IT CURES. CAPUDINE 'CURES&B'^rS I INDICK8TIQN and ?.'{1 ACIDITY, mtAsimr?Jt<r their w?n?1 vfnl rompotttlon. I hikvo Uk?n numt-finn, ftihtr no-coilrd ramcrito* l?it wltbont nvatl Mini 1 flint that Cafceateta follArt worfln a day ttiau all tha othora I liav* Mkau would In a y?*r,'' /juuq* ifoOune, iM Marear Bt.. Jersey City, M. J. Best for The Dowels CAN DY CATHARTIC . P?I*UW!*. Potent. Tkit? Onad.Do OfKid, bflvvr gliikon. Woateii or (tripe. lfic, 4i<\ 60<*. Never i ?old 4n btilji. 'flio tfoimlii* tablet utmnpcd OUO. ' Gu?r*utt>?a to oure or your Miouejr Sterling fternetfy Co., ChJcmgo or N.V. 593 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES R BANK DEPOSIT / Railroad Faro Paid. 600 y yilEK Courses Offered. Board ytCod. V/rr Quick ?tORQIA4lABAMA BUSINfcSS <"?"?< iwrfflTT j 1 1 1 u R ? h n it/ (he h ;ji< dyapopida imodiclue ever iiiittl**. A hundred nillllom of I It* in Ji;vvf been sold in Uie IJultt'd Stale* lu u ?lnj;l? year, livery illix's** arising from a disordered stomach !* --i*T*llcvecl or PMi'od hy ilnlr us o. Kh .. common .is 11 that diseases .orJglnule fr^m the stomach it may ho surely in serted there {m no coudllion of 111 health that will nut bo henclUed 01 ?'ur?\l hy the oeoiciotml iimi? of lllpau* Tnhules. Physielnns know them and > p?-fl k highly tif thorn. All druggists tifll tliom. The live cent packagc . i? enough tor an ordinary occiislon, and the Family Motile, sixly ccnts, contains" a household supply f?>r it year. On generally gives relief within tw<*nl\ minutes. W. L. DOUGLAS *3.SS & *3 SHOES S ; Yon c*u ?avo from $3 to $6 yearly by ^o&ritiK W. L. DourIab $&.60 or $3 shoes. moiiiw m\i> ?r\V.4rr Dougljw ?hoo9 pro vo. n their iuporiority over all other makos. Sfehl by retail shoo dealers' everywhere. .Jfook for name auil n>Hce on bottom. mm Cor. prorei th?r? In ^5llW|UlhM<. Umm |? ilm htghtst ? . . _ Fait Color Ay Ww? ?r ted. t/?? cmwiof be equalled it anu uric*, f JtKSS JtL"w r*!*' IllusfrnlcJ MWUlmt W. li. 1JOI U H A 111 i. f: Wm?for. full MulMfaotured by ti... ?a l&ONAXO|tK9,wiiistuii-tiii!eui,N.Ci Dropsy CURED Gives Oulck flelicf. RettiOTes nil swelling in 3 to jo days; effects u permanent cutQ in jo to 6otlny?. Trin! treatment S've'tfr". NoUiingc.n be Ciiicc W rite Or. ??. H. Grain's Sons, Sff?ol?l/?t?. Box it Atlanta, da. e ORSE POWER HAY PRESS Cheap and relltbU COTTON PRESS Kor titling Cotton and wait* Writs for priors. Uox jfly , Henry CopjIniuJ, Ch^tUnooKA, 'J'gdii. Sr. mm: U VCR and BLOOD SYRUP Curea by remov ing the cause. If You Don't Want - 1 *? ? ? CURLS IH YOUR HAIK fe YOU I>0 WANT Carpenter's OX NARROW P0.U4BE jiimwkua or mir atiomij ' %y IJWCf, 23 CENTS. i?SRs?7jnrissi ?* ? *? UW CARPHNTBR * CO , LouhvlHe. Ky. A Find In th? F*aso of ( h Ih colossus measures forty feet in length, twenty In width an.) ton In thick news, and lay about fi v*? feet beneath 1 li ?*? present level of the forum. Tracer of the sookots wherein were the Iron support* of the bronze Htatuto and remnantB of the horao'a feet go to .show that tho norso and tho figuro of tho Km per or bomltinn wore six times larger In slxo than tho recently nnearthed 'pedestal. Tho pedestal Ih situated toward tho centre of the Forum. The statute ha:i the naulllca I'aull on Its loft, the spacious Haslllm Julia on Hh right, and tho Temple of VeMpaaian In Uh rear. The discovery coullimH tho *i>eciilHtlonH of earlier archnpr)loKi*t!?, ami I* of extraordinary Jini>ortunoo aa rogarda the Forum topography In tho fip?t century of the empire. , A Natural Curiosity. A Brunswick, Mo., man displays a (.urloua growth found t?y bjjn on n tree In that town which, Ujuh far, no one haw boon i? ?>!?