,iu,y lit, uioi. ENGINEER GO OUT. Serious Trouhkjiiyihe Pcnns> Ivania . Miiiiitf Regions. SFRIKE OF STATIONARY FIREMEN. Thirty Thousand People Are Thrown Out of limployiiK'iit - Uifvht Hour Day Demanded. v. Vilkcsbarro, l'ft., Special. ? Tho Mi ike order of President Mullnhy, of thu Stationary Firemen's Association of Pennsylvania, directing tho nu n to strike for an eight hour day, was oteyed by tho men. Nino hundred meailiers of the organization in this section of the State refused to no to ?*vrn. "jfiont or the strikers are em ployed as firemen at the coal mines an I their failure to report for dnly( caused nearly all the collieries in tho northern anthracite region to sus pend operations, throwing out of work, it is estimated, 30,000 men and boys. Some of the individual coal operators conceded the demands of their em ployes on comfitUm that the short hour day was not to hold if the men employed by the big companies did not get the same concessions. The big coal companies, however, refused to make any concessions. The officials claimed that tho demands of the fire men worts unreasonable; that thoy had received a 10 per, cent, increase when the wages of the minors wero raised, and that their demands made upon iho companies was equal to a 20 per cent, advance. The strikers held a meeting in this city shortly befote noon. Reports wero received froiji all the districts and they showed that the strike from Pittston to Shlekshinny in this (Luzerne) county were general, and thai The coal companies wero unablo to secure new men to take the places of t lie strikers, although it was claim ed they had mado ^esnerate efforts to do so. The best thoy could do, it was siiid, was to'press the 11 rem en and fire bosses into tho service. This was done at a great many of the mines. S.ome tody had to do It. because there wan danger of great, damage being done by water en 1 tho accumulation of gas. Mort cf the large companies were successful In getting a sufficient number of men to keep the pumps running. Oth< r small companies wore not :.o fortunate. Thoy were left en tirely helpless when the firemen quiet. For Cumbci land River. Washington, D. C.. Special. ~\Thft United States army engineers tare transmitting tlnlr annual reports to the War Department. L'eutenaat C;?lonel M. 11. Adatus. who is in charge of tho river and harbor work In she Nashville, Tenn., district, ia 1? i s annual report to the Seereta;y of \V.:r recommends an appropriat'on cf $1. 714,500 for tho Cumberland river below Nnshvllle." Tie est imatos that this .'unrunt (which is sufficient to com plete the existing project) can bo prof itably expended during the fiscal ycai ending June 30. 1 P0J. For tho Cunr befliind liver above Nashville ho re commend an appropriation of $ 1,20.5, ? 710. A French Minister Shot At. Paris. By Cable.? P. 3}Iinis ler of Public Wor.vS, was Hhot^af\|i'hile driving to a cihinot tnoetiniM^o^ the Klyseo Palao* by a woman, T^jf/ vvas accompanied by a te:!-year-rtbvqSbi.d. M. Hand in w.is not hit and pfocJ^>Mi to the IClysee Palace. The wanun wa' arrested and gave her name at Ulzews ky, and said she lived at Nanterre Mmo. Olzewslcy appears, according tc later accounts, to have fired her p stol In the air when M. Dunlin's carr'nge was passing. She ?a:d she thought. M Peleasse, Min ster of Foreign /Vnairs was in the ca:r!a?e and fired it to eal attention to a grievance. Hei4 grievan ?< was based upon tho fad tint 18P(i her husband. Count Olzwsky, was invo'g'e.l from Nieo across th ? frontier to the Italian territory, where be wis arrestee' in false denuc'af'on. an a spy., North Carolinian Murdered. Cleveland, Miss., Special. ? Louciu? Heed, ninnag?r of the \WJ~?I^#a' ma i plantation, was shot and kll!?i Tues day by Charles Phillips, u nogro e:n jdoyed on the farm. Heed met Ph'.llipi eating nt n lunch ?tatid d(tiln< th? morning and to!d hint he should be at work. Words passed be; ween them an J J'hllllps shot Reed twice, one bill pars ing through the heart. Phl.'i.ps o3o:ipe.i and It Is believed he is In hiding In the can brakes n. nr here. The (cltiz^ns arc highly wrought up over the murder and if the negro is captured, it Is b2!ievej be will be lynched. Pcajes with beol hounds arc searcJ Ing for tkaJngitlve Reed came* herefrom North tarol'.n;. and stood well In thesp immunity. 