The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, March 17, 1911, Image 1

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T .. ~ ?r Volmiie XXI. No. 52. Camden, S. C., March 17, 1911, W. L. McDowell, Prop. 11 J!!1 f-J-1.. ????? ???? ? ? Without the best in groceries your cooking cannot be n success. A good working man never attempts to build with deficient tools or bad material. He is toy proud of his work. So with the successful cook. Only tho finest groceries can bring satisfaction. We^ll that kind. Successful cooks are our best pa^fns. BP^GE'S THE PURE FOOD STORE. PHONE ?G Commission Received. ' Judge W. F. Russell who wso tq-. pointed Auditor some Lime ago lia recoived .his commission to sery? for the ifnexpired terra of Mr. Itabon. For caje loO huahelg UObboWo PJas, ami 25 bushels of Karly Speckled Peae. B. R. Trueadell, Route 3. ? ^ ^ Moonlight Horaoback Rido. A Dumber of Camden youug peo ple enjoyed n raoohlight ride on horseback .Wednesday night to "The Terrncea" where tbey were delightfully entertained by Mies Thompson. ? A Musical Recital. To test tiie new organ a musical recital will be given at the Lytlle tqn Street Methodist Church next Thursday night by Prof. HaroVni^A. Loring, of the Columbia ^Female G'dlege, formerly of.Portland Maine An interesting program is being ar ranged for the initial services in the newly remodeled Church on Sunday the 26ih. We congratulate our Mflihodiat friends upon the rapid progress made in the work of remod eling the*. Church and upon iLih splendid house of worship they now have. , Notice. I wish to inform myfilenda. and ? ttre-pulTffir gen er a 11 y, that I baye re turned to CamdeD, and am prepared to fill nil wante in the Sewing Ma chine line. Am agent for Singer and Wheeler <fc Wilson Sewing Ma chines, and supplies. Alao repair work on all kinds* of Sewing Ma chines. Will he located in th* Bui dell Building, cornet of Broad and DeK uib Directs. - Thanking you far your past pat patronage. Yours very truly, Walter Parker. Oor big aale of muslin underwear W'HS commence next Wednesday, March 15th nirsoh Bros & 0>. PERSONAL ' . VII Mr. D. M. Aloxandor,of New Y<?rk> is on a abort viait to his father Dr* ,r~ I. II, Alexander of otir Cit$r7 Tha* excellent yonng lady, Miss Anna Smith, has token a ppiaVion at the htore ofr Hlruh Bros & Co. where she will be glad to have her friends call fcnd *ee her. Mre Kolm, toother, of Mr#'-Go# Tlirsh, in ill with pneumonia at her b?nne in Orangeborg. Mr W A Schrock, Jr , who for i ?omo time baa been in the printiBjjf Sr-~both*### to_ Sayapoab,, Qju,? jrwfc^iSG ?IkiVSunday on bi? way to ? North Carolina where he baa acccepi td a nic? position- Walter ia * fav? Camden and ia al?*yf ?> ' otite in t an gff iom5 Mr VV 1? Stokes who was badly ?jilittt-t In a rnnaw^y about a month treble to be ottt again, but wo sorry to lH?n that be tbmka l* ?..i fit bate to go to a hotpiUl and j^tt hit thoakUr m#u Country Produce Spinach, Pars 1 v, Turnips* Onions,' Carrotts, jjustard, 1 Kale, Radishes, Beets, Swiss-Chard, Lettuce, Endive, Leek, Cress, and Artichokes. Also Chicken8, Turkeys and fresh CcSritry Eggs always on hand, which with 6uf7~cbm plete line of Fancy Groceries make ug most able to satisfy ^our demands. THE K1RKWOOD GROCERY Phone 37 Prompt Delivery ? ? ? Final Discharge I hereby arive notice that I will appl" to the Judge of Probate fpr Kcr?ha\f County on Saturday 12 M,?t April 15tVi next, 1911, for discharge as Administra trix of the cfctato of John C?~ Manning.-v JULIA. M. BOYKIN, Admx. E3tato John C. Manning , March 17. 1911. - PARTITION SALE. State of South Carolina.) In the Court > of Common County of Kershaw. ) Pleas. W. H. Haile, Plaintiff, against Minnie Cantey Hade Susan Haile and .Elizabeth Ancrum Haile, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a decree in th-? , al>ove caufo madn >?y tho Hon. It. I . Copes, Julge Presiding in thefith Circui . and hearing dato the Kith day of March. 