The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, November 18, 1898, Image 3

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For Sale. A lino Milch cow. Will lie h? ?1J very reaaon&hh'. (}. \V. Amnion*, u. xy. Ammiini) ( 'niym'n, s. (?'. Fine llorces .Tn?t arrived ??t Liuh-'* Mtahlca one ciii load of 11 no Timimi-cop m' ?I Kcnttw-kv howa and inn? en. Nm,v is your chance if \ ??u whiji ? liVti ?i' or m ulc. Th j TiTnnfiftOi & Can 0*?t Their Money "1* lio money f ? ? r the* msnnyt'iM ??f the State Klcction for tins counu has enmo a d cl t li managcra can ??? t it by calling at tlio olllce of The Camden Chronicle. Postclllco to bo Closed Noxt Thursday. Next Thursday, Nov. 24th, be ing Tlrttailivgh ing Day and a na tional holiday (he ('unnlcii poMof. floe will be closed that 'lay. Ail interested will govern themselves accordingly. Public Library Entertainment A (lower party will ho ?|\? w on next Tuesday ? veiling in tin* Htir dell 1 1 u i I <i i ? . ?* , in ?par' metals oppn Kite the lihiary, for I lie benefit i f Ilia public library of Camden. He fn aliments will ho scrvi d nml the t mall admission fee of 10c will be Charged. A delightful time in in feloro foi ull who Pttcnd. At Your Own l'rice. Messrs. I] i i hi: h Mr-*. tV Co. a re goinu to dissolve c' parlnei ship ?>n the 1st of January ?nd to ? Meet a ('(irrcct sett lcm<-nt t li?* I r entin Stock of goods '.8 to ho disposed of at your own price. The\ request that you rail eaily and often and reap the bargain* that are await ing you. Head their m w adver lis* int nl. Taxes Ueing Paul Eotter Than I.ast Your. N<>t withstanding the great c r\ of li'ird timet* a credit'tMo showing is made in the recciot ? ?f tMX<*s in the county treasurer's cilice. Up t.o the 15th of November, 1<S!*7, $3,049 45'' wevv collteied. Up t?> the of Novetiiber, 18'JS, $<3,t>92.73 were collected, sho>*. iny an Increaao of ?(>-13 28 more taxcp P in the treasury than this mst 3 cur. **>"? ,v Moyod to Cool Spring. Mf. L. L (lopelsnd. Co. Supt. of K'luealion, has moved to that large, comfoi tsible.c.otninoftiiiuH and loinil f?o me i evidence, Gool Split)*/, font lei's? iilinv Camden. There is no I pi ten In Kershaw county hetlei adapted for having a picnic than Cool Spring, and in the earl} Spring Mr. C f,p? liiml'a constituenta aid going to expect him to give ua (i picnic. We nre going to name it our "Educational Picnic." Let several noted educators deliver ad dresses and a sumptuous repast be served. What say j ou Mr. Cope land? A Clever Trick. Jl certainly looks liku it, but there is really no trick ahout. It. Anybody can try it who has lame back and Wcnk Kidneys, Malaria vor nervous troubles. We mean he cftn cure himself right away by Inking Klectric Hitters. This med icine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonle. U cures constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleep lessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restotes the sj-stcm to its nat- j Ural vigor. Try Klectric Hitters' and bo convinced that they are a miracle woikcr. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c ? bottle at F. Leslie Zemp'a Drufi Store. Don't believe what our com petitors say about un, coine and ? see for yourself, what we a<l ? Veitise 18 always facts. Ilirscli Bros. & Co. Best quality Calico's at 3?c pcr^d , fit Hirsch Bros & Co. Check'Kolneepun 5c quality selling now at 3c per yd. at Uirsch Bros. & Co. .Planting ?n<* naming of iba ~ ' ?. Song by Grfcrtf J- . lloiaiiog o^Flag, dnrmj ?liiiili -'America" w#t*esoer*T??r g.- AAdraaa ontHa "Hoiatia* of IM fw: Vjr ??*, g* t/ Shiflnf of -Wwo.' * by "Arbor Day" at Tho Graded School. IIic celebration of Arbor I>fiy whivb was to have taken placfl to day, No*. 18, lias, on account of the weHthcr been poHtp<>ned tin til Wed replay of next week, Noy. 23. An Iftiercatin# program liaa been arraug. e J aa follow* : 1. Vtnyet. - i -Thiatle Down,** aong by Orado IV arid V. i 3. Aftdr*as on Arbor Day by Dr. Tau. ,y. 4a Recitations by a pupil from ?irti W agous. For 1, V mvl 1 horse wagons go to tin* (lilt Kdge Ktnro. Tl,us up to. dato house h ux litem ehonpor than l< cotton. Committed to the Hospital for the In sane. Sheriff Williams carried over t?? Columbia on Wednesday l;? k ( ft M r h. V ai-borough, \v I o had I ? o? ? n m?) j n >i ?? c- il i> nun'1, fur commitment nio the Iior. p nl fur t lie InAiini . ? m$r ? * Co.loto' Livny Stub'o. Kvh'm C >ilit??? v\i?.