The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 22, 1903, Image 4

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Miss Rose Peterson, Secretary Park dale Tennis Club, Chicago, from experi ence advises all younj** yirls who have, pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to rely on Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound* How limn v beautiful yoinif/ jc'itIm ili'Vi'lop into worn. <i n< i liopulc.sH women, Mi in ply because :->ti 111-.? ien t. at.icMit.ioii has not been paid to their physical dnvploprnrnt. No vvinniui is exempt from phyrueal weaL.iciei am! periodic pain, ami yountf jfirl.s ju.t I >n< !< 1 i ti^f into mmjanhood should !?<? carefully l{ui(W'<l physically umwcII morally. 11' you know of anv youiijf laily who Is sick, unci needs motherly advice, her to w i* i I <* to Mrs. t'inkliaiii at l;.\nu, .>Inss., who will jfhc.lHM' advice free, from a source of know Icdfici which i* im eiiuiucd In Mio country. I>o not hesitate ahoat stating details wliicV one may not like to talk nlioiit, ami which arc I'Mseittlal for ttA'nll un<lorstamllii>jf of the ease. riiss Hannah E. Hcrshon, Collins wood, N. J., says: v "I t Ik tii^' lit I would write :i : i? I tell* \ oil A th :t . !>v follow it e< )niir kind sidviee, I feel like m si new jhmsou. I \v<?s ii'v\ays I liiir :iml delieitie, f *. 1 1 1 1 1 ho weak I fotiM lunlh ilo ;myt liiiijj. 4 .Mens! iitutioM ii K^vuhir. ? . i / w i \ i . w i j ? 1 1 1 1 > i ? < n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? * i MI! pound ;iii(l U'j-j.iii to feel h-ttrr liidil a\\'ty. I r??n 1 iiuicil it s USi\ .Hid ;iut i u\v Well iiti'i ?<t Jimii;', ;n:d lIK'UStniutf r.'.ruim I.V. i ("illlloi s;iy rooU^li tin w lint \ our nn ilii in ? <li<l lor nu*/' N How r\rs. Pinkham Helped i :annie Kumpe. "Di:ai: Mi;.-. i 'i nk-pa \t : - I ?? ? I il is inv <l?itv to write and loll you of ilu> ItrnoH! I liavo < !*? ?*i \ ? I from your .(? i \ i? ?? ami t.Uu llbU of Ljtiia 10. \ <??:< i ; 1 1 ? I i ? 1 'ointtotiiHf . 'I In1 pains ill my Inu'k ntiM womli haw :?sl Ivfi. ?V?", ;hi<1 ;a\ i i if- 1 ( iwul 1 roiil'lu is oon'f.c.Uui. I :li it very lluuikful forth'* ?.joojI iuivire wm y.wr im\ aiul I shall ivcoaiunMnl your nu'diriM*- to :?!! \\ lio sud'er from frma'o uriikurss." ? Miss Kan \ ik Ki'mpi;, I ?.? J*J ( "ln'.vti r Link' lim k, Ark. < I )* ?? ?. in, inuo.) Lydiu !!. PinUhain's <'o!.*i:>omul v. ill cirro any woman in thr hnnl who suffVrs l'^rm uoinh inxiiiic-., infly imoa lioxiof fho oviirioM, kiilit:') <rott!>!cs, m*noiis , Hiori ous prostration, am] all forms oV Monutn'.s stteiial ills. (M'fttil'j Ci i V 0 s a ui ok Hi' I inf. RfliiflVM nil !?vclliii)? in ;t ill .-o , iliiv.-i ; rUi-i in n j,< i ni.iiii nl r'iirc i >11 l.oli) | I II | t I r it llftll I yiveii free. KotHiiipcMii l? fiiirct : Wute Or. II. II. Ui eon's Sons. 1 SiwCi.tlUta. ?5fv< 18. All.inta. tift. ! CMM ClJIil U WlJtJOIH t til MSG, A New Vcqclolilc Ifamcdv. ,v Isn I -i I'lu.ilii ami Sii.fs. Cure Ouurantood iiilvcrv Tiv<it<*(l. NATIOXAI. t'ANCKIC Ml:i?H IMI ? i^Oi'ASV, Au.ilcll liiilliliiii., AiUuii.i, ?.t* In the Spring I\ii8 tiio ( j last; of K?o(H)ccr !*Mil l;iV|> pnvl'n'llt IioHu ; - H?ir r.> I'i'iiIi lifu* \ 1 jit-kajT WTi*;p' live ml- V I * "'?it. .M.lti .;v? i v V\ lit l<'. I ??? l y lnutl ? ? i . i nis- * ; i in id >!4 k. it 111 kh, i k. 71 11/ llalirrt, l',i, J For Sunday liaU. ' A N''\v Yorl; mar,i> : rat" ir-*; ? I < ? i '? I ' 1h:it lii: <r hall may In- u t StiM -j \ ii llici'i' i II I I'.ll di ?r.irh:in. ? ?'! Ihf ' rt'p. )..c. a;i?