SILVER OR GOLD. Better tlifm eitjicr is a healthy liver. If tho liver is 0. K. tho man is O. K. His Mood in kept pure, his digestion perfect, and ho can enjoy 1 i to ami act intelligently, ?v ami patiently upon tho questions "oftKVtflly. You all know what to take.. You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver .Regulator ? ? For yoava yoirahd your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only by J. II. Zoilin & Co. Take iiouo but tho genuine. It lma (ho lied Z on the front of tho wrapper, and nothing else id tho name, ami nothing so good. Fine Virginia Horses, T have just received a ear loud of fine Yhglnia Mares and Horses. (J co. '1'. Lilt lo. School Teacher Wanted for I lie West ville School. A nmle school teacher is wtnvHd furtive Westville school. Kor fur ther particulate apply to Mr. \V. K. Kussoll or Mr. J. C. Hilton. Statement ol' tho iBank of Camden. We would cn'l t.l'C especial atten tion of our readers litis week to (he statement of Tho llank of Caind- n lo 1)0 found els- wl em in this issuo of Tin Chronic 'c. 'llos shipment wakes n most ni'.ipn'lioc.'it slwiwioir for 'ho ha il. u< d proves it to ho in a iT>urishinn (Htion. The Bank of" Camden is in tho hands of goo 1 acl sifj business lit en. r t' Old and Valuable Coins. ' Mr. Henry Trucsdel has In his possc&ftion a French' coin, a one dob lar silver piece, made in lite yea 17 1)1?. making tho coin 10.'.' years old. In addition to tho ago of the Coin there is another fact, connected with it that makes it more valuable than its age ? it is tho f?rst dollar thai Mr. Tritosdol's father over made l\v himself. Mr. Trucsdel a'r.o has a copper one cent pioeo 1 10 years old: Counterpanes front 50c In IJ.50 at The Gilt. Edge Store. Dress goods too numerous to mention, hut if you would like t < ? find exactly what you want and at prices'" to sui'. I he lime?, don't, fail k ' to call at. the Oil I. Kd go Stove when you want a dress. f Camp Richard liirklaitd. ' Camp "Richard Kirkland United Confederate Veterans will have (.!?ei thorn so ciii'ii p at the Gilt K(lg'* Stare. You will find co, pi forts and blank els ve.r3' cheap at the Gilt ICdgc Store. Catilon llannel drapery figuied and plain in all colors from 12.',e u p at 'J' he Gilt Edge Store. Kershaw. Mr. Creed Making Things' Lively at Kershaw. Dear Kd : ? A 9 i'. has been a iong time since I have given, Ilie dear readers any news I will try and lei von hear from me, though news of any Importance is very scnrcc. I tell you the town of Kershaw is moving things around. The cot ton Is bringing a very_-go$l price and is coming inXtfC but-' IfrK^roe tell yon cotton deed is coming in> Mr. J. E. Cree4 is up here and it ~f~~~ ImVlrs na if everybody. Kimls to sell . Ut h|m? Why you never saw the like! WOiad some fun dp here. A r jbHi'd ImWj^bl three _opo3?ums the) plhor day(*?Ml by the way lie run.* n first ciass lunch room) and he liad tlicm cooked loT perfection and pa lie was attending to bis other . business his guests look ll'.eir seats arqund lkcHablo and helped >hem aelves. 1'U* proprietor xclufilfd with liia sleeves rolled up ift hi? _ ?bouldera and told them if. li# knocked any or all f/om (he labia- lie y yw^t"t?r'gxcaaahf?>- -lift took bit ?eat however and finished up what j~r v. . _ -? . _ ~ ."..J Crock piy, I). 10. Hinsnn has i, i? r* c^o.iposr a ml 11 i ('061 lino ^oin^ cup* snuoorf, pluU's, diahos, pilchi'is, anything in iho cm ok cry line. Not to be Uiulovsold. IvOllU'llllu'l' ] >. I'. I'i. IS, Ml < 1 < > t :?> t ? l allow nnvyne ?(> undersell )n in m anything in I In? sjroeory line. lit c'Ki'Vica a full ami fivsdi lino. Donlh of I.itllol.nther Truohdol, Luther Trtt( stir!, 1 he lidlohlop son of Mr. .). (J, M cO:?