The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, July 02, 1909, Image 4

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The - .. Exceptional Equipment of Uu> California J'ig Hyrup Co. and tho aeicntiflc attainment# of it# chcini#t# have rendered j>ois?ibIe t l?e production of Hyrup of Hg? au<l IClixir of Henna, in all of iui excellence, by obtajnfng the pure medio inal principle# of plant* known to act most beneficially and combining them most hkillfully, in the ri^ht proportion#, with its whok-Momo and refreshing Hyrup of California rig#, Aft thorvj ii only ono genuino Hyrup of ] ig? and i.lixir of Henna and a# the gen*/ uino ii manufactured by an origigiul method known to tho California I'jg Hyrup Co, only, it i? alwayn ncce#aary to buy tho genuine to #et it# beneficial effects. A knowledge of the above facts enable* one to decline imitation* or to return thorn if, upon viewing the package, the full namo of thy California I'*ig Hyrup Co. i* not found printed on the front thereof. r.DlM'ATION Al. /ll.A If I M".\ I < 01 1 fi.r., II iil.ory N < Tiifhi' ' ) i-rhwl. ll< o|i><(uJ l-ui uiion. i 'J'imu ln in, Mtxlvrtilt Knlv*. J.l. MlMll'MY. l'r? * Of nil fit'1 crops u farmer raises, Or capital employs, Kujio j?iven mu'Ii i oiiifortH A ad Htrr^v praises As a < mp ci j.;ir|s ami h? ? vk. j;'rom l'lilla. Farm .Journal. An Extreme Case of Lcrcma Cured. \Vlmiton-Snl<<m, N C , July 11, 190t. Mr J. '1'. Shont rino,- Savannah, <la. Diiur Sir Nothing mIvom m? greater pltfiHuro 'ban wtu'ii I am sluKlng th? infill" ?<f T< tt< rlno I connl'ler it boyond doubt <>tu! i>f the bent Mk in preparation# ever offered tho imff?rtng ouch. Some ten ytvir# fttfo no mortal roulO buvc I >(?<* ii In a woiHc Htnte. from ccznmn thi.n myself ! hart I rled ov?ry remedy. MoihI i/iulfior. i<l-ln wilvc. yet I ne*m*d worno. it ii t J t I was one Hums of ttcbln* d'H'AH, I Ifrt ximitly a burden.. I could no* nlifi>. f'ouM do no worli The phyBlrtani r-nttM ?n>l help UK'- I wail ullliply dem j.otj ? e (Jinn. Iik; over a newnpnper I rc? i iie>l fr . ?f ?? a 1ii.1v tn Texan who wrot? you tellliur~hnr? wihdltloji and what T?*f torlpi; h;?il ilnnfl for lirr, her case WlilJ HO mm h like mine Hint I cfitirluilnd that I would trv It. feeling thnt tf flho could m i i;ft ;it a benefit It might help mo. After two or three nppltrutloini I never .':,i w ii'i' h ii midden chafiKu. 1 nm h.'ippv to s:iv I jim well ngiiln My ,fiin?> 1<Iiiit(K" had Ir tor.H a 1 ? >t of It. J have never kn>v. Ii It to fall to euro ovorv itirn. \i.t 1 make (i ppoohil (>(T?-r to art one ' iff. Mink' with Tetter, KlnffWorms ii ml I '? /.<iii:i . etc . t^iat If It In unert l?r .ii' i I*. . itn i f.illij t.? enre. I will refund tin-It in- i.. y 1 h.iv? y?t to repay any 1 1 1 * i v WI.i'mh'i r 1 aee any one hero mui. foring from Totter, ningworin, ete., t ) ?nv * " 1 11 .ii iIii.'h ?.i get a box. ututtiwt to t'l.-in t hi t tf l( fillM come to mi* and net their III 'III 1 n.'li 1 have hart tlio pluoa uto ?f ? n rlni,' tniiny with It Sincerely' youru. I' S rCurly. Tettorlne cures K.7.?nin, Totter, King Worm., Cii'i.un.l [li li IK hlng JMIoa. ln?o f > nt*s Sol. t lfeal, 1 'Impli'M, Ilolln. Hough Sea|y 1'itti ticM on tho Kftoo. f>ld Itqhlnj ' f 'nnUcrcil Hcnio. Ilu.i? ^Joiisi. f**>rti*i riilllilidiiri nn?l every form Of I h*kln I'lfieiiKo. Tot t. 'rlno DOc, Teltqrlne Snap ?"??? Your driiffxtpt or by mall from ? bo mn iiiif?. turcr, Tho f^lmptrln? To., Havannab, <5i. J'lvniL' ll"lli 1 lie Till!! lie .tell into t lie i t* i f. S | in 1 1 1 > It . I'or lirAllAi ll|< lllrkuM Afl'DIMl Wlifiher fr?"in ( nhU. Heat, Htomnch or Nl'I'Vinis I'l iilibics. ( li|.ti>Une will relieve you. Ii s liijiil.l |.t. uMii.t t<j tukc? ^ti'tjt Imiucill ?tely, Try It. Ivc., 2Jc, ami 60c. at ilrua ?toru* l.\ir> l:ir:i)er's wit'p uu;!il Id Iihvo a I'i'filv i;i wliirh lu keep ]ter iMiulit lo-lni\ n;:iiipliv. Tlutt is, the tilings slie (>m:l I t-i pnrelmsi'. Avnr:.N v<n it iia( ii aciiks It Ls a Warning 'I hat tho Kidneys Are Sl< k ami Need Help. A hail hack makes every day a dull round (;f jiatn and misery. It's a al?n tlio kidneys tiro Blck and cannot keep up their never-ending task of fllterliiK tho blood. Lame back, bark actio, dizzy spells and nrlnary disorders aro warn ings that must not bo overlooked. t). \V Hughes, 45 Head 1 1 it Avp? Dothan, Ala., says: "A year a?o I was In euch agony with kidney bladder trouble and rheu matism t hiit I was doubled over and Jind to walls with cjutchoa. I wan racked with i?ntn. and 60 bad I had to ftlvo up my farm and como to town. J only welched 10" Doan'a Klduoy J'llla Quickly Improved my back, un til I was able to walk without a crutch For Ave months I havo Im proved steadily and now weigh 100. The kldneyw are normal. " Sold by ml dealere. o0 cents a box. Fo3ter-M!lburn Co., Dufftvlo, N Y. Play Fair ? It Pays. Xo matter 1 : 1 1 w much money a man ?v,ay have h?