V:;W S py W IRE of note km! ardu ona of pro Tip of Franco ^OUiitrUs ho viilt#. I. Cra.-.dln not b-*t Trlty during hiu Joui ley* considerable profit# by tho way boo'.** m?d punch ra^ouiitlnK Ibo fntercsttng Impr** mluau of tils tourj, and out of (ho ho baa already Rlv?u a eon fllwrtlo turn to u ho. .dial in bU commune. On? of his ox;> riemci wan of a particularly thrllllnp character. Wl?ll<* pausing through -\ -J > y h y ! 1 1 1 u he wax t* k**a for art Ifn'lan spy, nunm-led 4 anA lnryprlaonod f r a month. During tbu tlrno ho was terrorized by hi* .Kvwds, but JMiscood <1 by a brlv>> in gwttlni; them to remove hi* chain* It was only after a inarch o I thro# fkvm<1 ^eaijeol.?'Tit- Htta. -fO t'i.lvAN LACK/' "Ti> roHturo la. ?i, either blur W or ?bti?, when hoI ! oil , plait" li In iiiIIk '?*r 111 or 18 bourn Tha milk become* *r j?i; (bn lam shtni'd then bo K"ntiy wiahftl lu ll and afterwards well t~in*?4 In clean lukewarm water and fal<| out Kinuoth upon a pillow lu ib? atn. ? Dost on I'tit. THE PAINTING SEASON. f#ood rcFultn la poli.tlng at th*> I?mmU ccmt depend largely upon the raatovlxl chosen. Faint in a simple ?meajptwntl and the Ingredients can bu ?? tly tested. Th ; solid part or ply mumt should bo White Lead. Tim Itqukft part should bo Linseed Oil Yhote boat Informed on painting al ways buy those ingredients ^^arato* ijr. and havn their painter mil them v- firuih for oach job. llefore the mli I?I tJtu b tost Is made. VtSita a pea-hized bit of White Lead OB a place of charcoal or pleco of wood. Illow the flame against it and is ?h>t it will do. if- It in pure White he ad. little drops of bright. Va*? metallic lead will appear, and with patience the White Lead can be ?oapletel7 reduced to one globule of a??Aaillc lead. This la because pure WhUct Lead In made from metallic ZMd Ti?v xany test dozens of other so fsllbd White Leads and not be able nto reduce one of them to load II t will not chaagtt wholly to lead >lb?t le?ave a Residue, It U clnnr that taome Qkdulterant 1h present. CD yon uhould have your paintlnu ? Mwttb tuieh materials, no mattei 'how dheiip they might seem. It would 'jb4s rosily In the end National Lead Compnny, Wood ferldgf Building. New York < *i i> . an Mmidiug; ou request a blowpipe fro* ?o any one about tn have painting ? done, so that the White Lead ituiT.bc tnatntL With it will be sent a hand taoHox^ly printed booklet having a? Its Cmul lspieee the "Hutch Hoy I'ahiter.' reproduced from the original paint tin* Tliis little painter has becomi ?*vted as the guaranty of pure White ?j?ad. Don't he nftnid of censure. We nl o??ii toning down as well as toning ?apt So. 17- 'OS. THECOMEAND SEESIGN This si^ii iTpern;?;iently .attached to the front, of the main )milt the Lydia K. Pinkham Medicine 4'oinpciny, Lynn. Mass. Wlint IXops Tills Sisrii Mean ? If. rcer,a:is that public insivction llw laboratory and methods of dein^ Ix lh inoss is honestly de*iivd. It means thai ll>cie is nothing about 1 1 u* bus iness which is not "open ami above iKfcwtL"' it wans that- a permanent invita tion is extended to anyone in runic and verily any ami ail statements made in the advertisements of I.vdia K Pinkh uin's Vegetable ( omixuind. i Ik it a purely vegetable eomj>ound made from roots and herbs ? with out drills V mid See. 4* > Che women ? whom sick woman arc ask'ul to write? 4Jthtaa o ;t iul Sr?