>ki!l, of l'.ov Inus, n??pd f) ^oar?, died on !-?m' I'uesdny nt^lit. lies'. Sewing Machine in ^V|?rhl^jf%. Vho money nl t. h o ls I hoy csin show you, nnd yon w i I : In -surprised to know how cheap tho\ ?no. A New Patent Churn, l ilt! attention of our readois is called to tho I'dvortiscmont i << | another column of The ( Mi vouicn j to-day of a Dow patent cli urn lot sale at Mr. Hurst's. This churn i^l ouo of the icost perfect working j we havu ever seen. To show oui 1 faith in k wis have purchased one, j him I haye\io hesitancy in Haying iti> the. he st ehurn we have ever seen. Two fans are attached (o t h <* churn which are worked automati cally which makes it iuipoHsible oven for Hies to light upon it, which fact alone ought to sell tho ehurn I at sight. The churn is worked by a rotary movement thereby Bavinir the dreadful strain upon tho baci: of the up-and-do ivn oldv fashioned movement. The price of. this churn was $3.00 hut Mr. Norri's, tho' pro prietor. of the right for this county, lias reduced it to $2.50. AH who have ".ny churning to do we would .advise to got one ol'j the churns and they will never re gret it. I Ladies' Gingham aorons in Blue, Brown and Green plaids at ' 10c at th". Gilt Kdge Store. Beautiful plaid ami striped linn i nels tin? very thing for wv.ists only 25c pr yd at the Gilt Kdge Store. I A full line of buggy robes at ihe Gilt Kdge Store, :uid at prices that j ^ ill please you. Call and sec them ! before it in too late. While and colored t-.blc damask! very wide and very cheap- at the Gilt Kdue Store ? must be seen !?? be appreciated ? ask to see ii ifj tiiey forget to show it to you. ? More About the New County. On the 17 of this month, will de cide whether wo will have a new county and also where thi$| new co u ii ty seat will be. I have heard a goorj, many men say that they intended to vote against tho formation of Salem county. Well done but never Jail! to t nst your \ ote for the county seat and cast it in fayor of Luck now a place near the center and one of wide reputation. A great many men intend to vote against the for mation simply because they think that Bishopvillc will in; the county, seat. But not so; it will be where the majority wants it. I am woik-l iog for the pcoph.'s interest in gc n- j era). Lucknow is tho most conven ient place for the people in general! and a place the ni njoi i Lv wants the| county seat. J am not in fayor of j the county seat being placed to one edge but near (he center. I will close by saying that it is eve rv man's duty ,lo study c ov?m where the county seat should be. Not for his own convenience but, for the convenience of tne people generally throughout the new coun ty, i A. K. 1). If. Tho Gilt Kdge Store can show yon the niccst wraps for the little ones you ever saw, and if you would like to make them yoursell they can sell you the prettiest,, cot ton Kider Down on the market* for 15c pr yd, or if you prefer the wool en, they have it in all colors at on ly 30c per yd. All wodl.Bnlmoi als very cheap at the Gilt Kdge Store, in black and all colors. ?- Advom-ed Letters. For wci'k ended Oe.t. 2") ill, 1S0(?; Richard "Mallard, Win ('olman, Char lotte Brown, Henry Grant, J'ho F Graham. llattie .lonus, ftilvey Jefier son. Jim in c James, Thomas Jones, Flora Kinpf, Fverell, Kirklnnd, Mrirv Smart, Allen Branham, W U Gnrd.j nor, Bessie BcnncU, Hannah Crock, ?rt, .TjiOa Coals, l.awr^rntc^ Davis, An* nian;ol Nelson, Haclmel ^ViHiains, Sarena Wheeler, Stephen Watson, Selia Moore, Bhody Lylos, John Kraft, Nancy Knol. Ned Kennedy, Clarft Murphy, Lcttic Jetferson, Lilli? Jefferson, Caroline Jones, Joo Jones, Ben Jefferson l lios Bryan, Peter Blanding, Leah Hlandinff, Alirain Bowman, Vcnia i^eTto^^Daniel Brown, Geo Boston, Eley