The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, November 13, 1908, Image 4

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ruP'Cri;is m\m acts ^eatly yot prompt ly out) 10 taowc 4s, cl< \ n isos the system eWect^uilly, assists ono in ovorc^ming Wlntiml constipation nermonontly, To <vt its ocnojiciol objects I my the ?'M>mnnp. Manufactured CALIFORNIA flc Siiiit* v'i i. ftOLOBYLCADIi^ DfliCG'S'S i?T> ^ iC' JL THE COUJfJRY ?DI iOft . 5 *; j'lv 'St. ? v* j The Important Ilacc Hf Orrz&t: j His Comxausity. Newhuryport, Matvv. N<wi. The al>! ?* I'o.i ( < >r j '.iti Jifched, us its ill1 I lea 1 ? . in "eounltv town" of over 00.00 j. pop > lation iu the extreme Northwest. <i ?** joursos delightfully nhd truly upon the c li ft rat' (cm in! i ?? s mid privileges of the country- edit or. It *a\* that In? is far morn Until I ho. hut t for ti^?'?| joke* ?bout tiis calling; that ho holds a most important position in lUo cony, muiiity. It Kays, that ho is much near er his rcio lots than is iho nr'.n who writes for tho lo.ih citv dailies that while this .environment may prevent a study of all tho < 1 1 \ client phases of human nut tiro. such as may ho found ii? ? - rrt y ,? w-f.lo^iT enm :n p? I ' - ?ation with t hose uhich tiro n:??ro de sirable and shuts out others which ?au never be conducive t ? ? human bappinoHH. It tuilhm- sa^vs linn liio count ry newspaper has sent IV?rth a number of hum who l.avo at tained It i f* )i places ! j i thi' State atnl nation and that on neailv all the hit; newspapers of tho I'liitcd States will bo found men wl.o be<nni newspaper Work in the oll'mo. of a eoiintrv news paper. I; lays, too. a eood t hint; ? oneern in, t; the newspaper a s vueh. so iroud. indeed, I lull v.. quote il enl-tic: "Tin if are :.| '.':t ? infti ? i ;? ?. pie than had j ?? ? | *1 ? in a ? i * :'\. and the ii .? w's| i., j al'h-r alh imfiy reflects the s ? 1 1 ' 1 1 1 s e n I i ? t lite p onic who support it. The newspap r can. not he iu; n il Ik tier or bi'tr.rc r than : he people it sefvi for ::nv U,-al av, thriving eitv t>> I ail to siipp'Mi a ? ood newspaper is 1 1 < ? . : i ! -. ' .??'!,.v;ivf. much n. or ? > f r '' ' : <>m ' im people than en I ho editor. The 'o- al liowsprtpev ii.M- become ?-< i n i : l ; ? ! l a part ol the niit'i t. iml life of our eotinirv that the 'n'n: or iiv too small or too indifferent s"p port a. paper is of not mm h m i<e. qiH'ln'e T!t tiioi e an i h - s than a si riipfe si ;l i.-recn ' of fa--) |n coit.:iu::i I ! v -paper res| >,??? i its eni:s| it ueiil sf ami u never but that if it h so \ i s ii, us .onstitn rnfs will aceoi I a re<.|ierl whieh is lull) leeiproea! And that it i- tho aim of cvcr\ u"?'d newspaper t.o de serve lespiet Is . Vldeiie.'d l)\ I !ie fine end money winch il puts into the effort, to fulfill its rommuni'v mi-snm. a?\cn beyond tin- nuavire of s.ivne whie.h the oom:iuni.t\ of its own voli tion may require. Ilavim; i ade this effort ami perloimed tin- -etvice. it is ra?clv disappoint et ??f its reward In any event it limU reward m. the ronseivuisness of hasins; dor" it ? >i i ty to the eoirnninit\ and to it -elf. Certaii'lv ii"t ia. ii the eonntrv a , pajter has : ? ; t \ i ei d to lie t ro"hle..i hv what Tie- ? 're. ..?.?an calls ? ? a ;ed 3<>ii s '' h- ? ? 1 1 ? t ? ? ? ,s generally n ts< ""I kamoro i |?-i L.:i a> i ? "i i e-|n :'.,l;'y_'l v philosop;::e;:l. If I . I-1! '{ !,< ' a Frr?-h.r! nt . ' ' S!(e 1 1 s o i..: I ; i he \ on: " \ fs, am; --e( t:;s t . . nie tlat she i> be ? i ? < > i to s : 1 1 ? . . . d . ' ' "I 1 Wh\ heen a' :t so loliiT t \ ( . : i: 'jv> w < >:iiv tleapii ! '. in. .3 *i> 1 1 1 v. ?' I "''(I. Tin- av'ia.. !;e".'