j-sr, - IJ*" ?'W'.j earn iWW T"raa And AUa F* v>ry L - w P"c?* r u?*? A ."??*? Eogiw, ? ^wt,r ^loii,rh? ?iS?? Fr.u (iln. | ^d'D*er? A ?'? ; v|.~r^OjM?ge Meeting. p$BjH>r0range No. J 9 will meet liifercn Grange of Darling. ?Tew?$jr* Tuesday, July 2Iet, ? ' ifffi f be K00' Aaron Jvim^ V.h* Ur tfihf N*1101*1 QrW* Will he nrteeot *od deliver an addrea* JSTffllirge iinee. W J. IC DeKay, Hec. Xo HjU Now Office. Oar enterprising youe'g town*. n^e^fTijft I- J^oPttse, h?e bad hie wirchoBW on the south side of Do K^)b street J uat opposite the North* wMtera depot, completed end this week moved hie olUcQjja that build ing. His new q a afters n o com fortsbieend a i true live sod he is better prepared^ an over before to traseaot ilia huainoaa. Not Satisfactory, Tbe road working machWwhiob w?si*wq^ pm cli af?ed by the coun. lyjw given a test last Tuesday on fafttitfjc road several miles above CiflWen.' In the opinion of a ma jority of the iloitrd the teet was! hot' satiefactorv, and theongfne) and cars have been returned. A pari <>f the outfit, however, was re tainwi apd wiii be used' by the1 ooaaiyi ? g ssS : t*nh*w Guards Entertainment. [T > ' M im Carri* Can, ton of Colunibir iff vlwtiug frijoncU in Camden Mies Bt rlit< Tr?>nh??Uu ?r K 'Ut-> in .vrilh hoi ftUitr >.rs. A. W, jjun H on r air street,. Mr?. M?ry W, C,,., , , ... Vv mi., ' vUl'.iif. s j, Cornelia MieUle. [/??oMltt M#rwt /."tiip goiio lit .K*ju l.tr friend NW M*ry V.Uepiguo. ' | Mr. II. (>. Camion (aiuo from OVnna on Kuntfay t> *p. n,l ? oouph of i\*yb at home. Misses Hcstio and ?''orinn* i'Lom *>n. ?f LaneaMor, are visiting rela tiv#n# in Camden, Mrs W. M Wianr.on aud Irttiu Mi** Harriet, have goue to States bur# fyr a fortnight. t.. M??s Margaret L. Johnstonp of Newberry is vieitin^ Miss Louise 5&ocop on LyUleton Btreet. -Mies Jennie Ntoney lus returned (tow Columbia altera delightful visit to that cnarming metropolis. 7MT. and Mr.?, Harry Dixon, of Obsrlotte, N. (J, are "on a visit to the family of Capt. F, \Y. Kldredge. Mr. G. ii.. Alexander lias engaged In tbe roal estate and collecting busi ness. S hold a meeting there. Miss Sudie Kennedy has gone for quite an extended trip to California and- Texas to visit friends and to en joy the delights of our grand Wcs tern scenery. pisses Rosa and Bessie Winkler, daughters of Mr. aril ? Mrs C. 1j Winkler, who are now livinj? in New York city, aio visiting iu Camden. TUeif many friends hero are delighted 1 to see them. ?-Mrs. J^mcs Team entertained hor friends Wednesday evening ut her home in West Wateroe in honor of wO Misses Bosborough of Ridgoway Progressive wbiat was piayed and h 00 oat delightful evening was spent: ? Wm. A. Moore, of Sumter, has ;beeo? spending soveral days this witj^ bis brother, Dr. A A Moore, of onr city. Mr. Moore was accom par. led by his wife, and they left yeat erday for a visit to Mrs. ^iBWrd'sUister in Yorkvillo. >*xJWe weyo pleased to receive a call f>0 Tuesday morning last from Mr. if. h. B. Warren, editor of tho Walter &S*o -4flresa and Standard, who baa taen^pending several days iu Cam this week the H&iest of Mr. W. . Weeks. ^ ;e party of>feo promineat' *???? ? Icea-of. I>teden have gtone oa their annual fishing frolic ,' to Bay- Among theragwere 8$?*s*s.- D, A. liojkin. W. D. Bar Leslie Zemp, Jas. Wallahs, J. $?