The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 05, 1892, Image 2

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(Jkroiieie PUNISHED EVE BY FRIDAY J THOS i- Ml LAND. ' - W k TlLLEPliTt^. ?ditr.?*s a: d Prr. ?>r;?1er:. 1UTE* OF sUftsCKil'Tinv.-^rne year. ?1 :r??*".'si. 7? thr* c n'Ni. -V* (v n' <.t ADVKRTISI.VG FATKS.? On (one im-L; i -r-rr'n-. -f.i < 0 : aubsf-qn- :.t inH'rtior, ?'-(H'fi *?> Litxral TMl !?-tL;n A _?:?;:?!?> 01, ;h-.? :<>:? v ? rate* for three* rrr.r.ih-* veiriy <*os.':j5^rt*. Ail eommnnioitioji 3':?i rr: iclr- :? r licati??n n;?:st re.vh u- !?-:? =t >1 T'les- 1 day. to instire rt?el r ln?OTti'? i i;: tl?<" 6 . follow inj; i*- n< ? . ^OfrtnmiJ >i rUvnot 3 ?*?' r- n:? nrr* will b** 5n pan*r. except aasn ar'v< rtJuemk -nt, '? -? be * a'.i t" c. 'yll article . ; f.>r p;hUc?t:o ? j:nrt be r.< corapanicd by the fu ) rn<ir.'l dff *a a.i the * rite.-, in order to r ?< e>e attention. 'CAMDEN, S. C\. FEB. Gt:j., 18*2 ?0M51i:N iS AM) (Ti.UXGS. Chile has r.cvc<k*(! t?> all the ?It?n;a?vis of the Vjii.o:S an* there will be no war. CANDIDATE* F(?k {'?> NCR P..C Rv'f ^ing plentiful in ?.verv rli-t ri?-t t this It is- rr;n:or??; i>r:u evr that it- wi 1 not bo n?*ny monr.s N-fore the con^re \ aional r?u ?- will I-v^r rp Is^re ;?.s '.veil. The ioea of hcMir^r a primary for t!??> . nominate n cf Mayor and .'-Mermen '-fteeros Ui bc? mec?tin;r wi.h favor. Tne i time 13 oaly two months <fT, an! i* i< time to he noting. V,re will gladly pub lic in Jh: se ccliHnr.s suggestions from ?the citizen*. " 4 ' I>r. ?Te5cj"ii llyilo. It scern* ih ir. cm* member or ' I*o . gSa'iwn&l Ex<f Uiiv?- ('mn?!iite*' r * d'Xih'f, refo^niyi --1* i?y hi* ;<>?v \ \ tnembers.' In ikf- ?*i?y Ui nr. is ?which apjpoare*! on .) *ri t: a rySl2 ml tllO DCeiulH-r fiotrt S.?;ttii Carolina. Col. John C. li t-* !!, *:?* published as beiiiff it* upon the ..meeting be: ay. hi l>i in \Va>binjjt<.?. - But it S< ? ?n* in* W:;m Or>J ?"present, and i:,r> .-?? t" one's syr ? ;priae. tfehgtb -1 hi? v:?ln:? .k-^ie TOgfltiVi^ in;?^ ITm? li 'rit'ls of thai ? half, or two-i L:? .} h?- j.ay, Al liance mar. H?;n. Ge??. Johnstone. Bttt Mr. ?I<yhasi<>nt?:s ifteu:itv <? I > : ; * ' *lo$t it) the u?blk: print in thtU of j Mr. Haskell. Will tiiln-r I h:i t jStristesjt of straight laced siraij;!}; oats, Jrfsvl! I i it- !; ?-i I of 4 !.?t hn^f 'J aiwl half hny->ee*i*?r ^Ir. Johcsto;** ?i **yd <% explain* how iJ-.?ir i-Vntitic&J ?have thus become Bungled? Who icnried the Bnbii-s up? II. b\ V. P. I * - ? ' Org$r?ize. y It 19 of ftrst import anee to thr ^JDemoefatur par! r of this siati* t! ai ; ilt keep car-IuTy ai.ri t.UonnigMy organized. A iy us this 3*ea?'t both or stnle r;2ri *1 issues. It ha* be< i\ \ he ? so |onjr to nrsfo-rt at:?-:t<l:;ne? upon c;uh roft tin usrttiM! n?'t o ? n y under the cxi ist m? i.t of -the ** I V state ?Ii*? *e g??t -i i: ????> ? ; >orgaoizalion. i 5>onse vit:ffS^;? s :i.*?as r.r<r to J c : "faced. Our Ir*t*ior.? must voitfe :t?? gether, or &ept ral?? permnn 'Titfv. *'baa been rhe rt-eo^ijizn! r?rti : : i . i r. 1 ?of the party' that bow??v.?i ili-F.asU* '< fnl, til;? decision of tin? M-sruiit > ,autboritu$ u i.>t he ncc< j?reu. I' feroains * 1 1* is y< ar to t Uoroui'bly test the Ktreitg-l! of this p? hn-ipU\ ?Tbosfwho i:r.<i?*rt^"k to net i;; - *- ^dcpcndeBtly in the l i-t rlrctioti ' ; have a ebaftjce u?d*r thv ne ./ to return m tin- rr.iAa if Uiey choose. Hlltey <lu not , U is safe ' tO.SSy that they will ri n*:u;? irs a hopeless minority unies* tJ:e-y se? fit to cata.pv-.iih the RipnMieans. Bat disloyalty l?? the D -mortary J&s not tae^flopular hitherto, u?r is it likely to be. It is well t:n<jf r^!o-M| X;.:: : lif-rc- ; ? ? , T ~]f% an eWnfent of t !??- p:irly v. \. ?>, i;, t&e heat of thv last cu:o:;:s'?r , became tb>ptra?e. They s^eaieil j ready ta go to regaruN ss. of ee-nsequcBce.*. 1; tUey rrmain J Sti 1 1 so (^sposed, the is on, and .a bitter a ik? itlcnt!f?s simple, s;iob as has ajvraji resulted whh as frotatj an IndejKSidenl movement, w?i?i e?. I sue. Every rea-onabli pricaiition f ought to be used against sucit an The best prrcawlioi* tltni ?-o:?;/I; possibly he adopted" would be :?:i earW anil general orii?in?z:>?ii>n o[ i the loyal 'netting of t!.<? A good shoeing mad* bv ilu? tinhsj -would discourage ami tiei-jmisiratt fc'ow aseicss -resistance to tin-Demo cratic party *?rjgamzati?m vrouH he. : Therefore it is to be .?op?