BOPO Oil, which form lor t. ... li*ilBtviir>y for KpnHm lion of more 1 1 <1 The above refers, of eourae,' to pure. genuine SVIiltn l."iid only Adul (ersted and fake " Wli 1 1 ?> I .??? ?1 , " of which there are many branda on (ho market, Ik generally gome aort of eompoidlton containing only n per centage of white load sometimes no White I -'-ltd Ht nil; In nuch titnff, t ?? \ I or ground rock, chalk, and aimllar cheap snhstanecH are used to make bulk and initiate the appear ance of pure White Lead There Is. however, ? positive lest i iy which the purity or Impurity of Wttlte lyfad njay b? proved or ej i d, belore painting with It. 'I In* blow-pipe flame will reduce .luji A'liHe l ,???? d to metallic lend. If White I cri'l he thus tested an I it only |?n r? 1 ill I y reduce# to lend, ?f!K a .ri'bUlae, It Ik proof that oiti'Ki ruttK ?d?o wan thero beam en u t.ito I, Pltd I riH National I .end Coin pa ny guar nvie* all White I, '-ad h? ? I ft In puck eearint* 1 1 ? "hatch Hoy painter" ii... i k to prove HlipoluiHy pure >1. .i?t ihib ii!oW-p|po test, and thai ii inu> iMMke I tie lest yourself In ,hj, pwn m nin they wtil H"ttd free : < n i ?'.4n?'Kt ii blowpipe and every t ? nm else tiecexsoiry t .?it ingoiher with u valutihln booklet ?i? paint National head (.. Hity Wo.mHji idge lJuildinu, New ork Proverbs and Phrases. A hundred years cannot repair a moment 'n loss of lienor. ? Italian. The eheaper advice is to got the more i< ?"-*ts you to follow it. Hew are the goose when the fox proaphe*.- Italian. State ok Ohio, City ok Toi.kop i Lucas ? county, I I'RANK .J t ii k.n k v makes oath that iie.itl^. ?emor partner ofttiw linn ot l? JCuicnky A III., dotty; lju?ine?H utilie Jity ot IoIlmJo. I oimiy and Mule Hlorc?tfcid, and tiinr?aiJ tt tin will pay ttic mini otoSK II.UNUKKD l?oi, I. An* t??r ?fieh and m mry cuius ul CAI AHIlll_ thul cunnot In- cured l?y tlin uae ul liAl.L'a C-A Infill II I'lKK. HANK .1 I II K.N KV hwuin lo U:iur?. me a/H^ KiiiiNcritioil in my piVHence, llii? OUi tlay ol llm'iiitii'i . A I J . . 18*} A \S O l.KASOM , lhKAI.,1 Notary I'lildic 1 1 nil ? Catarrh Oirei* taken uy (>i nally . anint'Rs in tli eoii'^h. To have I he approval ?if one's con* bcicnce is always wort!) while. fi. H . Oar.rN'a S<'*? of Atlanla, O*., i\ra lh? only aJicei'tafiil Pr<>|?y Bpeolnllitta In tha w tM. Bee tli?ir t II >??r a i t>fTt?r in ml vartlne nimit tu uuoili?r oolninn of thl# pai>?r. Force without judgment falls by ' i.Js own weight Horace. So. 13- 'OS tti ti cured in 30 minutoa by Woelford ? KaniUry ixition. Sever tada. At druKyiaia. A ^ood cause makes a stout heart '?u- i* this ' '< in.* into vtu ir liws, and a . i ? i . n!trr i !?-?v words, but l ( :: >!!'.?' ( ? l ; . i ' ! i? ? die t of ;t Union, S. C'., writes t<> M in. Pinklum : "I was proatly rni. - me. It not only rostm-oil n c t.> pi-i foot health, but to my doliirht ' nm a mother." Mrs. .Josephine Hall, of Bardstown, Ky., writes : "I was n vorv R-rent sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help mo. I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound not only restored nv to perfeot health, but I am noivapniuit mother." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN, For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has l>eon the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cttred thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, ? irregularities, periodic pfflns, backache, that boa r fng-down feeling, flatulency, indirec tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. PinkliAin invif women to write her ~ She has guided hfaltht A nilrfti. f ' 1 1 * ! too MEN HULE NATION. | WS U FOLIEIIE Wisconsin Senator Declares Re cent Panic Was Planned. AMENDMENTS TO ALDRICH BILL Jtnilrond Itond* Dropped ? Meiiule Committee Votes to Kliinliirttr 'i'liib I'Vttturo of Currency M< im ure ? - Hy uophlM of Hprech. Washington, D. C. -Congress WHH electrified by tho sudden elimination of 1 1)0 railroad bond feature from the A Id rich Currency bill, and Inter by h bluer attack on tbo measure l>y Sen ator Robert M. La Kollette, of Wiscon sin, In which' be charged that It wan tho legislation moHt desired by the coniparaH vgly email clique wblc.b has succeeded in dominating the financed of i he cuuntry. The business of the Nation, be declared, has gradually been centralized until it la directed by the men who control the New York bunks, and these men number less { than 1 Oo. Aldrlch's renunciation of the clauie of hiH measure admitting railroad bonds ah a I realize how closely allied are the -great banking houses of the money centrea to this ce u fral rzaTloTir'* Senator I>a Kollette here read a list of the names of the men who con trol the industrial and transportation enterprises and tho banks of the country, Continuing, be said "No student of tho economic, changes In recent years can escape tin* conclusion that the ownership and control .of railroads, telegraph, shipping, cable, telephone, traction, impress, mining,' Iron, steel, coal, oil, Has, electric light, cotton, copper, sugar, tobacco, agricultural Imple ments and the feed products iiim com pletely controlled and mainly owned by these men." I.esH Than lOO M?-n Who ( Mitrol Nation's Wealth. V.'ushiiigtou, I). ('. 1 (i e list of less then Mm men (including those who h a ? ? ? i : . I since the data was com I'll 1> who control all the financial, industrial and i- mentioned by Sena tor I, Follett" in liis speech, follows: \! .'?! a! ??!! .1 r> ?< Sttlliran, SainnH Sloan. F!. II llnrri iiuin, Ml sea Taj ior, t<\ ii. noiUo, J. 11. Cos', i I A < ' 1 il \ 1 U\ ?A in. I \ ? i ? k ? ? 1 1 ? 1 1 " r , lirn r> ( ' 1 ?icU , A. Vai'-ntiiH'. / ' 1 1 Mil V.n i ?*? k . ? ; W I'i-i i ins. I ." ! . < l> S ."an, ? S Katri'hlld, ' W . Sti'iiins, ! O. K.nriiio.M'r, : S f:i!i",rt If. S-'MIT. -? )l ? I > -III' .Jr. mi' ton I v -s, ? . r Mm Inn, v' C. Cnl; nail, ? !?'. 11 van ? ; \v., ; i' ., Y IJatnny. ?! ? f hid , . T? uVh 1 1 , ! . I '. I). \ ui-n, ? T '? I ) 1 1 K ' . : 1 c >uli!. ). ? ; ,i ; nliMm, . l' Snyder, ' f! Vr o', and, ? m ii Cian:n, l.ani'T, V I .aiiU'.'.oii, 1 ? H . J a r vis, \. I'. w v> n \ \Yh!' :i'>v !Val...dy 1' 1). Cravatb, IV Marten, Joh n J. Astor, A". N. Urady, August Belmont, C. M. hepew, H. M Flugler, .las ('. Fargo, .las J. Hill. I'M win Haw ley, J. R. H^geman, .1. II llyili', \V. II Moore, 1 ?. -< ). Mills. C II Mackay, C W Morse, A K. Orr. Oliver H Payne, C A Peabody, 1), G Held. .1 O Korkt'feller, H H Kogers. .1 ames Spi'.ver. Charles Steele, (' M. Schwab. 11. McK. Twombley, F \\\ Vanderbllt, W.'K. Vanderbllt, I tonry W niters, .1 l Waterbury, W. S. Webb. )?] F. C. Young, .1 CI. Armour. Charles l)avvi>8, .las H Forgan, J. .1 M 'teb?H, N. H. K'-ain, I. F Swift. Oliver Ames, T .1 Ooolldge, II I. HluKinson, Nat l Thayer, Thos Dolnn . }' A. 11. Wldener, K. H. Clary, Samuel Hca, .1. II Converse, S. It Shipley, K It Morris. Itxilway Fines Fpheld. The I .i,.< 1 States Suprem? Court, >? V. .t -1; i' n.i'ii, 1> V , upheld t he .:,.i : v or ihu flues imposed on th<> . r.'-.vns Ci'v tin at packers and th ? .'