\ is the vast private correspondence with sick women conducted by women only, and arc theietters kc{>t Htrictly eonlidcntial ? Como and See. Have they really got letters from over ouo tv.illion, one hundred thousand Tvomen correspondents? nful Sec. Iljtve th( v p:v? f that I.wiia K. l*SnUh amV> Vegetable ( ompound has cujwi thousands rt thc^c w cme:i ? si ii ' I sec. Th* : ? t\>r doubters. Tlio great army of women (> -who know from their own personal ?xpfcrienoc that no medicine in the world equals I-ydia E. pinkham's Vegetable Compound lor female, ills roll Btill pro on using and being l>en efitod by it; but. the {>oor doubting, , muttering woman must, for her own atfaejbe taught con lidenoe.forshe also v. might juntas well regain lier health. IIO'/KN VAUiH IV \ \u:i:k. in . Ill (iHiheniiK 1 0 . f? 0 0 dn*<*n okk* I" one wet*k In th? record accompli* 4 hy John Hu nr. 4.??l, h< Low Hoini , HI. l,at?? If.Kt wu??k li ft received hii order from Ronton, Mm*., ?o riiHh il??i mi I t?mv lit , uitii was K'vMit on* w/?'h In which l<> fill the order. Wood fori CuuMi.v >v;?M won tfd nnd iln? ronitigtini^nt hax been n 1 1?*<1 litfonc tb<* tim< l.lutit. 'Fliliivni Mhd a half ?eni! ? dozen w?# lhf IK'liU'. I Admiral Bwlrli llrntl. j TtuMiib. S'. d R?ir Mruital 0iO I 15. Bttlch, United HtaU-tf Navy. itMhud.i who bnou:\ Tttiii* (lorn :i Day Ajtirl. Spring Held . Muik. A won wan bo"u to Mi and Mi'x, I'Vaiik Hhor'initn ?'.oii* ney, mid next day a ?iau^liUr whh j born to iheiii Tin* phenomenon of | iwimi w i i '? dlffr ? n: hli i h'la> <* ih ill- j nio't unknown. I To Mold a National Spelling Her. f'levebi rid A national Hpellinn )>.? ? v/)ll he hrOd In fonii rtion with I he ' annual seHtiion of tin' National Kiln* rational A^oclrtioa licic on .1 ti 11 ?? 1 Will ICinploy lo.ooo Mi'ii. KairbrtnliH. Alaska Ton thousand, nii-n will In* ontfatfrd i 1 1 H?*at t and Other Pacific (!oal#t eitp*n at a salary J of $5 a day and board, according 'o a j derision reached by III" Mint' ()wii"rn ' anil Op 'i atoi ;/ Assoi i: lion. Killed by i'oin. l,u;?i)/i.r I iid A iai'K*' copper en I , i swallowed si\t\ yearn a>;o. caused ihi* ' death of .lame* IIimkIiiv. aixt >?-?'? veil ! years old. The coin bi'i'.ann> encased j in tl'i' lining of i In* stomach at the time it was swallowed and i eihai >t?'d there until receii 1 1> . when an absrvjs tormvd and acids in tin- uLoniucli li<*- ! ^an to dlsKolvc the coin. I'olhonin^ i I'lJ.siM'd . ca iik i it j.', den i li Panic a Plot. Washing! n ? I) f*. ? lieforo n j House committee Hanker A <) ' ('.rozler. of WilmitlKi ')ii, l>. I . offered t to prove that the recent panic was i brought on dellberaiel y through a Wall S< reet plo' . Tall lleaii'itiarlers Kn^ayed. t 'iiicauo. Headquarters for the, promotion of the candidacy of SerYe. ; tary Taft for tne Presidential nom ination were engaged aL liie Cireai Northern Hotel here l,-i*n II Jar Plant llcsnmev. Marion, Ind '1'he Marion l-'ruif ? Jar Kavlory . of Muneie, will r.-stnne j ??perat ions a. soon as possible. |i j has hen c'osi il since las! \|;?v 1 I K <1 |nl Tiiji f \\ ittlc ( ? iiii Muff. Cincinnati - 'ro'.mail Williiim l iio, iiiK Hhol ar>? r'QUliy Killed lien Smith on 1,11)- uii'wwt. Thorium cm uk tit Six. U. in < he act of mealing i l.-nd V?lp? n n cl Smith made n I ? 1 u f f ui df|WlQK ? |/l?i?>l. Tli#) r. ii n Smith ina>4ft tho threat to d;aw whh a loan# Uptir faucet, It wa? disco vered after Ilia death. Army l'?y Incrrniii* Asnuirctl. Washington. I) C Th*> Army 1h [. !?;?,? --The edxe i ool .;o\iorv of Whit man-l)arneH whm Dinned I, ohm, $200,000; Innurance, 51 or, ,(ioo. ( yrttx W, t'line For CoiiKfCHii, K endall villi*, Intl. Tho IJemoftratH ?>r the Twelfth Coiiktckh District num ina'etl CyriiH W. Clino for Copgree* on i he flint ballot. Willow of Dan Kin* Dead. San Antonio, Tox.---.MrB. Mareella like, widow of "Dan" Ulce, the Millions e i !*(? 1 1 h clown, died in Santa Hose Hospital hero of general de l?l lily, \o More Sunday jMUicral.t. J'aii r.son, N. 