The "Dead fcine." T;ook around th? world today, and ?e? what some of the men who liavn long paa*ed r|)p "dead line" are doing, ? nd what 'U?'V have arronipliHhred. I >)ol< at the young old military lead ?im in tiftl* Japan who conquered great Russia Oyama was 20 years punt his fatal Hue when he won hla #;reat victories, anji all of his corps commander a were past 60. Marquis Jto, 'he grand old man of Japan, hef i 15 r^-H ? ??Kf statesman, ?nd the one who haa done more than any other to make Japan what It is today, la still active In the itervUe of his country.? Success Hags /ins. For Inaoinnia. A very simple method of Inducing ?)eop in easea of persistent lusomiili) and >ne that has succeeded wher? many drug* have failed, la simply i.dmtiiM ter a moderate amount of liquid food before the patient goes to bed. 'i'hls diverts t he blood from the brain loth') abdominal organs arid takes away tho cerebral excitement that precludes sleep. 'II IK DOl'TOUS WAV 'Who in Jo v I Anort:NMrirot)H l>is*an??i n?r? tn&ntntiy cur* I b>- |>r. KltiinN < J r?iC. Morv* jKehtorer. trl?tmi* i hngu ms, reduce* in II am ma tlon , nJIs'y-4 pSltt.eiirM Win'1 e/>ll?,'25c n lv>;t i i William Dean Howell* can t?'ll by join j accent what city you came from. 'I altn Dr. Hl^ger* H n? U l??li?rr y CoiiIImI For all ^ llowU Trouble*. Cholle, Dysentery, | Oholeraniorbits. < holora Infantum. < blidien i Toothing, oie. At 1 ? ?? ?i ?^k I r?t m and ?'/> ? There h li.ndlv ii ii \ I Ii i njr 1 1 1 ; 1 1 male's a woman madder llian lo have her pliolo^i apll* l??mpf!y titicr) i>y |)r, K. Detcnjn, t ra wiordavnlr. hid. $1. I, old Nort hcoi e. ro'.hi'iiov y, ii ( 1 r.i I | of Australia, was entertain 1 at a ( banquet in ;i coal mine .it Nei\c:i 'b\ New South Wales . The lianqiw . iti^ hall was ''.on fiM:' below the surface MlttV ' i Till ? ? Wi oft or < tie' Tiuiidred Dollars Hrtvrai ! ' . ?t ary Ot Catarrh that cannot I ??? cuicd >,? | Hull's t atarrli ( Jure. I'. I. < ll r N r v \ i rfl Tolcd . /?. We, t ho undersigned. Imv?> known I'. I j Cltenoy lor the inst 16 years, and bellevo'Oin , perfectly honorable tn nil ImihIiioms trauma. ?? | ^*lfoiu? aud lluani'iaily ahlo to carry on', iny obligations tnadn by tliHr tirin. .i Thimj, Wholesale l>ruagl^t?. To ??'dp. t^. Ai.DISO, Kinman A Mabvim. Wh<>i?v>al)i j < V l)|f)lKKists, Tuledn, (>. (kill 'i Uiitarru ('u roi* t \ k .in i ot nr'ial 1 v , i ?' ? | ' iogfriceotly upon Uw< t>lootl /i?io, j l'rtce. *6c. per bottle. Hold by all lirutrclaH. . i Tak? HhIO Kninilv Pills tor roiisttpation. i Stale pride lakes strange forms ! Wlacoiisln not or that more rats than ever before are beliiK caiiRht within her borders She allributes this fact . to . I he Increawd prof flue linen wet with very cold water will generally bring relief An eyowash is particularly excellent when in ttammatlon has set in can he made by .combining lf> drops of spirits of cam- j piior. on? teaspoonful of boric acid and | two- thirds of a cupful of boiling water ; Cool, strain through mtislffi and nppi;* j every hour with an eyecup. Veils wit.ii ; thick, heavy t scattered here and there, j Heading ii the twilight or continuing , t'.inh:ir. toward the close of hla re- | narks, -laid " And. my little friends if voi do j a Ii tle'se tilings some lay yon will twmr a gold ?i.nvn \e, each of n.hi iioini) dav will w>ar a r..dd ci,iv\ h ' A little < hap i:i the ft iht row. | catching the poet's (r '\i l!? e .