The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, September 09, 1898, Image 4

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BMaty V* Blood Deep. Own hlood mean* a c!??ai\ ?Hn. No l>*aut/ without it ('MKCttrut*, ('?ntl> (,'iithar tic tiean your blood mid keep it cliun, by ?tining up t lie Uty liver and dilving nil )>n lomtiea flow tl?t: body. Ht-gin today lo 1 >?* 1 1 i nil pimple*, boiU, (dotclicH, blackhead*. Mid (tint Bu klv bilmuB coiuplexioii by taking Cu?can>tB, ? beauty b>t teti rent*. Alldiutf gut?, tuUiUiictuiu guaranteed, Ilk', 2?>c,<W*> ,? . ?? ? ? ? . Wliou a Kitl )h up to nriui tho young ""1" ,11 tho OU.-U m oilirl to on joy It, l.? on A t'o'n ' 'IMWt lifnf* PmoMn* T\?' UtanilH un j( vn^ieU fo| iiiiiiiy u'cl ilftvur. Mud" I rout W>? Vuifht, J ipt*l nod '? \viUt?t 'i'obneoo it will flefettv yen jt j, It Happy un) limy who loi k hitforu they I luum v. ?tvi overlook afterward. V?y To Cur* OiiniHpiitton Forever. 1'uko (Jufceui et? Cuniiv I'ulliiH tlft K>o or f6a l| 0 U. C. lull to euro, Ui uggibts refuuU uiuuey K V?'li <1 hiumII patoh uf ground Hhotlld !?? |>roj ?rty sowed. So HO lu ulii* out n- ton oakvh <>f ('holer* h?r?o * u mi ami I'owi J l)tHi>r<U<iH tlmt piovu fatal liomonl nu\ iit>gb*ol anil milMiupieitt I rout incut, U'o timely un< of lilt. MOKKKT'I 'M 'iKtt'rill.VA I'RKf.HIN'i I*0WI>KHS) WOUld havii mi vr*l i)i?. chilil. Nothing oi>I,'.uh,?*h tin vftltto of a t lil uk Hs tile illllli'ut'.y in obtaining 'I ? Ko To-?i*o for fifty CJrnte. Ouarwooeti tolmcro habit cure, inukn# tan u t*?T\Hig, tiioo*' puro. bOo. fl. AH Uruggi?t* l'rol<nlily i>ri/.< llghtorn 'bill Homo hard Mow* i.mtiui-o tin y itro lint orally hard blow or. h, " J To < uro a ( ol<l tn Olio Day. Tato Laxullvo llroinu tjuinlno Tahluti. All 1>I'iikkIhIh rvfilml nuiiiiiy I f It fall* to euro. Hoarding houmi hoofiteak Is apt to lio raru b" mhho i>iu> seldom gotM II. K<lno*t* Yonr VtowoU Willi Cb?oi?i *>t?. t'aiuljr Cutliaith', euro ConHtlpullou forovor. ItXi.jao if at' c full, diu?Kl?t?ri>funa money. ,\m an ,-'V> tr'rttiiiot. i ho iivorajio woman in (lot II dlli'l"!! S, V Mr*. W tiislow'KSoothliiK Syrup forahlldron trcthlng, soften* tho gums, inducing IliHarnn tloli.?illa)'H pnlll,curun wind e.oile, 3.>ii. A liottd iPimples Am t ?io (lander sigiwili of Impure Mooil They hIhhv 1 1 1 lit t U?Ppvl> >il blond Is in had ooitillt i(>n, thill health is In danger of wro.Mi. Clout tholraek I ? y taking 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? 1 m |i;uiiip>u din and (hit blood will l??* hi h?I?? pur??, voiii j'li' x Ioii fair aii'l healthy, and Ufo'S joilllicy pleaSlllltMWld fUOCl'bsful. Hood's parilla In Ainei Ira'n < > rcntrrt Medicine. 8l;si\ for ?Y Hood's P-llls euro indices! ion, liilirnit< tc.-i.i. I,.-' Corn Diet Mnkes Tnll Men. The proof HijiI corn bread diet mnkcs 1 ?iKtr?T nu n physically can he found In flu' rural districts of Indiana, 1 1 1 i inds and Kentucky, where hominy and corn bread constitutes the sialY of life. A (aide in any of the rural districts in those stales on which there is no dish prepared from corn is a curiosity, and In I hose stale* men w ho fall lu-low the stature of live fen! tire dwarfs. Six feet is Hie regulation "d"'. and men who tnWer considerably above lliis h It! h t. are aeee)itcd l?y the Inhabitants as j? niii I ter of course. f Ttf course, climatic Influence must be considered when stature is under ills cussloii, but the food foinns the basis of calculation. )i is geiu/Vally aceeplcd by men w ho have given this sublet thought that tin1 six foolers of ,Jinli ana. Illinois and Kenlueky as a rule were brought up on hominy or corn bread as the main food supply. If the crow ned heads of Kurope could bul be eotiv imeil corn bread will result iu a nation of si\ footers, the Aineri can farmer would hardly be able to raise corn enough to supply the Furo pean niarkels. Cincinnati Times Star. Y()UN(< AT SIXTY. Serene comfort, ami happiness in ad vanced years arc rcali/.cd by