AFTER SUFFERING FOR YEARS Cured by Lydia E. Pink* huiu'sVegelable Compound Purkjtaplda. Minn.?" I wu sick tot JW?? TT 1111*7 VH?VII>| through the Change of Life and wm hardly able to be around. After tak ing ?lx Dottles of j.ydla K. Mnkham'e vegetable Com pound I gained 90 pound*, am now able to do1 jny own work and fee) well."?ifrg. JfiD. La Dov, Park Bap. JirookviUe, Ohio.?1"I was Irregular rw>4 e*ty?mely uerrowL A neighbor Bv fyiMa^n U(%t~ I'ro/. W. N. Munaon recommends for treatment of old orchard* to plow ns car)y an jjohhIWo In tbo spring, har row at once an<| apply about 600 pound* of fertiliser to the acre, then harrow about once In two wreks un til the middle ^f August, when a cov r-r crop of rye flr spring vetch should }>o sown. In working among tbo trees ho find* the tracelftss harjp#>*? The Uioubatlng seMoo U practically over with poultry, to far m profit to thfa owner la concerned, and the Min nesota ?ipor1m?ut station advises that All old nesting material be taken out and burned, and that all nesting boxes be disinfected and given a coat of liquid lice killer; after which freak strew may he placed in them for late layer*. The creosote preparation* ?old at lutuber yard* for wood pre serving have been used with good ef> feet as Ike killers. The movement of ?o many thou* ?and* of young people from tbe farm to the city is largely caused by bad roada which lactate their homes and render th^e world about them Iyer ceaalble. The addltlou to the urban population lessens the producing force of the farm and at the same time cre ate* a greater demand for farm prod uct*. Thin mean* a higher coat of IIv and an undesirable situation r? In* a; BUMS. The minus quality of our soils lies not so much on the chemical side of the soil as upon the wretchedly poor physical condition Induced through tbe lack of any attempt to return to tho anil (hat vital nUrlhnfa u/ht rh inalfAfl SOCIETY LADIES READ THIS You Will Find This Utter Fro* Mrs. Baker, of Floral, Very Interesting. Floral, Ark.?"Until a montb W?0," writes Mr*. Viola Maker, of tbl? place, "I wan In very bad health. I was so weak and nervous tbat I was unable to do tny housework. I tried C&rdul, according to directions, and now I am In good health and recommend your medicine to all my friend*. I gavo Cardui to three of my friends to try, ?nd tbey all say it helped them." Society mid household cares make nervouit, weak women, who suffer great pain and misery, muob of which can be avoided by taking Cardui. Worry and overwork act on your nervos like rust on metal, .and they slmplVjrft to h s-IC a Ja CO 3 3 S 1 ? & 2 " 0 a ?= v c J? h v - ~ - 8 ? *? a M* f|J* a- ?8 rt ?o 0} ? n i 15 It Jt A -X R ?- ?S ^ ? p: (d > s~ * 2|5 g 81^ 1 5 ? 8 <3 "2 ?** ? S'K-iS ^'a-w B to H .. rt .2 o 5 ? t,'d ?' g & fc ? 9 *S 3 o *" I? 4?"2b ^ * haZfi a ?&z fc'-s ? s a j a XJ .fc 4) O fc* g ? 3 ? - |ia -g ? .5 ft 'C a ? ? 2 li.? Ji u o c i5 ? !" S "5 ? & ~ ? <* O k ? ? 4> ?? ?3(? ? c x> ? & S S? ? ? g /. I 8 2 & ?'2S I? s Is? ???? ?d v -I C5 3 *2 ? v * Wf:ls :?! Ill s Sf s* i if ? ? t* 5? * htMr*n t????! Iiinir, Hoflt'tiH I >i?? i/iimH, nwlu l?l m, lliutt, Hlouxich or Nrrvmm Troiil>I?u, (.'upudlne will relieve you. Ii'h Ii<|>11? i [ilcuwnt to tuk? iK'tM lintncill alely. Try it. I""'., 860 . im?l M oviit* ivt C0 piats, with not enough of them In i ie I nltod Statvs for enumeration. Weeding out; the poorest rows Ih the host way to Improve tho record of any 'ry In tho amount of milk and hut tcr rroducod. In proportion to tho nun her of cows kept. TIiIh process of weeding out will a I ho aid materially to Increase the profits. I,arge bunds of rhrep do not thrive f? *'el1 '"??er fnnnlDg conditions an smaller onca, und are moreover eape clally apt to Injure the land, for they not ouly crop tho growing plants too 0 owelty, bat hy buncumg, tend to pud u:e the ground. While bran con ho UBod with a do cldcd advantage In making.. up the rations of the dairy cows It should ho tired to exceso as It win mako cream rd to churn whllo tho butter will ho pair; rather thai, a golden