The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, November 06, 1896, Image 4

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THUMPET CAIL3. > ttnui'a Horn 8ottn4? ? Warning jNoto (o (ho Unrcilcotucd. /npl H EJ r<'llylon (lint I iB used for a cloak -*? will coon jwonr out. ?> (.Vi. p T h ? M'owfi'M horeo 1* kept fat by food tftkun from tho poo* inau'fl child. i Tho dovll fttnndi) ft jjOtuI ehaneo With tho 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 who Iovcm moiu'y, ami hates work. Kopi-ntaueo I ? ftod'sVommnnrt the moment wo Know thilt w\ have binned. I The diVll will never leave us, as long n? wo lituo ono little sin wc w iiii to keep. n > Men who make long prayer?! In pub* Ho, ar? often too busy to help answer thoiu. j It trover lint U on iiif'.'itiucMM any whiter to bnptlzo It iiiul tako It Into the church. I Christ etlll has I ho power to make tho Ncarlot aiunor as \("hlto as snow In a minute. ? Tho lower a Christian room down to men, the higher stand he takes for Christ. . It wan not those who offered the big tffest gifts at the temple, who wero tlto first to follow Christ. | The man of faith Is always a man oC power, no matter whether ho II \ ? ? m In J long Kong or Ild.ston. i The man is a oh Irk who makes long prayers In church, ami iii'Vcr does any thing to help answer them. When a Christian's walk dors not correspond with hi* talk, the less lie has to Bay In church, the hotter. ? What do yon suppose amp-is think of the church member against whom tho devil has never aimed a dnrtV 1 Undertake something for the Cord, ] In the mime of ihe l.ord, n 1 1? 1 you will noon be surprised at how min h you can do. The man who will not Improve his chance is hound to lose it. no matter whether it lias to do with seeking sal vation or making a fortune. Many a man ran he found standing on Ids brother's neck, while he claims lo be looking up far into the rky watch lug for the l.ord to come, iioiv lllo.V?;lo 'i'uliliiH In Muile. Solid I raw steel tubes have been made t'o. years for boilers and general use, but the great demand arose when the wafo'.V type of bicycle came into rogue, t diamond triune requiring the use of a greater. length of tubing and neeeaslt.Hlng that this should be mi tight as possible. There are variations in the methods for producing a col l drawn a eel title*, hut the principle of j all is practically the same. Only a very | high class of st eel Is suitable for the j purpose, 'and that hitherto employe:! j has been c||l|tly Swedish charcoal steel, containing a certain proportion of ear llOU. The steel is 1,'iken ill Ihe I < ? I'll I of a billet vwo feet long and about >.l\ Juches In diameter. A hide Is bored through the center and it is heated, an nea led ami rolled Into the form ot a tube about 1:'m Inches hi diameter, i.lth walla of about I') gauge. This u; Mien drawn through a die ami over a man drel by means of a dra w-le-imh, until about .SOD feel long, I tea ut i J idly smooth and iyright both wltldn and without. This Is not drawn at once, hut in a number of operations, and between each of '?hem the metal lias to he re plevied and reatuiea led to prevent the crystallisation to which the drawing process tends to g1\e ri>e. The first drawings of the tube leave it about three-eighths of an Inch thick, but tin i gradually decreases until ?> tube In pro duced which I ? of the I hick ness of pt ou t writing p.'.per. This is the obi*:? of tube employe*, in bicycles and thai imparls a strength and rigidity out of all propor tion tolt.s lightness. Most on Transcript, ??JOBt*? U rar of * 0011000 Hondo. CJon. Morin of l-'rance says tliat the deterioration of common roads, except that which Is caused |>v the weather, is two-thirds due to the wear of Ihe horses' feet and one-third to the wheels of vehicles. Motoeycies a;id rubber tires would therefore i!iliniui*,.? Uk' ??> pernio of read repairs. F.ars ami ;u'> nil more or I?;$m a(T,,',l',<l l?y o itarrli. Tim ??vo.s h<'<vi:t?n f ?i fl ? ?n?*- 1, iv>1 ami wali'iy, nitli dull, litwv pain ? Im'Iwivmi them. Ilium r >anntr, I ? t* i u In llto ivh.i, ui::l rf>i|ifiiino.< (li?> ln<aritu: 1? rifTci'toil : ihi< id u m'vpih hi: lli'rrr, wllli it:i ci'ii.'laitl, Miicrtnif.M I _?,?.!.? iliMMiariro. All t li???-<? <li'<<ii;ri>fa()ln nyciy('i;u i may Lai rmi)<>vvt| 1 1 v tlx ms" ?> ( %> SarsapariHa T!i<* l>ov( - In fact tti<- Oct* "l'r?i?> Hlon I I'tirlflrr Hood's Pill': I'llif tiHtlsr.i, ( ml iu<-n( loll, ?) bill hi- utw. i.ciil*. Rejiable GharloHe Merchants C.'ali till llivlll Wlii'll > oil K>> \ ?' (I r I ii Hull) If vmi it" i'"f t(", n?nl It *1 vp r.iiir " i- r r"i . \i\ luiitl. In au*M > > im: ii<l vt i ! ..->< iiiciiit k. iii4l> >? ??11 lli. II (III* !>ni"-r. UBfMffW ' l'>VWl?UK. ?.? I'ri.-. ... * *vi*1 illltf W'r l<> Nt'H'n <v T in... IVk. II.i.m-. M. A N 1 1 K KWS. Id- |H \V. ?Vn<Ut 4 ylvflli UfttiA Iso I'taiio*. O H ? ? > ? ? ? - ? !5!!PP!P5 ^uiioyy, I'liactous, IVwtl uhkoiih, ? Oni-t . Miini<[|a<'l ii Ak'MiIi \Vi!1. fni <'?iliit^s|i'. S, S. ,\|y .? iiH'li A OSBORNEI'fl udtnedd AND 0oli6Ol Of Wliortli?iid AIIUIIHTA. 1* A. HftMd book* um4. Act??l ko?:M?i Uka <i\r ?t MMrlnf. ????ow e-?ll#f? ?orr.iMf ?a I Him. ibHtwUM nufNtibu a our. fa imm. (k M by dniggnu BILL A HP'S LKTTKU. TJJIC HAUIC CAN, SICK NO OI J.I IsC. \ I ION TO IIICINU A rWJTOCKA r, ? 'I llomo hold Dulles Kngago ll.'u At* f?ii(loii at Present. i It fieemn to mo that tho ileiiiftffOf'iirH J nro underrating t ho intolligonoo of t ho ! peopj.i avIioii tin y domm lico a cutidi* (Into because h'? is rich or boofluso : ho owns it ot)io (lock in a national ; batik. Tlmi ifi nil (lint 1 have seen j ehurged against Mr. Mown I J. Meubcun , Wright, who \\ui: the choioeof (In- popn* j lists, ppoko honestly nml frankly wlicn ho said ; "I regret to nay I hat I have ? no stock in u n'ntiomtl bank." I dont J lutpposo thero in u reputable I'opnlint | in tho country who woul I r< fuso t<? own some of it if lm con hi got it fairly. 