7,ooo,ooo Pounds Meat Burned. _^Vfrhltn. Kan., Spoclal.? Fire Tues day destroyed the packing plant of Ja cob I)old ? S^ns, in this city. Pojr large buildings wftre burned, tr.gipther , with about LOOO.WU pound! of mearl in pfroeesii of preparation. Four men were severely hurt by .falling walla. The low la placed at $1,00).000. Em ploye? numbering 350 aire thrown out cf work .but It la aaid th,? -plant will taJ rebuilt at once. Spontaneous comhua-j lion la aureored to have started t Are, whleh ertginated la the lard ' ? ... ? *' house. Chicago. fepedal. ? bnpartaat ,T|fr terk* were gained kr M?liw a# the SOUTH CAROLINA CHOI'S. vottou Small Hut Responding to Cii' tlvation. The week ending 8 a. m , Monday. July 15th, had in trly normal temper ature, hut was slightly /cooler tlwri usual over the southeastern poit'on. \vh re thvre was aUo a deficiency In sunshine. The week's maximum wns 100, at Ulaekville on the 12th, and the minimum was (i.r>, at tlreenvllle aud Spartanburg, on the Hth, l'?th and 11 h There was one severe local storm in IMckens county, aud high, drying winds during the middle of t ho we k throughout the State. Showers were frequent, and som?) culte heavy, along the southeastern 'coast and over the routheasteru nun j tie?, and there were light senate re 1 rhowcrs elsewhere, hut generally j throughout the State (here was no rain until the Hth, when showery (MlidJiJ/XU-y "??*?? -nil ?*. ' State. Ha In was badly net ded for al 'crops, although the absence o? r.tin was favorable for cleaning crops a id ?giving them much needed cultiva: Ion. fo.ne fields are still grassy, and wi I ! rit her be abandoned or allowed ?' t > make what they will In their foul con dition. j Cotton Improved under cultivation and, although s'lll very small, look a healthy and is fruiting better than last week. Most of .the flo'ds havj been cleaned of grass, and the planti are growing slowly. In plates cot tun eonltmus to have a yellow c i!o;\ and there nre reports of shedding leav.s and squares. Sea Island is thriving, but the plants arc dwarfed, and bligl-t Is present in spots. j Old ?corn Is extremely poor a-id will Rrarcnly make hnlf an average c.roo, while later plantings are more prom |^!ng. Hottom lantl corn Is practical* , iy a failure. In certain widely sepa ! rated sections, the corn crop Is excel lent, but Its average conditio*, is low. i Tob.yco cutting and curing made rapid vmigrcss. 'u localities an Im provement, in condition is noted, while generally the crop remains poor and inferior. Ulce Is thriving and. responds ?o cultivation, but In Colleton county caterpillars are doing great damage. M dona are only begin ing to rlprn and will have poor yields. Sugar ean<\ sorghum, and peas arc. doing nl ely dry weather caused pastures to fa 1 rapidly. Peaches and grapes are s'i 1 rotting but not so extensively a-< her> tofare. Applet continue to drop. A Fain I Excursion. Spartanburg, Special. ? The excursion .rain which loft Charlotte for Spavt.in burg Saturday nlglyi was tho scone of l terrible tragedy?" and two men lie Je.id as Hit* roatii t of tho affair. Upon onving Spartanburg tor Charlotte Sat urday morn+ng, three employes of the Spartanburg streot rail way? Messrs. Mulligan, \V. \V. Stedman and Dexter 1 Kirby? wore authorized to act as po , icomen to preserve order. Kvorythin? , pascd off quietly on the trip to Char | iotte and returning until Gnffney had been passed. A few miles south of Thai jdaee, near Thlokety Station, a negro, I Wallace