i7ur^->iele. .! , '? | ?Bw t . ! WBUSHKU EVERY FRIDAY . i"ii ? j P Toeal * X-' , Oar Collecting Agsfc. Mr. .ji ?ha A. SUeoru is our au thoiifced collecting and s^lieitinz ngenl. Any receipt given by him is binding ap-m The Cukoxicle. % ' } Scad zz the Sews. We want a regular correspondent I at every post-ortiee jn the county, to j send us Ue news. Onr friend* will j confer a great favor by sendine u* ; item* of interest frora their neigh ^?ii)oml, - ... Vhere to get Seed Oil. Where?? ?Why ti \ Dr. Moore's Drug Store of course: He keep* on ly th?? best, and you need have no; fear of its refusing to burn, and j leaving you when M- -sea was when ; the IrgUt wevt out. Read his ad- 1 vertisement in this week's paper, j Atths Latham House ? Masonic brethei e n who bare seen; Bro. Powell's Tresleboard of the ua written wofk of the Craft are much pleated with it and many order one at once. The brother who has one %*ould not part from i? If you ?o??? this opportunity you will not have a Dottier. K. of P>, don't omit to sea Br# FowalFa watch charm or key check. Villi the unwritten work on it. It will remind you of what yau ought to remember. It isecdorsed Hy the Grand Chancellor of S. aad is a great aid to newly made Knights as weii as older ones. XtoribltQii. Sumter is at present fcflltcted with a superfluity of a most wretched qual ity of kerosine oil. The worst part of the affair is that there is no pros pect of a speedy removal of the nui aance, as a guileless and enterpris es representative of the traveling fraternity succeeded in disusing of a ear load of the stuff here. We recomme ?d this man to the consid eration >?i the Standard Oil Monop olista. ? 'Umter Watchman & Mo^.tb rasj*enger accommodations at Cam denCrossing,I am pleased toadvisrd vou Viat we have arranged with the South Carolina road for thr erection of a smalt and comfortable building for the accommodation of passengers at liiat poi nt, We hope lo have the building ereoted wiMiin a very sltvrt time/*? The State 22rd IDSt. \ * I Persxalfi.; Mr Jerries !|. Ciyburn, who is at tending Wolfonl College, is home! for the Christmas holidays. Mrs S. J. Barnes h*t> returned: frorti a visit to relatives in Green- < rille. Misses, Lillie and F.tti Haiie are] Tisilin^ relatives at Ker*?iaw. i." *iaa NeUie Blaekwe^trrf K?r ehaw is visiting Miss Meiita Ciy burn. Mr and Mrs P. A. fcwweii, now of Sumte|V ari! Camden on a short vi?it to their pareais, Mr ami Mrs M. C. Koawell Mrs Drake and dnushter who have spent s'Mue time i-i .Cam den returned to Charleston iu>l Taesday. Mr and Mrs C. L. Winkler are spending Christinas with relatives in Suroraerviile. Mr Jesse Gardner who has be^n working on "The Stale" is on a visit to bis parents in Eastern Kershaw. Mayor CoHx'tt and Gen. J. I). Kennedy went to Colnm^in Mootlaj _in referen( e u> the new city charter . Rev. T. M. Dent, and oldCoile^e friend, who no ! lie over twenty four hours. !t now Incomes apparent that this session of the Lrgialaiare ban broken the record for the slaughter j of hill*. The number introduced ex ceed 1000; of these scarcely a sin- j gle measure of public importance will take the shape of an act. What rbs House passes meets it fate in the Senate, and vice versa. In ourj humble upinion the most serious j mistake of the session has been the defeat by the Honse of the consti tutional convention bill. This is nothing less than a repudiation ef one of the issues of the last cam paign. There is, however, to me ex cuse. as many meml>ers were ill and abseat. It is not easy to get a two ihirds majority on any measure. Tjje general epedemic, the grip, has thinned the ranks of b??tli houses so that not less th ?.n thirty members have b*?n absent since the first week. Judging from iho outcome at this J ale staga of the season, the body which has been universally regarded as of a radical tendency haa shown itself conservative. The ^proposed new scheme of county government, after full discussion, has