.i; \ IS ulington and Qulncy Kail ct.t I for accepting and giving re L U". "3. Actor Hitchcock Acquitted. K.r. luond Hitchcock, the actor, was . M-i-U-vl by order of court, in New V. ? I'Jty. on the declaration of Flora W'-.N'on that she had nworn falsely ? ???!.? tho Cliand Jury as to the ni ! assaults committed by him. She ? !<>ck ? (1 up, charged with perjury Industrial Plants Itesunie. i ? 3 from various parts of the .> r> *;>owed many industilal .* resuming operation, du?? to in ? .J?s isi-'oras netivitv. The Field of laibor. I Tho ror*l mines of the world em- ( ploy 1 2 50.000 men. A federationof thenorthern, south- , era hiuI western coal miners' unions in New South NYalea It now com pleted. ? I The three mills of thi Stark Holl ?ng Mill Company, at Canton, Ohio, ihut dowu- for three months, have ,-e*um?d. i The plate, slab and structural mills of the Illinois Steel Company, in outh. Chicago, resumed *lth work y?r 2000. inft 6000 mort men will ' . ~ IRESTORES MOTTO TO COINS ? ? " " ' -V | House Passes Bill Putting Back "In God We Trust" Change Made by Vote of to Dehate on Kxcitrd LJvel y Intfrviit Washington, I) C. IFnder suspen Hfon of the rules th* House of Repre sentatives passed thn bill providing for tho restoration of the motto MIu ( ;<><) Wti Trust" on the gold and silver coins of the United State*. The hill wan passed by a vote of 2&.r> to D. debate on the subject excited the liveliest Interest. Mr. Carlln, of Virginia, said that In the Issuance of the order abolishing ? he motto Provident Roosevelt had acted unwisely and In violation of the spirit of the law.* Ollle James, of Kentucky, declared that in the judgment of the Christian puople of tho lJnited Ktates, the Pres ident had made a great mistake. In opposiug the bill, Mr. Kuster mann, Wisconsin, said that the motto Bmacked of Irreverence which wont dangerously close to sacrilege. "It's a piece of farcical hypocrisy," ejaculated Mr. Gordon, of (ieorgla. ItlJIUSKIl TltUHT Cl/TH IMV. Klmkening Ilusiues* Causes Hales men to Suffer Iteduct Ion. New York City.? That tho ttnancla) panic has not failed to affect what h re known as the big business Inter ests is shown by the fact that the rub ber goods Industry of this country is facing a falling off in trade. The Rubber Trust is feeliug the stress to such an extent that a reduction of wages has been planned. Recently orders were sent forth to the hundred or moro of tho Trust's retail and wholesale companies that expenses must be cut, Owing to tho union ruleu and agreements, wages to mechanics could not bo cut, and tho higher priced men alone will have their salaries reduced. On April 1 the salesmen and clerks of tho rubber business In tho lOast and the majority of those employed by flrlus in the Woat affiliated with th? Trust will be forced to stand a reduction in salaries. The reduction will not be less than ton per cent., and In some cases will amount U twenty-five per cent. The men afff- rtefl by the economical regime are IndignAnt. NI'KKItY TO 1 1 10.\ I > FIjKKT. Mvnns Requests Appointment of Suc cessor For \V. .Maryland's Representative in I'ppei j House Was Fighty-tliree Years Old. Maltlmorft, Mil -?Senator William j Pinknev Whyte, fot man years the | idol of the Democrats of this' city and J Stale, died suddenly of heart failure I following an attack of erysipelas ' Senator Whyte Oiled with dlstlnc , tion almost all the important offices i in the State ? Governor, Mayor, At tomey-Oe.neral. Senator Whvte cele ! brated his eighty-third birthday in August last. Russian Prisons Too Small. Th?