^|aia3oa ([hwnlelf. ~ ? * IfCJBUSUKU KVKUY KRIDAY HY VW- Ta- M'DOWHILIj yhd QutyJiqf'Wni Pojur at Kii'shuw cwy. W./ff*lllJl"? ' 1 '" '?"""' CfAMDKN, S. 0M JAN. IS, ISO"). ?VHSfHU'T|?N I^atkm : ? One year, >.1 00: hix month*, M mils ; three uioullip, '2(> In jvmuiee, i! a i'gM rot; Am ?;nrui c pnhlisl.c I when of latere t to I liO tfcncinl public and ii ?t of ? dchtin tp. ry nature. \? ic flp nisi I ii] ty will I >0 iix ii nit d f< >i the vtrnv* of porr?*M|>(?r?(lMnlM, tioinittaip'CiH l?y checks, drafts an I postal hi >2io v orders should l?o made p ivalde to " ^ W. I,. M( D'.i.U'KM,, / t 'ttiudoiit S. ( President Musflll's Address. We devote our editorial space this week to the address of the j President before the Alliance | ? lit its' quirterly meeting last! week. While it is (juite length) we are suro thai many of the Allianccm en vvh > wery pre vented Irom attending themeet i I ? ^ will rend it with interest. The following is the address; D.mu' Brethren:- - Wo are once in >re permitted It) moot- and 1 -counsel t igelh >r lor the b"lter-| ment ol t lie * eondit ion : ol the toiling masses The general industrial depres sion imperatively demands a .Speedy solution of its en uses i 1 their products. Tlie country is well supplied with food and ?clothii*?. Vet the produ -ers of j t hose commodities are scantily j furnished with these necessa-i .Ties while our markets are so; glutted with *?oth as to reduce] prices below cost ol production. ' The povity of producers caused by such prices deprives them ol the, moans ol'supply inn- t h? ? i i wants, ami their inability toj ? consume increases the demand,' and causes a lurtln r reduction 'of prices. While this condition exists among pr >d jeers .* >S 'oush-j els of wheal. We ?Xp>rtod. bushels and kept for the home marKet ? > lii.T.'n).- ? 4 70 budiels which sold at !>'?, cents a bushel. In 1MXJ wo ?producd ')()(>. 1:51 7'.:.' bushels' we exported I bu^li-j (ds and kept for the home mar kct 1 JMIS.JI2 I bush.-U wi.ieli brought .Vii: a Iris. Sotwith ' ?standing the great decrease in t lie home supply and the in ? ereast < I dema nd c a 1 1 e. 1 h\ the i ncreas -d p. ijnd ? : it >n . lie* pi n ?decreased from !' > ,o .> ? rents. It is under eon sump: ion instead of o\vr production I hat i-ao-rs lnw prict. '1 he e ?u.-mnpt ion of wheat p r capita in iS'.tj w is Ii *ai I v (i bus. 1 1. I ) i ' w as less t ban o bus. The per c:ip ita consumpt i >u nf ??? uu ini>!'.) was 1 - ' > I h i - . lo iso.iit wa< '12 ? '2 bus \ a lui ng t h ? * m ii at o -)c a ml the wheat at *a )e a bus the A nc r'can tanners 1 ?s : in sales in t lie Louie m u ket ?jf'J'iS. ()()(). Ot)l) worth lit wheat hv under consumption, m a I dition to then* los-es !>v lvduc-; ?tion in price. II ??!?'? < I wng'sj of mil! operatives. and closing j ?of factories has hern on1* ol th ? greatest causes ol I he- f |. >^. The' same eftei t Iron. : In e ciu< ?es has redur.i d the c m umpti >n of sugar and coffee. The reduc ? t ion in sugar from Is* - J tolM)'! wan G.7oO,0()() p.uind^ and i; .coffee 1)?3, 1 .