|n'H in call tin? > mi n u< >n of i lie 1 1 ii I lie i<> iIm< fat 'I. Ml |>h livrl'V liable in I'll lit1 \\ I- -if. Mllle lit M ?i i ti at i **?? i , t In* y t ?? ? 1 1 ? H fill lUL'l 1 V' UM'll M All. .1. A. A niibtrong. Don't forgot 1 1 1 ? ? and ? ht'ii you wtuil a turnout of an\ ?. i 1 1 1 1 go to t ho livery stable on the wise side t?f Mttin stieut. Colored Iudusti iftl Fair. A c.ol or I'll iutluMi rial full' will hi j hi-li| in 0 am den commencing ncx? M unlaw and continuing through th.'jfeck. Products of tin* finni mill handiwoik will Ih? exhibited, ?i m 1 1 special attractions are arrant; ? d fur eft cli il? v. We rot urn thanks |.>i un invitation to h( tend. Photographs. 1? ulflifl'i', the (,'olumhia ph<?to vir up tier, will he hero on Mondax to* x t the 21st ntnl will make photo uraphs nl i hu following prices : ( j m hi ut't *?z?\ h ii I f dozen. Small size, 1 5 e half doz??n. Don'*, niivs this opportunity to have u g<uid picture taken. Il?-f?t j work guaranteed. Samples of win k c:in be si en at Dr. K. Deslb | X nip's drug stoie. Gallery ue?r 8 ( :'h depot. | . - / ? ^ - Fair Notes. 'I'!ie $t'ite lair wits very well nk ii nded a \c?r not witlrstanding tin vrrv bad weather dining I bin week One of Dr. Dunn's !.ors> 8 carried off a prize at the Fait' tl is week. Ami also one of Mr. I?. M lirowu'a Inn sea look n prize. Onpt. L. L. 01. v burn, of Wcstvllle, who was one of thcfludges of Ag rieuluire exhibitt d at the State Fair this week, returned homo yesterday. Romantic Marrlago. Quito a romantic marriage which has jufit come to light look place in the upper part of the county on the Ditli of October. The contract in if parties were our handsome and trood friend, Mr. I<. W. Wee', nnd Mi^s Neelie Seegais. By ap pointment. they were met in tlio ou'dic road by Magistrate II. T. JuhriRon and there made one, after which the bride was token back t<? >??> r home and the groom went to ti-. and things moved on as usual :im ih.oiidi \ 1 1 1 v were only sweet It r ti r t s. The G:h of November had net f .r the marriage and the 'fliends of both parties weir in Imp py^cxpee.tanov of witnessing the ceremony. The day c'^nc, the feast prepared and fiiends assem bled to witness the marriage cere mony, but behold! the fact was made known that thiy had been man and %i'? three weeks! I in igi no tlie wonder and dismay of tbotffl present when they realized what a Juke had been played upon thetn. Nevertheless Ilia gathering wo* greatly enjoyed and thus starts out on the journey of married life two of oi^r best young people and Tim Chronjolo wishes them all pos* slble happiness. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Blgnataro of A Serioua Shooting- and Cutting] Scrape. ***^1 A ver*' serioua aliercalion oc curred on last Monday afternoon between1 Mlsaih. Sam ll.'unmond and Wiley Bradley and a colored man by liio n.ttnu of Austin who lives in '.lie Antioeh aeotion. The facts as we learn them are these: On last Monday nflernoon Mr. llHHtmond waa on his way to Biah opville on his bicycle, having a number of bujidlt-s. He was iu company with Mr. Wiley Bradley. The aand being heavy they were both walking. They overtook a amall colored boy who Mr. Ham mond told he would give a nickle to If ho would roll his bicycle Komc for him. They had not gone far when they passed a house near l he road which the boy said was where he lived, but continued to roll the bicycle a piccfc further for Mr. Hammond. They had not gone many steps before they were overtaken by Austin, the boy's fa ther, who with an oath demanded of U?Mr?. Hammond and Bradley "where were they going with his j wii.r and without a moment's warning with an openjrttaor Jutup > od on Mr. If ammon<t4utting an ug ly wound ft om the left eboulder to the elbow. He then made for Mr. | Bradley and made several effort* to cot 1(1 in but Mr. Bradley sn^ ceeded In aldppfng him by aboou ing liim twice with his piiU)}, the belie taking effect io and near hie ?toaacli. i . ABQlfaer account of the affair ie that ta^ two white men were teaa I kg t be. colored boy and pretending j that the j w lit going to ateal Mi and l be old a?en came to bis rescue. ' Itie aaid that the old man wa* of , ? quiet and inoffsnaire nature and waa elaoet entirely blind. Be 4M en (tm tfcw effente sf tie I WORTH or T( ' ! - ft Given Away AT AND < 't.nsist i n ;?? of Men's Sick .v nits, nil ^r<uK's. ?"> i to l(>. Youths' Ssiok Suits, all ii'raih^s I I to 1 W Hoy l'auts Suits, ail j?n?<l?