'J. ? According to ai) a -rang ?mont made between the coach drivers and liverymen thero wili he i' a more Sunday funerals In this city. Named Andrew Johuhon Cemetery. Washington, I). C. ? Secretary Tuft ordered that the National Cemetery uf Cmenvillo, Teiin., he dcftlgnated a? "tin' Andrew Johnson National (!i;m(! terv '? in honor of the former Presi dent. Iron Mines li^sume, Lexington, ? Ky.? 1 The Ross Run iron Mines, fu Math County, owned l>v Alabama and Mississippi capital ist. have resumed work after a shut down during the financial stringency. IvNtud'N May Lose SilOO.OOO. H os-ton It whh announced by at iortn yti rx'I^l tsiculiug Henry H. Hogerf. receiver for the estate of John Oakus Shaw, Jr., thai the shortage in the (Stale* of which he was trustee will exceed $:{00,000f Asylum f'l?ysiciari Kills Himself. Medfield. Mass. ? Dr. Ralph Wljder, aged thirty, assistant physician at the Medlield Insane Asylum, committed sulfide by shooting. Despondency over III luialtii is supposed to have heel) the cause Seiirrbliglit For Life Savers. Say vi|!e, N. Y. ? The first search light for a Long Island life saving station was Installed at Fire Island as a result of the recent stranding of vessels. After a test of the efficiency ot this ll^bt all stations may be simi ?u fly equipped. NEWS BY cable. i:\ri-\i\s r.vr mk.vs siiii r. Paris, France. "Wl:\ do {??; net: wall- *.v i t !i ;i proud carriage, and. desp'itV t li ? ? i r ? ? v i ?i 1 ! r _* . mi'-ri nr.. .? ii ? ? - ? h.nk in the eye?" vv:i-< I he q iM'stion di>>ii 5 ? ? n i*. ? r ? I ???;-???( ? i ? l-Vcnrii Academy ii!' Scicitr *s hv I 'r.*! . ih.- ?-??? i i savaMi. lie ex pounded a ? m ? 1 1 1 1 ? 1 i i:tiial ion showing that t lie repletion ? ? f the stumarh has t li \ ? ? ? f f ? ? ? ? t n;' drawing up the diaphragm and short filing: th" l>;i s?- of the tlmra\. thus lengthening the waist. The mechanical 'fferl uf this is t h t the su>ut. well-i'?d mati is forced to strut "A' ? li ? * saute time," he said, "a very stout person is inclined to have a tierce look tn his t ?>?? because the socket itt which the ejeball univcs is emu m bored with adipose tissue. " Australian Horses Por Philippines. Manila Major William lliown. ? if 1 the I'huil t \i v.i I r> . has returned front i Aus;. .ilia w I ? it I OS Australian re- I mounts for tin1 cavalry, making a ' total ui !'.tt i he army bought In i in six inwilhs This is an experi ment. to prove whether i! will bo I possible t<> slop bringing Atm-iuan' hoi.-i'S hi-1 ?? , I'll" Australians are smaller. suppose llv hardier and bet ter suit ivl to tli" tropics than iho-. lto'.v in t;^" throughout. the Islands;. Iviuu Uark in London. London. King Howard. who reached l.ondon on his rcinni from Mtr.rrltz, held a Privy Cuuxrcii in P.ll.ice. w i i ? ? 1 1 tile yt'als ill otlice wore transferred from the old to the ii" w tit liili -is of the Cabinet. (ii i 'tunny Allows Cremation. It. i'iiii T'm* f'rit"sia n (lovernmT.* 1; about lo.ilndish t he . xis! im; Minis* t> ,<.il han Hi'.at'ts' cremation i'h'.-. n ii 1? i ? >? t h; s lieen under acii\.> discis sion IV. Pa. i> Tie- i'miis master 'ii.isn'.iS (all-. I off i I' ? 1> "koiit i?! 1,". . niin ,n..n w ? ; e ::i\ ii) \ I : r. i he d i -;>u . e>. liiisMit to Ion Ships in Knulunil. S: '? iru The Vdimi.titv, a< r >r liiur to the Ituss. has di cided . '? ????-. i ?? r !>?iir !????? ' i ?> : i 1 'trhittv desrr y ?*is from Kv.rlit'ii' Woman Si!(liaj;e in Denmark. (' c, ?:i).a^.,a tlj a vole of 0 1 to ?. Die !?'.)! k -i ii i im passed the (iov I'ri'iii' n< KV.ueh i>e hill It already has lu'i'it alojited hy the Landsthing I'm!'':- St .ill taxpayers, both male and f"Uial?