-a ;il3l the various* dub* w ill begin t?J work up their net together ajj^d renew tbeir piedsres to ihe jjfcrtv. \ Let os stand ^Ld Dem* <cratic ship ? Wether ne ?frke th?* officers or not. Those who are n???. ready to betray it, will still give it their undivided support, T'.f:-- . A dvi&i "( vi*j:fnt;?noi :? -?> f jrioRC J-X ? i"; asii^s of- tost 5-. of-s^kcltHh ['[#?&#*?? ???; ! ?! -5: '.v THE GOVERNORSHIP. Opinions ami Suggestion's of the Siate Press. [Front tl*e Abbeville Press an<i Banner.] K^nte of the ntw?papers. an'! vaKousl ,I- r.t- rs t< r{hepr><w. J are f.'reaih.^p ke*v ? i a s;:?:> -essor for (rove'n r T.liinan at :<c CKj*ti?n?r election. As a set off to tha't propositi ,-r. it has ; b.-rr. .< h : !?? us by a i>ro;i:i:3;.'r.t j "ii'.y.i n. r: :ir sue'i !a'k at : It-* : tme | AiT-.v uvA ck-trmm ; > il.t- pulpit* ?>rsfr sr.(i jroiwJ ll Las L en the ; til*' sin. e 1*5 to 2'. .?? c ach^ m;rnor a s?tor><l t* r;n. an*! there i< no r< a#<>n why :th<* rule shouhl , be ::n esc-pti-.-n this year. ^ V. hot Ii-* r t !ove: nar T : 1 1 i;i r? h^.s r: tiv <"! t!i? pnb'ic dcai^nil * r not, ?h-rt* r?*r tai::!y vr ? 1 1 he many voters p:-rfer to . tick to tire < id rule. At tin1, entt ? f 'Wi> vears (*?w?7n-?r T.I? w',i! retire 2- matter <?f ci-urse, sn?? t';t* ??;:<>? for tr>>e:*m'.r will be a >rc,c* and , r^pen one. :< r ;.li s* ho r'?i,x^e- t ; r. ttnt i'.e U!? r? fact any can<!:nate i j broagSrt'Out M <'e{a.' ;-i; vh-? is' ' entitled to the pine..-. by eu$Io::: . wll! be 'so tiafi<i:csp;>c?: that ?1< ai will ]>.- cvr-j ; 'nin. I At the mi.] **C?,vor. rT I'.inrr's fee- j on<l term a r. \r u an v. i 1 ? e i :? t?? :?* ???r ?v:T<i ay matter of <*.>::* . u-h-> w ',; 1 ' h n l>e f rul arritsTu b\ n< :?.<?? f t'.c .iisr.fl vanfa^c-s towhieh he ? s 1 ! i." bronjrhf oofr.r this t'nt to .!<?*? nt any \ holy. i'he *}.' t .? <".c>ft < irnot * ' v;io!if at*,!. ?;i-| *.?Of!y 5tf-:lt Ti:!it,: n" r.-i ! j;.o.-t llkfly r?:*c? :h2 ! t'a'e. Tr.orv is no i,se k"?-k-i?:g :* I- t a?* live in pf ?' e. W:iil ? ;b".s : e.v?p:.f t-r : is nol f.w T!i!ma:i, il is fr?r pe:;<v r:n 1 t: i> ! r-c s. T;!;;n i:,l>ya'l t?ir? nilcs have {r(;vernf(i ;:s in '.he {-n.- 1, is enlit!^] ; to a re-eleetior, !;?? !??* <?: mu)itt;il r?> : griovw:* sin a^iinsl t'n* boi!y p<>l *.ic, f r ! which ho sh-tuiil -r.ff.'C < r f.?r v- lsb Dtfi'** 1 1 ?* taken *'.vny oitj:. 7lie prop -it;o 1 to brln* out :>. man *0 defeat hi ?n ( vi?l;*;>ee <?f a d^sira t<' <!<? nn, nr.u9'i:-.l toi;^. :u;<l when th; ;rrear pubiic ?.o->r' is u v?n to ?.?<{ po?^oiv a! sol; $ to do a wron ii s? Mo > ?V? l>y th- time Governor T.I m.:n h:;^ ! sr-rvf il his four' ov? n l;is hlin-'es: s:i:^H:rt -rs at present- will >he:? be rta "y t' >r :: change. Tiie mrtn who comes ont ** to Se'cy.r ? i'iiimpQ'' v iil very likely f.iil. ar.4 the tor li>h atteiopt to.oivble our pe-.pte n;a ?:o \? n* parable We <' -n't v.a ! ! '1'ii iio; nisrn. V?"e?lon't uaot Ilaskellism. We want Km xnracy/pure arji simple. James L. Oir lor Gover?or. t" ?? ^ jbroru th* rlort nee Times. J Th? next candidate for ^ovorn->r of I (,'iir >!;n i hv the d-tn v rat c p irty - 1 iv.ust ?*e a nv.n -wh.> h: ^ 4i>t figure I in; th ? bitter strifes of i!.,e past year. in j short 1>C- \ U.-t he a iijjir. w!;n ea:i eaiise j the two wings wf the; party to fli >;> to- j jjet hrirJ V?*e Merest the name i?f J.'.nie* L. Orr. ! : of l iivcnviNov ajnan < minenlh: alined i ^ V I I in ( vor way or the omue. Mr- Orr has ?o the host of our-kn jwi" ' ; edjre t?'n?!pi! t > h:s bnsincss stri :ly, j . t' I t the Trnth an 1 piM hi* del t*, v??te i i when r-i'.llo-.l upon, served thet'emocratlr i lp-.:rtv w'-*n i.i; servie- s wrre no*. ess.:: y. ' : a : s : r?ttiSfl*J r> take amr ? > r. t i i ah in I ??- i ? peiuien: move'-r-e:.?. i I"c is able man, a w"s.; ir.r.s j.n l a [ i'.;st : i - a ? . . a pintle man and a "roasorva ; '"iv^ p-ili'iria-.K lie ii fuliy ;i! 1 ? t > hen ! the I r^ach b? t.vecn the two f.;etion< < ! or.r peTie, an-: h<w is about tin* onlv < n we kvow of who i* it exael'.y the p -si > ti??n to d-> it. W > >:horjhi labor f >rb;t one s'nj;]!' oh ject is statu polities, a :?! th..i i-t to hea: : the hbeaeh. Anythir.^ th: t <!n tl : i we will glaoly snpport, from wl.atewr source. We h; lh-\*e that J. h. <>y. of I ' ^ ivcnvi'.L'. run ?!