The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, April 22, 1898, Image 2

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VUBUSHKt) KVKUY ~KUI DA Y ? C? BY W. T-j. Mr-DOWELT-,, 8o>?i*c'hiptio^1( atkh : ?Ont? y??r, $1.00. ?txlmyulh/ ,aO ciuil.rt ; t Jin-f month", 'J.'i I coifctt. In Vlmjnco. On lliuc. .'?0 per lunfttn. 10 "?? ComfviuJiicHtiohs will n^fnildialied when of Interest to tlio ^onorul^pnlilic and I n ?t nf h defamatory nature. No ro k jf>< > 1 1 h i 1 >i 1 1 ty will 1)0 flHBiunpd for llio vt^WH of correspondent*. Ivatich kok Akvkktih'VO : ? Ordinary Ir.Wtiji nt advert isments, 1 i r m t i * ? m ? - 1 1 i ? > i ? *1 irto per H<|iiHvti ; ?'it4-li aul.Kcqncnt in etf#4t*m v*'i K4AIAIC. ~ ? ? Cash ratei for \Vaal?, I.ohI and Kound, Ac., not exceeding llvo lines, 2<r? centn *aoh insertion i\ml 6 cent* per lino lor each additional lino. BnslnctH local h , 6 ci'uih per line oach In Kortion, Official and l?')?al noticcfWU tlio rate Al lowed l?y law. Kates for coutraet advertising will l>c an nonncod upon application at tho office. Candidates' Cards for (bounty offices $f>.(H). ('oiiKretHloiiHl $10,1X1, Remittances l>y chocks, drafts and postal ?money orders should bo made payable to >V. |,.?MrI)OWF,l,l!, Oaniilon, ft. 0, Important Developments Ex pected Immediately. The Prosldont on Wednesday sent to Spain an ultimatum domandinjr tho roleasft of Culm, giving Spain un til 1 1 o'clock to morrow to reply to the ultimatum. A special tolegriwt received \\j The Camd(\n Chronicle yesterday*Ovcning says: "Minister Wood lord received Ills passports this morning and diplomat ic relations are at an end. Spain did not wait, to re ceive ultimatum, but upon hear ing its nature from another Houree at one? sent Woodford his passport. It is sai<l Spain will not reply to ultiirtatum. 1m porta lit developments exported immediately." The Army. Tho United Slates army i? on the, move. The order has been issued, " ?nd almost the entire loot, find horse troops of the United States are to l?o concentrated tit Chickamuuga, Mobile, Tampa and New Orleans ? the cavalry und light artillery at Chickatnuuga I'm U. the infantry at the three cities of the Gulf coast. Tho hoavy artillery will not bo mov ed at present. In a very short, time 18,000 men, out of an available 21 - 000, will be encamped in the South, with rations for thirty days, and ful ly armed and equipped tor doeiuivo action. The Call For Volunteers. Ou last Tuesday tho President, was authorized to call for volun teers for servieo abroad, the requi sitions being made upon tho gov ernors of tho Boveral States for quotas In proportion to their re spective populations. The under standing is that the governors in turn will call upon tins State troops for volunteers und in tho event that the number offering therefrom shall prove insuflleieut to till the, quotas other volunteers will be ae- j cepted. The desire is to preserve as fur um practicable the identity of the present militia organizations in cuse they go into tho service of the United Slates. Of course the company organiza tions ho volunteering will have the usuul right of volunteers to choose their own olllcers, ami in case new regimental formation uro made necessary by the failure of entire regiments to olTer their services it