The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, April 22, 1904, Image 3

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fcS&VWVtS fcUttfl *\Acn\n><ovw tst\wa\onw\tH V\C\OV)S c - Ife HIGH CRAPE Salmon d Brothers, Htap'.e And Fancy Grocers. SANITARY _ MMBii Plumbing ?h a science. I make a ?peoial study of all iU branches and look alter your Interest. Take care that your Master Plumbs hj an elKcient Kn 8ineer and understands bis butintes lorou^hly, that is where the secret of a goo4 job lies. Bee mo personal I v about your worki become my client and you sh?U be the owner of a first-class sani tary system. . You would lie surprised to see the old work tbat I am testing out Avery day, because it was done poor ly by inexperienced men. See me, See me, See me. Respectfully, JOfIN ?. JENKINS. lioture Frames. . A nice Assortment of picture ( ntfuldings and framing. Out fit just received at Hums <fc Barren's. W* make frames to order on short notice complete with glass, card board, and fiber backs. Call aud bring yoar pictures to frame witb y*u. 1^ ?? +rn ? - Fire at the Factory. Fire yesterday morning destroyed the waste house at the Catnrien Cotton Mills. The fi;e "WjiS dis covered by Mr. Turn Kussell who happened to bo passing at the time and who in his ell'oru to ex. tinguishh it by the use of the fac tory hose got quite a "ducking" which at that hour was somewhat chilly. Clothing Lent. ? * On last Saturday the 16th inst., two baskets of women's ready-made clothing amounting in value to about $12 was left on the froat -part of Mr. Wittkowsky's store, Mala atreet, Camden, S. C. Finder will be rewarded tf the clothing is returned to me or left at The Chronicle office. Lizzie Alexander, Autioch, 8. C. Snow and 81eet? ...A preea dispatch from Charlotte, N C!*, iiftyfi that on Wed nasday last a snowstorm prevailed in that city to euoh) an extent that atreet oar and railway 'service waa Impeded. A passenger from Kershaw on the ?ante day brought the Information that considerable sleet fell there that morning. This, it. seems, la breaking the record here for late cold weather. Heating of Cemetery and Memorial ! Associations. The annual meeting of the Ceme tery Association of Camden will be ' held in ibe Presbyterian Lecture room on Monday afternoon, the 25th at five o'clock. The ladiee of the Memorial As sociation will also hold their an * nual meeting at aame place on same afternoon at six o'clock. Members are urgently requested j to be preeent at these meetings. |^| ^ ^ Deaths . A telegram reoeived in Camden aunounoetK the death in Qaffaay , last ftrlday of Mrs. M. H. Outlaw. Mrs. < Outlaw was the mother of Mrs. B.XA. -Clsnton, was 45 yeara old and dftd very suddenly. ^ Harry, the Utile 2-year old eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCasklll, of - oar city, died , on the afternoon of the 14th inat. The burial was at M tv Olivet on Friday. This is the ?eoond child that Mr. and Mre. McCaekill bavo lost within a few JCaacmio mtten, Mertera Job ti MoSmyrl, K. O. Mo- j Crelgbt, John A. Singletoo, W. L. D?P?f& aod Dr. 8. C. Zemp were io Colanabla Tuesday night where the j decree of Knight Templar w?n con ferred upon them. Pre. F. L. Zemp end W. J. Dann, lliMen J. B. Wel lecey end K. F. Snyder, And Maj. S.J B- Iduti attended ae visitor#. At tble meeting Kx-Qovenor D. H. Chamberlain waa prreenl and took U?a degree of Knight Templar with the Ceradeu delegation. At a meeting of the Rlelsg Charier So. A B. A. M. U?t Wednes day nlgbt the Royal Arch degree WaeSoSmrtd BpOP Bi uibai ? Wnp? 9KK ^Cof^T Barron, of CotuftMi,i* Cenden west VJedr.ea taeetiog ?f the Roy Oocea/ S/)o/s. Ml 8. C, J, Shannon," J r , wult-r. ; taiued Diovi charmingly hi W?r; bsautifol hfttno in Kirkwund ( lit* j uV<>UDi{ Alatroua CI u U" t? ? I < 1 1 n ^ to J tin* number of iter quests qaiut * j I a r n u party of ilut "littbelor Maid*" in honor of Iwr fritnd ami guest Miss Rbctt of Charleston Il?T in vitation* wrre fur Thursday aflfr oogn from 4:30 to 0:30 ami the combination < t "\ouih ami b*nnt\" wan a HUllioit'iil fjuHrxiikMi of its Joymcnt. Progressive Kuchrc, six haudod, \*t?b itiu popular tfHine which wan iuosI ( uthusiaslically en joyed i>y all. '1 lie grscious ynunjf hostes* was assinUMl by her tuattfie, Misses Lt ila and Chajloite Shan doq, and the afternoou was one ? f the most delightful of the season'* social functions. Mrs. \V. L. DePiiss gave a iu ?