-? th.; mortis ward* this i I en I, -he is nci'Wir '?Tiliuanite'' n .??? ??ant:;," neither ?! ma-o^nc nor hot:rh; s<-r.;4?or P?<;s.'??i e*!." (J >r ni the Lir.easter Ledger.] Th? Ba:nl xt* Ilt-iral 1 asl?* the . . ? ?. - I Lion, '"!'i es there ? :< : ?< t i'i S;j;i:Ii C ;r ?- I 4 , j ir.ia t|MU;y a man r ?ni:n.uni i!:t- 1 re.<pei:t sn*l rontl-'^ne * of the T;!!m in : aa<l .\n;i-T t-Vment- ? Is nr>; M. ; ]\j{:al:i on'thr.t rti;? ri ?" He \-> litre I in I every re*poct for tlv? G )V*'rnor?lrp o: j South Cnri.iini, II .* i-* not a i inTe?lt?-*nt. h:is r> r!ran record; is a p:ire man. is a th >r rh riiristl-tn gentle:;) m. j hns ?Ur t ( i ail tht element^, wi' ! ?-o>ij:m:ui i tnnp;>rt of both I*it*;i -in 1 i^ a protuitie:;; Allitnce man. For ti e s:ik k of p -ace. f?r tlse ?>f t?i*- [ State, f >r Lh 1 hon*r"f onr I)riv:o rary. ? let us lay i-i 'e this war paint ami rr.lh arotin*! i^nahlson an<i prescut to the = *,vor!<i a unite.l ar.d harrnonioe.s j e< p'c. Why it <> t Try I'*r!e A snails'? (Freufc th?e Oraitgchurr Knt?r; rise ?:i ? A!!ii:?tv M >ni: >:*.] There arimnnternu'* nominations an 1 suggestions of some on-? to succeed Governor Tillman. The Enterprise thinks that r?o letter jnan could I) ? brought forward t<> de.'eat Tillman than (Sen. Joseph I!. Earl.*. No nvm ev. r defended Demo ra 'y with in abilil.T or nnsclfi di devotion tha:) G -n. i Earls idid in H90. andnwj showed more <?r than di-1 Iv3 w'isn the inijority : declarer? against him. Anybody to Beat 711 In a Tr. m the Cfceraw Tlep^rter. ] S-;mc of tlio papers ar * opposing the j idea of tunning :?ny <>n^ f >r Governor to ; beat TiMrnan this year because the pre- ; ?*dentof two tenvs for e*vrv one has been eSt.tllii-h^d. We wonM like tn ?:iy to s.u.-h paper.; thai f?.c idea of these reforrr times is away with precede ?: ? "these are record breaking times and novc? procevr'Lin^arfi in order and it'* ail . right to long as it is right." It any good man can be foua l who i? able to | harmonize tnc two factions and make a jftronK* fight against Tillman we^-sav by | ail means Jet him be ron for the othce. i j The Antivs la*t year did not have the, | >pportKnity'to try the primarY>ta.n on ; | State officer* but they can see how it ? . works this y? ar. > A great many men who ^ ero whipped j jtfto line last rear l>y *>.e dominant el*- j H" C ":'??? 'v.*1:* ' '? ? *; cortif-i ?r?> priiK&ry. aiv.l ;? ? ? z-[. z Ve think, 'hat ;h I i : ? fc&fltl* -ssrith TTm&sites iui>; y jr. 5 tw',- vc-2 rs *??*.. Senator Jjijjham vroul.l Take It. [Fr<?m t He Lsneasler Le^jrer.] Senator <?i K!o r, n<\- men- } ticoed liv ti c Ch.e*t? raeM c m re^towlent ae a earhli late f?r (.I->vorn r. 11- soy* that Governor Thhnan a:;i L&r.-h'tiire have lxuth fail ?< tv >!.o 'K'ir tlu'.y a.i<-l re deem t!ic-:r }?! U ;e.;. S?-n:ttt*r bighum a:i>l ( rov. Thhii'.n usc-<i io fin,r the so::;r. J:" l\v>y lick honw n >\v u <>n't we! iiaivc - rary tor ? rr- ; ?. *? ,.?f l . <?S) 4. ?/f .. I . [ n,;ii Crir.-r.-.a Spartan.} it w.i; * c i i.-i : L> heat Governor Till .i. ii year. -Ail th.* j?a -glr ?ni- | e bi?*?rv i : i : t'.j ! a! win f-Chis "^jpt Al! i..- >?:: v.y . .. liji. -y iva-v i.. thcgj;i;i<is 1 1 hi lev? iv.f vc: r> ;???<>. hi.t hJsvion. <;.;j ho: rrj-.i'. pu!>!ie .*.e;it;mc;!I. jI I he ? i'!i- -'i< - <*cu.u s t:> i hv l.ojjt *;? - j(.,r ??o\t::u.r he Wi.i ;;ivc tls;# present li.t uiiiht ni ^ i;;tly c.-. lu ?*!? Abcut Size ui' It. Trrwii i Lie- Mdus.iii^Tiniei.] Vv i* *: ; >1 i ;.i rail: ' -til ? 1 tii i>v\>p!e;.ji i,vv i- 1 1 ? vr;i] n?>t hu.2?j;o:-| bat ? ucv .is to a i i;: y \r. ,?re bi'Ure cn thiUsiarflc ?v?r i ; : ? . jijy I.- sr. bill ti:i CLiren l?;:i Ti.t.n.j: vv m'.UI t > ?U;y vereivr e iiiih iy : -is ;.i :-U!?;,oi L as he <li,i twu v?a:s ;:u?l v?a .. j the same prevail hi ?Ul ?)' lie r coalition. R.-vilsxb n.i tjrV'T l);:ck\.-arn8. il't.t peo.uu are n ?; Lrv n:iv in a:w fully sails" . fled wiib taj re..>jT?i; bat th?y *rc j.?ijeetfu!y wl'siiisf t,> give v.n<>;l:cr t \o yt, V?icn If Tillman nud | the ciiK'r si;:niI<o'tl bearers prov?i.y:j ? to til. i t;i ;k n: r^f.jrRu ot Ucjls wi.l I ... I S'lUiJt. o::? to lake t'jeir i>!a;-e.H. i i ? * ? POLITICS. The , "Demagogm-" arc o!!eii u*ed i:i rcw.-u. pers r.s well a inco:i.\vr.?iii?>n. The? Alliance is .often l admonished by its pretended friends to j j steer cl a.