the QJ\ MDEN V(>U;.\ii.; xv u. CAMDKN. S.C.. KKIOAV. ,11'NK i;?. liHMi. no. IT IHlltHi # . ? Occurrences of Interest From All Over Soulh Carolina f*? ? MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS A Batch of Livo Paragraphs Cover ' ing a Wide Range ? What in Going Ou in Our State. ro General Cotton Market. Mobile, ?t?ady 10 5-S ftaVHIIIiall, qutOt 10 7-^ i'liarlostoi^ q.ticj . . . ^ .... . 10 .'?-S Wilmington, steady 10 :M Norfolk, *tead\ 11 Baltimore, nominal J 1 I -4 New York, quiet 11 *-!<> Busjon, quiet 1 1 .'JO Philadelphia, steady ^1.4 > ^luiistoii, easy ' Aujiiisla, ^eadv. . . Memphis, quiet . . X'incinnaij j ? Louisville," firm 1 |R Charlotte Cotton Ma^cct. ' T'jpso prlfe^ represent the juices pstid to wa^oti - : Newberry ' by .M ; . .\ l: d re \Y ( ';i ':?/> *'>r tile e;i _ : \ v: depan ;ik lit were sub nulled ! ? e'ltsl'lliU ei* a'.id ;?e?-".>t ? < d. The e will lie three sto ries hi ?_??!!, ? a heant ifttl type of ar (dlite.-i ill ?, i will 1 1 :i \ ? ? ;i tloi?r spaee ill e.aeli' .sloiy. .V.):clOU feef. It will be fully equipped v. itli ;;|i modern ni:1. eliinerv e-?:iitial i < a leelniieal sehool, with eup'.ii l, fnl::e. eie. 'I lie i'iiI'IIl'I' .-tee::>: Savannah, (la., lias aeeepti'l l-.vitation to deliver the add res. ?. Killed fcy Lightning. ( Jreenwiwti. Special. - -Xewfou V. .Mauley. ,i i < ?:;!*??? 1?' i ate veteran. aged , vi-. struck and instantly killed Ly lightning near Poplar Springs eln.nh three milt's from Wares Siio-iis Thursday afternoon. A vi.'vy li" ivy rain foil during tin* thunderstorm. .Mr. .Mauley was an excellent- es'izen anil is spok >-> H' 'S before the dispensary 'invesrty.-t'itfv ( oiuuiittee (lovernor I fey war. I authorized the Attorney ( ieiieral to prosecute 11. 11. Kvans, L. X. linykiti and It. Towell. former members of the dispensary board for malfeasa;'. in otlice. The committee adjouraed and the action ??f the (lov ernor immediately followed. Farmers to Pool Thoir Cotton. Sparlauhutg. Special.? President K. 1.. Archer' of the Spartanburj^connty branch of ih<' Southern (Cotton Asso ciation has issued a statement to the farmers that it is the intention this vear <> sell their cotton in hulk. It ha* been estimated that there are about .'),0?)0 hales to be marketed this year hi Spartanburg county, which will he held ill 'JO to SO bale lots. Negroes Administer Poison. Chester. Special. ? William Keiv.hly was foetal dead two days ago in a liehl, near Fort Lawn. Coroner l,eck ie made an invest igat ion and found that lw?> strolling negroes, F.d. Hai " lev and Dennis Cole, have been ar retted- and gunmulted to jail. A Nagro Burned to Death. On. the premises of Mr. WT. II. llar ? tlin. near Chester, a negro cabin "was burned in which a negro hoy was burned to^eath, and a child of Ilia same ! imijl badly burned was res cued. - : ; It err* ofBtato News. The colleges of the State have jug ibe past iwffckv ? 3' he nnmlifr__yf gradlioUi Wni wrj*^- ttio interest frslfld by the public in the excr unusual. crowds at t."> and 7"> decrees, with an extreme minimum o|* .">7 derive* at Heath Sprnys on l lie .~>t h. The average precipitation for the week wa.s about half the normal amount for the same period although v idely separated localities had exces sive rains ov>in^ !?> t !(?* occurrence of t hnjuler>toi ii!>. A le>c stations rc pi'nied no rain for il<> week. Wain w.i- fiillin/ in I ? i . ? ':i me time 1 1 ??' inteiior ol | i io Si ah* had clear I o call!;. chmdy \Vcaiher. il:e cek \'.as t r. -c \ root kiv.ii wiud* !'