FreeMedical Advic? to Women. Every sick and ailing woman, Every young girl wh^suffers monthly, - Every wotnati'who is epproachiug maternity, Every woman who (eels that life i? a burden, Every woman who has tried nil other means to regain health without Rucceai, Every woman who is going through that critical time ? the change of life ? - la invited to write to Mm. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., in regard to her trouble, and the most expert advice telling exactly how to obtain a CURB will be sent abso lutely free of cost The 0110 thing that qualities a jxirsoa to givo advice on any subject It cxpcrienco ? experience creates knowledge. No othor porson hao ho wide an experience with female ills nor such & record of BUCCOss as Mrs. Pinkham has had. Over a hundred thousand cases conic before her each year. Some personally, others by mail. And this has boon going on for twenty years, daj/afte** day, and day after day. A ? Twenty years of constant success ? think of the knowledge thus gained ! Surely women are wine in seeking advico from a woman with *uch an experience, especially when it is free. Mrs. Hayes, of JSoston, wrote to Mrs. EMiiUhnni when she was \n great trouble. Iler let tor m!io\vs the result. There are actually thousands of such letters in Mrs. lMnkhaiu's possession. " Mas. PiNKir\bi : ? 1 have boon under doctors' trculment for female troubles for some time, but without any relief. They now tell me 1 hnve a ibroid tumor. I cannot sit down without?,jfreat pain, and the soreness extends "ip my spine. I have bearing down pains both back and front. My nbdomen ts swollen, I cannot wear my clothes with any comfort. Womb i>. dreadfully twollon, and I havo hail flowing spells for three yenrs. My appetite is not good. I cannot walk or by on my feet for any lengt h 3 Dudley Ht. ^Boston), Roxbury, Mass. " Drau Mas. Pinkham: ? 'I wr?>l<.? t<> you de.icribinf* my rivmptotns, and tsked your advice. You replied, and I followed n!l your direct ions earefnlly for several months, and to-clay I am a well woman. . 44 The use of Lydhi 13. iMokhnni'N Wtfofahlo Conipoinul, together with your advice, carefully followed, entirely expelled the tumor, and strength ened tho whole system. I can wrilk miles n'ow. "Your Vegetable Compound is worth five dollars a drop. 1 advise nil women who aro afflicted with tumors, or any female trouble, t ? ? write von for advico, and give it a faithful trial." ? Mas. 1!. I\ llAvr.n, Dudley St. ^UoBton), Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Hayes will gladly answer any and all letters t hat may b? Addressed to her asking about her illness, and how Tlrs. Pinkham helped her. '> t vHnnn FORFEIT If wo fl.innot forthwith pro'hu'o lnftcr nnno*?. vVWV I,yr r.hnvhfr'9% though < , j Explanation of "Colored" Rains, j An explanation of (ho recent "col ored" rainrf which have fallen In Eng- J land la fonnd In the story told by a j ?kipper of the steamship Sok. which recently arrived In Plymouth, England, from South African ports. Off tho African coast for eight days the ves sel was enveloped In a sand storm of ?uch density that speed had to bp re duced, the fog horn had to be blown and In the middle of the day the cabin bad to be lighted. During nil this time the ship was navigated by dead reek #Blfig. One Editor's Mistake. An* yd it or of n email paper reeently minted that ho ha. I been kissed by on? 1 ->f the most beautiful marrlod women in the town, Ho promised to toll hor name in thn llrat iasuo of his paper next month In two weeks Iho eircu ! n t it?n of his newspaper doubled. Hut when he gave the name of his wife ho had to # loavo town. ? The Fourth ; I'state. It's never too late to spend if you've Rot it. Mo. 28. \ Let this Coupon be your Messenger of Deliver tnce from Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Troubles. It*? the nfopl ? Trhrt doubt Ud be coin o OUl'#d Willi* they doMltt wlio ' Dmo'i P1IU Ui? O jwooaw. 8 w?IUog of the tiarihe ead dropsy WtWtt urine with ?fc-do ft ?cdlmcuL hlsli Kfiids headache NAM! ?. Imu -J?" Wjl I*>'. n*i| iMa fou|i?n to r??Wr-Wm urj V* t tt'iiU' t. S Y H*?ovo *??* on nrpfti Tito roaoon yon can get j tlti? trh?l fro* I* li(c4U>* { tlioy fitm Kidney Ills ??i?d Will firovo It ioyon. WtHt Branch, Mien.? Donn's KMwy 1111a hit I l>o en y* which wok an unusual dr>fp to ufinalo ? h
