PUBLISHED KVKUY K ft ID A V HY W. Xj. M'DOWEL'L. Phono - 180. V UII'TION If a 1 1:? One your, $1.60, "i * month*, 7"> i:i C)r?!it?rtr> IrtiMKl.Mil adv?>? t isuu ntn , tiriU insertion per ahv?| tt e d t in sertion f)0?!on(.s | ?i? r aijuare. ()l ltintri?4i <')iar|/(tt1 fur at i-.iino ra'(?tt ??? ordinary a- 1 lu* funeral public ami iji)t of it defamatory nature, No re apon>dhility will )>o a-SHUiucd for the view* of oorreapomltmla. All communications uudrcpsod t<> tliin paper must be Accompanied by the true name ami uddri'M of the writer, in or der to insure attention. !Uj??cU:1<> payable to W. L. MoDOWBLL, ( 'amden, K. ( The Shelby dlstilct conference of the M. 1$. Church, South, in ses aiou at Stanley Creek, N. C\, adopt,-/ ed resolution# condemning tl>*/ uae of tobacco an Injurious to both body and sou I. f JVIaj Micah Jenkins haa been ap pointed Revenue Collector for the District of South Carolina. He tal<<'B the plaee that was given to Mr. Ceo. K. Kooster, the Sunale re fusing to confirm his appointment. The following are the dates for the county campaign mcetiugs; Blaney, Thursday, .Inly 17, Heaver Dam, Friday, .Inly 1ft, Wintville, Tuesday, July 2'J, Ibithutie, Thursday, August. 7, Abtmy, Friday, August K, A ntiocli, Thursday, August. I I, Can. den, Saturday, August lti. I'Mitors in Politic*. The KpringlU hi, Matta., lit: p u 1j lic.ttn1p advice to C.jl. ICalill ih limo l.y and ri^ht to the point. I fail to jecall, in b^rftO yearn' of journal iam, 11 Hiti^Ioyuliloi wlu> really won lidded fame in political life. The ill o?t noted ? (Jreiley >'itd Blaine ? could hayo won more endurinii fill-no if l hoy hud given nil tlieir time, find IuIoiiIk to join ualianl on it8 highent piano. While I d ) not * endorao the muiily^ed saying: I "The pon iu mightier than the. uword," in moat eases the greater honor comcK in properly wedding the former. When my old fiiend, Col. John W. Forney, of journaiiu tio fame, wrh ottered the mayoralty of the oily of Philadelphia, he gra otoueljf replied wltli IiIh hand upon ]ds heart, "Mo that mskoth n good nowppapor i* greater than lie that ruleth a o?ty." So enn C'ol. F.atll! comfort htmaolf with the onobling thought Li nit "Ho that mukclh a . *(^od nowspapei is greater than he thftt ruleth a State." ? Sidney Iler bort in Savannah News. About Anonymous Articles. j ProonvilK1 MminUiuecr. It may soetu strange to readers of i newspapers that the name* of wri ter? aro In vnri?l?ly riquirvd l-eforf the publication o\ communications sent to tlio ollicc, and although ew ery newspaper in Lis o laud bus ex. plained tho reason time and agnin, hardly a woek passes in any cilice tU at itnonvmons articles are not re velved, Obituaries and marriages would seem to I jo exempt from t h i a rule, but oven tin; solemnity of ilimth does dot deter some person* from perpetrating n hoax by send ing false Information to a newspa per, us was (tnni! quite recently in <. ? 1 1 r ? of the most careful ami repu table newspapers In the State. Marria ges ur? made tho occasion for a joke, and hlmllow j.ated youths think It smart to get the editor to chronicle !i marriage that never took place by signing a lieti- I it out* name or ot her wise using tie- j ceptive means to accomplish Lliisi end. Hence it is safest to require u responsible name to every com mutiicalion, not necessarily to he made public, but for the protection of the newspaper and tho innocent .