Hayne, entered tho oar which J was reserved for white passengers, and 1 Dtjgan to act In an unruly and holster Mis "manner, whereupon Mr. Sterul man requested him to leave the oar. The ne ?ro drew his pistol, a 32-eallbre weapon and tired, the hall striking Mr. Sled man in the arm. Then it was that Mr. Kirby received his death wounds, for in attenpting to take the pistol from (he enraged negro he was shot twice, one? in the region of the heart and la the groin. The unfortunate man d e I instantly In the arms of a friend. The train was not stopped but proceeded to this eity. and the remains of the dead man were taken to the nndertak'n ? es tablishment of J. F. Floyd 4i Co. Sheriff Vernon and his posse early Sundiy morning proceeded to the neighbor-, hood where the nog no left tho ti an ant found him lying dead about twenty five feet from the track. He had fallen under the moving train and had born dragged a considerable distance. Ho was horribly mutilated, both legs and an arm being almost severed from the body. Another negro, John Pratt, a companion of Hayne, bad been arrest ed, and when found had in h's posses sion a 38-eallbro Smith & Wcsj n. Fire nt Calhoun, da. Calhoun. Special. ? Calhoun / was visited last week by tho most disss trous tiro In Its history. The fire broke out at 3 o'clock in the store o? J. A. Neal & Co., in which the post office was located, and in a short time seven brick buildings were in ruins and stocks of goods and other prop erty to the value of many thousands of dollars was destroyed. The New State's Prison. Tho new main building at the 3 ate penitentiary has been practiea'ly com pleted. It Is one of tho hanrhlomest and best equipped prison buildings In the south. In a short time the concrete floors will be completed, vnnd the work will be < lone. Lsst week most of the convicts were moved from the o'.d building, where they have been quar tered since last fall, sad they are n>w as comfortably Axed as a set of pris oners could be. Th? new bnlldtng h?# all modern and up-to-date, oqnlpmcnt and conveniences, as well as being as secure as It Is pQMtble to make it. C. a tractor Mtladay has takea much pride In the work?*tc>ns on this prison strut* hlire. 0 rww IHRKIMI j m wp ?!>?? ? Receatly there has" been organise* at Mario* -a ftrstelees aHlm/ t'Jin-j paay. Oapt. *T, Jt. L Bsasan Is in 1 . charge off the organisation, aad H 4m I the ftrst company that Marlon cooaty, I the boaSo off "tho' . great gwam? M [off ?BefrotnCunarj tame, turn- teg in A GENERAL STRIKE. Pittsburg Steel Workers Go Out b Large Numbers. PRF5, SIIAITIR'S Ok 1)1 R IS OKI VI I) The Unionizing of t (i o Painter AVI I is ?sai,l to lie One of the (>I J.-cts of the St ik^. Fir* la Drowffct-Strickea Town. _ Bald, O. T? Spoctel ? Pour block* of tapbKM boose* on . the *hbllc ?qain wm^wtrorfd In less than tbrse boors tya flrelbat started af m JliMalsfct Moadar aoralng. *he .ars4ss * wyfly s?* laado^oste sad it wm niciipaiy to Mow *?p buildings if1tbdjsi?ilts to ckad the flames. Oit? to tM poattaaod drngbt n sr)tMa| byra?d Bka aatcbwwd. A tbs sooth Pittsburg. Hpocia'. IVom pe s nt I i (licutioiis i[ looks pi o)> t ) it ? > i)i . | | 'r -si (Join Slijtfi'TK strike <>. der, is i.o.l S i ; - urday night the the Aina'g ;in tied As social ion mem lifts in l!it> e;i ploy of the Anici lean Stool II u>p Co.i puy, tie ??SttZVUZ -r. -mp i ny , w; i I l>e ( obeyed, and Iho Krviut s'ruggle bo:vo( n i Iho Amalgamated Afsociatii n : n I t!i* j steel companies will t> ? <,u in nxis. j In iho union mills of the t'liee c ni I ni os a strike* lias bin d'.'ciar-. d. j,ii l ii j is prcdicte) that not a wlnel win t.i.n An effort will |>o mad > a so i> ,| .s ; I down some of tlie n >n-union mills >f j the companies and to cripple ti t1 r. st. I The Amalgamated poopl:> ac vo y s.ui ?;cguine of success. I i,'10 strike was n ?t of our h> v i In^," said President Shaffi r. It w s forced upon us. Wo wero n >t c.ui end ing for wages, but for principle, i r I self-preservation. The tin and s.je-t ( people will not be able to tu:n* a s u le whool. We havo our forces tlurotyh ly orgaulzod and there will bo * m? surprises In store. I have not l.o rl from a single lod^e in answer t > my , strike order, but an answer is n t n v i essary. The order Will b.; promptly j obeyed by all our in?n. IV.it there w II I be no trouble. Ljlnr o.