? >ods nr i i : <1 etonii-i. -.1. \Y. Maiicr. Sect ion ! bivc'.or. o| ! he ill! and rows A Stcry of Horror. I'nion. S|>: cial. The slur n iirdt r (if Ml-.,' Hughes. Wie ise.'J'o who late Tii u i ?? u 1 1 t'lTv ?a was found in Tv^er ii\cr. Ip- hand** ,(\ an incendiary, shoot Most*, which confirms the >loi\ that rcaehed here from Carlisle I hat M< fcc was ?ce;i he iiii. carried wounded and bleeding to the river, where bound, he was thrown in. Whelher lie was dead or alive then, even thy physician, who testified at I he coionei 's inquest, was unable to state .posit iv?;ly. owiii" l? I lie body beinjj so decomposed when diseovci ed. !t is learn, d iluil last Saturday Muse came to visit his sou. < I irenc. > I lushes who is in jail charged willi two other nenr^o. Merry 'luck.'r and John Sliuiiij.; : I . with burning (lilliamV bain. Whe.i he reached the river ?Sunday rctuvnin'y it was so hivh hi,, could* not cross, so left his mule aK< Mo?* Stewart's. cotorud. and then : : :i.-..s( d. I.y wav of I lie Seaboard Air | I ine bridge. It is said that !?e was then and there met by \V. If. (lilliam r.r.d I >oiir_rln^s Knjrlish. whr? pnutrhr to evirsii*! ! coin him some information ] a.. So the li re. It is tmderstfuid iiiat j (hat day or the preepdim*- one, ( ? 1 1 Miller,;, I.ITJUICUL o! liic Si alt' coil . u; lor no1 ii;TC, |niS I'Csi ".i 1 1 ed . TIlC I'jlCt of Miller's ion was reported here and M'ilrr when seen stated licit In line! forwarded i ln> Idler of rosi?? na tion t<> < Jovernor 1 lr y\\ a rd ami In' ? ? I not care to mala- public its contents until the governor should do so. h is a mat Lor ??C common knowledge that t here have beeii diO'creucey in t i i ?? 1 acuity dniiin; the last session. Miller recommended to th;' hoard the dis charge of ( wo of t hf \ eaehcrs, Lillian Mack an. I Louise IS. !? ordk.wn. hut a: the recent meeting ? > t' the hoard in ( "o lmnhia the two teachers were reelect ed. Miller's ehanres not heiieu sus tained. Miller's action in suspending cue of the pupils tv as. however, siJ^ tained. N south, at the cross in\r 'seven miles below I nion lly .1. ( j Sartor's. Her body was ho'vribly mangled. The woman wa> said to be oli her way to work when the acciI ila?L were severed, 4 lie thumb only remain injf. The band was caught in a picker the thousand blades of which sooh cut I it to pieces. ' REPORT ON 810! W Mormon Senator Must Not Be Sealed SAYS MAJORITY 01 C0MIYII1 TEE Of Senate Comaiittee on Privde^es and Elections, Burrows, Dolliver, DuboiB, Pottns, Bailey. Overman and Frazicr Hold Against Morman Senator, While Forakor, Bevoridge, Dillingliain, Hopkins and Knox Take Opposite V*:w. t\ ushin^iou, Special.- Tliu majori ty and minority report-* of the com mittee oil privileges and elections in tin? case o| Senator Hoed Snt'iot, of I tali, were presented iii i )u? Senate, tin* loriner I ?_\ ^einitor Ituriows, de claring that Mi. Smool is not entitled to his seat and the hitter hy Sena tor J'oraker, taking opposite view. At the tame time {Senator Uailey, who is a member ?>t' the commit t ee. stated that while Jie concurred tu (he views of the majority, that Mr. Sinoot is not. entitled !>> his .-.'at, he was o| the opinion thai '".Mr. Smool could not he deprived of his seal un der the constitution except bv a res?? I u I ion of i \ pulsion. ' ' Mr. Ilurrows -'ave uotii-e that :e would call up til-- < is(? ???,! (j-(. t ) ;? est possible m.val of fins aunouiie! picut. I he le;: | ,| | j|<> I Senate c.mili i ? t er oM | .. i\ ih-es au ciarin-j I ?y a irajoriiv [Vote that liec d Snioot uo! entitled , I" a seal in the Senate at'- - aled in the eport submitted to the S ? :< .? i v- by Chairman Hiirmw-. and si-jned bv Senators Parous . 