been most emphatically reject ed by a vote of 52 to i8. The general feature* ot tue bill were to substitute a supervisor in place of I three County Commissioners, the appointment of township road Commissioner?, and tbe working of public roads by contract and taxation. The proposition to com ! pel citizens to work under a paid contractor, or to pay two dollars, and to force the contractor to work the roads with such labor, allowiug therefor not less than fifty cents a day, secerned to y6ur correspondent so contrary to good business prici ! pies, that he opposed it on the ii? <-or of the House c-ost streueoualy. The ; majority seeu-td at first in lavor of the bill, but its supporters gradually disappeared under debate. | The pledges of economy have not i been uisregarded. We have had the strange spectacle of the former j opponent of Clemson College plead mg for an exrta appropriation of j Hut tlie reformers fell in to no such trap. They sternly voted it down, and very properly. A proposition has, however, origi nated in the Senate to invest the proceeds of theClemsou will in notes of the tiuslees, so that the funds can be applied to building purposes. A novel propsition, this, evidence of the truth of the old proverb, "Where there's a will, there's a way." Anothe anomoly is the appropri ation of $4,U(Xi for old colouial re cords, and the refusal to appropriate a cent for the World's Fair. The whims of Legislatots are well a match lor those of petit juries. An event of interest has bevn the revelations made by the now famous "Circulation iraud com mittee." Afu-r a thorough inves tigation the committee made their report to the House* Just ptior to the reading of the report, the resig nation of assistant clerk Rodgers was received and accepted. W nile tne report was being read there was absolute silence. It branded Rod gers with fraud, but exonerated Gierke Pope and Gray. The ciicu iation of tde daily '-Register" was 1044, and that of "The JHate*' was 3270. The justification of the iatter paper is complete, *nd all honest must deplore the facta revealed by this committee. TheChilds Prohibition bill, to gether with its sul>stitute, was tinal ly killed in the Senate on Wednes day morning by a motion ofSeuator Kvans to lay it on the table, which was carried by a vote of 23 to 2. The report of the special Ptios pha?e committee came up for dis cussion in the House onWednesday. A majority report was made, en dorsing the actions of the Phos {?hrnte Commission; and a minority report by Col. Jonn C. Haskell, coudeionteg it. The discussion was commenced by a motion of Col. ! Haskell to adopt the minority re- ! port. Messrs Haskell and Tupperj spoke in favor of its adoption, and j Messrs Burns, Kirkland au?1 Brea ZeaTe opposed it. The minority re- j port wae finally rejected by ?. vote of 76 to 7. i The bill for ihe establishment of "The Woman's Industrial and Nor< mal College*' was pa?se-s. S ?uth (Jurolina Col W. N. Elder, | Y*?rk; I>. W. McLsurin Marion : A.! 11. Patterson. Barnwell; A (?. Ful- j ler* Lauren*; H. li. Greet- j vilte. ?l"he u;> connrry seemed to carry elvr r\ ining h?-foie it with res ' p.rct to the. establishment uf this . ? ? T" institution. The hill to amend the charter of the ;ity ofCamden wns p*SM.d. The new charter embodies the demands, ?i'u s?ome exception, of the prop erty owners on M iin street. Ttie stale tax levy w?s lixeil at -?* mill*. . Tiie Jira crow car bill wn.3 killed ;n ihs Senate Wednesday. The Legislature aij >*i r sine ?lie at 3 43 A. M. Thursday morn ing. Legislator. L y Tiik Cahden Cuhoicle is one of 1 the best county papers published in i South Carolina. If you are not al ; ready a subscriber, send us your name at once. ; -a ! Wedding Bells. Mr George Dargan, one of the most prominent young citizens of Darlington, and a son of ex-Con gressman Dargao, was married yes ter fifty i?ff ;noos to Miss Annie | Davis of i ur city. The ceremony | j was performed at Grace Episcopal Church in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends ' the Rev. J. M. Stoney officiating. The many friends of Miss Davis will deeply regret the departure of that popular and accomplished yonnglady. The happy c?