Cheraw chronicle. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1896-2005, April 13, 1922, Image 4

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' t CHEBAW CHRONICLE JOE ID.DSAT, Etlitor Foreign'Advertising Representative TH? AMERICAN PRESS ASSOC IA HON l We haven't heard of any action being taken by our Council as to the prohibition of the sale of certain books including the Wampus Cat, Hot Dog and other such magazines which was referred to in an editorial in this paper several weeks ago. We trust the Council will realize we are only calling the matter to their attention and that we are not trying to dictate what should be done. However we are sure that it is of enough importance to warrant their consideration when a number of Rotary Clubs all over the country are requesting authorities in towns and cities to legislate against this real menace to the minds of our boys and girls. . Our Mother's Club, D. A. R. or some other women's organization will, by ? inquiry at our schools find that these books have been in evidence there and a copy "sketchily" read will convince them that legislation against the sale of these books would be wise. The ladies of the Civic League are calling attention in this issue to the unsightliness of papers lying around on our streets and asking the enoperation of the public in helping to keep Cheraw a clean ana Deauuiui v town. Surely everyone is interested in adding a bit carefulness to keep from spoiling what God has given us, the prettiest town in the South. We realize we are taking in a lot of territory by saying " in the South" but we don't believe a town can he much prettier naturally and that i' really what counts. So when you have a paper to get rid of near the Post Office or elsewhere just remember you must do your bit toward keeping Cheraw beautiful and hold to it till you come to a basket whic' will be located in convenient places for the purpose of receiving refused paper. r??? ??> Save PenniesWaste Dollars \ r i {][ Some users of printing save pennies by get' j ting inferior work and lose dollars through lack of adj vertismg value in the work they get. Printers as a rule charge wery reasonable prices, for none of them !; get rich although nearly all of them ^vork hard f Moral: doe your printing to ' a good printer and save money. | 1 : Oar Printing Is a [ . Unexcelled : J Vegel fresh sx celery, tomatok AND 0 Horton & I Right 1 Right Fabric C 30x3 S 3ux3 1-2 32x4 1 33x4 1 34x4 1; 34x4 1-2 2 35x5 1-2 2 The above tire 8,000 to 10,000 n W. L. Chera\ L I - BH \ MICKiE SAYS /oidja ever not\ce how X : ncr car picks op ears and ] raps t* go aft6r souve pot in 1 a ul high-test gas X ww a? r vnevt, advertlsln&'u. affect , ner sttness jest tuv savas / wan\ vw, vkjovu never vcmwm \ uovn tsauch speed tvv oc b\t i wn suo\n uktvompstrm a * \ fevn of oor wigh-test J ST I l?f It lis ilNG Kinds not the cheap kind but the good kind done here. the G \ Yon !> j The one sure way 1 you will get for yo . m! I into a local store j you buy from pic lliii i i'iiii 1 you 03111101 see ' it is too late to de !!!l\ 1?i UUI 1UCU1 UOUV1 demanding the f mWW& ingg00(is- Yett you buy t ????.?? ? tables AP DEANS LETTCC7E s, hi:i:ts xioxs rienJrix Co. L r 11_ urmmi ii ---Ti r-1 I ?ires At Prices i lord 7.75 9.95 5.50 21.75 6.40 42.50 6.95 23.15 1.15 29.75 2.25 30,85 \s guaranteed for dies. T olson v. S. C. BUSINESS LOCALS FOR SALE?A few selected setting S. C. White Leghorn Eggs at $2.00 per setting (15 eggs) or three settings for $5.00. 21-4t WHITE ARROW FARMS WANTED?Poplar, oak, ash and valnut logs. Also Interested in hdrdwood timber tracts. R. W. WALKER LUMBER CO., Salisbury. 17-7tc N. C. -o 1 WANTED?Chickens and Eggs. We t will pay highest cash prices. Wire us for prices. Owens Fruit and ^ Produce Co., Tampa, Florida. < -c? T MEALS?Two or three young ladies ?] or young men will be served regular meals at reasonable rate. Located i nthe business section of town. Apply fo rinforrnation at the Chiron- * icle office. t OFFER one million pure Porto Rico potato plants, grown from treated potatoes, immediate shipment. Dol. lar sixty per thousand via express. Guarantee safe arrival. Pays to buy good plants. G. J. DERRICK. 