We wish to announce t'aat wo have recently h?1 led to our Htoc k of goods a nice and well odeaied line of Shoes and Clothing whhh you are invalid ?.o call ami Inspect lu f< re purehaiung elsewhere we will eeiPnu ly innke it to your udvaul* age lo do so. itespeel fully, * Latham Brothers. ' " Wait Don't liny blank lieas, hill* of ?ale, mortgage*, etc., etc , until af ter the meeting of the Legislature, ami then call ut. 'I lie Chronicle of ji^o uikI get them "up to dale." ? Now School. 4 A now public school will he co.n raohced very soon at Malvern Hill. This is well, for the people of that community have long wanted one there, as spme of tiiem/Th*^ quite a ?distance from any achyol.j,? A Warning. / The party who took my overcoat from the store of Springe, Heath Shannon has been located, and he -^Thereby warned that if tlie coat Is^otp returned forthwith lie will l)e\x posed; S. R. J. Smith. ? 1 " " - " ' - ' " Thanks. We return thank* to Mr. A. J. Stokes, Jr., of Charleston, S. C, for one of riie American Sayings Hank's calendars for 1S90. The calendar is "beautiful in design making it un ornamental as well as useful acquisition ty tho ofliec 01 home. Shingles. When in need of good shingles all parties will do well to call on the undersigned. Twenty years experience and the bust shingle getter i.i Kershaw County. Or ders left at The Chronicle c.llice will recieve prompt attention. Geo. E. Brown. Personal. Dr. Henry Trau'lham, of N. C.. brother of Mr. W. D. Trantham, of our town, is on a visit to. friends and relatives here. 1 Miss Lizzie Davis, daughter; of Mr. J. W. Davis, of Antioclv who has been quite ill for some time with pneumonia, we are glad to leurn is much better. Chautauqua Literary Circlo. A Chautauqua Literary Circle was ?organized on the night of January ?Cth at tho resilience of Rev. A. T. Jamison with a membership of 10. The following officers were elect ed for a term of three mouths: Rev. Mr. Pale, President ; Mrs. A. T. Jamison, Vice-President and Mr. W. A. Schrock, Secretary and Treas urey. ? ^'As its name implies this societv is in its objects purely literary. An attractive programme will he pre sented eaclf week. That for the first regular meeting next Monday night, will be opened _ - lat. By short ? quotation from Ln d zfellow. : J 2ud. The regular lesson as pre scribed in the Chautauqua course. . 3rd, Pporn, "Old Ironsides." ^x^jjii-yi^egend of the orig'n of In dian corn as told by Longfellow. 5th. Essay by a member. 6th. Charaeter-atudy, o'V Empe ror Muxmeillion and Empress Car lotta. 7th. Table Talk ? News of the (Day. / ' And Still Thoy Ar'e Ringing / . , On the night oPlhe 26ih ult., at the residence of tho bride's mother, was married, Mi?s Sullic Dowej*, of Kershaw, to Mr. Tallie Watts, of Ridge^ay. The attendants were Air. Marion Murphey of Ridgeway, with Miss Mary Watt? of Ridge vay, Mr. Woodwatd Dowey of Ker shaw, with Miss Scaly Watts of Ridge way. This wedding was one of considerable note and was wit nessed bv a le.'ge number of the friends of this handsome couple. R. W. Sutton was the recipient of officiating honorj. We uudcrs'and y?-? Please ?llo\v the friends of ll>n. \V. !>. Trantham to present liis on (HO mm a candidate for t^onj?x?wls from this district, be lieving that lie is the most suitable U)tiu availubic tot the petition.