| ivii^l.iUK Uhi>: 1 v of u t'onuminily." Hi* ? ?la* :u-a ^uli, d:ivtr;. j hirv <1 in.;, ?ir . :< 1 1 of >. i.ii h :!.?? imh;l ill tfn Sunday. iilentf with banc i > . . ! ! . j and i lit | ?! i ?*h that if <.nv amusnn -m is to bu ;;lop',n:d lliu uthor ;diouid be. lie . holds public opinion has ;i ?'bai>Ki,vrt - Vlnt r 1h<- unti-umus hi* nt ?(atnt(>a worn rnactrl. _ IdghtninK plays <|ii<>i>r ? np,r{< sonn1- j tlinfa. Stiuek a llKlu'inian, th?> oihrr j ?iay, bill Irfl bin jur. uninjured. ii was ! probably aware of tin* fart that thoi "llghtninr," In t h?? Juy, was r.f too dun j R?M'on? a quality to fool with. so. IImkv Whit<\ N.iii.'icnn < -'i. - f j f.'iits i*i l.ontlon. ;V< i ! nun !; s.-tis ?:,i j ti ::i bsvtiuKO of Ins rlcctiim a:; :i iin**.: - ! ? i" of 'ho \tla*tri"iin. (Mult. iP.miti". ; ti ? * ; ? in t !i?> lli'il <\>nit;il, i i'i rai l. Kiomliflrnh!:! thoivi;; run :t | hisiJr.r of ilHMnrt l.ri. .Muii> i m>. j I .'tii'.li.shiitciu of Irltnii lier-j niriuljrr.t, (n.iuiMn.; Mamulay. I* i ? - j ? i it v nt'1 DiiikrtiH. A nurniHT <<? ?! nr.ptrt^h'vl rhmrlunrn bHomr m i i lit now. atiil llils-, fact mnvcri j Salishtfv to remiuk on our oivast.m i ' at hp nrvp'' rtarvl to laui* :n ur.i inrlia to the Athrnarmn. iiccuiiM1 li ? "l f trust tho Mishopr." rfi'vt'u Italians vvnr hrltl in Mow York ;is arross?n-lrx to tho "ban rl my?; trry'' inunltM*. What Everybody Says. Loi'Ihyim.k, Kv ~ For h %eur or morr 1 have been aulTeriii? with eevero pains in thr* Rtnnli of in) Iwk unit Uhlneya ; h:nl IrFoiT h mTiuTVr ?.r ri'im dies but \? It In in relief. I ?lrehb>tl t<> try l)oai?'n Kidney l'ill*, no?t pnreluneii two boxu*, utul am plnd to Mute licit after tn'ulnjr the two boxes of t>iW? I v iih relievcl or nil paim*, ami linvfl not. been trouhhul fined, lVlor to tukinr theKC piils was impossible fi-r xnu to >;et h full night's sleep, but I am not expvrloneincc ?nj difllculty in this rc apeet now. ? Youwi truly, Jons K. Kttx. MRli, ?42a W. Main Street. ? ( Foreman Amcrlcau Tobacco Co.) Anr.nnKKN.WAau. ? 1 bail a ba?i pain In my bark ; I could fcardly walk or lit down. I could not Writ* for aamplo, but * F.very one y.Iio uses Donn'n Kiilriey IMMm free trial linn a Rood word to sny for tli?m ? thut's why they ?ro prominent in tho public eye. .Vehine; hucUs are eased. Hip. nai-U. and 1. >iu pains overcome. Swelling of tli*i limits and dropsy Hign:i vanish. They lorrcri urine with brick dust sedi ment., ^lir.h roJi?ri il. t-\cvssi vc, pain in pass ing, dribbling, frequency, beil welling. 1 loan's Kidney Villa dissolve and remove calculi and grav?l. lu lieve heart palpita tion, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness. j PNEC-HOPX rc? THE HOPELESS. Fv*T?:*-Mn.*v** Co., RnfTaK ff. Y. . 1M<v*k? *?d<1 m* Uy mall, without charrc. tri*l box Doon ? Kidney rilla. Nam* .? Pontoflk*.. Nafta* Mrta FVM?Strtctty ( UK \<;m, I I I.. ? ? \\ lion I rr?*?*l\ ?"<l ''io sample of Kidney l'illn I ' \t-u< MiiTi'itiik( It'll il>lv with my liai'k.n ah m? k nn?l iint't tn i1n T*rtvth?i>?? Tlie st'vrrnl ii'ini'illi'J I li!i<! u *.?*?!, tlioiirli hi"':l\ ri'ciMiiim>nil< >1, ?Itil no ko<mI, lull rather irrlt :?t ?**!, the trouble ut<d nia?l<* mo wor- *. Itrforr I li.ul used up the sample 1 \va.? feclliu; i\ o smuli In tier that I j;ot tnoro front tint druvc Ktaro. 1 eouhl not ftlcep nt nl^lit. Hail to uvt ii|? *t" nr H'tlit liMii'H.nml I lie urine \yus ?6 led, would uliAv^ iklnk it \v:i* |n?rnTuood ? therew.m it thick >atid, llko brlok-duat sedi ment. I raimnl toll one-half that I suf ferod, nor hoxr rood I feel now that t iun ruri><l by Do*n'? Kid ney PiiU ; hut her* I fttn, ?lxty-?lx y?m old, nblr to do my own work, feellnf well u I did tw?uty year* ago, for Which I thank Dtrn't KMn?v Pill* tOO thOUMDd Um4?. ? Mi*. K. T. Oonn, tit W. l4k? Street, Do*A'j Ptlte ran %1m? oth?r? t SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL | l*r?