r ... Mtmt Ot Interest. The recent death fif p*rU of Mile Jeanne Heaupere remove? the Ian of *h$ ' locogulaae" who played * part In tJM private flnual* of Nupoleou HI. Ldke the Compte^e do Castlgllonn, th<> taacl Gating literary hack of tho of tho -ehter Alexandre Dumaa and tho Empe ror ended herllfo In comparative pov erty. The only prosperou.- star in the little constellation was tho famous *MMarfuerlte Ballanger, who was ft sec ond and Inferior edition of the historic Mrfc "Howard, who aided Prince Ta>uI< Napoleon during his London exile, and .."who wa? the only woman to whom tho eeoret of the Coup d'Ktat was con flrtod. -Tho Grand Rapids, Mich., Hoard of Trade celebrated the fiftieth anniver sary of tho Incorporation of the city by a haiufnot at tho armory hall. AJfred R. Hearno wias killed by a' ?? train at Canoseraga, N. Y., andVhls - "wife 'became Insane when Intormefk.of It. ? ... Jtl.u Happiness cannot bo bought, but ouo of the groat hindrances to Its attainment on a be removedjiy Adams' Papain Tuttl Pruttl. W" ? ? Some people boast that tboy pay ns they go. but when they register at a hotel without baggage they havo to pay as thdy come. Hwoat ,and fruit soldi will not dlsnolor goods dyed with Potsam Fadki.kas Dirts Hold by all druggists. The poots who do the most posing __ dro not Poos. Ourtsr's I alt It used by millions, whloh Is a ta.'t proof of Its quality. Sond for froo hookiat, "Inkling Address CirUr's ii>k Co., Jles\od, Lots of girls who do fancy work don't fancy work. - - Irio. 4H. Gverf JInlh?r Should linen ir*?irn? *rt ll'i nv^? v ... and Colds tiko ma^lo snd nil i'alnu and ( nti. Mr. fleorge Craven, who has Just die l at Rochdale, England, in his 93'd year, i had voted In every electon In that Hit* j since It first secured Parliamentary represents ton In 1832. Earlier still l>' was an active worker for the Reform ers in Lancashire County contests! an I he rode 011 horseback from Ilo.hdale to York in 1831 to vo'e for Lord lirough am. Wimtoil. A traveling salesman In oacli southern ?.10 to ty eiiiensos, exporluncd not absolutely i??e??s*rjr. Address Peiticku Tobacco \Vofks Co.. t'eutlks, Va. Mrs. Ilugglns?"That little boy next door Is always blowing putty into peo ple's eye* with a blow pipe. I'm sur prised that his father doesn't mako him stop It." Mrs. Muggins?"Well, ho won't. Ills father Is an oyo dor tor."?Ho heard about the widows mite, Odoil Portion. Trustworthy men w?nlnl to travel Fxprrl ?IU'0 not absolutely n*rnksarjr. For particulars, address Peerless '1'ob. Win., ftndford City, Vu Emperor William lunched with hh mother, tlie Emprtss Frederick, at Cronberg. Hesse-Nassau, on :!ie occa sion of her birthday, and toasted l.er In tho presence of six reigning prit.ces and princesses. ?ivory nuilirr Mliould lltivo bottle of CJoossO rea?*Mutinent. ItcuresCroup and Colds like matflc And Ml Palm anient-'. lllobhs?" Young Spondall makes light of 1i!k financial difficulties." Slobba?"Why; has ho money to burn?" PI?o'h f'uro Is tlio host ni*>iiH of throat nnrif Iuiirh. Wm, ^ O. E.nmhi.ry, Vutihuron, lnd.. l|i>b. 1<>, 1000, Thoonly timo a man fools that ho In too old r to It'nrn anything I* wliou ho is lit Urn frosh mft 11 elass lit oo)1?k?v Km. 4*. To <'ii re n Cold In Our Onjr. Take IjAXarivk IIiidmo Qumnit Tari.ks, AH druggists rotund tbo money if it fulls to cura K. W. (Iuovk's hlgnaturo on ?moh box. 26c. Some pcoplo arc known by the c >ih pany thoy keep.'an. Special. o commit too for next Tuisday. II'1 hopes that a (|iioruin will 1>?