\ over twent>-f:vo years o( ago, and all married xvonvn whose h us hands art* taxpayers are entitled to vote in nil comnutn.nl elections. To Huihl Amur Hailrond. St Pet et bhur>?. - The Duma passed t i first reading the hill authorizing tiie construction of the Amur Kail road. Ten Killed in Prison Rising. ?v.. i'ei * t s-i-i r{? ? A prison or^RklstR ? ?* i>;iorted Iront Penza, wtoi"h re s'.ii.-*! in k"ri d.'RtsiB. J*J!<;.vn poihett! a ? r '< ?? .1 and s.;>oh? d tv o Ar'mens to liealh. I'liey then iiirev; a number of humus and escaped front the prifon in \ he confusion. Guards pursued an shot eight of the men dond. 'I'o SjicinI S I ~ 000,000 in Havana. Haul* a, C'.jba. ? A committee of th" City O.ineil rct.crtrd favorably on the plan submitted hy Governor Masoon for lite paving and sewrrinc of Havana at a cost of S 1 .">.000.000. l iifiious rrriK hinan Doad. I *;t i i m. ? llart wig Deronhou rpr. J French < Jrient a I ist and member of I I h?* Institute, died hurt* al the ug'_? nt ! sixty-four v?ars. I Kissing (James Prohibited. j l.nndnn. The County Council has! issued an ordinance forbidding chil- i 'droit attending Cnutuy Council ; schools to play tames in which kiss ; i UK forms a pari Tin- head teacher* 'are instructed to see that such games I ?ti.* discontinued. The reason for the prohibition is contained in a sentence i of the ordinance reading: "On modi ?iil mounds the practice is considered u ndesirable. " < on\ crsidM <>f Miss Klkins. j Rome ? The King's consent to the marriage of the Inike of the Ahruzzl ;-r?d M i?r Katharine R'kltis whs oh iaineil cotid 1 1 ionn I i> upon MIsj Klkins' conversion to Catholicism, which Mgr Reccaria. the court chap lain. is now negotiating. i Hra/.it to Manufacture Itillrs, ! Rio Janeiro ? The Government ap proved the con'raets with Krupp tc purchase the material for the instal lation of a manufactory for amntuni : lion and ?t?e*. I'n Tottt h at Halifax. Brer.v n The North German Lloyd i'.as d< ruled to have some of tht .low ?'.?ai'ie.s in its New York ser \ "c touch at Halifax. i ioiia l"n.il?ie to iiaise n T.oan. i'ekin ? The Chinese Government has admitted i'.s inahiltty to raise an> i pari of the Rekin-Hankow Railroad -redemption loan, which approximate? I r. 0,000,000 tails'. ' Anarchist's Mother to l)te With Son. I Madrid Resides Juan Hull, tho An archist, his mother, Marie Queralto {and his brother, 1 Iermencgildo-, wht have been sentenced to death by the , i'.areelona Court, his father* has been sentenced to seventeen years' 'penal servitude. Hull's mother Is the wom an who placed the bombs. Russian Oftlcers Kxfcutrd. Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. ? Lieutenant Maslof.' and a >rtrseant were shot. tc. d n her.- >.y sentence of a court martial Tu. leading r evolutionists ii. the attack last June on the guard nouso and detention prison, in which several men weio killed. Russians Fight Persian Handita. ! Lenkoran, Transcaucasia. Russia. ? A company of Russian troops fought a band of Persta1? brigands near the frontier coast of Relosuvar. The cap tain and three llusslan soldiors wen killed and live wounded. BETROTHED PASTOR SUICIDE The Rev. G W. Tomson Shoots Himself at Woodbury, N. J. HIk KfigjiKmn'Mt to u Widow \Vn? An nounced n Keu Dayk IJi'fcmv ? ^n? oilier Woman Denounced llim. Woodbury, N. J.~Th? Hev (J Mrg? W. Totnaon, pastor of the /hut I're.'J* I bylerian Church, of thin place, wan found dyad ou the floor of hie room j III the Newton lfotwl with a bullet wound tn lit 4 temple. There ar? uiany eicmontK of raya- ! tory in I he death of the prominent rdergymtwi, who timbered hiiioiik hl? '-oiiKregatlon a number of wealthy ''hlladelphiMiM who have their homes In thla fashionable Hiilmrb. Tho ver dict of the Coroner'* Jury indicates j suicide, but the theory that the. min ister took hie life Ib supported only by tho face that he wa? in trouble with luwo women of hi* congrega tion. Nothing lndloa a premeditated pirn to kill hlpifcvlf. The door of ti 1h room was unlocked His body was found practically hidden behind a bod, and I h?