- of Folilies, fiefonneis and 1 ' ? I IV::. a Therefor* we should | i know ih?* nitaMngof th?se wurds, Jiiar; I v.'i' may f.r'y 'inn r a ?: d what we j eauti- to avoid. A vording to Web-; : >ter palliic* means : *"Tlte seieneo of j I ; that ja:t of ethies. vhieh ! | con-tnTt's ; ion and govern- j j tUL'iit oi a Stftiosj for the pr.-ser ( vrltivn i f ils safety. p?-ai*e, ar.d prVpcri | ry. "' . rii oer "il -i lata <:oa of" wo resolve. first : Fo ISr.o.* for. the cdn | cat it the agri-nit . x a I e!;.sr,cs in ihe I scrhno'i of ero.ff>ihieai government in a j j st-ictfy non-partisan s j >i ?! r . * * Fs that no: ptjicies according to Webster? It is not part\i?n, J.ut it L> ocrtaii.Jy pu;e.\ po'.i.itM. 11 -nee e advisers are < p. ! I>as (1 to jIi avowed principles of th.-. .tiiiame, and pu? liely advise its mem l>er.-i to t;.e srervd obligation i that i ii *y tojk \o'u;:t?:i!y ivlun tiny I were initiated ii:to ? lie oroer.5 Of eourse the /.uroose of these enemies of the Al- j liiufco js to destroy it. They pretend j "friend. ship to tiie order, bi.t .seek to divide it by denouncing the advocates of its principle* as <|oni;.g sgiic.^, an 1 coun selling it. t, members not tw lut-d their teachiajs. What is the ni Mixing of thou* ?r 1 dema gogue? Webster *>a\s it ioc..ns: Ai lead, r (f t !i ^ p"opic; a a or *t?;r who 1 pleases- the pop la, e,and inlhicnccs j iijeiii So ad. .ere to - . Any l-f,Ur of the } >;>' 1 tee, ai y :.e.:t;? ns raan who I ha- grea: w ah i <? grc.a b?d o. j5e?pi- in a fit v or c. mnis.njy." lis ! hrst meaning is o lions but when j a??.d with such descriptive epithets as ??blata.u" it is intenchd to :;pply in an | Oifen?ive sense as dcseni.ea m mc&ceond [ meaning given ? >y ?> cosier anovc: quoted U is gra? r.i.Iy anniutd tliat wlu-n rt'igiu^iciit i fail in disv as>ion. j epith-.-ts au.l peiioual a'.-u-e are usv-d to i supply liivir . Tne lnt aning ol l lie word "Itefonn" ! i.s: "iu t'liangv* ir> a.i ?v;vrsc t -j i;cCti*rj to! bria;^h:ick '> a iurm -r g??>? 1 state, or | to bring fi mi a ba i u a g >od state, u, : T.? ei?. hgj fr.tia ba 1 t?; j^oo 1 ; to lemove ; t.uit whicli is baa ??r ro. nipt, u' ? Sareiy there i.-. nothing wru::g In tills. Yetti.ej h?St<iry of l i ; (.? world shower every el tare j V) brin^ ba. k ir. ni a ba I to a f.-Eaiicr . good suite, or "t i remove tliat w hieii is d.u! and; corrupt,0 his always been" re- j sisU'd h} tlui-w \v!:o v.vre r -.-p i istole i.?r ; the bad sLatc, ai.u wi.o were being b- ae J titled ;y its cu;i'*. i'b.s tias> in ? endeavoring t > divide ami e.eal the Alli-tnee-. Th^ rctoraiers have ??ndesc-d ! - 1 I * ? ? i he le^nhit. ve demand. <>. oar or?!e.\ 4.000.i ^J wage workei.s, ?>r ?\-..ii:i pro ducers Join ia t!;e a. in.ind ter }e..;isaiLiy e re.ior.n. Bjwjire of ta js.- w'ia -p^ > ? th .?!?- j i deaia.uis. J ill's V. M.v .n.: . 2.3 tis tl ; Ab e ;"i5 ctj wha i-ii *eo v": Ha. :-k.u. TUu .C i a.- 0 s U t:!r > i 5 .? ;; :i ?. i? ; lie.- v pel i . ?l ? in* | 5. roii or, t > f i i ?? i -h 1 i > i ? ? t' ~h s^- : irient fa; i>n :iiiai uri lUni- ?-<>r porulion, l?tii iiif 5>ij?.t: v !i i-l !i : .1 ? .^rnnt tl.o !' i' i j n s'. In teliiiio.i t-> liu* a?*;i tLv.-* I ???*( .'???:?;>? ? tr?v!l. r Gciu-rii. s:hj>* 4*A fr w tii*y? y^?? i reci'J vnl }k li i lion i'ruin the i tiive 1, r? rail >?A<t ; -isk i 1115 that iU a>>ni i; I for ; ;M i lion t>e rnjuixrl l iim l<* v7,' 00 j er m lie. 1 d:>-i|>pt ? v 1 li e petition for i i;?- f i ? 1 lou i re a .-on a: " W lieu t!?tr attorn *ys f? ? r rt Y ? <>.t I appealed i?ffo:'e lilt* Stale r ? v 1 ; I* ? ? R < i ?U>;;r.l of e": waiiZ-'i? io:i, last s li tuinei . tiieV airr-.cti v\ : t : i 1 he Coin ?r Gvnerai tha*. I !ie ia -v t %*? j i ? ?. ?! t *? ?? roa is lo return 1>" 1 :?*? i !' COAt of CO tiSll iH l iuU. i ' ?? ' 1 ' u :t mi equipment. i'he ail??r:u-y .sun jui itjii :t statement from Mr. iv Carudeuc, $u 'omitting ;i*at a similar e<iuiti l>e "o;is?? r ir.rted a;?d equ ipped f ? >: about $10,000 per . t , Out Ii- A. J<din?<?n, wji'i '.v >is manager of tiw load ? lion it .v'ac built, hus tcblilitii upon oalh lhati the actual cost of jUie roil from Camden to the North Caio;ini? line *".is $23,000 per mile. '?Now, if Uk; road could :>e repro duced fur $10,000 per it i U', astii in ; view of l'*e fact that other properu IS UOt :isae>sed at its full valuation, it would he proper to reduce assess i G(.