The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, November 18, 1898, Image 4

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Veavtr I* Blood Drep. " Clean blood hu-ans ?t clean bkin. No beauty without it. t'aacaret#, Candy CaHiar tic clcan your blood and keen it dean, by ? , stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Hcgin today to uaui&h piiuplea. boil*, blotches, blackheads, and that sicKlv bilious complexion by taking Oaaoar^ta, ? beauty lor ten cents. All drug gists, aatulaetioii guaranteed, 10c, '25c, 50c. From HO pounds of Kas tar In it Ion of 0" a I ovur 2,000 dlstiuot shades of aniline dyOI arc Uia lu. I'll# peruiMUeutly on red. N?? It f >* <?!? n*i von*. ?ifBn alter It rot day's use o| In. Kline's droit Norve Restorer. %'! trliil bottle a ml trout I ho f r?>o IJH. K. 11. KL1NK. I.M..WI \ rolt SI . I'illl't. )'.? The quantity of Atnorlcnu tobacco k dug to Franco during tl??> j?r* -?<nt month if. said to bo ye. usually Inr^'". Uoa't Tobacco H|?it Hint Nmoli# four l.lfe Aw?y, To quit tobacco easily am) forever, ho mag eetlc. lull of life, nervo und vigor, take No To* H vo, tho wonder worker, tiiat makes weak inch strong. All druggists, fXK>or 91. Cure guaran teed Hooklct and wimple freo Address Sterling licuiedy Co.. Chicago or New (Y oiV Hoots ami iihooa to tlio number of 000 are said to bo maiiufaoturod yearly In (treat ltrltaln. I.> on A < '?'? * 4 I'ic K I <ei? t " Hn; uhlng I o I. ft cci> does not make every mouth aaswoet a* u rone, but comes "mighty nigh" does give every one a moat del Ixh tt'u I smoke. Try It. Ttio Fhlllnplno Islands ?* r? ? rieh In iiuUvh woods which lire almost unknown to the rest of tho world. To </'yr? (!<>iiHttpMttou l'or.>vek. Tnlie CuhcmetH Candy Cathartic l"e oi "Ao. li 0. U. O. fail to cure, druggist* refund uioojy. Orange production of tho i'ae|||e coast this leaaon has boon tho greatest In California's history. No-To-H?o for Klfty Cents. Gurvantocd tobacco habit cure, makes weah men strong, blood pur*. &"t, 41. All drugtf Ul* Canada's wheat crop this year will he by far Urn greatest In tho history of the iminlu lon. Ho. -1(5 M rs. Wlnslow'a Soothing ?y nip for children tceting, softens the gum*, reducing lull una tton.ailays pnln, cures wind colic. arte, a hottllo COI.17M lll'H, OA-, Auu.?t. !#'?? Da. C. J. MorrETT.- Dear I motor: Wegavo your ''Toethlrm" (Teething Powders) to our little grandchild with tho happluU result*. 'Hie effects were almost nwigtcal, and cr.ii TAINI.V MOItK SATtslAI "lOlt V THAN KltOM AN V THINdWK KVKtl YOUIS, VOtV truly. ?Iosbi'ii S. Kkv, I'nstor of Ht. Paul Church. (Now Bishop Mouthoru Methodist Church. ? Catarrh In the Head la An Inflammation of Ihn mucous mrm brnno lining tlm nasal passages. It lsoauso>l l>y ft cold or mtoeosslon of colds; ?*om t>| n>< I with Impuro blood, Catarrh is otm?d I ? v Hood's Hnrsnpnrtltn, whlolJ eradicates from tho blood nil Horofulontf taints, rebuilds tlm delioatu 1 1. shu 08 and builds up tlm system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is A morion's Orontost Mwdlolno. $1; six for?) Hood's Pills ouro all blver Ills. 'J't cent ??. A few Ban* Salety Paper. A lit* vv Uinil of wifely paper for banks, ete... Is /I tlMOUIUVd, tllOtlgh tlm inventor's mime does not appear. It Ik a foreign idi'H, one feature of t Im* Invention consisting lu prinilug ??i otherwise Impressing on tin* paper employed a plurality of sets of lines or marks, one or mow of which sets are indelible ami the remaining sets dellble; these lines or marks are made ho tine and so closely alternating 01 relatively disposed thai, in ordinary observation with the naked eye, no single line or mark is distinguishable. Again, the Indelible lines or marks are made of a < olor differing from though complementary to that of the delible lines or marks, so thai, owing to their Hose JtiMapositn n. tliey w ill convey t he luipivssion of a color dit fering from those of cither of the s"ts of linos or marks. Thus. an> i-lo nn * al action or erasure on mh h paper would. It Is elal'lted, be ai once di> cernible. and the shade made by the two color cotublmi I foils would be hard to duplicate. TEKI0I)S OF PAIN. Mcnstrnntion. tlie balance wheel of i woman's 1 i f ?? . i.s also tbe banc ?if exist- ] ence to ninny hccniisc it mean . a time of I great su flVring. While no woman iv entirely free fr<?m ' periodical pain, it ib ?? s n?it ;.n tn t<- !>:. ve ! >*>?? II DO 1 u r?*"s> plan U?nt WfiniPH ?