    I cut 4uul onklt* Kt\ cllcu* There *a? an in two naln in tho hack, the hoAt of w hioh would fool like ? pitting one"* hand op to a !?u.|> rhtmncy. I have uaed fho ftve trial and tiro foil boxMof bnMi'a Till* frith the Mtltfiwlion ?>f fortlnr that I ?M cured. Thor (retMI?> Er.iuLuk BILL ARP. /f^V ( It now niHiiy weeks the good Ht. alentlno told the birds to matt add the girl* and boys to go wooing. Si. Patiick haj been out and shook his (it the UlM>.kO?, but ?tlt! g e.tonc-c in Ore.gon, 'but any little para graph that has love in It arrests the eye and demands* attention. Children go to srhool.tos tudy books, but by the time they arc; in their t^ehs tiyy begin to mix a little timid, cautions love with their other similes. A sweetheart Is a blessed thing for a boy. it straightens him up i.nd washes ids nice and greases his hair and brushes' bis teeth and stimulates his ambition to excel and be somebody. Jerusalem! How I did luxrlate a id palpitate and concentrate toward the first . little school girl 1 ever loved. She was as pretty as a pink find us sweet as a daisy, and one day at recess, when no body was looking I caught her on tho stairs and kissed her. Hhe was dread fully frightened, but not mad. Oh. no; not mad. She ran away with blushes on her cheek, and more than once that e\ening I saw her glance at me from behind her book and wondering if I would ever be so rash again. And now. Mr. Editor, if a thousand of your patrons peruse these random memories, nine hundred of them cr.n finish up th? chaptcr from their own unwritten book. Who has not loved who has not stolen a kiss, who lias not caught Its palpitating thrill and felt like Jacob when he lifted up his voice and wept ? Oh< Rachel, beautiful and well favored, no wonder that Jacob watered thy sheep and then kissed thee, for there was no one to molest or make' thre afraid. That memorable IcIkb Is now four thousand years old, and has passed into history as classic and pure, but 1 have had lliem. and so have you, dear reader, just, as sweet and eoul-in p'dring. and never said anything about i? to anybody. Ours was a mixed school, and every Friday the larger boys and Kirls bad to stand up in lino anil spoil an.i define. My swcethenrt stood head m<\st generally, and so I was stimulat ed to get next to her. and I did, and my i- i k)i t, hand slyly found her left, nnd we both were happy. But time and circumstances separated us, and we both found new loves --she married another feller and was content, and so did 1. but neither of us have forgotten the stob'u Kiss or that tender childish love that made our school days happy. I'.rl love becomes more cfunojft alter awhile more intense, morn frantic - the .wnin;; man means business and so does the maiden. Like ti e turtle-doves in the spring of the year, they are looking around for a mate. This is na ture. and it is right. God said. "It Is not for man to he alone: I will make a helpmate for hint." And so bo made K\e to help meet the expenses, and that is what a wife ought to do now, but a good many of them don't They help make them, but they don't help me t them, and that is why the young men have almost quit marrying. The rich girls won't have them, and the pror girls are trying to Keep up with the licit, and so the turtle-doves mate more slowly and' marry ! with more aiairitv then they do now. It is not vanity to say that I could Have married half a dosen nice girls. nt>d my ^ife could have had choice of a dozen clever, prosperous youths as likflly as myself. Cupid just roosted around those woods and shot his arrows right and left Sometimes he shoots a young man and then waits days and weeks before he ahoots the girl he is after. This keeps the pnor fellow on the warpath. and frantic and rampant, and Cupid laughs. But he was clever to me. for as near fts 1 can j ltd fie he let fly hnth arrows e.t once nnd plugged my girl and me simultaneously, and with a center allot. Mv wife denies this, but I hive told it often I believe it. Thrre was no skir m falling on mv pnVt I ne/er \tM shoot with a soBHei injf gun. Xfas rVH?jr was cheap in those days. My 'roooll^rtlcn la that it ret t me only aboujj $45 - twenty five for rlothrs. tr i* for ? ring and ten more to the preacher. It didn't cost anybody else anything to sp^ak of. for ? b*?re were no woddlnfg presents. That rrnvfooiet-y wasn't invented. We didn't go to Niacara or nnywhere right away, but we went to work: A month or so lairr we did take a Itttle trip to Tniiu lah Fails and look at the water tum ble over the rooka, but that didn't cost but a few dollars and marie no sensa tion outside the ramily. My thounhtful wife had enough nice clothes to last her two jeers when t iunM her. a?? they were long afterward* cut up and cut down for the children, and there arc some precious fragment!