Remedies are Needed WtHre>we perfect, which wo ere, not, lncdiuiue* would uot Often be needed. But alnoe our *y*teu>* have be come weakened, impaired and broken down through indiaoretiona which have gone on from the early age*, through couutUui gcucratum*, icuuadic* urt aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwUe acquired wcukucbuc*. To reach the teat of *tomeoh weakne** and consequent digestive trouble*, there la nothing 10 good ? l)r. Pierce'* Golden Medioal Diioov* cry, a glyceric comnound. extracted imm ?????<* iuul roots - sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. I of Weak Stomach, biliousness, Liver Complaint, Piin in tho Stomach alter eating. Heartburn, Bad llrcath, liclohing of food, Chronio Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangeiucuts, tho "Disoovery" is ? time-proven aud moat cftoicut remedy. The rionulne ft as on Ha ~ /Q cvC^WM r\ ""s/JiSSSS?" "*? You oan't afford to accept a secret nostrum a* a substitute for this non-aloo* holic, medicine oh known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. l)r. Pierce'* Pleasant Pellets rcgulute and Invigorute slomaob, liver ami bowels. Sugar-coutsd, tiny granules, paay to take as candy. the Famous The STEADY WHITE J LJCHT* '1 h? ItAYO LAMP Ix ? hJ#ll KT ?'!? litjiiii ? ?>lfl lit Ik low prl<'.?. 'J h< r but tiioro (? no hiiiiji t?t any Tin* Humor. Uio ih? I'M i nut 1 1 < > < i ?.?/? I II t?r>! vitftl IhtoKi ill h l.'iiiui; liioto | urln of Wi? )urfrvll>' roiiKt;ii ID kltiK thnl ?? ?il l n I'l to t!i < Viiluo nl tlu> KAYO i? light .{i vu, if ilflvirw, Sti|tulil? for uny room In Mio )??>uuo. I'.viiry of ilio Standard Oil Company * <1 tif?r|in i ft I ???! ) rot <-OI,l>!H nno >> crook in l lir' , oli! si icTi i? ill to t ;i K (? .i^'ii il iitiiii< < /I v villi thrc.i' | ?. 1 1 1 s waiiT, h will h;iv<* )?u da;,s ainl |nih.i|>s vsiii.s nf mirti'i v. \\ liiil ? S.'i i'i?li!?!? h tin* \V-i?r!?l Hi-i' lli-'ir c IT- - r III lul v??ri Ifn riiuiit in it 1 1 1 > t h i ? r c In ; 11 n < f Utl-> | ii {??? r . A Tnlo ol IIhko. ~ A lift, ilot i'S of \ ii t< i I i u is i i' n \ i \ i'i| in I'il I i-.. (lie ol ! hi in 1 1 I i- i ! 1 ? i M ' (? \ | ti I H i* lil^liif 1 ? 1 1 : ? ? I'ri'n r lin -' I ami', Mini \ol tin I in ; | ? ? I" ;i I ? J?? "ii I'l ?> I to | Toiioiuh e 1 i ? I ? -;n l a :n* .' 1 1 tiaiMl'.l ' ' M iolati c ?'.*>l m nil'." In all'., i !i ' ? ? f (In- int i'i, ales M. . \ iv | ? J ? ? - ; - ilciil o|' tin1 scnati\ :i ; ?? ? r? ?:i ?? t- ? ? I llm niistio.-s ol' t lie lin:*.-, a. .1 sinl. lan*_'liiliLr : " I i ?!? T. I : I l:a\ ?? I n i'hIii a ii '. I ;i\?- ? I I 'p> ; :M t !ia' \(>u I in' I 'I U i ?! I ii^ In iin:i I ! ?? l.nlv whispiT .?"!. it' i'i'|-ls . * " 1 * . 1 1 . t r ! ^ rs. \\ '?? \v c !?? to I < , i * i * !??????? loai tci'ii; lint M. I " I'm it lia> i;\i ii r l Iniiist It' at 1 1 : ?? I ?-! ?; ii . int. ;'it<-| | i I ail In soinl 1 1 ? i a vr -tiiii!<\ T'l'tv's ? 'III* III II, it Ulic-! s If'IV V I: I wnal'l never it ? ! < > \\ n 1 1' v.r wen1 i!,.r!i'i:i at. tal l''. ' ' A n oit 1 .it ? . f, M . IV lltlkn / wit1: \ : i : i t* I I ''.in \on ia:v.-o.i v'.\ ili.a : ? linr.'"' in- ii-lcil t1 ; ? i ! . *' !t I ? ? ;i -i? t hfrre V -KM.- .i.a.Ui". !;. :??_* v !??* '>? ii I I Jliil "I si 1 ?: i!<.'\ n . t ' i ? i : I ;i! I:, Me ! ' ' Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W. ^'a. ? ' ' 1 lY-i \---\\ Iowa ?the last ton years of r.-.y ::!> ;.?> ! . v, ; : a tftu'.f l',il|i ;' ;.'U;d i\ !'?>??!) w-.