3Jlw$am^n -?wmifh PU B LI 8 1 iiCD KV tfj IV Kkl DAY BY "W*. Xj^McT^ O VvT JD IliXj fiuBHCHierioN Katm ; -One year , $1 .81) ?ix moii tin, 76 centa; month*, ? O'MjtS. Eaibu W>* Advkutikiko : ? Ordinary transient n.lvvrtiamentrt, Hrirt iu?i*rti'HgitPtors were there, and' the ten dsncy seemed to bo the fosteri^ g^nfffct and resistaiH upremacy. Hooker ashington was present and made a strong conservative speech, pleading for self-restraint and pa Alcnee by his race. He olaimed ;that the lynching at Wilmington, Delaware, had removed tho troubljo : from, the South and it was now s national issue instead of a secblnnal . Jiiie. PiiPfe ItesyonslbiHty of Young Ladies. q , "The morality of tho young men of this country is j at us high uh f lh? young woman demand," said # minister recently in Chiongo.'nnd HI.' fcKU is true of evory community in ? ' tfie United States. The young wo i, men of any town, city or neighbor hood can fix the standard of moral 4ly- for the young men, and just in proportion to their indiflforeuce - ? 4 leniency on tho scoro of moral ity will the young inon indulge In qoestionablo practices nnd immoral ~r tendencies. Card playing and wino drinking among young men in nine : ?... esses out of ten comes from their association with young ladies who look jwlth favor upon these steps towards other and grayer offences against the moral law. ? Greenville Mountaineer. Suppose. Suppose tha'? each reader to o weekly or semi-weekly paper im agined hiinaelf the solo subscriber ; that there, wore no advertising und the expense of collecting and print ing tlu news in that singlo paper must come out of his pocket. Does he realize that what ho gets for $1.50 would cost him under those qircu instances from -$2,000 to $4,000 ? a year. Vet thnt expense in neces sary to produce tho paper and each 1:..:. subscriber s>eta tho benefit of the entire outlay. It in to his personal advantage and the advantage of his community that tho paper to which he suhscrihes is well sup ported; it is to the subscriber's ad vantage to bonm his paper and .. choke off dead beats? Ho will get a better paper as the publisher re * ceive morel encouragement. Mauy Traders of South C?fO lina papers would be astonished organization, the skill, the vigilance and ths nrw? ol Kite i / A W?r Story* The power of & song i? ioiDOflifRf wond??ful Hi limes. rl ' b 1 a is well illustrated by n story, und a true om?f to) (I not long ago: Two Americans who were|cros? iflg the Ailunllo dm I in the cabin <>n Sunday J night to sing hymns An they *!?. day from Georgia. .It in of the crop of 1K72 ond it> Consequently !J1 year* oJd. I if owner held out for JO cents that year, hut when the u'MjJfct broke and cotton went down he aworo he would never sell it for less than 16 cents. W hor\4'ott"t) went up to 14 cents in New Orleans he shipped it here, to lie ready for the 16 cent^ he pledged himself to get, with orders to his agent to s