> Duma has been asked for II. 000.000 to enlarge Russian prisons, which are overcrowded, The number of prisoners has increased 111 pel ?cent slnco 190(1. in January, 1908, the total number was 1&9.53T, and lu February 165,588, of whom 13,000 . wero political |>risonera. A large nura ; her o? death sentences were pro ? tiounced in various parts of Russia ! The doomed mon Include ten robber* ' at Krementchug, four robbers at KlefT, three njen who attacked the j postoffloe at Proskuroff and three brigands at Ix>dz Women Make .Mayor Kat Crow. Mayor LeopolQ Markbrelt, of Cin cinnati, Ohio extricated himself from an embarrassing predicament by sur rendering under a shower of protests from women. He Instructed the Chief of Police to keep women from acting as chauffeurs This incensed the Susan B Anthony Club, and (hey started up an agitation, as n result of which every woman who owns an au tomobile. and a great many who do not, personally and by mail protested against the Mayors atlltude "I eat crow," he said. "I was all wrong." Strike on (iould Ron (Is R'^un. At Denver. Col . 1 ;/00 machinists, bollermakers and members of kin dred trades working in the Denver and Rio Grande Railway's shops went oil a strike. Kill Fo\cs by dun Only. Mr. Clinton t? tltltnore and other members of the Berkshire Hunt, at 1'ittsfleld. . have petitioned the legislature for ih" passage of a bill to prohibit the killing of f?>xes in any other way than by shooting. No Clejneiny Kor Ciillette. Governor Hughes will not Interfere with the execution in the week begin ning March ?.o of Chester Gillette, convicted of the murder of Grace lirown. Nfwujr CondeiihiiUoim. New York's uniformed fire force ' comprises 4 OS 6 men The American torpedo flotilla ar rived at Panama two days ahead of schedule. Eastern Interests have n;*ed Con gress to provUlev adequate pro?ec?ion for the Atlantic coast In the absence of the battleships. Rear- Admiral Chad wick, retired, said children In the Northern State* are over-schooled. not over-educated, and that |3C oer capita ts too much , for Newport to epepd aaquallv pp 1U j school chUArta, gini^HHa DONT CARE KOR DRKH?. Tk? Russian Ktupreee cares little tor dress, though her coronation rob? ef cloth of silver and pearrie waa a marvelous thing And she looked like some goddess of the tterth in a nevel hall dress 1 designed for her recently. It was a "simple" gown sf white velvet with a long train and superb veil. This last was kept in Its place by a Jewelled white dove lightly perched on the Tsgrltsa's hair, which wg? arranged over a cushion. Carmen Oylra, the white-balred Queen of Roumanla, affecte the chartnlug flowing draperies ofher country, with a long lace veil held fin poaltlon with Jewelled plus. The favorite color of Queen Klena of Italy Is a aoft blue gray. Wllbeltnlna of Holland feels most at home In a tailor made gown, and the Dowager Queen of Spain has brHllant taste In patterned brocades and silks.-? Worth In Harper's Bazar. TO CI.KAN IJiCE. To restore lace, either black or white, when soiled, place it in milk for 12 or lb bourn The milk becomes icld; the Juce should then bo gently washed' h? it ami afterwards well rinsed in clean lukewarm Water and laid out smooith upon a pillow la lbs ,iun.