-ganlz it (ins , have changed. The Amalgamate I As i Boclatlon Is in t the association it w ? 20 years ago, not even five vi a:s njj The men arc more readily eontrulieu ; In fact, we have our men mil r con trol." I Developments indicate that PiFs | burg Is going to bo a pretty I \>ly strike centre. The most Into e:;t souihside. and to that of I, ml.:ay & MeCutcheon, In Allet ii mills i are controlled by the A?meiicnn S eel Hoop Company, and save hitli r;o been aggressively non-union an I mych depends upon the myii in th >se pants. The employes of b./th mills held open meetings Sunday and both djrd. e I to strike Monday. The I'-iintor Mill e u i ployes about 4 fit) m? b made the fight of the strike. Both s'dea will make stubborn res'st ti:c.\ If the Amalgamated people can c i use t!ii:> null they believe they will havo win th/) greater part of the strike. The mill is not only an important one, but t li ? Steel Hoop Company has for years succeeded l:i thwarting the efforts made to unionize it. It may be said, lurvcver. on the strength of reliable- information that the strike within its present limits is Intended merely as a show of strtng h. At the conference, layt week, the rep resentatives of the sl'.cl corporation were repeatedly warne I that th" asso ciation wu3 much stronger than t^ey knew. They were even told of fie or ganization of mills of wh'ch they hail no knowledge. Hut the steel mi n would not believe that the ass ciath.n wis a? strong as it was' cialmrd to be. Thus it is believed to In tV.e first pti i - pose of the association to siow lis strength by contin'tr; the s rike to the three companies. When that show of strength has been trade what it m ly prove to be. the. association opec * the companies to ask for another c in ference. If the com pi n es show no in clination to make a settlement F-.e strike will bo extt-nded to tlr.ee n;o e companies. If the trust will n t ykll then, ihe strike will b? ex:eii tions It w ;i 1 I be likely to go still further. ,T;u\ Auial 'gamated Association, und the Federa tion of I^ihor two yeas* a*?o fernie t a secret alliance. It Is claimed, whet il was agreed that the association whe:i on strike could call out the s eH men of the Federation. The latter lw s I's organizations In ninny tnllfs whoa ? workmen are no: eligible to meo-inr ship in the association. ' s nngineers and ftrcm:n Quit. Kagle I'ass, Te*., Special. ? The en gineers and firemen on the Interna tional Railroad have resigned and business 'on that road is suspended. The trainmen demanded an advifecc in wages and It was refused, which Is the cause of their resignation. There Is no concerted strike, but al the men are ouL The road Is s Southorn Pa cific property, but tho men are paid in Mexican money, and this had de preciated la Talno, cutting down tho4 wage*. liDHUkS' 01 1 1 NO, 5<>uth Cnrollnit Pencil I'lishern Will (lo to Buffalo. The llnal arrangement# for tho an b?dng rapid y in ide Prosi lent \ull is daily receiving reports from lit t ill' is who are going and he hollove-< tii it tli ? party will consist of i?t lea^t id Indies and K?"al lemon. They arc .ill I > ass nildc In (' du nhi i one week from M >n !i\ next. don their palmetto bad -es' an I leave h?re for Norfolk tVo next afternoon. Mr. A 1 1 1 1 has endeavored t > make ? \ i > necessary arrangi nient in ad \ .on e and has prepared the foil ?\vlng setting forth all tho litest chaavos In the itinerary, the items of oxpens\ tho 1. i| f I lates seeiirid. etc.: I TIN Kit A It V. . .V ' V.' 