<7.500, as per the statement '* J1 r.*i?eC?.. ? -ien-4 :j*n ii. it a Van i ufi :? 11 A tlohr.swj bays, it *???*?. ? Lj .-! i. a?s;-ds:?fcs! of ? 10.0 yKfRtphg ;?*&* *J1 ' ?'.<? ' ' t- ?<*>.. ?.1-1 Eeai Estate Transfers. During th** month of January. 18)2, tiiO follo^itgjransfera of real estate were o(hiereU in the A editor's ofucV: Sarah Mickle, dTSl., to JaneE. Creed, '27'J Hereo in No. 8, $1,395 Catharine B. Biackweil to Eiiza Mel ton. 330 acres $50. B-ihm Br??s. to Joe Caulev, 52 acres $150. G i ncey B.iss, c-t a!., to H. Bauw. 1-40 ?75. AiiJrti ami William Mctore to Bros, 52 acre?. $2i>. Cal' b Kick* lo ixiiiiiu Bros.. ?'va acres, D. W. Oglimn to B.iuai Bros., lijO acr^. ^itrO. iliir^MfL *U-M to Ban in Ero? , 85 acres, ?75. Bar* el i Bo\k;n to Elizabeth B, lk>y ki ; !. i;U acred, ^ JiS. Ij. Hniie; sji? ci^i inasl<*f, to ?.i iis. W. Sheorn, 150 acre*. $50. . J'ibn ?] hcksoii to A. B. iiabon, S3! ? acres i;. No. U, sfiiG. biuiuu \\ oi I e to VV liscn Vs ii.jauis. pfjet* i.ntl ainum^? ''oi slat to. i'jonn ijiiiciji'i 10 i'lse lier>haw Conn ty rii.iiiuf-iviufin*; Co , tr'4) acres, t .\ Ci IhUiijb S. it O e:;a lo 4A ? (JieUM, town lo\ i 5' 1,2 ;0. V?. l>. i to II. Si M. Damn, i lv>'o5 h;.*i I'rt in No. ij. sii.Uiii). Ij. L Holland to Li. I', iioiiftiii-, 1011, r.: ivy iti Noi 2, Jrli'J? 25. Vv. I w O'iliJ llt*i Hliiiter, 201 ftOi t'S, %G'J0. Ij j.i ir>;? L/. l^atll.U'11 to J. C. >du, lav, m lot. ^8vO City Coutifii of Camden to }<iary E I jiUi.. :?>,?. it Jot, %?I5. Belij-iUi' I. J. ,C. l>i'SS to JaiEeS ilraii- . iicu, -it) ai itto, voo i it ii. Jeuiiiu^s, C. (J. Faiiiiehl cou:. tv, lo Titiiiif li. I't-aiu and \\ ih'N j 555 "acres iu No. 12, ^1,120 j daiuuoi Lord t> \\ . .M. lioi?ii!j>oh, i ' t 1 ) a ,u ]?>K $20 -J. Janey Gardner to Tboia is G.uJn^r. ' 2 -0 an^ ju No. G. ij2*< 0. i -Jus. J.-*. Bos well, :rL?'r:l7, lo Aieex j W t t?]ey, 51 acre?, Mi >?!? D.iVis to \\ (J. Itorlou & ; I 2(J8 uw%r, v- i'J 55 Leader Poiter to 1'e er Cole. G to'Aii j I 1^>! r, ?;-> t 0. !L/mik ?V. i. H*. rauce (o Virgil L-v; | ? v.tS.'s. -i->i iicivs in Nd. 12, v'i'H. ivilwy .'vii;Tk-> tjo Emma lieuiou, 5 ajrt> j U. No. 1, iT'ift. Leab to Finley W. id?.:r..s 1 acre hi No. 1. $J0. Aiexauder La.Mon to N -.vey M? Jiin. \ 25 acres* iu No. 12, i'"0. IhH iVrry to F. G. -Perry, 532 1 a.-res iu No. 10, -?2,1)00. Heirs of J. VV. Mc'Jabkiil to F.nlej ; B McCaskili, number of acu--. not ; stated. $1,000. Cbr.;ity and Aaron Alexander to Jo- ? seph Behon, 50 acres m No. 1, j Ann Bro ks aod James Deoa to Dora ? jLazeuby, 27 acres, amount uoi i smr od. H. to Tfaos. Kirk! an'], 03 a.*res. i $ it 3.60. Terms cf the Compromise. The i*c?l 1<i w)ij<? are the tonus of lite compromise agreed upon last veek between the city council and property owners. ''Fur the purpose of compromising and settling <m litigation 121 to the la\ing of the l'agstone pavements on limad street in the citv 01 Camden, and for having ti:e work of laying said pavo ust*:ua done as original]} designed by Council, ii is hereby mutually counant ed an i agreed a the nuclei Signed that ail suits and litigation uf c>e.*y character in reference to tin' la\ing of the said pavements shall be, and the sataj ateaie-cby discontinued and wi-J. d: <i\\ n; ami i. Thai too supreme court of the State: 1,1 Soul it \ arolii.a, ami lire ces thereof, be requested by the eottn sei of both si lies 10 allow the discontin uance o: ah nutation in this ciue am; tn the former case ot V? m. (..lynum ei a!. Vs. .J no. W. Coriivlt et id., u: d thai r he >riid counsel siuiu unscnt 1 rdersci* missiag .aid iitiga.i.fli, and ail inju:.i: lions and restraining orders operating thereto ;and the counsel of parties. plu.h ufTsand defendants, in^botlt suits, sn jil forthwith prepare and send to ibe supreme court proper consent orGers to e.iect tins e:.d. ? 11. l?ut in the event that the so- 1 preme court of .South Carolina shall nave lii <1 its opinion in the case of Win. Chburn et al. vs. Jno. \V. Cornettct al. involving the vaii<lit> of a loan of J.I'., -niitli to lire city of Caniden, and if said opinion shall be adverse to the ac tion or toe city council, ti.e plaintiffs' iitr: fur themselves, and lor lill oth- . is nmilurh interested, cov enant, agree and oind im tusems to taue j,<j ad\an ?.nge of a >id opinion, but tc recognize Sis Vijud and binding ti.e obiig.'tirrfi ?i\en o j toe city council tu J. F. s.niih, atld carry out in g< od faitli tort action of '.ou ? r.. and lo bring about t!i#ratilica < i ihe same ny a citizens' meeting, jtoboupieiiliy, if the neccssi'.v shd.i o">e. / ill. The 0 uneii shall procced forth- j . 