*t delightful luncheon on Saturday at noort to a number of her young married friends complimentary to Mrs Harvy Withwrspoon who left OQ Motrtlay to visit her mother in Cheater before moving to ber ne?v home in Yorkville where ber butt hand will continue bid lnw practice. It is with great regret that the C * m den people give up Mr. and Mr#. Witberspoon as they have made many warm friends and admirers during the past } ear spent in our midst. Quite a. number of dinner par ties havo been given during the past week at the "Court Inn" by the agreeable gtivala of that most popular hotel to their friends In Cam. den before the close of the season puts a stop to these delightful in tercourses between the tourists and their local friends. The Mensem. Ticknor know so well how to tempt the appetite with all that is delicious and dainty that their din ners aro always complete and great ly enjoyed. Their ftue baud of music which discgtfcrses sweet music adds greatly to all entertainments, and the informal dances at night are quite an attractive feature Although large number of tourists are leaving every day, othors are stopping here en route from Florida. So Camden is still hustling and by no means destitute yet. Pasturage. We are now prepared to pasture your horses and cattle at "Belmont." Our Mr. DeLoaclie will give the in his personal supervision. For fur ther information call at Zemp A DePa8s Drug Store. DePass DwLoacbe. Marriage ofMr. Redmond Mr. Phillip J. Redmond, the popular assistant at the Camden Drug Company's store, and JMiss Louise Wright, of Boston, Mass., were married last Tuesday night. Thejmarriage took place at the hotel Jerolie, Columbia. . Bight* Qf the Mail. The Rural Free Delivery News has the following: AH United States mail carriers have the right of way to public highways, wben on duty. They oannot be driven into 1% 11 it j i it I na tiiiutlVw UJ MtJilTtf j MiniiiiU w Dgt/nv without violation of the United States mail law, and if a collision is made by so doing and the maij delated it will not be long there after until ? deputy United States marshal will be looking for certain parlies who will answer to roll call at a United States court. This law applies not only when meeting a vehicle, but to those in front as well, when the (Qftil wakes an effort to pass* Much Needed Improvements Sug gested By Major Garrison. Id his inaugural re do arks, among other things, Mayor Cfrrieon aald : *'1 beg to oall attention to tbe Immediate regulation of tlae an sanitary oeaepool and the taking of ?nob eteps aa may be foond neoes aary to give aooraplete spring olean tog of the entire olty. - A Qre alarm ?yetem It another very pressing need in tbe further equipment of Camden's efficient fire department. I heartily favor 'the annexation of Kirfcwood and hope to ?ee that desirable atep speedily taken, - . I am an ardent ?'clty beautiful" disciple and hope to see an organi sation similar to many being or ganijted over the .country aa anxill ariea to municipal bodies. i would be glad to promise tbe citiaens of Osmden that tbe olose of our adminietratlon would not find an open ditch within tbe cor porate limits." All of the Above are . exactly; along the right line And show* that Mayor Carriion lathe right man in the riskt plaoe. We mre aore I that he will nave tbe hearty aup port of eyery well wlaher of Camden in tbeae mnob needed improvement*. It In the aineere ditirg ftf Thn Chronicle to aee every one of them fully carried out to the letter. The following oommitteee have been appointed : Weye and Meane? P. T. Vlllc plgne, chairman ; J, ,W. Dnnn. Fire Department-? J. A; Single* ton, oh airman ; 8. B. Latham. ' Street? S. B. Lath amrchairman * P. T. V|Hepign*. Pellee ?Dr. W. JUat, chair man ; J. A. Stng^etMr tle?Itb? Ponactl, mayof , cbait. mas. ? r rf - - ? ? - -~v Committee on Cleric and Trean arar'e Book* ? P. T. ViHsj4gn?* ?