.:!i\ man ..r won. ? it is .s .a p. ? .'to" fo tie te.isv a' some us f i! t.. ?" "Mj'lnv ie:it Hut !? ?1 , tn or 1:1 ! :nrs: lo: Ke.t Im'. 1 of < a ei ;.i! <?:. '.e.ivoi hi coinert a t? i: il :: "A : cm- a .?;??, at - ro-ovorinK fro:., an oper.ittufi. w it ?< a Nihil !ad> "ni> si u??eh .nl ? i'es ho*;an t pive me r : i.eli : t ? . . t . "At ! i tnes e uns vora rious. h it when j-i ! ,':? ??] Pnll^ostioi fotlov e<1 OiSur t. I tad no ap petite wliatevi The foe! | to,>|< fi It, not nourish n.e a. ..I I w wraic't th?a e n "I h t interest tn ov-r\ t hinR and wanted to he atari0. 1 had alwayv np.-i 1 t:"ru- ?? t.a: now 1 he mores? , trttle would upset me ?nd hrlmr on ;< \ Tiolent headache WatkinK across the room was an effort ami prescribed exercise was out of tho question. "I had seen Grape-Nuts advertised bnt did not believe what I read, at thf time. At last when it seemed nv it 1 were literally starving, I began to eat 0 rape-Nuts. "I had not trr;i able to work for a year, but r-w fU-r> months on Grn" ? '<'? it work again. My me 11 j trou ble now. my nerves are steady as ??er, and Interest in life and ambi tion have como back with the return to health." ??There'* a Reason." ijilamr Riven by Postum Co., Battle Greek. Mich. Read "The Road to Wellvtttw," In pkics. Ever rend the above letter? A me%f one appears from time to tl*te. tVy are fcennine, true, and full of >i?H tatiTesl ?. i " ? qur: schools I ? v l*iMir W i m.i am II. Hash, 1 l.'nl vcrwlf V of ("itrollii.i J?a?)e;* Number Nino. Tin* Hi^'h Sclit. id Situation. fount illtf the illCII'HNci IjM liiltOi llddl'l f- j'j y? ih , it is eii?il\ <!t iiioiist i uii^l In uicji lltal tin- public iiiyii schools til the Slate. aided a l nl nnuitit'd. haw in f*r?'ii?t'i| in cjRU'jencv more that) t \ . ? i I.V-11 v *? jw*r <<nj ximv Jaitun>> 1. HKI7. In u?'i<* ih'uu ' foil ?'l l> ??f thciiJ ' ? lli' li'lM-S ililS .hff'l ?H l/lril within : JUM*. Till' (llioP ilicii.lKG i- >}; U>." u j i ((Utility of t h?* it .t " } i i : ? J |OIW| lilU5? KAitiJ,' (ofljfilr nv;!*: ? , j* i n d i, a u nit i' j .?>/ <i ' ? Oil.' ?C.ti of - ? " Y?,< s ,.'i' "! ' ?;? . ? i i'iu viji* yitirf j 1 1 1 1 1 1 - ? -tv.. i u I '.ivS linpj^u > iri? i ! * ' .? ? ?.{ .^i-A ;j|? ImjI iff r-'.ist ' . *?> .Willi tliifc !??*. < r . ! ;.-k i livau All tide I O I' i. j v. j! !';.ri t-> -t- : i'j ?? j'ti! ?>.f the . Vate Hijfh !'?? . .1 ! > s pi'. (In- h< !?( ttls {:? -fy,' tic Jslnte .md tur I hi' ?t 'u *!?' ?< !, t I i : r ? : i ? il ii to I.he I'OSili'Ot! -(>???'" dl p '.t t|H< 'l? Wlll?(l.. ? MH* |'ar!l?'tr ol Jf'ieit*a>"C "1 ''Hi '.t H'V in the f> I t-'ii >??? botd. T; < iu! (ml ; i.? r > stati i.'i-ut . ii. : vclit !;;?<{ ii.if u j i * ! > < 1 lo lh.n'1; tltlli 0UF i;iv;ii .s' 1 i- ait -j.- i.w snji .| ;n-l? : v. K".?' l*n lit ii. There an* fin! tar fuin) ll> | t'hlf ->? !. ?o|- roifiuu* \vit!.i?| llii' miii M urn dc!iii i' ;<iii ? ? ! a liivh scho'd ni'ilt i the present liiu'li school law our teacher rivp t: ail ins tiiniloijol fewer than tiff.een pupils ahow flic seventh irrade or ?*?? v ?'j 1 1 Ii school yvai'. Of f|'tsew I'll) schools. 'J,') tlflVC ("!(? litpi: sr! < ol Is'lirjU'l" MK'll, SO srl'"''ls havf ( u 1 1 tcaciti'is <a'*li, ami the V" !?:i! i tj : if^r ours inoif t Lt an twu tra'-h-Ms 'rtrii. Oiilv six i.rixul.i luisr I'licli 'be lull icarliinj.' time ?>l li\ ? h-arliris ot :i nil' In iuail\ all t ! i ?? ?>in liarlnT liiuh ' <r {?.??! iU _| hv in'il al inn prrir/ds luiVO jx'i n a?l\ a<M'< <1 to 3il nil liiTi--' r^rh, m.lliiim h'Srt than iniiiuli's hi-inu ari i [i; i'i| ? m ? ;i !?(<'?{ x-lnmls. In tin with two or iiiiiir lii'-'h school trjohns. fit 1 i \ t III ec- fouil lis hnvn 10 ami ?