-us a > I w:\> ;i . i j k i t ! vf k1i;i:Io\v. 1 ivi'U uiul?' r thr <];.??; 1 1 earvlmt l''i( :it>rr!icf. Mv It U s :>;t tul J? r sn;i ! 1 1 trv !'. I'uikli 'in s \' t 1 1> ! i? ( 'in. i M w . ? ? ^. ?1 :.k ;i .?! <; :i.. !? and mi. wry. I rru? women to t ;i k I vi: i K i ink: tin s Veget able ( * ? ? i j ? ; ?? ? ?? ? ? i." Mi:.-. K i v \ WllKA'l \' ie'.Mia, v? \ Lydia K. l'ii:ki..i!)i s \'i t\>:n ound, made fro ni native room" a fid orbs, contains r.o naveotics or harm ful drugs. and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female ciiseasesof anv similar medi cine In the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on tile in tho IMnkham laboratory at l.ynn, Mass., from women h?*> have kern cured from almost every lorm of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration, displacement s, fibroid tumors,' irregularities periodic pains, b.rt'kache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every audi suffering \\ muan owes it to herself to give I.vdia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would liko N|ieeial udviro about your case \vrii?- a rontideiv tial 1 <*t t I rs. I'inkhain, at Lynn, Mass. Il<*r advico is tree, and always helpful. ThA Idnal PALATAL ^Crenmof Cntharllo ? ? , , Cnator Oil "(mii.ouN uomnsiifiw*' owiwm a,tpiii,iuiiX(nl|<,>^25o> aix amiaui>T> I !|| 'I yon imw, lit 1 1 ?? lioy, t Lilt it is ?vr< tivr ??? 1 I V !li - lor 'h cats 1 ' ' '*1 I "? ma 'ant Ma won't IH ttto Yin. ' ' I'lm ajjo Ti iliittn'. Not Wortlt the TrotiUe. M i^s ( l eal liain : ''1 I ?? ? 1 1 ? \ . Mi-- I'rank : "lirallv? \\ asn 't t-lw caii.f wiulh I !.?? m :in.!al ?" I.mluii V ? ? vt- V , ;:i:s i.osr ruwrits, a Jimii li 1 r '? ?? ;i i '??? t > . 4.1 "l-.lur 'i|i nn'l r.i.iko (; ?. If \>l iil'i- I ? I \ >?! ?. .( \ oil mo 1 r r 1 1 I [ - . If \>m 1 ?< U ? c n > -is r? l- If. If >"ii ? n ii fc. ! \ ? :c f'll! l:i.i;ily \ , I i n o;i I li I < !.( \ r ::1 |...w . . 1 ' 'lit B|-c! ?! r.:. i!" Mr i n i; ??'. < ? i -< ?ir I pii: I 'tis 1 1 !1 I \ .? v.!| ).:i I lilftil - I i ? ":i Ml .\ i <)\ ; \ ITAI.I/I II I Pi'1.1 y..ii#vil I .'t: i to fi l l liu- v t:;!i c . . I . f !*!.: I : "iv !v nfli-r l {i. j- >?-< i? ? i f. Mu::y .p. ;t.' 1 .!?' T. r <. I ..1 i. 1 i !'!, *ut i?it i! lit Nn . tl:n K-ni-lv l- ??(Ii- In.- I.Ir I h.-'itiiil 1 1 tin, hirnt'. v- >?! iH pi-*. iK in .I't" i ? ? Oild. i" 1 1 I a!" :: \ > i l.i'til. I)r l'il i. I 1' lii'i . I > i, v..- '! ? I ?? ; 1 1 : s i ! \v : f j it i >?: , 1 1 r i< Ii i>l!irr. P n'l iii^l??i 1 f'-il 1 1 ti,:'! 1'i-it i u'l.i vnnr tiVAli iii .1 niav !??.!.! I i s"l'U'i 'n?v? i .i;jm . Aliens I. It lUam will o'.loi-i iialt> olii'ik it . HasU n >!nw 1 Aiij'.i' i in C'iH'snr. r?>r iii: % r>A< ii !?:? iii?-u*' ? \ im pin r Wl.rtl'.f'r f; ,,ni CnMs lira!. St.on.neil Of ? Spfv..;. , t ,.,.uil;i r vv'.'.t l <-itf*ve yolt. It ? Hi it'l i-'< a??: take- ? tmnu'tU tielv T. y i: l.v . V.V. ami 10c ?i ilrug ?to ;s Xoil.injj linos sooner tl.nn tenr*. ? l':c.:rl-. So. 47-09 THEiR SKIN TROUBLES CURED. Two Little ( ? i rl h Had K< /ciua Very lladly ? In One ('use Child's Hair Clinic Out and l.eft liarc Patches ? i.'lltii'ura N 1 ? ? t with Success. "1 have l wo little ^;:ls \\ heen troubled \? in ii'il.! u. it i.i . v. : mm . w lit : i it >? .m-.>-iiv.> ?? ni ?- '. ?* I t ' !.???? t winter ; w i.i ii it i i:;.v' i ? ! I t ! ? ." i ?! ,i : t o ! o ? 1 1 ? .nul i.'.mi (? r 1 i. a;., if v. ..nil t t:i';r t ) : ir !:i!i - ? f hy?!Ct:'-n. I . o .:r'. I ,*re \ worse all the tm?ih Mi* (,'lnirlet | linker. Ail.: -i. M ?? , Se; t 21. 