~ Itoeton Host, DEEP CRACKS FROM ECZEMA. Gould Ijay Mlatvl'encll in One? ? Hands hi Dreadful HI ate ? Discaao l>etled Treatment for 7 Years ? Cured by Cuticura. . "I Itad eczema on my hands for about ?even yearn and during that tuue 1 had used several ho called remedies, together with physicians' -and druggists' prescrip* tionn. The disease was no bad on my hands that I could lay a slate-pencil in one of the crack* and a rule, placet! across the hand would not touch the pencil. 1 kept using remedy after remedy, and \v)tile some gavu partial relief, none relieved ua much aa did the first box of Cvticura Ointment. 1 made n purchase of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and my handa were perfectly cured after two boxes of Cuticura Oint ment and one enke of Koap were used, W. II. Dean, Newark, Del., Mai-. 28, 1007." Ignorance of the law excuse# uo one. Only One "Itromo (Quinine" That la laxative 1'ioiu; Quinine. I^ook for tho signature of lv >> <;i>?vo. Used the World over to Cure a t '? ? 1 r 1 in One Day. 25c. Sunday is not a day for legal pro ceeding*. IIAI) KC/.KMA 11 YKAKH Mrs. Thomas Thompson. ?? f < 'iarkwvllle, Oft., writes, under date of April 1*3, 11.07:. "I Mitonjd 15 years with tormenting eczema; hud tho beat doctors to preserlbe; but noth ing <111 me a iy good until 1 got tkttkkine It cured inc. I atn no thankful." Thousands of others ?'an testify to similar cures TnTTintNtls Hold by druggists or sent by mall for G'Je. by J. T. Huiptiuk*, Dept. A, Havaitnali. (la, Negative words ore necesary in a j statute to effect a repeal of tlio eom | mon law. What CfiURca Headache, From Octobei toMa>, t :olds are the most frequent cause of Headache, Laxative Broino (Quinine removes cause K. W. 'luveon box. c. SORE FEET IN LITTLE CHICKENS. This disease 1b not common, but It is very troublesome when it once attacks a flock. The disuse somewhat resembles foot rot In sheep, for tho toes seem to bo eaten away. l> af feels only young chickens and may bo gotten rhl of by keeping iho quar ters occupied by the chicks dry and e'ean; wash the feet of the afflicted fowls with a fresh solution of nap creol and warm water ? about a tea spoonful to a pint of water. Then apply a good ointment daily, which can be made by adding a teaspoonful of napcreol to half a pint of melted lard, stirring until cool. Or carbolic acid may be used In about the same proportion as tho napcreol. Thorough ly disinfect coops and runs, using air-slaked lime plentifully, and giv ing the fowls good, nourishing food - Weekly Witness. CULTITRF, OK FI.1K8 Fly breeding has long been popu lar on many farms. The simplest methods are to leave manure and r?> fuse vegetables, fruit and house wasre undisturbed. The dies are not slow to seize the opportunity. ? American Agriculturist, On the Cape- to- Cairo railroad, near Hulawavo, there is to be seen the longest stretch of track in the world. It l? 71 miles without the slightest variation Usage is the best interpreter of tilings. ? HAPPY <>|.|? AGK Most Likely to Follow Prop -r Kilting. As Old agp ad van "os. we require less food to replace wasre. nrH food that will not overtax the digestive or gans. while supplying true nourish ment. Huch an ideal food is found In Grape-Nuts, made of whole wheat and barley by long baking and action of diastaso in the barley which changes the starch Into sugar. the phosphates also, placed up un der the bran-coat of the wheat, are Included In Grape-Nuts, hut left out of white floor. They are necessary to the building of' brain and nerve cells. "1 have used Grape-Nuts," writes an Iowa man, "for 8 years and feel as good and am stronger than I was .en years ago I am over 7 4 years old and attend to my business every day "Among my customers 1 meet a man every