} *> iiniiuli1 prriiaU.. while a lew knr one hour pii:o?l<. hi an al-hd ?ii'lioni ol th;if> Clas> not him: less (nan 511,*s is a??'iptii|. Tlu* ?rr":it o>-i sin1.: h*. y ii i it has la <n this li'sttfl Ii rnnii: ' j ihi* i t rit.ilion pi-i in Ut ? 1 1 i j ? i p ? .' ! i J r ? * whole tiie Mtuatioii in thr 11 -pert is sat i?< I i > . Sotue >M't ? . ? i - : 1 1 ? I ? ? iiinii o\ i ineiit in i.e ? "Mi p 1 ?< < I' the trarheis ha> ?? . i/i ? ? . '"i i?' in ih;- irspeet ? mi Ii j . ? ? i-i ::i - at I-*! aetoi \ . "Maii> i . ?!; ' til p.! ? 1 I "II. .-fl.'JIHt ; ?< ? I .'--HI I. ; 1 1 1 -| v ; . m;. ' 1 . . i ? '.-''.i !ni; i :i---'S| ant It i< j lit1* I V il- h-s I'. I;llk ilhou! U'ettill^.' I ?i < < ? 1 1 pet. i I i itl *i \ f ? 1 1 ? ? j i?*? 1 1 v. "loan, j ' n <lo ' ; i v J i I 1 1 a ' ir. nj . a! | ? in a ii." lli. ot a 'nan w ho 'nt-- ! ? ! o .? ? i iinr-f|f t;iialilu >1. al r'*" It ! !? p 1 1 , i in! it> n to -a v tin---, tin a iiioi !?.' i ill I -j'-h Itarhei- hit -oir.e o! ??iV | I: ??! pel oeal I rieinls I '.a' I ' I on! > teo \\i|| that the s| a "" I alii < ( ! e hivif -cluiol up .p ? a i ? ? i a i < I t.| their 1 1 : ! ? ? h i ? i _* t"ii<*. . I. el in .! i 'I -? Hi-' thr !?_'?: I hav e -. en an.) I ? I i . I have ?ii ! I Hole I I :a II < e ! I ' ? j ' : ?.?It'll I. iirhcr v rest h- ;i lot. wnh an oitlinar\ |>r?'>lileiri in W ( nl *.v i-i t h ' - 1'iaeinal A ri t lime! i'-. a I \ usiiallx t oiiijih leil in tile ????_;'? 1 1 1 . . i ? ' ? - . In Taii'i |'|i\ iral i ieouj a; !i\* i "? ? ?!> i ea II \ It ?" tlillir ill I I or I In ' t ' i a?le v> hei i it n?5?taHy "Uiii!, I ha'.e st i :s ieae!ni> cover t :nn|'j!i i;i"ii!.'l i i one It) mni ile it*ci laUn': !o hii v i ? jj i \ t ? ? i |ii'otitalile work ' t tin .* ' - lifh |> i to !s. In ,? ??? |,l^ rent at ion I have situ the t|a-s ? i ' 'ht- ii \t lihf a tonith ii'.ititM !'oi ?'!?* hall tl I' t lite, iher ll-tellCil to tiie ' ? 1 ? " a- I. i\ti":i\ to I !;i i ! \ w h ill v ? > 1 ' I ' I ? - ? I - - : ? I - i 1 ? 1 1 ' siifue-.' |\ e I ? ! t ' i a i, - . i t \ | h i ?! i . I 1 >:? \ a i t ' ? !a\ I v|.f itati'.t:- \aml\ a 1 1 ? n . i ? ? n v , ?o 1 1 ? : i ? ? 1 1 I .i -Ii i i ; .*';!? i a ai:-l P ;*.f j ''?at'i |i T" i ? ? " : 'tli i a"ii 'Ii.- f i ? a | ? \ ' I r. I > I ? ? ? \ t ; i . : : . i ! \ ' i ' . . . i ? ? c I , ! v . .1.!". *,:??- I.. I i . . fa '. ' !.a' j i: ? wi!i |, :-e ? - Nfi ! I I- Ml I . . \ i a i - t f | .a -1 ? i . 1 \ a i ? : i ? iM ,? ' .< | -'?|i. i at i \t . ? i ' i M i -. "i j 'o t'. 1 1 i io: '.:r I ' ?? l. v ; h t.t l( -.iiahie. In tran-la'!"ii it is i .? > u'lron I .. ! t > I.. -a. 1, a.s t:..s ??Ca'. a t : . ! . t - 1 . - . " - .*:- all, i : ; ? - . l ; \ ? I . j ' . p".?: _ ? i ? " ' ' I ? ? | .,"?* -.i ? . ; > -' , ,i>. | . . ,1. f ' . . . ? I ? ' t! ? 111' ? ! the : r thai; ,n r tl ? ! . : a r\ : . ? _ - tit !:? t ; t ! it ' I 4. '. t ' 1 1 ? -t II i ,|, 1"' t fr. ? w - . p.. ii i , ' , I u ta .. ' I .al >' ? i ' J t I in* lis <au'i "it ,\ .? j ? ti p I ? ? 1 1 . . ? . a "ii is t i ,?? : : t t: : ?^.,1 ... - ?!' '?! ?? -< i- ! < I'l n ? il. ? !; a > e ? s* ii , . ? .,?! ?. . , ; -pi 1! ;:.u' ;r; ha "?i ? rt : ; ;. i f !:_:h -e! < ol t ? ;?t'i;e: - all h i! om- < . i ! t : t ^rain ali S ; t '>? ' - ,tr I i ;i- h . : 1 1 I e t I (he l S ) . in?tn, I H in ill e. i a.o; k Ai.Jt .. h i *s < ir: !n:;,.ti has het-n in et ml n-e in i l;;s state ?? ? t; vi : \? ;.is, *mi1 M vet s ' ll:-"i':its ir.o re ! m . ? *. fifteen >ears. Ihre aie sime of the \n'in tunis; Mifr's. Mi'vcrt Nlever's; ?