* pics, nt and that \\tho commit tin can k<> to work Immediately on the outlines of a now army bill "It will bo IIV tho direct Ion of econ orny to pass tlio army bill without delay," said Mr. Unit. ' I In* army now In tho Phillpplpes wll) have to ho brought homo In thA Hijitmier, that 1h thoso of tho !M#II who do not cure to rcenllHt. Tho transport* which go out for them nhould depart laden with tho troops who are to replace them, olso the ships will make one voy.tg ? empty." Mr, Hull was In conference with tho President, and with officials of tho War Department upon the character of legislation desired l?y the admlnls tration. He said the President would communicate to Congress very fully his recommendations uhout tlie aitny and he did not assume to speak tl>o President's mind 'in advance. lie thought, however, that the adminis tration would not he content with any makoshlft legislation, no proposition to continue the present law for two years more, Ills impression was that the President wanted authority to raise a regular army sufficient for thel needs of the country, loo.nuf) men If j necessary, the number to be reduced j when there was no longer need for ? them. Mr. Hull said the Taft commifnion had reported that lfj.000 Filipinos could be enlisted ijiimodlately in the army for tho PlHllppines and that they would make good soldiers under American officers. There was no fear of a repetition of Ureal Mritains ex porlenco with the Sepoys, for the Fill ] pines. Mr. Hull nnid, have no national feeling, like the natives Of. India Moreover, added Mr. l/ultf the experi ment of enlisting native troopd has proven successful, and there atx; no more loyal or efficient soldiers than the natives pnliwtcd in tho Rritisl; army In India. To Remove Stamp Taxes. Washington. P. C., Special.?('hair man Payne and Representatives I'ul zell and Hopkins, acting as a sub committee, spent a portion of the d iy drafting the bill to amend the war revenue law. The general provisions of the hill have been agreed upon. Th reductions to lie made will be in 1a11vj taxes,/ as heretofore Indicate! mVinber of the commlUee nitld-ttfat nl th^iilgh there wa.s some discussion < on corning reductions upon bcoy and also on eigais. cigarettes land/ tobaccos, there did not seem to Jrie riny Inclina tion to reduce the present tax on th?*e articles as long as /tlicro remained stamp taxes, which iio salil were ob noxious to every one UJdn# th^m Al though It Is generally understood that there l? a complete understanding among the members of th.-< committer iT^to what Congress shall do. It is un derstood that no Iron-clad agreement has boon reached and any part of the bill can tie taken up and ehauged if found desirable. Rut the members of tho committee not expect many changes, for. it is said, the full Re publican membership will not likely meet again until next Friday, one day before tho rull committer- Is to be railed together. The committee ex poets to preif-nt the hill to the house on the first or second day of the ses sion. I Paper l;rom Cotton Seed. Atlanta, (5a.. Special. ?Tho Journal ?ays that plain havo boon eonsumatod hero for the erection