1 n> iii\" ii?e ji?av.- mehts en ijruad ? >a i i , t* h.-.ii. in 1 vv: in the niate :ai. bi.d in li.e n:* as orig'hHliy ; s. 0 y s ::(!?' ui)e;j. the Xi.ei se ui ia? ing s.ii-* ]iav- irr- nt:. shil; pot , one net l?\ the owner vi* u'ao-, c> ?>: a i'.t ui' l >ts, io irour ot wuich 1 u i p;<e\ he-lit shad he laid, ami the, 1 * i ? ? i' h-;i: ;?! s.u<t e.\p<*h.*e s ah i.e t ant ! ?;.* ! ii ' c nr.'ieil oil r uf er d.niUincipa ? ;;xa::<> .lad :t is I urlher . understood U.ii ; i ? t tO ti i < i 1 * li?:;? Oi theanio i'.:t ?>-? ?i i?e paui b\ me or owners >! a l*?l :>;? jo's. shall ; pa.d on th ?etiipieti"!i : tiie sai't v. .o*Kt the otlu-i : it 1 ! ?;! saa< ..lii !o Oe j aid Wlthiii \ .Weive s!ie-i:t- s. t;i<* ?/,\ m*r or o a !.er.~ ? ? ! I -aid ?? or i' is giving his or her note fo-- ' -.iid ? .e 1 erred | lymeot it.-i i "erest at > *ve'i 1 7 ? per eeu'. per aun1..:.; provuht! .n*v.e\ 1 r t any or a:l owne s of siici: : ot or h>ts nv.iv ii,i\e the privilege oil pa j ng ;ul cu the corapietion il ' ?v<-? i i \\ It is l. ^reby a^rcfl : 0:1 the |><n oi t lit* ?-It y c unci:, : j h;?t i:ir- <*it \ or ^hiii pay {;>M J ! >i. ilv'.j'ii til*- e \ J k*i is > ili." : i jv(t i>y ti.e ! I i'liiint : f:'s :;jn- c ?he i-tlh ?'.uy of iHvein ! ! i:t r. I > 1 * I . Vrr'thiie < : ? ciVfr by .Jdfj.e i .1 i(ii i ;*1 1, i\iv Uiiii'lh'.t 5 1 SUt'li t ,\j:( !i'(S : in.t t-i c/ff i! rht- s : til ;.f iliive <1 ? ili(i V- It V?* ( ?Vii . .J.O ?) <; ;t:> j f it' tls'.Ztp! it< t'OUlif | | to iur ' ins!:;' i *! iiv c.ty!. <:p]>!<>ve<i by(the ; i;-!lowi is. fnuiinii'f t-: II. < I . (.'nrrisvii. !. II. (?>? il;:le. If. i?Kti'u, A. I). KeiiiJtr ? iy d Ci\b :rn." ^ i 'I'!-.: above iera:s of ajr rerun i.t were 'I ul v sitTiit-tl by tiie plaintiff:: ;=r.d i.e Bcrkin Heard f cr*. " Tho in* fr??Oi tlie wu'iTei4 Messu?n<:er <lr*s:i'i throw any moiv li >jht on the urat t??r, but j sttbstaii tialrS the *i:Ur marie by Mr ''l.-irke in rnfrenw to '.h?* c!er!v*!ii j*' ?^f tlu* Hoard ?rCoii!ii tiJotDmi^M Mi ?ms. Tin* r:?r?i i . f rcr?! t<> i-? 1 ! ; ? ? ' satm* i Si?t aajiearcil in The ci.y. <>n J m n. 22r.ti. Editor \Vateree Mks*engek : ? According to tnv nn irtsiamiinji <?; . 5 Ii?* matter, !\I? l* H. ('"irkii's carsi } U.K. a,-.. '".j {j : i jp *' 1 1' . * ? * !r" " A \. jvO'j' KIN ??-i J. A. SHEORN, ~ Collector & Ural }Vute Agt.. Camden. S. TI. wrSm"SKY~| ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAM DKN\ S. C. i * V. ;*( tic< s !n .1!! i ; 1' c Cr.rr*s ? V\ \ the St.:U* *?>?><.'<? iui ii{:ei.'-:on ;:iwn tooc.J-;! ? lections. I TAX ^OTIGE J' ' i" \ NotivJ is ] v {r.i\i*n t* o | j }k ok.* < sf vith -tit :a'l ? n :-YS 2"! it \:?>U? "M\* !?: \ >?:o t*>t -I ;r?t ?;n:t < | j tHXes>tUl rcmai.-is l'.n ?ai:ynn-: .? 1! p::rt n ?atv ;o ij? :y up l'-. ? li-f j 1 <i \ u 1 -1 a :i v.;l* 1 i* j;iii *'M S *11, lc ii> ris ci u'l taxC5 't :?.? in ?<: o tl..v jr. h m/n< s. T:(\.sisrc r K. C. i . a .i k Hp. 1 1 ?* - i Ii is to \Ci v interest to !>:>\ i where ^ cine i lie b<;s*.i irtic'e itjr rlie money. If you 'smoke. trv our cigars, i "N. ? ~ , ' We Have every leading braiid. ??:id von will i ot fikd a Or. cilt st i W { Cf in our 1 ouse; i ut tl.a! c<?s!s ovei ! ?')') per ihoupnd. V/c have a large stock <1 t; buc<*o. \Vtt;;C?!S se'.l YOU: a J # , + jiOtiiid tor ')'K\, whiih^ou can cut i!iu>li(\it^ e'se.viieiv f?>r 50 CIS. 1 , We keep on!} tlie be?t grades t?f k< i\?s:ne ??il. WV gitar.yitec Vi r\ gal Ion' we sell,, ai d \v? clnnye y<ai no more liian you i.a y for th*i in f ri??r oi! else * here. We will sell \ou a !.i: <r;- ?rl;iss lamp complete lo: j 'Joe. ;t:.d up. VvV keep y on hai.d a mu pii tc stoi k of D.ius ud Medicines. | I liiiw received my stock of (J-:trd u Si*< ds, Oiuou Sets and ?Seed Corn Jul* '92. You wil; Sive monev bv bininc: these - ? ? i articie* ui nie. Phys'.cisui :md Dni:gi:,t. 875 MONTH 8300: Do You Want ! j Employment? | Ry which yo*! fan dkiJh* :V:;tn ! h? u.f ! Amount <Vpe!vlmi: oiNrj^i jut you work i p::r: or nil vo :r ti::'." :: i ? ? : < ?ii the an?oui:t j of VKsOU : ntl PLUCK j :ti:<] p L Si* y:>J' pit i^tc il.t xvk. If .so. i: ini-jjht ]>-.