10 -S." IN :t<-r 1' ..^ A: *. 1 1 v ; n tVr.i , S.:'.c Props. : of i*u'...u!.i lh"iifil.e< ili' V:\hh. ; N> i.o hut the cum t empt i I > 1 o nre np ! prehoti^ivo t of contempt. ? Hoche j n-.ilcl. why rropi.r. sn i KH. : Too fifr?n th(? k iduovft nro t ho rauso j .'.ml tlie ? ifT?'rf It. ! Sick kidneys hriti^ hoadaelic and side | pains, lameness ntir. Ashford, then post Hiir geon at Police, esl nhlishcd a Held hos pital of J.'Jti herds for the treatment ot persons who could not he accom modated in the hospital of the city, fully three foui t lis of those were suffering front what was behoved to he faulty diet. Heller nutrition was pros ided. hut this, with other reme dies fail' d. It I lie 11 that Dr. Ashford made the discovery of tho hook worm, ot anemia, and also found a remedy which has steadfastly prov ed snci ( ssf u). INTELJLIOiiiliiE^Cr THE FOX. Apparently Able to Distinguish Be tween Real and False Dangers. The ill! el I iueiiee (it' I In* fnx is often hlloWll h\ I lit' WilV III' I'M'uxeS to 1)C headed when lie |i;is made Up" lii.s mind ns In I he sale course t(i take. 'file \Ve, ,i!.i ? his point the a'Uaiilaue i> on hi* side, then noth ing *\ ill t e r'l Ijiim. To ret 111 n t .? I he West Somerset at K ilv" : ihev l<>iiud a fox, ainl tl|e -whippci in. >ec;i:u' ( I ut t thw I'ox mean' to ?(i to 1 he elnis it possible. started lo head 1 1 1 1 1 1 ntf. Tlii' u round was ? ? j ? 1 moi t ? > i !..>!: mile the uhipp?>r 111 mi l l<>\ w< re inl-.iiiv parallel lines, the tnx eh Mil;.' M:e:iniii'/ to slip by ami timl .1 p 'ri;e m l he ditTs. Th:"* man turned t ! <> j'i.\ ::wav at last, hut III a si 1 > ; I lin e the hounds |(>st h i in. ami I ! : 1 * .1 I k alter all.' Avii-iu t in- u ii?:er ratitred up some oi l he" lir !' ' ''Tin1 i hi| >lo\ i ????? i oliii ?? when \vc la\i'ii't a i ' ? * o 1, . i'Ii'imv News. Hard to Chooso. "Who i- \>:n !'a\oiito in this pole coiii ro\ if ' ' ''iVarv. I li-ai'v. wonrv," rhantod I lie pool. "look. hook. hook. I can't quite make up us y ;:iind. They're boili umi.,1 for riivnu'S. "?Houston Clironu lo. It Works Both Ways. Tfnoher (to ilull pupil in rrmtho rr.atica): "You should be ashamed of yourself. Why at yur ni;e Oeorfie Wa^hiv.^ton \va< a surveyor." I'upii: " Vi<, sir; and at your nge ho was President of tho United States. "? P.oston Transcript. Y i pi "i' that p:iil \ s is near a snr J'em! i ;? I 't ? > M- ) . So. 17' 0!). c m:i i V! r.onou Prost rlltt'd l"li?d should bo troatod re gardli-KS ( f the \a:no to their pockets. Hero's nn Instance: "Four voars ago | was taken with Bevrro gastritis and nothing would stay on my stomach, so that I was on th** verge of starvation. "1 h ard of a doctor who had a summer cottage n??ar mo ? a specialist from. N Y , and as n last hope, sent for him. "After ho examined me carefully ho advised me to try a small quantity of Cirnpo-Nuts at first, then as my stomach Ihthiiio sinuiKiT to oat more. *'1 kept at It and gradually got so I could oat and digest three teas|?oon fuls Then 1 began to have color In my face, memory becamo clear, where foeforo everything seemed s blank. My llmhs ?ot stronger and 1 could walk. 8o I steadily recovered. "Sow aftor a year on Qr&pe-Nuta 1 weigh 158 lbs. My people were ?urprtaed at the way I grew fleshy and strong on this rood." Read the little book, "The Road to Wellvllle." In pkga. "There*? a Reason." K*er reed the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of