yellow. When tho tlmo for culling the young Ftoek cornea. u,o experienced breeder has a decided? advantage over banner. The former can tell at n much earlier date those birds that It will he profitable to keep. The time to place on surplus) boxes Ih whin tho hive or lower etory In full or nonr.y ro. As Jong as boo* have abundant room In the brood chamber to work they will not go Into any sur 1 1 is boxes. If there woro fewer dogs there ou Id be moro shoep; and a* soon .as farmers mnke up tl>elr minds to havo mere sheep and fewer dogs, they will hrlng that healthy condition to pass. Perhaps tho reason more root crops nro not raised Is that thoy require more work both In their cultivation nnd harvesting and In their storing r.nd feeding. I se up all tho old straw stack for bedding the animals beforo warm v father comes. Manure Is a by-prod uct that figures rnrt of tho profits In I've rtock krowing. Mako tho best cf It. It always seemed to us a great mis tiko to fatten sows and soil them after they have raised a litter. A sow that develops good brooding qualities should bo kept as long as possible. Tho cows of Holland live in their owner's house, put don't Imagine the rtalls aro filthy like ours. They aro as neat as your sitting room, flood blood Is essential to the pro ducing of Rood horses, but not nny more so thtin tho material that forms the food for producing tho animal when once started In life. Ventilation, both night and day Is essential to the health of poultry. Many dl?eases among fow|fl aro trace nblo to tho want of puro air. Hy rome seedsmen sweet clover is catalogued ns Hokhara or beo clover. It Is a fine thing for bees, as tho flow era secrete a tlno quality of nectar and largo amounts of It. Remember to supply plenty of grit to the young poultry. They need It as much as mature birds, (irlt forms part of their digestive system. The lncreaso In a flock of sheep rep resents almost entire profit to tho man who^as no rentals to pay and keeps his cheep oti government lands. L August-hatched chicks, with proper feed and care, make desirable Novem ber broilers or frying chickens. -.-v.- -?j,,.-- ' . Give plenty of pure, clean water to the pigs every day. Slop will not sat isfy their thlhrt. li ""T: -j - " vOU,d uU/43a ? ?- - ?? ? When doing the tree planting, do not foigrt to put u few trees in a cor- l ner of the pasture fields, If there 1b such a ttilngn ub fenced posture on* the farm. Protect theeo for a few years, and they will protoct tho stock for many moro. Anlmalu nro like human beluga? sometimes they will cat more than ftt others, and If a feeder acts In accord ance with tho demands of tho animals under his control, It means safe and sure economy to tho man who pays tho bill. Tho best time to thin peaches, Is Just when the pit Is hardening. In tho country between 85 and 40 degrees latitude, this Is done Juno 10 to 15. | Further south, of course, tho work should begin earlier. From a business point of view, tho hog Is described as "a great national resource, a farm mortgage lifter and debt-payer, and the most generally profitable dotneptleated animal in Ame^Icnn agriculture." Don't hesitate about paying a good price for a pure bred sire, provided he Is well bred and good individually. Tho money will come back to you fourfold In tho first crop of young sters. Celery makes most of Its growth during September and October, and If you can get plants of these varieties out In July and August, and a root system started, tho chances are good for a crop. In fattening both fowls and chickens It must be remembered that the Iobs exercise they get the quicker they will fatten. It Is difficult to fatten well fowls that have a free range. Fcods vary In quality owing to dif ferent conditions under which they nro grown. This 1b oae reason why a prescribed ration will not always pro duce tho same results. For comb honoy, a hive a little more shallow In tho brood nest than the regular body Is proferable, as It forces the honey up Into sections Just where It Is wanted. Farmers and feeders would do wo'.l