c.ompara* tively few women. Their hard lives, their liability to so* rious troubles on nceonn t. of t if i r pecu liar organism and their profound igno rance concerning thcmselv. i, .ill ? om bi no to shorten the period of use fit jupl fill llicir lateryears w ith .uflVring. M i s. l'inkha m has done iinu h to ma k e ?women strong'. Sho has given advlco to ninny that has show n tiiem how to guard against disease uml r? tain vigor ous health in old age. From every cor ner of t lie earth 1 here is const an t ly coin ing tho most. convincing statements from women, showing the eflicncy of I.ydia 10. I'inU hain's Vegetable Com pound in overcoming female ills. Here >?; a letter from Mrs. .1. C. < >rins, of ."jo I lorner St. , Johnstown, I'a., which is earnest and straight to the point: y " Dmau Muh. 1 'ink iia.m: I feel il my duty to tell all Milfcring women that I tliink your remedies arc wonderful. I liad trouble with my head, dizzy spells and hot. (lashes'. Feet and hands were cold, was very nervous, could not sleep well, ha I kidney trouble, pain in ovaries ami congestion of the womb. Since taking your remedies I am better every way My head trouble is all gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am i a red of womb trouble. 1 can eat and deep well and am gaining in flesh. I i onsider your medicine the best to be had for female troubles." The present, Mrs. l'inkham's cxperi ( nee in t?? ating female ills is unparal lrlled, for years she worked side by i.idc with Mis. I?ydia K. l'inkham, ami for sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great business, treating by h-tter us many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. The Bradford Kra sayft: "Tlie wom en of (he Philippines are Bald to ho 'extravagantly Ix-nuUful. They wear little clothing, have, long hiack hair, large, languorous eye*, small bare feet, and all smoke strong black cigars." .JUut pcrhu|Mi ciVUI'AHtion may lx* able . to reform them, ?o far ns tobacco 1* couceru**<r. WH WANT TO BURN TH mfc ??PCH imt. " tir* 3Wi mmj 'm yg> win nw >IMln ]| ~* "?W? <r?p, "Tl? r?<r ??B1" mriptf cr, "iumimrtw t? r.ttr. Ma " ? M?*? H 4? I f" J lo rn Ite >Uk. |Ml W Mfl f*q? ?? <*?? ???? >W* ??' M'?? " r?w Mn m ?nw o?. ROCS MIX MKCY *K? M. ?. C. franco and Germany M.iy &oto Wur Over the Dreyfus Case. AN ANGLO-GEKMAN ALLIANCE, ? Serious Charges A*ainM .ttOflfcrtii llubhard Seized f>) Insur^ciits ? Sonic of I lie (jerman Warship* lobe \\ iilidrawn Irom Manila New Light on Ccrvcra'c capturc, % ... npftial ftom I til is til? iiiohI pefiytmiHt ic fooln^.s exist. It in tho common l>oliof that (Iroat Uritiau *ljd ItllMHIH ItlU OO Iho OVO of Wttl, Hlltl that tho oon ho<? no of tlio Dreyfua icundrd will involve France in war with Uormntiy. Tho government it? doing ItH best to atom the rifting tide of ugitu. tion by u studied quioiiooiioe whioh jouuduh/.oH l'li? Journal Debate mid othor paper*. [t may aticoeed in pelting over tho crisis Almost all tho ministers, it in behoved, uro now in fa vor of revision. M. ( 'avaignao i? alone cdidurnto, iuaistintf that ho in nut Hint II n iah lii? depai I in on t n I luquirou, and that even thon lio will only uot under pros a 1 1 1 o of a throat of publication abroad of Hindi diaelobUrert an would loavo hun uo alternative to revinion. A Revision Ikiiilcd Upon. A Hpeoial diwpaloh to l'ho London Fvoiting .Standard, from Paria, Haya tho Faonch cabinet Iiuh docidedon a to vmiou of tho I >ieyfun*rauo. \n Angln-iiiTitinn Alliance. A Hpoctul from London of Sept. #ayfl A report wan curront hero today that u treaty of alliance between (Sroat Britain and (lermuny, on tho linen of tho speech of Mr. ( 'hainburlain, tho Hocretury of Stjito for tho Colon ion. waa actually (romploted yesterday. It is Haul that an a quid pro quo for (lor many h support in Fgypt, (Stoat Itritain will rocogni/.o < Jorinany'a claim to util i/.o Syria as an outlet for her popula tion. 