-. Cunningham, Beverly Engnal?" anil others, ..... Val Jordan and ber charming r Miga Bessie. left on Satur* =? .. Pineopolis, to attend the veddia g of their cousin Uliss Lizzie Stoaey to Ool. Darlington, of Allen tfcal*. Bar. W. B. Gordon of Grace vpvrffi "Camden, went down on tfonday to cffloipto at the marriage. ? .Df^ I. H- Alexander will leave on ^Wi?d?y next, to attend a meeting 9f the S'ate Dental Association - at White Sione Lytbi* Springs. He is down on . the program to clonic on ht? Matrix Crown. From there he IXpMti tor fio to Aebville, N. C.. to., laeet with the National Dental As aociation on the 28th of July. ~ Last Friday's ?&Caroden Chjynicle iota# With regret that tho family of ?jtfc 0. ft BSackwell will return to luifbaw.-, $Ta ara quite auro that 4ha elfeumattDce wbiob oar cotem* porary finds refeton to lament over ifee paopJa of onr town will rejoice at. Mr. Blaoh well's family will find .atw^walflrmn awaiting them on M^frriturn to TCcrairaw.--Ker?luiW mumr. John P. Campbell? wi-h her WUautira 4ittia d?ugh ter, M agawj t, JH>Wt |aat week with her aister, Mri. *>M. Kennedy. She is from Athene, 1 - -IJ r P? ? - -r-? Kennedy. She ia from Athens, b* *od |g on her way to her old fl^y~lVincheaier, y*., where she P hor saui mora. Mra . Ken ?Mends regret *ery innch that Campbell can stay so abort a ia Camden, wbc^e ?be has ?#0 |>Ie*8*0t an impression. DnRant of Lee county ** lillMr ?T.liU*V??v - --j City J tf?tenh*y o? twm? tar? commission which a? t.l/lA Irnrrt t??in Of w *??-?" rr *$00 . from |ttt nnioiPt SlSifr 1j at?^ Mm the aiuonnt a rw|f tmvit to *0 kUwiaff 9**> ^ Camden Casket & Coffin Factory. I *-n ot;r yetlorilav U? v-mt i-i?? i lh> above K?c* u?? v. W*. |,u l ti ' i i li-a that Camileu had xiit l< i? m n\ piv u? inititu'lon in whi :h fti present Lhty uj?.* u.'tking h tliio |irt?tlu of ('ollloa and aa neat i t ? >? li-envc: oil CuskoU ft* wo have tu-r Sft-n. In addition to the a tit i w t|j<. make any utyle brac ket, with or without drop*. All 8i\U'? of ncroll woik, newel?, c? ! i) m up, and in fact anything that tDjf body vmUi It is with pleasure tliat we no}? llie progress mfcde by the Casket ?ind Cotlio Factory, ami too much cannot be a aid for thia entui priae. Camden people should be proud of tiieir manufacturing enterprises, and it should he thejr pleasure to nid ihetn, by placing their orders at homo iiuiead of- sending them Mbroad. REAL E8TAJTE TRAN8FER3, John Kershaw, et al to J K De Loiiclie, 138 feet on school house square extending back 300 foet. Johu Kershaw ot al to J K De Loacho, 3*20 acrca in No 1 two miles cant of Camdon. Sallie and Mattio Douglass to Bur re- 1 Shirley 20 afire* iu No 2, $385 SHORT LOCAL ITEMS. So&ator Tillman is Expected tout 40 or 00 feet on the southern end. The old one was too email for the voldrne of freight now being received thero James II. Tillman has been trans ferred to the LexingtoD jail. Tbere is noc?6pocial roaann for this. It is suid, except that tho prisoner wants i a changc. A good roin fell in Oaindon and the surroundiug counlry last Moo* d*y evening. Tho earth waa very dry and the rain come ift an oppor tune timo. ' Sunday morning lira Fannie Fuoi: derburk. wif?? of the Re^vB. S. Fciu*<: derburk, of Ches'ertield, while reach* ing in a barrel of tuoal iu a barn to get somo for her cow, wtis bitten by a rattlesnake pilot. , The secretaiy of state Monday is sued a commission to the Enterprise i Mercantile company of Heath