keep him ?rat an unof MV0 out id. mbj^ lo?#^ by IbejlH&l elrole, bat all whd kntw bin could not halp admiring him. Tho funer. at eorvloea wye held at rho h?ro?*? eonddcM bf^Hev. L A. AlitohHI aeaiated bj wr O O Herbert, Who apoke to word# of ten.iereet ajmpa.j ?thy and onmfort* and of deepeet / ?christian hope and promise. .cIiok aeng with peuoliar eweetQpaaj ? veral app'Oprlnte attention The 1 jmu^io at the tomb waa alao eweet and beautiful Tlie little form araa faid to ra?t in the family .plot ?tr ihe| Onmdeo cemetery, the grave completely hidden from view 58 profaaloo of beaufc'ful 0?were t May God'e pa- oat aogela guard hie atom Seril or Du A. iSSSI *i?iHnv", S 0, N"k 5. '08 Tu? p. A B? sr??ud o* tlifl yearly report, of ilila "youth ' jfglM Chapter. Pourt?an aemee| ilwb? to JMUall, JhnF applfo* lf>'? PHpera are now |u, WaablD?u?n, D C, iff b* approved , iha N?>* ?l?et?og there. ' I ??e ftt* 0???ip^|ptj jto Mr#. Arthur da Jeraajr /or a like gift, and to Mr. W. IiflDvPeae tot 0 Obddod ball . donated the Relic roopi, \ Withogl the geaeroua a a* alBi?DOeT^jf]?;gotHl .people o||?fc town and oommnnlM, itbe D A. R SUST would- fnd *?dernf Lo meet ibe;?D*BV oblfgatlona and :&? pfooe* that ?e haf<* inourr*&^r^* A letter baa, bean received from |^*-lhe 8?oret*rf of tba United D*ugW ?re of tba Coaf.derboy accepttng tba offer ?f a reilc room ju ika D. Chapter bulM(?g.i,^ com. olttae ?Hl ?* aeai from both .ot? ?? have $g$0 r? omve ndiiAiV nbalrmau ZK5 of Wintlprop OoU frouj Mil parts fe at ?ebool, are oouob PPM ?v<>r an oethreae o! '.jpsoin ?vW,,iue contAm(n*tiug aonro* of *bioh they have beeu unable to lo cate 80 far they have have not, bum able to onoover ' a aaapieiouM oiroumstanoo that lends to * ditoov* erjtff the caa?e The oolle^e ban been open now two months and it ie ? bought unlikely that any of the oases started before. the patient* left home. The Indian pand The United 8tat??e Indian Hand vm are* ted at the Opera House on Monday 'night by a. Urge audience of Oamden'a moat cult tired And re fined oitiiena,; Tfce universal v?r (Hit ia tbat it waa very pood indeed, It i? aafd ti'At the baud cwnpare* favorably wllh tbe Marine band. Houaa'a ami {tinea'. Thle waa the fleet attract inn of the Qatnden < itv Lvccura Tl?p nest attraction will be '* 1 be D*\V ne*t Wednesday night, the 18th Birthday Party. Oo ru?*#rtHV eft* moon N'lTunhn tit* u-oiht Mttmer John Ci>?pn)*b Uuger H-areu oniurt h1u?mI a Urg* number of hie Utile frleud* to hon or ?>f lii? fifth birthday. Promptly flkt (our o'clock i tie Ul ale tote begeft to errlve earl by fl?e o'clock the Ui?o wee Hey with little : bnye end glrln on tbelr beet behev* I of end loofctd tbelr eweoteet end pretffegt. M 'Keen QUpdU j6vna ? 10 nil. Tilt long Vftiile b*d room (or ftll and oarrled tint the on|or aobejna of pink ?i?d #bltc ? pink ftnd wblle candy, little fcetu-a - In plok ft?rt while, ice QtiWft and ? very mild frail punch m?de the III lie oim certain th*t thl* ??? ? r??l i>erly. Lmle pink fiaekeU . lied with white rihh??*-?atfv f tt?d with plok ?ttd while candy elood *t each piftte At aouvenlra. Each little boy reonlved ? bird thai #htatlea *od each girl oo? of those thai oftnlftlo ?oine hidden treasure. - f ~ 4?| bell pcftl ,|u. ,Wltk THE JAYS. Mr. 6t:Mrs. Day will be here next Wednesday night as the second at traction of the Lyceum. As Readers and Impersonators these two have no equal. Tickets now on sale at Zemp's. Notice of Application For Charter. State of Houth Carolina,) Kerrhaw County ) Notice is hereby given that the under, aitrned will apply to the HecieUry of Stale for a charter f?>f a aerial organiza tion for thn |inrpmplet?d and the church in being built up spiritually . We take the following from t lie Morris town p*per : -The Firm Pnebvteriao Church of M irris'owii, wn? ri^Himzcd Mny 16 ??. 1866 *l