>;*resslve> WltmSnglo'i, The report /?f Me. .(amen M. | bourn, pre.-d lent of I ho V/ 11- j I mtnKton (N. C.) chamber of Co;u r.icrcr. at its fiftirUi^frBslon, lu a note worthy nummary of good ivhuUh How is: r; from p'-riilatont. energetic uni well-directed effort** of bu.dneutt ruou for i to- upbuilding of their community, Mr. ( '/aid bourn hiiowH how tho Cham ber hi:? a general oversight of 1 1* >? ! bit?lit< HH ?>f 1 In* port, < Ktiiblishln;; rub m i governing trede and shipping; ho ?;<? Ki'i'lhfH the method# for keeping a I thorough record of rill coinmoditloB ' I dealt in by tho rlty'a im u liimtn, tho | liberality of i.h'* < 'handier in hpi n ling I money to promote Wilmington a Inter ! noting mptcially the prTf ratlbn | of a volume getting forth the rnnriy itd j vantage.! o I Wilmington and Uk viclnl | ty for manufacturing, for buKliie^x and for oMiIhk i', and Us Inlenat 1 ri at t rarl ing new induct rUn and MiKtaining thoHC alrcj ly t s i'l>llKh"(l. ile said that never !>? !',.<? were the prospect* of the city .so bright, and he revealed the r< hk.) i f )y lift' In hi.i ad ili l< mil BtaU'iiK nt lb ,i J '/;? ? m<' ehonta of Wil mhi-t.m have mo:* ptibllo ?n?: it. than evM* beftve. aio u.ore u nlteU in tb' ir public < 'Fori a an<l -vnt a. roii I front i't biisif^iif;* t.Vi!rilrv|-,ion f irw ivd :?.?! u t ( Mfun-elal eent? r and an an export ?.!anufactaro<"N' U?*eord. UIiidIm,; Si?t:.stlc.<. j 'i'lie i imni ofllee ana. nan a from re. ! Tir,rt" t,' rnt'on "tnnT'. that there were I glhin d >'x flu; fro;) <>r t'li>2. Il.07tf,8>52 ' ri'.iinlnn; l air ;, <"fpial to 10,?'.;',ii.'.t If. of Mm licO-poun 1 ^tnutiar.!. or counting | i ? > : ii '! 1 >:* I^m r,;t bulf-hah'M, I <l,r.SH,'jr><>, I vanl-'d a! f.'.nl .??'.*.? V . I I. Tho value of r?w < Ui'.n i In 11102 K?v? n at | } ; o.i,.". i ,s | !i urik in*.; it tho I ?:i,.l i ?; ar j I ? '"m* in A ines ban expo.'tH, and the lvalue of t lii^ eat ton erop of pro ( iuuoiI in the Htati'K included in the I l/Oirdv.ia pni'i fi t?e ia given ftt fli:?, j fc.Sf?.(M I. hi amount greater by i!na> j (ban'O.OOO than tb'.; original pi Ice ? nuiii io i'lHuce for tb'.*" territory, with i cnati.ot'nd intorcBt at 2 per cent. IVxtlle N??teK. M.>:arff. .1. !J. Mef'nrd and ti. A. Has? ! ?o|| of M-.u' 'j'i'Uown. Tenn., will eatab* ! IIhIi a kaiti ih^ niilj # l 'ill >:'-AU I )'i I'olnt. 'la., v;^' I noi (<|iorn<e ;.s a eoitoii mill the Span a j '"of 'on iVSIlb; nl .-'narta, (la., report 'd last -A-''"lr. aa nurchascd. I ' I \Mddl" (!*"??"? la Milla. i-Ialoa i ton. <? a. ni"i.t lon.'d last week as add Nikt pew nplndb s. nas enrnploted .ho I installation/. Thrt new aphidleH nu:n b< v 2112. an ijo iv in th*' plant's ! lo fi-i 111. It Makepi-aed | & I' ?, of I'rnvidcnce, It. I., we're tiio i .i?in<erK in i b i' i'.e <?r I lie iniprovo i nieiU'<. New Iberia i |,a I 1'ottotl Mill was j aold dur.iiK tie.' v?eck lo W '(v Hark J ii^ avert. It ;m iv ported lie? Vvil| put i tin' u ill in operatior. Thcro are. :a\ t< en I'.n.iti.iK ma. liiio'.s in the plant, producing wn'h r wear. Waltci' iJrowu. reronllv of P-ilil- I mopo. Mil . h:u? ?cl Dr. J. T. T ;< ? i - i lainy'K rojton mill. nnw Mir. near FCu. | field. N. i.'