1911, I will off?r for salevin front of tl a Uourt House door in tho City of Camdei, during the legal -hours of salr. on the lir t Monday in April next, 1911, .being the 3rd day thereof, the .following' deecribcd EVftfft oflari<is All that pat eel or lot of md in the City of f'amden, in'the County of Kerahaw and state of+?outh Carolina, fronting Fait on Mi)! Street of said City one hundred MOO)' feet, and running back W?at of a uniform width to a depth of two hundred and sixty (800) fee., more or lew, "and bounded on the Nortli of tho estate of W. W. MM;, on the Kaw by Mijl Street, on the Sou h by property of L. T. Mills, formerly < f F. M. Zemp. on the West hy-premises of L. M. Flower, formerly of Corintte 1?, Sfcott. and is thU_ cotiveynd to ?*mil a Haile bv F. M JScmp^a of dire iWntPWiI>cr'l((>tb. 1004, wuioh deed in r . corded in the office of the Clerk ofi'oart for Kershaw County in Book K. K. K. .t I J^tMrrprtottfd al aaTTaaTe with ttie MasU*~lP* ?Wtdollurs in-money or M cheek is a pledge to make good bia bid if accepted. L Xa?ma of sale rath. Purchaser to par 'for papers. w? 31 MfigW rTTKOWSK*^ 4 m Col L. C. Another one of that immortal blind that followed Left and Jackson has "oroet'd ovtr I lie river to reat under the shade." Col Labon C. llouwli died at hie homo at Kershaw last Monday morning at f> o'clock after Buffering about two or three weeks with a carbunole. Col. .Hough was 65 years old When a mere hoy he entered the Confederate army. He was a mem ber of Co. F. 7th S. C. Battalion under command of Captain Dove Seegars. During tko entire war he rendered valiant service. He was noted for his gallantry and was uni~ veraally loved by his command. He was badly wounded in the battle of the Weldon R, R., on the 21st of August, 1864, from which wound he loet the sight of one of his eyep. This was the famous charge of Ha good's br-gado when Gen. Hagood was forced to shoot the Union officer Capfc. Dayley. to rccover the colors of his regiment. In life he possessed one of the most rare'and noble virtues know to man in his intercourse with bis fel lowman ? ho was a true friend. If Col. Hough was your friend, in your absence and in his presenoe no one could traduce your good name with out it boing resented to the utmost Were you hungry, tf ho had a crust ft was yours; were yon in need, if ho had a oent It was yidrs. He was a son of the late Ben Hough He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Sou Kirkland of Kershaw county, and tyis second, Mrs. Cook, widow of VV. B. Cook, who survives him with the following ohildren of the first marriage: Daniel Hough of Kershaw, Clarence Hough of Flat Rock.Joseph Hough of Bethune,Mrs. Kirby Estrldge of Betbnne, Mrs. Batcman of Charleston. Missos Qus sio, Lois and Eva Hough of Kershaw. He also leaves one brother, Amos Hough, and one or moro sisters. The futeral took place at 5 o'clock on Mondav afternoon from the |?res. byterian Church of which he whs a leading momber and elder. The ser vicos were conducted by his pastor, assisted by Rev. Jabez Ferris of the Baptist Church The burial was in the Kershaw nemttory with ma sonic honors. Through respect to him the stores in Kershaw were ^closed and all business was suspend ed for tbo funeral whieh was one of the most largely attended ever seen in Kershaw. Col Hough was a mem ber of the.Masonic lodge of Camden and a dolegition from this lodge at tended Lhe funeral. In the death of Col. Hough Ker shaw county loses on<x of hor very best citizens Peace to his ashos 1 SALE, State of South Carolina, 1 Court of County of Kershaw. ) Common Pleas. A. I DcJersoy, Guardian, Plaintiff, vs Cleland H. Vaux, Defendant. Under and by virtue of a dcorpo made by the rionorablc It E. Oopes, Presiding Judge In the Fifth Circuit. bearing date March 18th. 1011, I will soil to tho high est bidd?r. b?foro the'Court House door, in the City of Camden, n*d State aforesaid". during the local hour* of sale, j on the first Moliday in ApriJ, 1911. being Iho 3rd day .thereof, the following describ* ^property: |T All that lot of land, with build ings thereon, situated In the City of Camden. County of Kershaw, State of South Carolina fronting two hundred and forty-thr?