**? A. tUgtaoft^ l'K&BONAL. Mr. K. J I*>W 6 fr JH3I1 1 Mnjtdny in j Columbia. I >5 i?? Meta Boy kin whs in the city Mr. F. V. Vauulwm U-ft ? liitt wfAk to accept h puiit'iii) in Atlanta. Mr. Kl(n<>re Brown, of West Wa I tf rect was in Camden laat.Tueaday : Messora G. ii hint in an<i 1 4. A | Wit'kowaky wore in Sumter Wodntuj ' dky. Mrs. A J Btf&ttie it veiling fri'-nda in Itock Hill, Charlotte and Fort Mills. Mr* Jool Iloogli l? ft Innt Satnr ?lav f'?r i\ viait to friends at IK-Mii Springs. Mr?. Leo Srhenolc and little fin. tt loft, last Fiiday for a v i i ?. lo t'rienda at Georgetown. Mra. N (1 Gnnaalfs, of ColnmWn, visited Mr. .J L Gottya' family in Weal Watero* Inft week I)r. \V. K. Clyburn'a offieo is now j at Dr. 0. P DuBoao's drug store. 111b 'phono N<?. is 111 Mra Mary K. Jenkins, of Green, wood, S ()., is here oil a visit to her grandson, Mr. J. F. Jenkins. Miss Mamie Clytyurn, of Lancaster, and Mine Ada Ciybaro, of Kershaw, are visiting frlenda in Camden. Mr Sherard Kennedy of the Atlan U National Hank, brother of Prof. H M. Kennedy, iy on a visit to relatives here. } We reclaved a pleasant call ye*ter (Uy tfon> Mr. VV. G MoNelly. travol ing representative of tho , Atlanta Journal. Mr. and Mrs. P .J. Redmond le.ft last nij-'ht for Mr. Ren^nond's former homti in Noith Carolina where they will in future roeide. Dr. A A. Moore has been in at. tendtince upon tho State Board of Health which baa been iu sesbion this week in Darlington. Mra O'Farrcll and children who have bceo on a visit to Mra. VV. A Anerun returned fri thior home in Athene, Go., on last Saturday. We note with pleasure ('apt. W. A. Anci urn's Improvement after several weeks of indisposition. and trust that he will soon be iquite himself again; Mr. W. It. Barron who baa been teaching the "Team's" school in* WoBt Wateree will leave in a few days for Alabama. His many friend ? regret to see him go. At the/ la?t meeting of the local chapter of Knights of Pythias Messrs. M. H. Heyman and W. G. Wilson were elccted delegates to the grand lodge which meets in Groenville on the\7th of May. Mr. O. O. Mortre's House Burned. ?> This morning between 2 and 3 o'clock the residence of Mr, C. C. Moore on upper Lyttleton street whs completely destroyed by fire. The house was,- vacated only last week by Miss King of New York, who spent tbo wlutefr here, and Mr. M oove had juat moved his furni ture, books, etc, there yestorday preparatory to occupying il hira ?r Jf. Mr. Moore and Mr. Newton Bojkin were the only ones in Uip house at the time and they Rarely escaped with their lives, for Innately Mrs, Moore and Utile sou were visiting friends in the country. The origin of tbo fire is unknown, but it is supposed to have been caused by the electric wires. Never was our need for a fire alarm system more forcibly thnmm* atrated than at the fire this morn ing. The cowpetQ? responded beautifully, the water pressure was all that could bo desired, but'i the house was'' half burned dowfc be. fore the alarm reaobed the reel ty|Oute. Marriage of Mr. Jordan Carriaon. From the sooiety column of the Columbus, (Gb.,) Ledger we clip the following ocoouut of the marriage of Mr. Jordan Caprison : of lite most trpiojifaj Lone wed. dings qt the aesson and one in which widespread sociul interest oentered, took place at the residence of the Misses Griffin on upper Third avenue at 4 o'clock thi? afternoon when Miss Zillah Whittle Enamel apd Mr, Paniel Jordan Garrison were happily united in the ho* ly bonds of wedlock. The pretty home was beantifally dec orated for the occasion, presenting a charming appparanc*. Dr. John L. Scully, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, performed the im pressive ceremony. The bride waa attended by her aister, Misji Sarah Bmmel, aa her m*W of hon or. and the groom'" beat man waa bis Cousin. Mr. K*lph Ifeablt, of Warerl/ Mills. B.C. The weddlnti gown wa? white chitfon over satin, finished with point lace and a tulle veil, end the bride carried Easter llllles. The maid of honor wae prettily attired fn white china silk with lace, and her houoaet was of white roffft. After the weddigg oesemony the happy young couple were tendered an inform* al reception, and later this afternoon |fr. and Mrs. Uarrlson "will leave oyer the Southern on aa extended bridal journey. Among the out-of-town gueete were Mr. James M. Whittle, o? Macon, undo bride; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Q. CarfiKon, of Camden, 8. 