2t Lancaster, S. C. CAKES, ROLLS, JAMS, CANDIES Our cake is living up to its first reputation. We will bake to order for any occasion. We have real homemade Rolls, Jams and Marmalades, not to mention Candies ahd other good things. Come in and see our fancy work and children's clothes. WOMANS EXCHANGE. oods Before fWij 'Buy V'li of knowing just what Imji iur money is to go right I f and- pick it out. When i j tures and descriptions ! L the actual value until j L cide you do not "want it lj) j rs would not think of | j j ull price before show- f L ;hat is what is required i j >y mail. j j deal in known values j j and get real bar- j j gains? Why don't j m you see what you're j j getting before you \ ) pay for it? W j t&te'&tNSxJbfo] TROUBLES NEVER COME S1N6LY, OR ANYVvAY NOT SO MUCH Aft MARRIEDLY i ^ ^ cqpywtsht 197Z rua autocatttr 3ct? cn A CHERAW MAN'S EXPERIENCE Can you doubt the evidence bf this Cheraw citizen? You can verify Cheraw endorsement. Ask your neighbor! J. T. Roller, prop, grocery stand 108 Second St., says: "Several years ago my kidneys didn't act right and I tiad to get up several times at night to pass the kidney secretions. Many times they burned in passage. Mornings I felt tired and my back was stiff and ached. My back bothered me luring the day and affected me when I did much walking. Sometimes I had to keep in a stooped position on ac:ount of the stiffness In my back e it was painful for me to straighten. A. friend who knew of my condition advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I bought a box at Ladd's Drug Store. Doan's put me a A-l condition in a short time." GOc, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffa'o, N. Y. No.l. i MjHttri' i V RESTLESS WATE9 Tell me not In hopeful numbers ife Is saved by drlnkin' "Jake"?for he man is dead that slumbers in s ag from moonshine make.... Sofl ? irinks dont improve the system? iear-beer ain't no bosom friend... rhem old high-balls?how we've missid *m, spiked, with bar-keep's favor te blend 1 ... NOW, i rrom me auay ountaln,?somehow, can't suppresf he winks,?when my thirst couk sllmb a mountain, I abhor them fuzz) lrinks. Not enjoyment, and noi iorrow, toiler In their klckless wake Han can't steal, or beg, or borro? inlfters like he used to take. ... Like a dose of aqua-fortis lome-^made licker finds the spot,?bui he fits, _ an' rigor-mortls?I woulc es' as Boon be shot! Saw It latelj n the paper, feller made a jug o 'Hootch." When he went up in i rapor, neighbors said it beat th< Dutch. ... Then, it said, anothei luffer, tryin' out his private make,? iwful how it (made him suffer/tnocked him colder than a snake!... Liet us, then, be up and doin', with s heart that ne'er forgets Aln' 10 su<te that's wuth the brewin' senc< Jie drys kerflopped the wets.... Le is always all remenpber that the peo pie has the say. Law is law in June December, or in March, so let's obey o Notice* Notice Is Hereby Given, That th< undersigned Intend to apply to th< 3ecretary of State for a charter au Jhorlzln* them to deal in electrica apparatus under the corporate nam< of CAROLINA RADIO CORPORA HON. H. M. DUVALL, W. E. HURT, Jr. H. W. McIVER. o Rub.My.Tlftm, antiseptic and pain killer, for Infected soores, tetter, spraJns, neuralgia, rheumatism. / __ _ _ % i Spend ir I: Mo jr In these days of scarci ? your while to investig ? LEATHER AND < % OFFICERS I Y ARMY AND V I CUlDTe rnATS ' K* Ul*A*, Vi vy l ? * -) > ? and numerous other a Y government for our so v Many wonderful value '$ ARMY SUR1 y m T. B. JONES, Manager. t i* "MB WMO LOOKS BMFOBM KM ULAT3 BUI " Dollar-Stre If you intend to or b^ve a repair job i wise if you promptly * "wmm x Ql It's common knowlcd posted that Cypreia picking for people wfc ' Cypress averts repair b Maybe your