'l'ho I >aily Mail Hayn: "Wo learn that Mr. Matfour and tho (?orman am bassador, ( 'omit Von 1 1 at /.fed t, have segued a document preliminary to a twenty which will ^ivo (Jennany a froo hand in Ahiii Minor and allow Lowland to lease Ibdagoa May from Portugal, at ii cost of botwoon t'-', OHO, 000 und OUO.OOD. < ieriiiany will, as a furthor condition, Hiipport (Iroat Britain's claim for tho abolition of mixed tribun als iii Fgypt. Mr. Schoinberg Korr M c. I >onald tho premier 'a privato aecro tarv, ban left Loudon for the coutinout to submit to Lord Salisbury a copy of tho treuiy. Scrums diaries \v;,tiiiM Surgeon Hubbard I >r ( ?. A Maxtor, of Chattanooga, ban preferred charges of conduct unbecom ing an olliccr and a gentleman against Majot Surgeon Samuol I'. Hubbard, of tho Ninth So? ^ oi k Keuimout. Iho specifications are that l>r. Mubbard "cursed end ewure" at I'r. Max'tor and othor Chattanooga phyHioiuna who had boon called to attend Sergeant Frank, of tho Ninth New York, who was ro contly injured under the whoolH of a moving railroad train; that HuhhaiM had romovod Frank, who waa in a state of profound Hhock from his iuiurioa, against tho protest of Maxtor ami other physicians, and that as a coiiHo<|ueuco Prank died <?n bin way to the division hospital, losing tho only chance lie had of recovery by being improperly han dled. To He \\ itlulrawn I rem Manila. A bo mi odiciol note issued at Merlin, Hays: A ntato of peace having boon ro established between the Fmte?l S.atos and Spain, orders have boon givou that tho ( iormau naval force at M an i la bo re duced to one or two ships, which, pending the complete restoration of orders in the Philippine Inland*, will Hiiltico for tho protection of < Sertuun BiibjectH and intercuts in that region. New I ig 1 1 1 on Cctcrn's Capture. In a recent report, presumably to (ien. (Some/., (leu. Calixto (larcia do dates Admiral Covora escaped by land, and surrendered to Cubans, who do livoreii him with MM) Bailors to the tho Ameiicau navy. Seized It* Insurgents. \ Manila upocial nuvh: Several fdiip loads of iufturgont troops hnvo invaded tint Southern inland*, with tho view of over} tiling poaniblo i nor to tho nottleinont of tho peaoo conditions (icueral Kion, thn Spanish cominuuder, with ii flotilla <>f kuii hontn, in noting; enei uotirally, hut tho iusur^ontH have captumd tho out laying inlands of lloin hhni and Palawan, where they fount) treasures lo tho amount of 824tO'.'U. lour Men Killed l>> l>> naniif e. A special from IWooinin^ton, fn?l., h?vh: "A horrible accident occurred at Stinesville in which 'our men >*i?re instantly Killed by a dynamite explo sion and niauy others seriously injured The men wero blasting rock fo: a now pilo when a terrific explosion of dynu mile occurred. " The I ever at Or wood. Tho Marino Hospital Sorvicowas oil] dally advised of tho ten now cunen o^ yellow fever which have been discov ered at Orwood Min?. The officials ate at sea as to the origin of tho fever there, and have no definite theories to work upon. C' Oeput) State Treasurer Short. 'l'ho ahortago of $T>, 000 in tho no. countn of foiiuev Peputy State I rons nrer Hiram F. (Jorrish, of Now Hmup ehiro, ban been announced by StaH Treasurer Carter. Tlio State losoa nothing by tho shortage, an Major Oerriah'fl hondemon liavo made good the amount. lour Young Women Drowned. By the a?v?i?lental jibing of a nail of a jdeanure yacht on Pre^qne I*le Bay, near Krio 1'a , four young women were ?wept otT into the water end drowndd. Adjourned to September 20. Tho jotnt high coinmwaron of the United State*. Canada, New Found land and Oroat llritain, after ten day*' ''work adjonrned at 2 o'clock on Kept 2d to meet again tn that city September 20th at 1! a m * K illntu -? ualias. Joe Malone, <-?