* His Friciu Col Floyd for Congress. I'M i tor Chronicle; ? Allow n?e through your columns to suggest liio Honorable J. W. Floyd uh a man in every way suitable to rep recent ilie Fifth District in Con gress. Col. Floyd It us proven an indefatigable worker both in tin Legislature tin I the Constitutional Convention ; always laboring and voting for what lie ooneioved to be f >r the best interest of t lie people, as the rceoida fully show'. While Col. Floyd is a Reform Democrat of the truest sect, still he crin be relied upon to represent the beat interest of the whole people. lii-form Democrat. Mr. <1 no. C. 1*. Williams for Con gress. Mr. Editor :~As we are on the eve of another election year, and the names of certain gentlemen to he voted for, are to some extent he ting considered by the people, 1 beg space in the oolu inns of the peoples' paper ( The Chrormde) to present to the voters of the Fifth Congress ional District of South Carolina the name of Mr. John C. IV Wil liams, of C linden, as a suitable man to represent them in the House of Rjpresenlai iyes in Con gress. Mr. Williams is a man of character, ability and firmness; po litical! v, lie is a protectionist and bimelalisls ntid is in full sympathy with every movement that will en courage am] build up lutno enter prise and industry, and protect those engaged in agricultural, man ufacturing and all other pursuits i-t? rvur 'ovrn cou n try from the ruin ous competition of underpaid la bor of foreign countries. Protectionists. Advortised Letters. For week ending Jan. 5th 1890: Sallie Johnson, Richard Poller, Klerson Green, iielton Owens, Fiat k Perrony, Esther William's, W. W . Zimp. C. J. Shannon, P. M. Mora About tho Schools in No 2. Mr. Editor: ? We see in the Mes senger of the 24lIi where some one calling himself Vox Popnli s.iys be Saw a wiece in The Chronicle] signed T. Z. saving wo have u great deal of confusion in Heulah school. He says he has not seen the confusion. Well we don't win der at Vox Populi not peeing it. when he say* my name was signed H. T. Z. when it was signed X. Y. Z, This shows that he is not of the seeing sort nor does not want to see very far. He says Mr. W?l ter Villepigue was very much lik ed b> all of the patrons except one family. Well now if this he true why does he quit his own commu nity nnd come out here where he kuowe he is not wanted l?3r all of the patrons. We can pr ?ve that there is not general satisfaction, lie carefulyVox P??puli, you livo in a glass house and \4e know it., mind how you throw stones; if your ox was, to 1>e~yoTedt he woubl- makt more fuss tiiun any of us, keep ccol until you learn to gee straight and have an understanding not. so far from your head. If you tfouhf take as much interest in trying to right your own business as you have Mr. Villepigue'^ dare say yon would come out ^yiil -right, We claim that we have as much light to see who teaches our chil dren as Vox L'opnli, and if Mr. Villepigue had acted the gentleman as did Prof. Gibbes he would not have taken the school, but alas he did not care since \ua got the school, Vox Populi says I | helped move the school house. If I did it was hut very little and wa> against my wishes. The house was moved to get certain patron? of Gum Springs and oid field so the school could be run {> month?, but they failed, and it should he put back ir. the ueigi.boi hood whei o it was taken. And now, Mr. Ediwfr, I claim to he a man of rcasou' utid if the chil dren of any of tho patrons had been treated as mine "-.av as they would have done a great deal wor-e than I have done, and if the trus tee had domflda duty there would have been none of this hard feel ?ng. It would have been, a very easy inattei\Jor him to set aside both applicants gotten sorur one else. I have he^rd^lmt my life Ins hreu*lhrealvned. 1 have n't apolo gy W make for anything I haye! said or done. I sio ono of ihe old est settlers in the community and have done as much for the schools and society as any one, and for me to be treated as I have been by men whom I- took to be my friends is enough to mak^me f?