day who is 92 years old and attributes his good health to the use of (Jr. 5-Nuts and Postum which he has used for the last 5 years. ? Ho mines Grape-Nuts with Postua. i.nd says they go fine together. "For many years before 1 began to eat Grape-Nuta I could not say that I I enjoyed life or k'new what It was to be able to say 'I am well.' I suffered greatly with constipation, now my habit* are as regular aa ever in my life "Whenever 1 maker extra effort I depend on Grape-Nuts food and It Juet fills the bill. I can think and write a great deal easier." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. | Read Road to WaUYiUe," 1* A MNUUUBIJI MAM. Aeilv* mI Briffct, Willi Almm I ? OMtMMlM. ttheptrd Kollock, p ( 44 Wftlktee Bt.# K*4 Mank, N. la a remarkable men *t the k|? of J8. For 40 yeoni Me wm a vlotlnu of kid ?ey trouble# and doctors Mid bo wovid never be cured. "I wfe try lug everything," eeyn Mr. K6Uock, "but my beck wee lime end weak aud every exertion vent a sharp twinge through me. 1 had to get up several tlmea each night \nd the kid ney spei wtlona contained a heavy eedl luent. Recently 1 began using !>oan'? Kidney PUla, with fine reaulta. They have given me entire relief." Hold by all dealer*. 60 centa a box. Foster-MUburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Black care sits behind the rich man on horaebnck.- ? Horaee. Titer* is need for Oarfield Tea when tfce akin hi sallow, th? tongue coated, and whaa headache* are frequent. > A aubhequent ratification ia equiv alent to u prior command. Mil 1 1 ' in Dollar (iraaa. Moat remarkable grass of the century. Good for t.hre* rousing crops annually. One Iowa farmer on lUO acres sold $3, 800.00 worth of seed and had 300 tons of buy lienidos. It is immense. Do try it. rott 10c AND THIS NOTICE sc'jd te the John A. 8al/.er Heed Co., La Cfuaae, W ia., to pay postage, etc.. and they will nmil you tiie only original seed catalog published in America with sane plea of Billion Dollar Grass. Jklucaroni Wheat, the sly miller mixer, bainfoin the dry soil Inxuriator, Victoria Rape, the 20o a ton green food producer, Bilver King Barley yielding 173 bu. ppr acre, etc., ctc., etc. 1 ' . And if you send 14c we will add a pack age of new farm seed rieyer before seen i>y you. John A. Salaer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. A. C. L Worry for worry's Bake seema to be the working motto of many people. The General "Demand of the Well-informed of tho World baa always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family vise because its com ponent parts are known tjjtffbfetn to be wholesome and triiTy bonm^Ult In effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yot prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its 'ex cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co, proceeds along ethical lines and relics on the merits of the laxative for its remark able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the Well- Informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy tho genuine ?manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup (x>., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. OHfUMWHf FAVOR1T* TOT?, ? W...i4i*4 and ifelrty-lwo b+yn ?f fork a?4 seventy-two glrta ware invited to d*?cribe their prefer ence* to the way of toy*. Among the former thirty one voted for a rail way tr*t?, twoaty-tbre* for tin iol dlers, tea for ?team engines, u!ne for building brick* and eight "each for t9X typewriter* and mechanical fcorae*. Forty girl* -a solid majority ? declared without hesitation that n doll wm superior to any other Im plement of recreation The super child seems, happily, a long way off ? Pall' Mall aazette. Files ( uml 111 u to 14 Days. Paso Qui line nt i? guurautoed t<> cure any ease of Itching, Bund, Weeding or 1'rotruding Piles in 0 to 14 days or money refunded. . 