>iore?i. was hanged \m tlm county j"?l nt I>allae Texea, for criminally ensoul tb?g Mr?, Frederick HYein wen, nu t^eil (ieriMH w^nn. He died feerlerMojjr nrwg he wan fofne to heaven and (Jiatjio richly deterred kie IIH COHON KSIPIS. Nelfly 70,000 Hal** Lnrget' Than Last Year, THE STATE BRINGS SUIT, CharltMoit Sends a Commission to 1'ortu Kko buld I ooml in Newberry- Car ried 6(i,00(> faKsengers. |{ A, lift vol. Hit) blllciout and boiirteoua auporiiiteadont of the Cliur louton Kxchango, has furhiahed tho fol lowing atatomont of tho receipts, ex porta and stocks of ootton at that poll for tho past year: Not reoeipt to Au gust ;M, 402, 40M bales uplund, I ?>, 1 51 bags Mou island; total 172, fttJy. Previ ously counted in Havannuh 1,IM4 bagn boh island. Stock August ill, |hj>?, ftt?7 bales tlplnud, 727 hou island; totnl I, i'.Mi. ( irons receipt" 1177 baloa upland, 12,21ft Imga sou island; total 47ft, 1 1?2. Tho oiporta wore as follows: (treat M l it inn, 77, ?'?S baloa upland, 7, OH J hags boa island; totul M4, 740. ( on* tinont, V>i?5, l.Ti baloa upland, 1 , 4 4 VJ aea island} total 2.10,ftt)7. (/'oaatwiBO. Ill, 1T,7 haloH upland, 2, 102 hou (aland; totul 140, <)U?. I ntovior by rail^JlH) balos up land. City Mills, H, 411 luiles upland. Stock August 31, l*?H, 2.31M upland, 1,220 buuH sea island, total 3,025. 1 ho rooeipts are IU?. V?:J<5 baloa in excess o! thoBe of tho previous year. ^ The Stale Brings Suit. Tho State hoard of fertilizer control inado its Hrst tuovo at (-harloBton ro contly agmiiHt tho phosphate coinpanios charged with selling fortiM/ors that did uotnioauuro up to tho required stand ard. Warrauta wero wworu out agaiuBt I'roHidont NV. li. t'hiHolm and Soorota ly Hubert <1. Chisolui, of tho Uorkelov (.'lieinical company, onoof tho live com panies which tho I'leiiiBon hoard alleges liuvo violatod tho law. Bond was llxod and tho cane wont ovor to next torni ol cowrt. It is understood that tho Bork oloy people claim that only a small amount of tho dollciont article wont on tho market, and that that got out with out tho knowledge or couHont ?.?t tlx company, the brand in <iuoalion bevig tho Ashley. Tho board linn no evidcoci to contradict thin, but tlioy are con fidout that (tie record ia Biilliciont to Boctiro n conviction upon. Tho aualy-iia showf a Hhortego in this case of 3 por cent., or $1 . 15 to tho ton. bold in Newberry. Newberry ban not a real Klondike within hor borders, but gold dust does exist. in Home sections. Mr, Mouroo M Harris has prospected recently in Towuahip No. 0. and found gold, but not in paying iiuantitioa. liolil ba boon known to exist there for lift yoai .v lie Hocurod aomo specimen pieces ol ore for < lovornuiont assay. and will le turn Intel and make a more thorough Beach for Bomo moru ot the prooioii oro. Iron id ho ia found to soiuo extern in the aainu auction. Mr. llnrria npeiii twenty-live yearn in South America h mining operations, and also bus con Hideralilo experience in Iboaame linooi. tho I'acilic b1o|>o. Ho returned to New berry last year, after an abHonco ol about thirty year a from liiH old home. Oil I nr I'orto Rico Charleston business men have sent i? coin in iaaioii lo I'orto ltico to lnako a careful aurvey of trade conditions, and upon their renort \fill largely lent, tin* fato of a lino of atnAiners from thiMot< I'orto Hico. I hero ia a atrong Bonti liiont in i hai leaton in favor of a atoam tdtip line to t'na aploudid island that ban so recently come under tho govo'ti in on I of tho I nited States, ami while there there are not yot any men who will come out and start tho movement thoro art) many who are ready to follow anybody's lead In that direction. -4 ? Newborn's Canning ndustry-. The Tomato crop in almost a total failure in the Newberry section, and tho canning < f tho vogotablo is very limited. The bountiful fruit crop, how ever, lift* enabled t^n canneries to "put up" largo (purities of es. ' Tho rroBporiu\ canning company baa put up 00,000 ceil*. Mr. .14^11 t'oii niiiH has ucannoryou his farm, and has put up U, 000 cans so far. Candidates in I he Second Prinian. The following i? u 1 1 Kt of tho cundi datoH for tho Stato ollioes that will lie >ii tho second primaries: For (Sovor