< pipe ) " My fad'-. ? ? oo*? now " No' ' sa ! t he poet " Yes he docs on his tjof," said j the little chip" r;.i \ Kit rnc'Toi: .; 'JO Vi'urs' Ti.oii?!e Witlidia k .\o\ MeOocoic, A wise Indiana physician rorel ye. us' siom ii o liis'-.i-iO wiil.o ;t .ray ined u i IK". .> s his ? ieut i <11 ? : "i had sloniiich ironl-l-' years, tried allopathic me.iicineM, patent tuedicinos and all I he simple remedies suggested bv my i"i lends, .but grew worse all the tune. "Finally a doctoi who is ilie most prominent physician in this part of the State told me medicine would do nie no good only irritating my stom ach aud making It wur-o that I must, look to diet and ' atomach ? right again and I know I>oelor bit the nail on the head when lie decided coffee was the cause of all my trouble. I only wish I had quit It. years ago and drank Poslum in it* place." Name given by Postum Co., ?fhtttte Creetey Mirh. - Never loo lato to mend. Ten days' trial of Poslum In place of coffeo works wonders. There's a rea*on. Look in pksrs. for the famous littlo Ifeoak, "Tha Road to Wcllvlllc." Opening of stave campaign Candidate* For the State Offices Mak? Their Formal Bow to the Public. Aiken, Special. Tli representative cil i/('iir> gathered about I lie stuml to listen to flic | /??* ;* k - f I'm. lion. I'. S, Mender miii railed I lie meeting to order at II o 'clonk and made tlic address of welcome. lie made a strong pica for cIohc alien lion, jnd for a clean campaign and primary. Mogxra, Sullivan, Summei set t , Whar ton, ( 'ansler ami Sellers spoke fiist as candidates lor railroad commission ? ?I. * Few Now Id^as. a AIcasi w. Ansel, H|eii?c, Itrunson, Ivl ward*., A. <*. .lone*, Manning, Mc MnbjMr*fiur < raw lord ' story, which was (free I ed with lively aiadausc. Mi. |i|ea?V is strongly opposed |m | he count y dis j pensary sj.ifem, suggested hy Mr. An.^'l Mr. Mlease claims to he the 'Mils Consistent oil! and mmI dispell *ar\ eaildidate in the race. J|e alleges that Mr. Manning's and Mr. Sloan's record in l lie Senate in voting on dis leuKa ry hills is inconsistent with their 'nesenf platform*. . Mr, Mlease be lieves the State dispciisac is being conducted honestly under tin* present >ci of officers. Mr Mriitison made <1 ??t r'.ui>* lein, Mr. lirunson'* platform is "A ft 1 vrl 1 1 eou < Slate and the Supremacy ?I I .a w. ' ' Mr. Kd wards s;iv< |?r? U .?uf not to fl^lil the railroads, hut l<> lisihl otrrup lion. Mr. Kd w atds heiicycs 111 the ?lreiibi?Mis administration .if. law. 1 1 ?? \ Ilexes I lie railroads ha\e disgraced I he eou r I h i|,j ||](. Legi. made a w arm speech advocating ! l-je priii 1 pies of his plat form lie v- a,, I > an (ical. business liK.j adnum t rat ion; lie is ol rough opp.*.?ed |m pulling pr??|.-s siomtl politicians m oflice Man-, < an- < lidafes I m 1 lite Legislature put 1 1 ? < - 1 1 1 | "dves on record in rc.rard lo leading ! issues nt the day. Mr. .