The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 28, 1909, Image 2

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PUBLISHED KVKKY KHiDAY J:;S. .5: ' -by w. Xj? M?D9WUI^X? , '? . ..?'.? .i." Bcuiousu local*, 6 cunt* par line aauh >u* Mr tie A* (J%ndldHte?' Oardi lor County offlcaa $6,00. Congre??ion?I $10.00, On> ffno uc iunlionu w iU l?? puuli?h*i n hex ? ofiniorext to tba general pubito and uot of a dftfftiaator y uuture. K? rc ?PouviltllUy will bo aaauiued for 0.4 ?tows of corr?0pon(t?nt3. ttftten for contract adverting &siUb? an uounced upon application at tljeoU)c? All fiotymunlcatloiiM addr?-> m I i" it*)# paper miiat. f>o ?ccoiii|>ai>ib<l try tljetrut' Juamu and addrcta 6l tiu* writer, in or dar to iiiHUrv attention- jtnieol?:<i uis?n nscriptn will not bo fetiirwi. ??.?laj 1 .' ?'!? ' '* "" ' - 1 * CA>U)K,N. H. MAY 2t<. 1 ?01# Without Apology. TM# from tt ?? Columbia Kccnr', although >? tJtl" n*tu ? "f H. fc,'"V talk, has enough Bound troth ?'?<! instruction In it to warrant tin repro duction wilhont apologies, bays the Winnsboro Ncwh & Herald : "There are very few peoplo out n'ulu of itio newspaper office* who folly "appreciate how absolutely im personal is the matter which appears in the columns ot 'the paper#. A good many people acem to believe that the reports of ev nta, or ??^m the ctSiforial commctt. is h matter m persoru.'liy. and one unmet iiici h? ars it ^reader remark! "I wonder \vh;it the editor hue ?guinr<t bo and h f Ah a maUer of f-ict, an ulitor has nothing against any body ? o fur as the columns of Ids paper are eoucei n od. To him a man i? an ol-Jen to bo condemned if ho docs wr. i g. or applauded it he dofs right, j thero are Indeed lew iublaiiccB 1 1 . Journalism where personal niii ^ > enter into the articles which appear in print, $feia extend# through the paper, in its ei'^ry department. The nowepaper buHiuesa is as im personal natho profgHSMjn^ of rnedu cine or Ihe occupation of undertaker. The newspaper man "has it in for nobody, unless there ia some eon duct on the part of the man to call lor exposure or denunciation, cxplo itaiion or pppUubC. There are few profuBbiuuu where fiouuTJ)endftlj??o i* more liberally beetowed, whin h ought to bo bestowed, than that of the newspaper profession,' 'I ho WiiyH Of tint World. The mule is stronger thun the, man. Though the mule in htrongei than the man, the ruan manages the mule for his own purposes. He pule a btldlo on him, and a saddle, and rides on his bark. He puts harness tundc if leather on the mule, and by speaking to him and giving him plenty of lieka, he in ducts him to walk and pull a wa gon while ihe man gets into the wagon aud rides. Tim uiulu docs much haid work, but all the money gained by the mule's hard woik the man uppropiBlea to himself The mule li\eu roughly, in led in ^ trough and elceps oh the ground on a 1 title straw. The man eats at u tablo and sleep* in a warm hid. The mule ia a useful animal lo the man. The farmer is b l r o n g e r than the monopolist. Though the farmer ia stronger than the monopolist, the monopolist manages him for bin own purpose. lie puts a bridle, called loyalty to party, in hia mouth, a saddle on his back, and rides him where he wills. lie puts harness made of prejudice t>n the farmer, and hy making speeches to him, and giving him plenty of taf fy, induces him to walk and draw a monopolist carriage. The farmer dies miih hard work, but the money gained b) the farmer's work the monopolist appropriates to himself. Tne farmer has brccme poor and he lives roughly on a mortgaged faim. an I cats plain food from delft and tin plates, and bleeps en a straw led. The farmer is very useful lo lh?