'v ' svi 1 \ i fjr.n V f.fi i>. m., July -3, v. a So nhe.'ii l ,i i I vs av. Special l'ullman sleeper Columbia to Norfolk, Va. Arrive Norfolk S:30 a. in.. 'July -I A special) programme arranged for th? day In/ Norfolk. Parties in ij l?t? f.irimd to visit Old Point Kortns; Monroe, Virginia Beach. Ocean View, or the Navy Yard, as may s lit tlu? fa-do | of the (dividual. Rimrmbor to he al the old Domin'on wharf l?y >'< o'c.ock p. m. Leave Norfolk 7:U> p. m.. July 21, via (lid I lomi niou Stean ship line. Arrive New York ut'ieinion of July 25. ltoshrossos slrcoi, via Hudson hay Lin * steamor. 8: .'50 a. m , July 2(5. \rrlve Albany. N. Y., f?:10 p. in.. July 2fi. Rooms engaged at Slanxvix Hall "hotel. Leave Albany 11:13 a.m.. July 27. via New York Central nn 1 Hudson River railroad. ( Arrive Buffalo, N. Y.. 4:45 |>. in., Ju'y 27. Saturday. l)n the return trip parties o.imc at their pleasure". Transportat ion for the retuin trip will ho turned over to c u b m"iv.b >r on an i v a 1 tit Buffalo. ICSTIM ATK1 > COST OF TRIP. Pullman. Columbia to N?rfolk..$ I 2? Meals in Norfolk State room and meals, Norfo.k to Now York J.t'O Room and meals in New York.. i.7fi Dinner on hay line steamer 1.00 Supper, lodging and breakfast at O ft 1 Albany Railroad fare. Albany to Buffalo and return to New York ;">.<<> Rooms In Buffalo at Tome's ho tel for five days Meals for t h < ? live day.; in Buf alo. $l.r?() per day . . .> 7 .'.0 Incidental oxp' ns'.'s, tian for baggage, slreel ear fares, etc.. to arrive at hotel in Buffalo .. 2.00 Total expenses going and lodging ami hoard Buffalo live days \ ..?2L.r>0 Estimated eosl of actual expen ses of return trip, iii'du ling Pullman sleeper. Norfolk to Columbia, S. C._ - ? 7.50 Total ' 'vI'JS Add for incidentals 1.1.00 Total actual expenses $ .0.00 OTHKR ARRANC5I0M I5NT8. Arrangements will he made in Buf falo for ticke;s to the grounds and it Is hoped for a trip to Niagara and a'so a sail on the lakes. The party will travel together go.ng and all transporatioa will be retained by the president until arrival In Buf falo. On the return trip pat ties may leave Buffalo at 11:20 p. m.. on any day an 1 arrive in New York at 10 a. in., n?xt i.-| and leave at 3 p. in., on the boat, nai'vlng in Buffalo the following day to catch tho train coming to Columbia, leaving Norfolk at 7:40 p, m.. and ar riving in Columbia at 11:35 a. m. the next day. Tickets will be so^ r !?1 only fo? m mi beis of the association and one mem ber of their respective families. Corners hotel has bom selected for the stay in Buffalo because of the rite it has been aide to s cure and th ? ac commodation promised. It is "loea'cl within onv block and onM^alf from atl the theatris in the city, within en block of tbo Lafayette square, which is the bub of the city, so to speak. All cars going to the exposition grounds pass within 100 feet of the hotel, as do all ears in Niagara Kails. The s roots on which it faces are twice the width of the ordinary streets and all the rooms aro large outside rooms.' The proprietors promise to "room either two three or four in rich room accord ing to the size of same, and for your information would say the rooms to which w? ?.M*igu two or more people contain two or three full sized bod*." Militia Supplies. Arijt. don. Floyd has sent on to the war department at Washington the annual requisition for military sup plies under the approprltalc.n rande by congress for tho military forces of the several States. It takes s.jme little time | for the requisition to he filed, hence It was sent In promptly. As soon as- the I uniforms and equipments arrived they will be promptly Issued to the several companies of State mllltla until each command has vnlforms and equip ments for SO men. When. this has been, accomplished the mllli.a of the 8tm? will be better equipped In every re spect than at any other time In the past 