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\ - *' ' TV < Do you know why it's toasted? * To seal in the delicious Burley flavor. It?6 toasted. f/lucKY^ I STRIKE j] ^CIGARETTE^ ? . Sural iltrrns Miss Eva Hughes of Savannah visiting Miss Etta Powe. Mr. Jerome Wilson, of Columbi spent Tuesday in Cheraw. Mrs. W. M. Stevens and children ai visiting Mrs. H. S. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Duvall retume from Philadelphia Monday. * Mrs. C. W. Boyd, of Statesburg, ! C., is visiting relatives in town. Miss Marion Boyd has gone to h< - home in Statesburg for the summer Mr. and Mrs. E. J.ACooper spent few days in Charlotte the past wee! Miss Grace James, of Davidson, f C.. is visiting her father W. D. Jame .Mrs. J. A. Spruilt and children ai spending a vacation at Ridge Crest, f a Miss Clauciie Powe ^returned thj week after several days stay in Chai leston. , Mrs. U. S. Barrington and daugfotei Miss J?ouise, of Columbia, are th guests of Mrs. J. F. Held. Miss Sarah Pegues and Hal Duval Jr., are the guests of Mrs. T. P. Hai rail at Myrtle Beach this week. Mrs. J?v w. wuson is visumg ne parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Rabon, i; Lugoff. "N O S f -V . . ? "? \ High Gr ? The Be: for bread and " a r> \\ r\ vjuaiaiucc v { %Try ; Horton & ] > lis 4 Bigger, 5 % f * - * .? * IL i I x Barber Shop Sold. Mr. E." A. Marshall, who. for the past six years has o^yned and managed a barber shop in Cheraw, sold his shop Tuesday to Mr. S. S. Kiziah an experienced barber of Monroe, N. C., Mr. Kiziah will come to Cheraw immediately and assume charge of the business. Mr. Marshall has not definitely decid'ed on his future plans. i. - ? Mrs. K. A. Hancock, Miss Nell Taylor and Mr. John Cooper, of Timmons- ' ville, spent the week end last week 1 , with Mrs. W. R. Hancock. IMr3. C. P. 'Whalev of Missoula, Mont, is visiting her sister, Mrs. V. H. Kendall. The Misses Moseby, of Thompson, Ohio, who have been visiting their aunt Mrs. A. G. Meiklejohn returned to their home on Wednesday. Mr. Jno. N. McNair* of Sanford, N. C., was in town Tuesday. * * Miss Eula Knight returned Saturday % from a visit to Akron and Cleveland. I Ohio.' Mrs. Herbert Wannamaker tntertained the Bide-a-wee Sewing Club ^ Wednesday morning. is Mr. .Eddie Coker, of Society Hill, was in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Meiklejohn returned Monday from an extended viPe sit to Wisconsin, Mr. Meiklejohn's old hotne. id Messrs. Otis Ladd and Bill Thrower attended a dance in Lancaster Tuesday night. 3> Mr. Will Duvall and children and Blanche' Roby Wannamaker and Mc. :r Iver Evans are spending a week at Myrtle Beach. a Miss Elizabeth O'steen and Hubert Osteen, of Sumter and Emily Piatt, ^ of Aiken, spent last week end with * _ relatives here. b- . -r Miss EJ:!h Wood the popular mil- n j lner of the New Store left via Winston-Salem for her home in Philadelphia last Friday. 11 s ^ Misses Isabel Jean LaMonte, of Rae. n ford, N. C., and Mary Reid of Bates- e burg, S. C., are visiting their aijnt, n r, Mrs. M. H. Finney. e Mrs. C. F. Tillman and Mr3. Eliza- d both Davjdson have returned from v 1, Texas where they have been visiting t - relatives the past year. b Mr. Malloy Evans is at home from * r Clinton, where he has been attending J a a summe^term of school at the Presbyterian College of S. C. f OCA" t c ade Flour >t by Test ; I cake making. Vith Every Sack a sack Hendrix Co. i Stronger, More Than Ever 1 For months, we have wor Goodyear Tires for passen better. We have increase our clincher type Good made the tread thicker, heavier, ^he bead stronge larger size Cords are like ? A Ul~ Stronger, uiuic uuiamt. tires, and inner tubes, added value. Whatever c there are improved Go< and Tubes now ready f nearest Goodyear Servic The Goodyear Tire &. Rue Ofrees Throughout the I - Miss Mamie L. Davis will leave on Friday night for a 10 day holiday in Washington, D. C. Mrs. P. B.