* revolver was some dU tancu from the body. On a table In ? bo room wan the manuscript of an Katie;- Bfiimon prepared by Dr. Tom son on the text, "I am the Resurrec tion and the Life." The absence of any evidence of pre meditation and the fact that the trou bles of tho preacher might Incite in others a desire for revenge as. well as to lead him to suicide, makes tho kilting Ot Dr. Tomson a tangled mys tery, and the authorities here have determined upon a thorough Investi gation. Only a fi w days ago a report was circulated among members of the con gregation that a brother of a wealthy widow, who had been the object of attentions since the death of his first wife, had demanded that I)r. Tom son at once publicly announce his engagement to this woman. Other women, In turn, including another widow, claimed that Dr. Tomson bad trifled with their affections, and the pruacher was beset on all sides and grew despondentt About a week ago an announce- | meut appeared in tho local paner that Dr. Tomson was engaged to be mar ried to Mrs. Fannie Ken worthy, a wealthy widow, living in a magnifi cent home, and the mother of an eighteen -year-old daughter. The day following this announce ment there was a congregational ? ?ueeting at tho church and a aeusu. ? ional scene was enacted. Miss Helen Moore, a handsome woman of thJrty flvn and a teacher of tho Sunday school of the place, rose and faced the preacher. He turned his head away. "I wish to tender my resignation as a member of this church," said Miss Moore. "Tho yiastor has broken his promise to marry me, but he will never marry Mrs. Kenworthy. He is a hypocrite. "Ho owes me all the love and. duty belonging to a wife, and l shall not permit him to desert me now." The words of Miss Moore threw the meeting into confusion and she was immediately surrounded by tho women members of the congregation, who appeared to sympathize with Dr. Tomson. These, women made a for- ! nial demand upon iter to leave Wood bury at once. Miss Moore broke ('own and w?op fngly declared that. she had spoken only the truth and should have tho Kymnatliy of th" women members of the church. Nom> was extended to her nrtd v. h o was finally forced to a^ren to city Dr. To in .-on l^ft the me"tittK. He was Rt angering and when op rijaeh?'rt the ton of t!i<' stone stairs loading from Mic church oitched Ijeadlonu; to the sidewalk ()nn of nia friends rushed to his a' 1 and asked him if he \t;is ba'llv hurt. " f"nfor? unataly not," was the short, reply of tiie preacher, and h<' asked to be 'allowed to ?jo to his hotel ajpne. Since the depari-?re of her fatnilv to the Pacific Coas. to ne ti.ine a?o. Miss Moore has b< t n living at the Newton Hotel, and i-- r norted to have ?uirsed Dr. Tom son uiiring an illness, riitil her dramatic denunciation of the preacher In the church, however, no one suspected that there was any thing between Dr. Tomson and Miss Moore except the friendly relations of a pastor to one of tho teachers in his Sunday-school. NEW MOTS STOP TOKI'IiDOKS. American Navy lias n Siccl Device That \\ ill Protect War < raft. Newport. R. I. -?Exhaustive testa with steel nets to resist attacks from torpedoes against war craft have been ?.)ing on in Narragansett Bay recently. They have denionsti a ted that the navy now has a resistible steel net. The ships will soon be fitted with this device. One of the nets, twenty-five feet square, was