>(1,f)()0uounds Thev: four American staples wheat.' corn, sugar aml^tolloe show a decreased consumpt. on valued nt *2G3,J)1?S,250. Notwithstand ing the economy used by pro ducers as shown by this givat deduction in consumption in one jcar their financial condition bus not improved. Therefore we must seek for other causes than oxtravigmco for \ 1 1 e ? r im poverished condition, I >ts an* better protected by organizations ti an tho interests o|* tic I'liiiicr.t Mereliants and in inufachtrer* have their clubs, boa ids of trade and conventions. When tliey j formulate! and present their claims to h tjislal i vo bodies I he\ j generally* succeed in securing 1 1 he tment oi laws in tle ir interest. 'I'lic! o j?re* Nation al commercial association-; in the U. S. and 2,ofM) boards oi trade and other commercial or ganizations. The railro id in terest is powerfully represented in our legislative bodies; ncarh 'every county in the II. v?. has u railroad, iiud every mile of those roads are rcprc.seii ted l>v tin1 best le?ral talent ill t lie locality. Senator IVffer t< IN that "if all the lawyer* who are in the ciip ploy or retained in the interest of the railroads were mirslmfl-j ed together ( hey would form iin army as larjje as (jencraf ?lacKson ha?l fit New Oilcans* Is it any wonder the fanners have been impoverished when wo consider how noorly theyl have liceii pi elected 1 > %? orjjjmi zation rn I lejjal talent cmipar <(l with other classed Tin; I! j I?, combines represented l>v| their attorneys, cud the nicr- ' rlnmts and nianufact urers rcp res-uited by their organizations, are stronger and more power ful in c> lit roi 1 inilver; the or ?:anr/ed monopolists vv 1 1 < > eou t rol I he li nances of 'lie eon lit r\ demanded a >ld standard tha' w (Mi <1 double the value of their ni'Ui' v a:xl t heir ci;crlitR ilTid ret j duee prices * ?f lrt!>.>r products o 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 . It' :i n l the'v jjot it l ie i? ? pi 1 1 form d ?in rnded a ta 1 i II i.n' i revenue oidv ami the manufac turers secured :i tarili for pr > { (??c'iuii ? a t nail' that taxes all j i ml ust l ie.-; to sn pport t In ir own. j a tax on the (aim r> mves-ities! to increase i lie inconi 1 < >i mil lionaivs Pari v plat orms are ? in ide f ") t v >t cs and alter t he ? ejection 1 hcv are ignored, ainl, s M'l'et pit -dues ma le lit c. ? r ; m | ate w fall !i d'et a?es le'-dsla I ion | iust cad ' >1 l!i" \% i 1 1 i >! the ma- , joi i t v e a prcs.-c i in t !i ir .plat ? i form ?>?lri'Ci d <1 I > v .siic!| en \ i roninei : \ w !i a t i e the m ?? sa ? tl.c pr til ucer s t'l wealth ?to I Hi pro?. el ih ir interest > class h'*?- i -| 1 1 i-Mi ! \ lar je ma- ! jori t v of t lie n at; >!? ? a re < ate ei- ? t d < in fa i iun (.