is assumed that the governor of the State will appoint regimental olll cers. Tho President will make the higher appointments ? the general officer?, from brigadier generals up ? and these, it is considered cer tain, will be chosen from tho regu lar army. Tho request of the Stale executives for the appointment of certain designated clllccrs of the reguluis to tho command of bri gades raised in such State would doubtless have much weight with the President, provided the otllcers designated were of tho requisite rank and were recognized by the war department us capable und de set ving. 'there has been po much talk of the drain upon our population to, maintain a war with Spain that it is timely to inquire what number of troops South Carolina would be! called upon to furnish. The quo tas of tiie several States will be in proportion to their respeplive pop ulation. South Carolina, accord - i?g to the census of 1890, which o will be tho baaia of calculation, ha* 1-56 th of the population -af- tbe U oiled Stale*, mod w6uld therefore be Mked to furnish i^like propor ; HOB oT the army of volunteer#. It <? intimated that the firet call will toft for 60,000 or 70,000 men. In nvnNi mm qnott flf tbi? State but 1,070 or 1,1(0. The ot * tffbH" ?? 1.000 iiioii. Kithor of theno <? a 1 1 h then-, fore would require from Sou Lb Carolina hut liitio iimn? than & regiment. At luhi account* the Stale tr-opa numbered 3,700 of whom 2,100 wero infantry arid 1,200 onvalry.j l?ui little more limit w,. f|UiirU'i\ of our militlfl, therefor*,' wouI<t' hu needed to inftlto uj> the St ate'* < | n o - tn. Only when the calls f i* r I - unteern nuchcd :iu fltltfrcgttto <<f 1 20,000 would Sou Hi Carolina )"? expected to furuiah u full l?rU{udo nf ?* rn fn, ??r ?>l?e tntl tiU while volorH. ^ We have no douht that when the time corm-a the volunteer# from this Statu will he fur in exccfcH of tho quota. South Carolina ha? a rcpulutjou to hUHtain, ami tin* * willing of certain old women of tho prcsa will not avail to chuck the patriotic (iro of h?r young men. ? The State. ul lik? The Chronicle" naid a hii been her recently "heeaifno it comes out in the latter pnit of the week and eontuina ai.i. the ncwa." |]3ucatlonal ^olama. The inn I (?<r for llii.n column i* I>y (,'mint v Superintendent ?>l l.diii'iil ?< ? 1 1 li. I<. Cnpobiiid, iiiul ill! i-mniiuiiiieiuioii i ii 1 1* ti < I<m 1 for III is depart tin* 1 1 1 should I"' add rt'HSiid In It i in ill Camden. S. ('. We visited tin) Si, .Juhti'a hchool tu u glit hv MisH Lena Kirklev, this wo< k, tied won* In u t* 1 1 pleased with the work being done I ? v liutli teuch << r and pupils. Tho trustees of Nn. 12 rue careful in their selection of teachers and their special ta\* en aides them to keep their schools op** t) no a i ly nine months in 1 1? *? ye a r. * * * The "Ben II'. v" I oct nro given under tin' auspices of thn Ctrioh-d School, was a decided success and Prof. Kennedy deserves thanks for i? i v i n j* tho people of ('uiii'k'ii an opportunity to on Joy themselves in such J'n instructive way. * ? * The County Hoard of Education met Sat. I lie 10th inst, at 4. p. m. to consider the advisability of holding si Teacher's Institute dur ing the summer. It was decided to hold one and the Hoard rccom mended Hiofs. .1. B. Oarnn