'I hi? olloi t of llitt deiiiiigogtiOH to 0 X C i ? 0 hi the, poor envy untl hatred j (if their inoro fortunate fellow citizens in shamefully disgusting. If u uiun j acquires wealth honestly h t> should bo commended for it. Abraham wan rich and to wnH Juuiph and hubati ulul Job Mill Solomon, and Joseph of Arimathe.a, who laid 1ho body of Christ in his own now tomb. livery man who m any ftoconnt is trying to hotter bin condi tion and would got rich if bo could. So ] clout boliuvo that tho I'npulistfl fil'o opposed to Hawaii because of his j wealth, and wlioit I hoar any of their leaders nay thoy arc, it in my opinion thoy aro lying. Thoy talk glibly about plutocrats and some of thorn, acoin to think tliul wealth and I'luto and boll aro nil mixed up to gether, Tho fact in that I'lutus, who wan tho god of wealth, wan a very dif ferent person from I'lilto, For a long tiino )io gavo lichen t<i the good only, but Jupiter diil not like Hint and smote him with blindness no that he eonld not tell the good from the bad, and ever eineo then evi ryboily ban had an Cipovl ehaneo to got bin filvoiN. Myth- j ology says lie wnselub footed and slow in movement w hen approaching a man to gtvo bun money, but when he took it away bin feet took wings and ho | fairly How away. Thoy must havogot* ten that idea from the bim ipiuren which I nay riclioa tuko winga and fly away. I'lulus wan a good hearted, clever, generotifl god, and I doit'l lilio to hear him rd an den d. Tin") boy with tho cornucopia wan bin murk, bin ensign, and I never see that picture but what I think of him ami wish bo would eomo tliifj way and emply bin horn of plenty. I would bko to fool tho feeling of a plu loci at before I die. I'.ut the long agony will noon be over ami it will be a groat relief ti> ui all, whether we lost; or win. Once I heard llob Taylor, w ho wan running against hi;i brother, make a speech, and in cloning lie urged hi" hearers to vote for him, but Haiti he: "If you emi't con* ficicn tiously do no, then vote for my brother Alt'." It bryan is not elected it will bn n grain of eoiufoit to know that Home ot my i;ood noigbb ?r.-i are gratified. If I ponsiblv cun I am ^oing to rejoieo V.'lt ll tllO-e wll" jo'Co. but t hero aro some m^iim thai I i|o not like. Who is back i n v. up "'in anarchist. Tifiuterbaidi, in bin treasonable utter* iuicuaV lie HiVrt that if t hero is no! one way to prevent Mrysn being pres ident there is another. Does lie mean to have him counted out by bribery an Mr. Tildon wan? 1 1 an ho ?? ? t the ? scheme fixed, and in it to be done with llannn'ti barreht of money? l rend sometime ago a boast that $l 0,000 npieco would buy every elec tion manager in Chicago. That would take only a million to buy 1 00 inanii* gcra, and they nay they have not ten miilioim at their command. in it po?* i sible that no good, no honorable a man as i\leKinlcy would consent to such [ iniquity ? I don't believe it. Maybe the conspirators have plotted a hcIiciiio through the courts to get it loll of in junction and let ( 'li v rill lid hold < iVe I' I pending the litigation, I wish I did know w hat I iHiiterb ich means to do in ease Mryaii r; elected. It is getting verv chine mow, close in time nud clone ill count, 't'lie tiettmg in about even, 'l'wo month:! n^o it was tifty to one on McKinlcy. From time to time it j dropped to leu to one, and then live I to one and three to one and tw i to I one, and now is about even and few taker.'i. I know a New \ oi l; man w ho writes for a I Jepub! ican paper ami scar* rdices ilryaii awfully, but navsi in a i letter to in'-, " 1 1 looks now like he is golllK to be < b ?? 1 1 d. Well, we will wad n few dnvi I 'tipcr and nee. t nin prrparcil tor tti > worst, and for the' bent, too, I have mycou victioiifi and mv hopiv, but b 1 1 It may | be wrong tut I am no pcMMtnint. I j Jo not fear that the nation will be i ruined if things do not go my way. | Malt in naturally n vain, conceited i crialuie, and w hen In' 1 >rniH an opin ion he wants things to happen that j w ii y v> 1 1 i t 1 1 f i 1 1 is i 1 1 e i ig ii t way o i ^ not. Jlo delights to :ay, "I told you ; Now I an*. K<>in)T I" ?yiit I !ii n k in,'? j about | ?? . 1 i I i f -s f. >r a ilny or .so at least. j For my wife lias forewarned mo that ; il iji tin right (ill)" (<> take up the , 1 1 1 jl n 1 r.ij ! i ;;!!??.: and pot tin m and put them in tin1 pit, ih v?>rv can!*/] till II I X lit ill** liill.l ? I fo)| I |>|l I < t lllflll in, ti 1 1 * 1 ki I have to take tin; w heel bar ? row, wliirli i in' unicycie now, and i;i t MUiiO leaf Hi' 1*1 ffdin llii? corners I <>f tlio fence. I In n I li n v i* to p'-t mime j t ' ' r 1 1 ! o from t lit; burn yard and mix ? with it and hoim" taml to pu on top. j She bosses it all very kindly, mid I Imvo | nothing to do but tlm work. J like j tint. 1 1 r>ii*v<" ? a'*- I loin li'fpoiiMbilit \\ 1 1 a plant dies t n thn pit I cm Kuy, "I ! ti.'.eil it juat ?? you tolil mo." Shu ha?\ given thn heifer <alf to ouo of tho j children nn 'i now the old cow ih lowing ! ail tlm clay lung and the calf is bleating j ut il? new home ami my wife is ho nor- | ry for both that ?