*e (248) feet East on Lyttle* ton 8treet and extending back Westward of a uniform width to a depth of four hundred and sixty-eight (468) feet, being the Southern part of the property describ ed In *he complaint and decree herein. Said lot being bounded North by remain*' infe portion of said property, property of the defendant. Cleland fl Vaui; East by Ly'tleton street of tho City of Camdeu1 South by promises fuMuii1v~nfC-~ ATSTian. nm, now of 0 C. Bolton, and W??t by ^reinla** of Ton Trerokow. t . Terms of 8ala:?One third c#sb, bal anon in t?o aft?al-fPn"?| jnit>llmni'* ?frtwir-rtswrWWtva by nSondofpnrohaict ortj^er of the premises aoM. Det pa) menta to bear Interest from date at the rate of se*?>.n r annum . Said mortgage usual clause providing for QU ARE FREE WHEN YOU HAVE * <, M0? h IN THE BANK ' YOU CANNOT successfully fight tlio business battles < f life without money. Huve you over said to yourself; "If I only had $1,000 NOW." Mako OUR Bank YOUB Bank Wo pay liboral interest consistent with safety 4 per cen'o. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAMDEN, S. C. If it is Groceries you want, Ring up No. 39. The Up-Town Grocery Co. Murchison & ricCaskill, Prop's. W. K. Tavel. Civil Engineer and Land Sur veyor. Office over .Bank of Sumter. Sumter, S. 0. Notice of jinal Discharge, Notice it hereby given that on Saturday March 18th, 1911, I will apply to the Judge of Probate for Kershaw County for a final diieharge a? Administrator of the Estate ol Sain Mitchell, the same having been fully ad ministered* HENRY MITCH EL. Administrator. Feb. 14. 10U. Bridge to Let. ; The building of the Jsbell Bridge ov- r Twenty Creek will be let to the inwe t bidder at tho bridge on Saturday Marc .i 25th. at 1.1 o'oloek A'. M. The right to reject any and all bid* * reserved ' M. C. WEST. Supervisor Kershaw Co. Otmden, S- C. March 8, 1911. Administrator's Notice. All parties indebted to the estate of t) a lnt? Rev J . B. Thomas are hereby not ? fled to make immediate payment to tn * and all parties if* any, having rlain ? agAinst said estate will preient same da y attested. J. HORACE TII0MA8, M. D, Administrator. Mar 3, 11)11. BEFORE PLACING your order) for COAL and WOOD for next seasor, It will be to your interest-tar consult be in a position to nam a you lowest prices and give th :? ? '* MMmmf :mm%$ zmin You want to know where to make your DOLLAR buy tho most goods for you DON'T you? WaU 'Sft . - - : now, just look down this lint and 8oe"^T if wo are not selling some . .. cheaper than tho ether fellow. 25c cotton voilp, white, black and colors at 25c mercerizod poplins at Flaxons white and colore from 40 in. white lawn, good quality Checked and white dimitys at The best 36 in. bleached at Good quality 3(5 in Cambric at 34 in liif e at Best shirting prints at r ?; Beautiful line silk (just in) at Big lot of embroidery at 90 in. linen sheeting at English long cloth 1 lot white oxford 25c goods at 52 in. brack broad cloth 75c goods at 4 1 lot colored broad cloth $1.00 goods at Big lot laces "great value'' at Some big cuts in table damask Ladies and children's Spring hats, ladio's ready-to latest styles Hobble Hats, Sailors, etc. 1 Peanut Straws and Panamas for ladies an do,hi' * Orex rugs, matting, Tugs. We havo a full jjiae ol rugs any size from 40cNto $10.00. Matting Squares 9x12 only 3.50. Malting iugs*7< 50c. ? - Strong line mens, women and childrens shoes for Spring. J. W. Garter line (Solid Oak) shoes for men, the shoe tj*at lasts and is COMFORTABLE. All the new toes m Oxford. 1 * ;'TUl'TTfllWMJllll Fertilizers and farm supplies as cheap as the cheapest for cash or on approved papers. ? T-? Youw Respectfully, Famous Gilt Edsie Store. P. T. V1LLEPIGUE,