of ten plants f>>r the manufacture of cottonwool hulh Into piper of different grades. Robert Thomas, of Now York, at present In this cltv, says that the scheme is ho lug backed hy tho National Haw com pany. with Jfi.OOO.OH) capital and that work will 1>:* begun In put ting up th 1 p'ants In about thirty days. I!?? says In* Is also hacked hy tho Standard nil company. It Is tho Intention to havo tho fa torloK Blattered well throughout the cotton helf, and they will ox.cnd from Texas to North Carolina. Tho p'ants will run with a capacity cf l.'J ?o 200 tons each. 6o lioers Killed and W'ounilfd. London, lly Cable.-- A special dis patch from Middloburg, TransvaalCo! ony. rays that in the surprise of the outpost of the, "ItuflV" (Thi''d Infan try) southwest of Balmoral, Novem ber 10, the Moors lor.t r.O killoil and wounded. The burgers. the dispatch adds, slmultamously atackcd a garri son of fualllers on Wilge river, hut were beaten off with the loss of 120 men. killed and wounded. Two Men Ki led in (icorgia. Daisy,"* Ga.t Special.-- A shooting af fray look place at Kennedy's Mill, noar Ciroveland, (la.. Monday night nbout 10 o'clock, In which R. Johnson and Robert Hatten. two white men, were killed. They had a misunder standing and Ilatten shot Johnj-on through the neck, and after Johnson .waa uuwu on the ground fie raised up and shot Hatten's orains out. It Is not known what tho fracas was abput. ?4 Judgement For*fci40,000. ~ Washington, D. C., Special. It Is finofflclslly but rcllab.j reported to t|h* State Department that Mr. Jsnnsr, the British umpire Infthe arbitration the ease of Rob#/ H. May, as the gore SHEDS IUS SKIM * A Man \\'ho Ma# This Peculiarity of ? Snake. j A man who fdiedn Ills skin In it* ???? i I!ii'ly once n your, and who ln\s dom? r<> ifgularly f?>r tho last f?vrt>"?*lir?,?? yiars, is one of tin? curiosities thai Untie, Modi, I toasts of. 'I'Ih* man .1, M I'rl'O, a fairly well educated miner ?.> at the pft'-elit lime engaged Iii the ci.rious pastime of skinning ItInixt-1 T. | The methods that he adopts Is to hist t'.wii hl:> hands and face and then strip ii in an Immense sheet from his hody. The process of skinning IiIh hands and fa r'l?* ?r? 7rt f xv?* f "?** . * fourth day of July of each year l feed the premonitory symptoms, and on very lew occasions has It missed the 1'Ith of (hat month. The first thing I feel Is nausea, and then I know that I n 111 in for ||. The skin becomes per fectly dead, and the perspiration that should come through forms In blisters under it, and the whole thing becomes loose. I generally ent a circle aronnd lay wrists, and with the aid of a lead pencil strip Ii off whole for the purpose of preserving 11 lu (he shape of a glove. I take It off from my face In the same manner, but am compelled t" remove It from my hair like dan druff. I took a long walk llils morning for the purpose of gelling up a per fplration, and, as you see, my whole body is blistered. I will strip it off to day or lo morrow. It conies off In gront strips, as yon can se*? by this photograph, which-was taken last year. There Is no particular pain aecompany ? Ins the operation, although the new skin is very soft and lender during the lirst week or ten days. 1 have to lay off for about'two weeks each year to attend to it. My children do not in iifiii ill*' ?]{srfrom Tlipro !