and K. I <. Hughes, to tho Si.ato Heard of Education as u faculty for this county. Tin* Hoard a No decided to invite Dr. K. S. Joynop, Prof. K, 0. Woodward, of the South Caro lina College, and Dr. <1. A. Rico, to deliver addresses during the I n ? t i - lute. We hope to have an add ten* from sumo leading educator each night thn Inn tit u to is In session. Tho question r>f nominating uehool trustees in district primaries wns discussed and tho Hoard decided that in I lie future, it, would require that all trustees lie chosen in this manner. Tho primaries will he 1.eld under the law governing elec tions for tho levying of special school taxen. By this means we hope to el i men a to the objectionable trustee from our school system. The Hoard woul-l urge every (earli er to attend the meetings of our Toaoher's Association, and aetlwly assist in tho woik of improving our common pchoola. The Board adjourned to meet i the IliPt Saturday in May at 4 p. I in. to create new school districts conforming to lines of Lee County, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before it at that time. There aiv books in abundance on how lo give dinners. Ifow t ? ? get them is anolli. r jurt * ?f tiie business.! REGISTRATION NOTICE. ; on li k ok ScrKKViaon* or K i.i- is ri: a ri< >x. i K kicii aw < 'm \ r\ . Camdv.n, S. Mai. <.'ii - ! . lsorf. I ! 'Che Supervisors of ' ' > Iver^iaw County \\ i 1 1 bo in g\t, y nll'.iv i :il I he Court IloiiHe ill t':iin4 C , j on the liiKl M>?n ' i)". Tur'tnn s stn> 1 W oiliH'silav* <>i ?m? !i tuiMiih from Uj in'liN'k a. in. until p. in , until d.ivs J before the yenend elerlion in J I MM I". >r I lu* mi r jm >%*? ni r?*y*i nitf v? iter*. I .1. IV J! I ("M I A li 1 >S, Chairman, M ANN K A B< IN. Clerk, A I.KX A N I) Kit ?>KO\V\, Members of the Hegistrntion iiotir-l lor j Kcrahnw County. TAX NOTICE. City Tkk\m*ui a's Okkick.) / Camden, JS. C., A-fmHTtr.ii Notice hereby riven that a levy of J .10 mill* haa keen made upon nil eity property both r??al a?d porsoniil and , th<? hook* for tho collection ?>t tho same I will bo opi-nod In tho Council Chamber: in the Opera House from Monday,' "Mwy j % ltf'Jt to Saturday, May 21 a^itCJf. alier which date th* fN naltv will poaitivrVy ho flttrtched (?'? all HulliVQft'fita. fuat? and clmrgea will he added after 0 o'elock p. mM Haturdny. M*y S1*U There will bo no H*tcn?fo*. F. LESLIE ZRMP. M*\or. C. L. K'uhi.kv, City Clerk ?t.d K * Bucklen'tt Ami* ft Salve Tho &nlvo in the wrild for! ('.it*, 1 1 r u i At n , SiMiti, t iii-is, Snlt Ulu-uin, I'Vvi r 8">rvn, I <* i w- 1 , Chop ped ll:tl)<l*, ( ' ll il III H! ?l v, (.ill li H , atil) I nil Skin lOrupt iuiiti, ;i n ? ] pi si! i vely I cuicb J'ili h, or no ins r<?|<iiitd. Iij in Jiu'iruutced to j;ivi' | m reel sutin- j iauti'iti iir money lefundfd. Price ?i.r? eent* per lio\, l'\?r sale !?y K.I Letdle Xetnp. Itwtiy'a lMc Suppository 16 j.m i -i r<i Meed t<> euro Piles nnd Constipation, or money refunded. clH. | M i' >i?? (j ? t for lint ?>l tuRiinxM'.i.'ils and Free Sample to MAKTIN IUH>V, Iteyiwleicd Phar macist, I ,u ijcasl er , Pa. Kor sale ' ? V all (5 1 st ?