?t. List - I uy < vm'n?, n?-?r Pjue 1?' mn. a yo .1 #H??h *? > i> Kl* i^ii mo^^uii-ns, h n?l having ?t ?Uiel ch?l??, w??u 'iut. H< w ? d i ?et,uriu-d lu IS til. Ilud?"U. C*m s, 0. Week FijcJ Hut oh, via ttoutliviu Rail way KifcCtivo " f?itf??rd*y ttinl I'M1* unuinp to 8 Htfiittv, S<-p:? n,hi ?, I *2 ill, 1903. W? . k vjuU Ut lu'U ? ill be void at very lu * rates ** follow*: Amid son and murn, $ 4 05 (Juion ttud return, 3 Spartanburg and return, 3 80 Qisenviile and return, ft 85 ; White Stone Hpg?, 4 ret'n. 8 06 Isle of Pal ait ami return, .'I 80 Shelby, N. C., ami return, 35fi Ticket* good on toll trans Satur days and Sunday morning, g-od returning, leaving destination not later than Tuesday folltfcwlng date of tale. For further information apply to R. W. Hunt, I>iv. Puts Act., Charleston, S. 0., or Hugh O Neal), Local Agt. Where Editors Carry Their Moucy. An exchange spyft: "Men havei vaiious ways of carrying money. Bakers, grocers, butchers and mil lers carry U in a wad. ttauktis in clean bills laid full length in a poc ket book. lirokefs always fold tbq bills once? doubling the money as it were. The young business man itarries it in his vest pocket, while the sport has it iq his trousers pocket. Farmers and drovera car ry it iu their insido pocket whether it be $?0 or 15 cents. Kditors usual ly carry theirs in other people's pockets. Only the foolish seek, temptntiou in order to try their powors of resist' unce. Those who see nothing wrong in a white lie are afflicted by moral colon blindness. Notice. Notice 1? hereby ^iven that the Hoard of OominlHsioncra at tlieir Iaat meeting countermanded all ontatanding orders foj fluppliea to paupera, except those be ing cared for bv the County Infirmary Hereafter applicationa for assistance must bo made direct, to the Commhi eioners. J M Sow^l, County Supervisor. B.ftn.1 Estate.^ nd Collecting Agency. All property for sale or rent, and all cUiimff placed in my hands wi'l receive prompt'attention. Claims of all kinds-^rente or open accounts Ofllce opposite the Woikman House in J. F. Jenkin's office. C. C. ALEXANDER. Notice To Teachers And Trustees, Kef inning at the opening of (he present school year. July the 1st, teacliut-s must use in their uchools the new Rchooi Kog iater, which may be had on application at tfeis oftice. , Clalma will not be approved ' unices j made out on the nawiorms, ? - B. O. Bruce, Supt, Education, K. 0. Important Notice. Notice ta hereby given that in ac cor dance with tlia law governing the tamo the quarterly meetings of the County Board tff1 Commlwionor* will l>? held on the first MefcdAvrf In January, [April, July and October, bur alt other meeting* of the Bo?rd will be held on Wednesdays, *ftef the flrat Monday of eaeh month and that all Mils muet be ftled with the Supervisor the day before the meetings or tbey cannot ne acted upon. By ordor of the County OommUaioncr*. , 4. M. SO WELL, Supervisor. 4ptil 9thf 1903. _ _ ICE, IGE! )Uf 3m I will open an Ice Holise about April 1st in lUfl ren yol | Geisenheimer's Furniture Store and solicit the patronage of all ice purchasers. My pri^G? will be for Jpe at the Ice House { my delivery | wagon will be run ag an a? comniodation to my customers. On Sundays the loa House | W*H tje oprne^ ?t f oVtouk a: m., anDiMtls,s store, aad wfll be prepared to fortotah Caskets and Oofflnt, day or ntjht. We have our own Hearse,' aM can accomo date you in this reppeot. Kemembcr we are ine 6**1* ' COLORED UXTOKBTX. KKU8IN DAMPEN. We ?oltcitOoan try as well ae City bttaineen, nmiof oor frlendfi the boat of ttientiou.Prlo?