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GHERAW CHRONICLE JULY 7, 1921 . JOE LINDSAY, Editor ,,-u-A,lorrnf-i Auvcrtuinp R^r.rcnentative L THE AMERICAN_RRc.SS ASSOCIA HON j SALUTATORY i i With the starting of a new-sp^per career we are sure it is'the proper thing for the starter to mako as many . promises as a politician before election day so we. hereby ina"ke 'em and also our bow as editor of this newspaper. It is needless (or Boon win ne.i 101 the writer to explain, that this is a new field of work v\e are entering and is one beset with many difficulties so until we get the *4hang of the thing," we beg your indulgence. It is .pledged to the people of this community our best effort to give you a newspaper of which you will ., be proud and a mouth piece that will correctly speak the sentiment of all right thinking .citizens. It is- our purpose to publish news, us we sc-e it. accurately and fearlessly. We will endeavor to do our duty in giving publicity to all wrong doing and in pointing fcout civic errors as they are broujght to our attention. ...*: .. We hereby -dedicate these pages to the upbuilding-of the town of Cheraw to the promotion of- good in this Community and to the growth and development of all religious and public Institutions. With a noted divine who,said. 011 be ing criticised for making a grammatical' error in one of his sermons. "If the'English language gets in myy way in preaching the Gospel. God pitgUhe English language", so we say, "If the English language gets in our way in publishing this newspaper, the devil take the English language. Wanted Correspondents. In every section of Chet|erfield county and Sniithfiehl sec-ion Marlboro county. We want live correspondents who will send us news items every week. Apply to Editor, Chronicle. Invitation. We wish to extend to all organizations, Civic, Patriotic, lteligous or otherwse the use of our columns to report their meetings or where pub. licity will help. We al>o wish to. urge the people of this eomunity to^,report all local items of social affairs, that will be of interest to our readers. In doing this you will not only help its along in making this a good paper but you will svr\*i> vour'neighbors who are interested in your activities. FcVv^ Quill PoSs No .v. About* tli^. owjy-'H+i4+ one'sees \ 4n rnite<T"'States nmv arc on the stage or are orn;:.:n :its .11 a lady's writing d?;<k in "f ci <!ia;nlier. "An actor 'playh'g 'ho part .,f 1 <tntesinan or a king or ?j.g< ?ernl of ong; hundred ??r nyore .wars ag > vill write Ills usiii ;i miihi |?? ?? ami inst?*:i'l of puptr will spriti!:!'* v:i:i I < M <>f a suit shaker to soak up tlit* surplus \VV' ink. 4 i'Heie's' ^ the v *c ; r rbwiH- }\)o.\i*s7ic*;*: . 1 i:-. -'-4m;k>ho iU -i--t ;s < > o A . ? IT t. s ,*/f 1 vi^nYv -r 1 .: t 4 ': : ( ?! : i t 1 ( :-j- i 1 K. ^ J..REYN fej-in ? -*- - H ^ KyHNMnH b fi ?*^ft- ^^^HnHnM iNow Is th t Eqonc " ; J I TRY rliffprpnrp in vJV_11IV. uhivi viiv*. ... count by tr; Cash and C CALLED S Showing the e Merchants & F At Cheraw S. 0? at the close RESOURCES , Loans and Discounts, 448,490.33 ( Overdrafts, 11,198.85 i Liberty Loan ^onds Owned |1 Bank 83,350.00 ] Stock Federal Reserve Bank 3,600.00 1 Furniture and Fixtures, 4,358.78 1 Banking House, 214)31.16 jl Other Real Estate owned 10,333.16 S Due from Banks and Bankers,30,059.31 ( Currency, 4,063.00 1 Silver and Other Minor Coin, 1,713.07 Checks and Cash Items, 1,083.80 j] ] TOTAL, 619,281.46 ' .State of South Carolina, * Chesterfield County. I. J. H. Wannamaker Cashier, of the swear that- the above Statemtnt is tru< attached fully and correctly represent contained therein, to the best of my kn< Sworn to and subscribed before me, I i Correct?Attest: M. W. Duvall .1. L. Anderson H. M. Duvall, Directors. V . % For Your Sum Arrow and Ide Shirts at w llson Bros. ' Silk Hose Cheney ^ W ilson Bros. Und< *V ' * Regal Spear S MALLOW i mi/i vvny w\jvu quality ciga Because we put the utmoi one brand. Camels are a: sible for skill, money and life) fine tobaccos to make a cigarett Nothing is too good for Cami in mind! Everything is done ti jest cigarette it's possible to buj iimply for show. Take the Camel package for nost perfect packing science < ect cigarettes and keep them fi ?secure foil wrapping?rever he fold and make the packaj here's nothing flashy about ii ;xtra wrappers. No frills or ft Such ikings do not improve tl lian premiums or coupons. An nust pay their extra cost or ge If you want the smoothest, i :igarette you can imagine?anc 'rom cigaretty aftertaste, It's Camels for you. L aiiJ OLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win.ton r " - 11"J . 