* to classify. It consists of a holhnpr, hkk shaped pioce of wood about ih? hI/.o of a football and of j V/Ood one-fourth of an inch ttyck. ItH ; formation on a tree In such a peculiar ! uhapo Is a matter of much comment by all who have Keen It. During Inst year no dividends were paid on |, Mna, Pinkham ; ? I cannot ' tell vou with pon and Ink what good Lydln KN. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound did for mo, KufYering from tho i 1 1h peculiar to tho sex extreme lassitude and that ull rone feeling. " I would rise from my hod in the morning feeling more tired than when I went to b^d, but before I used l,wo bottles of Lydia K. I'ltiklium's Vegetable Compound, I began to feel Ch** buoy* auoy of my younger days returning, bccamc regular, eould do more work and not feel %i red than 1 had ever been able to dt* before, bo I continued to use It until I was restored to perfect health. It is indeed a ln>on to alek women and 1 heartily recommend it. Yours very truly, Homa Adams, xio 12th St, Louisville, Ky." --$SOOO forfeit It original of abovii Irltvt I'UH'ing gonuwenost cannot be produced. FltKH MEDICAL ADVICK TO WOMEN, Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Plnkhutn. Hlio will iindorstnnd yottr case perfectly, ami will treat *f being paly,, indefinite and of no decided character, 5 the improvement will lo mueh appreciate*]. HAPPY WOMEN. Mr*. Pure, wife of C. It. nre, u prominent ros- A went or r.\a. gow, Ken lucky, k;?vh: "1 was suf fering from a coiupHm tJon of kid ney trou !l?les. Bo sitnr? n bail back, l?u%. Doun'# Ktdnoy pm? booh rcjfn latod (lie fettfnej accroiU?M. wftfctnf Tlttl* ?oW normal, . uml-banUUed tW' ftrthrrtrjffaHoti wfjlch caaiKxl i^ scoKt tiijf- tWittftob. ;: I can re?t wcll.^aj back U 'fttroutt a?*! eournt, ami Mm! m*cb letter tn every tray." Foiter-MUbttt^ Oh,v BnlWo, N. V. Var Mlf hjr all Staler*, i>rlc? 00 ctwU W XML******'- ^ THE PRESIDENTS SPECIAL MESSAGE Mr. Roosevelt's Recommendation* to the Fxtra Session TRIATY RELATIONS WITH CUBA Holli Interest and Honor l>ctam?i?i of Our (lovernmcut Prompt Action ? A Krlrl Hut Vigorous Paper. far ? Washington. Special. ? Conftrt-KH iO' consider tho legialatlon necca nary ?o put into oporation the commer cial treaty with Cuba, which wa? rati fied hy the Senate at I 1h la?t ?o#hIoh, and aubaequcntly hy the Cuban ?oyein nionr I deem auoh legislation demand i?l. not onfo by our Interest, but by otir horibT." Wis cannot with propriety Abandon the courae upon* which wo have ko wiuely embarked. When the acceptance of the Piatt .amendment wjih i;?wer. It is for that reason that certain limitation* have been Imposed upon Iter AiiHiicia! pulicy'and that naval Ma tlonH have been "'eoneeded by her to the (lilted Stait-p. The negotiation.* as to the detail*; of thene naval Htailons Rie on III" is. "These' Interests lmvn been largely increased i?v the consequences of the war with Spain and will be Kttll furth er Increased by the bulldiug of the 1st bin lan canal. They are both mili tary and economic. Tin'* granting to us bv Cuba of the naval staUons above ail mled to is of lie utmost importance from a military at midpoint,1' and in pi oof Of the goo\] faith with which Cuba I* treating \is." Cuba has made great progress sinoe her independence wan established. She; tms advanced steadily in every way. She already aland?, high aoiong lie:- .sister republics of the New World. She In luyally oh* seiving her obligations to us; end she is entitled to like (rent meat by ua. , - ? . .j; ixminiiivinv "The treaty submitted to you for ap proval sceilus to the United States economic adyantsges an great as those given Cuba. ' Not an American interest Is nac'rifleed. By the