<enhl?r i ti v;* tcavhei s i . I'.enlali (three ' each e ' ) , Kt.ilah (two tem'ieis"). Henhlar (one teacher).' A fifteen hnntlietl tlollar pnne:pjil can not ivako h'.iths without stiaw. Only a few liijjh schools nfe eon tent to otter a two-year course, al thonpli one of the best schools in the State haR hut two years. Nine-tenths of the hiph schools offer a three-year course, no matter how many nor how few teachers. Last year there were hut four public hiprh schools in the State w^lh a standard four-y?ar "onrse and enough teachers to teach il. The raport for 100S-# will <how perbapa ei?ht standard four-year# schoola. To b? ran more than foui schools <? hi i in a foui viir course. S?*v ? nil ; rjifiojh claimiiij* a four-yon* T .'."iTT^i1 'Wf/' I'l l'itmM of Work, than mi; required 1 01 u 'mi aid l hrcc-ycar {.-out <? and o,ie? ( Ik ?.l claiming c year* fi?|| I) mow the ??{? <|r lor a dundard two \i;u > t> ui?e, Tlir standard ii |>j?! .<?<! to tin- School* W||H |)|(ll geill'l a |jy {^?".'.'"pTTrt by the- ?-oJb-#?-?? oi Uu* Stulu, in :*! iv l< J?/\v iiiul 'immI bv t ht* Corue t'tf l'"uii i?l;ii ioji ( 4? >;* i ? I The error in* if> vdiieli hi si i. filwx schools have f'li Hi' ti in l o < 1 1 % i '?? l In'# i' pupils into four clil ?; s w J I Js *-r? a'ld seven moth i lit i i viil i l advancement bet ween ? iuli I ah, then pfilf rut h division u >iai i (i the tou.rai*.' That I In- reader Iimiv see fin* v |i 1 1< 1 1 1 , <i| ?ome of these claims, > omo < oui M.b ajc (mm < out I i ji 1 mI : Thin is (In* f on j t Ii war's work in i -io school: The (ii ht half of My fi (ii'iuMrtl History, ('omerciiil Ari (. melie Ijvc time ii week, three books -I i'lane (It oiiK.'liy, an. I forty-five I ? ? ;irs during (lu? year in Tappnn's History ?of Lilcmlure, Another vcar S? l:< i<l geta' IIi.iou.kI> Hie Second Mi <>l< of ( 'arKiirV (iullie War, * four of I 'lane ( i ( unlet i y, nnil Tap pan's Literature, Numbers of t IW'ko if. tin*:. si.?,jv that i he third year and tin* fouith ,v< ar clnsFct, ore toother in more (linn OKI.' studv. One must n<it l)i' misled by the t ei in literature in nany ot (hoe schools, Jt is nothing n:i i'e thin rinding aliont the author# of literature a lillle biography, if the I rut h must be told. I he poverty of unrie of these four vei;r courses is more than offset by soiiie iif (lie |detiiorie three-year ionises. Moibc of whieh are formid able a ITalrs. At inudoin I take one year's work In in one of fhewe i nurses ; Aril hniet ie, Algebra. KlictO ue. Litci alurc. Latin (reading* gram mar, and prose < ompo*it ion). Physi cal ( iriiru i ai.di v. History an I Business M el hods (an innocent little test.) In thin year's work every pupil lakes e\ cry thing prescribed. and each pupil is on neitation practically every pe riod during the day . Several schools Imve A ri t h nt4*l ie. Algebra ami (Jeo:ne t rv in the same year's work, and a lew tin v e l'hy*ical (ii.oi graplty i,nd l'h\ sies in (he sarin; year, with prae, t ically no other s<i<nee in (he entire course. ? , _ ? The majority of the one-teacher high schools undertake (he impossible to (eaeli a full l'our-vear course. One such school has classes m At it ti met ie. Algebra, fleoinetry. Kiignsh ( ii iiiiiiiini , KngJivh ( 'omiiosit ion, 1 .i'.er ature, f'liysieal (ieography, l:. S. Ilis lory, S. ( . History. (leneral Hi s t ? ? i*>" , Megiuner 's Latin. Caesar, and Ovid. One teacher may teach t< few subjects iliioiitfh a four-year course, nnd ' do it w?*ll, bul on such course ns the one ju>( .given a teacher is wasting his lime a lid ejicrirv . The irreatewl evil in to the pupil. Hi'- lime and ctTorl are di'.ide<| -up among so many subje* ts tint he paioiio none of 1 hem I'Mlg ,ei:oiiuh "i fiir ? ncuuls ! ? ? tr**'. 'i??v (rain i-i.'_- i'i' kiioUb<l'_'e out of theni. Ill even the belter >cl. mds the a\eril'^e p'ipil 1 ? t > I ... I I'Ul" i. ut of >ii"!i ; ub ie.