(ones claims | lo he the man who stalled I lie Ih:IiI I l hrough a h'tter lo I lie people which has caused mailt of the counties to | rote out I lie ili-peusar\ under tin* !?ci He claims t hat il is nil democratic for tin- Stale to cii'.'ie.'e in any business. Mr. .loiies saul ilia! last year I lie iricouic from (lie dis pensary |t)i .school purposes did no! iinionnl lo more than ten eerily per pupil of all I he s| udei 1 1 s enrolled III nil the common schools of the Slate. Mr. .1 ones savs thai there 1- a stand mg bet of |?v a (Jreenvilfe man that you can never tell whore he stands Mil au\ question, lie says some people sa\ Mr Ansel is how fet;irei| because lie has straddled the fence *0 lonij. Ife claims that Mr. Itrujisou has never been eouiiecfed with any lixht leading to votinir out the di< pensnrv ; that Messrs. Manniie* am! S| 01111 are running on the dispensarv plat I Ot til because of nopularitv. Mr. .loiies makes sport of Mr. MeMahan Slate life insurance plan. Mr. Man ning was sjlad to see so many ladies present because of their vofininir ?'ind uplifting inlluenco. Mr. Maiininv- has ly.ncd on to discuss the burning i^sue, the dispensarv He feels that the dis pp!\su ? v 1 1 n h a wji v tho trealihg habit. He claims that he has nothin r p> hide in his record in the Senate on the dispensary question. Mr. Manning voted for pr>>hibition in 1 because his cmuuIv. Sumter, had voted a la 1 ire majority for :i prohibit ion law, and so he felt iu jtlrueicil Us vote for prohibition a--- the represent a t i\ e of Ins people. Mr M inning explained in detail what lie believe* to be the strouu' sa fe._jn.ard ot the l? iv>or Manning bill. Mr. Manning savs lie st.inds for fuuda mental public hoii"sty. ? Mr McMai'.an el.imis that the (Jovernor is a part 1 he legislative inachiuerv as ln> i? nominated b\ n prnnar\ of the pen pi--, lie has a t KMii Miilous power over public opinion Mi MeMahan is , st ronirly 111 tavor of a eonipnlsorv j education law Moderate it lirst. eov I e ? > ?ee riubiieii bcjwer-n rer- | 1 ':iin Mr. MeMahan is id\".-at I invr schools of a 'l ienlt ural and d'> 'in siie science for e\ei v count v tlie Si _yte. ||e feels it woi^Jd help to >olve the. servant problem if n?'jrr.>es, were trained industrially Col Sloaai F.xplains, To! Sloan s.ivn his voting a^ain*. I t ho dispeix t in 1 wa* consist j cut w ith the fact that he wa- elect ! ed h\ the pc-.pie 0! Wiehl and eouulv j on 4 prwh i!n t ion platform l|i> s*\s | that niter tin" introduction ,.f thr ! tlispensa r v law. lie cnn,0 t . ? believe in j it. because hr thom'lil it a vrre.u un pioyeinent over the old barroom svs I t cm 11?! believes tlist ever\bodv in t 'olumbia has forciitten flic fact that Mr. A. (' .Tones ever 1 ved in Colum bia. He feeK that if a man were not allowed lo eh a ntro his opinions that j his friend niense could tievei l> 0 a.s candidates for secre tary of Slate. Mr. MeCown is run ning on a alrielty business nlatJWin. Of the c&ndidatea for uttorroy iron era I- ? Aleasm. Lynn, Kagsdale and Youmaiia ? only Mr. Lyon, was pros onl. FTe waa glnd lo speak in a ClHlUty J>? f clet^M disjK'tjSHiy riNVo)d. He is no slraddler, but is unalterably opposed lo the Siafe dispensary. He is afraid that the Slate will have lo levy a social tax lo pay the $700,000 ol claims now held up. j I Charges of Graft. He says i luii I In* county dispensary of Alliens Georgia ) i ; i ? l J ? ? t been life Iro/ji chargn# i/i yrati. Mr. Lyon is in la vol* ol local sell 'jovcrnment. He S.'?