The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, April 24, 1908, Image 4

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m to?4? "nk' them ut-li Hined VMH BSAL W|ffi_SiLLi .#>? ??* 5 0f I.ncknow. K. C. 35?cif6 One 4-rooai <1 wi-ll injt Hn't on* burr. ^^^, p|pn. It of good pun** H?.c known 118 u IMirtof?li? Dunrao Mhi'.-IihII Price $850.00. ff \ JAMR8. 1 . Buliopvillw, .S. 0 March 6* h, J 9(18 m 1 1 - - ?% &?? t^pBCkStii' <YF D?k s %l, i'lIKh .'?S ' A i" At iilHo . . 1 jj ' ??.J VV ? rr i' i fl . u W ? < M A : Ul . T ? \ Pu - h : j, ?; : Hsfcf' ? ' rnfi kf-K ? whrift vv - <j u ? ,t-i i - j .?if;j^rior n > >mj 6' M N ,l), tlrHylrv :qv f Hi 0 fit", yji.ffyTvi r- > ?? ???' ? ""?t- v" . : ii 1 y f 7 ] An fiance To RegiiTaft bringing ot frl^plKMU* Sllld Electric ?1 Wires:? He it o, ,\nw? ,""Vu,,,!ii ?i the liity fmttmvn* *(ler tlic pa/^a* UN* - Ordi"??co all T#lnjiaph T efrlW ^', r1t'U! A Wires. uM>.i in ? 0 . frfcall ?.?. strut 2 1* topolen at h heitfht of not l?*? 25 <^Lon 25 fret on others ?J?W ^1? "l the ? rret. itffrH u SlT rL Uoh.tJ io flfti.I 5*t- )l Hp I>rop''r y '"?untci anl*t*to.- *Htl* mim areldfi * feSg >Re UKiiiK J, ere P^ce* in ,ui<t CU"d ??? piJv ?J W??r the tiiucpw of ,he l rv v 2S IS ? t rifiH!#*'?4 ?r ,,,,R"fe IvadUJ 1 kJU* ?Ui!',r,d to h.. H < pro |fl ,|)t> fl,rect rit! *n**J jr,(i Uftd? Mtdaball bo 0?lin.m? hy ?? nmr wit I'll ij" ^ ' ',?? C|?lrm.n ol fnnoiic, from**'? 0f the City of J^ominHlt'C ? * R violating the ? jLL fb?ll be guilty Of ^?tmsof this Conviction ? ? ?,m ?ot?a ;,u OTk April 4r*^4RRI8()ST> Mayor. APril 8l h. 10<* Headquarters For When in need of anything in the hardware line call and see me, f A, D. KENNEDY. b E /4 IS ?z> fk ?fi D Air Line Railway. Koniwd Tim* ' h' ?" ?rri-??lH hi>.1 < ii ? !??? w ?? ) ! nr. tj iii i! "ft>nii?'p!M?inn ur< giv? n only ?h infot iDat iou . !ii * in;; ?'*?.. NOHTHBOUNf) I.v. ( Mtll '?>'? A c. H in ? t l.v ltiMiyli- - Ar I * ^itxiiKuil h r liifhum/T : Ar \r Bulliinor Ar. iMiilw1 tljiliin "Ar" Y??ik A r I'll t?!iu ^ Af Tjv Cannon Lv ('oluiiiinn ?l.v. S*v*nnnn A', -lacks i ? v 1 1 1 *? Ar August mt? Ar MoiigOiii- ry Ar NVw ()rl'v>iHH A ' . T?iinf?? Ar Miumi N.. 84 9 HI) p :?< 1 1 Hit p m. 3 45 ?? mi 10 HO n in 9 l*' >i tt> 1- Ho p in 4 1 HH p in 8 "ift p ni (> HO p mi 9 42 p n> H f>6 h tu >< ?TJT?? BOUND No. 81 9 20 h m 10 H5 t\ mi 2. 1 o p mi 7 (JO p mi 9 10 p mi H f)5 a ill - 6 45 p in " 6 HO u in 10 15 k in N.-> 60 6 57 ?? in 9 2" H 12 6U p in 6 05 p in 0 3d p id M 45 p in 4 '2 1 h ra 7 HO ? hi X 5(1 ii hi 1 2 06 p in No 43 10 4*> (> if) 11 16 p m 2 45 >i m 7 1 5 B ui ? 1 1 00 H III H 15 p iu 7 2?> ? m 5 2<i p ui 1 0 25 {? tn Tnnn* N'?s. 81 ?ml 84 ore p?imp??R?;<i ?>l the following hiyli einan cqiiip ni- lit. : I 'ii 1 1 in >? it drawing room, hI???p?mic ear '-eiwren Jeraoy Cily >t r> < I r?i,.|>H. daily ; So.uhoar?t iliniriu ?'?r hftwecn WhkIimi^Ioii unil Richmond and between Handel. at?d J uck-on ville. also firnt e'as* ?(ny coacheM Trams Now 43 and fi6, KeatoonVd Mai!, d .j.'y, a'<? of following -q.npim-iu : i'll Inian driving r??oin *l?epinuf ear l?.<lw<) Nw Y?>rk and I mka??nvil le, dai'.v Seaboard hnff-t parioi car i>rjtw?-#?n .J ackaou villc* mid Tunpa. dwtly l)inin# ?