>fc?le left on the afiernoou tr.uu fo r a^biidul ; tour to Washington. COMMUNICATIONS. WtftWitaree Ittns. The weather baa been very bad during the past week. The oat crop is just coming up good, and io?king very tine. Mr J. A. Grigsby is going to move' to Ridge way at ail earty date, where be win open a boarding- house.Capt. Win. Burdeil is also gtiug to move to Kidgeway; lie is going to farm near ".he town. The Fairfield County Commis sioners are going to build a bridge over Sawney's creek, at the old Mick I* mill, uear Mr il. E. beard's. The object of doing this is to draw trade to Kidgeway. l'tie ferriage over the Wateree river will lie saved and we are afraid that the trade at Camden will be hurt to some con siderable extent, as no toubt a good many people will take advant age of the new route. . About four' tilths of the coUon seed of tuis tcc* 'ion has beun soli in Kidgeway this year. The roads are geting to be in a bad condition turoughout Wesi W ateree. Mrs Geo. Wilds, of Longtown, died last week, leaving two small children. She was buried at the Presbyterian Church. Mrs John Pascal died last week, and was buried at Smyrna Church. He v. Mr Philips has gone to Oraugeburg to spend Christmas. He says that when he returns tie is going to start at once onjputiiog the new parsonage up. The Kbenezer and Pine Grove schools are now open, each with a goodly attendance. The Pine Grwve school is taught by Mrs M. A. Williamson, aud Mr K. C. Ford has charge of Ki??neZer. Mr N. H. Nel son is teaching the Bolltield school, which is quite a large one. School Commissioner Watts is paying special attention to the schools ol West Wateree, having paid our s?c tjon several visits lately. J. H. W. The News at AntiocL Hard times, is the cry all through the couulry, but about every farm er has a barn / till of corn., 1 Uu the night of the 29 ult. Kev. J. VV. Davit) and Miss Victoiia Dav is braved the North winds to Bish opville, where they were united in holy wedlock, Rev, Mr Curtian of ficiating. Rev. J. Walter Kenney, the pop ular pastor of Aitioch Baptist Church, returned from Spartanburg 6. C., where be has been in attend ance of the Baptist State Convention in time to officiate at the marriage of M r Gus lay lof to Miss Mamie Boy km and Mr James Chewning to Miss Msbie Boykin, which occurred on Dec. 10th. The bridea were of the same household and were mar ried at the same time. The angel of death laid his bund gently on Mrs J. M. Davis, on the morniag of the 14',h in?t., and her spirit winged its way to the "God wiio gave it." The funeral services were conducted bjc Rc\*. Mr Kenney, of Antioch Church, Mrs. Davis leav es uq only son about 13 years of age. Mote soua. ' A. li. C. Prof, Powell may leave in a few days. Those wishing Key Checks, Umbrella Plates, Name Plates for marking Clothing with indelible ink, Masonic or K of P. Trestle boards, send in your orders at once. He is at the Latham House. WANTED Good Manager wanted for six horse Farm. None but good men need Apply. Address, P. 0. Box No. 3S, Sumter, S. C. \ TO RENT. X Tb" de>ir.iMv r* sideeee on Little, ton Straff. f<>rmi*r!v ?M-cHprf?l -v Mr. J. W* Blakeney. F? * ter?n< .u?d p tr tu ular- applv to J AS. L. Il.M X. TO RENT. ! - I ..ff.-r t'<>r rmt thru viiua'-'* w{ I nTt-i j?r?>p? r y in ih?* c;ty ?>t Civuc | ?liti, kn??w u as ti'?* I, . I limn 1 1 ? ? it^* *, With i>:ir .vtHrhf?] ? ^ wii'.j | l>e ^iven o?>t* lull ^ p irt \ V'l* j Hj?;-iv. } ??ll?t*r wise I wiil o'ui'i' ?;?? t'. w ? ? u - ? ? ' n?-s< a* *?r. i< .!' r<-. r?-r |-:ir \ ;icu'ui> n|']?ly : t? >. 1*. Latham i ? W.,; Yard. I Keep constantly on hand a full supply of \v< k>- i . both oak and pi'ic. A two horse wi^on load delivered any where in i Camden or Kirkwood for 1.00 ; Orders left at my store will be promptly filled. Jghx Wuitakeb, Jr. > Application for License.