|< a> I ' I \ ? i ? ; . t l i. oj r.aph\ . I'li\>!e>, ;li.,! ('ivies, b<t:']W tliey :'ie ivoi stu < i i ? ? ? I lonu i noil^ii lo In flit | he pipil. 'J:;e hiuli schools. liUe the eomit'.on >i hr 'ids. sult'er from tin: cii.ll' cb:"ig " i'i tiaciier*-. A eo:npari>'o'u of til'- vicir'-j ^el*e iuh- \'. i 1 1 1 I h : ft of ':t>| \tar ? I ? . ? >- 1 1 1 1 1 | he whole e-uiise has >>(??(! ov i t iianh il and 1 1 hi ua i/.ed, ? i > d i *?" me iMm'-- ll" i.i v. coin <? seen.-- (?? he '^iveii over to revievvinir pa?l work. Perhaps- ? ? i. h uiiirvc >s uece-->;ary. !>:it it >!-i'V.v a fearful wa.?te of energy ?oiuevv here. In at h'i%st two tlie new (.-aehers have taken the pu p* Is t>nl "I 1 ii - 1 Niar's eighth Mini in ith g iiiiles. a i hi eyr ii few recruits, "ami made a four-wear school. I're vnnblv this is progress. Birthday of King Edward. I ,i>iul?-ii.K\ ( : : I ? i 4 Kdwniil VII. by )li?- :: i i'!' <! <>, i ! ; ?? I ti 1 1 c< 1 Kill1.' ? 1 ? ? 1 1 : ?'?! < 1 : ? ; : * ll'iiara and lii'laml and lit iWiit-l: * i ' ? r i > i 1 1 ii i is licvo:i i liic - K <! ?!?'. !..!.?!? ? !' 1 ! : " faith : . ! n 1 I . i ii| I:, slia, ua^ burn Nosclti !> ' 1 - I ) . a : ? ? 1 ?? ? ? ? ! ? !>i :i! his i i':'' l>; i Ti-" auiii wi <ar> was ? ti \i?l t ' i "Mt'j i < mi'- i l.r liuti^i; ?i:i ! i ? ? i >v!i!. i iM :-;n 1 n; : !if i \ :? ii < ] ; .l.-li I. ? ?? 1 Biithdav of Jchit T. Graves. N. .. \ . : ... >';? ?'::?! Jul m '!'? in|?lr 1 i 1 .? > ? -. i> : ? i . i ? i ,i ! .ir and \ ice | ?rcj?i ?! i ' . ? i ! i 1 .1 ' . ' ? ! i I: i- 1 I ii it | ii -1 . ? Ii ? . i ? ? i ? p. up. m i ? i - i .i iii) <:i i 1 1 ia>l ? ! ? -~ < ?? ! , i?s ")J years i : au< . M ? i > raves i> i-uw nr.p!<i\ ? d :!?? .1 ? ? I i I ? :*i a 1 writer mi lli hi N i'v \mk American. hut . ' - '!!' I " I ' . ' !. ' Will >11111 |('. I'ipi Via i i?<inie the fitiinr ? ! :i v Hi a ! ?! pa |m i ! 1 1 ho - ' . ? ? 1 11. ' I ?' li' I'I'.'ia 111: 1 1 (. . UliOWSY Sl.r.KrVHKAO. l.ittic dmwsy S'.i ? ,i> hi-.ui, Always w .m ? ? to t.i : i bed , In t hf morning cau;? t rise, Ni vi-r can tin !?> i? >? ? > ???... 1* is sw> !i ;i pi' . . :?io. ( Wonder a r . i s ;i : h';ue?> Tittle ilroAsy Sii i j.yhe.i.!. I Kt'/ Ill's i'l h' !" 1 1 i:ui ???-lii'd Dreams her I'Vi-s .!.?? : icd with string Tied as tinhl a> a:* y ' hltiR <\innot <)i? n them a ? rack. (Wonder if her * ? > ? * .-i arc") IdttlC (ll'OWsy hll'l ,?>,'( .1,1. Tries to oat a i of broad. ldftB a all co of it in air. Oops to ?leoi> and leave* it there. Tightly shuts hor e\clids down. (Wonder if hor cvos are yrowu?) Llttl* drowsy Fleep; head. Never rarrs what people Ray Never cares if people think Eyes wore made to see and wink. So, she shut a thorn jp all day. (Wonder If hor eyes are gray?) Hope Bhe'U tell, when Rho'a mort wise. Just the color of hor eyes. ??Arthur Macy, In Yout.h'? Com panlon. ? Blxtee.n cuncet of'Kold would be wf Oelent to gild a wlr? that would ? *i*cle the Mrtk- * Nothing I Ate - A#reed~With Me k ' ? . * MHS. LfcNORA BODENHAMEK. Mr* Ix-nota liodenhnmer. 11. K. D. 1, 1/OX W9. Kt'incrcvfllr. C,. writes: "I suffered with Hlwiuch trituOl* nnd |v indigestion l?r some (tine. und uollung thut I ?t l ? agreed willi me. 1 wan very nervous aijrl ex|>eneneed n contiiuiul feeling ot uneanineHH and /eat'. I +o?