*l gored and I write this that the communi ty at largo may know how I hr.ve been treated, and will sign my name in full ao it raiy be kn^wn who I am. Wi^h best wishes to Urn/ dear Chronicle, I am, Very Respectfully, T. W. B. Smith* ? v . A - ? -? i Deathe Miss Maggie lioyd <1 iod at King*\'i!le yesterday. The cir cii'mstances connected with h ?? r death are very sad. S !n? with an j cil her \oiin;; lady was riding out on J last Saturday whi n the horse tie. j t:om? 1 1 ighteucd and i an iiwh^ throwing Miss Moid out on her head. Sho never regiined eon siio usihss after I ho fail and died at the l line Htated a bo ye. Her remrins will Ik* luonghi i?* remembered, name ly: that Noon's Sarsapuriilu leaU*> everything in the way of u'edi cines; that it accomplishes the greatest cures in the world; Imp. the largest sale in the world, an^l; requires the largest building in tliiv world devoted exclusively to the preparation of the proprietary med icine. Does not this c.oncl nsi y?d v prove, if yon are sick, that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine for you to tak. y Married. Our highly esteemed young friend Mr. Lewi? I)i\on, Jr., sou ol Mr. Ci . L. Dixon, of It -ulab, was happiiy married on last Wednesday afternoon at Swift Creek Church to Miss N w.uio llrown, of Hisgali, Rev. J. R. Smith ollieialing. To Mr. Dixon and his bride we extend our congratulations and trust thai their journey through life may be a happy and prosperous one. At Westville on Inst Sunday uf ternoon by Hon. W. F. Rnssell, No tary Public, Mr. J. W. Trues jell and Miss Kate Moi.re. On Tuesday, Dec. 17, 1895, by Notary Public J. W. Davis, i f An tioch, Mr. Wi'ey Ilalli'dd and Miss Reekie Amnions. How to Enjoy Good Iloalth. ? - . C If you -i'c suitering with any nkin (if I>1 *>f i<1 disease, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Ulcer*8, OI?l Sores, Gener til Debility, etc., semi stamp lo the Hl< od Brtlin < Ailantc, Ga,, fo;..?, the wny to speed} recovery. IJo^inio IJiood Bairn, ( li. H. !i.) is manufsictured after' a long tested prescription of pn emi nent physician, anil is the begi building-up r.nd Mood purifying medicine tn the world. Bewurc of ^uhstitntes. Price 81.00 for large hotile. See advertisement else where. -? ? *. For sale hy Druggists. 'u Eo^n With Uhauaiatism "I'w.is down with . ibeuirifttic pntnr {mm the 28tto?f"MTrcb uTi til the 22ml ?>( August. I triad a tjr^at many medicines which fuit -ed to do ?ne any good. I finally he^/a n luking Hood's Sarsnparilia and llo?uJ,8vrill8 nud they did me a great deal ( ?f good and increased my weight fifiv pounds." Simon Turner, Greenville, S. C. Hood's rills are ea?3' to buy, easy to operate. f "Brtfig-Us, V/hat Ycu'vo Got Corn*, peas, meat, potatoew, wood or anything which can he utilized ii> housekeeping will he taken on silHwtfriplion to The Chronicle il A'ou have not got the money. Pion^scuons Items. Subscriptions f ?r The Columbia Register taken at this odlce. ' fVflOT WHAT WE SAY, )mt 1*1 what Hood's Sarsaparilla D6cs, that tells tlio stor^ of its merit and suc cess. Remember HOOD'S Cures. tVhe^Bnby wrui sick, wo \ pivc hor Castorla. When nh? w?u? a Child, nho criirn (.ouncil mut (.t't'/iliii .1/< rchnit ts <[/'(.' iluulcH It (J outitotfn to Improve <'? Courts /\tl ), title (in J litttr (?Stint/ with h'at ft /xs.te ? '/'//u. t*/ oj' /u^/ornwrtt to 1 'Ac. C ft roii it'lt' Anticch A ft e t ro m tilling silent f?! youi newsy paper which i* iiUmvs a welcome visitor to our loone Though the ( ' 1 1 ; < > 1 1 1 1 * I it ?h ilu in |>?-% it contin ues to improve and icttl! v scciii* llint with ever) issue it is Incoming more popular mid interest ing. Kv ? i y lit foi liter tdit.uld mi^i nln' f ? ? i it and woik to it. a 'M i imI on - din m t In ougli *A* 1 1 i ? 1 1 we in m v ??<" quaint ou i sc I ves with.. each ot In* i ? and lie iiifoimed of I In* o wo la dial occur and Income con vera a n< wit It questions il*at ] ?