-parties who may be iuvolvcd in manufactured statements. It is frittering away time to send anony mous articles to this olHee, but ? capacious wa*to basket is quite handy to thoediloi's desk'and this is the receptacle in which they are invariably placed. Col. Tripp and Mr. Shaw. Orders have been iuuned by tho of- ' fleers of tho Southern railway notify. ] ing station agents and others that Uol. A. Tripp has been appointed assistant superintendent ami Mr. E. H. Shaw division :igont. headquarters - Of both rheso frciithmou being at ? - Blackshurg. Their ing to itwr -people, alontr tho' South. (JuroUna ?nd Georgia EiWnsion Kail road. ST They are ejtcdlleut* ?*ntl?mcn And rr???nuiro4i tiUl Ilcr. 0*4. roy Origg, tfu>-OIID who w /is killed In tlio accident on the S. ?V G. Kx. rail road r*?ar Shelby two or thjeo weckn ago. entered suit against the road and the mutter compromised by the payment of 91,700. Thin ponai* b)y is one of the quickest settlements made by any ruilruad. Lrmt Sunday afternoon, by ilov. .J u be/. Kcrris, Mr. J)oby iluckabee and Miss li'UUcho Wutta, both of tJautey Hill. '1 h? ceremony whs performed in Camden and wim for riding si bicjclo without a lantern, lie wiih lilnd J? I. TIioh. llanks waa up on u charge of drunk. Ah he wun cripple and could neither work or pay a lino the Mayor let him <>fl by paying the costs. lH)c. I Mr .1 0, Nicholson plead guilty liur t peace by v. iiiw iie llinson whs tried for brench ol peace by lighting and found not guilty. Quite an amusing case was that of A. '/.ahrnn charged with boating his wife. There were a trio of those ever wrangling "dagos'' on hand uh j witnesses and as they all claimed to j bo unable to speak ftnglish, it wns hard te get at the cause of the trou ble. The wife was also present and told, tli at her husband monnt no harm to her, Tt was a sort of nom plisatod a|Y ?ir and the Mayor settled matters by dimhisiag the catiO. lie warned them that they had to live more quiet in the future. , Married. Struck by Lightning. Fined %"il Printers' Rules The "ton iionnnnndrucnta" adopt ed by the ''craft" and to lio foiloe.-. ('(} iii't* ' 1. Knlor softly. ii. Sit down quietly. Subset ibu to the |?h pc* r . ?I. lion t touch thoprUer, ,*>. K i? no controvei ay. j t>. 1 )on't awoke. i | ?. Keep six fuel from t.ho tahle H. Don't tail* to the prlntorw. Si. llutiiirt oil' the pjipera I !(). Kyen oil' the manugeript. Ocnt'cuiiMi observing theae rules* when entering a printing ollloe [will giratlv oblige t Im* pi inters, u i? . | not four the ''Devii/' Thn indieH vvlio Hb | serve Tin. Mi' i nl-s verv ytriclly, and indeed, il would be ajjieealdu to o.? I to Lave tliciu break the eighth u* often a? convenient. Hoys, unions neeoiupanied b\ ithoir fat.herf, ai e ? pnriienlarlv ie [quested t<> keep their in their i pocket h. Picnic At Damascus Am staled hist week it was impos Kible for us to attend ihc picnic given at Damascus church lust Fri day., Wo are suro that wo missed u most delightful time for we nev 6r mingle with tin* good people of n?raa?cti8 without hiing glad of having done no. Wo take the fol lowing account of the meeting from the Kershaw Kra of Tuosday last : I "It was the editor's privilege and pleasure to ntt?