>1 liorwisc healthy should suflvr f?o severely. Lyclia E. Pink ham's Vege- ^ tabic Com pound is Hie most ! horouph f e tor known to mndieal pci once. It relieves the condition that pro duces so miti'li diseom fort and r< >!??? in.ii- j 8( runt ion of its terror*. Here is proof: | ? Dv.aii Mns. 1'inkiiam: ? J low can i thank you enough for what \ ou have done forme? When I wrote to y?<u I was suffering untold pain it 1 time of ; menstruation; wns nervous, had head ache all the. time, no uppet ite. that tired feeling, and did not care for anything. I have taken three bottles of I,vdil? K. Pinkliam's Vegetable pound. one of Blood Purifier, two l?o.\es of l,iver Pills, artd to-day 1 amawel! person. I would like to have who .sutYer know that 1 am one of the in; nv w ho have heen cured of female complaints by your wonderful medicine and udviee. --Miss .IrxstK I! Mitt--. I.eon. Wis. #lf you are suffering in t hi.', w ay. write as Miss Miles did to i'inhhuin at ! Lynn, Mass., for the ndvirc which she otters free ofcharfjc to all wtmcii Sour Stomach " iH?r I wm Uinrcd lo try f'AACA BKT*. I Hill n?*?r b? with, >nt thfii> the hou?c. My llv?r wm In a very bad ?hape. And my ticiid ?cbea and 1 bad atosweb trouble. Hon. *laco uk _ 1m Ciyroi, I (??> My Am with bencflclat result* for aour atoaaeb." _ JOS. KMSLMWr WW Coegress tit . St. Lont?,Meu CANDV ^ CATHARTIC _VI|lgM> MMIK NiMl. TlM* fltiM. IX , W ?n? ?. Ite. lie. Me. ^ OtUn COWTIWTKMI. ... SlIMTfR AND WATERS R R. ASSURfcD. RljfiU of Way Have All Been Secured Ho" II Will lintCf Sumtcf. ? Col. J D. Hlaudiug, president oi the Sumter aud Watoroo Hailroad Company, state* that tho aftaira of tho company will be i? shape very shortly to an vortmo for I>u1h for tho oon?ti no tion of tho road. Tho company has purchased a valuablo pioce of property from Mr. O. <*. llowland adjoiuing the vard of tho Atlantic Coast l.ino depot. Deed* for tho right ?C way from tho Watoroo liver to (Iroon awuinp havo tioen oxeoutod by tho laud owuora ulong tho lino and tho rights of way from tho Uowland property huvo boon i i4ii t oil mitt t it 1 08 Kivovi by tho oi t y of Huuiter and tho Snmtor cottou mills to tho limits of tho city, The load will follow Factory street from tho I'eoidos I co factory through tho property of the cotton mill to tho southwestern 1 1 n? > tn of tho city. From tho limits of tho city to < !i oen swamp options havo boon seemed f ?> r tho rights (>f way an<l tho titloH urn boing executed. Col. liluud ing has also recoivod a notitieation from tho Stato railroad commission that at itt> last moating a resolution was adopted authorizing tho Sum tor and Wateroo railroad to oioss tho track of tho Columbia brunch of tho Atlantic Coast Lino at tho crossing of lactory street adjacent to tho Peoples loo factory. This permits tho now roail to enter tho citv by tho host and most available route, thin avoiding tho necessity for several heavy gradoB and sharp curves. An Interested I etter. In the library of tho Darlington Guards amoug it's valuablo Volumes is an entire set containiuK the "otlioial rooortlfc of the lluioii aud Confederate armies" in tho "war of tho rebellion, lu volume h. horiosl, part v?, folio tjftft, is an item of unusual interest to South Carolinians. The item reforrud to is the following oflloial letter of (lou T. (J. .lack son : "Headmiartors ii<l Corp*, Army o. Nortn urn Virginia, March ?. 1?03 (leu li. h. I I fur want herewith a totter from Urn. f'rutohlleld respect tin? artillery IteM olnrers. lii.H opinion h'mj 1 1 iik tho proiiiotion ?>l Joues is what I anppuMtd it would bo. If U. ihoutd beeume nooossary t? ? appoint more tiian ono lieutenant colonel I w ? ? n I ? l respect fnllv recommend that ('apt. 1>. U. Melutoau tio urumolod to u naitt eolonohy. I am, vUonoral, yon r obedient M-rvsnt. r, ,1 . .1 AI.KMO.N, "Itrtgaritor Ueneral." \ R. P. Synod. A. It. I'. Synod convened m Cheater. I'ho foature of tho day's session was Hit) hearing of the address of tho ltov. Alexander tiilchrist, D. I >. , of Omaha, Nob., delegate of the United 1 roaby torian Church, to tho A. 11. 1\ Synod, who spoke oj tho Bimilarity ot the loetrine ami polity of tho two bodies, mnl urged tho organic uuion of the body ho reproBeiited with tho A. II. 1'. Synod. I'ho He v. l)r. K W. I'rossloy, for tbo finuoco committee, mado tho report of Ins oommittoo. It recommoudod tho appropriation t^#7,00Uto home niiHsions and fto.OOO to foroigu missions. It was also recommended that J?