1 ?? ? I i i v e bubois. Pelt us, Paihy. Dver::i:::: Fla zier, to he as follow^ ; The Majority llsport. * ' That Mr. S noot ;s one authority is, and has Ijeou for several yeitrs past, so exercised hy the said First Presidency and Twelve Apostles' as to en.u?ura?e the practice of poly?'n j^ny and polygamous cohabitation in >the Stat(! ot 1 tali and e!s..>\vh'.'! e. con ? oa ry to the coiea it ution and laws oi' the State of Ftah ahd the law of the land; that the said First. Presidency and I welve Apostles do now control, and for a loinr lime past lufve com i rolled, the poiiticai affairs of lie.' ! State ot I lull, and have tints bvouyhl ahout in said State a union of chinch >hnd State, contrary to the eoiy^tTTu^ t ion o| the I niled Stales, aiuf thai said Heed Smool comes *hcrc, not as the accredited representative of the Stale of Flah in the Senate of the United States, but as the choice oi' i in- ilii-i'iiiritV u dfc-h eonriTiiv the chureh and has usurped I he functions of the State in said State of Ftah.*' I he majority report characterize*, ''as wholly untenable" the position thai because Sinoot himself does not practice polygamy and there is no evidence to show thai he has person ally and individually en con roared the practice in others, hi- ouulit not in be condemned because id' the acts of hir, associates. It i- charged ?'tha' Senator Sinoot is an inseparalde part of the troveruiiej body of the Mormon ??church t lie Fir the Mormon church, .Mr. Sinoot nui-i' !??> held to he responsible for as a tn tu ber of that body." The report declares thai v. bile Smeot know the poly.-amons practice* of President Smith and.oth'o ehurch officials, he has sustained b v hi* vote as an apostle, and al no time uttered a word of protest against th<' ???ci duct of )?is associates, but, on the <;u: trary has sustained them h\ hi-? si lence. "In the judgment of the commit tee,*' the report says. "NJi. Snioot is no more entitled to n seal in the Sen ate than he you'd bo if ho were as SoeiatilijT in pol y;?.-^roi:s >? >ha>)ital ion with a pjuralily of wives." News Notes. Tlirt split 'between (tfe IJadienl* :n the Donmn nml tJ?? Constitutional Democrats was widened by a debnt< over" fill* proposal to demand n, rt')Hv from the Cinvornmont SVi the 'abolition of tjie deatlt penalty. TTVe xvoTTuifen 'of <> *cV? xvHi n?T "YiTTrr Y citicj* arc bei?v? armed with Mnn^ei rillcn, and the spirit of revolt in Heine spread among the Cu?>iati. peasants. W M A I CUNUHESS IS DOING What is Being Doue Day by Day By j the National House and Senate. | Danger to Quarantine Bill. 'I here is (Wided danger thai the quarantine bill intended t ?> ?; ?\ r. A. I >. Mel vin of the Department, and Mr. Neill were present at the hearing. .Mr. Wilson ijian;vc of Keprcsentat ives was m throes of' :i '?"filibuster or "putting < ?tV until to morrow what il mk'hl have. dune the day" before," must lie set the work accomplished in the lower branch of the national Legislature. , Tn many particulars Tuesday was n "red letter day" in the House, not | only i t ) the number of bills passed, but in the general character of the legislation enaeted. What bid fair t<> cause endless trouble, the natnral | i/ation hill, was parsed under suspen 1 s oil of the rules, tin* Speaker anfi the rrontleman in ehnrire of tin* hill. Mr. lioyngc, of Colorado, dointr tteam work of a superior kind. The House refused tf the Bureau of Animal Indu* try. PACKERS HAVE LOST I $28,1)00,000 IN TRADE 60 Per Cent, of Employes Laid Off ! in Some Plants. _ MAKING COSTLY IMPROVEMENTS j Boof T ru*t Busy Cleaning Siuughtor Houses and Canning Dooinio Criticised Fop Employing Low Grade