>h J. VV. Kfllv A ' o,, of Chaitu i.ooi/a ,>i- n y?;i | :tl ?>? .>0 j M* r gallon, aiitl so|?l tlu; KilllW brand ii; tin* city of I hallanooga at per pillion. M<' >va-> ?/i ven very ?'? re I'll I nlh'Dlion, 1 1 ???? n ii n honest auspicion. ( A ppluuse. ) Messrs, Jones ami Walker sj>ok# n s candidate* for cornpD JIir State. General Cotton Market. (inl ve -ion, st cad \ II 1-1(5 New ( Irlcans, steady 11 ' Mobile, nominal 10 f>-S Savannah, quit t 10 1 1 - 1 (i < 'ha rlcspMi, nom ina I ? W i lining! on. nominal - Norfolk, (|iiic| 11 l.q Hiil^mote. nominal II 1 -K New Vork , quid 111. SO liostnn, <|iiiet 1 0.S0 Philadelphia. quiet 11 ,0f> I (oustoii, quiet 11 A ugiHl a, steady II l-l Memphis, quiet ..10 3 4 St . Louis, quiet 1 '? 7 -,S < 'iiiciunat i - I .ouisville, (inn 11 !i-S Charlotte Cotton Market. These prices represent the prices paid to w agoiis : ( iond middling II 1-8 Strict middling II I ^ Middling.. .. 11 1-S (lodd middling, tinged 11 St an:* . !? t<> I It DEATH OF COL. WATTS. Ven*>rablo Patriot Psvises Away at Advanced Age. Laurens, Special.? Col. J. Wash Walts isdend. The end came Wed-, nesday morning between 4 and f) o'clock at his home near the town of Mount ville, this county. Col. Watts wan in his 87th year and his death was due principally to the infirmities of old ago. Mis death remove* one of the truest and best citizens from Laurens county and the Stale ol South Carolina. The deceased is sur vived by seven children, among them being Mr. John I). W. Walls, one of ilis: proKunesvi liii'ti!*1!?. mid cjii/cns I >1 unty, who lives at his lath er''. old place near this city. Co|. .lames Washington W att- was bom \ugust .'iOth. 1S1(J, in Laurens eoimty near the Ne\\herr\ line. lie wa* a son of James Watts, Jr., and Nancy ( lark Willniins. ami a ureal 4tat>dcboo| at the age of lt>. I'pon leaving school he went into business with his uncle. Col John I '. Williams, who was his guardian. I lie combined the vocations of plant ! er ami merchant. His tide of colonel i cani<* from his connection with the I nnl:tia c?nalry. He was scarcely | mo; c than a boy whets he revived the title. During his long and checkered life Col. Watt* held many position* of honor and trust. All of them .were I tilled with credit to himself and profit to his counHy. lie was honored with | the public confidence not only in his own Stale but in Georgia durinf a residence there. He moved to that State in 1S.VJ ami after a residenco of ihree years he was urged lo make the race for ordinary of Cass, now Ilartow coynty, on the Democratic ticket against the Know Nothing party. He. was elected ami held the office four years, declining re-election in 1SA9. Policeman King Acquitted. Aiken, Special. ? 1 The ease of Po liceman T. K. King, indicted for the murder of F.llis Ancrum, colored, was tried here, and without leaving theli Beats the jury found a verdict of not guilty. It was proved beyond ? doubt t hut King killed the negro is self-defense. } SCHOOL BOOK INIUNC1ION Coroner '? Inquest Held Saturday.? Remains of Mr. t'ark* Taken to His Old Home. Orangeburg, S,,iMial Tin- death of Mr. .fames 'f. Parks, which occurred I lout I In- wounds i #fi?i \ i>ij in i !,c i,jv. tol buttle win, Mr, II. Covju-, tf h shadow of inn \ i?i siil M^ row OS,', this entire commun it\ . Mr. laik-., in addition p, Jo,, newspaper work, taught school at one | iuic j? this cot, ,,ty. H? was f..r .