HrO^n^Batsy JBryan. _ByrH Black, ^ Cyrus Chestnut, Spoatcn Qhestnttt, Ben Clayborn, Abram Car Vtline, Alice Onsley, Lewis Can'ey. Fortune Caroline. Julia Chestnut, r?hmsci 'Cftntoy. Walter Connse1, Joe Cook, John Cornice. Samuel Cook, Jane Davis, ! fcttle Fortune,' Henry Dlion, Sallle Crumpton, John Math ews, J (I Mitchell, Joseph Hendrix Returned ?. solutions. At a ineeiinjf of th' membis r.l ! .Malvern i ? * i i ('Impel and iho n-si* dema i i In* oouunii nity, lioi'l nt 'lie (hap?l on i lio i \rnioj{ of Nov, 1st ?ns'., Mi. Wi! y Sli urn noting aaj ohaiiina and Mr. \\ . K. Koed m-oro j tn>v the f'-!l w iitf pM-anihlo ami rt?> ? > j t? mion* w.oo uusunu?u>jttty n <1 < ?|>t otl : j j W I). ? ea?,;,m 1> loVtd mill I. i ?if 111 v f > v j :t' ('iAiol | u^or ami fi t' ml, lu v, .1. M j jS'onev, has ho?-n lor sohji' tun*', ami j is now i"(. unwell i?? pr? aoh n?.>l | rav | with and l\ ? r lis, a* has hern hi< i u.- j (out i\ r : ht> pa- 1 i ? n yearn, ami W herons, Ili' i> Hi>\V ''It a *'iu\'llu : i !'or ? ho pnrp< so u t> h I I |iiirt!ilt. Now wo IK o tm n;l?cs ! Maivrn Mill t * 1 1 } ? ? I ami tho rev.1 j ?Vu(s of i 1m* o 'mmunity '* in uuvtin' j j as*. mhhnl do K S' lvo, Tint! wo carima'ly ; nty j | i haft oill' lnh>ve<] pastor ami fiit-nd jinny >?K)i? n}[nin his lira lit, sneno' I ami vluM'i I ulif ss, iv>?- j hint more enoouraijoiiiont in tin* future ilmn wo have ? \? > n ?? in tie pis?, an ) wo tlovomly p i u V 'ha' our lo;i'.'-t; > j Fat lor inav ?? ? ii ? 1 1? , direct and hie * ; him, so ilctt ho may s ?on rot urn to us, j com plot < ly r'-stun tl. l?6selved further, Tint, the r 1 m tn of this mooting sond a oopv <>! ] i Iu'no prooeudinus to tin* luv. Mi Stonoy, ami our County pa pers to publish thorn. Homo. The prince ?i< los up to tho palace gates. Ami lti.s eyes with terns aro dim, For ho thinks of the lowly maiden sweel Who may rover wi meet him run, Fur home is where the heait i.s, In dwell! i;i yreat or small. And there's many a stately mtin.siou That's iiovet a home, at all. Con hi I hut live with my own sweethoai t Tit n hut with u s.unled lloor, I'd ho richer far than a I >vole?? man With fame ami a gulden sture. Fur home is whoro the. heart is, In dwelling greal or .small, And a cottage lighted by lov(di?ht. Is the dearest It'tnte of all. ? Selected. |< ro m ( ) u r (J o v re $ p o n \\ c n t ^ . Pino Clrove. M r. .Jessie K'lis Watkins nm) d a ugh tors, Misses M-.irv nixi v 'nn it , of 1) arliugton eouvty worn visiting relatives and friends at this place Kriday and Saturday of last wet k. Mr. Jesse Ciillisj of I'isgah, w:oi ulso here on Sunday,- wo a re not uo ing tf> toll why for fear stvtne one else might 1 ?(/ attracted by the same kind of an object. Mr. .John Moselov, of Wod^oflcld, is visiting his mother's family at this place. The oomniittoc appoint Cd to or ganize DeKalb t(?.vnship Snndav Sohooi convention have decided to org anizc al All. Zion church, near here, on Saturday, the 1 -I t li insl. The Sundnv School :iL Ml. Zion, with Mr. 10. 1'. Shctld, Sup't, is pro gressing nicely. Some t>f the young men of lhi3' place wont oil' to attend a singing, j They report having u nice lime ar.d mooting some real sweet girls, tint to their disgust ihey were tin own in contact with some young gentle men (?) whose company was noti very edifying, men who din not! scruple to diii.k damnable liquor] or lire oil* pistols in the presence ofj ladies on liie Sabbath day. i'itv the young man who will so dchuse j himself. ll is supposed by some in this place that the John Kobitison Shows mot. with an aooidont while in Camden in the loss of some of ! the animals from the menagerie as some things was soon passing by ! here that wore animals some or der. They looked like men, but I were diU'orent from any we have eve i' s< on. i What moans lh:> goldeu ciiklrt that adorns Mr. lionnio S\s hand '.since his trip to Lancaster? Can lit, lie poss.iblo that he left his heart j up there and brought another hack with him and also a reminder of promises made? More Anon. C. W. 