held by two largn naval launches. Within about 800 yards the torpedo boat Morris, under full speed, fired from her forward tube a Whit"head torpedo, which rati at a speed of between twenty-five and t weniy-einht knots an hour It hit tho centre of the not aful boundvd back. Senator Koraker Dofonils Negroes. Though 151 Senator Koraker, before .1 great audience of negroes in the Senate galleries, pleaded for justice for the Brownsville soldiers. < lative Apartment House. Five Chicago men, having become ?ired of paying rent and desiring to I live In apartments constructed after their own ideas, have pooled their money, and with $ 100,000 will have constructed an apartment building, in which the plans of each one will b? carried out in tho minutest de tail , Danish Women to Vote. The Danish Folkething adopted the Government franchise bill, which gives to women taxpayers the right to vote in communal elections. Notes of the Diamond. .Too Tinker's injured hand 1b henl ins nic?ly. Manager Joe Keliey reports his pitchers as being in flne shape. Pitcher Upp, of tho Cincinnati Reds, is troubled with a persistently lams arm. Tommy Sheeh.m has pleased Patsy Donovan with bis condnct around third buse. .lake Siahl is showing consistent hitting form. Slahl can hit tho ball when he has no managerial duties to worry him. KKOM SUNNY OHANUK (JKOVKlt. The Twice -Told K*prrtr?ff vt m l?R lierimrdluu, Mao. From Hunny ttan Ik'ruurdtno, In tt>? i/ildat of orm?g? groves, writes Ltouul M . MvKtU, of luK Kltfhth .St K'H : - For fifteen year* I suf fered with Jo my buck, frequent rail* to |ma* Ihw ?e cretion?, dropyy, rheu matic H? he? and other ayuiptoma of kidney trouble. I could get no relief u hi ll I u?ed Douu'u Kidney I'UU. They curwl Hit* fl v ?r yearn ngo, u?d this U twice I have publicly buld bo The cure w?? thorough," Buld hy all dottier#. 00 cents u box. KobUT-Mllhiirn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y. On the C'api? to Cairo railroad, near Hulawayo, th<*ro; hut noth ing <1 Id m?* a ty good until I not tkttvwivi. It cured |Q?, I um so Uiunkfol " Thousands of other* I'au tofltlfy to similar ourou 'J' x < tkuimc lrf sold by druggist* or *ent by mall for $00, hy J. i\ Hut/prams, Dept. A, Kavatiuah, 0a. Don 'l be afraid of ox|>orieiice. lie is the l)?*si t cachet'. A CURE AT CITY M1SSI0H. ? Awful Cm* of Stuhiru ? llodjr ? M??i ot Soi t ?? from .s. i , etr , brought on fiout ?'X> jx?aurf. II tr |iooi body ?.?? .? hum 0 w atioiig [ #nd well. I*iir& l.iin: k. i 1 1? Ave., Nc.v York, N. Mat, 11, Mi." HhrewnirtCKK i* fi<' wit h bfht i 'tiMult*. 1 rial i*>t tin |0f. ( m 01 (urominjJ I liuljitufil constipation i peniKHKMitly. IT) M its \ ( I 1 I (KMicficidl offa ls buy I the <)onuin<\ I fianufuduivd tatliP I CALIFORNIA I FioSyhupCo. I S0LOUrUADlNCMUCa$TS-ZO4r*,MTTL? ' DOWEL TROUJBLES CUaUBKM XBKTHINQ Dr. Biggers Huckleberry Cordial New full! to relieve at on-e Jt W the farorlto b#l>7 iu?4lolne of the ilMMt iiiinxx an. I fjiuily dootoi*, Mother* ever/whe/e lUlck l? It. ?a?l urtfe lli?ir frii?nd? to ?t?. )t to Children tor 0)Wi)Wr/. At Irani i?, Oiurt b<>?&, J'lui, Foul HloiiM.h mi'l all Hl?>mncb and Howel llmunU. You i--an u?ii>onr| mi it. Iion'i wujt>, but Ukc Dr. IMftfur* urklolMTry CorlUI 7f> nt orb* mall rlrr?l?r? fro*. HALTIWANGEIt TAYLOll JJIU'G CO.. AiIhhU, Urn. CURES STOMACH-ACHE IN TEN MINDTES PUTNAM FADELESS DYEj Color nior<* l?rt(fhlrr nnd fu.?? ??r colore tlmn ;?:iy oilier ilvu. One lyiy, | color-. ,-Ji lltxir*. P4H il)r any Kiiiiiiont without rlp| Mm. M F, Jouea of U8 Tnnnebfll 8t., rittHburK. I'll. Tkttzmmr, the groat akin remedy, li Hold hy druggist* or sent by mull for AO j. Write J, 'p. 6uvri bink, Dept. A, Mivannab, f