- Huntley and children and Teddy and Mareen Duvall are at Pawley's Island for a 10 day stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Johnson, and Edward Keith, of Atlanta, are visiting Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. W. R. Hancock. Misses Elizabeth and Rebecca and Elizabeth Cates returned to tneir home in Spartanburg, after a toU tn U?n PJmt. Alnllnv v i.?u bu iuio. juu ttiu .nanv ? Miss Doris Hartzell leaves today for Cardinal, Va., to visit her sister Mrs. ft. F. Foster. Misses Margaret Ladd and Susie Moore Lindsay left on Tuesday for Lancaster to attend a bouse party. Mrs. T. P. Harrall and family and Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Morris and little laughter Caroline have taken a cotage at Myrtle Beach for the summer. Prof..and Mrs. J. H. Cowles and ihildfen, of Lexington, N. C., and Mrs. 3. M. Cowles, of Franklin, Tenn., are 'isiting Mrs. Cowles sister, Mrs. L. C. 3irie. Mr. V. H. Kendall and family went >y automobile to Charlotte Saturday o take Miss Mary Van Kendall who vill visit relatives and friends there or several weeks. Misses Ruby Benson and Mildred Daniel left by automobile for their mme in Marietta, fla. Mr. Ceo Ter ell will accompany them as far as Uhens, returning by rail. Prof. L. J. Stillwell, of Utica, N. Y. s'as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. 2vans for a few days. He left on Mon lay to act as counsellor at French Iroad Camp, at Brevard, N. C. Mr. R. E. Hanna and Harold F. Crauss accompanied by 14 Boy Scouts of the Local Troop left by autonomies for a camping trip in the nountains near Hendersonville, N. C. Miss Etta Powe entertained the Wo nans Auxiliary of the Epispocal 1 Ifcurch last week. After a short busiless session, a social hour was enjoy- 1 d at which delightfully cool refresh- 1 nents were served. Mrs. Kenneth G. Matheson and laughters spent last week in town * vith relatives. They were returning ?y automobile to Atlanta from Lynch. iurg where they had been attending he graduation of the oldest daughter, diss Belle, at Randolph-Macon colege. Fire Snnday Night. About 2:30 o'clock Sunlay night fire lestroyed the old Alexson house on ligh Street.. This was one of the old and marks of Cheraw and was unoc upied at the time of the fire. Dr. J. E. Funderburk wned the build, ng, which was partially covered by nsuarnce. i I j Rase Ball Team Disbanded. Oheraw base ball team was disband ?d after the game in Laurinburg on ruesday where they were beaten by : score of 5 to 3. The -management states that thev have been unable to get players this season who could deliver the goods and rather than make the public suffer for lack of good games they thought best to disband. The team, however, made a good' showing Jul / 4th putting up two creditable games with Hartsville winning both of them. , If you want to get results advertise in The Chronicle. It payc. ' i i. ii i ^ Durable Before j ked to make gercarseven id the size of year Cords, the carcass r. Today our iwise bigger, And fabric , 'too, show ar you drive, adyear Tires or it, at the e Station. \ iber Company Vorld / Camden Man to Wed. Lowryville.June 25.?Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Matthews Titman anonunce the engagement of their daughter, Alda, to Lemuel Covington Berry of Camden, the marriage to take place July -21J?Camden Chronicle. Not S? Funny,. Then. When you smoke a cigar you are smoking more labor than tobacco. It seems a funny thing to think of ?except In some cases, when you perform most of the labor yourself.?Boston Transcript > Ifa in Mythology. New York Telegram?"It's Just possible that Venus mightn't have gotteo that golden apple from Adonis." Tbasso! In which case Paris mightn't have gone hunting and got killed by a wild hoar*?Boston Transcript. Should Have Been Pinchsd. Two London