<k medicine Irotu I he doctor, uul il ?li<l the no good.' "I found in one ol your I'eruna books n description of my symptoms. ) (hen wrolf to Dr. Hartman for advice. He said I had catarrh of the stomach. i took l'eruna and .Manaltn and follower hid di rection* and can now -say that l feel us trell as I ever did. "I hope that nil wbo are afflicted with the suine Kymploms will take Perunn. as it hne cei ttijnl* cured me. " The above is only one of hundreds who hove written similar letters to Dr. lUrt man. dust one such case as this entitles l'eruna to the candid consideration of every o?e similarly afflicted. If this be true of the testimony of one person what ought to l?e the testimony of hundreds, yes thou* aaods. of honest, sincere people? We have in our Idea a great many other testi monial^ IV- tria is sold Jiy your local drug gist. Huy a bottle today. ? A Question of Relative Merit. A lit I If boy of eight years, unend ing school away from home, wrote a letter to his sister, from which the following exit act is taken: "We had a spelling match in school today, and I spelled all the boys down and won the Meddle." ? The November Deline ator. (>ood Thing to Know. Those who traverse the alkali plains (;f the West and inhabit the naiid blown reuiona of Texas, find dally need for a reliable eye salvo. They never drug the eye, but simply apply externally tlio staple, Dr Mitchell's ISyu Salve. Tills Salvo is bold everywhere. Price 2 5c. Ildu Goer. Beth; '"ll was a case of love at first jsiglil ' " Mn^l have been in a dim light, I honirli. ANTIKOTK Mlt! SKIN 1>IMK ASKS ' 'Hint's what TKrrr.iu.vK in; and it l? more. It is mi absolute <,uro fur ucxennt, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and u 1 other Itching ciitau 'OU< dtstwwos. In aggravated casus <>! iii.-s ? aDlictions it? euros h ivo be?n nhe nomeiiat. It ulvos instant r?db?f and effects permanent ? ?nre.s ;W. at druggists or by mail fr<> -i J. T. Suuitbisk, Dept. A, ba* vuui.a.., iia. Praise. ' * l 'an site act ?'r "Act ?" ' ' Ves. ' ' feet ! v shameful the way she acts." " Well, I should say so. It is per To Drive Out Miliaria and Build Up the System Take tho Old Standard Ohovk's* lkss Cmu, Tonic. Yo.i know what you are taking. The formula is plaiuly printed, on every bottle, allowing it ia simply (^ui* uinetiuti Iron in u taateloaa form, aua the moat eflfi*;tu*l form. Jror growc people ami children, 50c If you have not seen a girl for a1 year or more, you don't know! whether to describe her to an "titer- J est cd friend as blond or bdunette. | Classified Advertisements (TRxroHi'u.ea UAMIM-IC TUKATMKNT of Keel Cross Pile O mid Fistula ('ure and book explaining Pllea sent free. KCA CO..Dvut.B4.MlnQeaDolis.Mlaa They 0*n Only Go Three Feet Deep. [ know Ho institution with wide, roHtny jleMs all about says Mabel I'otter llsggctt in ttie jfdWWlvr ite* linefttor. There are except ional l>r?v |ileg<? here. A brook sparkle# and splashes i t m way through J ho wood, , und every summer afternoon at the . ringing of a bell the hovs are march l ? (i (low ii there i"i a ifun, A placid faced lady to whose care t hoy ;i r?* ?*?? trusted uvl aula the locality Mint they may not go one Imwb beyond. "-They dasseu't go in only three feet deep" pityingly explained the farmer's boy i w|io wbm tolling me. "(*s fellows swims nine fe?t deep" and he trudge ed off down the rood whistling joy oimly between'' bites of a green apple. Th ore woe a lifting note to the time and an energetic nwing to I lie should or*. It taken green apples and swim ming-holes nine feet deep to meke I ho best men. They know how t ?? h roast tho deep places in life. Over against this picture I could see hun dreds of bovK ma rolling in regular stop, who nil through the world ore going to be limited to places three Toot deep. But an institution must have its boundaries ? *if it it? bringing up hoys by the wholesale. An Indignant Pussy. The family eat was crying and spoiling papa's reading of the even ing paper, and ho insisted that his small daughter put her out of doors. This she did very unwillingly, ami coming back seated herself at her father's feet with tho remark, "Von doss ought to ?ee tho look on 'at cat's face, papa."