one tiling implies (he exclusion ? ? F another. Two ministers in the .Japanese Cab inet resigned. A woman at Steubenville gave birth to quintuplets. Ignorance ceases to be bliss when you begin to realize it. IIow small a doctor's pills are when compared with his bills. If it costs money to be popular, then popularity is not worth what it Mon enjoy doing anything they don't have to do for a living. . No man will criticize vonr singin as long as you sing his praise. The less money a man makes the more he has? -if lie isn't married. Usa^re is the best interpreter of things. You can nag a man into purgatory easier than you can pray him into heaven. be afraid to admit when you are in the wn.nu. \ on can't save tir::>\ The best \ on can do is to iini>io\e it as it passes. There is some bliss that is not ig norance. I mhrcllns are like men; usually the | )? lorest get left. I I is belter to In- deceived occasion ally than lo suspect everybody all the time. Don i he a I ra id to think <>ti* new wtnys. Orminality is appreciated. Don't he afraid lo do your hest. The best i> none t mi irood. Don't he afraid t<> use your time to advantage. [i given you for that purpose. W liei: ? man doesn't ?_ret mad over his politics it s ' heeause he happens to know what he's talking about. COITKE EVKS ' It Acts Slowly but Frequently I'm- ; Unci's Itlindness. The curious efTrtct nf ?.o\v dnily j poisoning and the. :;radun! bu'.iding in of disease as a resu.t. is sh'iwn in numbers of cas<>s where the eyes are a ff rrtrd by coffee. A case in point will Illustrate: A lady in Oswego, Mont., experi enced a slow but sure disease set tling upon her eyes in tho form of In creasing weakness and shooting pains with wavy, dancing lines of light, so vivid thr.t nothing else could bo seen for minutes at a time. She says: "This gradual failure of sight alarmed me and I naturally began a very earnest quest for the cause About this time I was told that coffee ?poisoning sometimes took that form, nnd while I didn't believe that coffee was the cause of my trouble, I eon eluded to quit It and see. "I took up Postum Food CofTee in spite of the jokes of husband, whose experience with one cup at a neighbor's was unsatisfactory. Well, r I made Postupi strictly according to directions, boiling it a little longer, because of our high altitude. The result was charming. I have now used Postum in plnce of coffee for about three months and my eyes are well, never paining me or showing nnv weakness. I know to a certaintv r that the cause of the trouhle was coffee and the cure was in quitting It and building up tho nervous system on Postum, for that was absolutely the only chango I made in diet and I took no medicine "My nursing baby has boon kept in a perfectly healthy state since I have iibed Postum. "Mr. . a friend, discarded cofToe and took on Postum to see 1f he could be rid of his dyspepsia and frequent headaches. The change pro duced a most remarkable Improve ment quickly." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postam Co., Battle Creek, Mich. I ?rape Nat* N?. BUVS A HIGH GRADE DROP HEAD W$45 SEWIN(i MACHINE HUfliu ? Kft*y Hunnliif-- I.ift* Tini.r lio* ranicc Tlifi I ii 11 r ri ? < * vil.i-, Trnn. PRICES, FOR EVERY MtfrfBER OFTHE ?'AMIl.V, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. t. Douafmm tnmkmm mnd mm Mm mora ..nrfi't $n7a Of 08. OO mnd 99.BO mhoom thmn mny othmr mmnut mcturmr in thm world, Jfpoaumm thmy hold iltmlr mhmftm. fM hmttmr, wmmr longmr, mnd mm mi prmmtmr yritum thmn mny other mhoom In thm world to- dm v. W. L. Doufflas $4 arv, $5 Gilt Edce Shoes Cannot Be Eoualled At Any Price y fa, I I.vlor F.yrltU ttrj ririuinfiy* ,?r ?A*riON. W . L. J (oukU* ?ml pric* ?? *t*mpeent *>io?