treaty, a large Cuban market is secured to our pro ducers. It is a market which lies at our doors, which is already large, which Is ?ipablc of great expansion, and which Is especlaley important to the development of our export trade. It would ho indeed short-sighted for us to refuse to take advautage of such an opportunity and to force Cuba Into making arrangements with other coun tries to our disadvantage. -This re ciprocity greatly stands bv itself. .It is demanded on considerations of bioad national policy as well as by ?our economic interest. It will do harm to no industry, it is In the interest of our people an a whole, both becausc of its Importance from the broad stand point of International policy and be cause economically It inftmately eon cerns as to develop and secure the rich i Cuban market for our faivr>erfl, ar tisans, merchants and manufacturer*.? A GUARANTY OF 13001) PA1TM. "finally, it is desirable a? h guaranty of tho^good faith uf our nation toward* her young sister republic to the South, whoso welfaie most ever b?i closely bound with ours. We gave her liberty.--! Wo are knit to her by the members of the blood and the courage of our sol dlera who fought for her in war; by the memories of the wisdom and in tegrity of our administrators who serv ed her In peace and who started her so well on the dlttWult path of self government. We must help her onward and upward: and In helping her we shall helu ourselvt.". PMSDOK OFTHV WTION MUST HE 1< KPT. "The foregoing consideration caused the negotiation o:' the treaty with Cuba and its ratification by the Senate. Thoy now,, with equal force, support the leg islation. by the Congress which by the* terms of the treaty is necessary to ren di.y It operative. A failure to enact siu'h legislation would become peril ously near a repudiation of the pledged fa.'ih of the nation. "I transmit herewith the treaty as a in ended by the Senate and ratified by the?>Cuban government. 'T II KOI JO H K ROOSRV K I -T. "White House, N^v. 1U, 190.1." Killed nt Play. Home, Wallace. Idaho. Special. ? Tw'o per softs were killed aud two wounded in a shooting affray at the on I rani* o of the Wallace Opc.a House Tuesday night. The ?liooting took plac? ju^t a* the theatergoers- .were k*a\!n?i tho theater. ?The dead: Dr. W. P. Pinn; shot through hod: William C inlner, 8l?or tlivec times. tS wouurt od : Chief of Poller MeQovern. xhot through hand; Opera House Police man Rose, shot in- leg. ? The Unclet J1irrl?te. New York, Spcrlal. ? ttiarriaxu Of M|*? May 0uitfhe. ww kok'inulstxl Ttweday at | St, Tl?ow*?' vh?r?-h ?? thtaclty, U1?Viv>9 William C. Doano; ? ( Albany. mMJuioJI ? t?y the Rev. ttrnrst M. lift?**. titlot j T at. Thomas church, iHTfurmlttf the ciT-tnony. A uwuwuiy of 3W (??nU>. { nnmWfr? ?? iDtorn?tio?sl xtxa,rrJiuj.j of iMrtii Important* eh, l LIVE ITEMS OP NEWS. - - ? ? C'x. - ^ V Many Mftters of GMrnerat Interest 10 Short Paragraph#. Down In Dixie, 8#v had been ginned. John Sharp Williams, of Mltfslsslp* 1>< 1i?>j been unanimously, < bown by I)?'jrto< ratJe members of the Hoimo a# minority leader, .... At Ihe National Capital. 1, The battleship Maine has been hur riedly onlerrd to Colon, Isthmus of Panama. The Utapubllcan mem tiers of tho House bi Hepregentatlves, in caucus, nominated Rupre?ei)talive Joseph (1, Cannon, of Illinois, for Speaker. The President conferred with Repub lican Senator* about th* work of tho extra sfB^ion. At The North. Chicago street railway men probably will go on strike. Miss Hoyt. nle0,0(10 to Honorable and Mrs. W. J. Bryan was written by Phllo S Bennett after the execution of hie will, and therefore is not part of that document. Thy Federal District Court at mute, Mont., derided in favor of Senator W. A. Clark the suit brought by the "United StHtfH Involving $2,000,000 worth of timber land. William L. Klkins. the multi-mil lionaire and traction magnate, is dead at Philadelphia, aged 71 years. The Prohatr Court at New Haven, Conn., decided that Hon. William J. Bryan shall act its executor of the will (t the late Philo S. Bennett. , The Pennsylvania Railroad ?oln )>any declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent, on approximately ?2S9. 