* doe* not like to be de frauded. It lie l.u\s a o(?nt he wants the < 1 < ? f 1 1 to he vi-"! wl .tt the mer chant .says it is; ij' he bu\* a barrel of apples lie is i : !i! i^iitiii t if he dis cover* that ;!.<> !.i- apples havo hern put in the ends of the barrel and small er unbound ones between, and lie decides not to deal again with the IE an from whom lie bought them. No man wins permanent suecess who does not deal fairly with his cus tomers. Hut 1 1 1 us not li?- honest simply because it p;i\s tinaneiall v. for there is a better reason? it pays for peace of mind afforded and the true welfare of the soul. ? Farm Journal. So. 27- '00. MUNYON'S PAWPAWPILLS The best Htouiacb an<l Liver I'lIU known nud n iroalltre and speedy euro for Con* attention, Indigestion. Jaumllce. ltillousncas, Sour Stomach. Head, ache, and all ailments arising from a dlaor d#r*d stomach or aluctflali liver. Tbej | contain in con<x?ntrat I ed form all th? vir tue# and vatu<y| of Munjron'a Taw-Taw tonlr- and art mad* from the Julca of tha Paw-raw fralt. I nnhr$ttat1ogty r^oa. tncQii th**# i.UU an bcinr the b*at la*a fit* ao<t cathartic ertt compounds. Oat By GRACE E. CRAIG. Charily May stopped brink ly to ami fro boforirtho Hplnnlng-wheel which hIiu hud ii k t out to tho door Htouo of the Kray farm-honae on tlto lilll, Occasionally alio lifted her brown eyon from her work and gazed (jut over tho rolling paHlurea of tho fair 1#ln?d of l'rudoneo or acroea tho Htrlp of bay to tho Ithodo ltdand idiom. " 'TIh a fine day, Polly," Bhe paid ? t length, to t ho Htnnll girl who ant botdde hor Hewing. "I think, per ha pa, mother will Ict'uB go out In tho bout when our -work Is finished." "Oh. Charity! Dock thoo think aho will?" chirped little Polly, in hor ex citement taking rather longer Htltches than usual. " Twill he beautiful ou the hay thlu morning." Charity Ktudled the aeu and wky In tent ly, "Thcro'a very little breeze ?tlr rlng," she replied. "I am almost Hure mother will i;uy we may go for a while if we do our work particularly well. Take rare of thoae atltehoH, Poll, The 1 onea had heat come out. They will never earn thee n Jaunt, hut more like an extra long panlm." 1 *<>11 y pouted, hut In a moment laughed and pull. <1 .out the'offi Riding Ktltclusi, crootilnrc noftlv to heraelf as ehe met I hetu again with great care. Charity \vor!i?'d with ;i will, and her task war. noon Mulshed. She disap peared into life houae, and In a few nioTiieuta li< r voire rang merrily through IIr1 open door. "Mother f.a?'a 'yen.' IVllyklna. I'ut up I hy work f< <r to-d i v." t?v.'eet Mother May followed her < 1 ler daughter to t!ie do ?r, and gazed lovingly after the two young llgurea. Though Charity \v:ih 1 ' l> 1 1>' "h aenlor l.v live years. the sisters wvre loving co:nrad? h 'Dies were both very hap. I v when their brother Ib-n built for t *'??!:> :i b > : t . It wc.? a rough craft l. it ;ih 1 uuiwort by. CharPy h:id it'i.ur young arms, and noon be. i "lie i \| ert wltli the onrn, and even i 'uli' "y ar-old I'.dlv (julckly learned to : ? ; i J I uw:'v gallantly. T!,i.; nmrnlm; the boat lay on the P*i ml where Ilea had left It after a I'.bhliu tilp the d iv b"fore. I'olly, with a Joyf i| gjjrgl<?, climbed In, ami t'i. k lier fent In the utern. Charity I 'isIh d <i(T with little dllllcult y, and ihi > vt <?; .? s:..;n ( ;:rs the v, !d< ? b- > Je in of N;i rragan?.et t Iiay. On tills Au.ijmsI morning t!ie warm, bl'ie haze made nil distant points vague nnd In <' I t l:i< t Presently Chailtv droppt d uarii ami khI still v I'll clasped hamla, and even Polly for oncp was 'I'll''. :! V the little 1 >( ?;> t drilled \N i t ! I the ebbing tide down t twrird Newport nnd t'.ie ocean * "The French ships Halted out yes terdav to r.e < t Admiral KoweV ??q':nd rnn at ivn, so father was tell Ing 1 1< ? : i last night," Charity