[? i * - 1 1 p\v,vi | in I'ac t > r i . * ? . > i ? i ' ?? ? par' v pi n fornix ' i rum i' I 1 1 1 ? i r t ?: i ' \ t!e ft n> e a IT tillt or:.e; it :/. m| t i;t.!a, is nr V a : 1 1 '/.i 1 1 i . i ! ?. ! i t i i : ? ? < > an I lie ; an\ il aid ( he far, u. t h ? ;ti ; ism aid ! he I a ? aie r c 1 1 n ! > i n< 1 a \ id form ulaJt ? le i d a t ' e demand that w ili protect la i tor a^am>i til" le-al ? -pp* c<>a ?;) of ?m j .ii al. ! and let tie in ret Use I . t \ t >' e ll a in v man who rciu^'s to pledge' lnuiM If to supp ?rt t he ir ! or in ul i ted demands w hich should embrace no' !i n ? more or lev* than " Im j ual rights to all and ? special .-privileges to nine." Wei are lohi t hat < vorv nat ioa in I h" civilized woi hi is doimr , somethiui" to; the farmcis e\? f .'pt America In France nnd ? Russ'-i loans are made uj?en produce; in tienuanv the M"V-j erninent lei d ?< up >n land s,-cu l it\ ; in N oru >\ ai d ^ivc h n government lan ' ?!:! lend money <>n !? ?n _r t : * i . x4 at n low rate ol interest ; in ( ? recce na tional loans nre made to farm- 1 ' ei s; oven i i aristocratic Kn^ laml the men th it feed and M'lothe the people are remem bered by the legislature. I.ord Uosebery has intiaxlm od .'rT5in in' l^arlianient which provides fhiUtbe governme.it shall lend money to the Irish tenant to (buy hi* holdings. In. tins c?.uh I try fa^ineis arc oi.ly ret 0411 i?ti j5*r af ter their vo'os arc oast u> he d is paid to t hem until the neU jehction The surest ion that I government should protect lai 'titers fts 1 1 1 1 ? \ 'I ? otuer el i*sos is ! t ?*o:i t c* I with ridicule and con tempt I hi' tM ' V'M'm 1 1 1 ** i > t 1 mu lsh stlu' w' iiK* y tru*t wit It a bonded war? house to s! ore thei) i whiskey and jjives a i < /? ipt for j t ho w hiskey on whichy inou*\ | can 1 >t 1 borrowed*! mm the !> 1 1 1 1 \ i hut when r??riiit*i -> a*k tl.?'vov> j or mux I ?r a widen/? 1? More their t ton and tor a rc joeipt fur tilt* colt. >1 < II \\ ilir.i I I hoy could b I row M/' ;?e\\ the Inioeev change in nn,l ileum J "ojjjucs cry out k* u neon ^ti t u lion la I," "paternali nt I per ccnt, and permits him to ('.Irirjjtj ojhers 1" per cent and forbids loan* to {armors on 1 1 hoi r lauds* at tiny rate of inter est. The m y tiling t ii it t he I I'arim r is freely permit ted to do i is to feed and cloth' the peo ple* and pay laxCs, to protoct manufactures and incies.so tiny income of t h i r nidllonare owi^ ers. to or. abb* them to cnti'ol; I he t xeout i ve.jndinal and l^is lative departments o( th if gov ernment. it lakes all mm oy fanners get ;>t "gold pi ices' for their products to pur taxes, an! iulercM. o.i their debts. There is .aothing left to buy clothes and pay tuition I r his children. Might or ten dollars are charged lor in tore.) and mcmbus of v ongresa $">,000 a yea1'. No wonder Congress enacts laws to double tli ? pureha ing p >w er of mom' v when they arc so '.rreatlv hon<:li''cd llcrebv. It takes tw.Ce as mueli cotton to pav salaries a -> ii di 1 yeirs : i j_r < j hnt tne\ care nothing loi that as long as 1 1 1 " \ get fariu or-%' \otos to give thcni oftiee The on' y check to the m ra pi 1 a<"cn i mi lat i ? ?n ol \* ? ' ? t > !?\ no:!- prod ueevs is tn ;i:-'-et t\ i?! producers t.i creat ?.