A l1 ioav BRUCB'S Ymii will l):s<] FINK Wl S'i at.il *J K l'MvY's Ti>: A -4 ;t lull 'iiH1 jn?t rcowiyeci KickIm st (W -s ami Cruckcrrt "(Jood Things lo Kiit" Phone 08 Opera IIouho Stora at Present ?#??! Notice, Bathing Privileges. J'lie bathing ptivi'ogts at Will baoK hay been turned over to, the Si hlto ami Paddle Club. John B03kin. Ohnroberof Commerce! The guUr monthly mee ting bl ! It Ouniden Chamber of Go in mere* v.i'l he l?*ld at the Opera. Housa 'J' UCb day, Aug. 2nd, at 0:15 P M. A full attendance in eai tieoily re (jtjrrticil. YV. It. Kve, Jr , Secretary.^ Dwelling For Rent, On Ly I tic too Si,1 cel. Hath and ] j/hth ()n liot|i floors. Perfecih I t'*ltby. P16B1 B!?i'>n given Sept Int. Apply Mary C. Watkins. 109 Irwin Ave line, Spartanburg, S C. Doath of Misa Sallio Crofc. Mi?? Ss'ilio .Croft died in th?-1 Siii'o Hospital for- the .Insane or Monday night hint of pellagra Mie* Croft, wns placed in the Ho*, p ?!a 1 in 1905 by her father, Mr. Wesley Crof', who has eluce died, S'iThe burial took pbee in the Hlispitalcemetery. Ihcv H?k Cfoea?CoIft Boltting WwrkH. V A Camden'enterprise of greater ill ignitndc than is (generally known i* tlie Coca-Col a Hritiling Woiks. We hid the pleasure of going through this establishment 011c d'ay I is: week and were very innc-h sur prided to (iud bo lnrIt ig offered at an uttrne tiv.: price and on rea&onablo<'ieri??> C. P. I") u MOSK, Real Estate. Kercbaw Baptist Union. The union meoting of the Ker shaw Baptist will convuno with tlx Flint 11111 Baptist Church located 11 uiilos north of Camden in the Can t<\v section July <}0?b and Hint inst The union will "JtuIimSCC on'y two days. .Saturday .10 a. m.. prayer service by J O. Moselcy. 10 30 voice of welcome 'by pastor. Topics For l)i9cu??ion, 10 45 Can JJnptiet Churches re oogn zo in full fellowship, or grant letters to memhors who, refuse to at Util iheir public services? Discus^ <<1 by S. O. Rose, Uov. H. B. White find other*. 11 30 What should be tbo atti* tuile of ft Chinch.towards her me to* b*rs who violate their llnancial dWi K&ions to tliu Churchf J. K. Oroed, Newton KelfyV Ktv James lluntor, ?Sitenut Carnes and others l.TO?dinner in tho grove. 2 30 Will it pay the Churches of oor Association to unite themselves in cooperative pastorateu? By Kcv M ~lr Lawson iad-Br- X r. litoe. Migcellaoeooa busiocaa. . Adjournment Sunday morning 10 o'clock 9un f gi nlleuieu ik being 8ROt over lhe 8; tvddi: si wu'f ma !o by Mr. VVma low, :4 gnvi-lMutul ixpcrt from W u-diingiori, P32KSONAL. Pn f Huffy Tr.inthnm who hits hen con'itivlit-? the Snmnn.r school tit Ker-diaw i* nt home now. tl? wili l)o here about 11 month-ur elx weeks In-fore (.? T Villi-pimie haVo g northt rn tou<*. Mr Arthur Hnrnet of Jacksonville, wan in Cuuidon thu week Mr J F B.ittnum ,in ^p nding a fi'kv days in Camden. Mrs K a llughcp, of St. George wlio has been visiting relatives here rr(n;iH.d homo Wednesday aecompa nicd by lursihter, Miss Jennie Slic orn who wul f-peral fecvfial weeks in George. Mr unit Mrs II I; Pehlosburg left Monday aft^rnoon fur New York, where-Mr ^'ehlosburg expects to buy a tremendous stock of poods, and vp11 have some altrnoliveHjargiins to oft'?