an Id at UiHt, breaking the long silence. "How .an men n ? ; ! ? t and kill each other In thlx li'vi lv summer weather?" "Oil. Cliarlt\' 1 >o they really do such drel'lfiil things? Does tllee think It ? a n 1>" really true?" and IVllv lift, d a horrllb d fuce from the wiiti r. Ill which she had boon dab 1*? i ti ?.? h<-r dimpled (Inj'i'rs liberally bo s-pattering her gray gown nml white kerchief I "1 fear It h, lambkin," her sister nnswered with a shadow for a mo ment In her dark ovck. "lien snld ho i heard firing ovnr In Portsmouth when I ho WBit out fishing yesterday. " A pnlT of wind comtng oyer the water made Charily look up eu.ddon ly nt 1 1 1 ?? " "l is pit 4 noonday. ids," she said, "and wo uro a long way from homo. Wo must start nt onoo or mother will worry." Hastily picking tip her onra sho turned tho boat away from tho near by Portsmouth shore, r.nd headed for Prudence Inland. As she Bottled her si If for tho Ion* pull homeward, something on a point of land directly !n front of h^r caught her eye. 9hd hold her oara suspended and looked again. "That must bo n signal of distress , yonder." she finally said to her slater. ! "Turn about. Poll, and see what thee j can make of It." Tolly screwed her body around, and i;az* d with w ide, blue eyes. '1 see naught but a rag tied to a st Irk ahe bald "How thou af frighted me. Charity ! " "Yes, bit why yhould a rag be Med to a stick on that lonely point? Some poor creature must bo In trou H ?>. Wo will go and boo." Unco on shore, ahe hesitated. Was she taking her little ststor Into peril? "Would thee rather elt in the boat and wait for Charity?" ahe asked. "No, no," and Polly scrambled hastily out and caught her hand. "I'll not be left I will go with thee. Wo will take care of each other." The two girls climbed the slope to the summit of a knoll, and tliero, a few foot away, was tho Uttle staff v Ith Its pitiful banner. They 1 ? breaded tb?4r \v?y through the tan gle of bushes, stopping now and then to look and listen All about tho bayborry ami sweet-fern iimi uv?-h crushed and trampled as by heavy foot, but nothing broke the utlllnoss of the 8uiti!ner noontide save the bees buzzing over the flowers and the [ crlckota chirping In tho grass. "There must have been a skirmish hero yesterday," Charity said. Suddenly Rhe stumbb^l and almost fell over something, and stopped with an exclamation. There, In tho shelter of R1 thicket of bnyberry, lay a man In tho uniform of a Hrltlsh officer. Polly citing toiler slater and began to cry loudly. At her sister's assurance, Polly took courage and stopped crying. Coming closer, she examined admir ingly the scarlet cost with Its trap ping* o ! fold. To the nttle Qjiskor Is si, Wbe be4 netrer before #*et> Mt/iU&i tobtf nmtate >M, ? -r, ? 5 Boomed a moat wonderful Might Indeed. Mm it w?B Charity'* turu to look dlutroB?od. "Wo iniiHt get hi in Into tbo bout und lake hint homo at onoc," bIio *ald. "Hut how, Charity? Ho look* heavy," nud l'olly nurvoyed tho prou troto in ii it doubtfully. "I don't know." uiiHwored.hcr #Ih. tor, "but wo muMt And a way," and hIh> gently touohod tho gold-brulded k1o< ve. Again tho Boldlor opeiled hit oycB. Buddenly ho made a woak ef fort to rlno. "Can theo not move a llttlo way now, if wo help thee?" Charity aaked, looking out a bit Anxiously acroBB tfeo wldo Btrlp of wutor to Prudence Isl ands A frOeh wostorly wind had sprung tip, and l'olly'B "whlto rufnea" of (in hour ago had become wbolo capB now. Onco more the woldlor endeavored to rlso. and (IiIb tlino, with tbo glrl'B help, Buccerdod. "If thou can only got down to our boat," Charity urgod, "wo can tukn j thoo homo, uud then mother will caru for thee." "Conn*, poor aoldlor," I'blly echoed. "Dojir mother will malto thee qulto Well.'' "IMohb your doar heart, pretty one?," he Enid. I, Imping painfully with tho Hllf fonod.log dragging, ho mado hla way to tho bench, Charity Jmst behind him, supporting him when he tt topped to roHt, and l'olly by IiIh ?ldo patting his rod nloovo when who folt bo needed encouragement. The man'* breath caum In guHpK, but hu tunilod ut blu reKruorti. j ''(rood lllllo Ha"marltann," bo wbi? ptrod. buy, promising a beautiful to-mor row, Charity and Polly, ouc^uoro In apotloaa cups and kerchiefs, wore alt ting Ou tbo old 4oor-stono baud lu bund. ? ... ? , 'Tin glad wo saved .tbo, young man," Polly