* it mote ra pel 1 \ . A 1 1 h? i ii ^ e liavv! ab.)li>lied the old Kuyiisb law ct priinoLjeiiiture. a' In i; ;i! I f i e d ? ? a t : ? . o ! i ' 1 1 1 lathes1 \ > ? * I < < ! his a ' " t 'IU h I s el. 1 ? : t o t! . , ? . i j- -int'i*. law permits a man to disjx ol hi- |?ropert . by w i ' I wit 1 1 ' -fit limit a> to atuotin' ami elf et the same toMilt. i tins iiuiidre.-ls of millions < ? f the ;e* cumulated u ealth of the couu trv is in the hands of those that never earned i dollar by hon e,-:t t )il. I ?' t he acrutnulalion ol we. ilt I: e uitinuis in th" lu ur-' as i ! has i : i tin*' p a - 1 a t e vV i u d i vidua!- ;iu ! corporal ions will ewn the cntir? \\ ea 1 1 : ol tlu-U.j S. er?4 aaoJlcr generation pa.-s ?? aw iv. Without a change in our property laws t ? i i -= resuit i> in?. \ if. il l ?. In 1 SHU there were few mil ior i a res in the I . >. In 1 ^ : I live* men in N . ^ . t 'i t \ < w m d ^IiaWHtn.tr n !> ..sides iiuiidreds of millions ? u ned by tiii-.t-' and I'oi'poratioiis. 1 pel /"> 1 .\-3uV V .*S"^ ? (>tr I, '??* *> .1 r 1; , i '' SiX ? J 'A "i ' ; i C K ?. v ?i * ^ Ci C- 1 w'? 2 5 -R A i5JVJ ?TT?D i v.+\ jj iiva.k xv. ?Ait.il.s ?'i Y 1 il r.c '\ N\ r.!iy w.i >? -l.ti; K. i-o-.i - c.i of Uu fHr.-i-- - V " ? ?#? r ? ? jst :::cu: c : i< . r.o?; ( r n ;n ?* . i.nd /, r" or.; -i? whoso t .! viita . ?>:u ?* ii. d . v.'iil < ? t'> lit.1 \* ! ? >? ?> n .!i ilif, ? ii-'? I', in > ? ftiT-i i >-t :i ? . ?-i I-. t't ? ; . i ? t :?>n. in t 'I. il.: n r v it ? ;il! I .i : ?wlicj-li4 At tho WORLD'S FAIR Chicago, 1893. Why no4, ?st the Bost? cent of the people own 50 per cont of the property ol tliel'. S. while hundreds ol thousands ol men and women in cities who jure willing to work cannot find employment and fuihxist on charity. Money has i/overned I legislation lor i{i?ncrntion*. II j this continue^ (money rule in - *lead of men rale) the end will ll?e anarchy at no distant day. iht ||v<; \iuerica t''i^ e\tmn.ity < an be avoid* d by a prop r use of the ballot, which tan he f-e j 7 t cured b\ organi/.uticn resulti') ac>. as a unit that cannot bode regarded with inn jpunity. Th'ey number 2-3 ol the voters, and it is their own fault if they permit other cli>s cs control the government. ; < )ifr strength lies in number* j and unity. Theirs lie in money ami brains. Without uuitv " ti u id la; rx arc powerless. Without nrgunizat ion we cannot have unity. ! (icnco pioducers of wcidilt should J ho web organized, otherwise. money i itiid hrnt^Tuiight be used to (livid' l ilicta and alienate tltem from tin ir i j true frieudC) a t? d t ! ? 1 1 ?? conquer the . producers of wealth politically t?y [destroying their unity and and ren | doing powerless llteiy number*. | l*o keep an orgMiiz ition ready f ? ? i . ell't-ftlve service r.Mptirco the cx Jpendiutro of time and money. I N Might is accomplished wilhotp i ll'ei t. I hive endeavored to show I j '.hi? necessity of fargnnized lahor to, jeontend with organized capi l:il,nn?f to show tiiat our strength lies it; jnnniheis and nnity. "He that woulo he free, In