*r hi? ciihtomers when he returns. * Wr W I Villep'gue, of Washing on, i) is in the eity fir a few daj a. , - Mr. Williams Withdraws Wrt ftte requested l>y Mr. R. I) Willmms to eny lliitt on aeciunt of nis dulit*fc on tlie s'.hU- cocfctahuldn (iili't he tii 114L dcclili'' In slnnd for olec'-ion bh Magistrate in De-Kali* Township In wi. Iidrn winj; from il>? raoa he 8 befn del i v< r< d to tin; sub*cribei3 in CtnuiKo, bv\ Manager R. K. Walker. Tile new diirclory bllrsctivo iti nppenr anee uud contains all the changes nod correction?) in listing thai have bccu made since the last directory was printed.v , TLtT number of nrw uaid^ Hp peering in the list would indicate thiit there ai? constant additions to the number of eubsoiihers in Camden and vicinity and the tele phone development is continuous. The Southern Bell Company bai? Involved u pine wherehv It furn' islwe telephone. agivice to farmers nnd other rural residents on an economical basin. Aa a result the lelepUpno is "now"*T.lM5~ TlltngU<}" IV '? I H"( { Huin I noh Top fe w ' o Utti'ttl ? ?l Jielyc (t l)i c)iar^ s( Mr*. M>utlin 'J'tiiin. .KMIN \. (iKTIVS LAl'HKKST. MIILS, ICxeeutois Camden, ?. 0., Tu'y 2'J, 1'JIO. Pimento tWeei>e, Pegnut Hotter. Olive-,. l\ek/e* At liruecB Farmers' Inniiiuto at Bethuno ? Farmers institutes will bit held wmlti the mispiecu <>f Clomson Col lege ni lieLl?uno on the 31<1 .nd much v:t!uuLU in formation t<> (lie farmers will b? piosented. ].<. is hoped that a go id (ttcwil will l)?? in a t ton lancu. One fe.utuH- 111 At is especially desired to, sin mb is the import tinco of asking questions frceh. If they will do this frut'.lvt much gteULer hunt (it will be derivrd by those fainier* who attend. I). N. Barrow, Su pel in tendon I. * MRS. HELEN M. BAIEEY \Vkm horn July 27, 18-itt, nnd died June 0, 1010. Shu whs convened in < ariy life, and joined the Medio I dial Cnurch, of w hich c?he remained n member until she was tbkcii from j her devoted family to the home ?svtttfrv many mansions are.4 Mrs. Bailey wi?3 a consistent Christin??, a gentli', 'loving mother, anil a Uue helpmeet io her family. Siie np*?nl hei lift! in the service of others, an:l although olio had been in fee >>L health for some time. her ..death I came very midden. She wag r. J? way* patient and bitghl and cbeei fill. I always greatly enjoyed my ass >cintion with her, and in h?i dea'.h J ftel a sense of personal be reavement. She is survived by nine ehilditii. The bcn?.diciion of lur ;ifr- wiil abide f-rtVer in the heart* r.f iicr futn'ly and many othoiowuii whom situ oh inc in touch. , Mis. .William I) Giigfthy. * i Ulaney. The Blaney Giadod School w II open on Monday, AoyuH la!, wuh !