^ Notice is hereby given that I - will ap ply ta the (My Council cfCai?d#nat the first regular meeting in Jancary 1892, for a licence to eell spirituous and juiut 'i quor* in the City of Camden during the year 1S92. S. M. IvOSKSBEKGEK. Application for Licence. Notice is hereby giver, that I will ap ply to the City Council of Camden at tjje first regular meeting in January 1S92, i6r a lieenae to sell *p:rituoKs and malt liquors in the City of; Camden daring the year Ij-92.. J. F. SMiTrt. Application (or License. ?. Notice is hereby given that I willc ap ply to the City Council Camden at the first regular meeting in January 1$92. f.?r h license to s<-ll >piritnous and malt liquors In the City of Cutudon during the year li?9J. W. Gkisekhkiucc. \ ? ' Application for License. i / /r ? ? ~ /? Notipe is hereby given that 1 *i!l appljto the City Council the City Council of Camden at the first regular meeting in January 1S92. for n license U sell spirituous and inalt liquorK i# the City of Cauden during the year 1S92. 8. B. ? .ATn am . For Sale. -Ov Truit's Cotton Seed, $2.00 per Bushel Tennessee Gold Dust, $1.00 per Bushel Shine's Early Prolific. $1.5? per l'eek Address, I. MOORK, Jk., llsgoo.'*, P, 0., S. C. ?e:>t. ISth. Clothing Made to Order. I represent in Camden the celebrated clothing hous^Qof \Vanam;iker& Brown, of Phil adelphia, and keep on hand a full line of samples of the finest quality of imported and domes tic gouls. Call and let me take jour measure for a Winter suit. A fit guaranteed, and at prices to suit everybody. Boys' suits, men's suits, over coats, children's suits, and dress suits m.ide te order from sam pies on hand. Give me ^ trial and you will bi well pleaded. Respectfully, David Wolfe. ... HL 1 A. MOORE. It is to your interest to buy where you can secure the best article for the least money. If you smoke, try our cigars. We h:\ve every leading brand, and you will not find a 5c. cigar in our house but that costs over $35. per thousand. ^ We have a large stock cf tobacco. We can sell you a pound tor 35c., which you can not duplicate elsewhere for 50 cts. We keep only the best grades ofkerosine oil. We guarantee Very gallon we sell, and we charjre you no more than you pay for the inf rior oil else where. We will sell you a large glass lamp complete for 25c. and up. We keep constantly on hand a complete stock of Drugs and Medicines. 1 1 ] i ei Pl.ys Ician and Druggist. Scientific Aaerieaa Agency for ^ r TRAM MARKS, DESIGN PATIMTS COPYRIGHTS, ?to* CAVEATS* For information and free Handbook write to MUSK & CO- sn Broadway. >'rw Tobc. Oldest bureau for securing patent* In America. Kvery patent token out by ?s la bronjrbt bef?re the public by * notice riven free of charge it the Scientific Jraericati L wzpst circulation of any acientlfic paper to the ?world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent raan should be without it. Weekly. ?3.00 a year: ?1? six month*. Address MUNN & CO% iMrmjdUiiBE, SCl-Broadway. New York. ? MANUFACTURED BY ? The Wilcox & Gibbs Guano Go. CHARLESTON, S. C., *U?sftvf- ?fc OrJLwui 'Qfrtfen, 'gfu(yA Cr+fjL Ayer's Hair Vigor Is unrfatied tor the restoration of faded and gray hair to its original oo far and freshness. The most popular and elegant toilet preparation in the world, all who nee it proaounoe it, also, the beet hair-grower. When the oapillaryglands beoome enfeebled by disease, age, or negleot, this dressing imparts renewed VH to the eoalp, bo that the hair menmoe egain its original Fullness and Beauty. " For ire ran 1 *m troubled with a dls ewe of the aealp, whleb caused the hair to become harsh and drjr and to fall oot in sueh large quantities as w threaten complete baOdnesa. Ajrer'i pair Vigor being strongly reooounendod to Me, I began to apply this preparation, and before the ftrst bottle was used the hair reaped **|Wwt nt gad the ?calp w&i restored to Us tanner health? con dition."