25 years, so solitary men say. There will 4>e no delay here la the suing pf supplies as soon as received. Mew CwtwyrliH. The secretary of state has lasnsd a i eomaaieston to the Qreeawootf Spcoi aad Bobbin Manufacturing^ cbnpsay, of Qreaawooi. The pacnal stoek fa. to be The corporators are w L Dnrat. J. T. Simmons. J no. A. Birks ItM* W'Sprqte* *- caanat? ton wee aleo issued to T. MR. BRYAN TALKS About the Action of the Ohio Demo cratic Convention. ? SAYS II MADE A liKi A I MISTAKt? liy I.iikk'hK "'n Nhi'Ic Into Its I ??.? I l> cntloiis Doilnres tho Mmirv Q.k's* 1 1 on Is Not Dead. I Jlli- tlll, N't I) S|> el.il I t ;i i e\ ? tided iMlllIIM-nt till tin- J|| ll o. ;:i .1 .!i: ji. ?tl by (lie O.'iio I It'll). >rr;i | i' t'i ii v< ll! irii IV..1 . Mrya n criticises 1 1 1 ?? convention to.* its failure to confirm the Ka::sas City platform fur . ,2v ' tho weakness of sunc ? > f t lie p!jri-;> ii tliil adopt. Mr. I ' ? y a ii Inn's s :1m tM t niiv t'li t Lou made a inisiu'vo in intu.n^ himself an is me. and siys: "Mr. Hrj.ui is not a rin lil.it> fir ! any office. an ! a mmti n of him might have hem < t > 'ni rii I'll hy s in ? as j.n endo; si'iiicnt ol' liini for office. T. t> vo;<> t should have been up n Uif i).iK> d pr '!?- J ositinn to endorse the plat form of last ! year ami then no on ? t: nibl hove v.r s I I'll liiu abandonment of I >emo< i at .? principles l?.v :li" pleading of his dis'lke for Mr. Mryan." Koferri iii; to tho platfum hi- o lit n hps: "Tho convention n n t illy f-? el! but refused to (Utors' or lciflirm tlo Kansas City platform. and from th.' I manner ir* which tin- gol i t l ? m:m- n ; l.aj i'f?joi<*?il "b\ or Hi is feature of (lie < n- ! volition, ono wonlii suppose that th." main object of tin' c nventii n w<\s n t to write a new pla'fo m. b. t ! i npi diate the one upjn \vl i ?? " ? ihe lux na tional campaign wj? foi:^. ,t. "The gold j.apc a-n- :???*? ihtt t1"* convention n fused to n iopt tho K n sas City platform because it contain ' I a silver plank. If s >. it would h. \\< been more courageous t o have declare I openly for tho ro-d slandeid. If the gold standard Is g.io I it ought to h ivo been endorsed if Ind, It ought !o h ive been denonced. To ignore the s ibj.-ct entirely w,.s ine.\easab!cl The m n'*v question Is not yet out f?f pditos. Every session of Congress will I ave to deal with it. Republicans doclaie !!r.: It is dead, but they keep w.;l<,'n, at It." Lour brought Broken. Kansas City. Spcrail. A portion of , the drought-stricken Southwest has i I ecu relievo I by rain during the past 24 hours. Much good has already re sulted to crops and as there arc pros poets of more rain, it is believed that many thousands of dollars will bo saved the farmer;; on stock and crops. i^vwth*desH, nfueh greater quantities of ruin must come before a lasting benefit shall be done. In the por tions of central and western Missouri, western Kansas and tip* Territo: i??s. Still untouched by ruin,, conditions re main unchanged, the temperature ranging from JJ8 to 1 D(>, the bitter at Hutchison. Kan. The rains, which come at the end of a drought of from four to eight weeks' duration, covered southwestern Missouri and took in the southeastern corner of Kansas. These rains, \Vhlle good, were not stiJ flrient to place the burned crops out of danger. During the day a heavy rifcfh fell in the vicinity -of Coffevville. Eldorado aiid Wlclifla Kail. Af coirsty villo, tho people held a jublleo on tho streets during the lylirfT Blue Nidge Railroad Sold. Atlanta. r,n., ftieclal. ? A special to The Journal from Anderson. S. C.. says: "The ItliiA l(ldtr? Hallroad was sold at auction here to Fairfax Mar rison, of Washington, I). C., and M. I.. Abbey, of Columbia, S. C., for ^ 1 00,000, the upset prices. The purchasers ar" directors of the Pouthern Hallway. Ir.it they declare the road will be n o g int zed as a separate system. The sic was made nude? a