? Tho November 1 Mineator. LITTLE BOY KEPT SCRATCHING. Eczema Lasted 7 Years ? Face won All Itaw ? Bkln Hpecialists Failed, Hut Cuticura Effected Cure. " When my little boy was nix week# old an eruption broke out on lint face. 1 look i him to a doctor, but his face kept on get ting worne until it got so bad that no one could look at him. ilia whole face was one .crust and must have been very painful. He scratched day and night until his fiife was raw. Then 1 took hiut to all the best specialists in skin diseases, but they could not do much for him. The eczema got .. ?. His. arms and tegs sunt wcccnld not get a t night's sleep in months. 1 got a set ot j Cuticura Remedies and he felt relieved the i til at time 1 used them. I gave the Cuti- I cura Remedies a good trial and gradually I the eczema heated all up. lle is now seven years old and 1 think the trouble will never return. Mrs. John tJ. Kltfmpp, 80 Niagara St., Newark, N. J., Uct. 17 and 22. 1U07." ? Absence makes the breakfast table ?more alluding and the home bed seem ? heap softer. Hicks' Cupudine Cures Nervousness, Whether tired out, worried, BleepleHnneas or what not. It quiets and refreshes brain and nerve*. It's liquid and pleasant to take. Trial bottle 10.'. Regular uizos 14&C. and 50c., ut druggists There may be some way of falling in love and escaping dire results, but ir" so. the average man has never found it out. rEHFKCT III4ALTII After Years of Hflrkarhc, Dizziness and Kidney Disorders. Mrs. It. C. Richmond, of North wood, Iowa, sayi: "For years I was a martyr to kidney trouble, backache, dizzy spells, head aches and a terrl* ble bearing down pain. I lined one remedy after an other without ben efit. Finally I used a box of Doan's Kidney Pills And the backache ceased. Encour aged, I kept on and by the time I hud used three boxes not a sign of the trouble remained. My health is per fect." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-M llburn Co.. Buffalo, N*. Y. The man who minds his own busi ness q;ets skinned neither by his ?cn eral manager nor by Itic public as a busybody.. * rj or omo. Crr$ of Joloo, f u_ | ^ i,UOA? (JOVMTT, ' ? h'AHH J. Cuestr & "ft gift J? M-/JIOJ ;,urtncroi tl.e hmtir ? ' * bwitm* jo ^ ^p. J. ^Sf ttpnrud. w"? I I.Alt* !ijf ruch ?fiO wrjr ?*? * t'??t t4/iny? be curtit tf <K "ff .ili* Cm*. Vni>i<t .OtjUFW ^*"1 it io Uetorc m tali rtbttrH*) iu mm Km 0(ti <L? o< A. V., A. Mf. <JUUK>\ ,I*Kai.) Now/ I'ubfic. liull a i t,l/ii r M 'urf llUt"?"1'""-"1'""'' Jim-iiy oil uie wwvtw ?ur j '?<? or t/.e ???ie/l, t*0<1 ,r*? KJ < ?'<l '*v <<ii JJruu'Ht'- *fc> , UmU m J-a/mJy ^ frrii+ttfiUoa. Iniproird Method* loture Cbr?per liood*. I'*" i hundred* of y**ri omnlf if <1 j 'mod thf> fii o style and tltt ot tutor j ui>d hud no thought that it could be I Improved iindl borne gealu* evolved " ' " 1 *?//>.? Thauenius reaped f 'li'.- +afi ij i ,r/.oi'. Tb>l f?"?" the benefit ot his Inventive talent by chjartslnp from $3 to |( for #aei? im plement, being jl*d to buy fit those /Ikhk h, Now conies anotfcor ' IfWNor who ban made possible a n'ilj 1/ iter safety razor, and /or only twrntj.^vf cents. That sum lo post age Hf.'imp* Hfitt to t bo Book Publish ing j 34 Leonard street, New York, will .secure a raiqr postpaid by rotiirn mail Tb la low price Is only made jfoti&t ble by tbe Invention of nch'iit Hit machinery which produces ; wotiderf-il revults at small cost. ? : . I A man ( ;j;i win his own admira ,,on s" r<-H(hly that lie sometime other peopled {jets mixed up on opinions. Industry is the parent to sue:css, inul tin; siif'e^ belong lo the man who won* t lie industry. TitrrKiti *r--A hbmable cube. Tittirih Is ft snre.?af?