0.t the groom'a parent*: Mr, and Mr*, fjeigh, of Knleigh. h*. C. } and Mr*. J. V. Dunlap,of Atlanta. i The bride i? one of tho city's moet charming and attractive young .ladies, ' having been a leading eoeiety belle slpce | her debut. She ie exceedingly popular , la all circles, her frlende being nnmber , ed by her acquaintance*. It will be re membered that to this ch*rmjog young woman the My# of the city w4r* turned over to daring the I* at carnival in Co lumbus, the coronation oeremoalee hav ing been one off her special features oi the brilliant occasion. Her Queenly trace and ariatooratic bearing, added to er charming personality, have combin ed to make her unusually popnfkr and loved bv a hoet of fries da fa thtMnd si ' i~t - t, ?*?-- * - ^ A 1 L illW| WB^T O luo tt Wlwii^^pTOWll, | Mr. Garrison le well known ea4 quite I popular in both buaWwsa and social cir 1 cJee.and br-t?~ttte rec1pleut of - assy 1 hearty congratulatlAna on Wfew we* OM trfthecttv** most %ttraedye young I '"lite wedding gills were both anmerone and rlvjraut, miay beeatifat and eoeUr SmMiSr from oot-of I'aiitdeu- ('tut Untied. The Commercial Suvtnya Bn*k And Trtwt An M Sprinyx ?$? Shannon BY X 8FEC! A ^ INIr fcTKIAI. ColUUJH'OK i ? >. k r Tim Couuwei > ial Shviugn Hunk ( aiiii Trust u< ir. |>t?? v ) whh opened ut? iIim 23ni i ( Ki iituary Witt $'2.">,000 iHpilnl paid 11 1> iiovn 1I1.1 ?l? poniis h re ov i $82,000. Kil* km) S V ux i !.?? Pickidcm, is tuinny* r . { itn- Siitiiln.rn Coll "M S? vi| Oil j I a < h ii'l v ??8 willi th?* RI i n?*m j?iiu M? < i-liMti f itituU i' CllMlU'HlOO for II \i irs I ) ;i \ it) K Wlllinmu, Jr., V w;e nt in rn Ha^i'il ill lliBlil ?;<?<? ll ill I II V?*t tlJ'-n ? upetnli '???, mi. il i|i?* (.'nr-liUi, Joht T. Mtti k v * h* -kUi nr.l o>.atii< r ??l tlu' ll ?nk of I.'i .oHs't r l"i MCM ril yenra. Tbe (?'??; tv? rr^t Hunk wl I occupy ono i f < ii trig* in a U?r of irnted I \y lb? |>l n;?&. ?Springs A Shannon, Hankers, Merchants and Cotton Hoycra d<. noi only ? |,|f, *o, ,|esnl? i)Ul nn vx, oeptlonally extensive retail trade and it takes lm Active and ex perienced uier meeting demand at the tloieft of the cuinpiny. Their main building two atotiet on ih?> main thoroughfare measure,. 100X35 aud a two story L 30X00 feet all brick. The Bond, d (Jut ton Warehouse at N. W. R. R. lrnck will In: extended to hold 3000 bale* and theie are two other wurehousefe for multifarious go? ds an the\ carry everything in the murrain il,. calendar pertaining to furnishing a household and ??ppl\ft|g the needful In euhstantiNls. V Meters Spring* & Shannon handle from 8.000 to 10 000 hales , f cotto? annually. They btfng in rt ,ir aa(i eed in car load lots, also meats, and frequently have half a dozen loaded oa?s coming at a time with ?,G#? ColFee, haklDg powder and hardware and furniture in fact If you don't know all you want tot the plantation go there and you'll ?ee it. They know what the p.'anter needs and they have probably the >est plantation in Kernhaw county notably 1,000 aorea in one field, and they raise rioe a* well as cotton aud corn and stock. Speaking of business firms as traveling men will on the train and elsewhere, a new man ou this dL vi?i?n asked "How about Springs ^ShannonP' "They are as solid a? the Rock of Gibraltar" was the reply. Leroy Springs is President of two banks, President of six Cotton Mills and President of a Railroad and head of another wholesale house at Lancaster, C. J. Shannon, Jr., managing partner at Catnden was born in Gam den as goneratioue of Shan nons l,eforo him. He graduated at the Utgh School and entored mer cantile life as clerk ro?e to head of department then ohlef acoountabt and iq a year therefrom was made partuer and has built the trade and keeps increasing it. Mr. Shannon i? a man of quick perception and prompt action, but be does not Jump at conclusions get t?ng on tho wrong side of the track -S^^.