*ln? wnnta them 1 brought Nigel her again. I believe alio ?ymj>athizi'?"juorQ with, th?',.cow thin lio calf, for the huyti that child run oon pet weaned from their mother, but the mother never forgets her ?iilld. That i? ho with human boings, bnt not ho with Animals. Their nffuo tion ia strong, but their memory i? weak. ? In a few days that cow will for got alio over had a calf. I'rovidcnoj ban arranged all these things. Tt in a* tonislnng how many littlo Ibiuga thero aro to do about I ho houeo and homo. It took oil tho day yesterday to put down tho carpel* for tho winter. Thor iroro ebnke n nnd bea^n thoroughly ? iiiHi Bpi'ing, \s uon iakou up, out my wita wanted IU?m fcbakon Hgtdn, The furnilti ro had all to bo tnkon out ftliil tho booku in tho hookcftso Uufllod, ftU?l 1 1t o old sofa uiendod. Tho paper mat ' ting and a lot of nowapnporn had to ho j I fcplrond en tho lloora boforo tho onrpolB , j woro put down. Tho window glnna j were wan hod and everything rouowod j | and brushed up for tho coining winter, j I That in all right, and I am glad that ii I all done, for it hi a power of work. T > ! didont do much of it, for now t am liko Ilia down in tho eircuu who al- ( waya gel? there ju*t b?o lato to helj> j iimivo tho IhiogH out of tho i ing ; hut f J had tho hack fetieo to llr. up. Tho old j cow had hrokon it down to got to her calf, and I had to go after her ami drive her homo. I uaod to have boyn to do I Ikko thin;;", but they ft 10 all gone and J am tho only hoy h it on 1 he prciaifios now, It in hard, hut it ih fate, and f am not complaining, Tho old iimro ia 'JH yearn old ami ean hard ly travoh tho old dog lieH in the piaz/.a and c;Au hardly wag liia tail, Iho big old ?-ak in Iho haelc yard ia dying at the top and man cannot OHOttpH the common infirmity. '1 lie poet nayn that "man wan made to mourn," hut I do not think ho. lie ia born to trouble, l>ut ho needn't mourn about it. Lot hue light the battle of life bravely. ? JWmi A up, in Atlanta Constitution, 1. \ 1 i .s r m :\vs. At Noriirdown, I'a., C. <>. Knitter killed his i.ifo, hid all the valuabloa and (.harmed the crime to bandit*. In \( "it igal ion followed and ho committed anionic, Adviecu from Constantinople aay Iho coinmisKion appointed hythe Sultan to i 11 vest igato t lie recent riota in that city has aul>mitlo(i its report, which merely i.tntoa t he fiuda < boiled. I lie eouiinia 1 ! ion estimates that the number ol Ar menian* massacicd in W. S, Ktratton, the millionaire mine owner ol (hippie ('reck, ('"I., a few j day a ago took a I ? t of 8100,000 t? 1 1 P. 1 yim agninst 83011,000 on MoKiuloy. Al liouinville, Ky. , Coiiuoilmon ( ?eo. Weber and .lanica Sowdel's and Aider men C. J. ,lonne and I'ichard V. Itrcucr have boon iudieted by tho grand juty, the former on the charge of al templing to 1 hi ho Councilman W. .1. I'liller, and tho others for Helling supplies to the city contrary ti? law. Monday Win. <1. I ? r y a n closed hia eampiiigu at < 'inohu, Nob., alter de live.1 i n a do/.en or more spocchoH in tho difleieiP bulla of Iho above city. All of la?t week, up to Monday pro vioua to Iho election, Mr. IWeKinley root 1 ved throngs ol oulliUbiastie gath erings from tho diOercnt paitilol tliu country. The I 'till visible wupply of cotton for the world its ,'1,051,05 1 balea, of which '2,7 1 7, Mo 1 balea are American, against | "rP.I balea and 'J.OO-V^O balea re spectively last year. A eyeioro swept over Iho city awT piovi noil of Seville, Sj?nin, lust week, w recking ft gi cat many liou.sea and kill ing ami injuring a number of the in Imhilanta. I! \. I'onmatoU, <if Savannah, (5a, i 1 mm bet 11 elecled president of the Southern I {ail way, to .succeed iT't'si [ dent Haxler, deceased. At Cleveland, <>.. Tho American I Wire W'oika baa started upon double time and is riiniiing full blasl, oxer men now bring employed. The l!nivcrai;y of (ieorgia defealed (he 1'nivernily of Noilh Carolina in a game of football at Atlanta by a score ol 2 I to Hi. forest llioa havo I'CCti again ragi?ig in 11 1 thorn Wiseon- 111 and Michigan. I h' 1, moke was ho dense at one time at the northern oiijl of l.akn Michigan that navigation w<ti, impeded. There are 7,o00 i ninnies ol Iho Mas mi< huactls State prisons, and over 100, 000 arrofl.s a year are made, which eoal Iho State Iho mini of ??? 000,000 an uuaily. Th'e Shah of Persia is aaid to haveTiO I pel oals which he takea with hiin onhis Its vols. The ol.l- it i.'ational llag in Iheworhl is Mint of l>eiimi>rk, which ban been in use si neu 1 1 0. John S Johnson broke < '. S. Wells' three ipnuter and 0110 mile rccorda at Nasi v lie. Teim , making tho distance ! in 1 1.' - ?"?. Wells' tune was 1 l."> '< o Juli'.tj Maniiow was Jiangcd in Chi ongo, Ul., tvi the minder of Carey I!. Ibrch. It'epoiw- from Kansas and lOa'dein ( 'o.'oi 1 do /StiMo that there n likely lo be r scvoro h?sa unoiig range cattle o'w 1 ng I ? ? I lie late bh - / 1 id. The New Dries lis, L*., Itanana 1 111 poi ting ("onipiiny, has gone under. I ,e|oy Teinpb toll, while delivering p. pol 1 1 ical ? | s'ooh ul I o w I ei . 1 ud. , was 1 -Iriekea with paralysis. re l.\ II. \\ OK Tl< \ A |> p ron i* Ii or flic Klcrl Ion :? SI il III |)C?I ?' ill I t'l* I lie.s*. 15. fi. T1 u u A wVl?1\ i -\ lew oT Ira. I ' fi>r th<> 1'iist wi'i'k in that Is ii"l often "'?'?tl. It fmvc ''in rt * * r? 1 1 ** 1 1 '* f t until after tin' election mi 1 t!i<' la.iin le ituro of the week was tic pressure lit tit" New V.'/k moiwy inaiki'l in ^ ? 1 1 ?? ? ? f Hi" heavy aul\Al- of goUI. If mis nl a 1 00 per cent. or more I ? .? i ? 1 n > real meaning except that, witli | > r a> 't if*?* 1 1 >' four Ii li lay ?? to i'f>tn" In sueees-h.n. there is really m<? mar k . W ln'iU itivline 1 .1 ia 1 1 1 1 y 1 ? - 1 1 is riplnv ncam. Tito t>\ i'li'if" f >f k'rfit <liMnaii'i al>r<>iii| ?r<>\va ?Ifarer, arnl while Western receipt?- are li?'i?vv, l.hCi,92l bushel* f"i the week aii.l T.'itl. til I f. r tho pnst f. hi r wok*, npaltist "H.IW.'