-.cvcral yarx one of | hit public cot loo weigher* a I this place, and had nuiucioug Jijcnds all over the county, |Je was of a .jo vial dis|M? ion and easily made friends III thin city. He haft many slrong friends ill this city. He was ajways riMiHidfiato of others and n wa? not characteristic of him to *paak ill o| any person. , Covar 's Condition. if is understood i hat Mr. ('ova r hax been suffering intensely from his wounds, and it. is said llial his riyht 11 1 1,1 is paral\ y.ed. H,. |iaS ?ot |,e,.u resting well at nil. The doctors do not consider his injuries as nccessa lily dangerous. Tho Inquest. (?".oner K iekenbakcr impan :l .)"?>' and the regular impicst was held according to law over tlir ????nains of Mr. Parks. The llndin* was in the following language: "Tins "'?id .V gunshot wounds ill the hands of M. II. ( ovar. " 'I II e jury of imjuest was, | ?f ,|.e following bus iness ; Messrs. |.\ (). ,?V|de,. .| A. \j. Dukes, I-.. l( . Paiillinif, P. M. A. I). Ruplej ?' A. Weeks, J. C. Pik". I{. | ). Mc Michael. A. \v. Hoffman. .1. W Stack '?iid j. r? w,.,.k>. The Testimony. '? ' ? 1 ? Hi'unsou. sworn, s'ivs* ?'On .1 ii ne _>!). Pinti. about I! o'clock 1 w;,s ill- lip to the court 'V"1"' K"te. at my nllh;c. He fore e,.f ' ">ual place of stopping, ? It. A^. M I to/a rd came up aud spoke ? ???- ? lie death scene of hi* wit.', .I,,s| then | saw Ljje deceased , 1 ? 1 a, ks. walk in- out of f|,e court A""11"1''. and at the same time Mr. |{ m; ' "y toward Ifuxell street si,|? M the curl lTr.ii e on Church slp-el. I was looking at them. .fusf ;it th ??rn?e they met. M ? . Parks ,. !;,v.,,r ?' '"""I -'u.! then M,..' ?ii Us spoke to M,.. ;,.1(| vf , . < ovar rep/icd. .Inst ^ ,. |>.,,rs struck (I presiinio) Mr c?va,.. ,f,!s( ??'s that hainn'ii.'d M, Covar ??.,? f- >d '"'l*1- l?oth hand-; f<, ?, ,< nosoip : ,,, of ;|n ,V ff'^emed a pistol ai larks ?v?|v tj , ,,,j ;ir?| couii-ii-d The,, |?.,rks kinder .un-' Vud P'siol a in | fired The?, -t u ns v 7'" ei<;h? i ,V at the fTrsf vt,o?. r, ,'H' 'oiXf fine,, more (I...M ^ ..J r:> ??>?! fifiu,j. t,,. ())|t (| ;t :i 1 1". I .,?v, n'" ""C, firi., ? ' r nK!?,,| lo \t.. If u 'li-an?ed him. J?s, as r r,l( , , .'i ron nd 7V snws Mr. r.-var's father enmilur ill. hollowin- '1,'ohhic. sf ?,? i nW,,V rm"' He TiV . 11 f disarm mo. ? f ? lit if in your pocket. ? *n. , \ "|'f if it. his nockr t and vre?t off u ith ! '.!:!??: icrncd \f.. { -r .. pistol over to the sheriff" V";-"'1 \"ii know r 1." v,,u i t ?" N-isu.',: '-Yes. , ' - I he pistof; i. wi, unhie'icii -d I Ul"'" 1 " ? I'-'d two I,,;:,;.-., s;.,.n "i ii : no e?ip| v .s!,c!!s ,r ?? J': ..Vs, ,1,-v,,.riA Itas I his dav van, ned by Oisscction the of* J T ,"i: iT1 ,Vuu]: ,,n ,!i" '-'v "(? aid 1 . *'?.-?? jpiushot "ml ' fn-ni ri;.|? '-I-: ,|,, ? jjUi>>.|!o| wound ent eriu?? on t|,> , J.t,. , ??m? jujntii -UK, i>, , ... ....t. al^^^?"i"v,h .1 | ,!;,,v iiue. 'iuiti I d... of al"' ,h" colon. It,.. [Steh.i ot entrance b-iu- live i-vl .-. !?. I0/ nipple, riyht side, and the ,.oillt W exit six and one-half inches |?doW VVP ,Hf s,?'e: third, a w...?,d How and to the rivrht of ,|l(. nmbcl " ns. which was made hy a s,>e(I. let and did not pass fhro,,^, ;1|,dom !a ? Micie w as ah.?.,t three pMHs ot blood m the abdominal v. and evidence of ..