. I If will repeal r tho d'lin. { ?n large i In* ! * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; and install :nn- | ohinery for innniif.u (ui fng tingle r.nd i double yarns, hall twine. rop-? and | butting. Moms;:-, J , H. Price, S-'am It. fl!n'V"ii3, ? C. 1L Sst'.WL'.i.. 'V lb id, .1. 15. -Wolff. I A. C. ("'I' l l:-. v. v\ Andrewa :?:id anso- t cfriirs will f : i;;r;i/.' a i"iOUO stock com- j pany r.>,- mnnufnci nring cotl'.m :;ou;!s | They p.>;o?o OMUippin* a plant > f I 'Vii li-^ It.. Tin.-; I'm ? pro, luring fancy sbe> 1 1 !(?' . ; i s . I j : ' > v 1 ? ! ! v good.*;. Tho plant ' will I ?? l.jcated a i Magnolia, Misx. A bo'.l ! Ot o ; been S'.lll*'-** ribcd to I tho propc i 1! Jbm.dPO cnlton-miil cam- | panv a I ttilley. ;??. mentioned ! V.- ? \V. S. : Vie: v..,:: Im Inlvresil* ?! |n ! II. ?? < iiU'i prt:.f. mi,! Iukich to mnko a> r'SMi'i'iiK nis for permanent orgr.n/.a ' h'< "hi." ' a pit <t I will he invited t> j liivis). A wnt' r-pv.vcr Is available for j tit \ olnmaent in ihia cmnuri ion. i'h"H idate that H. Kmnlt Mo- i banc and Cormnn capitalists have pur- j rh:;?'i'<| .pinn ?i* < s of !:mil at Spray. N". j C. a.s f;'lo for the cf.tablltfh:nenl of a ; cotton mill i!"i< will contain U0').0?>0 | s'phn'h :>i\l I I Orn |:>oms. and of ^ , mill for manufacturing woohal*5) bl:i a Mr. Mf,!.aim is well known . l.ii i1\ i fiti'iTRlr ,'j '.n the nrv? ! oral mills :il Sprajv Lumber Notes. W. ! *; ::.-l'.a w of W inston. X. P.) ha.; p'lii !; 'i:'< (I . probably for develon in.. >M i.onn a civ a op timber land noa. ! W iil- 1 shovo. Tiie 1 >!'??? Hi b;e Lumber Co. d|' j n? Iki;o. N. C.. l;\s < i ?ti |>i. t?'d <>r 1 1.. aii'.j :!i;;i with ('. 10. rtlolton. p'*eid- 1 '???mi Tb- company lias a capital of j and has begun the etoeiivm ?-f j :i a >v mil! plant. !'?. t.'ojiblH and associates of ! M r. .-Mr. 11. Va .. have purchased and will : opt. rate sawmill and limber land:; of ? T. X W It. Koborta. It M Smith of I'm kersburg. W. j V:i? has purchased the Kxc< lsior j ?laimhrr Co 's property near lOlkins. J ai.d will operate the mUlinM; plant. I I Th<? l.icklnK Coal & ljumbor Co. of j AsMand. Ky.. has ptindnuied about j G.i'on of coal and timber lands j in Morgan county, and will hoijin dc vi'U?pments at once. '('he uliipments of lumber and tim 1 her fi\>tn the port of l'ontmcoln for the ! menth of April were unusually heavy Ti?f? l<?tal shipment amounted to :t2. 0th).0i>0 foot, of which n.??70,rt00 feet I wan lumber and IMVWl.OOrt feet tim ber. lurd. lea 00.000 mibcellaneous, it in stmoii ihai Messis. Pomoroy J Hrcv.. t'o. of llafiei .stowh, Mil . will ; ]?( i.uild their rim and apoko fa< tory b*u nrd at a leva or $20.?nn. 'i'?!(< Southern lVveK>i?n?ent Co., ?>20 "l Colonial Huiiilinp, Hoston, Mass. I.; arvansiuK to esiabli-di a plant at. l.akcTiow. NT. <\, for the mnnufno^ tuve of cypress and iuniper aliinglOK. Tlu? Atlantic Shook l.umlier Co. of Norfolk, Va . started up its plant l:o.t week in order to experiment with the mnch'nery, Tbo'-o ?s con-??d?*rnbW? work to bo done yet before the plant : ia eomploto and ready for operation. Tho lnrco saw-mill rf the Alison I l.umbcr Co. of Klt/serald. (la . inelnd-J Iiik tho dry-kiln and considerable him h.^r. wft*? destroyed Ky tire laid week. Five earn loaded with lumber were . also destroyed. The planing mill wm not destroyed. 