\?,nuO add it lonin l>e r iiisod for foreign missions In voluntary contributions. A "Riled" Soldier. Tlio polico of Columbia bail to arrest two of tho mom bora of tho Second I en ncBBoe foi being drunk, and ? third was arrested on tho charge of raising a disturbance, Tho soldier wanted to hco a natural freak show on tlio corner opposite 1 he poslofllco. He had some trouble with the ticket agent ami claims that h'o was struck on the head with a pair oY knacks. Ho then gathered unto himself an axe and began to play a desperate game, smashing up the l?o\ ertice and damaging tho tent, finally being rounded 1 1 1 ? by the police. The Request Granted. Mr. Abial l.athrop, of Orangeburg. United Statos district attornoy. was in j Colnuibin nnd called upon the governor ] m behalf of Col. .Ino. li hdbert ' " rciiuosted of tlovoruor l.llerhe. should wui Hints bo sworn out against ( ot. Tolbert by people oh Sreuuwood. as has l.eon threatened, that he will not per mit Col. Tolbert to bo taken to that count v, as his life might thus bo en dangered. Tho governor complied with his request. To lla>e a New W ater Supply. Spartanburg is to liavo a now wal/ii Mipply. It is holio vod by tho pro jector.* of tho now company that it can bo luailo it | living liivontmont, for thoy I ! ui'i oho to ^o fur onoiigli n i ? tho : ? ? : 1 1 1 1 r y tor tlioir nouieo to film ihIi | uhuudant natural pressure. K uihiiii^ I>nw 11 Knhhers. I iio work of i n i: i) in i,' down Ktiil mp tilling Illt'lubclS of t ilO UHllg of llflgl'O rob! ?i:rn who liavo boon so t> \ ttteuint icul I y a'nl bobtlv robbing box cam between in t t*r 11 f : < 1 W edgolichl la going oil. II- t : i v Smothers. another one ot tho j .Mil.'-, 1 1 II H i h i' 11 lll' ostod llllil I It !' lie. I J ( \ci lo '>heri!) I Vinson. A portion of ! tin- stolon good* was found in bid I |:Ui<M,.SKlon. I i'iI x in/j the I arms. \ ;;coil many I'nion county fat mora I a; ?> 'oavin^ thou fai ins and Rei'tiring work in 1 1 m* e>tton mills. J ho low ; | riro ( f CU*ti?ll S0OIIIS to huvo i 'irtrty d'sconragi'd thorn. ami thoy aro tin \ ioii s lo try soino othor occupation !l is smd that tins is also t ho caso in 1 S; ai t ii ii I >ti r^r county, thero being a i "imipi <1 1 evodus to tlio cotton nulls in j i oino com m ii n it les. -??? UnindaiKe ot (.1 u a i I ami S?juirreU. I iio tiobls and tlio forosts around I'iekeuN abound with ipiail and sipiir ids. Oiio old gent hnmtu wont out to ttiioot Hiiiiin s< | ii u i i>l j?, iind succeeded in i i luging down and it was not very : hard to believe him wlion ho said that I l hoy woro almost as thick as niiow J hlld s. -??* I armc/< I'lantimr \\ ticat. It'ia sauMliat many farmern in Sum- ) ter co laxity nro now turning their at j ti'iition to tho cultivation of wheat and ! oats on a much larger ficalo than over boforo. A much larger acreage, ha? already been iiuivii than at thi-i fame timo last year. Satisfactorily Settled. Tho tanglo to tho Bailey- Imuuftan liquor case has been combed tout sal infactorily, and tho whiskoy in (itood vilio and at Abbovillu has been shipped to Atlanta. - ? Homrcldc al Waterloo. Edmond Harris and Cary Anderson, l?oth colored, liecamo engaged in ? difficulty over a woman iu Wetorloo The latter wee shot threo titno* and died ehortly afterward*. Harris wm promptly arrested nod sent to Laureut jail. ^ / ' Jedgwcat A fa Jest Railroad Co. La tha Circuit Court at Greenwood, Monroa Cooper aeenred a verdio award! aa hlna 91,000 damages again at tha O, C. aad N. Kail road Co. for iu jnriee received t>j tha plaintiff it alightiag from a train al WhitnoraV HOW Cl'BAN THEATRES AMI! RUN. Queer Kcxulatioim Wbkb Govern Playtiolrg oil (he Island. in no other country but Cuba Is tllO presence of tin; public tolerated lu iIm* theatre* during rehearsal#. i * 11 malic consideration*. of course, ex plain why rehearsals an* called at 7 a mi., hut no Cuban I ever spoke to could ui\c any reason why, III lla vana, the puMic should he permitted to a 1 1 cud n la-ai ? alp frcn <<f charge. Tin1 buy, Miiy>i the hitiiiuilv News, (Iocs mil allow a |a?ki'o lo appear on tin' < 'tibaii stag<\ with the riKtill I hat the Spanl-h aclors an- extremely proud, and if applause is withhold are prolic to wa.\ extremely wroth. As white women in Cuba wuvlld think U derogatory to a|>i>car as supers, the law which regulates tin; theatre is so fat relaxed as to lillou* black wouicu to appear ?'ii tin* smk1' Hut the uiah; Uegroe*, e.