*<< f Thomns-Hgnin in churg\ Mis \V. fJ. Bu.rn?, Msscs Agnes *nd Emmie Dora Bums, of Miibik, Ala,'?vp| he iho guests of Dr. and Mr*. W. I) Grlgsby next week. Mil vv;li iie avoided, and will b0 I'frlD'illtii* 0)1 I! S lioi.?i*. 1,602 AO lUnkitiu 11oiiijt', I'umUuro Hiu) I'ixiuu !? 1,5 '! |4 I Hi" from National 11.ti.K~ tmifuu) i?uc (rum Hmti' mikI l'livuH Hulika a lid HunVors TiuM'P*?to.>, ami Htivluga Hunks 72 Hit Dui> from uinirovcd JT-HTTO a^i-nts O.ftttJ 7\I Olitu>k* nml oilier <'a?li lUin# ,r?, ?''>45 II of other Nutional Hunks Mix) 00 paper rurivney, jiirketR mm! cents 1?7 10 Lawful \?? in Bank, vis; -? Wpeolo, 11 ,f<80 25 I,4'K'il-?cn>U'r noUe. 3,300 00 14,780 ?5 li00 00 Tola! $341,11114 8# LI AIII I.ITIKS OilpitHl Stork I'aid in $ 50,000 00 Ku/Liiiu fm?tl 10,000 00 UiuHvMoi.1 FroflU, le*n Kx pcnucw ami Trtxt^n Fald 0,002 17 National Hank not?p nut* Hliindiiu' f>0,0(M) (Hi I>iu? lo os11**r National ll*nks 8.0.13 73 Ihie to 8f?(o it tit 1 I'liyu V Hanks and Hankira :i/KX) 00 T i.vlilonilf 00 itij oo OanhnnrH < lieoks rut landing 1 '>o 1MII payable inelumug eerlili raits < f deposit f?'i' money lioiTowt>or thuu lao-o hIxht> siult tl (Ho^ervo Inf. art) 1000 00 Total $ 341,0CH 81 T F <3 fi 3 IE XJ F f T y TillJ IMS! MOIMI, BANK OI? CAMDKN, S. 0. Appolntmonto for Congressional Ap pointments. The candid.iU\a for ('ongrceB in Fif I In corgrnstdonnl district . wi'l Kpcelc at tlje following pinc? h in K> r ftiinw connty : K?-i>t?n\v, July 22. Wostvillo, August I. Betbnne, August, 2 lilancy, Au^unt 3 Catudeu, August 4. Married. Hy Rev. M. L. Ijiwnn fct -the U.tjui 2-1 l!i ins'., Mr. Qeoi?t' A C? fail to Bell. If ynu ho linking price, tell them what it i-, they cither adver tise or 6011 piivauly. Ami if yo(i want to buy, lull them what yr -u want iuhI they will try to llnd it for you. L A Kitklttnd can be found at hit HIK'e in ( 'uhj i? e of the mcd?l country hum on in Iv?rdhHw county. Everything boat the place ia new and up-to date und It ia a gnat pleasure to see how nicely he hu8 everything arranged both at the house and the lot. He owus hid own lighting plant and to be inside of liih house makes one feel as though they wete in the heart of a bi? city. Tetlej'a Teaa, White House Coffee At Unices CENTRAL CAFE & DINING ROOM Everything Guaranteed To Be I* resh and Clean NEW MANAGEMENT Central Cafe & Dining Room D. Cacloniis Prop; Correct Apportionment of School Funds For the Year -?EN4JING JUNE 30tli, WW, . I>isl. No-. 3 1 ft It 7 H I) 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(1 17 IS 1M . So 21 ?