*u(l?p??'ivcur? j forocs^nwi. tetter, gkln aad ?c?lp ? ftud ItchiMK fudorw-l be phyilcians; I iiralserf by thousands who liav? uhwI tt. J Wagraat, sootbiov, ftDtl??r?tio. 60j. at rtruif^isix or by from J. T. Bhcjtbihi, ? Dept. A, Bavu.i/iah, On. People wlii? are always trying to look i lie p;ii i sometimes get so busy ! about it tluii i hoy target it. - ( . Cupiidine (.'tiros Indigestion Pains, | Beklunc, Soiir Roinach. and HMrtburn^J from whatever fause. It's Liquid. Effect# immediately, lkictorg pre?cnb? it. 10c., 26c.. and 50c . at drug storen. <\ fiol't miswer permits you to fall 1 an easy vi#-i im to t he shrewd agent. Mrs W'inhlfNv's Soo'irng Syt'WP lor Children tect bm^. pof tenc !|k'/uiii?. reduces inllainm ?? Ui n.ullaj n ; u;ii,i uifs Kjud Colic. 25c u IkiuU' A day's pleasure, and a y.ce.r's sjnef.-^- Mixlei ti ( ircek. Mueli wniild have more and lost all.- ? ( ici man. Ipsi 5?g? lUg Mm&z SPS WwmWmm, atok.ifSJ'? aSBj&gi Hi i-T-wudaoi ?Qbled wltJtl ^ulceifcj ?"lArities, "3 ft bear- m Lildioraa- -*t - FACTS K For thirty ham?8 Vegef from rooted Htaudard re andiUMpow women who I dwplacemeni tion, flbro'J Mm. ?"Wiom Invito .11 atck j dw| Mrs* , women , She has hoaltb* Nothing Nevi lyjMmioiii "ASK YOUR GftWNI MOTHEI For many getier&ilrift recount*?* a 4 a wuadto In trei^lilic ftad outfit Rhtium&tlim ??tidHeii'i UREASE LIMlMESjfU (rr?'&s<, with other va dliMitrt added. Try U. Xtto-At*U UruggH vyrcas# i)it1 o?ei| SMW medium ftesaa from pure Koaif ?arm* logo ?iocs niore than anjri??g ?tUcr one lliing ty mqkg CABBAGE I fv'rv.v r,i.i ',ly and head up J <.rt .;.Cf > 1 t'.ii* t lcmcnt is evident an ?v< r i;>; crop of cabbage i'.;l : : > t our, :s of Potash' per acre. iruu i.ix.xj to a,ox> pounds fc.r'. 'i./ < n 9% of Potash r-~ it ii.r.icr ise the Potash ! < l to each loo pound9 Arrv ze f. r !' .tash now. Potash la ? ? kali WORKS, Candler Bldf., Atlanta, G&.' ?w York? ?3 NmiuSt. Chicaft? MoMiaMk IMg. PUTNAM F ADELE I olor more worwl* hrlshter r?n<1 f(i*ter \?olr>rr, man a.i/ othor can dyr i?ny Kiirincut without tipping apart. W Ive. Ont> 1 . rut! IMC freo booklet- Mow ;;r- .u nt?>rF. i(,,.y -eaci, a.n.1 Mi x Color*. The Safe Way When Threatened with a mishap, the safe way is to take Cardui and prevent the trouble from occurring.' Weak women need Cardui before confinement, to strengthen their system and help them through this trying period. Thousands have tried it, and found it of wonderful benefit, at that and other try ing times of their lives. Mrs. Fannie Nichols, of Mexico, Mo., writes: "Ijast year I was threatened with a mishap and Wino of Cardui helped me more than' ; any other medicine. Now I liave a fine,. : healthy boy. I think Cardui the fines^||l medicine I know of, for female troubles, |j and I wish all suffering women wnnl/l 4"tm -S4- " try it.'' Cardui is sold by ail 1 gists, with full directions for u?e languages. inside ti pliable drug^3 r u?e. six';! VALUABLE BOOK FREE - uu; \> rapper. H t)?x>v ** ?"* valuable htr,t? 6nvmM'>m* ? t Fetal f?r wo,^. ??"*???* health. hj?l,ir 1 iaKe /i a d n VMJLW Bnvarc of tie Cougk ?W? k??fi cm pcraiitrmly. bmlfci* your uUfct'i ml ani ?Bhewfcg yee th? rielwe c( <k? ptraiymt. AfnrdMM of FUo'i Cur* will nli?Ti wno cWrfalVy m coufk, M m(Ht how lu a<Vaactd or aariooa. Il MUllii aad Knla thitrrjliltd ?w fa*? , cUtn Om clrcffd air fi'MM ud Om coofh disap pUfl^ v> z. At ?l 4r?nW. n ?*. VHFfTViTltfl nrw ihoawuvt* eareds r? ?HLunni ion kuU??p*?<lw:?ukr?nt*?Bl v??pr)c? W?ir. Write Tiiic WRKiWf MUD. CO.. Itru'lud. A I.WAT* RRNTION THIR P/IPRV wk*? wrltlig Jl4v?rlltw?, ?M ?? knylMg ArlUlM bItwIImI IB ifcf?f rol*Mn? l?k??*lr ifcfc*NIIIM aM DECLINE ALL SUBSTITUTES ! 5ars! Thompson's Eyewater *jggffgmS?* iUMnn.M;. A aho? that b too yoo i? iilhoeTx^^ "CN r?* men