*< one of them, and she Is nine years of a>;e. and there has been nothing of Hie kind ever notlccd with her. Several years ago I was In San Francisco when I shed my .skin, and the doctors there preserved It in Its entirety and then ^stuffed it. I aiuA^iiincr. but my work in the mines do^Wiol affect niy condi tion in any way that I can see. My general health is good, even if I do have skin to throw al llie birds. Chi cago 1 liter < tcfatt. In*. Isaac Tj. Wood, of Plymouth, Mass,, recently visited an agricultural fair al Kamioop-, '.Hritish Columbia, and brought home with him twoapphs as j a in pies of the ordinary fruit of that region. One of them measures fifteen ami three-quarter inches in circumfer ence. and weighs twenty-three ounce* The other is nearly as larg". Dr. Wood h.w at Kamloops an apple which weighed twenty-nine ounces and which would have been sufllcont for a pie of the usual hou-ehold size. ? aow ?? 'i iiis y WnofTor One M101.?ll ?r< Howard for any Hi oof Catarrh that cannot l?- enroll hy Hall it Catarrh i'iuc. I'. J. Ciiknkv St Co., I*. o|?h.. Toledo, O. >v li o. Wai.oi.vo. K IN SAN X- Maiiviw, WholCHIlll I'lu^fcrtBts. Toledo. (?}i|n. ?J I all n < .'nlnrr Ii 1 >011 |? taken Internally, ret. tni? <1 ? ?-???-(|y nj>r? are now (IS lyeeunia ami tollies for Bli'la. wheruas prt-vi (ir.s to 1SN0. with the exception of pr: v?!c schools. thero wore no instiUi.:ioJ3 for higher e mentioned 4X are lyceums supported by municipalities and 28 are munleipil collegos. I>uriitk lust year there were in the lyceums X.4:n and and in th<> colleges pupils. In many prov iiters hoarders are takon and all tile ]> <-<-it111h talto day hoarders. Those wh > board out of the Reboot are under iU pervisiou. Some live with (heir pa." ents, others at the houses of teachers or in hoarding houses recommended by the institutIons Or under their super vi?ion. Hut many more girls received tholr higher education in eonvepts than In the schools mentioned, the for mer being regarded as much more "commo II faut." CURES RHEUMATISM OR CATARRH IN A UAY. TREAIMcNT FREE. H. H. 11. (Botanic lliood Balm)miroa tho worst by drilntii;^ tlii poUoil out of tlio blood itud bono*. Aohon and paiua in tlm bouos or Joful??, Hwotlei) glanda, drop* piriK* I" Hi" throat, hawkinc. ftpiltlng or o?d breath, Impaired lionrlni?, oto , nil dl? jipl'our promptly find pnrriinii?iiUy. B. 11.11. ; (mitch wlixr.* nil u!.*?o lulls. 11. It. II. makes blood puro and rioh. l>niKglaU, ? '1 rent I inont nl B. H. H. *?ut free by writing Blood ! II,wm Co., 3 Mitchell Kt., Atlanta, On. !>?? { vfll?i> truublo nod frfto medical advice glvou j until ournd. M??dloln? aent prepaid. 3(K>J ! tetdimoniaiti of euros i?y 11. UNjtiU ?o don't give up h'oprf; but try Blood Balm. The M'ow who eats with his knife j must have it ruthor?hnrp appetite. llfHt l?*ur thn liowela. No matter what Alls you, bt&daoha to a j oa11oi?r, you will naver ??t well until your ! i.-??? = ??> urt put rl|w on a man's gravo. ICvery !T|(i|li?r Nliould flavo bottleof (loiimllrcatnl.lniineut. ItourvxCroup Arid t^'oldn like maglo nnd ail F'ntne an t ? ut?. Tho novels of to-day B?em to be oithor historical or hysterleall. 