-Hr between Washington and Ham lei, dally. Alao tirat eiua* day eoachea *1. F> <r furl Iter inforniHtion and rMf^rvutinrvq apply to K J COOPER, Agi'nt, or write to v\ . L ftjtf RROT7 Q FI HT r T P \ , 0??in Titii i Tr tyln cierta/ctna. * CAl.LS ATTENDED ANY HOUR I>AY Oil NIGHT EST. E. O.McC HEIGHT. A ItfcHtl w|lO W HH hImmji t ? l)?t tit .? i- I wur \ ory vuim, iuiiLalu-?i, tiT'ktrr r mv 'Mri?rti<nt|'ir> kh to how hti niuHt >u'i, f||v quo-i !<???: *?(?? ii Uihbt,?.iuHiy t ? ou8-? tim hi jii i "f"* ? -jKx. MinHoHri ju ,1g, li?i? <!? cnl- it tli w t. n >>nli plnvci i? a In tx>r< r. \A'?? Iihvp hUvm*" hntirvrrt that hull plnvitlji is liui<t?*r woi k than ppl'ttiii^' rails. Money To l.oan. I 'in prepftii tl to make loan* .<?.? up pro \ ''(l (jsoctirlt v of lt?-nl K -tale ;u K*'j ? h:tw bounty on term* 10 Miit honowor NV. M. SHANNON. Attorney ?t 1 aw. CauhioiK ^ , N<?v. lf?- P*>6 Northwestern Railroad of S. C. n.. <;h n? 70 j/v 1 1 m ? 1 1* ii -j i i? hi 7 <hi a in >? < ? Hv .1 1 1 ' i ? 4 '-.r? p m 7 10 h in \r K ??'}>? I .'{8 pin 7 HO ? mi Mi-i ' ;< > ' 4-1 |' iu 7 4" ti ill \r li-ir it-ii 4 .')X p in 8 ??(> u in V r I) iz i 5 * < o mi 8 2f> >? in ? U" Juiit'iii.n f> 48 p in 8 58 h in A-i Sunt" i 5 4 .*> {? mi 9 00 u hi N . C>? V ? 7 1 Fjv m i. m t a ?> 1 N \V (? )? ?> 9 H8 ?? mi D h z G fro ; m ?) r>u ? in H< >i m i! 7 0^ p in 10 I ?' >t m II III I I f 7 28 |> III I 0 21 H Ml Ki !?>?????- 7 .'to p m 10 HI a hi S.? W v .In" ? 7 50 p mi 1 1 oo h mi Ar ('hi? e 8 00 p m 11 10 h iii A; n ? ? ... x<v |?t. 'Stintiiv THO ?? WILSON. I'r nt An Ordinance. To Prevent t ht Ohsfi uof i?>n of the Streets ?>(' the _Qit\-i)? "Oam.l 11. S I?! by Tel. grnph, Telephone. K lee trie Be it or.lniiM d by the Oil y Omincil 'of lilt* C?IV lit < IHIKti I), S. ?!.. 1 1 <Ht IfOMl Hinlvft i??r the 'g- of this Oidiiiunet* it shall hcunln* mi for arty p??r*on nr cur poruti'in to erect <>r pi ?ee i?ny "lVlegrHph, Telephone or Klec.r.e Light po ph, or oth er ruction. in or <?n the drive, fiiys or sidewalks nr < 1 r >? i i > s of t by streets of the Citv of (Jatnd- I) : nrd uny vucfi obM '"uet'oii now si><rd iitir or heiny in or on said driveway* eifle ?!ilkt? or drains nre be?-ebv ih-elared lo be it mirsitt co nl <l mii obstruction to tin* Strut?!* Kin) f> 1 1 ti 1 1 l e removed bv "not perRim wr cor(? ?niUon UM lift 8 a trie within ninety (?K))da?s after wr.tteo tii-liee from the M *\ or of the City of mn^rr. or from t he Chairmnn of ? !??? Comroj::? c <?n Sireem of the Oil >" ol Cailiden ; ttiut u ivy Tele* t'ltiph Telephone or liteelre Light poles or??t:t. <1 in Iiim <-'it.y of tJamdnu ?hall lip plseed oil k line between iht* outer eilff?* ,pT the. sidewalk mid the* imur edge of li'.e street drain. and nod -r, the direction of (he Citv Conned of Camden or itu du ly appointed repreae ntati vtu that spy I cirton viohiiinn the terms of this Orur? nance ahall b? tf'nbv of a mi"demeauor and upon convictim thereof sh??ll be fined in a Hum not exceeding one hundred dol lars ($!<? 0 ftQ) or he itnpris >n (I for ri d not exceeding thirty (30) day* in"tn? ! discretion of th?ei?v Recorder Untitled in Council aasernbled. this the 7th day. of A p il. A I) 1908, Light ami other Pules Attest J. .!. GO( April 8th, 1008