>?> 24 .ft, ?20 ML* ap 40 ?? 40 ( ash Hal. I.ast year 7'>t.2H ~ 527.5M 11 1272.41 . 820.18 KIU.15 297.98 255.43 270.42 90.79 . *l>7 (.85 ?07.72 ; frcua 208.10 _ 1)21.82 ioir.Br 149.10 109.78 Z " *2^.99 57.47 108.20 ? 240.X5 - 425.12 ;-i mi < UhioI. !t Mill lax 2 is:{ 2.) ~ ia?!U5 4i5.ko.. ]?rt.nr> 210. tn XtO.80. 210.1.) 501.M 70?.8fl 2hs,7.-> Ml. 80 720.72 1R1.K0 2 IS. 66 S7.7H 688.53 OIKMW 100.8S-. 085. Sif> 1W.W 311.85 488,00 ~m;38 " 116.50 J 50.16 IJVO.lft 108.05 ? 178.25 tttl.00 S 221.07 Tax "fTl.U!) 05,00 27.50 2H. 50 o.oo 0.00 27.50 no.oD ffi.fig 27,i>() 2t).00 8.00 . :?5.5 0 8.00 ' 45.50 28.50; se.f?o -IrftO ih'.fto 11.00" 10.00 4.0O HKOo 7.50 8.00 , 1.60 , 13.50 99,dO Co. lJlSp. Profits r.-^i.TT 751.05 282.20 100.05 122.65 122.56 880.24 804.74 161.25 295.70* 108. is lort.20 185.45 ' 49.02 4(10.21 :MS.^4 ' _ 109.65 8?4.75 - 6fU>6 *174.15 2-15.10 - 109.46 v 04.50 88.85 r *3.85 68.05 96.76 - 129.00 126.18 T192.97 Mper.iul Other Levy Reven'a 01 Of). 07 0411.70 JI.O0* "2.? i, liS 08.21 184.07 104.04 010.11 State A ill :M.49 loo.oo 248.SO ?208.16 ?? -i.f.T 2 rt v ' ? ? , H/W.Oo Total Cl) 11 n's, lOflOtMW I, V ] 1280.W 7-j:j.29 *>?!.?<> GO 1.02 lft4M.H8? 20A8.01 18A7.82 1472.22 2801.40 083.wa 727. 1iV* 22 1603.22 mi.ii 086.72 1 W7.38 7hi . ?v<; 1808.17 ? S07.1LL. 870.16 472.76 ?440. W 807.26 401.20 1061.44 ^ 0UM7 42270. HO Kxpcmlt's Tik:V6.h:{ 2802.08 X. 201.86 420.16 lfelO.,82 1747.02 901.78 1276.06 2218.60 {>04.26 4i>a.oi 120.10 ' 1020.70 1866.98 1 448.16 - looo.:** 180.00 602.01 13MMM) J87JUML 807.00 970.66 296.67 '990.06 806.86 i 8HU14.10 29. 96 211.17 28JS1 906.09 . 890.04 11)0.67 - 682.00 . . 129.08 ft 284. <>4 880:12 88.88 70.79 10H.78 ?r. otir, /tti tin/.'W tW.98 ^ 27T>.0t 108.67 ' 480.01 ^ ' V~ 42.16 ; 186.69 iaj? ?Overdrawn, J J.J* MoKJCKZIK, Slpmhixtbwdbkt or E?t?oATtoM Kiuitit Oochtt, *, Ol .V^ - ' ?-;?? - ? ? ' - At The (Jilt Edge Store Hot Weather l*ar gaius all over the Store. Nice, cool Summer goods going at big sacrifice. / ' Now here is our proposition. We have a lot of Sum mer goods that we are going to close out in the next two months, as we don't want to carry over a piece of them, so" if there is any thing in White Goods, Figured Muslin, Cotton Voile,MadrasGing hams, Mercerized Novelty Dress Goods, Etc., it will pay you to see us. Special good values in La dies' \nd Children's White/ Strap Sandals. Out prices in Men's Boys' and Ladies' Ox-, fords. Closing out our men's and boys' Straw Hats at cut prices. Big values in Table Damask J;ip Art Squares 9x12 at $3.50, Lot Crex - Hugs and Art Squares. One ense remnant Percales in bun dles at 20c lb, 1 lot light col ored Fugi Silk at 29c yd. Come and see us; we will interost you. Yours respeelfully, , The Gilt Edge Store , P. T. Villepigne, Proprietor ? ... ,<>?"' *