( 1 'Ij?h druKjjHts every where, end in ( 'h n, S. ('., I ? v* Kf'ihk M . Zntnt.. (-nil fur free kuih f.lo. Tho Sure I>u Qrippo Cure. There is no use HuU'eiin^ from 1 1 > i -i ili^.irul in n I ml v, il you will Only <;? t the light remedy. Von are having pain ail through your hody, your liver in out < I order, h ive no appetite, no life or ainhi t ion, have a had enld, I it fact ure com pletely ti^ed up. Kl^ctiii: l?it lei-t in | he OJil v reined^ thai will i: i ? v y?.u prompt and yore relief. The v ae.t directly ?>o your Liver, Stomach and Kiuneys, lone up the whole i.ysiem and make urn f<*? I like a new hejn;.r. They arn ^ ti :vr nnteed to cine or ieo refunded. K<?r nale tit 1?\ Leslie Zernp's I>iii<j: Store, only oO cents p?/r h<>ttlc. Mr. Rtnhlry, of Itook Hili, WftUta n Represent! vo in Catmlun. Tlio tnann^orn^ul. of the. IvjuiinhK' Life A.':?- nr.iiUMj Sieirty i m Hi h t ?j f r ? - Iforv is <lenirou<? '?(' MHMirin;,* the nor. victis o'' n until <>r <-h.uHiM?T uu?l nl>il il y (?? represent, it i interests, will) ( * ; 1 1 1 1 ? li'P, ft. m Itc n.lrpnr'.eifi. The ri.;lt|. iimn w 11 hi- i!iornn<r'n1 y eilucut I'll in lilt! M' CIICl' 1/ 1 1 In i I'.fJdrniHM' ami 1 1 . <> art '?f Mrri'riMfnl s-iliritinfj. There ii no laisinePB or profession, imt rcouirin^ which iw more remunerative I'm) ii 1 i IV: agency ct > r-. - tlneUU \u'!r i' i'i vj/v nit'l ability. Cm l??flpoinl? 'lint with liii-li v, ho i!chic t<? fti'ouro employment, nml are amhi. tiiMinlti tain prominence in t ho prolVssiVOi is invited. \V. ,1. Ko'itli y, Mann^or, Koek Hill, S. ('. LUMBERI LUMBER! I have just |>ui clnts't'fl a complete new outfit for asivvio;.' lumber of sill kind ami :i 1 1 1 |>ro | ?n r? ? <1 t ? ? k i * you the very host lumber nt r< ituirkal/!^ low ?:ite?. All <<r <ift" pi'MMptlv til li'ii. ]<iiinb( r delivered when desired, Your ord." is solicited, Kospeet fully, Apr. 1 "!?H J. A. W ATI'S. For tho next tin oo month* Tin < ' 1 1 1 on iele will conduct ?i volt titf con i.esi. upon tin; l)et?t ii ?< <? ir?OSt poptl ior merchant of Camden, and ut wliote store tho liOHt bnrgnuis cut. he procured. Kot the Huccef-si'nl ' u> delimit we will publish for twelve J months free of ehnrj>o the fojfow. I in^j nd vertiaemcnt ? iu Tho Chronicle voting contest | Mr. (or .Mossrs.) w it s ( <>r \v<- 1 ?? ) declared to b$ the most popular merchant (or mer chants) of ('ainde.J and at whoso store the best bargains can be p ra ti u ? ed. Kxlia copies of paper containing coupon will la? sold for 5c per tv>py. K??r evi>rv n??w ytiailv tiubacnoct ^??nt paid in advance 50 votes will l)i) allowed. Tho following is the coupon. S( ? that your Invoiite uierclianfc.-iu nol left in i lie i a ee: r< o X ux h x W H A t? < x; -fi cj ,o o JI:\v Ths Von 3uir.dc: W. K. ?' >h u5-* >!>. "'?? n?vi.t Wolf... (?*, I Uracil T?r<>ili?.'i"s, 1 1 io (iill lvl^>' Si <>:<?, ? I Zonip Brother", 21 A . I >. K<-i?msiy, . 1 1 Tlio Wi.imit Store, !' Sprintf". I IoaI <i A .sli.knn.iM, ? !). K. llin?>n. 0 I Liu tn Broil. t rs, 0 .) . 'L'., Nfl I *!?? . '? i.i. l. a DoLoncliP Hmtiior*, 8 John Whitnkcr. Jr., > f> C. I.. KlrklCIi A K, I ". \V a ! k I u s r? J. C. Man, 5 Zemp & ttot'iUM, 5 ?I. K. Vun^frryi. 3 [Uftintlen DrtMJood* 0?, * 4 'I he C-unck-n liargAiu blurc# 2 WrCUU?alwtoa>r. 1 ? 1 -? CASTOR I A THE KIND YO0 JUYK ALWAYS BOUGHT AdHioistratp' Sals. \Yo will u.T. r { r ;it j>n'*l t?? otiterv on tin '..iffl Hm'i-! April, lufx, ?wmiueu< iir/ it ? I 1 >>'<?! H k it. i ' . , oj.po.viti' Out I'arni<-M ?i?.i Mi-n-lutlTU Mini;, ;\t the cii.m. r (it !'r it'l :ti ?! Itn'tfi}'"' ????