.K'I |.i*<t yi'ar, the ??iiorrn uiH milling r< tunis uro I of value, showing that foreign or ilfr-< nri! | - r?- |?!t r i uvr a great quantity Hour f ?"? r export. 6'ottun In1!. I up romai knl'ly well, in Ppite of tra<i" estimates that I ho yi??|i| he olosa to nine million hale*. Tho trn tot:n lievep jnifh estimates n r?? erroneous n:ul also liOpffM (liiil tho present I'rii'i'ii will nt?t "? found tno high, It wltli sueh n fr ip thero Bhonhl 1)0 good business In this ami other countries. Tho mills arc scllinu staplo goods poinuwliut freely and print dntln urn ft tdiodo higher, l?yt there is neither much soiling nor muoli effort to !??? y goods of other ilwcrlp lions. Failures for tho woek have Won "270 In tho fulled Hlate.s, against VJ7H last year, and 40 in Canada, ng!?in?t f>3 la.-! year. OU-f GREAT INLAND SEAS. A Majority of t)nr VriiAli I'lj on the liront I.?kM. A majority of tho largo stoam vessels of ths United Stal?M aro plying tho waters of tho lake?. Through tho fit, Mary's Kails canal, l'?t^en l,akn* Huperlor'ana Huron, pAMdd la?f yeJir a lofal of 17,956 vossols, as against I through tho Huor. canal; an 1 tho total tonnagn ??f vessels pawing through tho Sue* canal in tha twelve month* of 18> 5 was hnt 8.4SO.OOO In round number?, against 11,800,. DjO pacing through tho "8oo" canal In the eight monttoof tha Kama tfarjag wblcb ft wm open for nfiTUretioo. J. 1)14 . I A Ml A<; K'SSl \ l>\ V 'I II 1031 10. No ih Was the Plrst (''nrlncr, <':iln tin 'filter of lilt* Noil iiimI Adam Was } (i.irdiuT On a Lu?go Srulo. Til In Ifwt summer, having gono In different direet ions oyer bet ween II vo uiu) fiU lliyilMRil mill-- of Imrvfut fields, I oau hardly open my without Hinwlllux till! bj'Olll ll of HOW* ItlOWH Ititv Mid SCOiHg tllO K?ls>?'U light of till) whtVil fb?id, Au l when I open my Hlbtn to ( t . i i my ji'xf, | ho Sorlpturu iCitf nHlleu lilco ; ( )\n 1 hhsi^Ih <?l tl?*> hi), Wo were uourly all of us born In t ho ',ry, Wo dropped fori* In t l?o hill, and wont (mi H it ur lay to tlm mill. t ving tin' grIM In | ||it colli 10 of tll'l 8U I; ? > t'l!lt tll? OOlllonlH Oil ijtlior Mil" tU? hor.s i balance I o.i ill otheri ami <1 i'ipV'I llm oatllo afield, our bate fe-t wot willi lit" ilow, aii'l r< "I" lit ' hone.l wl:U tlrJ llillli.ll- to tlui brook until W? foil otT, Hll'l hunted tho mi'.vv for ii'v.ts until tho feat hern I <>c wont ea-kliug away, Wo woro nearly nil ol u* torn in tho country, an 1 all wml I have stayed them had not somo ad* venturous la I on 1 1 > h v.ioition eomo back Willi better elothoi h'i I hoN-m hm Is an I not tho whole village Hi" w. Hi ambition (or city life. Ha we all understand runio allus ion*. Tho llible it loll of tli" n. In Ohri*l'.s Hermon on tfu? Mount you c "il 1 h?o tin* lull blown II Jos an J I ho gl vvsy Wick of tlio oimv.i wln^u tii it tlio* ovor Mount (>?iv?l, David inn! John, Paul an I I-miaJi Hn l in country lifo n sou ro.> of frequent illustriii iou, wliilo Christ in tho text takes tli" responsibility of eal ling (l.xl a farmer, deolarln < "My Kit hot t'.i llto tin <bandinnn," Xo.'ili was I ho lli .-it fanner. Wo nay nolhlng about Cain, tho tiller of tho soil. A J an was a gardener on a largo 3nalo, hut tu Noah was given nil tho acres of tho earth, J''i was an agrieull urist, not eulliviiMng a ton-noro lit, for w.i II aJ I Jin plowing with twelve \ ok n of oxen." In lli'do tinvvs tho Inni win ?o plenty anil tli" mli abitunls s> fow that Noah wa-. right when ho gave to ovorv lu lialiiuuit a < ".lain portion of la ml, that laii'l if cultivated ovci after to ho his own po.sios Si "ti. i J I to y \v?r j not small crops rniaoJln thoio lime.', lor thoii^U tin ai'f.s weio rmlo, tho |il->w t m n;,,l u|> vry rieli h iilf an J barley Hint fotton ami Itax ntnl all kinds of jjraln i n, no up ut thee. Ul oftlio harvestors. IMiny ti'lln of fii" yt ilk of fjrnin licit hail on jt hi> t we oi i Ihrco ami four humlroj earH. Tho iivii< ami the biookn, through aitiflyial rhaaiiJ.*', weio iuouu'ht ilown to iho loot A of Ih" ei i n. I his habit of turning a rivet wli'Ti vr it nmi-"> wanteJ, Solomon refer? wlmn he iiiyr : ,4Th? kind's heart Is in tho hiinJ of tli-.) horJ, an I lie I u moth it us th? rivt?i-.s of water are tinned, whilltorioever llo \\ ill." J'he wil I bpiisly wero caught, an I then a hook was put into tl.oir noso, ami then I hey were toil over tho flolj, ami to that (loJ ro? fio-* when M" says t^> wlekod Benmiohorib: ''I wiil put a hook in thy iiotfu ami 1 will in mi,' tlieo bii'-k by tho way which thou nime.-t.*' Ami <!"?! has a hook in every bail, whether It ho Nebuchadnezzar or Aliab or llurod. He may think hlinaolf very im'-open lonl , but some timo in his life, or in Ih" hour of his death, ho will 11ml that tho J, or I Almighty has n hook in his This was tho rule In ro?;aril to tho culturo of tho Kiounil: "l liou shall not plow with nn ox ami an ass together, " illustrating tho folly of ever putting intelligent and tisoful tin 1 pliablo uiou in association with tho Mnbborn and uumanagvaLlo. 'i'lio vast ni!i joritv of t roubles in tho churches ami in re formatory institution.' eoines from the disro I4iir>l of tiiis command of tho Lor J, ''i'liou fdialt not plow with an ox and an a-s to gether.'' Tin re wore large amounts of property In vented in cattle. I he Mojitiltos paht 100,000 idici'j" as nu annual tax. Job hail 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, .'