< 1 1 a i ii to our iiiui ent. 1 never saw a grander Xmaa iu my life; we liuve Itnd no ill unkrncss, no rows and no dancing to molest the pleasure of our citizen*, while eelebi ai mg the Xtnas hollidays in honor of the hit 111 of our Saviour. Your correspondent accompanied hy Miss Kizzie Davis spi.nl several days lust week visiting relatives jind friends in Darlington. Miss l.elhia Davis, a (harming you n g lady of Darlington, lias re turned homo after spending some I lime with relatives here. A recep tion was tendered her nt. the resi deuce of Mr. T. J. Davis last Thurs day evening, a la rue number attend- 1 Vd and a delightful time was real ized hv those who were present, Mr. T. I'\ Dcrrity, id' Henderson, Oa., has returned home after spend-: ing some timo with relatives here. Mr. Dornty has a host of relatives and ft i"tu!s who ate always glad to see him. Mr. Charley De.rrity, of Sumter, spent, X m as here. Mis^ Lizzie, daughter of Mrs. ?J W. Davis has been seiiously ill wiih pneumonia, but tinder the Ireatment of Dr. C. S Hiitton she is cunvalescenl and hopes are en tei tamed of her recovery. Mis. T. L. Davis is also quite ill at present with lagrippe, Mr. Henry Ilinsntt who recently moved in our vicinity is Bulletin)* with lagrippe. We hope f?>r his speedy recovery and give him n hearty welcome in our mills'. Mr. Willie Davis has relumed from a pleasant trip to friends and relatives in Dm li nglon. Mr. Thomas Davis, of Coluin' ia, is visiting relatives here. Miss Matt'e Kelly, of Darlington, i? spending some time with Miss Julia Corhctt. A retfepli ?u will be given her at the residence oi Mr. W. L. A. Cook, Jr., Thursday night. Those vlto received ticket? are an ticiputing a big time. Mr. T. L. Davis while at tending the U. 8. Court in Columbia spent the lime with M?\ John Smith. fath er of Hey. J.jflt. Smith. of this place Mr. Davis says thai Mi. Smith and Itis charming family won a tender piano in his heart and that ho is indebted to them for courleOies shown him while there. Mr. li. M. Hudson was sporting here one day last week. Hoping you dnd all the -corres pond! ntB a happy new year I will close. 4 ' J. K. East Kershaw. Mr. Kditor: ? As some time has elapsed fdnee my Inst comm u filcS - lion, I will send you a few items. Rev K. P. Eastli ng filled his rogR ular appoint ment at Pleasant Hill on the 5th Sunday. The members have made a com menctuenl .towaros building a new Church which is gre.tily needed and we hope they will p ii nh the woik through and yet il completed as soon as iios-ibb* Miss Inez MoM inns, ??f Delvalb, is visiting relatives and friends i >> this eouimunitv. Misn N. J. Marshall who has been sper.dihg several Wei k?j in Camden has i'el urned home. Mies Lula II >rton, of White Plains is visiting relatives in thin section Mr. G.. A. Clybu' ti who has been slaying for the past two years in Kl'inda, has returned home. Local. Spring Branch Dear Old Chronicle As I have not written from this place before I will g:ve you a few dots alllioijgli news is not ve.ty plentiful, except t hat the boys and git Is are having a era nd ti-me. Mr. Ilasly and family are going to Chester to mike their home. We regret to give Mr. Charlie up for he is so Wnndaom*?. Mis. L. A. Ha?ty is very sick. Mrs K. A. Me.Caskill of Lynch wood is vj^itlng her sister, Mrs, C. AS, MeCask'ill near Abne3*. " ' We h sve a (lourishing Sunday school at West Branch. Mr. T. I). Yarborongh is gone to Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many, dollars irt^Hoctors* bills They willsurely cure all diseases of the stemach, livef or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache/ dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTTS Uver PILLS for Ihfnnts nnd Children ?' ('luturln lyu> \vt>H mlaptod toohlMron thut I rocom uoiul Jfmi superior towny j>iv.soiij?tk.ii knowutvuuv." II. A. AuOIIKK, M 1>., ill So. Oxford St., Divoklyu, N, "T> .? uv of HVistorJa' Is so unlwrnal ami Its l'.u'i it t *s?.