remarked happily, "and 1 think bit red coat I* wry pretty, own (hough 't Is wicked." "Dear llttlo Poll," Charity an swered with a half mull**. " 'T Ih not wicked for blm to wear a red coat, llo woara rod, tbo tidor of JUU king, just aa wo wear the gray of tbo Frlenda." "I w|sh Friends woro red tbon, If 't (a not wicked. I llko It," Polly aald decisively. "For shame, Polly," her alster ad monished. "If Klder Wblto Kbould bear then, bo would nay again that mother Ih not strict enough with ui." Upstairs tbo lirliluh ofllccr, his In Jury .having boou found to ho only a bad, strain, lay lu Mother May'a lav onder-aeonted boat-room bed. Ho was now fairly comfortable and bad told bla atory. When tho French ship* had boon lured from Newport harbor by tho appoaranee of Admiral Howc'a fleet, the British troops bad inarched out of the city, and suc^eoded In driving tho Americans .from the bland, though not without severe loss. In the battlo on tho downs, ho, Blr Hugh Grantham, major In bin Majesty's Sixty-third Foot Regiment, met with an accldont. His horse was shot, and foil Instantly, pinning him beneath Its body, and Injuring his right leg. Ho with difficulty crawled away from tho aceno of the combat, and, when tho llrltlHh retreated to tbo city, was left unnoticed In bla place of re-fugo under t<ffo buHhou. Next day, he aucceedod In drngglng himself nearer tho ahoro and hoisting a signal of distress, a bit of his shirt-sleeve tied to a stick. The young soldier Improved' stead ily under, tho kindly rare of tho QiiakerB, and soon was ablo to limp down-stairs, and often Joined tho children. In CtFOtr favorite working place on tho old door-stone. Ho proved a merry companion, tolling many stories of his homo across tho sea, tho old red manor-bouso among tho great ouk-treoa, where bla mother lived with his little siMtfr Marjory, whom ho declared Charity str.ongly roBombled. Polly rejoiced f|l^*lltly " I <itup!n;r l'nlntully, n<. MiuU? ills Way to tlio Ileacli." i-> ml ? 1 ? * 1 1 1 y Polly cried out, "Oh, Charity! l.uok, there's a storm com ing: " "Wo must get homo before It breaks." Charity spoke calmly, hut for n moment her heartbeats quick ened "There Is no shelter hero, ubouts." Making a last, supremo effort tho soldier rolled Into the boat, and faint ed . "Never mind him, rollv," Charity commanded. "Thee must take tho oth'er pair of oara and pull for dear llfo." A low growl of thunder In the wer.t served to turn Polly's attention from their wounded passenger. She caught up her oara atu\ rowed like the brayo llctfo woman she was. "What time tloea theo think it la, Charity?" ?ho Inquired once. "After three a good hit," her sla ter answered. "Mother will he worrying," the lit tle rlrl said, with o alight shiver. "Yea, mother will bo worrying," her sister repeated, looking over her ehoultler at the approaching clouds. She fully ? realized what Poly only felt, that they wero In a perilous po pltlon. Wind and tide were both against them, but they made good progress for some little time. Tho young man at their feet moaned now and then and moved uneasily, but tho two rowers pulled steadily on. "Mother will care for him, onco wo roach home," Charity said, look ing back again at tho clouds, which had now rolled over tho sun. It grew suddenly dark on the bay, tho wind died away slowly and tho sea became oily. In the lull the row ers paused to rest. Suddenly a vivid flash of lightning rent tno darkened sky, followed by a crashing peal of thunder. . The girls in the boat sat motionless, petrified with terror. For a blinding, aleafenlng moment, sea aud uky seemed to moot- Then the squall shrieked down upon them in all 1 1 h fury. Charity's cap blew off, atid her dark hair waved wildly about her fnou. but sho nung the whole weight of her slender body upon the oars, pulling valiantly, and shoutiitg through tho din for Polly to do tho sumo. Olio moment of hesitation on the part of either would have caused disaster, but, guided by tho two pairs of oars, tho llttlo craft kept her noRO pointed to thu seas, and rode <^ut tho Kale. The worst of the blow was over in & fow minutes, and then sheets of rafn began to fall. Through tho storm tho young mariners rowed bravely on toward tho home shore, and, after half an hour of hard work pulled into tho calm water inside the point < When the atorm clouds had rolled fover, leaving