>nd the Sunday School picnic at Damascus church last Friday. There was a large and jolly crowd present. Damas cus is a line community of people, who spare no pains in taking care of a visitor, and it can therefore he understood that we had au enjoy able time. Tho people of that vi cinity are awakening to a need of improved educational advantages, and bv request Rev. R. K. Turnip seed, l'rof. L. K. Kirkley and J. W. Haw*] adtXrossed them on the tub of ?tlu(^lion. A f.-nture also ?>f the occasion, was some excellent I singing by the Damascus choir.; Thorn waa a plenty o t good thing* to eat acd lamentf# 19 drink/' ' 6u4Ui> w i nt? notice appeared lu lnsl Monday's State. Mrs. Haskell before her roar ria?jo was Miss Sal Inj likely, of i^s county, who for ii number of yoms taught school in Wcbl Wtttcrcfl ami Iiuh many friendu here who will ho grieved to Ij/uiu of lor untimely death: "OoB ill l.lil; jilddcst deathe 10 corded iri C'olui/ihfa in years occur red yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. Mrs. A J'ortor Haskell died very auddenly. Mr. and Mys. Haskell wore driving into the city in a hug \iy from their home about three miles from the city. Mrs. Haskell was suddenly seized with neuralgia of the heart ju?t as they were pasn Ing the orphanage. The serious na luro <>f the attack neither realized und they hastened on into the cit> to the residence of Mr. iisskell's father, Judge A. (J. Haskell, where they ex peeled to spend the day. In about 10 minutes after arriving there Mr*. Haskell expired. "Mrd. Haskell was a lovable young woman, about 20 years old, the daughter of Mr. Nicholas Aun tin Black of this county, and be- ) came Mr. H&tkeil'a wife in April of last year- She leaves a little son just 2A months old, Alexander <'. Haskell, third. "The funeral servicea will be held at the residence of .Indue Haskell on Senato street at 0 o'clock this | afternoon and the interment will be at Klmwood cemetery." HOTEL ARRIVALG. Tho hJlowinp names were reicisterod at the two hotel* wine* hist Friday : La F a i htti-: Ham. ? U I' Swill, \V .J Hull, (Jeo W Meridith, WatioH Thomas, W II Smith, .1 (I Wilson, 1* W Smith, i I eiiry It Williamson, '1* H Nelson, J I, Mitchel, Fiank V Knminer, U A Younjf, Wuties Thomas, Warren Thomas, J \ \ K. ll. W II 1 , Mi>? Mildred Hall, II I Del'aaa, C 1C vanXetta* II Drover. IM'? Jones. 1) Mc Lean, .1 It Me(?rnw, W K Steedman, J H Steed in mi, Mihh K I, Minis, T M Stall,! W I ' KoldhaniH, 1) G %oii?ler and wife, MeK V IKdion. W U Kdwards, K K Ooo lidee, W K litirgcHN, Aug IIoiiiuh, .1 I) <> ration. W I) l'owora. T M Johnston, MeK I' Did ion, It JlawkiiiH. Won km an iioi;*K ? Thomas K Ilh h urdson, .! A Draw ley, T II Harger, I) A Mi'lljitt, J K Kartell, A C Fee, Arthur John Smith, J) II Hai'gcr, Win Kerr, (' L Shackelford, J A Hrawlev, 10 Devunt I'ostick, K H Mo Iran, M \V Kdlen, J II M orris, E F Wat kins, .) A llrnwley, L I*! Alford, It .1 ! It io tili t?l <1 , .1 X Jones, J F Stephenson, 1 rank Whisii.uil. \rth'ir I,od. .luck San ilor.s I Colin, J F Stephenson, E I) llon (irk. () W Kenney. ' M ltclk, D (i Zei>i >lcr. I3l!a II usaey. flattie Hussey, U (.