> w HI known that it ^vms a work of 8ii|x3 Maki vn, D, P., Now York City. Castotltt oury&CoHe, ponstijuUU'm, Sum- Stomach, I>larrho; >, r.s it taut invariably prodnood UrmilcUU results." K?win F. 1'ardkk, M. IX, lvJMh Ktrovt atul ?th Av'i., N?*v Yovk Oity. Tiik Ckst.uu Company, ?7 Mvuhay Sthkkt, N>*w York Oitj. THIS Cim.D'S HK I >, in nui pic nntnr. 1 (Inisli, ilirco frot wiilr, 'our foot lonj.*, t'ohliiikJ li-ifrt iukI folding s'uK'.s. ( >nl.v f 1 .85 ?!? livcrt'd ?'.. turn ('ImrlMU*, Tlio i (iKANDKSP P. A UU A IN KVKU oVKKUKI). ?>r?|4-?.. II. M. AN i > i v KW'S, Tlio 1' iM nitui t? Denier, Omiiotto, X. C. FINE WHISKEY ABSOLUTELY jP 1735613. ? Distilled Only Bv ? CINCINNATI, OHIO. PEEBLES OLD CABINET A.0SI ID JAMES E. PEPPER & CO. 1810 WHISKEY. f Customers will leceive from their Dispenser with each pur chase cf a buttle "PEEBLES OLD (TA1UNKT" one "OLD NICK" corkscrew gratis. Retail price corkscrew is 50 cents Ho! tied only by TIIE JOSEPH H. PEEBLES' PONS COMPANY, Joseph S. ^eebles, President, Cincinnati, Ohio. tftfUT Ask for these ripe, old, mellow Whiskeys at any Dispen sary in the State and you will get only the best goods. _V*' - . ? ' TO ALL MY CUSTOMERS: : I am latci coining out with my advertisement, but not behind selling good^ 1 have been waiting to get in my new quarters. I am here line, Not to Be ' Undersold. . ' 1 P ? Don't let the little quotations you see in some advertise-_ menu iool you.- - What you want is wftttT^oTTisec and get, hot what you Fee in print. My friends tell me it's no use , to ad.ver? tise. 7 Sometimes I think the same way when I see goods roll ing out in such quantities but the editors have got to live. I call spee'al attention to country stores. I am selling stocks of goods to that trade, i also have as nice a line of x JET-A-UM OY ^ GBOOERIBS As Myotic in town and /wilf hfcet atid^cut prices with any one of the\n. I don't ??llow anyone to undersell me. 1 want (41 of my friends to understand this. You tyill fijjdjne in the Farmers and Merc hants Bank Build ! Mil RUy I'OUIt COTTON, Give me a trial as I am now in the market. I am yours truly, D. E. HINSON. , cm tax nm ~ City TrcaHurcr'H Ofllicc, Camden, S. C , Deo. 23. 1895J This ofllce will he opened on the 1 Ht day of .January, 18!?0. and kent opi*n dully, Sunday* excepted, until tin* 20th dftv of January, for the pnrp ???? of re ceiving returns of real and personal property. IJy order of Council. J. L. HKASINOTOX, Clly Ji#eannror? For Choice Groceries I You should eall on the undersigned who hs* <>)>? nod a select lino in the afore for m<-r!y occupied by .Springs, Ileath A Shannon, First class meals served si all hours In eatlnf aa'oon ir^onncctl jb with (he stors. C. L. K4RKLEY. Kav. 1? MANUFACTURERS OP Doors, Sash, ? Blinds, Moulding, Building Material, ^ Sash Weights and Cord. CHARLESTON, - - - - S. C. Purchase our makes, which we guarantee superior to any ?old South, and th&ehy save money. - - Window and Fancy Class a specialty* /Jnns 29 ?x v L&hontter on bujUot?ft> Wo have no nitfhiiages lo raport but uh litis is leap your' jjtieaH wo havo some Boon. Wo ho'pe the jjltU will not bt' ns backward ag the hoy a Miss Minnie M C>i*lrth. IS'.m. Taken Up Notloo is htwby given tbat a calf which has hooif roaming at largo and dcpridating upon a cultivated lot in Camden for sovoral days has beon taken up. Owiior ca:i got it by proving shiuc, paying for ibis ndvet tiscment and tho ex* ponsc of keeping ii since having been taken uj>. T. 11. Wu.8un. Jan 10, 'Oil. '' " *" *V%.? Trespass Notice. All parties arc hereby warned npt to treapAM upon my place of 807 acres in W? ?t Wnteroe, bought from J. U. Gibbet, nnd touching upon the huuU of tho Messrs. ISowen Hrothers ami others . tot the purpose of cutting ?