} hid away In the old trunk now. The old trunk and of common size. wan suffi cient then for a traveling wardrobe for a lady of the land. My fsAher and mother and two children made a lour ed by ??*#. to FWjatoo with one truuk and a valise, and came back to Ueorgia by land, In a carriage, but not long since I saw a dclhat*> female traveling with two trunka four times as large, and ribbed with Iron, and fastened with three massive locks, and said she was not happy. Oh uiy country! That girl was too much In love with her clothes to love a man, and nobody but a for tune-hunter would dare to marry her. Young man, beware of trunks!? Hill Arp in ^Atlanta Constitution. NCW8Y QICANJN08> There are 118 libraries In Mexico. The Mexican Coverp incut maintain! fifty-eight lighthouse*. Hotels In MJiidot are overcrowded with American arrivals. A crown Ik belnr; made In Paris for King Peter I. of Servhi. The nntbflutomoblie agitation In Rug hind appears to be dying down. T)eilnlte step* toward erection of a $;{., the first motor car service in the Congo Free State. Orders have been given by the French Government f A' the construc tion of a turbine torpedo boat at Havre. I The lterlin (Germany) Daily Zeitung announces that the automobile tire engines Introduced In that city are a complete success. A thorough investigation of affairs on the Kiowa and Coma echo reserva tions. in Oklahoma, has been ordered by the President. The Italian Parliament In considering a proposal to grant a pension of ?r>00 a year to the four granddaughters of (Jeuerul (iaribak'l. Arbitrators have Wren appointed to decide the question pending between the steamship companies and the dock laborers at Valparaiso, Ohll'\' The men have resumed work, however. Because smallpox appeared on boa f d ^he Cnited States Fish Commission steamer Albatross hat; returned to Seattle, Wash., from Its projected ?trlxi north with a parly of scientists. PROMINENT PEOPLE. The King of Italy la live foot throe Indies in lid1ght. K Hell :in> has refused nil offer of $l00,0t)0 for Crescent?. Itichard Crokor has \igorously re peated his assertion that lie is out of polities for good. Tailed Stntes Senator William A. ('lark Intends lo build tin finest home in Washington, I). C. Commodore I Vary, (he Aretie ex plorer, is anxious to make another at tempt to reach the North Pole. .1. It. (Jrewihut, of Peoria, 111., has started for Russia and various points in Hessarabln, where ho will study the condition of the Jews, The Hov. Charles A. Skinner has Just celebrated the tiftieth anniversary of his pastorate <;f the First Uni versa list Church. Cambridge, Mass. ltlshop Ilartssell, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has left New York* City to begin Ills seventh episcopal tour on the continent OT Africa. Lord Rosobory has asked the London County Council for a large annual grant to a great ceientlllc and technical school which he hopes to found. Senor Sanchez Toca. the Spanish Min ister of Marine, has a naval scheme in hand which will cnll for an annual ex penditure of about $50,000,000 for ten years. . John Morley says thnt the House of (Vmiiitons in a technical debate Is like a sort of listless audience listening to ii very dull play performed by actors speaking in an unknown tongue. Miss Anna reck, the mountain climber, lias left for llolivla, and says she will not return home until she has climbed Alt. Sonata and planted her alpenstock upon its hitherto uneon quoted crest. lirigadior-tienoral William 11. Carter, of the War College Hoard, will not go to the Philippines this siin.mor. but will remain on duly in Washington as u member of the liencri'l Staff until that body is in working order. IAROR WORLO. Tailors at Kd in burg. Scotland, havo struck for higher wages. . Toronto ti.'an.i marble workers on strike for higher wages. Mexico will employ Chiuese coollc laborers In the hemp Holds. The Hrh Mayers' International Union has a 1m1 mbcrship of over SO.OtlO. Cigarette makers of Iloston. Mass., and vieii'ity havo foruud