< I'lirlli-w, J K Sutitli, A . A <>.tiilar W Kenney, T f. Kh'dfon. !?' It C'Hinrints, John A Webb. I' \Y MsinciU ami wile. T 1. Andcrion, W !?' huiilap, Hoht P PpII, t.'han J Alston. J K J t-.Tt'ia. J A Curtis, D F Hanks. \V .1 Pilule, I' J Drew, W Kdwarda. I. I> Jones, J F Wntts. \Vr J Dunn, A W Hurnel, 1. A Alcximder, J K llarreil. J I) llirjicli, Ike Levy, (i M Drenniin. I P linker, F. S K:irk"r, M Willi-*. W M Ko^ers, 0 I. S'teiton, F P. Clement** W J Dunn, K e Wnlkins. Citation. * Mouth Carolina ? Kernhaw County. By C. L". Uuilo, Probate Judge Whereas, Kuni'l It. Adama, made auif to jne, (? pnnil liini letters of Admlnis* ri rttl.m of (In? estate of and offncts of Jo nan B. Adams. (hl? brother) decerned, of Kerahnw County Tliewo a re therofore to cite anil aihnou. lull nil and singular tho kimlrod and tho crediiora of the naid Jonaa B Adams, ?>< Kershaw county, decen?ed, that the.v hu and appear before me, in tho Court of Probate, lo hold at Catndon, H. C., 011 the 25th day of July, 190!>, after public** t.on hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, tn Rhow cnuno. if any thev have, why the !ii color ed bun-horn u'di oncn on July U>th m tin- Jarkfon liradyd fiehool liuildiny. Ih-v, C. C. Seott will be iu eharge. None l>ut teacheia ar?> to enroll ami no name yi ill be a.hlod alter tho lirat week. Tin: ? 'ks are : j Whcrlurt graded idudiea in Knjj * ? I Krvca Intioduutory t'ieogranhy ..H4 Wentworth'a Practical Aril lunetio . ,Sf> Johnsons Header*, Third .'J7 Fourth ,:w Kifth 4m The iea? hern will he required to pur idia*ethi'9e book* and by arrangement with the publishers thev can be .secured from Ucv. C. C. Sc.itt nt about half the iv;(u'at jirioe given above. H. B. CI. A it K K, Co. Supt . of Kd, Blood and Norvos Aio very .-.Ioro. iV related. K eep Hie blood i ich, jmro and healthy, with IIoixI'h ni'iJlu am! you \v?il have no nerv< ii4iit-t>8. Hood's Pi I If are best afror-tlinncr ?)iiis,;?Wl digestion pTcveotco ifctip?u"lvi? euam ? To the Editor : ? I hive an absolute rtrfkcdv for Consumption. By its timely use Thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive jun I of its power that 1 consider It my duty to . ttit ttvo bottl* * frt* to those of your readers who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me U*lr express and postodfce address. Sincerely, r.A.?m?G.?iwi(uii?T?t AUv*rti*e?i Letter*. < , :* The following i? a Hat o* letter* remaining uncalled for in flic Caoi il<4n jx?m of lice for the wool eu'ing Julyfli q Nolcy William:' Vmi:v f'ho Icy Wlil#*rf July I'inkney, .1 M?Kio, II M Lup'cr, S I' ??'>?)? n, JiMiinl Lewi#, T M Gardner, .1 A Mu'rhftwH, Olacy- Hracy, Ann Krnitb. !? !???? n*'rd J'artieH calling for tliewe J?;tK;rH will please Hluto whtU wrk tln'y wort) advertised. Q. kj:, 1'. M. Summer Excursion Rates. I 'ntil MepWsmher MOth with linal ro. turn limit Oct. .'Hut., tiio Seahyard Air I #i no will oi l' round trip ii< keiw at following rate* : .To Now York vis|&< i'orumouih 'am! Old Dominion K. S. Co., $tfi.lO. (Wan Viow and ?' >l?i Point Comfort, Va., $ 1 8. It), .Baltimore. Md., \ i* 1'otUiiioMtit a?pl liav, Line, *23 10. Washington, I). v., via Portsmouth and N. and W. S. <'o., )??!?:$ 10. Hoaton, >la?s , a i "i M. M'.il M. 'J' (Jo*., itftf.JO. Bedford, Vit., v? i '.W0. Ticket* ?o!<1 at . i j ? ??? ? i .4 1 m t ? ? t > moier* oi|i Hiiinm?M' ri'Hoi li-* Wt North Cwiidiiu), Yhytni.i ami puii.iH \r all Saturday and Sunday forenoon trains, limited to ic torn Tuesday following date of Hale, to Wil mington, N . (?'