|ow,n?iul hauling n way wood, or foi . any other purposo w hats never, I'm tic* violating thin no tice will lio dealt with to the full extent of the law. U l-.N K Y MITCHEL. Jan. old, 1800. I'lll! AIIM KICK niiii siiiim. Cj Acknowledged to bet lie best on the market. q For Sale ? cash per set $5.00* On installments, $'2.50 each and 50 cents per week. ? Per set $0.00. John C. Man, ? ^ T. S, Myers, Traveling Agent. TAX RETURNS -FOR iae&? ee* Ollluo of County Auditor,) Kershaw Cnuuty, > Camden,, S. C.. Deo. 2, '95.) Notice is hero by given ( hat I, or my deputy, will be i?t tliu following named l4uees" on the days specified for the pur* ptfbe of taking returns for the fiscal year\ ) 18ft.") ?!>(}. and at Auditor's oiftcu nll inter* v?>niii 7 days, and from January 15th to ? Februrary 20th inclusive: TurkoyrCreck dhnn h (school house) Wednesday, ,l?n. 1st. Lyzenby's (W. S. Smith's) Thursday, Jan. 2ml. Raley's Mill, Friday Jan. 8rd. Buffalo 'Kirkfey's Store) Sat. Jan, ?? Westyillu. Monday. Jan. 6th. Oaut^y 11 ill, Tue?, Jan. 7. Liberty Hill, Wed, Jtn. 8. Curston's Mill, Mon. Jan. 13. Rabon'u X Road*, Tuesday, Ian. 14. IMPORTANT. - -- It is Important that taxpayer* in inak. ing their, returnj , be careful to sta'-e the school district ? whether new^t^Min which they reside at tho time oy mak- ,r in^ returns. Also to state if it is tho same district as when last return waa ? made. WHO SHOULD MAKE RETURNS# The law requires that all persons ' own inp property or in nnywipo having charge of such propertyj either at agent, iHwtband, guardian, ~ trnstee. exscutOf ^ Administrator , &c , return the sama un* ail persons to be prompt in making their return* and save the GO per eent. pert* . nity, which will bo added to the proper* t) valuation of all person* who fufi! ?to make returns within the time prescribed . by law. ; HOW AND WHAT TO RETURN. * Assessors and taxpayer* will enter the first given name of die taxpayer in fu'l, also make a eeperate return for each party for the township the property is in, and where tho taxpayer owns realty to insert the poRioflic* as their place of res* idence, and these who only owtj person* f al property to give tho party's name who*/ owns the land they live on, and in each and every, case to name the No. oH*Qhoo1 District the property is in. j All personal Property owned on the 1st day of January, 189'), must be re* turned for taxation ; and alt change* or ' tiannfcrs of Heal Estate timed. In order to avoid confusion, parties making returns should *tate number of acres of land owned at time of making last (.-turns in columns marked "Veal > Property. M Any reiil estate acquired ? or transferred sinofc.lai t returns should ?; bo entered in cebilbA) for , that purpose V giving n^\e of -party? or f?artiea from ? whom bought or to whVup sold- * All new buildings should be returned as "Real property" acquired since last return. THE POM; TAX. The new Constitution which g&es into full operation after the 81st of jDeeotji ber, 188-3, provides for a polLtfx of Ouo. M^Mpoii all elttaertJ* of^fds State bo. tweei^ tho ages- of Twent^ono and Hixyr vaers. excepting Confederate soldiers above the age of Fifty- -Jwisnr. Parties' T"; making returns foe/fhe foodL rear \80p% will hear In mind pis Oonst'tntlonal pro* themselves according* TiaiofiSknd goyerwtl All returns mjost the 20tly day of {Feb be made on or beforo I. ebrnarf next. J.c?n? not take ret uro*>a4ter that date as other fctork of this oflce mast so on, return* made after tho j20;h of Fob are subject to tho 50 percent Allrrtnnm wmt out on prnpor blanks tad sworn So fore soma proper officer ? 1 ? minister said oatb. Ot i rlU Hot.be aeeeRiS* lis - a* ret h run, 'iZ~. Tho law provides * " agents shall mM? r< arse done hyeaeb < The CoetitT Hoard inert at tho Awlnot* Marehl?H.KH.l Miuatisim ' "ppy^v