000,000 capitalization. Many r?te? 1 mills in the Pittsburg district resumed operations. The National Citv Hank of New York has ordered $1,000,000 In gold from Rurope. ^ lVom Across The ' Dartnaianu, jjj a1 < > it D \v. Great Britain's Kipac in the Vene zuelan arbitration waa closod at The Hague. Miscellaneous Flatters. Pros i dent Buchanan, of (he Bridge and Structural Iron Workers of Ameri ca, ha? ordered a general strike. A plan to corner the December wheat market in?St. Louis by buying up all possible Jysuramc is VUid to be con templated. ' Dowle's "Jftes tor at Ion Host" left New Vork for Chicago, weary and hungry, the net results :der. reapondcd. BIltRjrSle" i*e->optj|on?j ? a.-i extended tothe visitors. Tho Qi*dec .?? already collected $62,000 for a |73 - ?a< mortal to President Davis at > ond and doubtle^a will take ^steps at thla convention to raise nee of the fund. ^ Hotter riiKif*' Convention. Chattanooga. Teun.. 8pectal.~*Ths MstlMisl Asuociatlon of Woller-makcriu wiu* 1*2* - delegates, representing boUanaakktit fti ma tlx United state* and Canada, anhcmlaled in iu OftaMUt annual convtnUua. Th* addresses of welcome ware responded to by*W.R 8. Batemaa. of Philadelphia. ' and fWiawt OBiW of m. Loafs. The ilalawilif W ?nl*r*?lw?he"dfil notitfake her living, at any rate made her rep utailon by converse with dJaembodled spirits. ? New York Commercial Ad vertiser. Odds and Kinds. The Canadian plan of preferential tarifiH in favor of Great Hritain and the Britikth colonies, which remit one-third le now being adopttd in the Drltish colonics of South Africa. A, U^rnese has had an unpleasant ex perience. Wblle returning honn In the night tho worse for drink he foil into tho bears' pit at lieme. l-'?.r tunatel^ lie was in the put r '-nerved for young b?irn and Ue went to sleep surrounded bf the animal*. On diru v. elrng.his plight next morning lie shouted for help, and villi th> aid of ropes and ? ladder V was drawn up intp the street apparently noie the woise for tho adventure. B. 13. B. SENT FREE. CtU-e* lllood :mil Hkiit Diitrusn*, Cftiicrr* Itching Humors, llon<] I'ulns. l'otr.uic Mood Jlalm (11. JJ. B.) cures Pimples, scabby, scaly, itching Eczema, fleers, Eating Sore*, S'erofula, Blood Poi son, Hone Pains, (Swellings, Rheumatism, Cancer. Especially advised for chronic, cases tlmt doctors, patent medicines and Hot Springe fail to cure or help. Strength en* weak kidneys. Druggists, $1 per large bottle. 'Jo prove it cures It. 15. B. sent free by .writing Hi.ood Hai.m Co., M Hultn Mldg., Atlanta, (!a. Describe trouble and free mcdical advice sent in sealed letter. Medicine 4tnt at onee, prepaid. All wo fthk U that you will. speak * good word f*r ?w n . n ...? .. ? Jamaica T?h. Tea culture experiments have proved successful in Jamaica and it Is now hoped that this most unlucky island will prove an Ideal place for the growth and cultivation Thf Chinese varieties grow hi xurlantlv, but more hope 1* placed on the Assam and Ceylon hybrids.? Mexican Herald. ?100 Heward. ?1Q0. The reader* of this paper wUl be pleased to learn that there la ut least oao dreaded dls easo that soieuoo has bean able to cure