the western sky aflame, .wiifc u* ft uiohow n>mm* ' ' ?' >?;; ~ -? wh<*n' ho onco more donned tho beau?? tlful red ?nd gold coat. "It Is ho Kay," sho said, patting it often. "1 do like It." "Dear heart!" Its wearer cried one day, catching her up, "I believe you nro a little turncoat. I think you would really chango your peaceful Gray for warlike red. Ik? It not so?" "Yes," and Polly struggled to bo free. "I would. Does thee not think I could he as good a girl In a red coat fis In a gray one?" "Perhaps," ho answored gravely; "but certainly you could not bo a i braver- little maid," | At laHt the day camo for Father j May to tako Major Grantham ovor j to Newport, whenco ha was to Ball I fur England with hla roglmont, and 1 two very sorrowful little lasses In j white caps and kerchiefs wntchod their father's boat out of Bight. ! They missed their friend sadly and they had' not forgotten him, when, I In the early spring, a boat camo up from Newport bringing letters and a largo box which had Just arrlxjd from over the sea. Tho letters wero from the major and his. mother, thahklng I the Mays once more for their klnd j ness to tho wounded "redcoat," prais ing the bravery of the little girls, and begging that tho family accept tho contents of the box with tho hoart felt gratitude of tho Ufanthams. Marjory sent many loving messages I to Charity. When tho great box was opened* wonderful treasures wero disclosed, beautiful things such as tho slmplo New England Frlonds had seldom reen. Books for Father May and tho boys, One linen and delicate china for tho mother, soma heavy silver spoons for Charity's dower-chest, "Just like Marjory's," the letters said, and, down In the very bottom some thing red. Aa Mother May drew it out, Polly began to danco. ? 1 "For me!" sho cried, "Is It not, mother dear?" | Iler mother looked at tho label a little doubtfully, nnd then suddonly I smiled, a3 she saw her llttlo girl's shining face. In another moment Polly was shaking out beforo the ad miring oyos of tho family a beauti ful, long, scarlet cloak. "May J wear it,. mother? Will the? not say I may?" aho begged. And Mother May, Wise woman that sho was, otlll Bmlllng, answered gently, "llioo may wear It somo tlmcs, my dear.* ? ' C . And Polly did wear It until the Friends In Providenco City heard of the frfvolous red cloak down on Prudonce Inland, and aent a stem letter of remonstrance to Mothor Ma>\^ Then it wu laid carefully away fiTid has -been kept safel? through many, many years, and Polly's great, grtat, grandchildren Mill si a memento of thotr imis ABftmttfc - . - NEWS FROM WASHINGTON voTTnT^lffltz. I i t ! 1 1 t affcingr] characterized 4he wprjt iit the Hanaro Wednesday, The lumber Kchedub was disposed of ami t ho duty 6n jn'ic llpph'S WUH Ui<'tTU?fMl, tllO HlittUCO committee suffering u defeat in the latter case. An ul t cmpt to red 1 1 co /the finance committee's rate of #1.60 per thousand on ?nw*(| |mnl*-r to $t; the Houae rati*, was h?st. The entire wood schedule making reductions of about 25 per cent from the present rates wan agreed to. A new amend ment to the voul schedule, offered by Mr. Aldrich, reducing the duty on bituminous eooj from 07 to GO cent# a ton and eliminating the reciprocity clause from the House bill,' was adopted, The two Hen tit or m from Florida, a pineapple- producing Stuto in upholding the amendment to ii? rreuw the duly on pineapples Iron *7 to $8 per thousand, were opposed by the two Senators from Maryland, in which State there are a number of large pineapple canning factories. The Wright brothers, whose time in which to complete their oHlcial tests with their areoplano would havo expired next Monday, .were granted an extension of thirty days. The question of the eight hour law wan submitted to President Toft in the form of a request by Thomas Dobm, president of the Steam Sen ders' t'nion, tliut the President ob tain from the Attorney General m\ opinion as to whether the law "pro hibiting payment for overtime is not being; violated on the Panama canal. ? ? ? Just before Hie Senate adjourned about 7 ojcjock Friday night, Senator Aldrich, 'chairman of the finance com mittee, introduced the corporation tax amendment to the tariff bill, rec ommended by President Taft. To encourage American Shipping, Senator Klkiiis introduecd an amend- . rnent which would allow to American