1 Tho Central Manufacturing Co. of| Ilurllngton, N. C.. has purehasod 1R. 000.000 feet of pine timber and will shortly JnataU twovY>r more aaw mlllB, In addition to ono already In opera tion. Th<* contract for the output of ! these mill* has not jet ba?n mad*. I A man ma ba a sinner without btlac Current News. Kansas City bos an organization, known as tho Krnployera' Protection, Association, which Is worthy of not'-, Sii that ii Indicate* po*4>iblo Important development Of the controversy and uU tendaut trouble* between capital and labor. Though hut recently fouudi-.d the uaiodatlon ha* grown very rapidly aod Is now powerful. for It hub on Its mem birtihip roll the more Important em ployes of labor or tin; ? ity, except! a g \hose of it:'* lii/Vlement and pa< kltiy, house districts. The purposo of the as sociation, ai explained by Its offleetft, is to afford protection against certain demands often made by btV>r union*. It la not, on the other hand, opposed to the organization of labor. * * ? The association ban already had op portunity to act. When, u few daysngo, union men assaulted a party of non union men, the association promptly offered $501) reward for tho arrest and conviction of the men or any of <>?* men responsible for the trouble. The polled board of Kansas ('Ity promised to co-operuto with tho association in Km efforts ^o see that the law In main tained, afid showed on thin occasion thut it was in earn* M hy causing ex tensive transfers Itm-atiMc tho police Bt'trned to be at fault. King fOdward, during hi* recent Kt :? y at Mtsbon, drew attention in one of bin public utterances to n fact of which but f? w are apparently aware; n&u>ely, that Portugal, in splto of lt:? diminu tive size and relatively small popula tion. hi one of the greatest colonial Powers of t lie world. In fact, only I3ng land,vi''run?o and Germany have laager colonial empires than Portugal, whose over-sea diminions comprise an area of considerably over 300,000 square miles, as compared with Germany's !, 027,000 square miles. Prance's 4,3C7,nw and England's 11.108.000. After Portu gal cauu-H Holland, with colonics cov ering an area of 7811,000 square miles. Moth Portugal and Holland ranked after Spain as a colonial Power prior t < ? the latter'}} war with the United in 1X1)8. lint today Spain ban no colonic* left to speak of, save a few stray remnants on the northern and west eoas't of Africa. Pletro Mascagnl, t h<; composer of the famous Intermezzo from "Caval lerla Itustlcnnii," baa safely reached homo. Ho was Interviewed at Havre by a French reporter, while Count Honl do Cuatellane and Count Robert do Several-other-Thlngs Muntesqulou applauded politely from tho middle distance. Slgnor Mnscagni employed a great, many words to say that he had travelled clear across the United States and that ho had returned to Kit rope with delightful memories of San Francisco and its people. In spite of the vicissitudes of his career umk'i' tho management of the remarkable coterie of gentlemen who brougftt him here. In trpltc of sheriffs and jail, writs and bail, he said no unkind things about America. He will return next season. Dr. Barnardo, one part, of wlio.-e great work Is for "Nobody's Childr.m." writes that ho i? hoping to send o it thla year to Canada at least 1.00*) of his beys and girls, and asks that all who in n will help him in the outilts and traveling expenses, which cost. $.">0 for each child. During 'he last thirty-five yearn Dr. Uranardo has sent out not lens than D.7II boys and 3,443 girls to Canada, while 473 little emigrants have gone to others of the llritish colo nies. Of this large number less than 2 per cent, have proved failures. 