\ eept as Keepers when quadrupeds ai" intruduced, are stern ly prohibited. In I lu? stuck pin y 3 whli h contain characters utisuiied for white performers painted inula) toes tiro tolerated. As every town lu Cuba lias Its dr.i malic censor, and all gentlemen have their own views as lo how a work should be treated, a play ren dered suitable for llauina frequently requires a completely different super vision for, say, Santiago. Needless to say, all pla.vs that have undergone a double Censorship are quite useless for presentation. The authorities, not even the eeusors being aide to cope wtMt earthquakes, are careful, mainly because they are fond of attending 'he theatres themselves, to see that no lire* occur. Kvery theatre during a performance has upward of /ifty black bombcros or lircim-ii ready to OXtlngulsii outbreaks. The pit lu the Cuban theatre is reserved for white gentlemen, and the first lief, which is only raised about a foot, so that con versation nifty lie indulged In, for white women. As Cuban women, when visiting the theatre, love (ii sp,,it as many rings as their tinners will held, they do not wear iiloves. Must u oil ieu of posit inn bring their attend nits' with them, but t hes(? poor uul'or i iinates nrn tint permitted to filiate In the fun, for they are compelled to sit. on tiie floor behind their mistresses. I'lie tinkling of a bell outside during ti performnnre Is the signal fur the play to stop to enable all present, act ors included, to kneel down and cross themselves. The tinkling bell means ?'font a procession of priests is passing lo administ?*r the holy sacrament lo a lying man. Washington I'osi. How n I rcncli Senator N\as l:(c<(cd. A curious slur.v told eonooniing I In* iij:i 11 iici In wliieh M. (.'odin. tin* new Mlnisl)'!' or J * i? I ? 1 i ? * Works and Si'U.l I i'l" for lirilili I/h1!:i. til'.-. I eaiue io ! f|Ul-Si nt llwit I olisl itlO-lloy. >1. ?ioilhl s mil' of (he gentlemen whom M. Iliis Mill 1 1 ; 1 1 1 lip his sli i'Vi> to till any |?ro|i uhlo \:i< ;ni' V in the < ":i hiiat, \\ hen they >i 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 ? oil i In i f derision to | ??*i ? ?????? I witlrthe iovi.iioii of t In* lUoyfiis case. M. i.'odin h< :ilso n lawyer. and ?.oi:e? li II i'?!i m;iis sinee he fl |>| ??*;! I in : 1 1 1 ? I w oil a < ;t -?i? Ml" Jl gen 1 1? *111:1 :i who V> .'! lil.'Jflv ll'lUVM Ilti tl ill I'fl'llri! i in! ? :i I ii" il.i \ I ? ? r 'ill li' nil" 11 1 1 -;i nil- phi 1 1 ? 1 . ili<| ili<> .ii.pi li,i\m'_' duly Ii:iiii|i'iI M. ( :.iImi i . li ' iii!) rKi '? I "lly iio* w.n I m> w v. ?io|i| >oii I I." to r< pp'o'iit I'l'i'loli 1 1 1 < 1 1: 1 in i!i?- < ' i ::i 111 1 n* 1*. hi?-;i use i ? wld 111.: 11.1 uo ' f?'T V'.u M ?.'<m1mi Urew that !i!> client \n .1 ^ a !>!?_? 1 1 1 .1 11 i Pondi' li' tii. I?ul naturally r. j.lii il \i> oiio 1% 1 1 1 1 w s on' there, ;iii:l 1 should l::i\e to ijuiKe :i long \ " "Nothing if I he soil," replied III" vT? ? 1 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 : :i I! : I'll keep out of our local a! ru^iili's and >lo|i iii I'arls." M ( ; . . 1 1 II iliil ... lull aeoepled I lie of for. and soino lew uioiitlis Inter some Si.iiiiu Hindoos |iit! his name Into the 11 111. :i !i< ! it was then that M. <fodin h. ? a ni" I ?? 1 ? 1 1 1 \ for French India. .1 1 1 1 ; 1 . . ? r ! : . ? o\ slouoe of which 11 ] 1 to 1 let t t i : i \ iio ool.v |U'o|i:iM v know of in a \ ,k .: ? 'ort of way. - Paris Paily Me* senuor. II111 ?t?tO|?H ol Army l.tfo. /"' mi //??'. On n <i.' f . ? 1 > tT ? ? r their aervloos for Mi" ? n't v i't iii ? i'iviI War A. It. Sof 1 ? ? 1 1 . Mot ? v . I,u-?!i t' v. 1 till. II" 01 m\1 ?* n ;; >1. 1 1 ? t | 1 ' ! n ? : i to of every soldier is 11 it-nil ..ii--, tui'l \| 1 Si-fi'-n's ..;i^?i was no ex ? W.i worn in I'.iiue's^eo, penned i.i .ii mo -ii . 1 ?? ? . t?ur rations were very ?? <ii ??? ' -111 I iio. "mi I wo 1 1 .- 1 . 1 lii.;(ii 11 to go ? ? 1 1 i't or allow. moo, and as the rain was lor ? :o j ;.*!i t ? ? i'.|'loto'>li t Iio we IN or st roa his, 01 : ??:iato"i,s went empty. Wo were liur rin I 1 1:1 . an. I t lie only way t<> ipioio'ti our iIiiim! wa- to go down mi our hands mtd iio hi I .1 rial; fr on '.ho hoof I raoltrt uiiido !>v t ;ui lior.ioj. Otir Piinfrrn* H'< rr Empty. "Horn'* of ii. -4 worn tiikou sii'k from tho . <?( tliie. I wa< laid il |> s?i> v?Tiil wooks !i? it !!??! 1 !??--{ il n I from frwr. 1'ruiii Chat 1 1 hi ? ? I \v;i < it I w.i \ ? it fll i ? ? t ?* I in?rt? or le>w. ' A t !ut:r vt-.iM airo I btv:ini?? tn u ?"* 1> v >:>!?/ (tin family dootor ????? :i? ? v ? ? r inv ??as". .1 n ? I il Ix'^/wi to look as If r wan ih> liopo for my rocovory, an*l litt t !m iiiovUablo oiid wa* near. "!?M-t Novoiiilmr I Wrtu ndvisnd to try l>r. ! William*' Pink Pill?. Pho physlolftfi# pabl jmy WT'* mi owellnnt m?di<rin?>, t>t\t woulil I > no tfood In :ny naxo. I tri*d thow, i-ri am triad I dl.f, for I bitcnmn bettor nt >:i it. Eiitlit boxoH tnkon accordluK to <11 rji'tlons ?*?? r?