-ei^ml perst,v,i Ilf'i ln -n,V . ?,,,,-"1?nf- f he death of said J. T. Parks was due p? t!?c wounds described above." To" inj; y?-st,-?duy afiernoon, in spite ot Ins intense ?nfferini?, Mr Parks care directions regardy,* the diN>o sition of his business affairs, and he made a will. There were some direc tions that he desired to give in re gard to his business matters and he apparently \v?s in possession of his mental faculties ?Hiii| rt short time be fore his deathT Tie made no ante mortem statement, as far as has been made known. He mnde none to his attorneys^ Mr. Covar has not ,?iVTU out any statement. Pie Crust. Two tfblesponfulfc alfted flour, one tablettpoon cold lard, two tablespoon* cold water and a pinch of Chop the lard In the flour until" It la flue, then inix with the water, using all the flour Turn out upon a well-floured hoard, divide equally and roll out ooe-baJf. Cover the pi* pan. patting the crust to get out the air. KJ11 with whatever fruit you have, roll out the upper cruat, fold in half and cut three abort ulltK near the center of the fold, pla<(71&,000. In nine yeara there has been an increase of HO pt-r cent The gain in the number of nnile# bus been great, but not to largo, lu 1*97 th? re were 2,215.000. This yea', not wilhsiunding the h?-avy purehanes made by th?s HrltUh government dur ing the iioer war, th^re are 3,400, OuO. "IT SAVED MY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDiCINE 1 T '? Mr*. Willadeen Tells How She Tried Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Just In Time. . Mr*. T. C, Wlllnd*en, of Manning', Iowa, writes to Mra. Pink bun: Doer Mr*. Pinkbam " I, can truly my that you have navtvl my life, and I cannot exj>j??a n>y gratitude to you in words. "Before I wrote to you, telling you how I felt, I had doctored for over two yett i*h steady aiul ?p?nt U>U of iiioiiAv' oh uk*diein?? l**iide?, but it all failed to help uie. My monthly pt> rinds had ctiujwd and I sufforea much pain, with fainting spells, headache, backaehe ami bearing-down pain*, and I was so weak [ could hardly keep around. Asa last resort I decider! to write you and try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and 1 am to thankful that I did, for after following your instruction*, which you sent me free of all charge, I became regular and in perfect health . Had it not be*n for you 1 would be In my grave to-day. " 1 sincerely trust that this letter may lead every suffering woman in the country to write you for help as I did." When women are troubled with ir regular or painful periods, weakness, displaeementor ulceration of an organ, that bearing-down feeling, inflamma tion, baekaeho, flatulence, general de bility, indigestion or nervous prostra tion, they should remember there is one tried au?l true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Nf> ot her female medicine in tlio world has received such widespread and un quulifiml endorsement. Refuse all sub stitutes. \Kor 25 years Mrs Pinkham. daughter in-law of Lydia E. Pftikham. has under her, direction, and since her decease, been advising sick women free? of charge. Address, Lynn, Muss. Cake-Making Hint*. The fruit la solid cake* will