decree oi the t'n ? ted State? Court. Tobacco Alen Org^fii/.c. Richmond, Va.. Special. Tln? Itlch niond tobarc-o tratiis lield a niftinx 7 Monday and took thy first step in a movement looking t^? the foiinati n o' a National Tobact/) Assoclat on P.o vlsion was made for the a;q? >ir.tme it of a committor? m twelve hiffueatlal members to correspond with other to | bacco men ov^f the c.itiro country a vio-w lo securing t!ie:r co-ope. a tlon and inviting them to send r. pre sentatlves to a convention o i tob:c o men to be held In th s city next cu tumn, when the organization of a nv tionat body will be effected. To . Carry on Strike. Youngstown, O.. Special.? Amalgamate/ Aftflociation will, levy an assessment on (he Amalgamated mom berg employed by the Ropubllc Iron and Steel Company, and the indepen dent bar Iron plant*, 60,000 men alto gether. fpr the support of the strike against the United States Steel Cor poration. This will (Its a frod of nearly 965,000 a -month.wThe associa tion Irks In its treasury iomo fSOO.OOO for ffee purpose ?? carrying . on the TIIMUGIIOll Hll: COUNTRY. I lie South. An older has lit' 01 1 received f?>r l,M_ t on tons of Tonne ami Kentm .{>' i vi.?l to I ?? shipped to Vt nice. | The Uahaina Const it ill ional C nv n tioa \ n: cil not to chung" tit' pvc ' juiy system Senator )tiii oil, of (it'oi'wlii. and a number if members of Connies# sat ltd f it > in I '.rook I. vn tor Manila. I ho North. The portrait of Lady l.mlsa M inn r< j l>\ lloppuer whs sold In 1< >i?il.?n l r to 11 Alt mti n. ?>f Now York. m u. n.i Okla . will 1? ' unable to ac commodate the evp ? toil army of home -???- 'j lin^lon. N* ' >** w.ll S'-"^ vindicitioii o' 1 the chaices made l>> Ml", r. Ci U.u- | ker. 'I wo peis -lis were killed In n Lake Slior- rallroa 1 eo! lision n '.u Clnvcl and, Ohio. A ii< ?t 1? f,i* demonstration was mad" auiilnst the pay e'iftir< in Madisr n Square I'.nk. Now Yoik. Twenty passengers wore Injured by a shilling engine ' shlcwip nR" a 1*' ?> ny Ivania express train at Colunib s. ( )!i io. ,no yveek enjJ^ .lul.v '? wore ;?s?? ?h'Mhs"lu Una; or Now \ ork One to heat. ptookhohleis of th- Cunbrldye Stool Company voted tin in maiiHly ?<> ? >? tfoolr property an 1 aFRts 1 ' 'be Son" piaufth Steel 1'onipauy. Attorney I'redoriek t> White ? ?n ?>: I Ambassador to O.eiminy Amir ?>' ?>? ! Whi,te, coin mitt cil tmlcblo at S> r?io?i.s , N. Y Sitfcvctarv of the Treasury Cage list week bought ?>h nl-term bond* I soo rotary of Stat" tlay returmd to ! wathinptnn. Prt\. f >r <1 W'-T i Massa< hnai 1 1 s KepublloanB will re nominate (Jovernoi Crun? for a t.unl term. IMeshvtorian in Mexici h iv-? o ran 1 17., Ml inl'epomb Utly oi the Cinn h i i t io , failed St a I es. i T|(e I'n ra nl of M'tinmot i W.ll art on th- eii sos of Co e a Ml .limn i Younger. I lletiill ?:r >oers of New ^o.K Sla 0 ' arc in session at lluhao to or?;:?:r.z> a protective ass :c!at ion. j \n exploit n 'X tank at the Willlann ! |?irBt N. Y.. bran-h of the Stan I ?nl Oil Company injuie.1 live ma'i. I mportatiiins of precious sums fir ,)?? past v tir at New York inn ?mif-i to $L' I I ov -i- * V 0 nm e tl in in any other year. l:orclK" A hot wave ha? b^U , pn va line i ? London. Prominent ICiigl sh I/h lalsat a ion ferono.; voU-il to sustain Sr lim y CamptTfllr-Hiuinoi man as leiuler. l'l ince.rChrUtian of I h ninark will visit the Cnltrd Slates In ll.e ? ?mi:is sprint;. The I )tike of Trfii'n state I 111 Hiv Senate at Msulrid that Si?a n ha-i r - f nsoil several lilnes t?? nil Cnla to the Unituil Slates. 11 lot h at Seville. Spain, w ro fu;> ; pressed hy oavalry. The Arson line (Jovcrn merit his r - quested the Chamber of D.-yutl s to rC Jpet the debt nniflea'.lon scheme. :. J. II .1 lollaniler. u-cret.uy of I'oito Hlc'j. will re?ign. The Cuban Cons:llutional Cotivrn t ion reject eil the prcl I m I nui >-^aft o. mi election law for the in and. A C-ftpe. Town d spateh rta'rs that Moors have burned the public b.illdlnK* at Murraysbutg. Cape Colon. * Fire al the (tlnsxow ICxhibltlon de stroyed a block of tea rooms. A special embassy from Morocco has arrived In Merlin. Count Stanislaus do CaMclani. liroltHT ..I lf.nl wan mntrl.