5c?m> Idea o fliie magnitude of Dr. Ha; - nardo'a work and of the thusands of chlldien annually rescued may .ie fonned when it la remembered that fpr every boy or girl whom he emigrat v. to the colonies they are placed out in service or employment of some kind in Knglund. !'rof. (hirle has announced to live ; French Academy ,of Seionora tint i\\- ' dium possesses the extraordinary > property <>? continuously emitting hoar . without i**>nibustio:i, without rh tunica#! change of any kin I, niut without any j change in its in??l?cu!a:' st'u*. lure. | Kudiutn, ho states, maintains its own > I- mporature at a point l~> degree c.mi- | t'.Tia.i? above tho surrounding aimos- ! phero. The quantity of heat evolved la ! s'uMi that a pure radium salt will u. Ml i a. ore than its own weight of ice rv.-ry ? hour, and half a pound of a salt re- i dium will evol?v? in one . hour heat ! equal to that. generated hy burning ! one-third of* a ruble foot of hydrogen t:as. Despite this constant activity, the salt .apparently remains Just as potent a.; it was at the beginning. It appears that there Is r.o l.vgo a ! number of enlisted men at itvooklvn ! navy yard waiting to b^ drafted t > i si ips In cominissiou that t In* ivc.Mving j ;;Mp Columbia Is vastly overcrowd si. With accommodations tor only about ;iiv) tlu'ro are 1,!{00 to be provided for. vVvernl months ago tlx* sifg'-un gen i tai of ;he navy re.conuni njed that the receiving ship system be abolished, j th it land he b.i.1?. at the t s everal navy yards i ?r the at commoda- j u.iu of enlisted men while mnhvroim; I tin preliminary training before l-'iug j sent to yea. llut t'ongress failv-d to J make any appropriation. hence the iv ?'t"i v i Uj? ?bip? must be contiuucd. I'ntii a few days ago John NVana was beliewd t#> earry more lite | insurance than any other American. I his amount belug $ 1 .ROO.OfX). Now he has been outstripped by his son Itod- | man. who, in addition to (he million j which he carried for some time, has | iaken out another policy for an equal amount. Senator N. 11, Scott, of West Vir ginia, who has been studying the con dition of the European working classes, j says AMierirans are far better off. KITSt'MiKMfnivctn ?<i.nq nt?r>r nwrv-vn- ; llrni dny'.i u*-#* i?f l>n. KUno'a (lr?V. Norvogost oror.t ?t rial haltlomid iroatisn,'r? > La. I .til.. '.'St AiWi St.. t'hilft., :*.i 'I'ho ii'lluw \\ !io speak* oi Iik ''tugga si*1 tryjarr t-r-piit-nn ?wt*. IN. XT'* Tl?i?* V> offer On? Mvndrrd J ???? ! >i r?? linvaril '<tr nn> car-o <>r C'ntnrra taat cniiauj l?o cured i ?/ ball's i\itarr'.i Caiv. !?' J. ( ' m k x k v .fc ?.'o., Proiw.. O. We. t ho und?r*ojne.l, navo kn<>w? V. rev for tho lust 15 y?:ir<, and l>oli??v? hint per* tcctty hoaoM??'.? In. all lms(n<>*4 transaction* unit rtnm.'ially ah'o to carry oai any obliga tion niKiln l?v thoir itr ?i. \\ kht A i'l.UAX, Wtio.o$aio Druggists ,Tolod ), Ohio. ? y. W* AXJ>I>*.o . K is x a \* .VW * n v i s , Wholesale t) ni s{? irist*. Tolivbi, ofui?."" HaUX'tilaira Carols tiikua iiitrtrna'ly,,vnt? Incdiwctl)' iipdD tin* bio.?l Mi??t anioouf^ar* Iuooh of tho ? >i. Price, batti*. fc old l?v all Oru^l-it*. 'i OHtiaiontalii treo. liMU'n Knu.tly 1'ilU arn mo b<vtt. TIh* bc?i^ way to got n!ong with your ncijjhboiM is* not to know any of them. Vk Vntir l>Mt?r For Atl?n*a A ?>owdor. It rests tho feet. Cur?? Cor*a, Runion*, Hwollen, Soro.Hot.Oallowd.AohlnR, Kwt Mtnrf Fcrt and Ingrowing Nails. Alton's Koot-Kn<? make* now or tight ?ho?iMuy. 1 1 all DrugglsUi an<l Hho? ntoTM, M ?onU. Ao copt no autMtltate. 