nor, l-'.lloi l>o uiul I\ nther.stoiio; for A<1 jutuut ( ionoial, Floyd und I ' 1 v 1 1 i ?? . fir Hacroliiry of .Statu, Tompkins and Cooper, for Railroad Commissioner, <i?rriM and Thomr.s; for Stato Superin tendent of Kducntion; MuMalin aud Mrow n. \\ a\ tie (iainhk- I uses lli> Miiul. Magistrate Wolls wan notified recent ly that Mr. \V. (la:nblo, of tlio Jordan neighborhood, a tew in 1 1 08 from ?? tun tor. hud koiio crn/y and wuh terrorizing tho wholo coiirnunit v. Ho had armed himself with a Winchester riilio and a revolver nml was threatening ovorv hody that ho o.m.e across. Magistrate Wolls notified NherilV I'lerson, ami he with l>opnty ' Milliard wont out ami brought Mr. .lanihio to the, city and had him con tl nod m tho jnil. 4?? Committed to Jail. John Jackson and Tom (Ireon, coun terfeiters, were turned over to I 'nit eel States Commissioner .fonning, at Col umbia, reecntly, who committed them to jail to await tho trial a: the next term of I'nited States* eonrt. Carried 60.000 Passenger*. The Charleston and Hoashore Hail road, of which Charleston is naturally proud, has just closed its first month ol oporation and is now a tixod fact. Though it has rained almost incessant ly during the wholo month, yot the Bteamor and oars of tho company have earned in 111 days over <i0,000 peoplo. - ? ? -???- ? ? Kitted tiis Brother. John (ioggans. aged ahout i;{, alio* and killed bta younuer brother, Wil liam, about ? years old, at Newberry, tho load taking effect in the right arm, severing the arm from the shoulder. -??* - ? Improvements it P7i.kcn?. (Irandy Kros. . in addition to tbeii planintr machine aud lumber yards, will soon hate a ^in located on tlieii lot near the dopot and will be roady to gia tbe cotton crop, 'f hey alto repre sent the Cotton Heed Oil Co., and will ?roe t a warehouse for the storing of the The ???Wr of suicides throughout the world le 100,000 yOnrlv. nod in m the inerwaa. The greatest number happen in Jane, tho fewest in Septem b#?. rf*rlyw# Wf bttwtMf A. M. - U\ i. . LIFE IN MANILA. MANY ATTRACTIONS ABQtft 1HH QUAlNf \ OLD ClTV T tic Native* tl? A Wonderful latent for Music The Tremendous Downpour of thc*Kain> Seanou -Canoeing In the Streets. Wallace Cummlng tyi'ltcs un artjclu on "Ufe In Manila" for the Century. Mr. C 'iimniln^ says: Our 11 rm had n mess-house, In which tlu? partners lived, and \ which was to nil tholr America^ and Eng lish employes. Should the* hitter i?i li fer to live elsewhere. otu? thousand dollaTs a year was allowed as the equivalent. I lived at the mesa, find 1 Ing It much inore Comfortable. In deed, It would have been hard lojhe dissatisfied with uiu' way of living; and as It will show the style in which i Ik* great American houses iu the lOa^t arc conducted. I think it worth telling with some detail. I he mess was a tine lioiiKo, handsomely I (fi nished, In one of the plcananteai pam nf tho city. The table was supplied by a Chinese cook, lie was allowed five hundred dollars a month, and given certain of the heavier groceries, such as flour, rice, etc. lie paid his under cooks) i^ml was responsible for meals at tho mess, and for breakfast Hike tho French dejouner a la fourchettei and afternoon tea, which were taken at tho olllce by all the employes, ex cept on Sundays and fiestas. Then there was a luajordoino, who had con trol of all servants' and had charge of the house. There was also an extra house-servant, ami a Chinese porter, who opened and shut the great house doors, tilled the baths, pulled the punka, and watered the street in the dry season. Then every one had a personal servant, who took care of his room, attended to his clothes, waited on him at table, prepared his early breakfast (about 7 a. in.), and so, on. Everybody also owned a horse or horses, which involved one more ser vant at least, Ileing a junior, 1 con tented myself with one pony and a two wheeled trap, something like a dog-cart. The others drove victorias siiid pairs. Three of