*<???(??, ??K tile | IT. >l;ill p* 'Ijji l ' V, to U?4 ,o K'aii1 lit' ?l oli it li. Jir'ikitfnnl| iI'Mm-hhihI, .n> i'( i i jf <>/ and L.tihul I'ir. Ilittrf'4. i ll', 'l | IH ? i t'.hli. \V. .1. .v; If. M. I?i.' \i< hi A ihliilii ' I IT. till *. 1 'til.l i ?!i<. ?1 in The Can: leu Chronicle, April will, I h:?h. "'it iia?. f iv.jhr'itini "i'ij Notice is I ereliy :iv??n Unit out' in o n I Si fioni (late, on iht* Uhd (lav of May, | w ill apply to t In* .Indue 1*1 Pro late of Kct.-iltiiu County lor la-Hern l)is nilsnory ??k Kxecutor t'il the Instate ol ?!, 1|. I l|<ft fOlly toll, lloCCUv'ed. J. T. .\lVrn.E?. Ailniini?tratt>riA' AO iVl I N I STRATI) R'S NOTICE. .Nwticc i.-i hereby yiven l<> all parties iiwlciilnl (<> I ho estate of Kumi i I,anj/, tic,-. ,(*i (I, tu make immediate payment to tie* ninlitf'lgneil, and nil part ion hohl iiiU i Ihiiiih a^aiiint ft ft id estate must pre sent (he bailie dulv attested. S. C. (i.VIU'KN, March II, ls'iK. Administrator. jADiVllMISTRATGRS' NOTICE. Notice N hereby j,;ivon to nil parties ; indebted Id tin* estate ofJno. II. i>rnke ford, deceased, to 1 1 ? n U i imiict! ?> pay I nient to tlii' under.* i/iu-'l, anil all parlies | IioMiiik t'laium au.i' sai I estate ' piOHent tin' mimi' duly attested \V. .1 A II. M I >l{ A K KI'OIII), Ma i i.'li 11, ''.>8. Atlmini?t ' ..t??i s. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons uro hereby forhukiou to t re-pays uium my lands near h'leknow . C., fer tile puipohcof hnulimr \vo??d or fur any oilier purpose whatsoever Purl ic* dinre^ardii^ this notice will lie ??< alt with to tlio hill extern the law. M US. M. A. II ATCM KKK. I auk now, S. (\. .Ian. (iib,,lhi>8. TRESPASS NOTICE. ? ..Ml persons ar<< hprf'hv untitled not to I ivspus.-i up 'ii Hie estate lands of \V. \V. I Hall ft j?* I lie purpose <-f Ii in: t in if. hauling j wiifxl <ir furiMiy otlii r purpose whatsoever. ,\ ny one found violal intf tliis notieo will In; dealt \\ it 1 1 to l)i<- full extent <>f the law. M US. W. W. II Aid,. Athniinsi rat i i\. laulJnovv, S. (V. I Joe. ill). '!'7. Skin Diaoaseu Curocl | For the euro <>f teller,, cc /.<*n:n, erysipelas, and ull irritations; of i he akin, I)r. Ivluiiunls'tii^ Kc- J /.i*u a (Jure !?? the standard. I'rie.el 50 (tents per bottle. Address Dr. Krank Kdinond&on. Atlanta. Gu. j COM SUMPTION CAN DR CURED. T. A. rioeum, M C , tho Great Chora- { i.\l u:. d ticicutiet. Will Send Free j to 1 lie afflicted, Three itottles of His Novvly Discovered Remedies to Cure Con sumption and nil Luruj Troubles. Not hing could ho fairer, more philanthropic or curry in??re Joy to the ntllietei} Lufllt .;he offer of T. A. Sloeuu/f M.C., of New York City. Confident (h;it he lias discover ed a reliuble cure for conMimpt ion and nil bronchial, tin out and lijiijjJ diseases, genera! deel ne and wen k* I nt-ss, loss of Mesh find ail condi tions of wast i nu, and to msko* itf ; irrefit maritH known, he wii^ bend free, three bottles to any reader (if j The Chronicle who uia\ be sufFer- j mg. Already this "now scientific course of medicine" has p^vuui n e t) I ! v cured thousand# of appar oii t ly hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it hi-j 10 ligioua dn'.y ? a duty which he owes to humanity ? to don Ate hf infallible euro. He has proved the dreaded con st! mptiori to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on lilek in his American and Kuropean lu lioratorioH testimonials of exper ience from those benefitted and c u i od| in nil parts <?f the world. Don't delay until it is too lat?