1 e Time to i >m|ze V, v IT j your Grocery Ac 1 ading with arry Store TATEMENT ^ ; ondltlon of the *armers BanK 1 of Business on June SO 11)21 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in. 100,000.00 Surplus Fund 20,000.00 Jndivided Profits, less Current expenses and Taxes Paid, 9,717.39 Due to Banks and Bankers. 11,495.77 Dividends Unpaid, 101.00 individual Deposits Subject to check 238,807.40 Cashier's Checks, 783.91?239,591.31 ft)tes and Bills Re. discounted, 160,625.99 Bails, payable, Including Certificates for Money Borrowed, 10,000.00 Bills Pay?Gov't securities 67,750.00 rOTAL I 619,281.46 #' 4 n' 1 > ... r . above named bank, do solemnly and that the Schedules hereto . the true state of the several matters . jwledge and belief. J. H. WANNAMAKER this 6th day of July 1921. H. A. McLEOD. Notary Public. A7.__x.-__ Liner y acatiuii $1.50 to $3,00 50c to $1,00 Jeckwear :rwear and Pajamas iummcr Caps t m L Ny VJ V/ * ELS are * rette st quality into this > good as it's poslong knowledge of p sis. And bear this o make Camels the r. Nothing is done instance. It's the :an devise to proesh. Heavy paper tue stamp to seal *e air-tight. But t. You'll find no irbelows. IA f??nlra nun mftro at* jiauag aujr iuvav id remember?you it lowered quality. nellowest, mildest I one entirely free ' ? Salem, N. C, . . . ] ?_ ..Origin of Name Wood. That the first wiip bore the1 name Wood dwelt near or adjacent* to a wood there can he no reasonable doubt, for the name first appears as Atte-Wolde, which meant "at the wood." Later the name became Attwood and In some; .'his was j changed to Atwood,, which was later , contracted to Wood. Sometimes it re- ; mained Atwood, a name that is still to be found In England. ' ' I > : I lUr0od.' "j Printing I IIMIKIIIIIIItUlM I S s ! THE kind of printing thit pays dividend! is the kind you should have. Pile, muddy, poorly arranged printed matter ! worse than none. The quality of your a business is often judged by ^ the quality of your stationery <s ?inferior printing gives an . II impression of cheapness that , is hard to overcome, while a good printing carries with 16 ' ' * desirablesuggestionofquality. [ We produce only Quality Printing. Whether you want an inexpensive handbill or a * letterhead in colors, if you order it from us you w:ll be * b sure of gettjng good work. 1 We have the*equipment and the "know how" that enables I a us to get out really good print* I ing?printing that impresses j people with the good taste of ? b its users. That is the only kind of printing that , : Pays * . ; r- . t IHSTRIfT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOIf TliE EASTERN DISTRICT.OF SOUTH CARD* LINA/IN BANKRUPTCY s . . - - - , | In the matter of H. K. SeegarA- & Co., of McBee in the County of Chest- J rfield and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. To the Creditors of saiJ Bankrupt: Notice is hereby giver that on tihi 28 day of June 1921. the above named was duly adjudged bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of R. J. Kirk, Ref lotto who ' guess tires^ A LONG about th ing neighbors ? With folks expectii there comes the ques U. S. Tires are a nowadays. The U. S. Tire tire buyers. Those who start bought anything els Those who came with "bargains," "re tires. ? Getting one hund buying is a straight . guess-work or a ga Tne most essent local U. S. Tire dea' completely sized lin< He gets his U. S. : U. S. Tire Factoryestablished and mai U. S. Tire makers. He is the man wl stuff shipped to him sell, but new tires < * Giving the same c to the owner of the owner