*?l mo. I UAad tho iMt of tho ? ilh> nhout a your afco, and havo not boon rtiihtod with my nitmonts aloeo." T!?o |nnvor of Dr. William*' Pink Tills ..*?? Palo lu ili.? vA*t uuiHUrol <Ih j tioi iluo to impuro or polaonod blood has hwt d?mnn*trnt?t tn thon?*nds of In *??%n<*<rs ns romarJ* ihlo a-? tho ono rotated abov*. Ptatr or Ohio. City ok Im.rdo, ? I.KCAfl fui'JtTT, (* Fr ink J.( iirNrrv m*--;.-* ?<th that h#?U tho fCDior |??rln-r nf t;i < tirni n J. f. CKIKRV A i ?? ,d?in c ratftlnejsln the City of 1 ol0da,cuua ? ? ??**? **????? ??rrrrw*trl, and thfttfatrl rtrm wtt! . (AV the Mini Of ONR HI'MkURIjbliOM.AB* for 1 y oh fljid ?"Vfrr c??e of riiAUk J'bo rnwl by th* h?a of Haij.'r Catarrh 1 Cl'RB. Frarr J. Cnkit. Sworn to bo for# mimnd mhwrlbtd tn my t ? | pryna thi? 6th d?r of ?c?mk*r, (RAL > A. D. 1M. A. w. OtRAROI*. I ? . ? \ ? Notary Pnwlc. Hall'* CtUnhdaraltUken InUtraAlly, and ? * U directly op th* blood and rnocou# tur f frm o4 the ajttom. 9?nd for UcUnMaUls L'Zi* W n.L&?Wt * ?? ' 7ol0d* a (#1UU'r rmmS&fuU mm th? hMfc Never let blankets remain in service after they are soiled. I >ii t rots the fibre and invites moths. Never wash a blanket with any other than Ivory Soap. Use warm (not hot) water and thy in a place where there is no exposure to wind, sun, or too hot or cold air. Blankets that have been improperly washed are hard and coarse to the touch, when washed properly with Ivory Soap they feel soft, warm and fleecy. I V IVORY , SOAP IS PER CENT. PURE. Copjrtibt, t?y Th? Pr&cUr k Owl!* Co , l'l??tnsuil H EALTHY MATERNITY. Two Grateful Womon ToU of the Help Thoy Havo Kooolvort From Mrs. Pinklmm. The f'limax of lifo forco in woman Is capablo motherhood. Tin; li requisite for a good mother is good health. I Ira! th of body means health of tho generative* organs. Head what Mrs. O. A. Nonwamakkk, HlufTton, Ohio, says about Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and how well it prepared her for maternity: "Dhak Mrs. Pinkji am:? I must say a word in praise of your Vegetable Compound. I ,used threo bottles of it when T was prep nant, and labor was not nearly as long 1 as it was with my other babies; ami my baby Is so healthy to what t lie. others were. I think every woman should use your Compound when preg nunt, it will suve them so much suffer ing and misery. I eannot say enough in praise of it. If ever I need medicine again, I shall use your Compound." The most successful tonic known to medicine for women approaching ma ternity is Lydia 10. Pinklinm's Vege tablo Compound. It is a safeguard for every woman who uses it, and the fullest. benefit comcs from its use with Mrs. Pinkham's advice freely offered lo all woman, llcr address is Lynn, Mass. Hero is a" convincing statement, bearing directly on this subject, from Mrs. E. Bisiioi\ of 1843 Pacific St., Brooklyn. N. Y.: I " Deau Mks. Pinkham:? I am, a great believer in y*>ur Compound. I was ablest despairing1 of over again. Ixrfng ( wi ll, as I was a g*<xit sufferer, and had bee^for years. T suffered from womb trouble, and had terrible blind fits. After writing to you I tried your Com pound. Thu was astonishing. I have used it and advoeated it ever since. In rli i Id birl h it is a perfect boon. 1 liave often said that I should likn to liare its m?*rit.s throivii on 1 ho sky with a search- light, so that all women would read, and boconvinced that! luire is a remedy for their sufferings. " A MiUlon Women have been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Medicine $500 in CASH PRIZES * ? EVERY WORKER REWARDED! * r THE LEDGER MONTHLY ?"sE T1IK IjKDGJCR MONTHLY is tho marvel of (hong" for beauty nn?l low price. Withita Artistic Lithographic Colore*! Cover*, Superb l'iotorlal llludtrof Ions. Serial and Short Sbort? bv Loading Writers of tho Worla, und Special Department* Of Dec orative Art, Embroidery, Home Employment for Women, and, in fact, every Depart ment of homo improvement wbich adds to tho economy ?uid charm of lioiut' life, !jo it Indoors or outdoors, tho LRDOEK MONTHLY is boyonci question, and, according to criticisms of the press of the whole united states, the most wonderful production for lie price. Biruply to see a copy of tho LEDGER MONTHLY is to be flrinly convinced that no sucn co.?tly periodical has ever been offered tottao public for so little money. Your samplo copy vrill prove this to you. Send 50 cents 'or a year's subscription, or a 2 -cent stamp for a sample copy. In addition to our .V500 Cash Prizes, divided among thirty-one cash prize winners, valuable premiums, or commissions in cash, are given to parties sending yearly subscriptions. Send for Sample Copies and Outfit for