-il I" I'nrls lu Ml" 1 ,IT>' riaKuo In virulent form has broken out at Anioy .China. Hear- Admiral Crownlnshhld "mej, forward with the claim that he yrrotc the order to l)ewvy to ^Cptute otf de stroy the Spanish Jloet at Manila/ niscellaiieouft. Andrew F). White, United States Am bassador to tlrrmany, will resign next year. , ?, It iaaaid Androw Carnff?> still has $280,0^0,000 to give away In public b.vi efaotlona. \ The National Counrll of Klucatora adopted the rpport of tho National Uni versity Committee that no biil yet of; fered In Congress la practicable. .? Carl Jensen, sjpposcd to b? ics'.ne, murdered a woman aad la aald to have horribly mutilated a little girl in Den ver, Col. Wbat la believed to bare been Father Marquette's cruel!!* waa unearthed at Frankfort, Mich. President 1? J. Sbaer, of the Amalga mated Association of Iron. 8:eel and Tin Workers, aaya the atrlkers at the trust mills will sscspt so ?o?? promise. Speculation was caueed la Loedoebv a Tl?!t whieb LoH Koatb :rjr. ?he tm hailed aa the eonlag leader of the Im peri alia tic Liberals, paid to Kiac Ikl ward VIL 0 II The shir Laos, erhiah baa arrlrsi at Marseillsa boa I Mr l? nt Hscss SB ' ~ " ..a swMl ANOTHER HOT WAVE Hays Havoc Willi Crops in Southern Stales. A!i. PREVIOUS RECORDS BROKEN. - Corn I )i > i n>? Dp 1'ndoy the Torrid UlaMs Hint Come With luruuvC U K ?? Mont. .Memphis, Spec iu !. ? Friday was tho Uanir t day of the your in tho con tra! s. uilirin states. Many places In west. r?"'ii ik'hm'i1, A i Iv'wiHfu'. north Mis sissippi. Louisiana Alabama ami l'i\:i report all hi 'ill r> ?/ *? tfit'in;; rne afternoon. In Mdinphls Hi*' nili< I :i I i t" port was 102 degrees at ;< o\ lurk This Is tho highest toni peraturc owl' recorded v Uore. Selma. Ala., was (ho wai^m-st place In tho South, ill' degivdl^holng rocorded. Montgomery report 10.'> and Mobllo l"j. At I. it th< llock. Arli., tho high em temperature over rooordod was olllci .il> reported 10G. IMne I Jlnff, Ark., n.protn tin- warmest day on rocOrd with mio fatality. In Mississippi tho hoat was intopse. At Jai kson. Vlcksburg. and Nfitchev:, r,ll mortis woro broken. Crops, ? es-. peclally corn, all through north and wbst Mississippi aro drying up. Louis iana is also in tho throcq of tho hot? waves. Shrcvoport reports tho hot* io:jl day in 1 ch hislory, tho govern' I'icni thormoinotor registering 09 In Dm; afternoon. Tho Intense hoat baa been broken somewhat in a fyw coun ibs in west Toxaa. San Angelo, Colo., Ml Hand and Did Springs, all In tho j c'.\tio!no western part of tho State, Vo | port a rainfall varying from l'!to 3 i iiit hi's, These points aro In a G anJ bo forced to dispose of the.._ ; manufactured products at tho present i 1 uv price of yarns. On tho whole, tho. met ting was a most Important one and the decl-ion reached will effect many : mills ill North Carolina as well aa j oth? r Southern States. Flurry in Corn. Now York, Special. ? There was a scone of grrnt excitement !n both tho whoat and corn innrk?'tK at New York 1 Frilay. trade aggregating one" of tho ~ largest day'H totals In a year or moins expressing grief at the death of . II. II. Hargrove, president ef the Southern Industrial Convnetlon, wero adopted. .W. H. Council, president of the Alabama Agricultural and Me-' chanlcal Colloge, of Noma}, A la, spoke at night, -? : V :r Newspaper Writers Strike. , j, . Columbus, O.. Special. ? Troubles cf Tho Press-Post culminated In * lock* ; out of the writing force. ?B of Wbo*> are members of tho N?*rh , .Union. They were Informed tm Wn morning that their Miihiti r neeied. atndeata from {*?? rerslty 8ohool ot ? pot la their pk | Issrt jretafti. jp. L'S- ** vl