.00 yoke of oxen. Tho timo oi Tintago was ushero I in with . mirth und iiiuslc. The flusters of the vine wero put into tie* win" pies-, and then flV" men would get into the pro-s and tr implo out the juict from tho grapo nnlit "t heir garments were PalurateJ with the wine and had liecomo tli" fuiblcms of slaughter. t.Julst Himself, wounded until covered with the blood ol ei ueillxion, making use of this allusion wlier tho question was asked: "Whereforo art Thou r- d In Thine apparel ati l Thy garmoilt! like one who treadetli I he wine vat?" llo ro upon led : "I have tio lloti the wino press alone." In all ii'.;e- there has been great lionnr paid to agriculture. Seven-oights of the people In every country aro disciples of tho plow A government is strong in proportion as it is supported by an athlello and Industrious yeomanry. So long ngo as Poforo the fall of Carthago, Xtraho wrote t iventy-oight books en agriculture; Meslod wroto a poem on tho Mime subject ? 1 ho Weeks and Days." Cat a was prouder of his work on husbandry than of all I. is military conquests.. Hut I must not be tempted into a discussion of agricul tural eompiesls. Kiamlinga mid tho harvests ati l orchards and vineyards of the Hible, and Handing amid Iho harvests ami orchards and vineyards of our own country --larger har vests than have ever before been gathered? J want to i uu out the analogy between the production of crops ami thogrowth of grace in the soul-all thesosacrcd writers making, use of I hat analogy. in the (irst place, I remark, In grace as la In" Ibdils, there must he a plow. That which theologians call conviction is only tho plovy tdiaro turning up the sins that have bo.n rootol and malted in tho soul. A farmer >aid to I ii indolent son: "Tlicro aro a huiidrcil dollars burled deep in that field." Th" sou went to work and plowed the Held from fence to fence, and ho plowed it very deep, and lh*ti complained that lie had not I ? oi n d the money: lull, when tho crop had been gathered anil sold for a hundred dollars more than any previous year, then thoyoung iii an took the hint as lo what his father meant when lie said I here were n hundred dollars buried down In that Held, I loop j. lowing for a crop. Peep plowing for a soul, II" who makes light of sin will never amount to anything in the church or In I ho world. If a man speaks of sin as though It *,veroan inaccuracy or a mistake, in-tead of iho loathsome, abominable, consuming and damninu' thlnir that fled hates, that man will never ylelJ a harvest of usefulness. Wnen I was a boy I plowed n Held with n team of spirited hoi-cy. I plowed it very quickly. Once in a while I passed over hdiiio <il the s hI without turning it, I. lit 1 did not jerk back iho plow with its rattling de vice?. I thought It mado no difference. After awhile my father came along and said, ?'Why, this will never do; ?hi? isn't plowed deep enough; there you liivo missed this and you have mi*?sed tin'.'* Ami ho plowed U over again. The vlHTlCUHy wil fi a great many | roplo isilmt limy aro only gcratohcil with ron vmtioii w hen I ho subsoil plow of Oo.Tr. t r ill ft kii^'JiI l<i l>t> |>ii( in up lo Uio In >JI in. Jly word i-- to ail SahhaSh-sehool (c.ichpra, lo all parents, to all ChriMian workori ? ? 1 ' I o w deep! Plow deep! lint >vl? :? t means all t hi* crooked plowing, these crooked furrows, tho icpcntnncn lliat amounts to notimig? Mi'ii groan mvr thoir Bins hut k'1 t no I ><>l t ??r. They weep, but thoic t' ar- arn ii"t counted. Tlmy got oonvlolod. but not e >n\ erted. What Is tho reason? 1 rei.iombu Unit on tho farm wo set a standi nr. I with a ro I flag at tho other end of tho Held. \V>? kf | l our eye on t hut. Wo aitnod ?il Ilia'. Wfi plowed lip to that. f.o.Mng siK'ht of that wj niii'lo a crookod fin row. Keeping our eye on that wo inndo a straight furrow. Now in (his matter of conviction wh tnnM have sumo standard to gnldo us. It is a rod standard that Clod has sot at tho other i"ii | of tho Mid i, ft li tho Cross. Keeping your oyu on that you will innko a ktraight furrow. LoaiiiK sight of it you Will mako a crooked furrow. Plow up to tho C'roiM. Aim not nt cither on I of the horizontal pleoo of tho ('rosy, hut at tho ujv? right plcen, nt tho ocntrd of it, tho heart of tho 8on of <lod woo ln?c?? your - ?nd ? made FnflSfaclOo. Crying and weeping will not Lriog you through.- "Hlru hath Ood otji ja o# oav turn oq ?n jo'f *no -|40|J^ f?|P(A\U JOljW Pl??|.< ll!u If *11 l?Odll n?Op Gtuoo <Cvuj M0tinp|J0A\ jo EuoTi?oqj qifnoqi pu? 5ti)VJ>t ju)U[m oi() p| )| jnq 'Xup|d?Md ;o fr?atiq>u|OOj oqi *f II "pwow ?ill Sai-ionv^s o.iu ?m? jodfcoo ?Ml Jwiqovojd ojm oav uoqM 3<uj -Op OJV MM JMIJM fi| >wq? "AlO>J *dOJS> u oq |||A\ ojoqi avoX jxoti eij| '?mo? ?<??? Mom. oqi qXnoqj pn? 'npuS jo)Q|al oij? JfapionrMt f| o)i. 'jjjoav }QU]J0dui| Xjoa u Xdjop off ?Zuiou si 0Q i?UAA A\on* jon e?op oqM uvcu v O) A|||* vVjOI U IWl ?ill WA6 tttM-po.rt emv^^uMdw on pan tJiiuH jo nov? ?q?opn I avq Btq 8)Tid oij opjjpt a joao jv pn? 'tmqon) <HMqp.<|U*JM jnoq? jo ?PH?? * l?.l>I?U <U?I moiov Xit|oM ?qi puy noAJaqj??M l?ainn)nu ?q| oj -XnjMOt it ?q |?nni oj?qi ?rrag en; n\ rt qoujs l%rra?t % liKoiQ oqj 0| dn 'qo ca # jnojA^g ? i>tr? wrw ? o } p?H?M rlKht Kind of M*). .I?"11 ?n3w C?ul'Si 1 IhlK Sr^oSlSirSutli" will .j How wheat and whoat wl coina up. L , dioUntfulsh between troll ?0 j o?j>f ,4 } I us know tho iKflforooua bat wwa wlioat hulW>xo. oat and henbane. , Attain, t remark, InKrftoO Yr?for now nS lhor?> must .bo u J,Krrow,"*'lh(! h()1,i t(1 ordor io a harrow K0o3ov^ lh3 l < l| t on r to |.i the ?roun-l to r ll * ? , ' "l ? " * J r >w wliloli ?ow over after th? ? eod I [* *UA lwt tho birds ptok up tho a':0'1' jjlnktna ? (I >t\;it into tho earth so tint it oan : Yon know h harrow. it l8 jn^? ^( jjj 8 woo I liallo I uoroH 3 oaoh oth&r, *n'\ yxn. W'V s^asNsa irtii v.,? K"|?K ?!