\v you !<> vr; i;c to n . We've) ?Jtt{ hiit;r 1 1 i it i. 4jU/r].Sf ;!?!<. | ;hc!?,s rocKi f ?:* >\ ft' w :?i ;re i<> rj> n ? . jt v. on". cos . y?n m:.h i<> i ?i i;_si c ? ? o.iiv u 4 w' l-ccnf ^ti!in>. VtV {? ! . f V S?i \VI!)S-AWAKr WW II ERKNTATS V K in y?m- 5 !:i:y, either MAN OK \VO|31 AN., if you iiro in <1 \toM like t> !:e:.r frt ,:i \ i)'!, We'll show yotr.whur* '.here's sou.<- ii << new All information hy it-; u:*rv iv !l. TIii-ji '.f yov, arc not. vi < T . ;i ? 1 , i .Jit ; 1 he.t'l i in* mo ii;ir;;i <1. ??} ; ? ? <> )l v YOU'LL ri vss V Gv/Oij Til I ML Ik-It r v. A<l'i nss 1 lie BiodiX Puhli.-Sjinjr To. WASHINGTON. I), d. mm ALLSKIN^nd BLOOD 3!LHOL.O. The Best Eonseli old Medicine, Ones or twice each year the sys tem nse^s purging cf the impuri ties which c!o?j the blosd. From child^oo^l to c?!cl no remedy meets ail ci,s2s vrith the same cer tainty of <ro id results as BOTANIC I'l.QOD BAI.M. W. C. KcGa-th \7<*b City. Ark., writes. 4' B. P. tf. has d'>:i? r-.r r- rc p..< d ar.d for itas money th in anr ct? ? r pvrif:er I cv?r i?*d. I owe the ;WTif.irt ? f Kfe to it." P. Vr., Avf-vs* *o, :?88, "! < j; ]'. for the preservation of he ?k'v ! ! r> 1 j-d it ir ray faroily now nearl.- i-vi "Cir-, :n r.!l that tinve ha\e r.ot lud to havt a i r>.'' r*- . r . LLooi) :'AV. ! : ... ?: i ro " Book of Vv'ondtrf" ' ' . \ .u Go. Scu,ire<> WHY IS T^E W. L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN?Lfr,lSH THE BEST SHOE iH THE WORLD FGfl THE It Is a seamless shoe, with r.o tacit* or wax thread to bun the feet; made of tLe best line calf. styli ;!i av/J easy, ar.d bcrau ot ire make wore thor* of this (?rarlr than i:n>j oth&r manufacturer. It equals baud evwed sHoes costing from S-J.W to $j.oe. CC OOUi'iiRino 1 1 a.nd-*?<**vrd, (!- filf . shoe ever offered for e?V:3l< rrcnca imported shoes which c<?t fr->rn SS.rt'to 00 Mnnil-Spnoil W'clt ^bof, litic CTlf, <JQVm stylisa, comfortable and durable. Hiekx-st shoe ever off. red at tbis price ; sain' pr-ie as eus- ; twin-made si;c*-s costing from gc.00 to CSO 50 1'olire >i|ori Farmers. Riiilfta'. Men vv* and LetterCarriereall weorth?jR; finecolf, seamirta, wnoota insic?\ heavy threa soles, exten sion edge- t me pair will a year. fiSO 30 fine enlf: n?> better sho? ever offered at w&i this price ; fa.e trl-l will conriucc Uiusa who want a shoe for comfort and service. ffi O '??*> and'9-.OO ?VorUintnaan> sb<">e? aro very siron-; r.ud durable, Those who h8Te fivea tbem a trill v/lil wear uo other make. nAUe' 9'Z?Q ruid ?1.7.? school sl?e? ara ' 1 91/JD r.r? : brU^b^s every where: Lheytell , ca tlicir merits, . ; v . - i-rrensJa;: sales show, t O ?*. ind? ??wed ?,h;*' Icj"; . - \ rvf-rylish: eT-ials i1?OC!? '?sported tfi* ? : : ? ' ' to. 4 5. v. r' ? .?; ' s? ?* : n :u! ^1.7* f or ; ^ j '? > fkiish*sdtl?trahfe. ?" ' - *a.-. , . I., L?ou?las' name ?4 ' .... >rsT!TUTI^fJ Vra FTir-vTylD* yac -a, olrss. Sold by HIT? SO -t RROS. Clothing Mhde to Order. I represent in Camdeii th; celebrated clojihiixg hotise of Wanam tk^* & " /.delphia, and Brown, of Phil keep on hand a full line of samples of ilie finest quality of 11:: ported a???i dome.s CaU and lei ni?* I :? U<? your iue:*#t:r*< Jbr v Winter *utt. A til ;?d:ir oit< e\. and at prices lo suit ok c> \ body, i Boys' suits, inctfs snire, over itv a'^. ohidr? n1s s nts and <?rs*s> ! raadv 10 i rdor from sjirn i I ' m i ole- on hand.' (i \e me trial land you will H Nvc.l pUNisod,. lies' ?ciisU(ltv , -jf David Vv olkb! . e ? SLiXCFlcnTRED BT ? The Vilcoi ft: Gil|s Gaano Co. CHARLESTON, S. G, t<A suC ?f-CrV- fTvW. <L- y: <t o^Jinoji Cfrtfen, \ ? ~~~ 0. F. WEITEUSV I ^ Wholesale Grocer. WU. Iwile in WINKS, LIQUORS; and C1G \RS, No. lSo Ejiht B;iv, (.')?? m rl c- 1 ; ? . i . S. ('. Scientific American r Agency for ^ CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, ctc. For fnforcation r.nd fr?o JTan<n>ocb write to MUXX & CO- 0:11 PUCTaDWAY, NEW YOKX. Oidcst. bureau fftr soctmne pstreits In America. Every pateut t2kcn out by is brought before the putiic by a uotlcc icivcn free of chci-ye lr tho T/ "ktifttt!' ^tMpneat ^'VIVWU-VU- gx Lamest Hm'alin o? ar/ scientific paper In tho ^p'onciiiy iJiKst rated. No intelligent wr.a be ivStliont it. Weefctv, ??