sink (o the bottom If they are put In u slow o'.nn. Heavy streaks through a cake will undoubtedly appear if the but ter and sugar arc not thoroughly beat en or if the butter is not properly rubbed Into the flour. HICKS' CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CIRI.J HEADACHES Breaks up COLD>5 IN t> TO 12 HOURS TriaJ Bod* 10c. At Druifbo MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA Its advantage* for practical Instruction. both In ample laboratories Ami abundant hospital I material* the ?;i"?'nt Charity Hospital with S*W bods and 30.000 patient* annually. Special Instruction Is given dally at th* bedsltli\of the sick The next session begins .October 18th, 1 DOB. For catalogue and Information a.ldruas PUOF. M. F ?'HA(l.T,F.. M ??., I)r*ni | P. O. Drawer 201 . NEW OKI.K1.Sm, I, A. So. 27-*06. Preserved Purified and Beautified by fttieura World's Favorite 1 1 i e n t for rashes, blemishes, eczemas, Itch ings, irritations, and sca lings. For red, rough, and greasy complexions, for sore, itching, burning hands and feet, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nurs ery, Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, the great Skin Ctire, Is priceless. OmpltU CittratJ trd TW4r, ft torn Plraplcf lo flervfvta* front U) At*, ?MMlft tr?f of Cwtlco 4n?p, Ointment, vent SOo. (In form of Cho^olftt* Coaled 1*1111.15* fttrvUl *f #r>, pntkf b? b t.4 c*i *11 dnrcf '?*? 4 ?l*f I# ?*! PtHer PHui k Chf*> Cr* p , HoV Prop#., Rrtd*>n, Vim, II to V?t all swelling in 8 to M (lays ; effei's A jx-rmanent cure in jo to 6odnvs. Trultrcatment Sgivtn/rft. Not hinjfenn bcfairtf Write Dr. H. H. Green'* 8#ni, ? Speofallsts. Box b Atlanta. Gj. Adilrsfw ol (I) persons of i*rt ? I nd Inn blood who an not U? .... im witli my tribe, (t) ol mea _ _ who Kervwl in the Ktslerni army. or 00 the "? u**rwt km ol Midi soldier* or -ailort. Boy . Washington, D.CL 60 Busherts Win tor Wheat Per Acre That's tho ytrld of Httl ??<#?* H?vt Cross Jljbrld Winter Wheat. S.>n.l iie In stamps Xor I riv Kani|>lnof ywiw, m also rnlaloKUt' Of Winter Whpftts, I'.yr 1'tmottiT. (irMv?. Hultis.Troo, etc., fflHiH pl&ntlng. 8ALZKB SKE1M Box A.c. l.nt'rowf.W'U. '?A r| (ftp OA V. .% Kontt tvnnlr A \ / Tft \rv Mi'ii unit Wo'iuru, wrttf at U )L IU on. .-. A >1 HK1I A.V f?M* ?M.V 4 O . K t. liniond, Vs. POPE-TOLEDO TYPE X, $2500. ! THIS 4-CYLINDKR 20-24 H. P. POPE TOLKDO V ? Contains every good feature of the world's best practice in automobile construction f hn?Pic Nn'kcl Transmission, Clears and Shafts, Gravity feed. Cape Cart Victoria or Canopy Top, $20U extra. Tills car can be driven licmliid k team walking or up to its maximum of SO miles an hour oh tine hijfh gear. A light wield y car of great power, speed and endurance. Easy gr> drive; easy on tires ; easy on the pocketbook for upkeep. POPE -TOLEDO TYPE VII, $2500. This is our front entrance model which is now so popular. It has the regular 30 H. . engine and chassis and is k car which appeals to the convenience and comfort of the i tvner. ' Rooiny Tonneau and Pope-Toledo construction throughout. . i H'li 4VA.iT TO f* LACK 30:>IK ] OF, TMKftK C ARS ;I\ VOI R VICINITY - WRITE UH POR PARTICULARS. CATALOCiLCSi, C1C. P ow AT'^ i -opc-Tolcrfo Type X, ?2500, / POPE MOTOR OAR CO. L 4"? Columbus Ave. ? Oo*l