* _ In adUHtioa to &-'??> the above cut gives you a good view of our bod?i Wfttei Department froui wliicji isagrved daily t be do lew Oolii Drinks of all kinds, and a very popular resort Uiese liot days for both old and young. Drop in and cool o . Very ReHpectfully. " jComp dc 'DeSPassy "UAe Corner 'Druggists. phone ae. SUMMER ON THE egUTHERM ^JyiLWAir THE LINE FOR BUSINESS, THE LINE FOR PLEASURE, THE LINE FOR ALL THE BEST SUMMER RESORTS Complete Summer Resort Folder ? Mailed Free to Ad*/ Addms. ?I W.A.Turk. t S. H. Hardwicsc, W. H. Tayuok, Pass. Traffic Mgr. Can'l Fa as. A sent. Assi. Gon'l Pass. Agt. WAitWNOION. D.r. WASH I HOI ON, 1J.C. AT1.ANTA. OA. SEABOARD Air Line Railway. ?H^'flKh-South-East-West. Two Daily Pullman Vestibuled Limited Trains Between South and New York. .. , : ? ? ... ?*- ?? . - - - ? ' -- First Class Dining Car Service. The Best Rates and Route to all Eastern Giiie* Via rRtCHWOND and WASH* IWCTONf or Via NORFOLK and steam^rS^To Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, New Or leans, ami all Points South and Southwest ? To Savannah and Jacksonville and all . r' points in Florida and'Ouba. ? " ? ? f-? Potiiively the shortest line botween ? : ? iroRTH &c soTja?n. . ! 1 " JSITFer 'detailed information^ rates, sched ? t^les; -Pullman Reservations, &c., apply to fl^y of the. Seaboard Air Line Railway or to J. J. Fdlier, Travelling Passenger Agent, Columbia, 8. C. Chun. F, Stev^art -A. <3-. P. Agt., Savannah, G a. ? * KILN DRIED : V * FLOORING, i ' Spend youi? money at [home and help build up your jcity. Remember a dollar jsent away from Camden nev 4 er rottirns. CEILING, MOULDING, BRACKETS, FOR SALE. Any Yt vie of Casing, TPlcwrTngr' "Veiling or 'Moulding gotten out to ordpr. (IN OANBJMBARD SSZE1 CroWn Mould, also Buck, Bed, Cove and Pic ture Mould. Quarter round, Window Stool and Caps, wainscoat cap and astragal. Outride casings gotten out to order. * Will nlRoJta. prepared td do turn work in afew ? *? ...... , -:D^-it yMv Uvo lumber you wtmt workvd up into br*ck<**s moulding floorings jfdLJiLg, &o., we Will ' fc mm'lm ^ ftkfli %tfAB aLl^ . A A ^ . ?^aa3*1 ? :_r- ? ? _ Notice, 1 wi*h to tinr.oui'oe totlw public that I A ill he m iu> oilier ?wj &&*r'1?y u r h,, .i: . < y . ft C BKUOE: Of K* 0. . AN EASY MATTBB ~ . (O have ft liou?e btiilt jg?t as 1;oa want It. t?i op?rtf?l nccordlna to oqr&er'* ioBirp*; (iona. Houses Signed anil hnjilcK-r'a plans matter- -These vttl ffiv6 V& m?*t. mum of l>**?uly *?4 m Between- Kiofevilft^ ?nd;; Vv~ fv Lv Kingyille At 12 Ar Camden Ar It, Ar Catawba Jet Ar 8 Ar Rock Bill Ar & Ar Tirzah Ar 8. Ar York*M*AtKiB> Ar Sharon Ar -?8 At illo'ry Gr'vsAr-8 Ar Smyrda.Ar Ar Illaekabttfi Lv 7 Trains Noa, 88 and portant stations betwsea Blacksburg. p Between Rook Hill add Read down. No. 38 Daily, ?? 0 OQam J^v Ronlc Alll Ar 6 19 a m Ar Tiriah Ar 10 If " Itr^inni At Yorkytffe Sharon A 8 40am A* Sharon A* 700 a m Ar Hick'ry Gr*v Ar 7 10am- Af Smyrna Ar ~~rr 7 80 a m Ar Blaoksbarg Lv 10.45 ft m Ar Marion Lt Noa. as and 86 stop at all ststlona between R?k Hill Between Marine and Read down. ~ -41 No 66 Dally ex, Monday '?* * 9 00 *jn Lv Marie 2 00 pXAr Blacksl ? Train Nn. 88 wttf i Uiil.vitk&m Train Kow* 84 w i R<*k Httl *kh ? 9t |E*MP Camden ketw**? For Urther sw^sss*1