our mess owned racing ponies, which Inured to my ben ellt, as it gave me as much riding as I wished. After l he bath and an early breakfast came the drive to the otliee, between eight and eight thirty; then work Mil twelve tifteen, at which hour breakfast was served at the otliee; Mien work again until five-thirty, in terrupted between three and four by afternoon tea; then to the bungalow to dress, to drive, and back to dinner mi seven -thirty. To a lover of music Manila is a eharmlng place. The natives have wonderful musical talent, and there were numerous hands. Those of tho three regiments then stationed there were remarkably good; and four after noons each week they played in turn on the "Luneta," a sort of plaza on the shores of the buy ju*f oui*idG the old walls. I recall vividly the open air concert, by three hundred instru ment.*?, given in honor of I'rincp Oscar of Sweden. The glorious full moon ol the tropics, far brighter than in more northern lands, shining on the quiet waters of the Ixty. the innumerable lights, the brilliantly dressed crowd, ami the thrilling music of the mighty bauds, softened in volume on the great plain, combined to make It an occasion to bo long remembered. The "Itattle of CastoleJoR," which they played, was Inspiring, *nd the effect was height eiieil by the repetition of the trumpet tails by soldiers who were stationed at Intervals far off upon the plains, while the guns on the city walls addt^rl a tomb of reality. I Miring the height of the rainy sea son. from about tJie middle of June it) the middle of September, all outdoor pursuits are suspended. The violence of the downpour is hardly to be im agined by dwellers in higher lari'o -<.s The streets In Manila, am1 the roads for a few miles ? fairly good during the dry quickly become nearly when the rains set in. As ready mentioned, Manila is in al! directions by creeks, traversed by hundreds < These canoes are dugouts. great size, and the natives expert in handling them. indispensable at times w Hoods come down from t.he about thirty miles from N which the river Pasig h t One storm will sometimes river and overflow most of After a few hours' rain I 1 direct from our Steps into (canoe), and been paddled tin streets to the oflice. ncrof* o( Wnr. f'ront the Chicago Tiiitcs- Ifri Tli.? of admiral ioii for wfir sri'ins to bi> fnnato t n the linn i ii. I l? brought to thosurfaoo us ti tun ly .'iti<l ohjoot /??r iMU'h In- to (?rcst'iits 1 1 1 f . f Among t ho.Mo wtift proved th<-ir ? luring our Civil Wi\r was \A. S?* It of 1?'>1 So.ttf vviok Mreet, riilentfo. "" in mi Austrian I ?y Mrtl?,eamo - to Amori<'A at t li o a u o of i w on t y nml soon booamo an American., citizen. H? L was llvlnjc In ^ M 1 1 w a u Wo o when I lie call for v ? I u n ? (?M?rf ofinjo, oarly In 1*G2, n n c! ho promptly ?>u lUted in CompunyA, of the Twenty-sixth Wlseonidn Volunteers. Id the Army of ilio Potomac our here mueh mm ilk'nlng tn the Shenandoah Jjgmov. In tlio first day's fighting af^fhn brittle of - ? . t . - frcO ft III l no II mi U?J r. ,.n ? ? <~?Mv??tmrg. ? Hrtilff?'nnrtr.r received n . wound in the rJght *ldt', which afterward ? nuaud him ma?? trouble. With a pnrlinn ??>f bin regiment he wit* cjiptured nn d lin prinontnl ?| iw?|l Inland and Anderson vlll.>, nod afterward MobaoRtd, lift returned to hi* regiment, which wm transferred to tl: ' army of (innnral Hhorman, and xnarohed wMH him through flunlatoUMn? . In lhi? campaign Mr. ncOlffttnftirr'ii old wound 'Logan to trouble Uim and bo wa? ??nt to the noipttal and then home. lie bad aflP contracted catarrh of the stomach and found no relief for ye are. "I ha|?