> (Inkier* *vh?*w)ih?. HwtM ??Uee a constitutional disease. and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. .1. Cheney fc Co-.. Toledo. Ohio, m the onlv con stitutional cure on the market. It is t ak eti in ternally in doses from 10 drop* ton teaspoon tnl It at is direct Iv on the blood and unicoir* surfaces of the system. I hey otTer one bun died dollars tor any case it t;' lis to cure. Send tor circul.irHand testimonials Address K.J. C It K n KY A Co., Toledo, Olno. Sold \>y 1 'rii^i;ists, 75c. 'lake Hall's Family 1'illa tor constipation. Here and There. Don't be al'mid to make your goods 1: tt"\\ n. It dnpsn't help Tour credit to be guilt -edged. "Money i> easier, '' says the press imports. It is eerfninly resting somo v, lu re. CuticM Tea i. a natural laxative? it r?'?{ul.ite-? 'In d mc I !o!i, purities the blood, cleanses *' ? ? ?? ,j. i-'.c.us the complexion. lil'ljS !i! ei:s ?!-e ? . ?- ,t:. 1 l.liiiz.H the ;,L>w ot splendid I ie 1 1 ? ; The form of n freemen t nntl t ho i convention or parties over-rule the j Mrs. Wmsinw sSoothinp Syrup for Cmianni t"ft hint;, softens **W'yuins,mlnee8ii)llamina t'.Mii. allnya puin.e ten wind colic, 26c a bottle Beware t he peese when the fox preaelie*. ? Italian. Free Ours for Rheu matism, Bone PaSn and Eczema Botanic Wood Halm IB B. B.) cures (he worst ra?rs of Kheornatlsm. bone pains, swollen muscles and >otnii. by purifying the blood. Thousands of rases cured by B B. B after all other treatments failed. Price tt.oo per large bottle at drug stores, with complete directions for borne treatment. Large sample free bv writing Blood Balm Co . Atlanta, Ga. JKSsta: r?n'? Hnm?, K?w York Oilj. MOTHER CRAY'S 5WEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN. A 0*rt*in Oirr* for FfTrrtahnrai, (on* tip* I Ion, H ( i<| *fVo, Htamarh Trouble*, Teething T>l ?? r 4 ?r ?, .nd Dntroy Worm*. Thty np Cold* j? ^ honrm.^ At oil Pm?gn'?, Sft rta 8?mnU FKKK AddVw, A. &. OLMSTED. L? Roy. . Y THE DUTCH ' DOY PAINTER STANDS TOR PAINT QUALITY rr is FOUND ONLY ON PURF. WHITE LEAD ( MADE DY THE OlO DUTCH W PHOCRS9 .> $60,000 Value Given A way TUC Dirvri F l'***7 prewiur# I IlLKnt I LLC on I tacraji* hunKor. '?? , le?a strain on chain, It run? and cllinl* I hllla c?aler than other bicycles. la iho I largeat immIIiik nlifli tcruilo w??i'l world. Wllll*?t?lirct!me. Womakono cheap RACYCLK8 but >ouc?n gvt j.^urf AT FACTORY PRICES TMI loKanri Mnt r RPB. It (iMIb about vnfl 1 IlAC*CIJi?n(lhowlo eel tbo 580,000. MANUFACTURERS OF THE RACYCLE. MIODLETOWR. 0. NEW WAY ? TO GIVE MEDICINE TO STOCK .3 ACTS CJ3CS ANIMal ITS o'tfll DROP QRICK IN FEED BOX IT WILL DO THE REST. Saves Veterinary Bill?,, Time and Labor. WHAT OTHERS SAY My wile's ow, ol w^; ;!i ?V.j V;i:y p: >u i . was recently taken sick D ii vetertniry nuel to Rive relief. A fn?il mi:;''!'! tint 1 try your Melicatei Salt H' i ; IiJsj. T hi cow has liclte-l it away . Ta ? oi in : ?? is iv>ii'l?rfut. Shois Rettinc (at a* nf y.v.v n 4 tallons d( mi'.li dail v. KiiAN.\ WfLIJY. Atlanta, Ga.. May it. lV); Letters chanKcil every insertion. Sold Everywhere by Dm!ts in F<:ei, Groceries, Drills and Hrdwue AT 20 TO 25 CENTS PER BRICK If your ilea pr \v . v \ > i. w* < BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY CO., Chattanooga, Tennessea. CURF.D Given Quick Relief. a" swtllhip in H to 20 nays t fTi a pTr.ianent euro i n $c*tn (oiuvs. TrU.l treatment Igivr-i f-r<- '.Miigmn br fairer L u'. t>r. K M. OfCi-.'j Son?, ISoeclaHslv Ooj b Atlar ia. G* D0YE-1MUU him LDU SASH , Nobulltlnr ci? nfTi'T.I lo n?c I It ?< ?M kind wh?n h? can -i I ihr J'litty l.ock HmH JnHti chMi|>. >'nr aalf liy Randall Bros., Sat* I)i ,i ?1 B I ?.!.