work v grades of Cypress. S your pocketbook. Your lumber dealer k him what you intend "The grade you need These are 4'dollar-stretchini And don't worry. You'll i nets by using the lower grad Buy it by the trade-mark, I or bundle. Write us for list of FREE Southern Cypress M 242 Graham Building. Jacks* YOUR LOCAL DEALER WILL SUPF HASN'T ENOUGH CYPRESS LET US J m Base Ball and Are He We hare a complete line of Bats, Balls, Gloves, Masks und < Uicliin UUlUg 1 1311111 See our our line of Fishing Tackles, fishing paraphanalia, except the bait. Get them at HARRELL'S HA Headquarters of Keen I If you buy it from us, it'; If it's not right, bri Wonderful ] I r The Dresses We Are Selling This Seasoi I uaiiaiavuuL They are direct from the Manufacturer* prices are so reasonable that yeu will ws j Shirts 1 We have one of the best selections in to S the manufacturers and give you the ben 8 i !j Summer Und Complete line at prices below anyt Ladies' and Child Just received a nice lot, and are sellin e usual price. As we are buying them res 8 to pay a milliner a large salary, this sa\ hat from us. Also have a lot of sample J 1 half what they were worth. . We have the modt complete line of N< at the very lowest prices you will find a We have a good trade and appreciate we sell, the cheaper we sell it. J. S. Burch Co, Coal x ig Your Any Quantity ney t J?h] .j. At Che ity of money it is well y ? ate the values offered in YI :ANVAS LEGGINS 4 V-JW IAINCOATS I NAVY SHOES 4 It'S A S TROUSERS, BELTS _ , o 1 he r ord Uou] irticles brought by the irksoin Idlers and sailors. ti i? 1 n > lhefordKoa is await your inspection JE , . J cover his terntory PLUS STORE 4 The Ford Sed< A .1 1 ckerawt s. c. X the year round, J* The Ford To family life. We will be gh right now. zds or crrtMM amb bujlm rot wrr- I Ford Se tching Days." Tf put up a building Old Father Hub ahead of you, you'll be to get his poor r decide to use genuine But when he s? So ho got a drii miPSEr c_ T. DJ7CC ^ave ^ ? iwbuaP "What would ' D ETERNAL i., o?' ge with people who are W< S sklfls buildings proride poor A magician, to enjoy repair jobs. tills. v>iv-/ ron't need the higher when your Ford o much the better for Or your , motor t ?rW TV11 >*our n6i eavsrro ww *? _ .. . . ? ., ? j Or gas it takes i to build or repair, and, u the grade you'U get" w*en things ar l" days with prudent people. Or your Ford st lot be sacrificing everlasting* Let us make the esof "TideWater" Cypress. Let us make th< :hown below, on every board We can do it ow Often within a f< PLANS for farm buildings. frt.'Aun. I .. -tm. | Years of exper myiue, pia. keS equipment enab rj^toVc', Cheraw 11 c shing Time c re )ther base ball goods. g? ' Poles, Hooks and all other RDWARE Cutter Goods f 5 worth the price. ' ng it back. Q . 4 Bargains i Seem to be Giving Perfect i. 3, the latest in style and the int two, instead of one. 9 wn, bought them direct from eft of the saving. erwear hing we've had in years. Iren's Hats g them at prices far below the idy trimmed and do not htve ing goes to you, if you buy a hats we aie selling at less than N Dtions we've ever had, and all ny where in a first class store, your patronage, and the more 5 Cheraw, South Carolina ' At *. and Wood Delivered Any Place in Town. ri W. Justice , raw Implement Co. n A Ford mile A Minute! pe is making the doctor s work less dster is enabling the salesman to in less time. m is making motoring a pleasure \ uring Car is creating a happier id to show you the various models rvice That Satisfies lat's Our Aim a bard went to the cupboard jflR self a drtnk, flg I in CI C, lUC liipuvaiu nao uai lk at the sink. % L ime?Drive A Ford t you call a man who hid behind a I v * ME TO US 1 is in a fix ries some tricks? ? COME TO US. ne is over hot ' i lot | COME TO US. en't running true ands still with you, trouble right, i trouble right, er night, jw minutes. ience and up-to-date repair * I les us to excel in Ford service . I Motor Sales Co. * I Iheraw, S. C. I v S