to pay moro attention to tho root crops in tholr attempt at getting the ideal foedlng ration, both for beef and dairy cattlo. . One great advantage sweet clover has over a great many crops is that It will keep in check almost all of the noxious weeds with which wo aro troubled. Tuberculosis In chickens has been found in flvo cases this year by tho Ptato hygienic laboratory at the Uni versity of Wisconsin. It Is highly deslrablo that pigeons of all kluds should assumo tholr new garb before tho cold, damp dark dayH of winter set In. To mako tho greatest profit out of swlno It Is necessary to produco gnlnn cheaply. This can best bo accom pllshed by furnishing plonty of for age. To get tho best financial results from a flock of mutton sheep it is es sential that they combine a god fleoco with a good "len of mutton." The tow chosen for breeding should bo selected from tho best animals In tho best available herd In the farmer's neighborhood. Per^heron horses have. Improved the breeds of draft horses In. cunized country In the world. Si If maggots are found, first treat the wound with turpentine and then smear -with tar. It the plga are uneasy Is wrong. Find out the cauee remove It. k tm naay save a split tree?if Papa?That was tho Bupromo court af tho United States wo Just came out of. Tommy (aged Bcvon)?Qco, pop! doro wasn't anybody dcre but a lot of bearded old womou dressed In black. NO HEALTHY SKIN~ LEFT "My little son, a boy of Dvo, broke out with an Itching rash. Three doc tors proscribed for him, but ho kept Setting worse Until wo could not dress him any moro. They finally advised mo to try a certain medical college, but its treatment did no good. At the time I was induced to try Gutl cura he was bo bad that I had to cut his hair off and put tho CGtlcura Oiut montonhlm on bandages, as It ^as imposslblo to touch him with the bare band. There was not one squaro inch of skin on his whole body that was not affected. He was one mass of sores. The bandages used to stick to his skin and In removing them it used to take the skin off with them, and tho screams from the poor child were heartbreaking. I began to think that ho would never get well, but after the second application of Cutioura Oint ment I began to seo signs of Improve ment. and with tho third and fodrth applications tho sores commenced to dry up. His skin peeled off twenty timbs, but It finally yielded to the treatment. Now I can say that he Is entirely cured, and a atrongor apd healthier boy you never saw than he la to-day, twelve years or more slnoe tho cure was effected. Robert Wattam, 1148 Forty-eighth St., Chicago, 111., Oct. 9. 1D09." - ? A Generous Qlft, "You may eay what you like agatnst young ministers, but I have nothing but praise for our young pastor," the pompous Mr. brown remarked, as he parsed out of the church. "Nothing but praise!" "So I observed," dryly retorted the deacon who passed tho plate?Har per's. ? ? His Only Affliction., "Have you ever had writer's cramp?'' asked the beautiful maiden. "No," replied tho poet, "but I've often had writer's kink," "Writer's kink? What is that?" "It'8 a trouble that consists of the kinking of the stomach around tho spine, due to non-eating." Made 8ure of Death. A student of a school in Shlnshu, Japan, recently committed euicido by Jumping Into the crater of Asama yania. Tho tragedy was not discovered until three days afterward, when oome doemmnts left by tho sulclfio near the crater wore picked up. Bermlida Onion Seed. ? - Direct from Tenerlffo. We are head quarters. Write for prices. John A. Salzer Seed Co.. Iai Crosso, Wla. * . Submarineo* Toll cf Live*. In the last five years about fifty lives have been lost In France In sub marine boat disasters. j Increase ?f Commerce. . The commerce of tk4T pott of New York has had a growth of 62 per cpnt. In the last ten year*. ;4u For COIM anfl RMw1 OiWIBI k Dm Imm K IkvM tl>? acHSnjt ?a4 fererUhees*?*utw th* OftM Md r*?tor?A normal condition*. It'ft Jiqnl.l rf.M-tn ImmMlfttly. 