. . 'it rate of $11.00. W. W. McClJTCIWN, Agent. C. R. WALWORTH, a. o. r. Camden^S* C.i June 1/1902, NOTICE TO TEACHERS AND ?TRUSTEES. All teachers and tiunteert iu Kitslmw County are hereby notilied that hereaf ter no teacher will I to paid who lt.?? not at the time of employ ment a ceitilieate >>( u *i, ellio'iem.. VANUFACTURERG OF ? Doors, Sash, . Blinds, I Moulding, Huildini; Material, Snsh Weights and Oovd. t:i! A Ki.KSXUN, - - - - S. ;J Purchase our makes, which] wo guarantee superior i<> any aoM South, n r i c \ thereby save money. V/ir.dow and F finny (jlass a :?pi?ri?Uv July i 1 SELLING AT COST Will Hell my entire ttook of phoi's, dry ?;oonr gal 50 \ at 40c. Molasc* per gal 40c, now a 30c. (Jold dijat washing powders ibfe'i'or 26c, no w 17c 11 iwis and pitchers J ;>i>. now at 95c. Bowls and pitchers 1 25, at 75c. Bod chambers covernd HOe, at 50c. Bed chambers not covered 5oc, at 35c. Bed chambers not covcrod 25c, at 20c. T/ampf way below rig. alar prices, kard others sell at !2^o I sell 10c. Sho&s, Hats, notions, dry goods way down. -Kwif>ept ^ J. K. OREICD. < CaoCey, 8. Drmoerfltie von f* o? K'okIwv t coitriry tor ..uil ?? pr *?. ' j lt?jr?l?y aifnouuc/y lli.'tl I ;<'i: \ t i:|:?liil*'0 .U I Ik- I ?ix-Mii r ? 1 1*. iidriMi lc.-i !"f ' i? offli-*' 'I r-eita'o; from KormiK .v i .1. '1 MA** ? " 1 ? ? - LlitilSLATt' !(K. Mr. I victor: Tiit frlciiiU of Hon. (>. I Kli'MriU, >lr? (li'KKC io litr' liJIHC I ? f? >1 ?* J th* >h ??? t iir* (.''gUtttliliC l'ii|>t. IUiKvmI* Ii.m pi*l til KO/kltXW COIilily I" U*llf?-H?-|i tin- fnrine'M of our i-otwity. iVo ilu:i ?'lufi* noun IIHtO llllll tiUL>)tA,'t to the. I'll It I) or :iii- ?WllKX-rU H larly, Ilia J-'neiiU*. \\ t>, the man)' frienda of Mr. M L. 'S ml tiit lake ureal pleasure i.i anuotiurin^ him for io-eIectl<>n t< ? the IteiriMaiurc in Dm* ''oiniiiK democratic primary. Mi. Smith in ton v\ ?? ! 1 known to .-the people of KumhHH' bounty to need any more r? -com mendation limn hi.s nervie.c in the legis lature for the la|t. two yearn. Many Vetera. serious isou. \ li?rol?y 8nuoiin<'? ntynoif a cmhiIIiIh'o for County Hvporvliio.-, *ul?Jut County Supurvjaor. During Air. I'arkerV torn.' the afl'iiira of the county were i-.otiductcu i in a manner unsurpassed by none, am in justice to him wewiah him ?<> enter the rat.e that he may, to :i certain extent ; vindicate hih reeoro tloit iina in some point?j horn attacked hy hoihc. He will in the xatne satlsfaetory manr.ei oonduet the Hittirn of the county ami thereby protect the intercut of all the Tax 1*ayi.k8. ^fipoupccpicnts FOR A I; WTO II 1'i> tlic voters of KorBh?w County: M t lie ?.'? Ilcilation of friends from ?very wction of t ?*?? count v, I hereby olfer myaelf us a -tfv' y .solicit 'tic vote.* of n!i Democrat. Wluic I tl:iv< li'< j ???*?? ??? record of I tiling my persona'. re cord wltli one iinu as clerk atld nrnH- -keeper e\. lending over n continuous j >ori? <1 of twenty- tlv"" years Is a ftniricfcitt giinrruilW th if|thn A u-l'lorU oilli'O will wlil!e I am the incumbent, tic conduct^ Ijtl i ' I >1 thoroughly OlJSHR'rtH IllHlllier. Ke?p, 'ci fully, W. A. St'llliiK'U. | To the Democratic voieis of Kershaw ccunty: Through tin- solicitation ?>f f'ier.'