Labor. ( hie? |?o. There has been in ;lu> |as( tow days a I alliuj; ? ? IT of about one third in 1 1 io business of Miinc depart ments at tho stock yards, especial)? in She canned poixls departments ami in tlif sale of ipiestionablo 1 1 1**11 1 , Thi* fu 1 1 i ii if off lias resulted In the | loss oj millions of dollars?some men ' In close touch with affairs at [' such cattle at. the stork yards mi.v I that not more than a dozen animals , have heen Received here during the ' wee!.. / i Building ( 'oiiim .ssioner 1 'arizen an nojincgd Hint lie would order the pai l; ! rind the I nioii Stork "i aids and I'ransit Company to make improve- j i n ? ? 1 1 1 . t lie (>>.; Iiii;it ed cost of w hich will ? lie >? V f i' )' i.tif k ' if . notices will demand : 'i-r j.n't.s ;,>? contracts for the eiiu'iil s wiihin f ? \ . h ? w in v; every In M. I'linatioti to nu'ct his suggest ioii^ amlf clean up. The employes in the meat j culting room of \eison .Morris Co. 1 lire to have clean aprons every day, as u result of one of siurgesl ions. It is estimated by a representative of i tin- packers that nearly .(OHO visitors a day no tlir<>ui:h the plants :?! the stork ! vartls. Anion;; them a few nays ag'i ' was Itohcri H. Cowdrey, who was can- i clidate I or President of the I'liite.l ' Stales on (lie Single Tax ticket in lSS^, j lie arraigned the pa< kers for bringing j foreigners of n low order of iutclli^cnce | Into the country. "V\ lint do these fellows l;now about keeping themselves clean'.'"' lie asked. "Many of them never saw n towel be fore." A story was related to the effect that when cuspidors were provided in the packing h nises the laborers shlned ' them tip and put tlieni on a shelf for use as drinking cups. Humors to the effeci that new stork yards, with Sir Thomas !,iptnu. of Lon don. us chief backer, are to be estab lished near ? iary. ml., adjacent to the properly -d the J'nitou States Steel Corporation, were ,n circulation. Sev eral of the best known real estate turn in Chicago were named as anions those acquiring land for the purpose. The report Is that at least six of the smaller plants are Io be ryfhoved from Chicago hjjndiana. It is said that the plans liiehYRe tho dl. glng of a canal to j the Id t tie Calumet Kiver for the pur pose of Carrying off disinfecled and deodorized refuse. The story is not ' generally credited. . ^ I 'J*4L\0'J 1 VKT IN llKMKK CAMPS. j . Tl.'i > ioiis on .1 ???!?* 1 Were Supplied- to ? 41,2'tti I'prsjns !ii T*ri$co. ? San Francisco.- l?'or the information of I'nftident K. 11. Ilarrimnu, of tin* Southern I'acillc. a census lius hewn taken of .nil (lie persons still in the refugee enmps of this- city< It shows that on June t 1 .'!,OHX persons were in tlm permanent eanips amr^P.r>:t.'i in Die temporary ones. It also shows that nij Jijjjji 1 ?*o ? jjljju ivni-n uilhi >1 ini_l 41 !2*MJ persons :i ii 1 1 free men! tickets given 'J I Tit) persons. Tlie report cites that there arc 'JL'SS persons in the Oakland and Alameda permanent eainps. ami that. on May .?>f rations were issued lo I '?.'ill persons in ( ).; kin ml. Alameda anil Berkeley. In J, OS Angeles there are <500 S:in Fran cisco refugees, in Sacramento 1 'JO. in Yallojo !?lo ami in Stockton thirty-six. sri('l:>i: CAN'T STOP HKNIIITTS. Court Orders M aeca hees to I'ay Widow of Self-Slain 7.. Albany. .s . \ i in: i'imiiI of Appeals nflirmed with costs a .jiitl cnien . of $'?!. VN'J.Kl in favor of Anna T. Cargo, of Wyoming Conn,. v. against the Supreme Tent o. the Knights ?f tf.e Maccabees of i!i* World. I The pkilnMiT's hushan/i. v ho held a paiic.v in tlr; organisation. committed wi>hh, and