* monopolist. ? Kx. PRESENTS DIAMONDS, .JEWELRY, WATCHES, STERLING SILWKU. CU 1. (j I jA s s-, ART-GOOtJSr All new and absolutely beau tiful goods. Come in whenev er you liavo an opportunity Remember we only handle SOLID and GENUINE GOODS. If not convenient to oomt> in, send in your mail order, which always has our PERSONAL ATTENTION, with a GUARANTEE TO PLEASE. Always glad to Bee you at " SYLVAN BROS., Jewelers, Silversmiths And Optieians, Corner Main & Hampton Streets, Columbia, S. 0#> ? -^"*^7 ? I ' ~ * ? - We Have Been In Business For 22 Years And We Want You To Share Our Good Fortune. We Have Called It Our "JUBILEE SALE" Because You Can't Help Feeling Jubilant Over The Bargains We Have Partly Enumerated In This Advertisement. - EVERYTHING! N OUR BIG STORE WILL BE UiMDERPRiCED. This is The Exact And Splendid Moment For You To Get Your Many Warm Weather Needs Most Cheaply. Our Sales Have the Peoples' Confidence, And They In Their Enthusiastic Appreciation " l oot Our Horn." DOMESTIC GOODS. Of which we bought while 1 lie manufacture were over' stocked t hoy needed room and money and we got them at our own price. I u ordvr to move thtfm quick, we will slaugh ter them at the lollo wing prices during this j^roat annual sale: i ?1,000 \ ds Lonsdale Cambric at lOel 3,000 yds Sea Island, 1 yd wid-j. regular So value. at 1 1 - lit; 2,000 \ ds Shirting Prints ? American Print works' best prints -sells always at 7c, sale price, yd. Ic; 1,250 yds Percale. '?(! in \vid?*, all new and stylish put tcrns, regular 12 l-2c goods. sale price, the yd 7 1 2c; 1, 500 yds good Hitching. 1 ) <1 wide, soft tiui-li, cheap al Si. vi ,J uhi hf price, l!.e vud ~>c l,.*)OO^ds goud Cambric. 1 \d \\ uh ?. worth 10c, sale price 7 1-2 1.01)0 \ ih 1 "yd w idc Fiuil <>l the Loom and Androscog gin ; ? I - achsn^, > il? ? pric ?. the \ d s 1 2 ? ? , l,o0O \(U.go. d Drc^.? t i i V i u 1 1 i : : . short lenghts, nil nice and Ui at pal ktiih, u orl h 10c. sal" price, the \ d oe ( ?:io c!n < consisting <>t 2, ??()(> \ds A !? ( \ and (iood Luck l)iess (ijii^ltams, ad tnw stripes a:.d solid colors, worth 12 1 -2c. ,1 uhi Ice price, t he ) d Nl-2oj SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! 1 5 ? t y \ ? r.r M iri.. !. '?> .' is on 50,! Slum ni ~'u' (li>0 Mi.: Is ui " ; ?100 Sulit* til *- r ' 1 '* r s : . ' ' S S c 1 r>o Mi t-.o ui * 1 v%} 2 00 SliirlB Ht 1 1S J unt received au iiatuenae lino of utw Negligee nliirts with collars ntLacheJ j The vorjf lt?ing far liot weather. All will go in Ibid i Palo at remarkably l'?w prices. 7?r>c ehi r t b for 48a $1.25 shirt* at 88e ; 1.60 ?hirt* for 1 19 2.00 fthirt* for v 1 48 | ? PANTS! PANTS!! I N*.)\v i.4 (lie limt) to Imy your pants while t'nin big Cut I* r i co sale is goiog on ! $1 00 Khaki punt 8 nt I 1 f>0 Khaki pa ij t ^ at 95c 'J. (Mi tM at .1.19 panU fit 1.48 p ,i,m u t . 1.98 4 5?J punl t nt 2.98 5 'J i) :iti*l o U>> -3.98 Spcciai Prices on Our (ienuine Paiv ama Hats for Both Ladies ' and (ients. ?'? (mi t< tiO an ! 7 *)?? Hat3, i i : 1 uoinii at tlrs h:i'o at 4 48 All S^ruw ILits formcilv h-M f r? . m 50c lo 31. all goin ; nt 25c WHITE (iOGDS. Jubilee Sale of Men's Clothing. $30 00 Men's .Suit1* ul $19.98?. 25.00 and 27.50 suite nt 17.48 20 00 and 22.50 suits at " 14.98 - *; 16 50 nnd 18.50 suits &t 11.98 15 00 suits ftt 9.98 " 12.00 saits ftt 7.48 10 00 salts at * QO Tjnpress. Bate op your IVilpd, ^hufsday pay 20th, |9Q9 HIBSCH BROTHERS d COMPANL