10c., ifto.. ?Dd SOe. 4i rtnif ?tom. - T It Is a wise man who knows his i k i * kmJ a ftr^ m Mak a ?n DUtincFfl, nnti n wiw^r limit thoroughly attends to 1U?H. I*. Way land. Social Conditions in Large Cities ittwrtimwr BrUV.CJBDftGEW.MJ>AJ MIW'HANI ? xr*dui?t#? who, m Nelcallflo former*, %l?Uled uitchwulC# z::x esrstfu???.. ,??, r *sfc! ?? - PSra'S&.riSSWws*u?"?w? M*efc?ulo?l ColUf*, ro, J?. 0, "" '7*r'J?*?-"rtt Tiimt tho turulng out PAGE FROM ANCIENT HISTORY V"? Inoldont of Hannlbal'e Csresr That Wrltere Appear te Have Overlooked. Hannibal and bit staff war# paolng merrily over the Alps on their faithful war elephants. Suddenly a man with a tin badge and ebln wblikera ruabed Into the roadway and held up bla hand. "You atop right where you ho!" he cried. "Why should I atop7" thug* dered the great Carthaginian as his mahout hooked the elephant's ear. "You're exceedtn' the speed limit," re plied the. man with the star. "An* I'm a duly appointed constable, by heck." Hannibal was so overcome by this amusing holdup that he toaaed a bag of gasoollans to the officer end laugh ing hysterically rodje away. Later on, however, his Indication uppercut bto sense of humor, and he proceeded to slam the life out of the ROman con suls and their ploked vetorans, forc ing the fighting to the very gate of shuddering Rome ?Boston Traveler. A PERMANENT CURB. Mo 8tffn of Kldr^y Trouble for Ovet a^ear. lira. C. J. Becker, 38 Chestnut Sq., Jamaica Plains, Boston, Mass., says: "I waa a physical wreck, I could not have walked, a block had my lifer do penaed upon it. The kidney ac cretions were In terrible condi tion and I bloat ed badly. I wished for death. I learned Of Doan's Kid ney Pills and as & last resort. I be?an their use. - Gradually I im proved until at last I was well. Over a year has now elapBed and not a sign ff kidney trouble has appeared. I give Doan's Kldhey Pills credit for saving my life." Remember the name?Doan's. F>or sale by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. 1 'or I Which Do You Like Woratt This is the greatest known way for undecided people to make up their minds. None but a strong-minded woman can ever decldo which of two or three hats she likes "the best," particularly if they are all comely. Popular belles have J>een known to have similar troubles with their sweetheart* Which do I liko best is often a momentous question. p Why not try the other way? . ;.j Decide which, of men, or hats, or attractive "dates" you like th^ worst, and then proceed to eliminate. *Yom there you can factor out in the grade of desirability, * until jou actually flmj yourself at. a decision, because it, wbatevor It is, is the only one left. The process is delightfully simple. The Effects. "I have come to you, my friend, for comfort liy best girl has treated mo very badly.. I was tryinf to explain something to hei*, but she gave me ?uob sharp looks they cut me to the heart; she - withered me with her scorn, crushed me' with her pold: ness and stabbed me with her keen edged tongue." "Bee here, man, you oughtn't to come to me for comfort; what you^ heed Is to go to a hospital for treat ment." Have Ever Known. 5 !? the 1 hav6 ever *?own. PMt tw,? year* 1 ??ld near ly twelve gross. It comes nearer be ing a universal chill cure than any thing I ever handled." Bold by Drug gists?60c. and $1.00 bottles. Pre pared by Hobinson-Pettet Co. (Inc.), Louisville. Unhappy Thought. Just suppose the man who finally obeys the latest demand of fashion and goes 6n his knees to propose, finds he has hhd a movipg picture machine making material 6f him for a new comlo film I > spohn's Distemper cure wui PINK icY^inH ?TVJ ^STEMPER, it ir th? like among horses Mm! .iSai / prevent* all others in the ?rjjj from having the disease. Alao AnTJ^Cr?en S2?"* ?ml distemper. _ ~ *? -? ;.*? J11 j". i '?r " N" 2^5; vvj ? Power of a Magnet. A steel liui eeshueTnaguet can hold in suspension a weight up to twenty tlmea its own. rr *tnKrtxir* *ea*,ed on the WlTOhell coot?n?"n? foroea.?Dr. in ? Hun It was Anna's first side. She was only ft yery enthusiastic over for opportunity to go li They came too lat