>? trull! l? your UMtt. Tlnv>a \voro truth 4 that you hoard thirty v?'ir* 11'feo: they havo not alToclo \ you until K!lly. 1 Horn* ?r? a rrov.l.lo-.uuaovaryo, ,,n 1 "7 ^'whTtV.linmiTno^ l! till iUX trvla *1^57/ For a oenturv there was tho OoS* v l , Ll but n tfroat deal of It |.io.l^j I'l ion Ood liftrn?.??d ft wild n&tJSSrMi ttpsflrwsa '''"'".'iiii' ?maiS;Xto ift'is es-ssa -is? raw ?. t i? 1 v>i harrow, no crop* a?AV? f y'vnuk in sraions tn the farm Acja'.n, I iMVUK, in Kfii ^ (jhrlBllau* 11.0 ???* ?ysS- 'm'S;. foTO' ?>? . ? ni.'ht ir y>u liuvo not as much SmolliJ you^ would liVo to have, thank Urn u-m<l 1 h ,,rft090t Go'l. Tho weakest "r?;i and : ???<?' it? You hnvo been i?roaiili?K over s; ?S? ? k.rt, v?' '"???'* '??;? HrjfifiWf! ?*' ?v" I ; sks 33S& t.5. Wr? ot vour month as far as you pull thorn down. T,^alM^m^in,5Srt ~s in farm?nf 1 a? iSi!1!? doath Ul Ju' Min tio t mor .ho ^ Jllo W: Kvofv'^okS lH K stoko ot tho Hall, and tho Mi-k bod !?? tho thresbln.n lloor. What, say tadJih to A K00d man oj .1, nk uKtha W!U?1 oilWonlai von m'hw liitu l>* tho sunny porch phiyln? wi h hH ernndohlld ron. Oahnly ho rooolvod rail trains tho klndrml como wanting onon I on tho fuoo t)f dear old nraud? .fvftlil of P'^ythlng. l?o nbu ?u ?lir> mornintf of ino rosurroction. uraiuUath oi w wlSwnvi. tho to rlso. Ilia volco has , ready mln'glod in tho doxoloj?yof Hprv?"* 0 iiiaOu-c *i/?y?tl -M ?i;? ,?!> : AiivtldiU! Khiwtly in thai/ N<1. ii?? ot tho wlioat out ot tho straw, lhat is U"i'ho Snvlour folds a lamb in His bosom. Thn llttlrt "hlld flllod all the house with hor music and bor toys aro sauttorod all up au , 1 1 1>.\ ut iiirs imt as slio left tliom. What IfVho hand that jduoked four-o'olooks out 'V, ?i/,v is?l,U? It willwBvnln llm oioiiml 'tihimph: 'Wbat if tho voloo that ?Miuin music In 1 ho homo 13911111" It wiiisini, l,,? oti'rnal hosuuna. l'nt a white rose In one !,n mil rose in the ollu-r hand, and a vniif of onuiKO blossoms on tho brow; tho ;K?"wo ? .l.? vl?ory,tl.o rod flower for tho Mavlour's aa^rlllce, t''o o|;'l,1S? oj; r7?f.h?w"rt' '"Vmiohu, ?.?.!??? stcop,;* HaUl jj.h5i0br jy ' Lwo H mo? nhlop/' cond?"?lenoo to thoso pavonts, aald, ?Ah0^ l,??i words wore beautifully poetic. And Mr. Longfellow knew what Is pootle. i><-'ar Lord, ?lvo mo stoop." 'Twits not la cruelty, not in wrath That tho reaper oumo that day; 'Twns an angel that visito.l tlio earth. Ami took tho (lower away. Ho It may bo with us when our work Is all done. "Uoar Lord, givo mo sloop." I have onii moru thought to present. I hnvo spoken of tho plowing, of tlio sowing, of tlio harrowing, of (ho reaping, of tho I h resiling. I must now speak n inomont of t!io garnering. Wliero Is tho garner? Noo.1 I toll you.' ()!i, no. So many havo gono out from your own cirolos ? yea, from your own family, that you havo ha I your oyos on that gnrnur fur many a vo ir. What n hard timo sotno of t Item had! In Gcthsotiiaticd of buttering, they pweat great drops of blood. Thoy to. pic Urn "cup of trembling" it .id tlioy put it to llielr hot lips and t hoy cried, "If it bo possible, lot tills eup puss from mo." i t li tongues of burning agony they cried. "O Lord, deliver my soul!" JJut I hey not over it. 'J'huy all ?ot over i'. (iarnenxl! 'i'heir twits wip.'d away; their bailies nil ondoa; llielr burdens lifted. Uamered! Tho Lord of th" harvest will not ntlow those sheaves to perish in tin* equinox, (i-iricrcd! Homo of us romciuhur, 0:1 tlio farm, Hint tho sheaves were p?u on t h ?? top of tho rack which surmounted tho w.tgon, and those sheaves wero piled higher and hignor, an l after a while tho horses started for the bitru; ami these sheaves swayed lo and fro In tho wind, and the old wagon croaked, and tho lioroe.s ma lo it struggle, and pulled so hard' the harness eame up In loops of leather on oil their baelt.?, and when tho front wheel struck tho elevated door of tho barn It seemed 11s if Ihn load would go no faithor, until the workmen gave a great shout, and lh?n with 0110 last tromendbiis stinin, the horsns pulled In thn lond"; they wero unhar nessed, and forkful after forkful of grain fell Into the mow. Oh, my friend^, our get ting to heaven may bo 11 pull, a hard pull, a very hard pull; but theso sheaves are bound to ?o in. 'flic Lord of the harvest has prom* be I It. I see tho Ion 1 at -Ja'st coming lo I ho door of the heavenly' garner. Tho sheaves of the Christian soul sway to and fro in Hie wind of deal b, and tho old body creaks under the load, and as the load strikes tint lloor of lh?* crtlesllul garner, it seems as If it can go no further. * '* '* ? " ('ftti iin lllKtorlenl Rouvenlrs. As a historical souvenir the cat Is a? decided novelty, which comes from tluf sacred shadow of Independence Hall. 411(1 tlio KlllTOIIIllllllg tit | till 11! 1 1 trt| Iit'lit iff law a colony of coininondookliig catn Ion ling about In that vicinity. All thesd tnlmnla could trace their ancestry back (o a couple of good rimers which IhmI tn.^u Introduced Info the cellars of tlnj Dldbnll to depopulntc the rodents whlcli thrived nnd fattened there. Tlufeat^ eleaned out tho one nuisance oad l>e ramo nuisances In turn. They werl tared for and fed by a colored mar named Charley, employed In* the Sher !ff*a ofllco. W'ffcn tlx* animals Increased 10 rnpldly as to threaten to overrun th< p',aee Charlay conceived a brilliant l<lea Uo dedded to turn tho cats.lnto money tie found people wero willing to pay a; . ?jlgli as $1 for a cat born nnd reared ti Independcnco Hall. He soon dlspoeet ?f all but one or two of the cats. Thes< few survivors were left In the hat; , when the Sheriffs office moTed np_tc ? ? .. < . Ai ? iik. ii Ihe City Hall ami took CharTey with 10 -Philadelphia Record. 