? Francis AVedo, ?ko,*aTx - ~ MA tittle wore than two years ago a^r hair began turning gray and growlag thin. Attar using one bottle ef Ajrefs Hair Vigor mj hair was restered to tts original ooiar and has ceased fatttaout An awMliwal a^ plication keeps thehalr ta goqtf sowltti(MtH -Mrs. B. W. Pen wick, Dtgby , X. & "Ayer"* Hair Vigor la the amt sattafaotonr preparation of tts ktodtn the muk#."-*. P. Kiook, Druggist, 3aw Corwta, Ofeto. M I h?T? aoed Ayefa Hair Vigor with git*! benefit and know a*ma) other perms, be* tareea 4? and s? jtut oi age* *rfco have ex* perieneed ttanUar good raealts froea tbe uea Of thU preparation. It rettoree gray hair (4 tU original color, pranotaa a aew growth, ghraa lustre to the Mr, and eltaneea tbe sealp oi daadrof."-* Beraanf Boey. Madrid, Maine. " I have been ocl^Aycfs Hair Vigor with greet satiste totlmitiyt. - Vj tyiUo WM ?tt r?a4Mr?i *7 Mm tmgk M>4 ?f B JVUOVtdl t tM VMtMtt MM 4)*. m4 ?MI* mm at Dm* sm mr Nttof, MM Of *M? ?ft MT JIIWIBMM (M. AtlMtl lapR * to* Ayin h?H niu. mtiniM ? wwiuni ter ? ?bt? mm. mi Mm ilmil l? cip 4mI ? mm* ***?17 ?ti*4M*~-kv?. Hi A. Mm ?toMt,T?, "Mat tmk*4 vtti aaara: aSUwSe&Sf 9t XU Cm*-m4 ?*M ttk ?*?U?4 MP?MK flwKml k m4 t?v? tow gutty fK ??3? I. W? WMMftM, D. C, Ayer'# Sartaparilla, rnwMtrM.1. e. at*? * oo.. imn, (w, Met* ?B w?* ?? M, Wgvtt ?? ? A. D. KENNEDY, DEALER IN? Hardware, Groceries, Dry Goods, Saddlery, Crockcry Willow-war#, Harness, Oak and Hemlock Leather, Machine Oil, Harness Oil, Coach Oil, Seed Rye, Barley and Get#. A. D. KENNEDY. THE WHOLE WORLD ! !, WANTS TO BUY THE BEST. I ? I The best is our bid for your Buniness. Our Fall and Winter buying has been done with a view of offering you the besfr qualities nt best figures. I SUPERIOR-GOODS. | t : : "' N'l :r ; i;!-" PftTfE? THAT QITttDftKE iSklhLd ixlilx \> -? . i / j ! I Will be found in each Deportment and Grade of ear Im mense new lines of CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS j BOOB -AND SHOES. SHIPPERS, RUBBERS. OVER SHOE-. TRCXKS, VA1.1 V.. SES, UMBRELLAS, Sc. XEVER"BWpttB IIAVB WE BEEN* ABLE TO OFFER OLAfcGE AND VARIED AN ASSORTMENT OF FRESH AND PLEASING STYLES We h;ive the Block that meets the expectation an-! Grateful the tastes. ? -You want the best. This is Vour ohtuwe. We are ablo to sell otieap and. we aO> ZEMP BROTHERS. HARD THE m AT TH^ Pricet to auit the times; and/ the law price* of o make no difference when yon can boy your j: w4s ately low by ootning to Big Line Carpets at greatly reduoec and lots of them and go they must, a bargain. iL*x?_r j From Fifty Cents to Big Line of BLANKETS and COMFORTS which H offering at less than value. ! ; ! ^ } Now is yonr time to REAP BARGAINS, ! ? ! U, . ' ? ; ?? } Yours Respectfully, ?t v:>'i m 1$ |V ' ? Ui:'; i! 1 rUv ? \r. Marion ( i (. > 1 \" v ? SOt Til l.v. M r ? : ? Km iu r ?? J*1,' !! \ " r.S i k- ur^ ? Y?*Aii le '? '\h k Hit! j ( Im " i.arua>uu ,x it.tt ' " 1 h fclh S.o ? t? t tint " K-. i > v??v ? ? \\ . ii'v ? ' i 'v k ' ? \ ( & JjA.-I i 'A >tv}> (.iJt JiigHiki ?r. "Utr k ^.-i-u^vs ua*n? i ? n ?. ?? (Wctti t \0iuubta t-a. ! Mars ??. t vUUvcs i wb i v> r. l? !t ?v. I', at HUckstbur^ .ui.i Ur\-\ Htl an i with 8. -V k <'ut. A** Jmi.Ti.' i C\ U \> U;l?, r*Unce with .the tollow:ng eche t in .Jul ouix*i sorffc* V'VIk*" V ???? * I s.Daiir ; Leave Canufc** -s <> 00 p m ? ? {Viykum il6p q .?? H.lpHxU Mipm ?? rUmnunt 533pm l>k\;o 5 40pm *? i'ji.tdt'n Jc ? > 46 p W ?? MiiJK-t-a 3 49 pa M WuUtit If 09 pa K jii?n iIU) 6 It p m Vr* C'tfinoitidi , 7 45pm ,k O?rte*t0jc-V 10 03 pm M .VwtffctU llLp>po? OulNG NORTH UlYqCluiHMttxi H3 6 M a m *% tVlwiul-ia 9 00 a m ** ;,4ii?u4tj 8 00 am '? Ku?irvtil?> 10 03 a m * Middled 10 24 & in h " (??md?*a Jc ? 10 SO am t'Lnremont 10 45 a in J | ' 10 57 a m i ?? jl?'vk;n 1107 a m 'Arv(U?' tr t:.rui:jh ttrket? to all point* North, or \Vi*t or via 'Clyde *>? Ship Co. 1 1 t 'Hi apply to J. B. WAM.ACE, A'^t. C*mden. | ( \ M" , WaKI), General Mana^r,