tn all Jtsstages, and that^s Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Quru Is the only positive euro now known to the raodioal fraternity, Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCure Is taken later' nally, acting directly npon the blood uadriau cousaurlacoH of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, uod gi via ; , the patient strength by1>uUdlng up tbex>on stitut'On and assisting nature In doin-5 it * work. Tho proprietors have so muoli faith i i itsourative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that tt fsft? t > euro, bend for list of testimonials. Address I', J. Ohkmk* A; Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family P{lla are tho be.1 nmhufj. Ohio. h? " Lauf Hummer 1 caught u cold which teemed ^ an t affect v I litem budly. / tried a couple of kltluhy j ertlned, but ih'yilUl not help me am y. Onn. of ??.*#? ha great help he had receive I hi nil tig l*jrun? at once procured unite. tndee I u hUmliit/ l<> me, an turn on my feet a fi&l rouble huc'i on I had affeotcd me. tterlougly, but ft red me entire! >/ and i would not be without it for*' ??/' J/.'*] Mr. Jaei avenue, lk "la ?ai oj vcondcrfc Jacob Pi I Cut a ill: linuiK of disease," The acyt X T. Sll /i.* "" *'* Wei a it? from H Sumiicr | A1v,.;N. V.: on- a ? nv in in "" I ./U? remetlu I'frmm- , ,V |>e 1 Htrik^a at oncc ?t runiv inc Co. KiixrcvffM*?? _ 'I issue* Free ThhCou th's THE FAMlt^TAl'EJ CHARACTERS IT ??IATiONAl. CIRCULA1 ?3 TO MOLD ARB J ION. THE LIFE Annua > uv-scri pt/oa_ ' """^^CsubKrlbir who cuts out apd ???
  • AH the Issi The' Tliapk Tlic Youlli ojjrapli Then the fift of the I FULL J^NK'Q VXCUUHKT .WD f-THE YOUTH'S CO* SubKrlb^r who cuts out apd *end?tM#i !Cr at once with $I.7S will recth^i [C* of The Companion for the reitMln giving, Chrlntnins and New Ye*r't ' ^ Companion "Springtime*^ C?U?4& I ;iS l:i twelve colors ?nd uo!d. t ' " ~ -> t ?two isjiu# cl l he Compantyt for II jctt reading for cyfry inenffeer ?i fK iSA.\fH/.n to /'ins of riurL PANION. BOSTON, fcfAl V Take -Down Don't %end from $50 to^| much less money you ca9 Down Repeating Shotguns outlast the highest-pric<3 besides being as safe, rd dealer can show you one. T FREEt Oxr loO-Pide Illu -WINCHESTER REPEATING ARM ^eating myo! 200 for a gun, wl buy aWinchc which will out double-barreU liable and handy. }ty are sold i r*Ud Clhloguc. CC.NEWHA\ HAD A WRONG EFFECT. I ? , I Impressive Sermon Confirmed tener In Evil Ways, Tho little Kngliah vicar of llexlon, ; whose objection to high church ritual Ism brought him recently inio con flict with HltthOp Potter iu New Yfrk, sat ona a brandy and ! aoda in the cafe of the Fifth Avenue ' hotel. 1 A group of "foporters .surrounded him. One of the reporters aald: "Why don't you try to down ritual- < Ism. Mr. FUllaftham, with sermons ' rather than with violence?" "Hie vicar smiled. "Serniona," ho sa{d, " ua\ o an ?nect always, but too often this effect la the opposite one to what the sermonlaer intended." dolyou 'How porter ?rter asked^ "I'll HlustratirtO* jr< kid tjio vicar \'t o mean, sir?'' tho re ftO^you what I nioan.'A^ Mid the vlcar.^X'l once had a parish- ( loner who was a miner For. this man's benefit , i preached ono Sunday ; * strong sermon on tho necegalty ol charity, of philanthropy? a sermon on ! the duty and the Joy of giving. Tho miter, st whom I, "gated often, seemed ' impressed. f. "Neat (JarTmet him on the street i i " ?Well. John' I ?dl??ter3a^f a er mon T' ? "'it movod me deeply. eir/'^he an asrered. It tea bftmght tttm^e to so strongly the ?WWislty~ ofvglying 1 atmn n?i. ****\~ mind W 4uxu . "r-Stetr York Trlbtme. mm. VU dhkslMd ? a \rjr-j ? - *??*' 5e^?'S *il