|ifiiml to read an aeeount of Dr. WflUam*' Pink Ptlla for Pale People about Hiuar affo," he eetd. "and thought that tRey might be good For my f rouble. T con cluded to try them. I bought one box and began to fake Cham aeeordlng to direct Ion*. They gave me ffwvtt relief. After flnlahlng tbil bo* I btwgM waother, and when I had taVoM tin* idirS" I fcft that I ran cured. T recovered toy appetite and ate heartily. I c in testify f? the good the pill* did me." Nr. 8tblf*a?d?r le a prominent Grand Amr ?w la Chtoajo. whither X mov*4 . //(? rtrciwl <i trotind. The bath can, be made an exhilarating pleasure by the use of Ivory Soap. It cleanses the pores of all impurities, leaving the skin soft, smooth, ruddy and healthy. Ivory Soap is made of pure, vegetable oils. The lather forms readily and abundantly. IT FLOATS. l?w h. T>... I'xv-.Uf * (l.mhtf .ClnolnMH SAN JUAN'S FORTIFICATIONS. Morro Cnstlc Dales From the Time of f'oncc ? Dc Leon. In the Century there is a richly il Initiated article on "The Inland of Porto Kico." written by Mr. Frederick A. Oher. Writing < ? f the fortifications of San Juan, Mr. Oher says: Morro ('astir dates from Ponce dc Leon's time, hut the Morro as it stands to-day was completed in 1 K4 . The faro stands here, with a lirst-class light, and within the Morro's walls are buildings of a small military town - quarters for troops, a cfcapM, bake house, and guard room, with dungeons down by the sea and underneath. This is the citadel, the initial point of the lino' of clrcumvallatlon, composed of connected best ions, castles, and fort h It '/..'is, running from west to east, to the <"astli! S;in Cristobal, thence north to the ocean. The oldest portion of the Hue is at the southwest angle, and- is called the " Forla le/.a," the platform of which supports the captain-general's palace, and was built in l.Ylo. The sea wall lo the north I?P pierced by the gateway of San Jim n, which affords entrance to the glacis of San Felipe del Morro, be tween the palace and semi bastion of San Augustine. Turning southwardly from tin- Fortaleza. wo note the bas tion of I, a I'alma. and the semi-bastion of San J usto. in the curtain between which two is the a relied entrance from 'In- Marina, or outside ward, to the in tramural city, and known as the l'uerta de F.spana. Beyond It. to the east, arc tin- bastions of, San Pedro and Santiago, the latter in the east ern wall, the middle part of which is pierced by the landward gate called the l'uerta de Santiago, protected bv a ravelin of the same name. The fort ress San Cristobal, though ?? railed a castle. i> i" ' Ilea t ion xliol s? volooll j ' nml, niul 1l>o *??> is nearly 34.0M ' in Mufllckni * Oregon, ci tfpn Frm ! i a lo n< won Ur- nr niv not .. Imsftj. v.. rlo? ultlnc toinors of Tlironghout ? farorw Kllil lm as ?oon ns darkn* fin Xftl Motel Clocks Always Truthful. "When I am- traveling I never put tlit> slightest confidence in a household dork," writes Hubert J. Burdelte in | the Ladles' Home Journal. "A hotel oloek I ean depend upon. There are too many watches in a hotel? pood watches, watches whose absolute cor rectness means money to the commer cial man who regulate the traveling lite of this country. A lying clock would be spotted In a quarter of a see ond, and the unhappy clerk scourged with pitiless sarcasms therefor. In the course of my wanderings up and down this part of the globe I missed a few trains and lecture engagements by depending upon clocks in the homes of my friends. Having thus paid for the lesson? fifteen or twenty thousand dollars, I think? by my own computa tion of the value of my lectures (set ahead a little bit, you know, it may be a trifle fast; I haven't time to look up the exact figures). I withdrew all my trust from mantel clocks, especially the highly ornamented marble-anil gilt variety with silver bolls or cathe dral chimes." Don't Toterco Bplt and Rmok* Tonr l.lfe A??y, To quit tobacoo easily ami forever, be mag netic. full of llfo, nervo and vt?;or, tako No -To* llae, tho wonder-worker, that mattes weak men* strong. All druggists, 60c or ft, Cureguaraa teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling lie ijfedy O?., Chicago or New York. Some in on stand on principle and sonic others probably would if tliey had It to fttund on. 