j vessels u reduction of live j>er cent in tariff duties. I Petroleum, linoleum and scrap iron ?ariff schedules were t>, the principal Jiies discussed in the. Senate. Son itor Penrose's amendment fixing a ;.lnty of half cent a gallon on crude >il was lost, increases over the House rates were inade us follows: On harness from 35 per cent ad val >r?ni to 40 per cent ; on scrap iron from 50 cents to $2.50 per ton; and jii wire nails from 1-4 to 1 -KL cent, .and from 1-2 to 11-4 cent per pound, 1 the former for those less, the latter for those an inch or more in length. All hough it devoted almost eight hours to strenuous effort iu that di rection, tliQ.^onnfe Saturday ufiled to conclude it h 'consideration of tho schedules of the tariff hill, and at >:12 o'clock, an adjoin uinoni was '?cached, there were stil la number of important rates to he determined. Phe day, however, was full of achieve ment and a number ? of provisions were disposed of. Probably the most exciting inci dent of the day was the vote on Sen it or Hoveridge amendment reducing l.- ni .10 per cent ad valorem to 15 i>e. cent ad va-lor-em, the duty on .?ash registers. The Indiana Senator began his light for this reduction some days ago and was enabled to force a vote on it Saturday alter i ompratively little discussion. Tho Vote resulted 31 ayes and .'13 noes. Stating that after the vote was an nounced several Senators had inform ed him that they had voted against his motion under misrepresentation, Mr. Heveridge said he would renew the motion at a later date. The w.cod pulp provision also npain received attention, and it was sup posed that it had been finally acted upon until Senator Clapp, taking ex ception to the retaliatory provision of the schedule as amended, stated that he would make an cffor.t to have tho provision entirely eliminated before final action should ho taken upon tho bill. ? ? ? ? The Senoto concluded its discus, sicn of tho schedules of tho tariff hill Monday and is now ready for tho corporation and incomo tax ques tions. Senator Aldrich introduced a reri lut ion proposing an amendment to Collect the taxes on incomes from whatever source derived and without apportionment among tho several States. An increase in tho duty on struc tural iron and steel valued at more than 0-10 of a cent per pound was made by the Senate, the increase be ing from 3-10 to 4-10 of a cent per pound. Cotton bagging was plaocd -cn tiie free list. #I Ineffectual efforts were made to place cotton ties, school books, bind ing twine and salt cn the frto list and Egyptian cotton on tho dutiable list. Hctli houses adopted tho confcrcnco repeat cn the census bill. "What is whiskey was discuss ed in the Cabinet room of the White House. President Toft listening to attorneys for rectifying distilleries and blenders, who oppose the reeeul decision of Solicitor General Hewers as to what should be labeled 'imita tion whiskey." Tho hearing will be continued. ? ? ? ? ? I. ate Tuesday the Senate reached tho voting stage on the hide -schedule, and after several amendments had been defeated, the amendment of tho finance committee living a duty u? IV per cent ad valorem > on hides was agreed to, 4G to 30. This is the rate I pf tho present law, nut under the rulings of the Treasury Department iB applicable only to hides weighing j ir.ore than 26 pounds. The Iiouse | placed all hides on the free list, but tho eommUtee restored the Dingtoy policy. ... Senator MeLanirin undertook l? have the provision amended so aa to | make the dnty applicable to hides I weighing les4 than 25 pounds, but J failed, hU amendment being roted down St I ft 48, An amendment by I Mr. Stout* p)*cttig no only hide* hut ? mauy of jttbduct* ou the fre? ~3l ? 1 ? r-r 0 INTOLERABLE ITCHIMQ. Fearful Ecztfini AM Qw ^Profeaeloo* Trentim-nt * ?U? u ?A lVrfect C'uro by Cuttcura. ?When my little girl wm ?** 1 noticed email rod1 spot* on her right cheek. They grew *> Urg# tUt l i^'t Or the doctor but, Irurtead of helplnf the tiun, bis ointment eeenied to make it ?or - Tfceo 1 went to a eecond doctor wbo ???> U we. mm.. He aUo gave iue an ou.V me it wbiob did not help either. The ???