^ebu8ines? meu even in Camden" Ho. He~ 5TT0? ] piimVm thorough admlnlsti atiye ability and there is no business house more , Lm0Di?Uft,V conduoied than that of Springs <fe Shannon, Camden, S. V*/ l)evo^C -J[*"odb ;"*~wta7e longer: The two banks . at Kornhaw have oonsolidated. . The dispensers throughout the State have resumed the use of the re quest blanks The County Board of Equllieaiion has been in session in Camden this week. On account of the very rainy and dtsagreeble weather there >vfl8 no wrrlce, io the B.ptl.t ohnroli Utt Sunday night. Ground ^ has been broken and material ie beiag pUoed for >4he erection of the new bank buihifiig on offlceftCaiH 1<>k ^a8t D?rth ^ the Post The News and Courier^ the oldest newspaper in tba union south or pallimpre celebrated last Wednos ?n\ httn,|fCtHb y*ar of it. cstoblU^rncnt. DR. W. R. CLYBURN, oh* flwp^aon, CAMDJBN, S. C 0m*Off\ce %t Dr. 0. P. DnBoae'i Drag Store. 'Phone No. 111. ??'"Jane Hopkins" branded <>u a Youth and Boytt' suit is a uiiar&ntoo ofnuperior woik maiiHbi|> and material. Or David Mark'n Sons on a manV suit will surely give en tire 8 itisfuetion. Conic and eco what thoy look like; yon will bo ^lcaeod. W. H. Z?MP, jThe Shoe, Hat & Cloth ; ? ing Man. J- J*l. 33onsont CONTRACTOR k BUILDER, CA.MDEN , fc. C. Plans ami speciflc.ntionu fnrnUbed, Plttte-t<la#M fcfore frouta ti HpeelH'lty. Work ?up(>rint<?nded. Jyi. iJ if. Election Notice. . In accordance with n resolution of the Board of County CommispioneiH for Knr ?h?w County ordering an election in pursuance of an net of the General As sembly entitled ? ' An ad to provide for tho erection and equipment of a new court bouse for Kershaw County at Camden, and to authorize tho issuo of bonds for such purpose " Notice ia hereby ? ?i?^?^4h?t~?Tr?Ieo tion will be held at the gen oral election precincts o? Kershaw County on Tues day, May 24th, A. D., 1904, between the hourn of 8 a. m.' and 4 p. in., upon the question of the erection nnd equipment of a new Court House and the issuo of bonds not exceeding twenty-flve thousand dollars for such porpotte. Only qualified' registered electors entitled to 'We. The natues of managers of election will be published hereafter/ J. M/Sowdll, Cotwsty Hnprrrisor and Chairman B'd Co, Comrah. April 6th, 1904. E. S. NETTLES & SOW? We hereby announoe to the public that we have opened e flrst-claes MEAT MARKET in tho store formerly occu pied by Mr. J. E. Vaughmi, whero we will bo glad to serve you with anything In tho lino of freBh meats. , We curry also a full line ot Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, land OXtend to you a cordial request to call on us EVERYTHING FRESH. EVERYTHING FINE. S.H. HARDWICK, WE RON m BEST VBTI MJU TRAMS ARO HAVE THE best mm cot saner j ?IN ENDLESS V AND WE CORDIALLY INYfTE INSPECT OUR LINE. Beginning with Calico, which in probably the lowest ill the scale of washable fabrics, of which we have an ^ttrao tive assortment, we ri*<o step by step until wo reach the pin- v naclc of perfection in our collection of seasonable goods, and are therefore equipped for the battte for trade; and venture the assertion that we are in a position to meet the demands of th^' trade, and to ptease even the most fastidious. t s Our line of White Goods wa0iovor more complete, and is ? a matter of fact that they are "the things desired evi denced by the frequent purchases^ made from this particular line. "They are things of beauty And a joy forever?' Though Cottorf Goods have advanced very materi 1 y in price* W* j were fortunate in "getting in on the old score" to a:$* lent, and can furnish the \ moat up-to-date sty] leasonable prices. ; ; . Our .Ginghams, Cham brays, Colored Madr&s^-< printed, Percales, Galateas and Cheviots matt be appreciated, as they cannot be satisfactorily de*< We have just received beautiful assortmeniof ready-to-wear hats, which we are 'selling at prices thai will captivate. Be sure to see them before buying. Have ym seen our genuine Panama Hats, for both ladies and gMM&K men, which we are selling at only 75c t BH Trusting that you will favor us with your pf ? ? """ aw - j;.r. ? ?? - SsS -*i - ^vJEss soon, we are yours Respectfully And Truly, TheFamousGilt P. T. Vilicpigne, Prop'k