'g How'* TIiIk? o offer One Hundred Dollar* Howard for anyens-eof Ottarrb that can not lie cured by Hall's CaUrrb Cure. F. J. ('itrsky A Co., Props.. Toledo, O. We, the undortdgned, have known r. J. ('honej for the last 15 yenrp, nnd bcllmo hi in perfectly honorable in (ill business tn inac tions an<l financially able to carry out any obligation made bv tlio'r llrin. WKSTctt THt'AX. Wh"'- ?' pwp-fci* ii | THE BAILGY-LEBB* CO. ++++4*+*+ | a x Kh K ? k' I lies and Button, L.X 1' I.T.MAN <v Tlmtibtn, P^WH'NI i OH" DuKtU'KH (J rain Separators, T. ?.il*r?, I'lOftSO , Corn ami Cane Mills, KN'iiLKIiURO It ice llullor and PoMaher, DK LOACH Saw .Mills,' l.ratlicr^ Hubher Melting, Laoing, i Packing, Pl|*s Iron Fittings, In* jcvloi'K. Pulleys, Shafting, Hand PumpsJ ?&4 lleneral Soppily. ^ CHARLESTON - -8. C. Ti y Wit Urtl< C'<J. Antl-Kftotlort JUbbftt Mot a) SAW MILLS. I If you 1^6(1 a *K?vy mill, any alaa. writ* n o boforo buyluK (j)*?whera. I have tl.o mo?t coniploio I I'm ot inllla of any dealer or Kianufactilipi%lu the South. CORN MILLS. Vory highest gjrodd Stones, at unusual ly low prloo$ , WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY, I'laQorH, Moulders, tidgoiNf, tte-Saw% ? 1'ftiM'Sawa, Laths, oto. ^ ft ENGINES AND BOILERS, , Tidbott nod Liddoll, Kugloborg Itioo llullor .In atook, c^ulnU delivery, low prices. V. C. BAOHAM, No. 18D0 Main St., Columbia, B. 0. MACHINERY S? Louine?, Holler*. Uins, Klovatpis, Harvest ing Alachimp\v, Wood-wt>fking Machinery. .Smv, (JiMnrui Cune Mills. Cotton and Hay Creases, duller*. Wind Mlllsand Tanks, Leatherand Itnbbci' Melting. Packings, Pipe and l'ij>o Fittings, Shafting and Pulleys, Supplios of all kii.ds. Tlio < 'clel?ru(ed ICiigie Oot tonkin. The Improved .Hurray Syatom Largo Stock. Prompt Shipment*. Unliable (ioods at Low Prices. W. MIBBES & CO. S. V. Agency Liddell pfl| IIUDI A 0 Co., Charlotte, N. C. vULUIrlDIrl, Ui Ui AT FACTORY PRICES^ SsStt Pianos & Organs'^ ('.in be obtained direct from the factory and freight paid. 1 represent fho builders of the most reputable makes of both Pianos and Organ?, hence will save you money. For terms, prices, etc., address ' M. A. MALONE, - Columbia, S- C* PIANOS and ORGANS. NO 1 ask comparison in quality, prices i Ui and terms. M, A. MALONE. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR By J. f I ami] ton Ay or*, A. M., M.D. This Ik a mom Viiluuble Hook for the itoifscholil, teiichlliK " does tho (.ihllvdliitiiKUlsbfd (Symptoms ol dlllcrent Mweaxea, In- Cause < and Mentis of I're vi'iithyt m?:li IM-eases, anil the simplest Remedies which will al leviate or run*. r.ys I'imcs, I'rofusely Illustrated. Tin' Hook Ik written til plain every-day KiikIIhIi. and Is free from the technical terms which render must Uoetiir Hooks so valueless to tlm generality of rctnlertt. Tills lioolt In Iiw tended to be ol Service in t lie l''iimlly, ; ml Is to wordod as to n readily understood by all l)\ I, V. (ill el h. POSTPAID. j I'ostftfie stamps Tuken. I Not only does this Hook eon lulu s'> much Information Itclu- i live io Dlsi'.isc, 'lull very proper- > l.v Klve.? u Complete A nalynls of < evety tiling i*>rtnjnluz to Court- , ?hlp. Marring' ami the Product linn oil Item line of Healthy I^'etl er with Valuable lteel|H's aii'l Prescriptions, Kx plauittloiiKnf Hotuuleui Practlco, Correct ikcii! Ordinary Herbs, Ac Comim.XTK IXI'KX. I iiiiii li t'l'U. iioi hk, ; tilt l.eoiui,, >; ,v,t'liy iioivaiv. 9 , J Sf uirioii . No te*l w ?muiI fUn<] lot oatata MERCIAL ^ OTTE, N. C. raiilwl - ('nil or |KK'kot oftlenllitoiT" for a Situation ton. nn<l then secni* * for yon. NuMe# paring fnrc. llo?kkrr>lD?, ? incl TrW-?ri*?fcf. isscy^ . j HH COLLCO^ 1'MBrS, OA. for Catalogue No. R } BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^ llnliltnorr, M<l. (!lil Rtn.lentn. Other ??(Tertil for ?or All B.-k? Xroe ^ tuition fact low. (tl I'nillMt Short Ins. Ktr Sltnutloa ? n Kaftindctl. Mail lie ui to <l?y. \n. JrfHBOltf, .mm LftJU . "mLor r^i?Pr >i~ -Jr&f