60o, The man who has the courage to tell the truth usually has the braveiy to defend it. BCCIMA OPH1D /. R. Maxwell, Atlanta, O*. , ears: suffered agony with a sew* c??? of ??"? ma, Tried six different remedies and *m In dee pair, when a neighbor told ine to try t-hupttrlae's TaTTaaiMs, After using #8 worth of your tbttbsins and soap I mn completely oured. I o*nnot say too inucU in Ue praise." Txtt*si*s at drugguu nr by mall 60u. Hoap 'iflo. J. T. feuurraiKa, Dept. A, HuvnnnaU, Qa, A Canadian suffering from cancer at Teniae, Wash., killed hia wife, three children and himself. Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrupfor Children teething, sof tans * heguiils, rod ucesi n fla m l na tion, allays pain,o, jrea wind colic, 26c a hot tlo To those swayed by unbending jus tice, a beauteous race still flourishes. FITS, St. Vitus' Danc*i;Nervoii? Disease* per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Norve Reatorer. t!S trial bottle and treatise freo. Dr. il. R. Kline, Ld.,86l Arch St., Phila., Pa, ,m ' ? ? ? ?? ? i i ? ? Ignorance censes to be bliss when you begin to realize it. rrV**-*? Mi?tf *?Ow? IIS CAPUDINE CURES >m ?? w r?|i?TM tit* *chw ?ik1 COLDS AND ARIPPE'rV.'?,! liMdachM and N?ural?U fttao. Hv i0?, J4o and flOc bottle*. (Liyuiu.) OVKK TUB FfSNCJB. Norab? An' ph whore do your rp?H be goln' tonight? Uridfet? Hhure, ehe didn't lnforu me, but f'jn the looks iv ber, Oi Uk? it ttbo be goln' to wun lv thltn oocilo'< out parties. ? "Harvard Lampoon, Free Cure for Rheu matism, Bone Pmim and Eoxama Botanic Blood Balm (B. It. B.) curat the worM cate* or KlKumatiim. bone pain#, ewollen inotclet and joint*. by putifyimr ihc blood. Tliouiandi of rate* cured by B. B B .fur *11 other treatment* failed Prlc* #1.00 par Ui?e bottle at ding More*, with coyiplat# dire.ciioni for home treatment. Large 4 a tuple free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, ,1d Our* (or jKertrl/liBtWt Mother Gray, Nurx In Cbtla ron't Home, New York Oily. So. 13- '08. CfaarfostM URGE TYPI WAKEFIELD S?c?nd Earliest EarljJtrsey WAKEFIELD The Earliest CablMi* Grown SUCCE88ION Til* bftrilMt Flat HMd Variety CABBAGE PLANTS For Sale I AM ON II T A N N jwfvi'O U It *rpynd the world with *ny of the beat-'loowu yarl etlea of Open-A(r.OrowQiG*bbaKe Plants at tbe following price*. vl?: 1,000 to 4.000. At $1.26 per thuuMati 5;000 to 0,000, at $1.00; 1(>,000 or more, ?t 00c., F. O. 11. M?KK*tt^i. 0< All orders promptly flUe'i und tatlnfactlou Kuaraa te??d, Aalt for prloea on^%MOi) ty 100,000. Ca*h aooompafiyluK all ordeia. Address &W- "COX, Etheu, S. C., Box 2 " *HOES AT ALL V PRICES. FOR EVERY ^ MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, BOY 9i WOMEN, MI88C8 AND CHILORCN ? w. L. opugfmm ntakmm and mollm mart* mon'm 02*60, 03.OO and 98.BO mhoom than any olhmr manufaoturmr In thm " world, booaumo thoy hold thmlr mhapmj In bmttor, wmar /annor, mnd\ ara of arm at or value thmn any olhmr ahooa fn thm world to- da v. W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price f?t$ Color r.yeltU Lsed ?xclutivelv? f.Al; I'lOIV. W. I? Dontfiiit name and nrtoa U Atainncottar than nny other dye. Yoa can Uyu any Kurment without ripping apart. Write for frio book lot ??How lo t>yc. Hleuoii ami Mir Colors. MONROE 1>ICI U CO., Outucy. Illinois. Lame, Sore s Sleepless, I Was Cured By Minard's Liniment My right arm ancL hand were so lame and pained me so with rheumatism that I co>dd not raise it to my head to comb my haiV, so I had to bend o^er most double to comb it on the top of my head; they painetf] me at night so that I could not sleep very good. I used a number of remedies for rheumatism, but none did me any good until I tried Minard's Liniment;- then I got help and now I won't be without it in the house. It will do all you claim for it, and I find it good for headaches and sore throat, too. I can't thank you enough for what it has done for me and my brother, who has used it on his back and limbs and got great help from it. He's seventy-one years old. I gave one of my ncigj|i>ors some, and she says the same as I do, Yours truly, J MRS. EMMA M. WOODS Enfield, Mass, A special bottle sent fr?? on requejt, Minard's Liniment Mlg. Co., Boutb Framlngham, Mass. More and Better Tobacco ? Bigger Profits fr The labor is as great to grow and ' harvest a poor crop as. a good one. When you can so surely "increase your yields per acre" and get a far betttp- ?? quality of tobacco by using Vlreinla-Carolina Fertilizers why not use them this season / There' ; no reason why you cannot accomplish the same as thousands of others. Mr. V. C. Love, of Tinkling, Va., says "As a producer of tine tobac co, I do not feel I can say enough for your fertilizer. It makes tobacco that brings me more money than any other fertilizer I can get. I have tried many other brands but none equaled yours. I believe Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers to be the best on the market for tobacco." Virginia Carolina Fertilizers contain better and hipher rrade materials thaft any other brands of tobacco fertilizer i'hey will increase the yield per acre, and improve the texture and quality of the tobacco you crow, so you can Uet a better price per pound than ever before. Much valuable information on tobacco-culture will be found in t ho new Virginia- Carolina Year Book or Almanac. Don't tail to ask rotor fertilizer dealer for a copy, or write our nearest sale* office and one will be sent you free. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Hklimoo d.V*. Norfolk, V*. CcJumbU, S. C. AtUaU.O*. StvUMk, Ct. MtUfoMry, Al?. T?1UI. ft. ? *M*c port. La. Durtum, N. C PiuImdo, a. C. BilUiooTt, MA. ColtaUsCt. A GENTS WANTED! EVERYWHERE 70 SELL rOLDINQ POCKET UMBRELLAS MKW AMI RKIIVICEABLE. iddrfti "I,." 14)1<1 klml when he c?n g?K Hags, Toilet tod Sewing Cases, Rain Coat*. I'mbrellas uxt Rubbrr < )ood*. Jewelry. 01o'V?, Watehm, Chain*. King*, Fob#, l',roivhr.?, llarrctte*. M l> t'omba, Bracelets, Neck v'halus. rtc. HIiTPrwnrr, Tea Sets. t "off re Set*. Mugs, D?tk Sets, Iuk.slaiid*. l ake Duhi .. 1 in Iliutlt'U*, Ice l'ltoh ors. Rait and Pepper*, Nstpkln King*, Jewel Boies, Kni?e?, Korku *l?l Spoon*, etc., t'ltcsr and Clgarctt* 0?u?e*, PufT Boxes, Comb and ltruMi Sots, Manleur* Met* < Jln??ware. Nappies. V.imw Spoon Holders, Celery and Nalsrt Howlj, Hon M. l-?c* Curtains, Cutlery, Baby Carriages Bed* Sand tor 40 pace FREE catalogue, lilting over 1000 articles given FREE for PREMIUMS. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., New York. *W?g=?You can gat a Splendid Pre mlum for 100 Coupon valuaa or looa, rapeaaantad by Borax Carton Top* and Soap Wra6p?r?. The Penalty IS the war from death to Mi DocMr'a bill*, reward tor using JOHNSON'S TONIC ta ? KiS, SZ Ml