'L. Cedar Creek. Dear O d Chronicle: ? \ am at your Kcrvioc aguiii -W j { li it fiHV ilols. The darling little infant of Mr. ?fc .Mrs. Johnic TJlylhor died on the 12th of October; The burial was at An I tioch, Kcv. Peter Stokes ofllciating. j To tliC bereaved family wo extend oar deepest sympathy. May we id I bo as little Charlie ? a bright angel. Mrs. Margaret OoAV of Kershaw, a highly estecmtyJ'and mnch loved old lad v died Jjfe 10th aoo.?IIh vixr^Tasia T, (i. II, Xi\tM, c-a*hler of rho above named bank, do soloiiiuly wear that tho foicgolnk I* true and corrcct to the bowl of my knowl s'^Srtrt rAtf fori* mo thl* ? <): H. V ATKI,- ? Slut dav of Oelobcr, I?W. $ Cashier. | mo in and thoy .say ** i 1 icy ?have heard so m uch talk ahout us" ? our low prices understand ? that ' they thought they would come and sic lor themselves." And alter having traded some with us they rogriH they did not come earlier ? well plvuscd with our goods and prices ? w?r> And they say they are sure to come back a\d are going to tell all their friends to come. Why? i ?eeause the ijuality ot our goods is the besi ami our prices much lower than they jver paid for same goods. Our buyer, Mr, A % P. 1 ho wn, goes North within the next 10 days to buy our Second Stock ?>l goods and during the next ot) d iys we are going to break all past reeerds of Low Prices. All goods now in our shelves must go r.t some priee for we must have room for the goods Mr. Drown will purchase. liemember Mr. Brown will buy us a complete stock <>t goods out and out ? no merchant can affoid to go to northern markers' just to till in a few lines. We are continually reviving neNv goods now and if prices will count anything in moving goods we are going to tnako things hum during' this !i0 days sale. Don't you want bargains? Then come and see what we have to olVer you in Dress Goods, linings, Trimmings, Silks, Calicoes, Outing, sheeting, ticking, ('anion Flannel Sea Island poods, l\tnls doth, comforts, blankets, &c. Our Shoe Trade is increasing rapidly; and why? Because we ask le^-s money lor our shoes than other merchants do for same shoes. Have just received a new shipment and every pair must go at some price, - '^cc our shoes and get our prices belore buying We will save you money on every pair you buy from us. Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! Mr. Brown is sure to "pick up" some big bargains in this line and every piece yl. clothing in our store will be offered at selling prices. Those nice ?8.0,*) suits now going at $7.00. " " #5.50. Men's Pants at 50, t>;"), 15, 80, ',)(). $ | .00, $1.25 and $1.50, Men's pant* we have been get ting $'2.2$ liojv ttV.OO. (Same pants selling in this town at $\?.75.) Big values to offer von in (JcntV, furnishings such as collars, culls, dress shirts ? ?laundered and unlaundered, Ipundered colored shirts, undershirts, socks, suspenders, gloves, etc. Men's work shirts 15c and up, "undershirts 20c and up, drill drawers 15c and up. Another big lot of stylish hats, ribbons and fancy millinery goods coming in Ibis week. We actually sell so many bats now that we sometimes wonder if there is another millinery store nearer us than Columbia New hats just bought at other places are often brought to our mil liner to trim omi", so you may know she gives perfect satisfaction. Moral ? Save moti?y by netting your mul si ! I j^oods from us. St BOW SB BCCF ITS' IaIa y , CAMDEN DRY GOODS CO, Maken to Adtioch