hamaa interest. A I NEGRO MO WHITE MAN AKE LYNCHED Slayer of Annie Pelley Hanged and Shot at Cairo, III. HUNDREDS OF WOMEN HELPED Killed In Public Hqunre miri Then Jtiirm-d? .White Man Pie* Next, Who Wns in i'rlaoii For Murder* in? If Im Wife. Cairo, III. ? ? " Will " James, the ne gro murderer of MIhh Annie i'elley hero, wait lynched by u mob, After James whh atrunK up to tho public arch, tho rope broko, and at leant 000 shots wore poured into his body, which wuh then dragged through tho HtreetH to tho place where ,MI*? Pel ley's body, bound, t&ggcd and bruised, had been found, aud burned. Ho made a confession and implicated another negro, ?rthur Alexander, who wuh not found. Hundreds of women wero In the crowd, anxious to help do tho work. After killing James, the mob went to tho county Jail and after battering down a steel cell took out Henry 8aU* jter, a white man, charged with the murder of 'bin wife, and dragged him up Washington avenue, where he was aluo lynched. Hulzner wa? a photographer, who, It wuh charged, killed his wife last July with an ax. He was hanged to a telegraph pole and hist body wan riddled with hulletH. The mob gave Salzner a chance to confess after the rope was around h)s neck, hut he was ho frightened that ho could only mumble that hiH sis tora had killed his wife. The mob became furious at thin. When Hulzner was naked for hlB hiKi stat< ment , a man, a Htranger in tho crowd, stepped forward and said Ho believed Balzncr w.a? Innocent, whereupon the' mob fell upon him, kicked him and Anally knocked him down. . JnmcH wan found with Hhcrlff Davis between Karnak, 111., and Helknap by a Cairo mob, which went tlwre.^ The crowd overpowered tho oflleers and took the negro from them. After a conference It was de rided to bring their prisoner back to 1 1) i k city and lynch him. Sheriff I)avi? had been evading tho mob for twenty-four hours with tho prisoner. Driven from town to town by menacing Crowds, the Sheriff had taken to tho woods will) James, but could not escape the persistent search of tho nvpnqorH. Miss Annie Pelley wan an orphan, twenty-two years old. Her home was formerly at Anna, 111., but for two ypuiH she had lived with her sister, Mrs. John Coffman, in Cairo. Hho was employed as a salesgirl 1)) a dry goods store and was on her way home. The finding of tho handle of her umbrella in the front yard of the residence of Harry Lipe, tkree doors from the Coffman home. Indicated - that this was where she was first at tacked. Markson theground showed that slio was dragged seventy-five foot to tho spot where she was strangled to death. Muodhouds were put on the trail, and each of the dogs tried separately on oight tests led directly to a houso where four negroes, including a wom an, wore arrested. One of then) was James, the man lynched. TWO HOYS HOB Ii.ANK. Shoots Hanker nnd Trios Suicide Wlicii Cornered. Eudora, Kan. --Earl Hullock, a boy bandit, (if Lawrence, Kan., accompan ied by William McKav. fifteen years old, of Jacksonville, Kla., in an at tempt to repeat his exploit of a month ago. rohbr^I the Eudora State Hank of SSOO, after shooting Fred. Starr, a hanker. Later he probably mortally wounded himself when closely pressed by armed citizens. In his first hold-up of the Eudora State B: lias asked *. ho Cuban Gov ernment for an explanation of the new trade treaty with Spain, and It Is said thnt continuance of the reclproc^. I ty treaty between the Cnlted States