despite tl.e \act that the l?ydaw? say no benefits s\/.il lie paid t to the survivors of a membra vvlwk ills j himse.f, whether sane r insane, the lowtj^ eon ts awarded the plaintiff a verdict ami the hit-h-sl court in the State as sustained liiem. (j r at r: ma i. a i:i:r?i:i. victokif.s. Government Troop* Twice' lleatcn ? I n*ui geTffs Kolnforcpd. City of Mexico. ? (ieii'ial Toledo, In command of the revolutionary troops in Southern < UrvtiHiiifla, has won two ciitfj'u I'm' n!j>: Tim ' loverniuent forces have been driven luck. General Toledo is receiving heavy reinforciunenD of well-armed men. South Dakota Democrats. At Yankton. S. I?., the Democratic State convention declared for Govern ment ownership of railroad, telrjrraph and telephone lines. .1. A. Stransky. of Ernie, wn* nominated for. Governor, and lit ki t was myned: W. J. Klrter. o( Tjiwr^oce. and tL ^9b. llamsay, of SanlifW-n^IaL^lonsrcVij^ , Triv-OTrp'Trrr Propqsrd ht -Kmnrr. ---] The French Cabinet decided to Intro duce nn Income Tax hill in Parliament to meet the dellcit of Ilia budget. CLOUDBURSTS CRUSE M Damage Mills, Homos snil Crops in Conemaugh Valley. hilled in Vain Effort to Sav? l-lcr Boil>y - - H u rl s Child From Track --Crushed by Enijino. Johnstown, I'a. ? Thumtrr shower*, i lit* storms downpours of ral ii that had prWtiilod throughout Western Pennsylvania during the on-, lir?' wi'cl, culminated in cloudbursts in j Cambria, Westmoreland, Somerset ami Mil i lor counties t lilt t caused the : i \ i?i'H , and crooks to Overflow, flooding tho streets in many communities and ?1 1>< sominatlnfc a general flood scare. Kariy reports Indicated that the damage would ho grout. Probably tfoCMMH) will cover all losses Kustninod in the see lions itlVootod. The greatest damage was in IIoow orsvlllo, Somerset County, eighteen inilos from this oily, lloro a veritable cloudburst oausod Stony Crook to riso sovon foot in an hour ami a half. T|io wators reached tho first floor of many dwellings, and all tho faotorios in tho Jow lying section of (ho town woro obliged to suspend opera t ions, Cellars woro lloodod and a numhor of streets woro uudor water for a time, hut no casualties are known to havo resulted, 'llu* I loovorsvillo schoolhonso was washed a way from its foumlatlou. Island I'aH;, a summer resort. was de>iroyod hy tho wators, hut as th'o Hood oanto at an hour w lion thoro woro ho pleasure seekeis, the l i :? fori to/save her ehiid from death. hut although she prevented the infant from | being/ crushed under an engine that grnuud her to piooos, tho little one was killed by this ton e with which : lie Hung it from her, and its body a mo ment after was engulfed in Hood-swol len Stony Creek. The woman was close to the mhlill<> of the famous stone bridge over that siren m, watching Wreckage from.- a flood that, diii much damage in 1 loov orsvillo, ISutlor, I.alrobe, I'aggaley and other places,' when a Pennsylvania fly er thuudecvd over Hie structure. Hus band ami friends called to hot* to dee, ; but Hie roar of the rushing wators evi dently drowned their voices as W14II as the noise of the approaching train, and the vibrytiou of the track must have boon her first warning. | She faced the express only in time to 1 see she hadn't a chance to escape. One cry broke from her. Then, raising her bahy, six months old, high above her head, she buried it from her. ller scream was swallowed in a shrill blast of the whistle as the engine cut Iter down. Itohlit/.kj tried to dash toward the spot, whore he. too, -surely would have met death, but friends restrained him. .