\ Coutu uipliou, u 11 interrupted, menus speedy and certain death. Ad-| dn ss T. A. Slocum, M. C , OS 1*1 no ftreol, New Yoik, and when wiit ing ttie Doctor, give express and poHtolIlcw address, and men tion reading this article in The tjlironicle. IIow to Find Out. - ^ Fill a bottle or common class with urino and let it statu! t weii' bourn; .i .??? <1 i 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 <>r settling indicator an un healthy condition o i ttio kidney. When u?i:?c stains linen it is posit iv* cviden *e of kidney trouble- Tun freipien? do*ire to urinate or p.iiu in tlx* back, is also eonviiieiii'^ proof that the kidneys and t Madder are out of order. What to do There in comfort in t lie knowledge so often oxpi'ttjsed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot. the tfreat kidney reined) fulfills ovorv wish in relieving pain in the back, kidney 8, liver, bladder and every pffiTUl the tirini'ry pnwajje*. It correct* inability to hold uriiiJ and sefild ii?_; pain in parsing it. or hud efTVotft i?.l lo*liii? use oHiquor, wine or liver, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to got up many time* doring the niffht to urinate. Ttio mild and the. extraordinary effect of Hwatnp* Root is soon realised. It stands the hl^hosl for Its wonderful cures of the mo?t distressing cases. , Tf you need a medicine yon should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cent* and on* dollar. Yon may iiare a sample botil* and |>MiHf?blet both sent free by mailr njKin receipt oi three two-cent Mtamp* to cover cost of post* go on the bottle. Mention The Camden Chronic]* and Mfnd your addrc** to ^ K?a*r & Co., Itinghamton, N. Y. Tb* proprietor of ibis papar guarantor* tlM gannlat? of I AT HALF PRICE ONLY. 1 lilV. r fer ?:>*>' nil <?f niy rrxrcrty it jlicU-UlU ';t W ??> t > i|!i' K'tr>iru\. \ i <) ul*n '??! i'f my l. r<<? iaixls in *1 - k 1 1 - I ?!, Ji' 'iw :i r i <] ( |j< **t ??* f ii- i - 1 cot'i ? I i i ? k Hi oiily oiio ii/flf tit-ln*! v line, I'll <?>?-?'> 1!? ason t< >r ????! 1 i ? if muni linv I iiioi.oy. Pai'lhMi will. mil nin>?ey ihm <J I not ?)>i Iv. Xii lime <mm >><? km-ci. j. ii. ?s'i i I'Ji W'catNlIIf, S. (\ UNTAPPED LUMBER. I l\tve c >*tahlifh< (I it ruv. mill ai which can I ??? gottrn line u ii t m | )j >c<l lumber lor only j Sf>c per hundred feti delivered. {This is the only Jfl ill at which ' 3 on can j,ref thc'Toal untappecl j lumber. Prompt attention to all. Adores mail orders to Oantcy V. O. A. W. WATTS. Jan. I I , '08. / I i is most ( i mo for to hot?in sprouting Co i no to ( 1 10 WONDER m and ^?'o|i a hottlo of Drake's! Bed Bug Pisen. It is sold on its niorils and dors the work woll. Uso it early and liave poaoo tin) balance of tlio Slimmer. Don't wait. 'till (hoy ho^in to work on yon. Come NOW. ft NEXT TO KENNEDY'S. c'LV;:k 1 !?? iSGUclH 1800. A'.oi'.t/ lie rddni Inftrnnccl. Ciiiiuatien ana Piog^ss liave Kept Sla? Willi Money Sjpplj i.i All Ages. The T.'oiify Quo?iiou discus-Jvl In the l:glit of cxpcricuc.