mm If must strike th( | I'lovv."1 And he that would protect ' t ! i J a i mei's. -from nil verse legistu i' tint) in the interest, of organized k % V. j el'isses hiinst If mil -t unite in ar or ganized ell'urt with hi** hrnlher far miners and contribute a portion of l his lime and uior.ey_to protect his own interests. We inni;e no war i ii|? iii oilier elasses and lind no fault {with th hi for organizing to pro J\0 ('. WIHI-KS. \\ !i< ilcsalc Grocer. Wh.vl, s,i! K.vt I 'ay, ( 'harlot on S. ( V Sonili < af.iliua Ami (Jeoruin it nit way ( :?, S. ( \.,v .1 t .IS 4. I ?.I i : y. I .v ( . (?' >'?' r) 7 ! ' ;i in .'> ;!;i 1 1 !) i \ > . :n 1 1 t ?' M i If 7 I. 1 "< r f_:ti ?'ls S -'s '? v > ? I i hi:. I'U !?,' > :'.'J ' * K u i j vi. !?? lo 'j :? ? " ( "n ttni I i i I I l > I < ? lo I . ' ( * >! ! . iti i I ? '> O ;i iii I ; i iii \ i'. !\ 1 1 1 i ? !?' 7 -7 < i ? ? Or :?'? :> ,<'? " ( 'li.irl. Si. Ill 1 i ,H i >10 I . \ ( '11 1 l ie* t i*i 7 1 . a III ?*. "0 ; ? Hi :i ! i <* ! i v i 1 !?? !' > .'to I >1-1)1*1:1 1 k 1 ' > S >?}?_' ' ' I Wa.'U \ i i I ?? i O . s . > ? ' ' ti :'i: - 1 si 1 - I > J ? i n 10 I "? j > in |,v. .A :r(?u?ta *"? O n, J.') i. in '? l.i ..-Uvill,' .> 1" -S ' I >< i'. ni:irk >> 4 , I " I ? i':i t ; ?*! i v i 1 1i* :'o ?"> I " ( ar! -t.ui 11 ' <> S 10 ! ?.i : 1 y Kxecpl Stni.|:?_v. j l.v ( *."> i \i m t ?t ?> "i?k ?? n> :o j? in I " K injf v i !lo 10 10 '? 'JO ! A i ( ';iti) ni . A r. K:n_'\'iU"> j " (.'olunihia 11 Via m 10 10 ? Tin' Special " _ ? ' t tMti'H < 'hi?rl?*-*t?>n I o) p ni with Pnll !iii:iii ennnecfion for II ;rhin>?nounn.;y ih?-i? own n?-^ J U*ct. Thus when :li ? ? 1 .< > - ? ?< arc oi lman ize-> "Kamil ii?il|i-? !<> nil ami H|)ccial pi ivili'^c?) lo n<> JAM ICS |{. .M A(j 1 L!., 1'ien. K. < . K. A Mra. -W. I II ado btouewall, Tonu. A Helpless Invalid Kidney and Liver Trouble and Noivoue Debility Id Years of Suffering Ended by Taking Hood's. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "The effects of Mood's Sarsaparllla In my 0.18# have been tvuly marvelous. Jt lar surpasses any other medicine I have over taken." for 18 yours I was troubled with torpid liver, kidney trouble uud nervous debility, and was A Helpless Invalid. I have been taking node's Sar.saparilla for three mouths and 1 feel that 1 am cured, I feel better now than I have for sixteen years. I thank (Sod llist. for my health, :i lit I (VI. llood & Co., second, for llood s Sarsapai ilia. 1 havu recom* Hood'ss,;> Cures mended it to all my neighbors and several of ? tho:n aro nslan Hood's Kirsapa'illa with good restilt*'! I ain.'i.'s years old and feel better than I did at 4ft." Mas." AVa(>k, Stonewall, Teuii. Hood's Pills net easily, yet promptly aid fnciuntly, on tin* livor and bowels. iSo Homestead Notice, Sout'i C'aroliu.t ? Kershaw County. J liy ji. A. Witt.': owvky, Master Kcsliaw County. Win re. 'is application Ins 1 ren made lo me 'jv I s.her A Cun ninjjliatn, tin: head i>f a I' mily r. sM'n? in III * ( 'mint v of Ker hIihw, Stilt/- of S'Uttli ( ' nvliiKi . t t Imve I ;i|?