'I'Iia licat t'lcai rlpIloll I'ur Chill* and Fever Is a bottle of tlnovx'a Tabtki.khs Ciui.:. Tomio. It 1b simple iron and outnino In a tastoloAs form. Koeure.no pay. I'ricoaSc. It'? a wlno husband who allows his wife to enRaRn his typewriter. Mra. Wlnalow'aHoothlnw Syrup forohl'drm uftthlnif, aoftoiiM I ho KUMia, roduceaItlOnmmn. ? * (aV* V -- J aiiAiJ Laa . HAIR Wealth of hair is wealth indeed, c spccial 1 y to a woman. Every other physical attraction is secondary to it. We have a book we will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your hair is too thin or 1 o s ing its luster, art o- - ? Growth * bccomes vigorous and all dan druff is removed.' It always restores color to fjray or faded hair. Retain your youth; don't look old before your time. 51 Oft a bottle. All druggists. " I hare used your Hair Vigor now lor about years snd f bare found it splendid" and satisfactory In every ?iiy, f bullovo 1 havo recommended thin Hair Vigor to hundreds of my friends, and they nil tell tho saino Story. If any? ImkIv wauls tho best kind of a Hair Vigor I shall certainly recommend to iheni just as strongly as I can tlwu they got a bottlo of Ayer's - Hair Vigor." Sirs. N. K. Hamilton, Not. 2*, lb9d. Norwich, N. V. Writ a tho Doctor. If roil ilon't obtain all tho benefits toii ortirc from tho mo of tho Vigor, Wilto the Doctor about It. Address, DTI. .1. C ATFII, I.owoll, Mass Kvcty cottoi} planter should write for our valuable illustrated pamphlet, "Cotton Culture." It is sent free. ? Sv-n.l n.imr nno it drcnry pi not*. M iihiu In mi In n Irtiiion -.'4 tunic. SOI ?'X Ift'i l> buy mi or ? l.wio ? cm ? tiino \V It) mil u > -t'/ .ah 1 iml.rtiin nt 1* furnituie it'* ?? I ? t< tlM i . lit t? It I, it i, plain slide valv*. Autoinatio, and (Jorilsa, write iuo: Atlas, Wutttrtown, anil Htruthors A \Y< lis. V. (J. BADHAM, Ua6 Main Street, COLUMBIA, 5. C. We!'! mention here all we bail* die but v/e do SELL EVERYTHING fa the MACH NEHY & MILL SU.PLY 1 Tho Murray Cleaning and Distributing sW?? t?m, liano, Chano, Hego, Liddell and Point bhw mills*. Liddell Automatic Jffid riain engines, liundv trnpp, "NEW HOUTH" IJrick Machinery, Erio City ongiuctf nnd ?toiler*, Plnston taws, 4 Queen of thw Houth"' ttrl?t Mills, - - W. H. GIBBES & 00,, I COLl'.nBIAt S. c. WE CAN'T SHOES UNION Pi ADC Thf rrrtl worth ??f W ? I,. Douuhis nml K.t.AO Miom con?|?ar??o equalled nt any prlt'O. Over 1 ,000, OOt> nal lulled wearers, Ono mlr of W. I. Dougiil $3 or $3 50 ?noe?wlll will pssltlvoly outwear two Dalrs of ordinary $3 or $3.50 fchoos. knithe largest mnkfi" of mens o;i nnd SXftO %l\cica in tho TrorM. Wo >nnk?? nnd sell m??N> S3 and S3.BO shooa than iiiit nltxtr two iniinufucl urtr*>i tho U. o. BEST $3.50 SHOE. Thu rr|?tiliilli?n of W. I. DouKI?? '<3.00 ?h-nlicro iKrougftout W?c wonu. Thcv have to civo tnlUr ?i?ll?luc Hon lh*n other mnV?? bce?u?e tht itondftiil lr * al*ry? t,Mn p!???t ?o high thai tli? wearer* e*pect n?or? for their money than thoy can g?-t el>?wli?rr. BEST $3.00 SHOE. THK inote W I,. and M SO thoei are told than onjr other moke U bccauae TIIKV a ice: Tin: \ our dcalfr ibould krcp Ihtm i we rir. one dealer cacluiive aala in each tj>wp. Take no nibilKiilrl In?lit on hiring pi I,. TV>ii*la? ahoea with name and |>ilc? atamprd on bottom. Jf your dealer will not get them for you, arnd dlr>ct to factory, enclnelntt price and Mc eitra for carriage. State kind of leather, ?lrr, and width, plain or cap toe. ~ur abooa wfll reach you ?mywhiiv. < ntnlvy*r+ f 'rto. Am