* auJ history. The Si I verKo ighMV at ehipao . Tl'C niiuctallic l\i;>cr of A:uciija. l\ S. Senator \V. M. RTKWART, l.Mitor. A correct account of the doings of Co:??jrev? given e.xch wrtk, A family papir for iJie iv?in : ti<l ri r o Hiilc. Ail i'.:e important Imppeniu^ of the week. condensed, in new* columns. A 1 trfjc circulation in every Stulprtnci Tf rritory. Su tsacrlption l'rlc?, f?I l'or Tear. J:end for sample; cgcnts wanted. Published weekly l>y the Silver Knljjlit I ublfohlng Co., WASHINGTON, D. C. 8 HO UJtS ^ A out or You Sleop In an Air That Cures ?... Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Grip, Throat and Lunf Trouble*. Tratle-Mark. TH8 PILLOW-INHALER i? a pillow no consirnctrd and so charjred that It throw* off a va|w>r timing *11 the Mlgtlt. Wt?h every taltuu lutolbc . hoiyit ?|irrc?tir applies to the inflamed air-p?s3itK*?of thf li*nd, throat niKilnnn ? tbormicliiy disinfected and prkarrly Tgryitcnterr nir to so->tr?e and cure them, ?fltn ONI.Y KNOWN MHANrt FOR LOM CON f ! N V H r? I Nil A LA T TON. -!? |h? Mwm?A -M-<>lihaHi - caaes after nil otfter remtf.ii? filled. Hend for free d*"?ert|dtr* |?*i??v>?l?t lM IritimonlaU; auJ UuJtjrbeitaiclvmtD tioa thin paper. . <1 riuow.?a.iun to., 81 Cnr+nnzn ITut'dln^. Hadtlpflfn, It. f , rr >44Ht' t k?*l<iUt Slmtt I'lkiUialpUla. r*. A\H'*tablc Pfcparatioiiior As - slmilaling theFooef dndRcgvia' ling llic Stouuuiipinil Dowel* oT Promote ^igestioW^lWer ful ness and ResfGotttalos neither Opium. Morphine noVMUtuicd. WOT K Jfi ll c o Ti\ . o/OU! IkS.UU'LLlilXUlUl J\unfJiui Sew J ' Mx Jauia * ItoJlili* Sm/tl - jiriue SaU ? I Jippfnnuit - > Jh i f - f ? t j f firm Serif - I (tyifitd Sttftty . hu&syrwi /Aitvn J A perfect Kcmcdy for Constipa tion. Sour Stoinach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ticss and Loss or Sleet. Tac Suiule Signature of NEW yOHK. CX^CT COPY OF WRAPPEI1. rile Kirid You Have Always Bought, Bears tho Fac-siinile Signature ? or ? ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY | BOTTLE. V THE KIND f YOU HAVE/ ALWAYS BOUGHT. ' ? M? CC NTAUH COMPANY. NEW VOWK CITY ANDY CATHARTIC CURECQnSTIPATIOn 10 * SO* ALL DRUGGISTS Jl RQf\f Timp r \r rn)i UTUPH *? cure nny rase of constlpitlon. fnncnrcts nre the I<Im1 AlJuUL U i IjIj I UUnRnli 1 Etuis live, norer trip nr irripe. l>ul rnusu f?if imtural results. Sam* plppn.J ImoUlet Frco. Ad. fcTJCKLIXG KKMKDY ( <>.. Chicago. MontrfnU Can. , orKeir York. _ Jll. OS-IIO RIVER &. CHARLESTON RAILWAY CO., ^'oiijuiu'ily W i ^ h Tit? SOUTH CAROLINA & GEORGIA RAILROAD. Sr li ('<[ u h> in HflVcl Oi l. 18, IS!)7. No 1 1:? bonntl. Lvo. 7 1 ?* A.M. " s :>7 ** " 10 25 " " 12 0") 1\ M " i o;> " i -t.-) M " 2 30 - M 2 r?f? " " a no " 4 r,o " 5 20 " " 5 55 '? " 0 12 " " 0 2: Arr. 7 30 " N'Ttli Ixcjntl. ' ( S. C. & G. ) >n ! '? r.t n c ! i v i 1 1 0 Kinuviiio (O. it. & :?.} ( '.'ini'.l'. ? ii K?'l hIi :l W Lancaster Cal ?wl? i ) lru'tion I toe It lli"! York *? 1 1 lo iiiiioKHbur^ Sliolby Henrietta Korea! City Hut.hPrfor.lton Marion S uUi-l on nil. Arr. 8 P. M. " f) 55 " " 4-14 " ?' 3 00 2 00 " 1 00 " " 12 15 " ? " ii 5s;a m " 11 15 " " 10 10 " " 9 20 ?' " R 35 " " 8 20 " " 8 05 ?' Lv.