where Rev. l'eter Stokes }>! enchcd tho funeral To rl lie bereaved ones wo tender ottr sympat hies. i Mr Kanimie B'liler, of X C , spent [Saturday and Sunday with friends ! hero. j Hc:v. .J. W. nii.l I M. "Davis -n-e j companicd by Misses Sallic Smith | u ii < ) Dora Bavis, of this place, paid j a very pleasant visit to friends at ' Flint. IJill Saturday and Sunday. ! Mrs. Mary, Holland, of this place, lias been very ill but is improving, ! I am /?lad to say we are having our , Church nicely painted and the Ceni ! otcrv finished. Oar Addphiain literary society will moet Friday nii'ht. everybody ? i * has a 1'ivp inviBtti/>n to join us. The litithV infant of. Mr. and Mrs. .loci Davis died on t.he iMth insl,our deepest sympathies go out to the bereaved family. Mr. ?J. I), (laloway, of I on in, spent Sunday with friends here. There will bo a hot supper on the 15)th insf, at the residence of Mr. Levin Watson, for the purpose of linixiiing Cedar Creek Church. Kv erybody is invited to attend and fo tiring ins pocket book with him. We liopo no one will bring any whiskey with them, as this is the work of the Lord. y'jf W best wishes to the dear old Chronicle and Kditor. Blanche. Sychar. Mr. lvl : ? A fver a long silence : w<\ ask space in your vnluable pa per to represent our liille town. A series of meetings was recent ly conducted by Revs. Kntzminger and Dabney, t he meeting was well aUended and a church was estab lished with 20 members. The church will henceforth be known as Heaver Dam Ljtptist church. Your readers (or l(Piiie of them), are aware of the. fact that old Jle/t ver Da in Church was one of the oldest Baptist churches in the Co. which site is only a few miles north <>f here and Providence Baptist chord} was organized in 188-1 we beiieye with some of its members. I'hc remainder are now restoied to tin* new Beaver Dam.. His v. Kntz uiinger will preach for US again Saturday, Nov. 21, at It : p. in. Mr. John C. Man, of your city paid our burg a. flying visit hist Sunday. M ore a not). Dennis. Velveteen, nice quality in black and navy at 2f>e pr yd at the (lilt Kd??e Store. Coronet wool sacking all colors ,'i 1 in wide, only 14c pr yd at the Oilt Kdge Store. rnE mistress ^ OF A HOME liken to have her house beautified wi ll well niaileand well finished ? dtnT^x sas'1 ai,d blinds, /rilstic ; Rtnir wort, *>rnarnrt?l*l.porches, I ? pretty mantels, Ac. We mak: a specialty ?>f hi^h grade exclu- , sive designs In wcxnlwOTir.-but I, at the fame time we don't over ly look, the nccessary adjunct*? lumber, iifonlrttngs, . shingles,' laihs. ike. When purchasing from us you are buying direct from the matters*, and the ad vantage is your gain. Write for I'rice List. AVOV5TA. UJMBER CO., | auAuita. 6a. ' Smjr.f/ lk* Mak*tn ? ? - ' tiny Stirling flrrrrtrf." {mf? + + ? Knowing the hard lies of the times, The Gilt Kdge Store lias fully prepared itself to remedy the evil }>y offering goods so low that the purchasing power of ti dollar is almost double what it has been ut times when money was more plentiful and the future brighter; so don't he indifferent to your interest and lail to give us a call before making your purchases. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, ?Clothing, Shoes, Hats, (Japs, and in fact everything in all the department#' is com plete, and at Hock Bottom Prices. We wish to call special attention to Carpets, of which we have from 1500 to 2000 yards ? hanging iu|priee from to ?1.00 per yard., and we can save you much money on Carpets as the following great reduction in prices will show: l(5k\ reduced to 12ic; 20c, reduced to 1 4c; 22^ reduced to I So; 3'He, reduced to 25e; 40c, reduced to JWlh; awf so on through the entire line, except the. stock just coming