JD0U(1U? lilioo Co. IlroCklon, JUiui, ?v ENGINES BOILERS. ttw Tank.", StAekK, Stand i'ipcs and Sheet-Iron work} Shafting:, I'til Icjh, liearlng', lioxes, Han^orw, etc. IttrCaHt every day; work 180 bands. LOMBARD IRON WORKS K >ND SUPPLY COMPANY, Augusta, - - Georgia. nUKTIHQ ?l*(hln(, ? UKLLI. FREE GUN CATALOGUE 13a Pages. . CAMP vurriTS, tfRTS. SRIXB9, OAnnaHAfl, Sewing Machines, SCHMELZER ARMS CO., K.AN?Afl city, mo. UrsMtSDOrtlng Goods Houm In Amerlo*. SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES) A bljr lot t?kcn In ? xchnnjfe for the^OIl ver" whlrn wo nre cloning ontohcnp for iweiwy terms on tl? ^ In yonrfcctioo and yon can *rl! w?in* J. E. CRAVTON, Clen'l Aj?ent, ANDKIIM?>, fi. <*. STOMCD PR El PirMimnllf Cured fct DR. RIJNE't tRUT WtTORtR ITS w ? X?jriu?rurftrw ??*'??Ml i? **????? ??ynwrfr c ? rtt pMI?n mii'fif Hwiwhi r*??.MNI7ifmfmtmtf wan** ?sSK~-?tt^1ra^iS?WDBK V mi At* Mmt iinwm * TO SELF48PP0RTIN6 WOMEN fTMhmt MrMut with ironr nnhr i eu mkf moMrbjr m*m ot orxr emir of n.'l' T^-"- - -?r >' n UB(5r W0R1D. The rar atrike at I .you*. Fiance, ivMUininx Kiave proportions. .'itt.(MH) iijcn to work on lhcGtlnn(nUou.s of the ishoitls. OnVfourtb ??r I lit? laboring populrt Hon Colorado is *aitl to belong lo labor wuanir.u lions. Tho riiw^l elerks of (In- west up low n ?11st r!of Uj N**\v York City are iigltadnv for Mlioflot-Jiours. Tho rival rltfaruinkeis' unions, at Tampa, Fla., have settled their tllf foronof-K, an<) tho threatened strike is H v\jled. Tb\ long strike amoiiK the Heltflun jilasH nbiwoi'H has been tin*' to Hit' re I'llKal orv^hc employ* rs ty discharge nun uultju Yrnni. ??" I Seta use ttf an alleged practice of exoessh e lining, weavcra of I bo Whitman mill, at New lledford, Mass., have voted to strike. ('resident McKinb-.v, it is assorted, bus offered the I Hreclorship <>( tin IWircau of lOngnivlii^ and 1'rinting to Frank I'. Saefceiil, (irand .Master of ibt? iirothcrhuod of l.ocomotive Fire* men. / Martin Iro/is. who \v*;is onee leader ot the union labor organizations mid who was ureau of the S'late tt> he less than thirty live cords. This is liiruicd OH .an;?s(|iiuate of the population prob ably* eXaggeratim, mm to vary materially tlitf averages <.um initod. California contributes from It State Treasury for the partial support of half orphans and complaint is tie hiic made of the amount of money thus demanded. For the six months end ln>; June ,'to last. $SI,7??7.f>.'l was thus paid, and there are previous claims of $1 T.VKM), which the hoard refuses to if* y, declaring that they wore con tracted before the present administra tion took otlleiN and their correctness cannot bo established. Some counties will sue. Sharks Work (he Fishermen. On this side of lYnrl harbor th?} Mtnrks arc said to abound in large numbers. The natives have tiu> ?vfnt Ulftlmltyin oatrhiiiK thfir for tin* Hharkrt\follow tho boats mid snap tho lisli ??ff tho hooks wliilo the fish ermen are drawing thom toward tho boat.?Hawaiian Star. South Carolina and Georgia Extension R. R. Company. ' SCHEDULE NO. 3. la Effcet 12:01 a. m., Sunday, Doc. 24th, '?>9 Between Camden, 8. O., ami Blacks burg, S. C. West. > tfnst. 33 33 32 34 EASTERN TIME. 2d Clas? 1st Class 1st Class 2d Clasa Lo. Frt I'assng'r l'nssng'r Pussng'r STATIONS. Dally ex. Dally ex. Dally ex. Dally ox. Sunday. Suuduy. Sunday. Sunday, a rr p. m, p. m, P. ni. p. m. 8 2? 