and Tuba will depend on the answer received. To reunion Its Employes. The New York Central Railroad .idoptcd plans for retlrlrg and pen sioning Its employes. Senator From North Dakota. Fountain L. Thompson, of Cando, M. D., was appointed United States Senator by Governor lHirke, at Rls marek. N. I).. to fill out the unexpired term of Senator M. N. Johnson, who died" recently. C'zoigosz's Drother Dead. Frank Czolgosr, aged forty years, elder brother of I-con Cr.olgosz, the assassin of William MeKlnley, died from heart disease at his homo in the Polish colony near Aberdeen, Wash. Kssencc of tho New#, Directors of the Monufioro Home /n New York City decided to erect ft new and largor institution nt ft coat of $ 1,2 60,000. It was Announced that President Taft's next message to Contrast would deal chiefly with control of corporations, also reasserting bis fidelity to the Rooiavalt policies. r.~ Premier Brland narrowly escaped drfeat in- the French Chamber of Deputies, which fey a vote of 291 to 225 voted down a proposal to change the method Of election of meml>er* Of the lower hotts* * < - 'v A $ 10 White -Enameled Bed w M..M. ? Yours "Without Cost A b?nr?? ????? of Mnt?r ? ?pio I'urfhajvy or .tiiWIn HotinvlioWnniPvlui# ;-Co??#? SpU??.iUtr*i>ll?*. Our Caulua lllututu* ?ad describe* over IM* Premium# lo rl>?0#? hum it dU?#rwa??. I>IiKn,(.iiM*> FufJiiirr, *4?i ?l*u fall Mylee In Women'* Fur?, Buiw. Co?U. Skirt*. etc. jfyf--* ' U??m In a? Olf'-rnd l>? ua on (till 4 y da)a' fun,- Ir n IIAlUrtwIl oUirrwUm, wi will rrii>o??- I !>*? good* I rrtiglit < hjwuM immI cli?rg? you nothUiu for a rcu?vn loot* umx) in trial" Our Large Catalog Free ? Send for Copy KeublUh?4, 1171 Larkitt Co* Vi\,u4, Wrei ol ilie-Mltiieelunl . Hirer pleaaa ??JUreeer LAMKIN CO., PKORJA, UX. UDKFAI.O, N. Y. - to yon $m/jo worth W?f your ?cW<> (rial. You nl out rcaavnable . V ,/ y &<&'* \>Y'^ 0S* Every wind is against a leaky ship.*" Mrs. Winslowr's Rootbiiig flyrup for dtilrirea toethinf, softens th? gums, ?edu?hs inflsmin?> l*oa, allays psin , <-ur?* wind uuIm. 20c. a bottla. He 1 1ml threatens want eg his anger. Distemper In nil ita forma, aiming all ages of horse* and dogs, cured and others in the same stable prevented from having the disease with BpoUm's Distemper. < 'are. Kvery lit tle guarantee!. (.her 399,000 Lotties sold last year. 80c. nnd $1.00.. Hood druggists, or send to nuuuifuc t urcrs. Agent* Wonted! Write for free* hook, Hpohn Med. Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases. (Joshen, lnd. The dcscetit to liell is easy.-? Virgil. MB mil I. ? uu ? IULU ?+,i.A -||?, II, ?III. m CURfcS RHEUMATISM TO-STAY-CURED. BbftmiafMo ttl? tal?etsby mall 26c. Bej)d coin or l? stnmim. liooklet free. Amircsx.tlobbiltChemicil Comviny 3ltl W. Lombard. 8t.. Haltlmorc. Md Caution. ** "Would you marry a woman who had heeti divorced?" "Well, I don't know. A pood deal would depend ' oil what sho had been doing with her alimony." ? Chicago Kec'ord-llerald A Consistent Reason. Hrooke: "So you're not taking the electrical treatment ?