Club-raisersand Agents. - Addre*s ROBERT BONNER'S SONS. No. 104 Ledger Building. N. Y. City. A Bishop's Tramp. Hlshop Coleman, of Wilmington, Hoi.. has just returned from a tramp through West Virginia. Ho says', that he was often an objeet of pity nij the part of tho people, and many express ed sympathy for "the poor old 'man who had to walk." Had ho so <|eslreil. ho rould hnvo made money during lils trip. He knows thoroughly tho inoe!i anism of clocks and Is skilled', in re pitirii^g tin-in. At several farm houses whore the ltlshop stopped to get some thing to ent ho noticed that the clocks wore out of repair, and he volunteered to fix them.' Soon the dork would he gyiug all right, and the ltlshop would lie offered money by the farmer, but he always deellned. One night dark ue.iM overtook the Rishop on a walk, and lie applied to a farmhouse for lodging, but tho place wns full, and ho could not be aoeommodated. He was not allowed to sloop even on the lloor. Taking up his staff, the Bishop con tinued his Journey lu the darkness un til he came upon a dilapidated looking bam. He groped his way Into the building, aud, picking out some new liny made a bed, and the crickets sang him to sleep.? New York Tribune. ' \ Ranis'* Poor. Statistics just published show that it* Russia only. 34 1. 268 families out of a population of 7fW?ut 130,000,000 souls have an Income ofl>ver $500 a year, or that practically in^re than ninety-nine per cent, of the ^vliole population ara constantly in a state of abject poverty and pauperism In their various de greea. _ The Agurea bocewo appoHl wg whrrr one considers the case of the peasan try, which forms the overwhelming majority of the population. The aver ?f? J?nrly Income of %. peasant family conalating of six mothers ranees N* tween $i0 and 97S a year, out of ir&icb between 923 mad $36 has to be paid to tfca |?TUUMst ta direct taaea, Caper Sauce Capers. The paper, familiar in capor sauce and used as a garnish for salads. Is Im ported from Spain and France. Ca pers arc grown in Italy, but none Is imported from there into this coun try. Capers arc sorted into four sizes, of which the smallest are known com* merc/nlly as nonpareils, and the next larger as surflncs. The next largbr in French capers arl** ea puciiies, and tho largest cai?otes. while ihe next to the largest and the largest of Spanish caixjrs are known respect ively as capotes No. 1 and No. 2. The smallest capers are the most de sirable and bring the most money. French capers are imported almost wholly In bulk in kegs of fifteen or six teen gnllons, and barrels of about forty gallons in brine or vinegar. A few capers are Imported In glass, but they are mostly put up In tils country. Capers grow on a bush. ? New York Rim. XitiMt* Tour Bowtli Wllk CwwwtQ Cindf CAtbfcrtlr, cure conallpoUoa torinr, Me. Sc. If C. C. O fmll. drncftau rafond awy. Nearly XI ,000,000 worth of patent cinea are exported from the Untted Kingdom each year. . I ara entirely cared of by Hao'a Core to " Lisdma*, Bvthaey, ind of hMMrrh?|? oflBBf* for Comumpiloo.? Louisa i r. Mo , iancTf I, Iflifc FOR SALEsiumSdiiieo Mm. Mills, "&T Th? City by tht Sea. The KKELEY INSTITUTE, N. Ei Cor. V?u^.erhorftt * KudtU HU.. CHAHiifcftTON South <amomv%. Atlantic Ocean Kurf bathing, Yathluv, HuHttiiK uiid FMiluy, 1 r?U?y and Kerrr lUdv* 7, 1? and &1 iniit'H. Sullivan Island uud the I ilo of 1'aliuk, all to bo enjoyed while under treatment fur Whiskey or Morphine Addiction, 0|icu? Oct. 3rd uh?I H ill the o lily Kvulv)' luiillulD In the Nlato. DADO A IMC in pianos f . uAnuAINo ANDOHGANS. Oicuub fioia $1.'?.(.U, | i'5 U.I, f86.CO and ui? wanl Uuriicbt PiaU'i* from flftS.CK) $ 0 1 a ml upward. Addro** M, A. MAI. ONE, Columbia S. C. SAW MILLS. li you noed a hhw it!ll, any Mae. writ? I n.o before buyliiK oUokIimfo. f have i ilu> most ooini<lot? line of mllU of uuy dealer or wauufaeturur la ^beilouth. CORN MILLS. ' i Very hltfhaat crude titon&i, at aniuual* Iv low jirlcos, WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY, riauors, Moulder*, Ed^er*, lle-Sawa, Hand 8a wa, I.ath^ eto. ENGINES AND DOILERS, Talbott and Liddoll. Enifleberg RlcoHuller Jimlook, qulfll delivery, low prlooa. V. C. BADHAM, No. 182H Main St. , Columbia, 8. 