12 50 Camden 12 25 6 30 8 50 1 15 DeKalb 12 02 4 50 0 20 1 27 Wostvillo 11 50 4 30 10 50 1 40 Kershaw 11 35 4 10 11 20 2 10 H?*ntli Spring* 11 20 8 15 11 35 51 15 Pleasant Hill 11 15 8 00 12 30 2 35 Lancaster 10 56 2 35 1 00 2 60 Ilivorslde 10 40 1 00 1 20 3 00 SprlnKdoll 10 30 12 40 2 30 3 10 Cutawba JUno't 10 20 1220 | 2 60 3 20 Lcsll* 10 10 1100 3 10 3 40 Rock Hill 10 00 10 40 4 10 8 65 New l'ort 0 Hi 8 20 4 45 4 02 Tlr/.ah 9 3Jr\ 8 00 6 30 4 20 York vlllo 0 IS 7 30 6 00 4 85 Sharou 9 00 6 50 C 25 4 60 Hickory Qrove 8 45 6 20 G 35 6 00 Sinyrua 8 35 6 00 7 00 6 20 Dlucksburg 8 15 6 80 p. in. p. m. a. m. a. m. Between Blacks burg, 8. C.t and Marlon, N. C. West East. 11 83 82 12 EASTERN TIME. STATIONS. 2d Class 1st Class let Class 2d Class Mixed Passng'r ( rassng'r Mixed Daily ex. Dally ex. Dally ox. Dally ox. Sunday, bunday Sunday. Sunday. a. m, p. m. a. no. p. m. \ 10 5 30 Blacksburg 7 48 0 40 8 30 6 45 Earls 7 82 6 SO K 40 6 50 Pnttr'aBpg*a7 25 6 12 9 20 6 00 Shelby 7 16 6 00 10 00 6 20 Lnttlmore 6 66 4 60 10 10 C 28 Moorosboro 6 48 4 40 10 25 C 88 Henrietta 6 38 4 20 10 50 6 65 Forett City 6 20 ?60 1115 7 10Ruthorfordtoo605 8 20 11 35 7 22 Millwood 6 63 8 00 11 46 7 85 Golden Valley 6 40 2 50 12 06 7 40 Thermal City 6 87 2 46 12 25 7 68 Olonwood 6 17 2 20 12 50 8 15 Marlon 6 00 2 00 p, in. p. m. a. m, p. on. WEST. (JaflTnty Division. EAST. 1st Class. ?" 1st Class. 15 IS EASTERN TIME 14 16 Dally ox. .? Dally ex. Sunday. STATIONS. Sunday, p m am am p m 1 00 6 00 Blaoksburg 7 GO 8 00 1 20 C 20 Chorokea Falls 7 80 2 40 2 40 6 40 Qaffnrfy 710 2 20 p. m. a. m. a* m. p, m. Train No. 62 leaving Harloo, N. C., at fi a. m., making olosa connection at Blaokstraig, S. C., with (MSeBtben'i train No. 86 foa No. 10 on the C. 4 C., at 8.46 m. a., 8. C-, ~Hb tfia tojrTacr?"* 6 ? % j r> ?M 'm '^llll M I A-ynr f-rm_ ? * rrT\ err 3 &g" ^ "v. i PROM INF. NT PEOPLE. The Prince of Willi's l?rt* l)l'Kun ** vi-ar cyeghn?si'8. Count Tolstoi has fln'dted Ibo ilrftinn, The Corpse." upon wIiIHj lie lifts been fot' some lime. Prince (.Yorgo of Priisaln l?ftf wr.lt-* cii a drama, whii*1i xv.II bo performed ii li?>rl i i| during tli?- coining sen toll. The novelist. P.Jornson, lins ret-ov 1-, ,| his severe illness. ba* ,'uiio to \f *ai is. wlu-re lie Will make w long slay. J. m. ||{.nrit>, the novelist. did not Ktand Wt'lJ in inoM of Ills Mil.lie* fit Hit- I'nivt-i.slly of IJilinI?ur;cIi, (nil was strong m met a physics. It is stated that F.ord l?alm< r-ldest son of Lord Itosohcry. no liii'llna I ion for ;< political mid will probably i-nlrr the tinny. Hear-Admiral Sampson,'s *on, tvlio l.i to ciiicr the Naval Academy next year, lias siiown a remarkable aptiludo (or niathomaiics. and lias already JBias U-n-il Hit- element-t of liftvlgafJow.O Forme? Senator llrnry I- I'.iwo# ih?w iii Ids eighty fifth year. llii liTill'ii. is good, In- is out of doors every day, nnd Ids mind is as rlear. Ids Inteiest in cii nts as Kern, and Ms lade a.i brlgh as when lie left lh<- ikli:lI -. The I'ul)lishers' ('irciilar, of F.ondoii, tIii11tiial the $-;*?,?*>') which JvipIillT received for his new sliyy of i!>,00> words is the highest kuiii ever pail to :in English author for a H< ry of yiinl- - lar h-ngl h. (ieneraI \V I'. ! ?: ap< r. .ass., lias received from iii<- King of Italy the ur.ind cordon ?