-s to 1 I. Moil's, Youths' nnd Hoys* l\nls of all sizes. f*f '\hoso j?Oods lUM^t }^o. 1 h"Si? who coinr lir-l will '.jet j A the Plums. Alwa.s <>n haixl, the largest aid hcst st > U 1 1 *< 1 Murk <>!' SHOE'S In tlu? City MA DK TO WEAK. In the Privacy of the Home. THKRR in no nood of women mibjoot inn themselves to tlio mortllleation of examinations by doctorB for Iho treai^nent ol the varioun disvasea to which th*y arc subject. These troubles can ho treated juBt an olVectivoly at t lit* home. When you are aH'ccted With de rangements of the menstrual functions or any other femalo disorders, you ean bo completely cured und the organs fully restored to activity and strongt for a fow months you will ubo regularly GERSTLE'S "7 ?aoi(G-. !F\ 3P.),,,*,,n DOCTORS FAIL, BUT GEHSTLE'S FEMALE PANACEA C\J!"JES My wife Was taken siek iintl 1 at oiiee eaile'l our 1'atnilj pliisii ian, ami he thought best toeaM in aieither i>lt.v?,irian lor e<?n*iii(i<iiou. After nsiiiu tluir me<lie> IK'S for 1 wo i in ii it lis I found she was very lit i i' ? Ik ; u-r. so 1 i Inn inm based a bottle of Coratle's Female Panacea ana omni ? in el ; r> at in;; Int. l.riore she had finished taking the second botiieshc was in better licallli than wlte had enjoveil in yean} previous. I then reeotnutended (li>- I'anaeia to three of my UOlnlihorti with rrootl results. ] I. .1. Tl i II A I l,K I I.L, lhrai!l:i!l. Miss. Romove till coslivonoBfl with mild dunes of St. Joseph's Liver Regulator. If your o.ihp 1b complicated, writo us and wo will instruct you fully how to use Uicmo groat remedies. Hold by all dniggi?tB. L. GERSTLE & CO., PROPS., CHATTANOOGA, TfHN. FOR SALE BY DR. F. LESLIE ZEMFl DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notioe if hereby givon that the firm of Ilirsch Bros. & Co. will dissolve copart nership, on the (list tiny of January, 1809, and ail panic* indebted to mdd fiini nre requested to como forward piomptly and make settlement. All ac counts positively must bo cloned up within the next 30 days. After (hat date nil in settled accounts will he? placed in tin* hands of an Attorney for collection. From novAtnMl the lirst day of .Innua ry our iulmtMixi; Mock of yooda will ' o snci iilcoil. Tlicy will bo sold at and be I'-w cost. Don't fail to /Avail yourselves oft big opportunity. I i iiBoh Bros. <ic Co. | Notice to Taxpayers. ? Office of Treasurer Korahnw County,) Camden, 8. O., fiept. 24th, 1M)8. 1 I Nntioo Is hereby given (hat I will bo j lit t lit? follow! if j/ HnnitMl places ?>n thu I inentioixHr, loi'Jhe purpose of col i lectins taxt-M fur the fiecwl yi?ur? IbOgj ! f.iuknow, Oi;t. 18th., 1 80S. i.ynchuno'l. Oat. l'.)tn., 180#. I Unify'* Mil), Oft. 20th.. j Wt ityijle, Oct. 2Jot., 1808. Pureton'n Mill, Oct, 2fllh.. 1S9M. The lux books will ho opvnoil at tho .ibove placc-H from U ?. m to 4 p. m. \V. It. IIOUOII, i Co. Tre4 8: .A-TT <3-TJST-A., C3--A-, BOB WHITE ? Second Patent. GOLD MED A. L? Fancy Patept. ABSOLUTELY PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOUR I fully realize the supreme disgust of consumers for Flour, adulterated with Corn Flour, Corn Starch, and other Foreign matter. On and after this date, AugrustJQJtbr 1898, I offer the Wholesale trade the above "Brands of Flour Guaranteed Absolutely Pure Winter Wheat Goods of the llighcstiype. 1 have a first-class, up-to-date Milt, capacity eco barrels por day, run ontirely by water power, located in the heart of 010 with every facility knpwntQthQ business. Your orders will have prompt shipment, quick delivery and the best attention. . I0T4SK FOR rr.iCBS Flour, MealV Grits, Bran and Ship Stuff delivered your station. ' J MO UHKKKEPBR3 Get prices from your grocer on BO& WHITE and COLO MEPAL Bramta flour? pure gooiia. * 1884 1898 F. T. V1LLEPIGUE, Prop'l Try Th.em -A.11 Compare our gooila with anybody'*; shop in eveiy store*, in town if you choose before coming here. >Ve will he glad of the chance to make comparison#. Wo try to sell ^roods on their merits alone. Quality and price considered, we believe ? the values we offer are unrivaled in fchi? community. Any way we are willing to compare. * Pfopmtor ci TW ?.f We will bo glad of a chunoe to show you oor new Capes, thoy aro the real thing. Style and quality considered, tney. are, wo think, ttupetior, for the prices asked, to any variety of * garments we have ever t?howrt. Capeff Styffc?..are tich this year. - Wc have made a masterly deal Jjtfth for defines^ and cheap ness. You'll agree with us whejb y?-u see them. \