a union. Marlon ? In the ordinary custom. Thus, O.JJO o'clock hi tiie uiorn. ing of, say, January 2, would be im pressed by astronomers as January 1, IK hourii, .to minute*. In an astronom ical regulator the liour circle is ac cordingly divided into twenty-four, and the hour hand goes round oncq in twenty-four bourn. When did Confucius live, and what are the chief features of his religion? BOY KDITOR. lie lived from GDI to 478 It. C. The Confucian faith teaches morality, rev erence for tiie past, and. conservatism In the state. its great maxim is: "Learn the post and you will know tbo future." Please tell me what i* the meaning of "Alle wolken regencn." What language is it it? DUTCH BILLY. It is a Dutch proverb and weans: "All clouds do not rain." Were Christians the first to use tiie cro.?9 as an emblem and when did they adopt it? t'KISCAL. Christians began to venerate tbo cress early in the second century, but it lias been in use in Its several forms Since before the dawn of history. It is a common figure on ancient Egyptian monuments. In its most ancient use it Was probably a phallic emblem, the type of the active principle of nature. Id there such a title as "Congressman?" A LION. THE I.KSS. There Is not. A member of Congress may l>e either a "Senator" or a "Rep resentative." When a person is electrocuted arc wires connccted to the arms and iegs? (). S. BOKNK. They are not. The arms and logs are strapped to the chair, and tiie electric wires at'? brought in contact with tiie body at the head and the calf of the loft leg. To settle a dispute, plea'c tell mo at what point the first railway crossed the Mississippi River., . MlKETTE. At Iloek'lsland, the first bridge being built from the island to Davenport, Iowa. Shlp'K Steward ami His Ilutim. ?? A steward is nothing more or less than a combination waiter and cham bermaid. 1 1 is duties begin an hour be fore breakfast, by all rights. Inasmuch as it should take him that time at least to brush up his blue 'or black uniform, shave, make ins hands neat and shine his shoes. lie Is supposed to wear a spotless antl expansive bosom to his shirt, clean collar and blackyOr white tie. I do not think I /tV ever saw but two stewards who had shirts; nil the others used a dickey for the sake of economy. Waiting Ofi, the passengers nt table, the care of the tables, the care of the silverware, and n certain amount of dish-washing and pantry work, make up t lit* steward's dining-room duties. The other hnlf is work in the state rooms, making the beds, straightening up tl*e rooms nnd doing the general work of a chambermaid, as well as giving a certain mmvunt of attendance to the occupants pf tlio. rooms. The pay I* very poor, and the prin cipal dependence of the steward is on the tips he receives. They are really the poorest paid class that go to sea in one way, and yet 1 have known j men to make ?40 in tips on h six weeks' voyage.? Leslie's Monthly. How Som? Nuraon Are Al>n*e<1. A young nurse of my acquaintance was found early one morning uncon scious on the entry tloor; upon inquiry the doctor learned that from Monday morning till Thursday night she had been without, sleep, or even enough time off lo bathe and change--* hpr clothes. Of course she was extrenciy foolish to permit such a thing, on the patient's account as well as her own. but it was her tlrst private case, and feeling shy about obtruding personal wants In a time of general rtres$v sho had relied on coffee ar.d determination to pull her through. The stale joke, "Why. do you have to sleep? 1 thought you were trained!" unfortunately con tains not a grain of exaggeration. c, I have gone to a house wht?re after a day's nursing, r? night spent m spong ing a typhoid patient, at to o'clock on the morning of the second day, the nurse was still in charge; no one had given her night lunch, breakfast, or even a cup of coffee. She had been on duty for twenty-six straight hou.s working strenuously all the time; nit a member of the household seemed equal lo taking her place, or indeed dvearjt of the necessity of doing so.? At Jfc'tic. A VTonrlrrfrt! Tira?piec*. One of the most wonderful watches in th-? world Is that owned and made by Major I>op- iug-Hepenstal of the Royal Engineer*. It is a comparative ly small watch, not milch bigger than an ordinary lever, lint ft jierfof-Wft ' n variety of rervlccs in addition to tell ing the th It rings an alarm bell In the morning to nwahe U* omwr, then It proceed* to light a spirit lamp nnd holt a kettlo of water. aod flmfliy pour* the boiling ifrter Into a snail teapot. The Prince of -Wales witness* the wonderful performance* of this w?td|_ sad partook of a cap of tea irkleh tt sm4* for his rojal highness. ~*7: - ' ' ?f ?? ? jr ; ? . ? ? FITS permanently eured.No fltf or nervou*- , ft?M aftar ant day b use of Dr. Kiln# '? Great Ner volte# torer. ? 