0. BAILEY-LEBBY CO. THE ' AV F8 Engine* ami Hoilora, AULTMAN <& TAYLOH Tlironhers, "MON1 ? OH*' Duatlesui Grain Bvparntons (;ins. Pressor, Corn ami Cauo Mills, KNOLKHUKU Hioo llullor and Polisher, L>E LOACH Saw Mills, Leather & Rubber liolting, Laclug, Packings, I'lpe, Iron Fittings. In jcctora, I'ulloys, Shafting, Hand Pumps ami General Supplies. CHARLESTON, - - S, C. Try our IJ-L Co. Anti-Friction Habbltt Metal When In Need of ANYTHING In the Machinery or Mill Supply Line, Consult Your Interest by Calling on or Writing ;W. H. (ilBBES & CO., Large stock. SOIjK AGICNTS KOIt I Iddell Co , ( harlotte, N. C.. Engines. Itollors, Saw Mil's, Improvoil Cotton Ginning Machinery. , Kaglo Uotton Gin Co., Hrlilgowater, " A. it. FarfplharCo., York J'a., Kif Iiip? anil Thresh i I uc Machines. Flick Co., Waynesboro, Pa.. EnKlnniaud Saw Mills, chandler & Taylor (Jo., In?llan?s>olM, Ind., Engines / nn-i 11 .Hem. I Salem Iron Work*, Halcm, N*. C., flaw Mill*. ! A. Kay & Kgau Co., Cltcluriittl, O.. woo<l worklug Machinery. ? Ktraub Machinery Co., Cincinnati, O.. Grist Mills. Krciinon & Co., I,ouIsvllle, Ky., Cano and Saw >1111 Machinery. plover Manufacturing Co., Freeport, III-, WlnJ MIII9 and 1 auks. Peering Harwstcr Co., Chicago, Harvesting Ma chinery. Sludehakor Pro*. Manufacturing Co., South Fond. Intl., 3tud?b*ker Wagons. j Gonitis M'f g C'?.. Scnaca Kail*, N. V? Pumps. ! K;. Worthloglon, N. Y , Moa;u l'uiupj. I. II. \% Itllams ? Sous, Hover, N'. M,, leather Belting ' Peerless Ruhlter M'f'g Co., NewYork, Rubber Uelt Ing and racking. COLUMBIA BUSINESS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA. SOUTH CAROLINA. Atl commercial branches tanght. Poei '(toat (?toured, Hail road fare paid. Cheap .boar'- < of con rt-e can partly he paid by worklnK lor the college. Er.dor* cd by banks and bnsl hops m?*n. For full Information and iCftt?loRuos, address W. II. NEWBERRY, M. A. i Established 1634. I'roMdcnt, ftR. BllOER'S LIVER PILLS. 'M arc !??> ?' iinblnod that (hoy do four things: I f,t. Tim v aci on the Liver. 2nd. They art on the Ippcr Hoods 3rd 'I hey act on the Lower llowels ?lili. They act upon the Kidney*. Not* -They <lo nut sicken or gripe. Other |>! If ?!" nnc fourth, fcome cne ha f of this. Glider's d<> It all. 'i!i Cents n Ho* hy Mull. T"l>e Howard & Wlllct llruu: Company AI UINTA. OA. MAKK THEM. i ????O8HELBY 040+* IJ. II 1UBINQTON, raor., Shelby, N. C. , KiiRlneM, Mollor?? Pipes, l'Htlnjrw, St ovo Itopntre, Hrats rnsllnss, and ?everything In thn Foundry Line. PHOTO PARLORST columdia, a. V * LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS. We enlarge from I'akW or Crayon OI.D l'IC'ITISlCK. Country tnule aollcited par ticularly. Amateur Cameras h Supplier. (Send for prices enlarging and framing Old Photos. HOWIE'S PIANOS Knabo, Chlckeiinsf, Sohmcr, Fischer, and nlno other reliable makes t<? choose from. Terms sml prices ill keeping with tho tim.'s. Aildrcss ? M. A. MALONE, - Columbia, S. C. PIANOS AND ORCANS. i Money in Chickens. t or vi/Sc. tn stamps w? s?u<l ?v I > ? t'AOK HOOK KlvliiKtho experience ot m practical Poultry llalacr? not nn amateur, but u ninii working tor dollars and cent*? (luring kveara. It teaches how to Uctool land Curo l>iseuso?; KtioJ forK<t{? also for Kalleuln#; which FowlstJ bave for lire?<llng; everything ro uuUKe fur protltal'ie Poultry ral? lu#. IIOOJl I'l'HI.ISIIINti CO. I II Ltonaril nirevi, .New tori*. TlfANTKD of t>a 1 health that n ItASS ?? will not ln?nortt SimkI %.-i* to lilpan ' Co. i NnwY?rk. f??r I" ?t.i| Iik*i ???*? .?? 1*. FREE WATCH! H?nd vouriKl<'fPK? ami wo wlli Cipro** .V) lino, Whir filler fflckol clgara. Wliru ?.>l?|, j? mtt 11 :*> :inU wowtllm?tl yon, freo, n handsomo stoni v.Mwl ami ?ol unu'li, wlild> MtMlH for Ktflj WMSTO^I CIMAR CO. .No. 9U Mwin St. X.V. I,> tirdrrlnn (oiidi or mnkiua onoiiirlrn > f ml. vi rlUrri u twill lin lo your n hninntr n? nirn Hon IbU pap+r. Ho. IG NF.W DISCOVEKY; tffa qnlrk relief ai.'l cnma wont [?ail ii> i niali ?ml II) ilittt' AtW'IMM Atlaata Wa. <m<Mb,or?aajr lM?alarnia.VOWl.KM Vklwt Altera* j*. Ml Btvariway, N. ! 1TI1 w II %T IH? TI1EV NV MKL1K\K! I ran# . sj Kay si.. Now^it, il. t?> JATOR cat*mmedi tfl.M.-IHECm ffU.~?l7.S0. South Carolina and Saorgla Railroad Company. "Tub Cuakleston Link." Kchadulo in oflfoet D<*?. 19, 1897. hA.Si I'All.Y. WlflT DATLT. iv AugiMta 0 20 a Iv i hurloatou 7 10 a or Alk?o 7 OH u l v Columbia 7 00 a ur Kingvillu JO 10 u Iv Kiugvlllo 7 40 a ar Columbia 10 55 a ar Aiken 1109 a ui Charleston 11 on u ur Augu tu 11 61 a tAM MIU WKHTOAtLT. Iv AuguAtu 8 20 p Iv Cburleatou 5 30 p ur Aikon 4 07 p Iv Columbia 4 00 p at Kiugvillo 0 20 p Iv Kiugvlllo 4 44 j? ar Columbia 10 10 p ur Aikon 9 57 p qr Clwrlrrtoa bOOp ar Auguftin 10 45 j> i N jiltANt M, dally <*x?'opl Huuday, NOUTU SOUTH. V Iv Kiugvillo 10 25 a Iv Charleston 8 45 a arCamdrn 1 1 55 u ar Kiugvlllo 1? 05 .) Iv KIrkvIIIo 0 no a Iv Cumdftu . 2 25 p ar Camden 8 25 a ur Klngvllle f 4 8ft p \ i k i:n accommodation. Daily exempt Kunday. Iv Augusta c 40 p m Iv Aikon . . .4 15 p to ar Aikon ? 