8aaipl? akatted Pass, ?ddrcn, Allure Olmatod, L?ltoyt N. I. Thtre may b* plMty at room at tW top, vnlm to ?H (? m BUN BY PER8PIRATION POWER. Peculiar1 Elevator That Lifted Bishop Potter'# Distinguished Gucat. During an uncommonly hot week of a hi miner wheo Hlshop Ilenry ('. Pot ter resided on North Washington rquare ho had as a gueat a distin guished Kngllsh churchman, a bishop and member of tho House of Lord#, j Tho visitor was afflicted with rheuma ] tlsm and wan unable to mci tul the ! stairs from the dining room without ? considerable buffering. Tho residonco ] wan equipped with a hand-power j freight and baggago elevator, large enough to accommodate one passen ger, although not ordinarily used for 1 that purposo. After noticing tho evi dent pain caused hy tho ntuirway, In tlio caco of his distinguished guest, It occurred to Hisbop I'otter that tho j freight elevator might bo available ; a>< u more convenient means of ascent, j After dinner on ono of tho hottest days la summer iho experiment,, was | tried. Tho visiting bishop stepped carefully into the gloomy box. Two young men who had aiso dined well, and it) whom post-prandial exertion was In the nature of a noro burden, , were pressed into service to haul on ? tho ropes. The distinguished and af- ; dieted guest was of a portly habit, and weighed more than tho average j "atone." The elevator was not built lor groat weights, and Its lifting power depend ed almost exactly upon tho main idrongth at tho end of tho ropes. With prodigious heaving and hauling tho ! ascent was be^un. The two Unshed I r.:id panting young men looked at each ] ! other and had emphatic thoughts. As ill ? galtered calves of tho ecclesiastic wero disappearing up the shaft, an Inch at u time, a deep voice floated down to the volunteer crew: "I mty, does it run by water-power?" . And in u gasping duet, the reply arcetided from below: j "Yes, my lord, by' perspiration power."* ? New York Mall and Express. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. The successful liar Is always care ful not to write them down. When a man gets off somewhere with a; t'.te dark, that is spon taneous eompustion. No woman Is old until ?ho becomes afraid to have even her children see her as she really is. Weak? " I suffered terribly and^vas ex tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors eaid my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Satsaparilla? and was soon feeling all right again." Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. SI .CO n hollle. All drugglM*. A*k your doctor what lio think:, of Ayor's Kar?nii?rUtn. It? Iiiiuun ,i t! xhotit this nV.iiul oht mnillcltio. Follow li<? ailylco iwi.l wo will bo J. C. A\ kk Cc.,tx>wcll,Mas3. GrastcSsna is Senc-rally Right Take advantage of her vast experience and ask her *vhat is best for your L,ivcc, ivifiney nnu jmoocj l roubles. We think she will recommend D3. YNACKiF.R'S LIVER AND BLOUD SYRUP because chc lias tried it npil knows it<, euros lUcii on market 5u years and Is r?!i.ih!r. Yon try it. f?'c ?u(l 31 (K) nt druggists, I)r. Tlvt.Sier'n I.ivci Medicim* <?1> v >, V.'iceiUn. Yd, yoiu <'.rut;f:t.*t . sells it. lie sure it's Dr. Thm'hcr's. though. V.'iitr our i'oti*ult?ition T'opartrnent, rxt?Inini!'\j ?ynii>toiJi?. mul rcitivc free cm:fi(!rii!i:il mlvicr. thachfr medicine company. I Chattanooga. Tonn If every man profited "by his own mis takes we should a)] ho rich. All creameries nso butter icolor. Why not do a> they do ? Use Jura Tint LU,T TLli L'OI.OIC- | It. in possible to become salhier without lit'coiuui^ \\ iscr. * i Plan'* Cur* for Consumption Is au infclll'oi* rueilioiuw lor oou:?Us and eoWls." ? N. W, ^aaiiikl, Oo?