8I0K NEARLY /.THIRTY YEARS, kllllM.IANV BKHVIC# IN T1IK WAft H)iJ,o\viti) uv rltOCQXQKD l(lxt) t'rJvni* lirljiti* ill* N'nr tliue Valor Into it l.i'n uml' Duulli Ooiubiil'"ll?i N k * of Hi* Struuijlf* SI inn lh? \V'? r. Ftou\ the Tribune, HomvUivHl*, A'. V. Thero is no rrlan In OqoUIh County, Now York, who stands higher in t lio community than Mr. William If. Hriggs, a woft'thf farmer, ami rasldoiit of Hridgewater, and ? prominent mo.nber of the G, A. It. HU statement will not bo news to hUfrlonds, as they hI I know whoroof ho wrllo3, but it la commended to tho consideration of tlio pub* He. Mr. Uriggs writes as follows! 4 It gl vea mo groat pleasure and satlsfae* tlon to botthloto give honor where honor Id < I <n>, unci to thut end I moke this cortlllouto, hoping it may bo tho moans of olhors bonofltod uj 1 have boon. "I am it farmer residing nearUrldgowator, Oneida County, Now York; my name is 1 William II. Urtggrt, AUil I Am tC years old, I am au old nohllor, and member of tho (I. A. It., having served as high private in Co A. 1st Now Yorjt Artillery, during tho whole four years of tho Rebellion. Though not n ponsioner, and never an tipplioant lor Pension, I contracted through ma'Arlal oil male, disease of liver and stomach, from which I sulTored continuously, in various forms, iu 18:13 1 had tho jauudlco, at^d U continued for )*0ar8, to a greater or loasor degree. I novor was freo from dyspepsia, and palpitation of tho heart, and sufTorod from nervous debility to such an exlent that I nou Id neither rial by night nor work l?y day. Night after night I walked the floor tonnuuto 1 by vague fours, which 1 know wore purely imaginary, and yet I could not skako thorn off. I came homo In June, IHflft, and from then until 1 HO I 1 was constantly attended by physicians, having omployod three at dllTereut tlmea during I that period. These good doolor.J gave mo # occasionally temporary relief, but the goo 1 eflfccis of their treatment ipiiekly disap peared, and le't mo more despondent and wretched than over, "1 did not hi I, eve In giving up, and was about t > send to Utica for *\ another physi cian, when Mr. II. .S. lferl, tho blacksmith who attends to my hors?\s, recommended nv> to try Dr. Williams' l'ink I'M Is, as he assured me they had , done wonderful things foi him. I had road 'of those |?i I |y before an.l felt somewhat 1 lib fined to try I ne:r., before 8oi fert spiko of them, but his recommendation yet i led tho ma ter, and I became Dr. Will iams' pa" i-nt. I toyk l'ink l'ills steadily uiw lii I have consumed four boxes, growing belter and belter wv-rv day, mv liv??r work ing freely, my kidneys a ding ly. My heart no longer troubled me, and I could di gest my food. Ad thai water brad), heart burn, biu'.z iig in the head, as if there were a great o upty space in my cranium, disap peared, and life began to i)o worth living, which it ha I not boon since my army ser vice. I was cured in loss than one ye-r from (he time I bomm lo take l'ink Pills in IH!H. and have boon in fair health ever since. Of coarse, I have lobe care'ul, na 1 I easily catch Cv?!d, and it is apt lo settle ii. i | my right hide, lull a dose or two of Iho Pink tJl'disHoon set me to rights ai;ain, and I .shall I i never be without them, utiluss something j very unforeseen occurs. I "1 do not want ii nu 'oistood that I am | casting any strops against I hose who are pon i slonors. If I were needy I should certainly ask for what I :im entitle I to, but being nirt p y provided with t his world's goods, I b> not re>pi re P. My old comrade:; can leJIify ! that 1 have hvlpe.l in ny a one of thom to get ? pension. ?' I'tn; above ?datemont is truo in every par ticular. I certify on honor. "(Signed) Wm, 11. liiuoos." Dr. Williams' l'ink Pi Is contain, iu eon | dense ! form, all lie- elements necessary lo j giv? new li!o aad'riehne.-'s to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a iipeejlle for I roubles peculiar lo females, I i nch as suppressions. Irregularities and all | for ns of w akii"H la men t hoy effect a I radical euro iu ail cases arising froai mea I .al worry, overwork or excesses of wha'. i t.y.'r nnliiri,> I'tllu ;ir?i o?.l I ij; ( never in loose hulk,) a- f>0 cents a box or six j b./xes for f '2. .'/0, an I may b>> hud of all dru? iristv, or direct by mail from Dr. Wibiani.V [ Medici no Company, Hellene, ta ly, N. V. 1 1 TttoU tin* I.' lb lit- it. r I Dear Fir:?* Having 11* <! several boxes n* your T kit k. im , I din fiiv that it it ilm ho-t i iemody I hav.i ever found fur .skin ?: i? ?. j A it in i : i ? |? wiiii Cut ctini nfiil u! her #{mil*?r J prepnrn linn- , ilnntuii sin- n eoiiwy'MUi ion of a I ri< nil I 1 i'i ??* I a I. ex of 'I'l 'l l;Kn INK, and I wo ap pit eat int. g \va ? a t i liti t it took lo t ft ct j a rum jilctc cure cl' a br ai.inx out on my J not i of him.' > la tilling. I iii i.k ii i- ilo- i>est solve in tlic world torskiidi oil*'-*.' Yours lr>il>, It. 1*. Al.tllMIKII. M i ? Seluia, Texan. 1 bos by in 'ill f'<r f><V. i'l Mii'iip-*. J. T. Sun1, kink. ?Vnvannnli. <j&. IIow'h '1 hie ? Wo offer O 10 Hundred Dollar* Howard for ? tiyc.x p. of Catarrh liial cannot, bo curcd by Hull'.* ' 'a ( ii r fli Cure. > ^ J-'. J. I'll km My ft Co., I'ropo., Toledo, O. Vv'e, t iji iindrv^ KiKil. have k noivn K. .T. Cbe ncy fo.1 I'ioliixt 15 yen in, and hidirvo him j>er fectly Irmorablo in o I > liiivinc-H transactions mid ftnt nc^ally ?b!n fo carry out any obliga ting made by tlielr firm. Wear Se Tiiuax, Wholesiila Dni'T'/ists, Toledo, Olilo. W/ f,.?iNO, Kinkam ?: Maiivix, Wholcsalo I >r ii 'uiHt-*, Toledo, nliio. Ifail'.s Catarrh Cnro Is tukon intcrnall j-, net im; directly upon the blood and mucous mir facesor i tic system. I'rice, 7-'c. per bottle, bold by nil 1 >rii?r:fsts. To-TinumfHls froo. J lull's F.tiully rills aro llio best. Don't T.ili iceo >'|)!f nn. I >in i !. i> Your T.lfe Away. If jcr.t want lo quit tobacco us n r easily an 1 forever, regain io.v niaiiiiood, be made wall. Mm ig, intcn?