!s through-, out Mte county I present my naiim :i-? a cuiididiite for tiw> eosi?io:t of ( V nf,ty Auditor. Havin;: formed ttii' n<'i[u.i!!i(a:ic' <|il?' uiel ac((tilreil a better knowledge of t ??.? (.1 . ?>!???? i \ in the dlllereiit !ocaiili<*H of the county. I tin better prepared to dis. herge *!:?? f !'*. ofTic. . I SliouM the |)? |>!e honor in * by c;e> t i 1 1 vr j me to liie position, 1 wil' promise '1km 10 I discharge Hi'1 duties lo t!ie best of my ale.ii'y ;i n* I | without dl.scrimtn rum. *!'!? aid :tg " my fi i.-nd-? j for their past fave* -m i so r uair lu ir pairon J aire ami esteem in the future, I pledge myself to i at>lYij. k. I*, sill hereby announce Ills name /is a eaiutylate for the oillce of Auditor for Kershaw county subject to the Democratic primary. Ilia knowledge of 'he ??iM?*e eminently finalities him for tlic position. Mauy Friends. " | Mr. KJr. W. If. Mouph for ro-elec-tlon to liie <>itioo of Trenaurer of Kersliaw County which he has so ncceptab> lllicd lo the entire antiatuction of the wiiole people, ? Many Krlenils, "tid penuiiiient arc the jtu'rs by Hood':! Sai^npfi ri ll:t , ho (.uiiia it makes y-ure, rich, healthy, lif ? and Ivuith-^lvin^ BLOOffV hi; it. oi- i:i>r< a i :ii of < ?' r. . > ?'. f <>? Ki-roiia1' 1 -.i.i'v '? pnottfi-r. >- >:.?' >! ? ? ?'? ?\U- . * I iv . liihifi*. 'IV * ;?'?? !.V 1 II, .lulu : liiut W [i I. .OI). Il.r: .r r ri> (. ' > the \ titer* ll.;'? I (ii):.f>: 'A I rw-mhrniict' >?! liia.ih* h" uin !t hi:; ?? irt of Iitf ' it f < I i' ? !l- ? Af ' 'ItlCgttmi n?f . i iijm t(h, I . . Ii t* ilivM.i' n ? Bli'lJ'l.i'-: l>i( < .-il I | ? i <.-? I|f * hi v h" . ? P in ? hi '.fli l f ' .4 (if i|<- eDlfru > ' III! * . :fu: v, if. r. i -ii' 'I A? the No|ii'i'.*ti >;i of tr iei'ds I ptesi v niy name to (In- demoeratie voter* ? Kertdutiv county a* a candidate \*>J Nu; 1 of Fducatn>n. Bein>r h ^radtiale ('ok??l(iii v ho)iOo1, iiii'l :t i: tlinl. . Kr ear s ex peri* ice a? a ttaehei in th , county I feci that ! am fully qtiniitl <1 i 1 1 ' Hive ti.e county imv be?o seiviee Vi-rv I i iy J. J. Mcivi-i'/ic. COHONJ'.R. I hereby announce* inyaelf an a candi date for the oilicc of C'TOim.m of Jvyrshaw Con nt v iu the unsunitf | ?r i in :? ry election, and bind in VHclt to abide the reijiiit of that primary, and to fiipport the noiiiM iwu thereof. If ele.'tcd I wili ?iVf thi office prompt, faithful an Democratic put ty. J. I! Arrantn. At the Holicitation of (rioitds. ! lo-iuby ?Miio?i!!'n> hi) cau^i'lati1 f>?i lilO of flei- of nt-r of Kershaw county sub it'ci lo i! .? t -:; ^ t,( ih?r uj'proaoh i ng >r IV Kalh Township subject to the rules of the Demot rut'c primary election J. 1). MuDowai.i.. Mr. l'itiitor Please annonnee the name <>f Mr. A. West a.-j a candidate for tin* otJii o ?>1 Miiffiftiatrf in upper Hullalo township. JS 1 r West is a j/ood ii)an and we feed xatisiip.l that lie \\iii j.ri v. ? entire eatisfaotion to the people. Friends. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the oiiice of Ma^i^trate at Bcthune. ((uilalo Tow :i:diip, subject to the rules of the Demoorntie j?riniaiy. liesnectl'uliv ^uhtriitted, L. Waj.tbh Coi'Ki.ano. AT r. Kditor : ? You will please announce tiie name ol Juilije'C P. Bowen a enndi- i date for Mauistrate for South-west ^\ra fereo I listrict- We know C. P. UoweJi. lie if one oi* the old hickory dried of the sixties. Ho is hanl on the "coon'/' ami that is enough said. He has held 'the place einiit years and we are well ''satis lied .with him. Common Sense and Freeholders DON'T LET THIS FACT ESCAPE YOU! |g Uigtl lieic in A tnj'.'