gets. With < whether he lives in centers of populatio Uii s 1 Uniti -n 4 v- ' I "* 1" 1 1 1 ' ? eree Florence S. C? on the 13 day oi properly come befor July 1921, at 12 o'clock noon, at At this meeting will which time the said creditors may at- ed the sale of the st tend, prove their claims, appoint a cire urtd other persi trustee, examine the bankrupt anil the bankrupt, withou transact such other' business" h$ may to creditors. Claims ' Quick, clean he for every kind c . TT is hard to appreciate the Nev JL convert:etu : a ad sri'd. faction the of cooking with 'he 1 Jew Per- heat lection until you have actually lore done so. utei It's a rc-!L f, cr^r-l :\ warm l*PP weather, to be r. 1 a ' c .. coai, wood anc. '.v. to: , saoep- not! ing up litter and bPwidug tlie a stove. Ar.b tIictt you don't The have to 4 rush the lire" en sim] baking davs .and heat up the nonkitchen. Two burner , on the insti New Perfection wi'l give you are t all the heat needed for any save hind of baking. You can repu- to \v lare the heat produced, ny each take burner, warm something genriy fill i on one and roast over another -c xt tj -i.- kor 111 a New Perfection even. suits The long blue chimney of the regu f r_.: clea ' " ' New '' mCnt ;1 - . F|?jJ22S^ has qi : J ing about | is time of year a man finds his motor- ==^ getting anxious about .their tires. " lg old tires to "pop" any minute, ition of what kind of new ones to buy. nswering a lot of questions like this TH * * * Where following embraces two kinds of tractior ? . ? tread y wholly ed with quality first, and have never u. s. t le but the quality standard tire. lo^gsu to quality first only after dabbling ??th? ibates," "job lot" and "surplus stock" pmwuc * * * oonle rrolno r?n Hnllnr in 11TP II VU V/tlHJ V UiUV V/4 1 H40 V.W4IV.. -forward business proposition ? not me of wits. ial man for you to know today is the ler who is concentrating on a fall, e of U. S. Tires. Tires straight from his neighboring Branch?one of 92 such Branches ntained all over the country by tiie * ? * io can give you fresh, live tires?not i from some point wher.e it diu ju>t of current production. f juality, selection and price-advantage medium weight car as the biif car jqual service and buying opportunity the smaller localities or the greater n. ited States id States Rubbe Auto Service Station, Chera ^"X T A TIt.-?? ? !r/\Tr "E3. i f1 r \\ , 1YI. I tlliM V , 1 till t . _ , ; ' <~ t o, ? 11 v 1 e said n^ef ing the manner prescribed by tire rules of J also be cons! le the supreme court for filing of claims 1 ock of merd an- in bankruptcy. v ? snul property of Florence, S. C., July 1. 1921. it further notice Robert J. Kirk, Retiree in Bankruptcy must be files in' 7-8-21-lt i ;at ?h A ?f cooking /dpa v IJertecticti supplies just right draught to drive the "nil of the white-tipped flame B i H ibly against all the cooking ffc/ jt nsils. The whiteed flame produces most heat and does AUDDINB soot up yout* kettles nH M pans. ' I. New Perfection is StOUHTYOIt pie, practical, eco- stanoabo , '* deal. Supplies heat ^ mSSS^ , mtly,and wkenyou through just shut it off and your fuel. You don't have ' ratch it. No adjustments to / care of. A boy or girl can t and clean it. the most satisfactory re? use Aladdin Security Oil ilarly. You always find it n and efficient. rj i Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are sold v,t hardware, furniture and depart stores. IDARDOlLCOVf^NY :newjersey) \ . i II PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves IE U. S. NOBBT TREAD the going is specially ieavy with snow, sand, in hilly countryftrhere maximum i on the road is a factr, no other tin et devised is quite &< effective, or so approved, by motorinj opinion, as the , fobby"Tread. ( ^ rv simplicity?two diapnal rows of ob? ids. interlocking in thekrrio on the road ! result of all the years oU. S. Rubber exc with every type of ioi the world over. ? v ' " 1 . imjl I1 /v/Hl u\\ i nfv "The moat essential nf f?r you to know today in tk t'n business is your looal'J- St Tire Dealer." opr* : i ures r Company LVV, S. C. , S. C. I I I i . I - I . ?