in which we are offering for less than e\ er before offered in this or any other retail market. Floor oil cloth one and two yards wide at 25c and 50c re spectively. Lenolium, 2 yds wido. very heavy and durable from G5c tc 85c per yard. Huvip4' itutip*" I/irgcst Stock, Best Assortment., Prettiest Designs and Best Value ever offered in this department, so don't delay tiny long er if you Willi i a good rug at the lowest possible prices. We con show you the largest stQcjc rff Capes and Jackets ever brought to this market, and it you are thinking of order ing a wrap wait 'till you see ours, as New York might not be able to furnish a better assortment. Country Merchants will positively do themselves injustice if] they order oil or buy here without ilrst getting my prices on all these including groceries. Everybody remember when we advertise a low price article we don't make them take only a yard or two but let them take what they want. Respectfully, ^ b Proprietor. [ PotiiKls Given Away In 'his ? Siate tru ? TO INTUODUCK OUR? S^OICIJSTO ON iiY ONE POUNJ) TO A* PERSO^V 1 Fiuo Silve?^I*tf?U'(l itos'-HttlTAPotof, Quality Guaranteed/ frortll ? 50 1 " " OT.IV*' fork, " ' '' -??-??? 5^ 1 " V " ril'K OLKANKR, ' " ?* " ?' AO 1 Found I'Riciiahd's pride smoking tohacc6, will not bite the tongue, 80 ~AcuTaJ Value, V/. : - . . - 4*OT OUR PH1CB, i^r^r&arjpsra < n jwvrnt sr^rtraronnfv nfflinfi* m niotf^ubft ?f*tes ? \ C|>u^ upon my hinds f ahout four m d ono-hidf miles Sunt h-oust i ?* .7> ()lll<> luvKK \r' (JllAULKS TUN K A I LWA V COMPANY. To iako oll'oel Nbiiuhiv, .tune Ht, 1800 nl 7 ;40. A. M Kastein Time. Ni.rt h bound. Soulhbouiid. 1st i bis's daily except Sunday. I' M i- M I 1"> Camden il2 IS 1 :>5 I )e Kali i M2 25 117 WcKlville 12 13 ?J 00 ) 2 I "? \ Kershaw ! W)7 2 :tO 1 lealh" Sprines 11 4:1 2 :!?"? Pleasant 1 1 ill "i 1 -10 2 55 Lancaster II 17 10 Riverside ' 11 02 20 SprinK ;i :UVs Catawba .lioielioii 10.>i :HW Leslie 10 12 y r.? ) i, n il < io ao :i iVt j '' l{ 11,11 ( to io 4 Oil Newport. 0 51 4 15 Tir/.ali !l 47 I HO YorkviMo 0 (15 1 45 Sharon 0 20 5 on Hickory ( irovc 0 05. 5 10 Smyrn.i . 50 ?*i 3U Hlaeksbnrg {' Jj JJJ 5 4:5 Hurls 7 57 ?"? 50 Patterson Springs 7J50 <; 00 Shelby 7 40 II 12 'J ml Class, Daily except Sunday, \ M M ?' M s L'i> rdaelcKhurg 0 40 s -10 Karli 15 ?):!() sii"H>y 0 00 !0 <'0 It iltunnre 4 nr. 10 20 Mooresborn 4 '<5 10 :!(? 1 1 ?.?nrintlah 4 HO 10 .*<0 Forest City 4 05 1 1 t?0 JUiUiwforUioiv . 1 1 35 Mil wood 3 10 11 55 (inliiin Valley 2 50 1 a or, Thermal 2 45 12 :to O I en wood 2 20 \:l .^o Marion 2 00 3.1 34 2iul ClfiPS. Tuch- 2nd CIiisf, Monday, , ? ijiy, Thursday and Wodiumday u n <] Saturday Friday. am * I' M H 00 Camden 6 45 8 110 DcKalb ? 0 10 ?8 I 5 Westvillo 5 50 10 ir? Kershaw 25 10 515 I loath Springs, 4 25 10 40 1 '1 (Mi ?Stint frill 4 lo J | 50 i L*neai>J^l? 3 40 12 20 " Riverside . 0 10 12 35 Springdell , 2 15, 1 2 50 ) ? . , , , ? t- 2'00 ^ ,,y j- Catawlni Junction ''l J10 1 40 '..cslio 1 I"' I 00 j H?clc ll.ill -12 55, 1 20 Newport 10 55 1 85 Tlrzuli ? 10 45 1 a 00 Yorkvillo 1" 20 5 :;o Sharon '?> w ?'< 55 Hickory flrovo O'.'J 5 G 15 Smyrna 1> 05 0 45 Hlacksburg j H 40 ^ 1\ m, * A. M. i No. <12 hn? connection wi:h Southern Hallway at Hook Ilill. No. 33 dinner at Kershaw, Nos, 34 and 35 will carry pa shod ye if. Won li ami i'Z iiavo "onuection at Marion with Southern Itailwuv. All (rain* will slop on bigonl at Oak hnrst, St. Lukes, Cnsheys, Roddys, Old Point, London, King's Creek, and' Vein Mountain. Samuki. Hunt, Gen. M'g'r. A. Tkiit, Sup*'' r\ Superlative I ncubator ~ Aoknowl?^nfcd to ft* red you. wi?b to W{ f?l iu U? poultry bu?UM$*i * be*t,g*tth* ?*-* plHH#: r . _ H iuii,* a-J Slmm Fancy WW|^ ip? ki r _ Dogs, Cb^trWWl^Swfti^ . K??