Springs, capitalized at $10,000. J. A Bridges, E S. Croxton and Perry Moblyare petitioners. J^f'o^cop?iots at work on the state 'tarda in Lei4tf?U*n tried to escape (Saturday aftemooF^ and aa a result one of them is^deafi and the othor dangerously wouided. Both Tare n egroes ; one 1 erw If or tone, serving afiveyeirs sentence from IJiancas JtfSrl w ho was killew Quarter all graded. .Have you aeon them? If not, you are nqt doing yourself right.. A full lino of Mon and's Boy's Clothing at prices to pltmse Ar a? w. ii. zi :mp w, a The Phoo And Olothing Man. TEN REASONS FOR PATRONIZING THE WELSH NECK HIGH SCHOOL. 1. Its Splendid equipment?- worth $55,000. x. Its thorough course of study, 13 instructors. 1(8 healthy locality- artesian water. 4 Teacher with pupils every night during study hours. . 5. Good board at cost. 0 Best religious and moral inlluoticos 7. Large and growing patronage. ;?> 8. Its low charges, Board, Tuition, ?lleat and Lights $120 per year. 9. Trained nurse in attendance at all tint en, 10. No extra Tees' Our illustrated catal >g?t? sent ;on requo-fe. . *WELSJ4 NECK HIGH SCHOOL, Hartsville, S. C. A.D. KENNEDY, point*. We don't invite you here to look at something we havirt gof, nor show anything, o^oubtful quality. Call in and let us prove th& trutt ol" the above by selling at the lowest price*. Wire Hammocks, most * coio.foytahle and durable on the market, Ice Cream Freezers, Dish <3o*ers, Fly Fans, Door and Window Screeng,Lawn Mowers, Canvas and Rubber Hose. Summer, Goods for Man and^BeasY. Horse ^Nets afld Sum Special attention paid out Hardware Department ol heavy and shelf goods. We makqthe heart of the Fisherman rejoice to see what a complete line of Fishing tackle we carry. The Btf G] Spinney, catches them every time. ? ' \ CHOIOB duOOBRIBB. We will keep' you cool, tickle your palato and thereby make you happy. Peering Mowers and Rakes sold on easy terms. A. D. KENNEDY. \jOBff PT JENKINS, Camobk, 8. C. wu h ufrnm, Dentist. Ofr'PICK BROAD STJ4KET, Oahdx*, 8. C. Two deor? Booth of The ' Ch ton loleOftoo. mio-summeb bargains. At The famous Silt (Sdye Store 1. ? ' j _? ? 'Mi gl .. ? ? * ??- ? - . * ? - - ? SKS * - ' . s) ' ... '? / *'*/'. . $ ? V HAVING JUST FINISHED STOCK-TAKING, WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE TO AjJL WHO ARE IN SEARCH ^ OF GENUINE DARGAIN^SPECIAl INDUCEMENTS IN THE WAY OF "ODDS AND ENDS," Which wo arc anxious to oloflo out, bosidon wli vt we can do ftivthftn in the way of specials in otir regular line. Do Wk delay in comings an we are making u "clean sweep of our summer stock, and A delay* inigtyt -rnuHe you to "get left." "A little job'' in white l'ndiu Linens places us In 9 po sition to give yon sonboi hiiig in thU line that you must have and 'cannot resist when ><>u se^ the g <>ds and hear the prices* ^ &11K plain white 1>;? t is* e and jEronch Lawns from 40 to 50 ill wide, and rangin g in pi ices iroiii-20 in (>0c per yard can tiot be hiupnfced anv wi.ero ou this bide <>f the deep blue sea, 1 . - ' v/-". ?-'/ > . Qur.&ilk Persian Mulls Are hjkm%a of. beau foffeTer.'' ? ,X . A great reductfbn in all ^lored wloreii. v colored Oxford dotted Swiesea, Totokst Silks, Mow, Soire, Silk G i wgh am?, ladie*' sunwwr skktet- -kHiiet>~ttt waists suits to raud if you would like to make gilt edg? vestments come, at once to the Gilt Edgo 8tore and take vantage of this ? ? wsammm