7 30 p in ur Augusta 5 07 p tn North aud Mouth via I><'uinark. Through sleepers to and from Now York. Iv Au^uMn 2 jU pin Iv Now York 9 30 py? Iv Aikon 3 12 jnii Iv Washng'n 9 10 pm ar lilchinoud-.S 10 pm Iv Rhhin'nd 7 31 pm ?r Wnshiugt'u 7 00 um ur Aikon. ... 7 19 am nr Now York . . i 23 pm ar Augusta 7 55 um ( QDliOotiona at < harleeton with Now York stoamorA, also wltb stoauwrs for Jaoksoavllla 1'la , on f-alling dates, jflid at Augusta with Georgia Itoud to and from all points Wost ani South ; at Blaoksvillo with the Caro* linn Midland ltailroud to and from Ilarnwell, Oounoetions wit I; Houtliecu Railway at Co~ liuiihiu to all point.* in uppor Houth and North Carolina JOHK1MI II. HA N 1)8, 1<. A. EMKK30N, (iciirral Manager. Truffle Managor, It VERY Oil ilttllt The Entire List of Democratic Nominees Elected. A LIGHT VOTE WAS POLLED. Congressmen Get Handsome Majorities, Even in (lie f irst f)istrict? The Negroes Didn't Do Any Harm. ^avo for tlio totally unexpeoted bloorl y riot in the neighborhood of 1'hoeni.x, in Grconwood county, tho (flection in .South Carolina would have been one of tho quietest in the history of tlio Stnto. Tho vote every where was Sight, Exceedingly light, but the Re publicans (seemed to havo remained away from tlio polls as well as the Democrats, judging from the reporti .sent in from various points. Con-! grossman Elliott's majority is suffi ciently largo not to endanger his seat by co u test. Hero is the Democratio State tioket olectcd without opposition: Governor? NVm. H. Kllerbe, inoum bont Marion. ^ Lieutenant Oovorr.or? M. B. Sweeney, incumbent, Hampton. Secretary of State ? M. It, Cooper, Colleton. Attornoy General? G. Duucan Bel lingor, Barnwell. Comptroller Gouoral? J. P. Dorham, iucumbont, Horry. Stato Treasurer? W. H. Timmer nian, incumbent, Edcofiekl, Muto Superintendent of Education? Juo. .T. McMahau, .Uichlaud. Adjutnrt and inspector Goneral? J. W. Floyd, Kershaw. Kuilroad Commissioner? C. W. Gar ris, Colleton, (Only ono olected this year). The following shows tho vote by dis tricts for tho candidates for Congress in tho several districts; First District ? William Elliott, in cumbent, (Dora.) 1,088; George W. Murray, (Hop.) 000. Second? W. Jasper Talbert, incum bont, (Dom. ) 52V; D. 1*. Chatfield, (Rep.) 80. t ^ Tliird? A. C. Latimer, inonmbent, (Dom.) 905; R. R. Tolbert, Jr., (Rep.), 107. Fourth? Stauyarne Wilson, incum bent, (Dem. )230; Pratt 8. Suber, (Rep.) 37. Fifth- D.E.Finley, (Dem.) 588; Jno. F. Jouos, (Rep.) 50. Sixth? .Tamos Norton, incumbent, (Dem.) 970; Junius II. Evans, (Rep.) 38. Seventh? J. William Stokes, incum bent, (Dom.) 507; J. If. Weston (Rep.) 1 PREMATURE burial. Fiitftoun Men Who Have I,pft Direction! \ to UUMrd Acitlnat It. WilRio Collins left a missive among his papers directing that when he died n thorough examination of his body was to be made by a skillful surgeon. . Lady-Burton, wife of Captain Sir Rich ard Jiurton, ordered that her body should be pierced with a needle In the region of the heart. Edmund Yates i of tho World, Miss Ada Cavendish, ' Miss Harriet Martlneau, the authoress, and Hans Anderson, the writer of so many fairy tales, may be mentioned as instances of men and women who have Irft instructions that they should no^, be interred until everything pQsefbfe had hern done to make sure that they were lifeless. In some eases It was the severance of a vein, In othere even de capitation that was resolved upon. Othors, with a similar end In view, have adopted different means. The signaling invention of Edgar Allen Poe, who wrote this subject up In hla eharncterlstleally weird fashion, It fa miliar to 'all readers. Then, there la the apparatus of a Russian Inventor,^ winch consists in a mechanism placed in the throat of the corpse. If rA sciousness returned, and an effort were made to breathe, the effort.set In nj(b tion certain wires, which resulted la * a bell ringing In the cemetery keep* er's \odge. In "Jexebel'a Daughter" the Idea HTTfery similar, save that Instead' of a throat apparatus wires were \ tened to the hands of the corpse, fart year Sir Henry TJt tie JoMTtoto tilsptl^ ' jimts at Edinburgh of a fancy COAL fitted with patent springs so coostrnot ed that on the slightest indication . pi returning life they would ltamedtatabr. v open the coffin and thus save the Ho* tHn. This may hams been a refttlUg ? to the Russian Inreatiea, seeing om the Idea is the ssms, tke,?fc t IwriT a slight dllMSnce in " ? Tbe Royal Palace of ?5?t mooaooo. It w tMfaa aftfrittKt In tfeo