* ease spread all o^er the face and the > began to awell. The itching Krcw IntoKi aUe ?nd it wue c terrible flight to we. I consulted doctors for months, but they were unable to care the baby. I paid <>ut from 120 to |30 without relief. One evening J began to use thirCuticura Heinediea. J no next morning the baby's face was all w >i e instead of- red. I continued until tht Celine entirely disappeared. Mrs. 1 ? "? Guinbin, Sheldon, Ia.> July . Potter Drug' 4 ("hem. Corpj, hole I rope, of Cutlcura Remedies, lloston, Mum, I'll? new born toll must luiye milk during the first half hour of itn life, or tho chance* arc that it will die, Rough on IUts, nnbon table eatermlna tor. ? Rough on Hen IJco, Nost Powder, 29c. Hough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd,85c. 1 tough oi^Fleoe, Powdor or Liquid, 25o. Hough on Roachea, Pow'd, 15c.,Mq'd, 25c. Hough on llotb and Ants, Powdor, 5tto. Hough on Bkeetors, agreeeble In use, 26c. B. 8. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. Nothing ho difficult but what man will accomplish it.- Horace. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Oyrup for < hildren tcetlung, softens tho gums, reduced inllamma tjou,ul lays pain, cure* w i nd ? <d ie ? 25c . u bo t u e. Tlio tempter is then ever i? i^rh<,;>t when we think him furthciest <?IT. Great Distress TI?rou(t?o??t South Could be ellmlnftttfd by the us J of '1>?- li*?" gora HuoWleborry 0>rdlnl. It curoi Dy-en tery, Dlvrrliooi, QhUdrin Toothtug. DrutfgUta 25<J and 63 J per bottlo Tho tours of the night e<piul the smiles of the day.'? Houssenu. For COI'OB and CJUIP. C'APUlXNl lB tbfl best TPTTlf* y-" rencves tbo aohtnif feverlnbn^*^ fV'2 Uie fold mid restores rionnftl co.'^Ul^' fiuuld? effects luunedlately. WC-. ??? feic.. atUruK stores. How is your ,%c?rpet -sweeper 7 Hornet inies all that is needed to ma-co n sweeper (that you think is wotn out) do good work is to have the springs, put in proper shape, or some new ones in place of the old ones. A household once supplied with Hamlin* Wizard Oil in seldom allowed to be without it. In ease ?f sudden mishap or incident Wizard Oil takes the place of tho fanulj doctor. Are you supplied? The virtue of prosperity is temper ance. ? Bu< Oil. Summer coin pin! ir ,bow?'l trouble, cr irnj'i*. have no torros>? wlu-roPnjnUi.ler (Perry Dav is') iskeptonhutiil. 25c., & &0c. bo. tlctt. The lambs should be dipped at the same time; for when the ewes. tire shorn, the ticks flock on to tin* lam lis. SOOTHES AND HEALS SKIN TROUBLES only does Honrnck's Sulphur Oint ment Boothe tlic irritation, stop the itching and relieve the pain from liurns, Scalds, Open Sores, raw surfaces and cliafod parts, but it heals and cures. In cases of eczema it is the best thing you can use, ill connec tion with Hancock's Sulphur Coinpoupd. Many doctors treated Olficer John 1". Car roll, cf Paltimote, and failed lo cure a ter rible case cf eczema from which lie suf fered. He used Hancock's Sulphur Com pound and Hancock's Sulphur Ointment, and writes that he is completely cured. The ointment removes rouglinesu of the face or. hands tmd keeps the skin soft and smooth.' Ycer druggist" aclls it. llooklet free if vou write Hancock Liquid Sci/ l'ltun C'o., ? IJaltimoi*e, ^I<J . One "take this" is better than two yon "shall haves. " ? French. You Need a Tonic if you feel languid and depressed all the time. The best thing to help nature build up the system is DRDJAYNfrS" TONIC VERMIFUGE This great Ionic is r.ot a false stim ulant as many of tho so-called "spring tonic?." It is h natural ctrength giver. For all run-down conditions of the health it is an invaluabla rem edy; imparts new life ar.d rigor end builds up the entire cystera. Sold by All Leading Druzihls in tioo aUs bottler, 50c and 35o ROSY CHEEKED CHILDREN *rr bu4Mu> ?n4 b.j'i.) , KrftuUt ?,?b. u Iniui* Ii t-allli. Y I'll t:*t? Jive C%?|nr Oil. iHfl lh? bill CHlUrllc, but liftity. Tb?y I on PALATAL CASTOR Oil LOOKS, IMIUa, T??T?? QOOD Children Lick Tut Opooh ?"?* ?m. D?muii?T?. HIT II <il NORTH a SCUTH CAHOt IK A AG F HT3 i MURRAY DRUG CO., fOLUMSIA.5. t Dropsy EH Htao?M oil (welling In 8 to M ilay? ; affect* a permanent curt in jolo Ao <Wt?. Trt?ltremm??l ; given f re#. Nir.hlng can be (alr?? , Write Or. It. M. Green'# font. S??aUIUl?. Dm a Atlanta, fl* j TUMOR OF FOUR YEARS I GROWTH Removed by Lydla E. Pink luiiu'sVegclubleCompound LiodJcy, lud, ? " Lydia JB. link h&m'ts Compound removed a cyui minor o* four year#' growth, v. Men three of tho bt'Ht physicians tie c hi red I had. Tiny f aid that only an operation could heln me. Jnm very KlauthntI followed a friend'* advice and took Lydia Jj'J, jMnkham's Vege. tahlo Compound, for It has wade mo n strontr and well woman, and I bhall recommend It ns long aB I live." ? Mi?. May Jt'itY, JLlndley, Ind. One of the greatcfit triumphs of Lydla 10. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound fa the conquering of woman's ?read enemy ? tumor. If you have mysterious pains, inflammation, ulcera* lion or displacement, don't wait for time to conllrm your fears and go through tlio horrorsofa hospital opera tion, 'but try LydiaE. l'inkham's Vege table Compound at once. For thirty yeara Lydia E. Plnkham's VeKetabio Compound, made from roots and herbs, lias been t hcstaiyjaru remedy for female ills, and Huch unquestion ablo testimony us the above proves the value of this famous remedy, and should give confidence and bopo to every sick woman. If you would liltc special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. lMnkliatii, at Lynn, 31 n ns. Her advlco is frco, niul always liclj>''ul. THE LEXINGTON HOTEL It I ( '.I1M ON I), VIKUINIA, CiOSfl to the I>ei>ots, Post Oltico, Capitol < Square, Wholesale and Retail suctions. < EVERYTHING PIRST-CLAQ8 < RATES REASONABLE 1 SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA. 6JL Dosi3t Wait ; Till Night * 1 The moment you peed help, take a candy Cascaret. Then hcadaches vanish, dullness disappears. The results are natural, gentle, prompt. No harsher physic docs nioro good, and all harsh physics injure. Vest-pockct box, 10 cents? at druc-storct. I'coplo now use a million boxc# monthly. 653 DAISY FLY KILLER pl?-?<! ?njrirhrr-', at Irwi and kill, all 01m. Nrnt. clou 1 1, oru-inoutnl, eon? vofileiit, p. J4i?tn nil nf moo, Jlado of mPtiil, cunnnt rplll or?tr? will not Kofi or Injuro any thing Uuarun iironAfit fnp ?/ik? ha* OLD ipifl Dfkaib Av?. Brooklyn, H. T. Restores Cray Hair to Natural Color/ REMOVES DANDMUrr AND 80URP Invigorate* and prevents the hair from falling oO. For Onto by Oruftgtst*, or 8ont Oliect by XANTHINE OO., Richmond, Virginia ?r*cc SI F?r Bottle; 6ottl? )}?? 6c.J for Circular? DISTEMPER Ptnksye, EpUooitc, CnUribol F*. v#r, Influeoia, Coufin*. Coidi. IW., trt m potliltelj i,r.verw<J mJ I salokW eurii t>r Cr*fi? DliUwMf I nod CjajhOnre. O&M utej fifiji | i 03 1 nev boo*. tW W?ill? M?wU!ae Co., iaj. So. 27-'09. ITCH CURED?-?n^" on niv/?^tr? r? ? in 30 Kinultj' DR. DAVID'S SANATIVF WASH u to?'d to euro any < aso of 1 toll In holf i.our if used according to directions. show tills to prr? Bon* having Itch. If .vour dog lias Scratehos or Mature! David's Sanative Wash will euro him at once. Vrlce 50ca Mottle. It cannot too mailed. Delivered at your neatest express oftleo fre? upon receipt of 75 coats. Owr?? A M liior U? ii(t Co.. Illflimrnil, t n. I8U WOMAN'S COLLEGE lUU't RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. ' -v Ixx*ate<l In the beautiful, historic ami cultured city of the South. I arpo auftnhle K acui ties, t rulnfd *u he !*?*? 1' Diversities r.nd Coiirpi vatorles of this count r.v n??\ Kun>i>e. Siicclal tfftn in tlu Ir l)? i* ?rtmeiit*. mt ti. IS Carefully arranged'h of study had to tho tlfgrfi's li. Lit I.. H. 8.. 1!, A., M. A., and II. Mi?s. $,",00,0(!0.*>0 just Mccuretl for i-nlai Kemrnt nml endowment-. U?4ftlth iworil n mr.rUai'lf. Kuilv ai>i>U<-alK?n liuooitnut. Terms iiH*Wt?t? For catalog antl other Information wrlio to^ j \y\y\s NK1.S0N, M. N., President ????? ? _ < j ' ' ^ ^ ALLEN'S FOOT-6 Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's For.t ~r.ftKo, u powtlcr for tllC foci. If c lives rxol l?n smarting. nervous XeSX , tod iHst.mtly tcktu tlio stinc^ otrrx?r "COTOir mid bunions. It's tho prcatcst comfort disoovcry oi \ho n^c. Allen's tfoot?*Ea?e mftkw URlix-fittinK or now ?4io?? t ?el eo*y. It H n certain rolicf'for ingrowing nails, perspiring, callous Mid bet, tlrod, aclil-jg feet It is always in demand for vbo in Potent Ix-atlicr Shoos end foi ?TJwaklng' in Now BT>6??. "Wfe b&VO OTOT 00,000 testimonial*. TIU IT TO-I>AY. fiold by nil Drupgist*, 25c. Do not acccpt any Substitute, SenVby mail for 25c. in stamps. FREE TRT AT, PACKAGE Btet by mail. ALLKN 8. OLMSTED, JLi: KOY. 1'. Y. Addrcas 1 'In ? pfarb. 1 Mt AQra't \ PmKhc." jlL. v ru" WOMEN ) nMUtiUH N r. OBf the fortteofct Col If pes for Woven la th? Hoath. Vm j< #. "-1- ffK;"rSir?r#k '? VANN. PfMUUnt.