^t I.alrobe, Westmoreland County, the' streets were1. flooded and merchants were obliged to remove their stocks, n Jlaggaley, a mining village in a gully near Nino-Mile Hun, was for a time in "ft perilous position. So rapidly did the water rise that many people were tak en from their houses on rafts. ItEHlCLS DEFEATED. ? ? Invaders !?'!??:? Salvador Ponied by H tin tenia la n Troops. Washington, D. C.? Theltunlotnalan Minister here received a cablegram from tlic Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Harrlos, stating that the revolu tionary movement across t li o Salvador boiffukiry had met with utter defeat. According t *? the cablegram the Cunt cmnlan Hoops met the revolutionary rmrcV ill? A rrtHU'.tiJt Mit^l dcfcill - ii t hem ronipletely. The t!overnment forces. the cable gram says, have been triumphant all along the line and have not met the slightest reverses anywhere. PKESI DENT STOPS WIUTIXC!. No More Magazine Articles Until lie Leaves the White House. Kansas .City, Mo.? The Trident, a publication for Kansas City High School pupils, has obtained an an nouncement iroin the White House that the President "hereafter will not write for publication during his incum bency of bis present otlice, except on matters of public business and in an otlicial way. The statement is ma do In a letter from Secretary i.oel? in reply to a re quest for a contribution from Mr. ltoosevelt. MILITIA IN UOVEUXUllS Ignore Protest of Comniander-in-Cliief and Catch a Shirker. , i .Jackson, Miss.? The 'inventor's man sion, ln'illiautly illuminated in honor of ' a reception tendered by Miss Yarda inan to her guests, was invaded by the provost guard of the State militia in search of a young man who was evad ing drill duty. The t run lit was lotuul lining upstairs and dragged down the stnlrivn^and through the hall, causing eonsfYrnrtlion among the guests. fiovcrnof and Mrs. Vardnbian both protested against tiie search, but to no avail. Philadelphia to Ho Into Ice Making. IJy unanimous vote. Select ami Com mon Council. Philadelphia, passed a resolution indorsing the project for nu: nicipul Ice manufactories. Following ilds a resolution providing fur the ap propriation of $ir>,0 ?>T having been concerned tn-tiit plot to r*lll King Alfouso_nt Madrid. HElll t U iiiiLLluiio t\ lil'iuiiJt Thomas 0. Jones, of Pittsburg, Shoots Himself. Wan Practically Head of J,pne? &. Lau<|hbn 'ateol Wor;<* , and M/otild Have I :t h o ri toci $30,OOQfOOO. ) I Pit tsbr^rjf! Pa. Tlionia s O'Cono# ?lours. as>. Mailt general manager of t li?* .loucs l.aiighiin Steel Company, licir in a fort unc estimated at <*><>; wonli himself several millions, ami a social leader in Pittsburg, killed himself at the Hotel Kchenley, whcro lie and Ids mother, Mrs. Cecelia C. . Jones XI urdoek, occupied apartments. No cause ean he assigned for tho suicide other than that the young man had been ill for somo time past, and that, he hcljovcd his ailment would eause him Hi her to no blind or become insane. The only mystery surround ing the suicide is as to how* he ob tained the revolver with whleh he killed himself. The Coroner believe* it was smuggled Into his room by some person whom he paid to do it. livery effort was made to keep the fact that lie had killed himself a secret, his rela tive going so far as to n'ttrmpt to havt? the Coroner suppress the facts. . \ | *\ll l he arrangements had been mauo ftn take Jones to Cambridge Springs. In a statement which f!ip made* to the Coroner, Mrs. Murdoch said that she had speiu most of t'.