|>r;;is!>d ?na! piopcity, situated in said County J in- 1 -'(at:*. Notice is lien by iri \ ? ? n tliaf. on I- ri diiv, the 1st day ol' 1'fJiBMarv . IS!'"., :it | J j Iikvo said Hmiih stc ni in re.d proper' v 1 appraised and -a-t nil' to t ' i ? ? said i". l!n r 1 A ( " ( 1 1 ? 1 1 i I > 1 1 . : ! i : . < I ivi-n under im band and seal t!ii> .n ' | 'l.i v <>:' .lai uarv. IS'?"?. L A WHTIkOWSKV, V.i'tei K i rVliaw ('i.n"ty. Pnl I islii-d -on tie 'tb day of .J.uite;ry. j is:> . hi Tl.o ("linden ('Iw nielc. { ) 1 1 i ( ) I > IV i: i; ib ?U i"! . :::: :;i 111'!. K. D..i!y Mx.-ept Suiul.iy. r m r j 1. OO ( '.oil 1- 1"> I '.'O 1 \ |\ :l I i ?. I I ?"?"> I ? \\ . nt . illo 1 1 4:' I / .. v 1 , ? ;) 1 i 1 1 1-:. : li S]*1 iii'.'s' ! 1 !.*> >0 I j .;i .lilt Hill II '"I In I am-rtstn* M '<> Kiv. rsi !,. l(t j I'iii SjTi?r_?,'li,:l I'lifo! I K ( ;r,v i a .* it :t**t io 11 I" i"i l.rsli.' :-i ! -X n,I! : :: ."> ? Xr? j- i t !> I ? ?"> ' Ti iv.-!. v I If > Y..r?..vsli? 1 S::UI' ? ( ' in* I n I > :!A I ? I ?i K i > .1 ?">? ; v i' ? W'c-n ill ? - .*? j:> .'?to K > I Ml .'j:-! < ... > /V,[ I.-:;,. , 1 ? * -? T Sjm ?*?! 1 - 2't | ?I C'ata \ 1>? .' it:n ti< >n - 1" II.vf I . - ! i ? IHi ! I > !:?->, Ix II II "rj I", N ? ? | . c?; t 10 ( j li "> I'i i /? Ii 1 o .">0 | n."> Y<>rkv ;!i?' in n*? i > > li.H' 1 1 ; ? ? lc ? ? i* \* ( ? rove * ?*> ! II..' Sim\ run k :; i j I ;<> r.l.t, k>l?ni vj . ii 00 j r m \ m j ^ 1 I 1 1 \ M Ci.i?>. Daily csoopt Si;ni inrrv. 10 : >helhy S Oil, I" I J I 1 1 ill), -re. 7 |I5 1 M< a ?? i'?!???ro 7 Oil ! l" I " I !??:?? i.-tt i . <; .'? '? .10 II -7 M il won. ! ? .'}?"? I 1- -O rio|n Vnlli>v. I- -7 Terminal City All' r_' ">:? Oloii\vro?|. 4 48 1 1 <>."? (nnlniT* 4 1 I I "T* M \Ciofi. 4 }'t J r >r. * - ' ?? m \ i> r.2 liftfl c.>nnre?ion with Sjutli. rni !*;ii|\vny ftl Hoi k I'iil. \.? ,iu Ditincr ut Kerilmiv. Xns. .U ."ii.l 3.? will c.^rry p.i*so:iRor i. N < >s. 11 finil 12 Iiftvo conncction at Marion with Southern Hallway. S\Mun. Ht'sr, (Jen. ^fn'^'r. A. Triim-, Snpt. ,S- B Li'MrKif, G?ft? Pasf. Agt. o 1 t ) What is / - f Castoria is f>r. Samuel Pitcher's proscription /for Infantf and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine noi* other Narcotic substance. Ic is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, ttoothin;? Syrups, anil Castor Oil. It i.< Pleasant. Its ^uaranteo Is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mot hers. Cast orla destroys Worms ami allays feverishness. C^4;toHa prevents voiuitiuff Sour Curd, % cures Diariluca au r oh!! Jron. Mothers hf . .tfpvatt'dly t ?.d c.i: of tt.s J5<*.ni dlTvOt uj >on U.jir children." l>:k. U. C. (Vo, Lowell, Ma. s. ?' r'Ast^ria is ilu he.-^t umicdy for children < f v lilch 1 n:n iicq tiair tod. I ho;>j t.'io day *.t?t f.'.r distant when mother.* will cod i !er tuo iv..! liitoivrtof their children, and uso CUsi.on.i m stead of the varionsquock nostrums whieh tr?> d< siroyliiji \)>< ir Uu.-d otio.