  • em* t/?*re . I *h <* churuii no* h -ift h ni* in* bereliip of nearly three bundled and in thoroughly organised nod < quippi d f->r ? oi k r.;B*rly in 1908 pUns were inHug ' united for th? building of n n? ?v church and llie remodeling of the old one, so as t > adapt it to modern S-ilihHth 8(dio?d wik Woik was begun nbout 'lie flint of M?> and in now finished. Tn? old ohurch ha* been c overt ed Into a.corople'e up-to. date 8 in day School building including ??? eemhly rootr, Indie*' pallor nod mote ill ho a d can cl ??-)f>, nil w< II lighted Kiwi furnished. There ire two Stairway* lending to I be rooms on ibf second floor and un derneath one of iboee n convenient ly arranged lavatory. The upper rooms all opvn oa a large rotunda and face tbe Superintendent'* desk, except one wbicb will he used for i be iCindergarlea class ami o*n be Used bv the pastor as a study. Tile pear auditorium is placed i dn mediaW'lv in front of the old budd* ing and is connected wit|? it by ves tibules, thus giving f }> the architect about 450, but an the aisle* ar? very wide by ib? urn of chairs It oan be m*de to seat on* hundred mora. Botb the building* are heated bv hoi air furoaoea and the auditori um wall - ventilated by mean* of abafta, one oonneoline with the fur neoe chimney, and the other with tb*< belfry An electric light in eeob panel nf the oeillog -and br?ck?t llghta on the walla, not only afford abundent light but givt.a beautiful eff?ot. Tbe entire ooet of the work ia $16,000 but inoluding the old oharoh with addition* and improve tsenta mad* to its ?u? in*, plant could tot he duplicated for leae then 130,000, pcrbape not* nearly $36,000. In ratting the fundi tbe congregation baa not (Oil beyond tie own miahtri, except for a few voluntary gifU for the pipe org an nor hu tl reerrted io ?upper* , be st are, nor aide above of nny kind. Tbn flret eervice wen held In ibe Sabbatb eobool room* laet Sabbatb wlib tbe largeet attendance In the htetory of llwTobnrcb. The paelor preached b?th morning end en ning to Urge oongrrgaltone , re ceived one on pvofeoeion <4 faith and juto?inUt?-r??t -?b* ort u Htart financially than to limit your saving** and soond the balance. It is surpt'is ? inur how quii-k ly you can create capital when you gla O. ^buYKINj r FIRE INSURANCE. _ Dwelling And Mercantile Risks A Specialty. Represent* Only The Best And Mont Un liable Companies, - H 'nl Kttnte And Renting Agent. i EST"^U r?\TcT DAT or NIgHT o. m?ckkiqht. The Gilt Edge Store Gives The Public A Rare Opportuni ty ToBuyFali And Winter Goods At Our Bargain Day Price SmashingPrices. We Give Below a Few of the Spe cial Price Leaders. 500 yds 4,4 soft finish Bleach at Ctc yd 10 pes Androscoggin 4 4 bleach at 8 l-2c yd 6 pes 4-4 fine Cambric at 8 l-2c yd 1000 yds tea Island at, 3c yd 1000 4-4 Sea Island at 4 U2 yd 1500 yds good checked Homespun at 4 l*2c yd , All of our best dress Calico at 5c yd 1000 yds good Outing, dark and light colors, at 4 l-2o Solid colored C hnmbravs. 10c quality at 7c yd A good quality English Longcloth at 98c: 12 yd* tp pc 1 CuSG Den ma rd Flanneliette 10c quality ut 8 l-3c A lot Galetea reduced lo 12 l-2o yd 1 pc 85 in Taffeta, the $ 1 25 kind at 98c Beautiful lot colored Mlk, %1 in wide at 37 l-2c 5 pes double fold plaid Suiting worth 10c going at 7c 500 yds Lancaster apron checks worth 8o at 6c Ladies HandUorchiefs 3c, 4c an4 7 j 2c Big bargains 1 lot bleached Sheets 72x90 at 39c Ladies black Hnhe, 10c qunlity at 7 l-?c 1 lot bleach pillow cases 42x30 at 9c each 1 pc unbleached Sheeting worth 25c a. Iqc yd The above are just a few of the many bargains you will find. We are showing a beautiful line of ladies Tailored Suits, Cloaks and Skirts; Blankets, Rugs, Art Squares, Mat tings, &c. We will allow 10 percent off on these and all other goods bough tregular. STAR BRAND SHOE i BETTER Your? Respectfully, The Famous Gilt Edge Store. P. T. VillepUue, Proprietor. > 7' ??? ;r. 7- 7 rT