daughter month* old I was pronounccd a hopeless invalid by t 1 had a consultation of doctors and tlicy said I Iiad a severe 4 of ulceration. I was in bed for ten -weeks, had sinking: s and was pronounced to bo in a dangerous condition. My fi insisted that wo try Lydia L2. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compoi and brought mo six bottlen. X soon began to improve, anc fore it had all been taken I was as well and strong as ever,?... friends hardly recognized mo so great was the change." ? Mrs* Woodson Branstcttor, Richmond, Mo. ? There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous and was pronounced to bo in a dangerous condition that wo try Lydia IJ. Pin leu says:? Joncsboro, Texas. ? "I havo used Lydia B.Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound for myself and daughter, and consider It une* quailed for all female diseases. I would not be without it for anything. I wish every mother in America could be persuaded, to use it as there would holers suffering among our I am always glad to speak a word of praiso for Lydii ham's Vegetable Compound, and you are at liberty i testimonial."?Mrs. James T. Lawrence, jQncsboro, Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub^/ lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia Kj ? Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women il will help any other woman who is suffering from the same trouble ? i For 30 years L?ydla E. Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to her3elf who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of euros to its credit* If the sliprhtest trouble appears wbich you do not understand, write to Mrs. rinklinm at Lynn, Mass., for tier advico?It is frco and alwayo hclnl'ul* LEARN AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS! Take a thirty days Practical courpe in our well equipped Machine Shops and learn the Automobde business and accept good positions. CHARLOTTE AUTO SCHOOL. Charlotte,H.C. Backache It only one of irtny symptoms which scmo women en dure through weakness or displacement of the womanly organs. Mrs. Lizzie White of Memphis, Tenn., wrote Dr. R. V. Pierce, at follows : "At times I *r?? hardly able to be on my feet* I believe I had every pain and ache a woman could hove. Had a very bed ease. Internal orfans were very much diseased end my book wm rery week. I suffered a great deal with nervous headaohes, In iaat, 1 suffered all over. This was my condition when I wrote to you for ?drioe. After taking your * Favorite Prescrip tion * for about three months oan say that my health was never better." ... Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is ? positive ear* for wnkMH and disease of the fcn.inine organism. It lUtyi . JnSMMMtioB, Wit ulceration and loathes pain. Tone* and builds up the nerves. *<>* thermit a dishonest dealer to substitute for this medicine which has ? reoord of 40 yeore of euree. " No,thank 70a, 1 wot wh?1 ssk fox." Dr. Pt/rm'4 Ptanaat t+lUta Imduc* mtUi aitfpmTflMfca tfv, ITCH CURED IN SO MINUTES. By Om AppUc?tien of Dr. David's Sanative Wash We (rtiarantce DR. bAVIp'S SANATIVE WASH to oura *nf MM of fall tn*> taln utr*. if used according to direction*, or v? will refundr**r mon?y. If jrour Doibm Scratch?? or M?nget>r. D?vid'?Su?atlv? WMh will cur* him tl ooco. Price, 50 Ceiili a Bottle It wnnot be DtUrtrt^l ?t your n??rt*t express office free, upou receipt of 76 ocnt*. OWENS ?c MINOR DRUG CO. Richmond ^ Virginia ... Yj t-of-door Bport* SMPbSSS'i rpBSSS acre, n icademt. wv??, to Graduation. ?jgpa* W. N. "U^ CHAI