-i, by forei/w?r>piu:it, morphine, e{j pyrnp and. other huit.'ul agents down their threats, thereby scudin^ theiu U> prvjatttoro graves." Pit. J. F. Ktscnur.oK, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " i '.v.toria i ! ki> v oil O'laptcd tochlMron thit 1 r vi uiiiu'iul it iu: uporior toany prcs>c?ipticAl i.ilu.\U l<> |i o." II. A. Anonkn. M. r>., Ill So Oxford St., Drooklya, N/Y. | "Our physicians i;? tlio children's deparfc | nu-nt huvo s|H>l;cn highly of their export tai-c in their outside practice 'with t'a.stiTi.u and Disrr.N8AnY, iiontOU, Ma?3. , . i.i.ks C. Smitii, jits., Tha Ooutftur Onmwaty, TL Murray Street, New York City. nMiwiMun fcNfc-i "Qr> aB"W? aEK7?ilHff3 . ?. 4j - This sparf* is reserved lor Mr. 1). K 1 1 in.s? >11 who is ?Yo Jliirfy thi> uink to writo out an ;u!\v: tiscment; it will npju'nr in wick's i :ij)or. Look out for it! ho will haw Mvnoihinsj mtH, If 1 4t w a L a &v 0. ? ' a i., 4 WFM vM/) wnv i<*? A Ki?JQ. > ii>n Per |> I ?? v c. '?glos '53 a no ii ill i; it I P 4'?| II it 11. MlOOS*. it.liic.tcry. ?oi :i lis ut'yl.; r.ii.l ';,!, '5* "*?> . .110 llimirfusjfc.l. ? . jf..r.ii -.-I ami pi u >r< ilo. mi . I ?iv< r < tlic: 1'iako.1. . . iliak i ouniuit B?i>|ily jim wo can. ' y ? *."5. GO C'ordoviiTi, French '..vC\ r,ii:ui:i'll2 Woikingmon's. . V (5 Boys' School Slew Ladies' 33. $2.50. $? and $1.75. ~r-'f5SV it vonr ili'nltT catii!'-! write for Catalogue. W. L. flfouglas, Brochi on. ;1l a oh. FOR SALE BY HIRSCH BROS. Patrick .Military Inst, Anderson S. C. Ac pit mic and Colicjiatc course or study. ( lasses ar ranged 1 o accommodate voumr men who wish to accomplish 1 1 it most j-r.ssil'lc in otic or two wars Husincs.s Course. Coni lortahh' < | iiii 1 1* * rs, wholesome Ian*, ji'ood discipline. Cadets nia v enter .1 ami r our ^rrat H\Ktf.v)N I. isr ami Wonderfully Kasy Installment Terms. 4 c. PRICKS. A new Muthushck I'iano S">o less th;ui fWT twfOTP *'1(1. *sw J <>n ?? Sterling Piano. Twr??t>' V?i. I* \ \v Square Tlano* nt N??w Y? fl .,'fcuw*) l*ri? N '.n Upright* from B?"M Mak er* :?( I lit I'lht-t. lUdi Mirr -r Top or>.*nn nnlj S50. SAVF MONEY by buvinR from the Greatest Southern Mufcc House. LIDDK.V & h VTKS, Savannah, (ia. ?-?Fr ftel'iwny PIuiiAn at l"x. t-nctory 1'rlcL-M. ;,j. t. hurdkij;, j civil i:n< ; i n i: i: u m:i: ye you. ? CAMDKN, S. ( ?. | M ti i? i? i i ?:? 1 I*u-_f ? i ?.?'? ?* !?*-". >'nrvi yiiitj < ? * J :i : i < i .s'.iL-i Jivisji-tts ??) Tnirls a iSIIITl.lltV. City Tax Notice. ( i \ T : ;? \ - r i:i:.:'s ( i; i :. o. 1 7. 1 >;!' I \ *1*1 1 i* ! I i ? ? < ? will 1m* oimm ? ? 1 1 the Tut ilnv ??f.l.riiiiarv. i :'.int Ki ;?t opoii ihiiiy, St:ml;ivs ? x? ???>???? I. 'liili! if?'1 't!i f January. inciu-ivi , !'? ? r lln* j ? 1 1 r ;??.*1 < ?| it'l l v . 1 iy l Camden and Ker shaw coont\ that I have leased the Catnih n hotel, formerly the j Latin in 1 louse, and respectful* 1\ solicit a share of their paf-__L 'ionise. The table supplied ?with the best the marUet ill*? lords. I^aics ^ 1 .50 per day - for transient boarders, Reduc* jtion made for boarders by the | month. Very Respectfully, .1. 1\ BRU'JE, ijufv 1:3. Munng?i\ 1 ... r j