*lic, full of now lite and vie or, tnke ,v o-'Io-llac, the wonder-worker that weak men string. ALjny gain /en , itound* in ten day.-. Uvur 40 c'irei'. < ml/ No-To-Hae. from >oiu own iniir^isl. Under n'?io u*e un:i raijl i'o lo cur.*,' Hook atnl simple Iree. Addro*s Merit ng ltcnu'dy Co., Chicago or Noiv York. Jcjst try a 10 j . b.>x >>( ('n>nuol?, tlio finest liver and botvel regulator ever mailt'. FITSalopped iifcaiifl jieri!iiir?'iit -yeurod. N<> fltSlift'M tlr.-t ill) U'O Of D 11. I\ I. INK'S UllCAV N nt vk It rsTOKBii. Kr? e Ml i In I bolt fund treat ? lac. head lo Dr. Kline. Kt| Areli St.. I'hiln., l'.i. Cas?-a i:?:rs at i mutate liver, k'dnrys and bow* ti'.a. oVver sicken, weaken or Ki ife. 10.'. it ?lurii* to llio f-lali^lb' of Uio Agricul tural I>-?|inrlmenl lell of ;i jjood eorn i roji mi I a |? <??r wheat crop and of Inferior cQtton>-. ^ Wl:bn Dobbins' Fb-edie S'o.lp was <5r*f |)mdo In liu It cost 30 criitx a bar. It I* vrtcise'.v tl.- siliie InifredienlA and <|'.if.lity now and dottn'l to*l lnii/. Hay it of your K-rooor an 1 picker, e your clotboi. If liolii?n'( it, bo w.ll fjet it. Thn Aineriean ltoflninp; Company ha 5 praetleiil.y docldo I lo dbeonlimio In tho Lou Mana an gar dislricl tho /nctor plan. ^ Wnr.N bilious or co.itive, eat h f"n*enrpt, candy catiiai t:e, euro Kuaranlccd, 10c., S5c, Mra. Wlnalow'j Soothing Syrup for children teething. aoft?-ns the gums, reduce# lnHhtnm?. tlon. allays paln.cures wind colic. Me. 4 bottle. I hav^-fcyind Piso's Cure for Consumption nn unfailing mrdiclno. ? I1'. It. 1/Ofz, i;)U3 Scott St.,-Coviogton, Ky., Oct: I, ISOl. tWffWf! Harris S teaii) Dye Work?, Halelgh yiitifitf N. C. <1-V) per null, tfat IfifaCtiorL O uuraxitccd ? ENGLEBERfi * f RIGE HULLER. Tho Only rnaelnim that in on" pporatlod, will Clean, Holland I'ol Ihit rough i'litt Iiik II in inuivhanlablo condition, roady 'or tablo us?, Khnplo and easy to manago. Wrllo for |?f !?'?>?? and terms. Also 1/OUN ftlilihS, SAW >i veil in i**s, and ail UIikIa Of WOOIl.WOJtldNU aiA CIII.NICK V and Machinery Supplies, Talbott aind I.liMell l!agliu>.-i und boiler* on liiind at Factory I'rk'Ctf. V. C. BAOHAM, " AtiiONT, Oolumfj'M, - - S. C. MIXTURE TlmMtUtiwt ?nrt Host So. I'ackOKO of SMOKCO TOMACCO la ilt?? ?tt>rl<t. Ai-k you*' tleuloM for H Tiv ifftmi yon will mro llko It Mann far turn J by I'IKDMONT TOIUOOO WOltKS. (took HM.H- U. A Trustworthy ? T reatment. IndorHod and Used by tlio U. S. Uov-. eminent in Ilia tfoldlera* and Sailors' .National Hornet*. If you nrc addicted to the IdQUOH, MOIl? \ I M II N K , O I M I T M , I , A I ' 1 1 A X U A f , U II F . O U A I i, COCAINK or TO HA (-'<?<) habits nad WISII to l?i (HJKlon wiili Htllo or , mi di?coinfort njul freedom from all possible danger, atldiosi for information ?' tiik uKKijKY iNSTiTurro. K? AVest corner Iituly >i ii'l Marlon Htroot# or Drawers? Columbia, S.O ? a Artist*). Joseph Cililott, tho manufacturer of* pons, once visited tho artist, Turntny "I have come lo swap soiiio of uiy pic ture ti for your*," said ho. "What do you menu V" exclaimed Turner. "Von do not paint!" "No, I do not, but 1 draw," said C* 11 iott. unfolding a roll of Hank of England notes, "and here aro some of my pic tures." Undoubtedly tho. "swap" was effect ed. " ? ----- HomIu'r Many lrsen. It !s perhaps not commonly known that the liner grades of rcaln are uaed In the manufacture of paper. Cheap printers' ink contains rosin. Rosin alao enters into the composition of scented toilet soaps. of sealing wax, of putty, of sizing and of varnishes. It likewise , furuJfchi'shy distilifiUon a lubricating oil hfor macliinery which competes even with petroleum In cheapness. ! Gladness Comes With n, better understanding- of tho ! transient nature of the muny phys? | i;al ills which vanish beforo proper ef forts? gentle effor us? plcusunt cfroi\.?.? rightly- directed. There is comfort ia the knowledge tlmfc no mriny forms of Aik'knoss are not d*?e to anV actual dis ease, hut simply tu ft constipated condi tion of t he ?y:;u;m, wliich the pleasant family laxative, .Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. Tln*t is why itis tho only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Jts bCnellelai effects are duo to the fact, that it is tho one remedy whieli promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts, ltia therefor** all important, in order to get its bene ficial cll'eets, to nolo when you pur chase, I luvve.the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by ull rep utable druggists. J f in the" enjoyment of good health, and tho system is regular, then Iaxa Uvch or other remedies are not needed. If alflictcd \vitli(any actual disease, one may bo commanded. to.the most skillful physicians, butHf in iiccd of a laxative, then ono should.h&votho host, ri'tnl with t lie v/cl 1-informed' every where, Syrup of Figs statute highest' and is most largely vised and^nvea most general satisfactions " Corn ? | is ?i vigorous feeder and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing' not under 1% actual j Potash. ! . /h trial of this plan costs but /little and is sure t<? lead to profitable culture. All about Potash? the results pf lit iijr by actual ex periment on the best f.irmt in the United State* ? i* t"W in a little book which we publish ?n<l will gladly mail It co to any f.umer in America who will write for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New -York, > 8. N. U.? 45. MONEY BIWHH iMi n...i.r. SImiS S " IiftMta cured. Book Mat U r I U ffl Fry.Dr.H.M ANDY CATHARTIC CUREwHSTIMTIOH 10 ? a* so* tto*. M.IIRUNI '*ii.