policemen, in order to obtain evidence against a club, played poker therein, but It was a piker's game. They lost only nine shillings between them.?Boston Transcript Soldiers Maks Monty on Rata. Inducements in the way of bounties are offered to the French soldiers ts Induce them to hunt the rat9 which Infest the barracks. The bounty takes toe rorra or money considerations and an increased allowance of wine. Oue man obtained a release from duty for a few days and spent the nights In hunting the rodents, and bis success was so great that one man from each company was assigned to the same duty and the results of these assaults was astonishing. Students Compete With Profiteers. Charcoal, salmon, codfish and other commodities will be sold at several points in Toklo by students of Waaeda university who have organized to raise funds for their studies on social problems and at the same time to cut Into the trade of retail shops which ask unreasonable prices. The goods are to be sold at a 40 per cent d'scount from the ordinary price.?Japan Advertiser. > FOR SALE Velvet Beans?Now is the time to plan for making hay, $2.03 per )ushel. Also mixed peas, while they ast, $4.50 Powe & Davis, Cheraw, S. C. ?HH||||||||lH><i|iiAU^wo'UJ"|^|H||t"""11|^l U, S. MAIL LINE L?f?M>iWF>ilM<A*?ki?FlMmw "W JJy 23-Am. 24?3?pC U . Hl?h StamUrd s?rvlc? m In 3>c?nd ?nl Third Cla? U. S. Mil I bw Uw JinJ wniwUrJI diwci^tanUi UJkhi^ TV* A?In. La iaan i, atom {,400 3?<Um 11ii i ii ii 'i ii i iifmi?1~ r --VrrL?*t-~V (2,700 3<M?i hiIIJ.) FVLrtk* imfomeiioe * ewel ? ! * wdle U. S. MAI. STEAMSHIP CO. l 41 It. T. i Bb^CWr^ V. S. Si*** Bmri The next time you buy calomel* ask for ^jotajL Th* purified end refined calomel tablets that are nauseates*, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retained and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN HitMvi \jtij Sdftri%i Until Ski Tried Cirdl?Saji Mlnik Wu Surpriikf ?Get Akaf Fne, Beam Narad and Hedtkj. 8prlngfleld Mo?"Mr Utk Vtf M wMk I could kardly ttul my, u4 I mould kare bearlag-dewa pains mad mas mot well at amy time," aaja Mr*. ?. V. Williams, wife of a weilknewa farmer oa Routo I, tkis place. "I kept gettiag keadackee aad karlag to ye to bed," continue# Mr*. Wllllame deacriblag the treublea from which ake obtained relief through tke nee ef Cardul. "My huibaad, baring keard of Cardul, preyo|0d getting it fer me. "1 taw after taking some Oardml .. . that I T?? Improving. Tke resnlt was surprising.-'- I felt like a different person. I "Later I suffered from weekue? and weak back, and felt all run-down. I did not rest well at nleht. I was aa narroua and crow. My kuebaad laid ka would get ma torn* Cardut, wkick ba did. It itraagthenad mo ... My doctor said I got along flat. I waa te good healthy condition. I tuaat My too muck for it" Thoueande of woman kara Buffered m Mr*. W1ll|nm? describes, until they found rellaTfrvm the um of OardaL Sinco it kM h*1 pad go many, yen dhould not kasltata to try Cardal tf troubled witk womanly oilmanta. For Mia ararywkaPa. 1M Wv . r ..' : s:t ,,: (' - -.t$ - fl|V* v' Unusu EXTRAOF Unloadi 0 Seasonabh # * 4:t W K t * < Mercnanai Upon its Week t & Unabated Continues T1 day, Ju # Our Stocks Were Last Week's Selling on Many Items. Mai Arriving Daily Spe< this Sale. Come and See T1 New ! Ston Cheraw, Dillon, Latta, Lak< ? Clinton and Nc \ 1 jL L? - T / <V',,n"Ly al and vlffS I ;. IDINARY ** < , * i V. ' ' > H 4 ' ' r ^ v ^ 4 ing Sale < . r y ? : fee Enters < . 3$ ^ . ' . . -. e . Second With I Interest * - lirough Mon . 'cf-M >-> ' .r- .?* >,< ly 11th . r v ? ' / y .? > . 1 . ' ?? * %k Replenished When r > . ' ' / ' i* ' , .' i ' Made Great Inroads * ' V v v St ' '' . r V ay New Items Are - <-14$ "-1* cially Purchased for I , * * f VSjfe , ^ * / . i -t- r "$ V # i for Yourself. ' :.-dm i ^jbi lie Store ' 4'V 2s at j View and Tatum, S. C. a <w Bern, N. C, ^ Ml