*' Lynn: "No; they charged mo too much. ' ' ? Harper 's Weekly. A Matrimonial Bureau. "Dad, what sort of a bureau is a matrimonial bureau ?' ' "Oh, any bureau that has five drawers full of women's fixings and one man'? tie in it." ? Houston Post. All Who Would Krtjoy s good health, with its blessings, must un derstand, quite clearly, that it involves tho question of right living with all tho term implies. With, proper knowledge of what is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy ment, of contemplation and of effort may bo made to contribute to living aright. Then tho use cf medicines may Ik> dis pensed with to advantage, but under or dinary conditions in many instances a eimplo, wholesomo remedy may be invalu able if taken at tho proper time and tho California I-'ij Syrup Co. holds that it is alike important to present tho subject truthfully and to supply the one perfect laxative to those desiring it. Consequently, the Company's Syrup of Fisjs and Elixir of Senna gives general satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine, manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for Bale by all leading dru^ci'sta. Mother3^ mills will supply th e baby laxative enough, if she takes a candy Caacaret. And the laxativo will be natural, gentle, vegetable ? just what baby needs. Try one and you'll know why millions of mothers use them. Vest-pockel bos, 10 cents? at drnt-nlorei. People bow use a isilUoa boxes monthly. &50 You Need a Tonic if you feel languid and doprcssed all tho time. Tho best thing to ,he)p nature build up tho system is DR.fiJfAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE This {,/eat tonic Is not: * falso stim ulant as many of the so-called ' 'spring tonics." It is a natural strength giver. For all run-down conditions of the health it is an invaluable rem- ? edy; imparts new life and vigor and builds up the entire system. Sold by All Leading Druggist* In two sire hollies, 50c. and 35c Nothing New or Mytterious. "ASK YOUR GRAND MOTHER." For rut |*B?r?tioniOMHOrHMiui U?i r?oo*nli?d ca a wonderful r?m?d!*l ?*dlum In tr?fciin* and ?>nrlnf hmunmtlt. OripM, Hh?um*tWm inti RICK'S QOOBK ORKAttt L1NIMKN f U BMUIrnn MN|ocu jrr?M4. with oih?r y?Uu?1>1? curAtlve lugr* di?nt? added Try It. *5o? At ftll Uranlrt* find l?r?Ur?-tSo ftQOSE GREASE IN THE HOME COWAN S I'PkPAKATION li il-toluir pro / teclioil tgaliiit pnruuiunia, culdt. aoup. coufhs, pains ami ?orrm>? in tunfi ?n4 lhlO?t. Rtllcv?? el OIK e bf d(rsUM>H>< lt'? li.flrtinin j|iua and cgnlotioit. KxUnUl ?nd i>? (< atJu j(. $100. i(A, 2V. All diullisli. Siw/. catalogue rnt-c. DOW WIRE & IRON WKS. Louis ville.KV. PIPE-VALVES FITTING AND SHAFUNG, PULLEYS, BELTS. LOMBARD IROIl WORKS,'"""."" XANTHINE ""'"ir-o""'..""'' *? v^i |#T*o,.??. .nd prm?t. .1 r, M ?* Ap?k, Wild Cin?*r. ? 1-oui.yilW. Wriu (a w*l^' pocc lit* ?nH tlvp|4?? '?*?? HI, 8abul A floni, gt7 I. M?rk?t St. IQUimti.KT. Paper-Hangers & Pail Yoo c?u grMtlr (oor??u? foot t>u?In?a wj tra InoMtiuvot >>/ -tiling Alfrrd Fl?(| \V'?llpni?rr. M# wiint one BOt>d worl (M tii'lollr. ?n<) to'ttie fi??t worth/ ?I'pllronf f nti:i. t>y ur<'i>ai(t ritir?, five l/n#? book* ?tiowlng ? i'lAO.OOO.OO W dllpilixn. for < uttomer* (o *?laet from. We offBjr llln r?| to our r< j rr??i.t?lli w A nnw?r I <- h I y tiiatJK the ??it-n:\n in ;? vaiiity of suylcfc fcvory Distlor Kwry >v!.".to If Not At Y> ?rs, u'r:!'-" f r I1 ?? l";vulnr lt? Vh*? Neurvsit of '.1i j STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) wear W. L. Douglas comfort- | ablo.oasy walking, common sense shoos. A trial will convince any ono that W. L. Douglas shoos hold tholr shape, fit better and woar longer than other piakos. They aro mailo upon honor, of tho beat leathors, by tho most skilled workmen, In oH the latest fashions, shoes in ovory style and shape to suit men In all walks of life. CAUTION !S5|u.1.mVSd'rth lUmptd ?U w ^nTuTi "L*?u.