2t rial bottle and treatlaefre* Dr. R. n. Xmnk, Ltd., *?1 Areb St., rhila.,l'a The lowest -priced vehicle at the New York automobile show was f>"500; the high eat 1 1W0. t'?* All?u's iroot'Kiisft, It to the only cure for Swollen, Smarting. T!r *4, Acblng, Hot. Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. \?k for Allen's Foot-Kaae, ap?;wd<3? to bo shaken luto tho shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 36c. Don't aeeept any substitute. Sample sent Fukk. Address, Allen H. Olmsted, Leltoy, N.Y. A damaucd footballer has just been fitted at a London hospital with a celluloid nose, i l'lso'a fare cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure,-? J. \V. O'Duixx, 822 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, 1000, Petroleum is the fuel of all the locomo tives in Asia. ? H. H. Uukkn'h Soma, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world, Hee their liberal offer in advertise ment In another column of this paper. Home people laugh and grow fat over their own jokes, ?? ?; Any young lady who will ?end her address on a postal at once to Key. J. M Kuon**. Littleton, N, 0., will receive literature worth very much more to her than a penny. Some of the shirt waists make bath ing suits look very modest. YourHair "Two years sgo my hair v/as falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my bair stopped coming out." Misa Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vi^or, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. $!.M a bottle. All tfrnfflits. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us ono dollar ana we vrlll express you a bottle. Be sure and give the n.tmo of your uearestexpress office. Address, J, CVAYKR ?0. , Lowell, Macs. cartridges^ and shot shells are made in the largest and best equipped ammunition factory In the world. AMMUNITION of U. M. G. make is now accepted by shooters as T'the ' worlds "standard" for it shoots well in any gun. Your dealer sells it. The Union Metallic 'Cartridge Co. Bridgeport, - - Conn. PIMPLES "I trie "Instant relief for skin-tortured bubles," or " Panallve.antlseptic cleans** In?," or " One-night treatment of th?' ~ ~ bands or feet," or " Single treatment ... of the hair," or ?? Use after athtettci;w ; cycling, golf, tennis, riding, spaitfnjft:,' or any sport, each in connection ?with -'? the use of Cutlcura Soap, is sufitotafc evidence of this. Mi Ibrrurbmit tlie wortJ Cutlenr. Kr?o!r?nt.ffA tpoUi Lnridoa. if Chart*rfeo?M>. Pq.i l -t '.A Rn?' ----- t>r?i 6*- fceod for ?? 1 iio Cutlcura Bkln Book." ? 4 '7? "j AT RIP-ANS Tabules1 Doctors find A good prescription For mankind. ; The R-cent packet Is enough fo? an ordinary occasion. Tha i: family bctjle (prion 60 ceaU) contains a supply lyf ft year,' ' Removes nit swelling ! days ; effects n permat in ,v> to Co days. Trial tf given free. Nothingcan L Write Or. H. H. Green'* i Specialists. Box wno$8i$||sl Piedmont High Sc One of n.e li?-t Preparatory Schools IB 1 Carol. ni. At.le Faculty. Mountain HcalUuul Clim ilo. >essin!i opens Aajf. \V ilte to \V. ?>. KCIINS, I.nundtlfi HEbiCAL DEPARTM_. l ulane University of Lonisiiu| Il? advantages (or vr*ctic?l initruction, both Hi Iclitu and abumi-int hu?|iit*l Q iaJirt). l'ri'o &?'??? m giv^n tolho RroMOKw {?ual wii )i M' lint* and U?>, <>U> iintU'lltR An nnfttljr mr. met ion in civ-n bodstile Ot Th'n^xt hnxins OcUilmrS'.'d, 19U8 li'H lllfVil ??>?> ???ItltBfH PnOK. H- B Vl? M. 1) . l>. an. 1'. O. I)r*wer SKI. Nrw UileUM, Oo Ion Want lour Mo 0/ T;) KAItN o I N T E R EJi I'KR ANNJP.U f ^ Write me for particulars of n sale, MCQM incut j".x\ nvf H'vcn \>er cent, on amount# Uumlrcsl UoIUvm ?r mors. Hank rrfsrenctt, w. II. uokk. York* r I ? "tried Disordered lietulache aoc. At TirrantCo., Tremro.l f?r N <-\t Yr.ri 1 iiytU'Uii* in i . PfiWPCD CURED WITHOUT J be!.;; i NAT t urc tuornotcod infvery Ca?? Tl--~ ION A I . CA^CKK M KDICINE COMW Atl&DMi OK" * f \ x * ? ~ So. 28.