-c evening before I he suicide in her son's room preparing for the trip. She went to bed about midnight, Imt: entered his room 2 o'oTOiU and found her son seated at a 'window. They talked .together for some time, and then she retired. At J o'clock she was awakened by a revolver shot. Kutmiug into her son's room, she found him lying on the bed. She raised his head, and soon afterward he died in her arms. Thomas "'Conor Jones was the only child of the late (S corgi? \Y. Jones, brother of P.. I'. Jones, former Chair 1 man of the National Republican Com** niiltee. When his father died he left all of his vast fortune to his wife and their only child, who has taken his life. ,Mr*. Jones innriued Or. !?', lb ? - Mnrdock, a well known physic inn, who is at present in llostou attemllng a me.llcal convention. Jones, who was j in- 1 entering his thirty-sixth year, was a graduate of Vale, and had been in the steel business exfA: since he left college, lie was a member of the Pittsburg I'nive.rsity and Allegheny J County Clubs, as well as a number of New York clllbs. CH1CAOO TFKN8 FROM MEAT. Home of the Packing Industry Becomes a Vegetarian Cify. Chicago.? -Chieago is turning to tho diet of the vegetarian. .Meats are --punted by people ,al! over the city. The greatest slump ever experienced in the demand for meat for corisump tlon in t ye hoipes, hotels and restaur ants of Chicago is on. because of "tho publication of lite 'Neill-Reynolds re port. ~ j~ Fish dealers 'are rejoicing Uect\its? . lie down turn in the uittnt trade /has brought a brisk deiuatni for tish./ Li* many homes and hotels dishes in whlcU ? '?licese and eggs digure prominently have supplanted roast and broiled meats. Meat market men generally admitted iliat the disclosures affecting tho methods of the big packers at the stock y yards have caused a falling off in retail business. The' decrease in sales of usages and other manufactured prfld clared to have been frpm thirty-live to forty per cent, throughout the eity. rilAMBKIU-AIN* IS RK-KLKOTEDi t- ? ... (Jovernor oC Oregon Defeats Republi can-Woman Suffrage It cj octoil. Portland, Oregon. ? (Joorge K. Cliain li(>rlmn (I Amu.) has been re-elected Oov lll'UU!' -i! (!i'r?rrl!-iiy a iiiS jOi'it.T of. not less than 1LH)0, and perhaps tiK imieh . as 2."?oo, over Or. Janice Withycomho (Hep.). ?Umatlian llourno. Jr., (itcp.) lias re- " ?el veil l lie popular nomination for I * 11 1 tod Ntatos Senator by probably a little over r? First Din. trier. ( Woman suffrage was defeated by a .large majority. FI.OOI) WIPisS OUT VI I.I.AC K. Two Drowned. Four. Mortally Hurt and Valley Swep^t Clean. Ironton. Ohio. ? Scottown, a vilfage " twenty wiles north of here, with ^popnliflion of 2, has been washed* \tw;iy. NoL a house was left on lt? ;. foundation. _>Mrs. Hay re and daughter \vL-ro drowned. Bridges were swept ? aivay anil teb phone linjjs are down, /The disaster was uiip to a~ttr-:~ lowing a heavy rain htHtiug for Hlx 4 hour*. The tow n is at the continence of. the branehes of the Indian and On.van Ctveks. 'J'he valley .iibftvo - Scottown is long and narrow and tho flood swept everything befoVe It. Men, woinrn and children escaped to t lie hiils in their night clothes. Four persons were. Injured and cannot re cover.. The valley "from Boot (own to the river was swept clean. Thedam age to crops cannot be estimated. Railway Tnnh ,,, ' ? . Vice- 1* ivalilc ji t of -M'.c Kgy Y*ork Centrrty^testineil at the lutvr* state Cominwce Commlwlo' '? hearing In l-hilodclpluu tliar tUe ll]?iych r|?? -? Cnai.PUd Coke Company gave tufc rail? road company $GCU.OO Ik stock "ioc tratUc rej?sbt8."* "" ? t ? '? 'r fiii>' * Missouri Vtfr Jttyat*. ? - The MHwonrt Slat* Ubmocrftii* C# cauu oat ^trons'y. tor William ***-_ ulujs , tirjrnn far