<Hn Orovp, N. fr'wb. 17, 190,). There is nothing new under the nun. liven the excuses l:uv?? all been invented. CongrotKmnn Tawnoy, of Minnesota, i:> the son of one blacksmith, grandson ?'f another and learned tho same trarto himself in Mount Pleasant Township, nrnr Gettysburg, whore he was born in ISSfi. AUhe ago of 22 ho went by boot to Winona, his present homo, w1i?iu he li.ndod vitb just 23 rents in his pocket. Two hours later no was at worU as blacksmith and machinist. Ho rsnirln ou in the same shop four years, no an time studying law. pMctiOod for oomo titno after b-vr.R admitted to tho I'M- and was then oiocted to Congress, whoro ho has boon for nearly twelve years. A Beauti ul Young Society Woman's Letter, sr. 1'aul, Mini*,, I | yj 1 \\ abasha St. ) I ); 1 1 art ti i tin, (V.umbu*, O.j I )car si it ' / took Peru no, fast Homier when I mas a/l inn duwn, and had a !t cud ache ami hark' in- hi', ami no a nihil ion for anything. / how frrl as well as / ever did t in nil m t/ life, an,d a ll fh unks is due, //> your f.yi'i'l i rut- J'eraita." --- H Hv.hs F. Ifcahj, I In- >>ymptoms of summer <*?? - i l.irrii arc quite unlike in differ nit i-axirt, but tlie moat com jYfiri ones <i rc? general lassitude, p .tycdour, lired-out, usedrUpj... . cu down icciin^is, combined uitlj iiiiire or It-ftrt heavy, ytll j , lULic**, mental condition. - ;;?>*) ii ioi tooii. iijid the ability 1. 1 food teem* to bo lost,' si; in eruption*, willow conv ;i.t'.\ioii, biliousness, coated ioiikuc, bit tut, irreguUr sleep,.. ih!|i to complete lite picture^ i\h:. h i>o common at this mMSOII. ' ' I'cru?! i so exactly meets all thrxr condition* tlml Llu? df/ in tti<l is great lor t ins rein* nlv .i( tins season of the year u ii. nattily impossible to lllOpi.V it . jt yon do not receive prompt and satisfactory results i'ioiii ilit: use oi I'eruna, write at <?nee to Dr. Ilartman, giving ft i all .statement of \our case, and lie will be pleased to nive yoll valuable advice gratis. \ddresK Dr. Ilartman, i'resi*, li-iit of 'I "lit* llaitiuau t^anitii ? unit, < olumbus, t)bio. ^ i Natural Flavor -Cottage11 yfT^ JT Wf IaVo rtiircbok'i' rnmed W(,rnok it iind leaua^ 3,^-OT"f\L(GCL afifii t? a'l ?l.u ; :) t-ettrr thin * -powtbUitf^, homo. \\ii?n jt'?t ii-.iit wi' |>tit it in cans to keep... ? -T- I it ritflit until yon want it. Keep it hi the house for cmeiRcncics? for si?t>J ?T-i. tor sandwiches-- for nnv time when,' yon want sonnrhinsr jrood nntl want it quid;. J-.unj/.y turn a lu-y auJ the can is open. At appetizing lunch is ivady in an instant. ?' ? -?*-? Lihby, McNeill S. Libby. Chicago. r API DINE Cour v CURES ^tomacli ? AND ? . . Indigestion j 10, 35 nntl 50c. nt Drugstore*. to? aio. 4tv. til K'ottMl uuaaioe siampca bkU Mcvcr sold in bulk, i Beware of the dealer who tries to sell ? rsometMnf jast as good." ^aTi>rc?,wi!lo Thompson's Eyo Waior J ^o. 21. Is the Standard R,t\eumatic Remedy. The ONLY compound an the market tbnt euros tbie terrible di?ense without Mnf Irreparable harm to tho dljjettivo organ*. UNEQUALLED as a BLOOD PURIFIE.R. "Y CHCCRFUUY RECOMMENDS IT. ^ Fmhtati. s. a, Aur. is. iwe. OontToPMBt? I bad r>?am?Un for abovt ?? * ?* ? 1 I bail to uw orutchrtoc o*rf>. M m tin*, MTtnl UaiN, rire w>mm to be ?obdIHmi1 bav* -?*** **T*B bottlf ftm) tbe <*. chMrton, ?**?Z?*Ul?ZSl?' V Ft mi* WDtff^i ? ? ? -r-m,, ?? MU , ? . I . -i?_ ? Which? . ? r-v; A Kin nnd potash-hungry soil, v.'aitfil seed, wasted labor antf Itif# Rins? A AlORTGAGB. Or, plenty <tf Potash in the fertilizer, many bales and 1 b ;uy j^iu ? A 1>ANK ACCOUNT. r Write un for 1(1 f books. I' hey art noney wiu. i?r?. We send Item /ret to ?rincrj. 'FnitAJi {\u >V Oil ICS >? N<v?*au Hi. Now Y?r?k 'TYPE WRIT CHE. M W* >,?cno4!h7^Tl :;k?ss ?SB Eve] WMAbJmii