\ 7 00 M Soul h-lj.wi nil. (GafVi.ry division.) Ulack's'dirg Arr. 7 25 A. M. GiiITnevfl Lve. G 50 " ... o f Canj<l0(ff> run tin ly extent Snnilnj*. Trains between OlinrlestAn nfi'i lvingsv lie run daily. For information ns to fates, Clyde Line sailing, t to., call on local, contracting and traveling agonts of boih roads, or \,. A. KMKltSOX, Traffic MVr., ) C K. F. G HAY, Tralllc Manager, :li Carolina & Georgia R. R.f [ ] S. P. LUMPKIN, G.. P.. A., Charleston, 8. (<. ) -t lJlacUsburg, S. C. Lvc. C 30 l\ M . Arr. 7 05 " Trains uoft^i < Sou: The f treat big directory of everybod // , ever ywhere doe * not. mention the uame of an ybod.y of any nlze or aye who does not love /towers. / The Famous . v . Floral Authority Published ftt Rochester, N. Y. sIaj/ "Tag gmnemeitE** Ono Y ear l^or 5fjll.3?5. Viriv'S MACi AZ'NK which ?<? oflVr as ?? premium in a veritable mine of information abuit Flowers und Vt^'inMet, how to itow and oaro for them successfully, whetlur In a limited oily lot or larger village garden. A farm home nmy l?o hri^/ldtine-i at a Rli^lit expense unci tho grouuds made * attractive, itipie:t?l of t>nre mim! forMdding. All our readers know our paper and have friend* who alwmld know it and appreemf e i>. Il??re in a Hmhch to v;< ' a flrnt cla^H familv paptr and a monthly M :>ji 7.ii|p f <;r t!i?? prw-o ol one. Vick's Magazine in fiO cents per year and Tim Chronicle is (??) per year We will send both prepaid for one yeyr for onlv 81 2.V Take advantage of lliix offer and l>r glitcn up ^our Ifome. Everybody in and aroitn i it wi'.i be made better with flowers, and Viek's Magazine ti 11* you all about it.. Elc'iitSf 'B'(> I'm 1*1 1.25 Ami \V<? Will Ebt Tlie SCcfct. ;c'. i.ivcr, l.i-- r \-r : ?! ; qtii'iJy rosultjd #oil/?t:s oT Hi. n :? I nn-llhcu wiil k< i (? i!? liv t ri ri-M-i or.;.'.-. If t i i e <lisea*? l>?'S .! \m i-ij fil, I'.rowiiV lion 1 >ilt<-rs will o.'.r.* i! mii'irnHy. 8ttvntfth an<l vitality ?i'l i?!?iiys follow if* use.' I. vt? I'Ulcrs is goJJ L>y all dealers. oompii-'. iiv?-r !? i ? t1 [?ylect# in.} A Imllle The liund of Fate Ti. .x -i v -.v:. .?* Strcfthl'A* Inin*<t. -<?> ! ?l -1- 1 ffr ' ? .* *r?i n(';.l:ln ?M'1 tfj i: nl n> ?> I I 'i i f o ?? ? r'ul i? ::????. \ *t--. |. t>>'| I ??): !.. ivliiiw r - r i str Si? : trc W ? >= of j .n !i !l n :;!?!) j kv' ft:*?1. 111'. rtrH'r-'*? Mart" n jnaltftn-if ??! ? ?'?i.'-r x ?>. /virnts i mi ? ?!??* 1-1 ??vrh*. v tu> o* v J .i . _ b?ai: i ifv i n.v t vm) l-ni ilhi z Hi' * ?(.; f:Tnf u MWUi Mil fill ? ? u * , , . r . 1 l?f>- ? iue. _ ; ?'Pir rw'< tua i?M4T?-'i>> ren.vdy iff pumrci or ?*i?, ovirlM rlc. U*f?> at Itm It win o>i<n>*t?r<- ?? * !.<??> CI ?*? I? no I (H??. vTiWt I*ri? ?< ?k 3 tattle* Mr ITf>. pr<9*l4 16 ?>i :: roar trafgui i*? no* ?*w'y BELLAMY ura. CO., AUaetdkefc In 'L bo Chronicle voting contest Mr. M. L. Smith was declared to be tho mo&t popu lar member of tho Camden liar. NVv. 12? 1 yr. Beautiful Hair Dr. Hurray's Universal Hair Promelsr Cwr^MUmlrrifr, Mop. the tCIf- mm tlrtA; Ti?k ?*?, lnvl*or?W* lb* growth, '?'? tupcrb drmtriMi, ?m) white Ml I 4j?s by nonrtatitmirlu roou,wi? pn4thrSj rr Mora nr?; tor l? tuwkml whr.-H<i tb? p*r-eiMil?iM of all hair nMonri wtuwi Por mil bj- drmonm -it m(,iM low mhI (I nUi U Hut, yr?^iw, eyom wi>lyl wK>rMi?M> mu ar vm JrfURKAY MCOtOtNK COMMNV, ATLANTA.OA.