.str. y?;u have a concern manufacturing doors, sash, blinds. and ornamental 85 woodwork, strictly hifh grade, *? low priced, (but not c/ifap)>wh\ch E will voniuurc 'avorably with the m product >ji ',/c factor i?* ot the ft Northwest, and second to none g made anywhere in the South. 1 Every advantage is yours when g i pt?5chasing of us, for then you ( l??Buy of the Maker.*' es :> 1 si/.s. Summer Iiaj? Robos and Buggy Whips. Fishing Tackhs, Bud Spinners, Phantom Minnows, Xets, Gigs, Poles. GKOOBllIES in lino with luy competitors. Deering Ma chines (loads all other#) p iyablc one and two years to good partis. A. D. ??. . ??? ? .... v - 'I ^ D. G. ZEICLCft, Anhiti't, : : : Humt+ty S, (?. c Y ??. ,i , < i, in tatloa ?in nil im?jv ,( H tu:l25 TO LOAN. \! \ i !>?jcy. 'Ooiiidunt 8. O. < \Vi:iklor, 52 William Rt,, J n! \ , Mew VurW, ? /? .. 0/, drncst S8 rasing ton, f l'i t j > u" ui u a 1 1 ^ & ii z 1 1 , L'\?tH will ho awarded by out Roi?r?- r M??nt jiitvru find Senators, slrietiy upon, merit, in the same manner ah the awards of KCholartlfipH to We?t I'oint ' For lull information uddrest your lle proK'.-ntBtiro, or ono of our Senator*, or W. (i. STKP1IENSON, 8upt.. Ju^v 1 1-4* . V orkviile, S. C Mr Kdi'ior: ? I hear that Mr. li. P. Odom is in the? race for the oflk-o of County .Supt- of Education for Kershaw County. Wilt yon allow ino a small spurt' in your valuable paper to say a few words in regard to niy young friend Mr. (Mom "While I was School Commis sioner ho taught quite a / in Rich? laiul County ami during that time I found him to bo a gentleman in every respect, courteous, conscientious. pain*-" taking and mixi'ourt to do his whole duty. I cheerfully commend him to the aitp port of the voter* of , Korsh.vw caunty,, believing that should they give lilley, Odoni theofiico lie 8??eks, they will jjox1 only honor themselves but. assist a worthy uiid true than. Ti. C. SVI.VF-8TK9. CAMDEN RESTAURANT. I whh to announce to my frienda and., the public generally that I hayo- roovud my restaurant from lower Main ttreet to the building on upper Main street re cently vacated hy Mrs. S. A. Parker where 1 will bo glad to see and nerve them with tho best the .market affords., and at nf&derate price?." POOL ROOM In conn octlofi' with th? Heataurant 1 1 will have a well conducted pool room. Call and seo mo. W. T. HAMMONP. University oj_Nmtk Caroling. The* Head of the fct&to's Bd* ncational Systeifi. - Act* demic Department,. Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One bundled and- eight stholar-. ship*. Freo tuitions to teachers an Annio Brown, Jenny 1-iind (!wlo?, Jiirno* Curios. Josin Kennedy. Krnest W. K onnedv, WilftellatSa" Kennedy, Annio Loo Kennedy, frTancls Kenne ^fond:ints aliove jlatned ' Yon nve hereby summoned and ro- "* quired to answer ihurt for the rwiiof deranudea In 11^ Complaint, Date Juno 19th. A. ' ^ K1RRLAND A MQ0R1T, :: PlaiatifTs Attorney*. To tho Defendants: Bad^ Chwo Mnrekah Oipson, Betsy: Uhodeu, Rhode*, James Carlo*, Jenny LM v?r. los, Josephine KennotfY* BwsK -V? Kennedy, Wilhelmta* t M lltlTIMIUUI ? i