>;$. 00 a rear: :rL;>0 six rv-nthi. A it^r. ? CO, i'1-iiMSH f\:s. Lrt.- Jvvay. i>w vorU. ?mm mis F.vcr A l tempt t <1 i y Any ilohscin he City or State. ;0\ViN(i'T0 THE DEPIIKS Lsion of the mv.ny market and t ! i c low price' of cotton, I have j decided t<> <?!< se out my stock I n-ardless of cost, 'i his is ! e-rlicr I ban any he use has < v [cr attempted siscli sal'>\ 1 lie | usual time is! February. J muter No. 1 contains Suits that s )ld at &10.?() to *10 will iiiiw !:o sold at ?7. 00 e;?>h lor \ our clii-ic??. Ih:s ;s the i>K >t oifi;k ?;vr:n made in this city i>y ?i)y house. Xo od<ls and L'i ds. but a ijood run ol n/.es. This is v our opportunity o ii,\ t st if xCu u nlit a bargain. Counteis - and ocon'ain 000 Ml t> lit Sacks and Cutaways lonn rly s j!(1 i'r.?m $lOt? *20. HO. Now \oa c;iu haw-' your choice for 10.00 cissh. Thesu ccunte.s contain va'ues that have never been olb-iyd by ;?ny one. No trouble to your size in t lies** tai!or-made garments when you have sach assort ments to select from. 1 want the money and room, : o ? i . : - -"toe!; mu-t be sold. an ?' if on are j'.p'sjes ol bargains von wiil :.ot (!c a\ . but coin- and help, move th?se o-{>ods. In addition i to fhe above 1 j ha\e placed 'i 00 p;?iiso! Pants; oil a counter. ? 1 \\i> line farmer? Iv sold .it ?0 and 0 00. now take ? * ? I \ our < ho C- :it ? :}.."0. This is ? ? ? the best but gain vyer offered in pan!*. Remember, this line oi' qoods is not old itock, but new ,siock ; this fall, and will 1 e sold lo, j cash. No ?(,ods uf this sale arc I allowed on approbation. M. L. KINAIil). Columbia, S. C. for Bnfantfl and Children* "Castorials so well adapted to dipdren liiat I n-commo^d i t is s uj >ericr to ar.y prescription known to nie.M II. A. Accser, M. D., Ill So. Oslord St., Broakljn, X. Y. "Th*? u*p of 'Cos to.*ia' is fo uni?wsal nod Its lorits so well know n tfcaS it scvcis a wefk of Kt.jxrvrofrntjoa to endorse it F?-' w an> the iote'licont families who Co uot krop CasLoriA w;tiuii easy rtach " Carlos M.i styk. D. D., K?w York 67. Late rostor EJooniicguala K*Xors:ed ChiJeh. OMtorf a arret OoUe, Oon?tfp*tio% J Sottr Stoma*. Diarrhoea. fcructfUaa, . Kills Worms, sire* sleep, sad pnHiU) TTi liuxit injurious * For Nimi peart t hsr* re*MWMi ?out 'Csstoria,' and shall ahra^aoatfi <lo so ad it has icrariabljr produced baatf results." Bdwik P^Paboss, M. Du j "TIm Wlnthrop." l^Sch StncC ?ad fkk A? Trte Co??T. " *** 1* i Don't get tin-d of reading the -e figures. It is (o your ii i Here i. an instance wlieiv a smaller body totally: e (-?lrger one. Our 3,50 Jiiie ; ! .) *>r men's wear, have thrown all $4.00 sh'?es in the shade v .... . ^ . ... - -- .. %%.. | >.VV ? ** Mfv ly that, they have darkened the fjorurefl on higher pricci up to f"). 00, and if our present record is an indication sooner ? r later blot them o it. I . * V I | 1 i! j 33^50 STA 3SJ1DS OIXTI1-T BOLD REI^ f . - i ? ^ * h ii | alnp.jrside of the figures ?1.00 and $5.00.* It ph ases tb j of the buyer and it pleases, bis pocket, when 'after bit ; pail? of fine dress &bes, he puts .r>0 cts. to ^ 1.60 Imm i his po< kct-boo'c as bonus. IT ft ^ t S r U frjji if SUM' a ?H 'A? Congress and L:ic\bro:\d and narrow toes. We offer (or s ile. also, other t;ood shois a t low price*. O iris' school Button shoc& 'ax) toe,- r| Boys' " Lace strong mj e? v .......... j ChSJdr'n's Kid spring heel shoes .50, .CO.- .75, fl.OOv& $1 Ijspcif ghee, gat. [|b! fin$ INVITED TO CALL. O1 i . V I ! - Hn AT Lffel TAYI.OH'S WW ; BARGAIN Slj GARRISON -BLOC? CAM DEN, S. C 1 1 . WE WISH f TO 0L0~ OUT -j .. | THE FOLLOWING STOCKS I r?> \ ? f > r ? ? 1 jshW (iur Rntire We c u, offer \ou some big bargains in tijis department. i.a i les Shawk Ladies' I nderskirts, RUGS RUGS Hp & ?I F RUNKS TRUNK! ?1 AH of the-r? goods must bo closed out within the next !hii$ days. We^.m-nn exactiy what we Isay. and if you do not early-vou vcill i?et lei t. jjfl r E'-incmber our 5 and 10 cent counters us \ou will ahvay* (so^ t'ne.n worth looking at (3 WE IK) A STRICTLY 1 **- ^ ? ' ~t %?/* v jJ "!l'i ,} mmm Working for the almighty dollar only, which counts eveqf So do not ask us for credit, as we shall he com pellcd'^tf decline your request. \ ( -vis Always ready to serve you for the cash at the lowest possil prices. We art YOURS TRULY