-f lim order of SS. .Maurice and l.axare. as :) token of appreciation of flic tJcnerai's xmicit during his mission in ll.'ily. The grand Cordoil is i ne of th - hlghoH ilitulU* Hons cfuferr.d hy llial i-ji.v ~ He. Pointed ,Hemark. ."J .1'r.i (jticiitiy hear yon tti' y talks." >Tu- renmn\Vnt ? j Ye*? ii is an old s.i.i'hig, atj "lie,'' lie replied, ' hl'lV 'f? while money talks all that talks is money," Why do you say 'unfortunately'?'* she asked. T.eeause if that were so," ho ans wered. i would he married to a fabu-? Ions fortune." Knew Where to Find Them, - An Atchison man got so cold In the night last night that ho went out Into th;- ward for extra covering. Every M iio bianikct hn l boon wrapped some ro:s(!bush or hollyh .ck?? ''<--!> ison C!lot?o Double daily service. Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, Hew - Orleans and PoUU South and Vest. 7? ^ IN Kb'K ICOP J UN K 3rd, lt>UU. SOUTHWARD. Daily Dally ' No. 31 NO. 27 1 ; -- IiV. Now York, Penn, R.R. 1 00 pm 12 15am Lv. Philadelphia, ?? '? . 8 29 pta 7 20 am' .,?< Lv. Baltimore, " " 6 60 pm 0 84 am \ Lv. Washington, 44 " 7 00 pm lOt&Am \ _ Lv. Richmond, H. A. L. 10 40 pm 2 85 pm Lv. Petersburg, 4 4 4 4 1135 pm 3 80 pfi^ _^ Lv. ltldgeway Jet. " 2 25 am 0 17 ^ \n?1 Lv. Henderson, 44 2 53am 6 40, pm, V }V. Lv. Raleigh, 41 4 06 am 7 60jw? .'ZJlH Lv. Southern Plues, " 5 67 am 9^P tl 17 put No. 103 , f4" P" R rh m m 1ft WP 1 "u l),r Lv. Hamlet, " 6 CO am ' No, 81 _ Lv. Columbln, J " 10 85 am 12 65 ad* -, Ar. Savannah, " 2 57 POL f .QQJUBL Ar. Jacksonville, 41 7 40 pm 9 10 am " Ar. Tampa, 44 6 30am 6 80 pm No. 403 Ar. Charlotte, 44 9 31 am Lv. Chester, 44 9 52 am, Lv. Greenwood, ? 44 11 42 ai Lv. Athens, 41 148p^ Ar. Atlanta, ? " iOO./ y 42 pir Ar. Augusta, C. A W. O. - 6 10 pm.... Lv. New YorkTS.Y.FCA NTs'OO am ~tf66 pm Lv^Ph I lndclphia, 44 10 20 Xa 1126 pm Lv.Now York,O.D.8!8.Cof 8 00 pm ...... Lv. Baltimore, U. B.P.Oo. f 6 30pm ' & L f. Wa* b'Ton ,'N. A W. . 4 80 fia J .7 ' No. 108 Nov41 j pn Lv. Portsmouth, S. A. L. 9 20 pm *9 90 am) 4 Lv. Weldoo, " 12 05 am 12 01 pm iRH N.? Lv. Ridgeway Jot, 41 2 25 am 1 20 pnf J^O nn Lv. Henderson, *4 2 58 am 2 18 H -/O'.pn Lv. Raleigh, 44 4 06 am\ t 61 pI Lv. Southern Plnea, *4 6 67 am 6 llpls 4 20 Pn No. 409 1 ,J >8 I"1 Lv. Hamlot, " 6 60 am T 90 pnr)(3 61 pn - ; Na#l NoTW I>0 Lv. Coltftnbia, t " 10 86 am 13 65 am Ar. Savannah, 44 2 57 pm 900am Ar. Jaolcaonvilla, 11 7 40 pm 919 fttft Ar. Tampa, ? " 080 am 9 90 pm Lv. Wilmington, 44 Ar. Charlotte, " ??? .. .J?o Lv. Chester, 14 Lv. Greenwood, " Lv. Athene, " Ar. Atlanta, ? ?? "Hofw ? - ?? ? m ? - - ? - . ? ? ? ^4 ??U Ar. Augusta, C. St W._C.6 lOpmJkt^^^^^^ Ar, Maoon, C. of Qa..T77T^pOTpi?3Hi^^^^K^rn Ar. Montgora'ry.A.AW.P, 9 20 pm Ar. Mobile, L. A N 8 05 am Ar. New Orleans,L. AN. 7 401 > an Ar. NaalivUle.N.C.A BtJL 6 4Q.%?r pi Ar. Memphis, ~~~~ " 4 OcT NORTHWARD, ? M ^10^ Lv. Memphis,N.C.A St.L. 12 69 Lv. NaMivillo, ? 985 Lv. Now Orieana,L. AN., 7 49""5ST^^?in 8 Pn Lv. Bloblle, L. A N lllll||(^B(T> y >0 an Lv. Montgom'ry.A.AW.P 999^^?^ 7X5*^5 Lv.,Macon, C. of Qa 12 20 an Lv. Auitusta, O. A W, qr ** 20 aa " a 111 4 20 po 402 No. 8) pat 900 pn pm 11 28 pa P9 2 05 aa pm. 480 aa pm 6 00 aa 777 12 oi pa lo.64 Xo.U 9 05 paa.--.939jm pm pm 10 00 pm Ifw afl 20 am nr^_ r?15aa<~4 44pa r 949am ^ r 10 09 am 1999 pm*