Sip UlijerauiQIbnmulp Successor to the Cheraw Reporter which was established July 9, 1885, sad entered as Second Class matter at Cheraw, S. C. J. N. STRICKLIN, Editor and Manager. Published on Thursday by STRICKLIN i'RINTING CO. Cneraw. S. C JOB PRINTING.?We solicit ycur orders. Our terms are cash on delivery of work, unless otherwise arranged. No orders accepted from parties not known unless n deiosit is made. ADVERTISING.-We solicit advertising from responsible parties only. No whiskey advertising accepted at any price. Monthly settlements re quired on all advertising. Transient advertising payable cash with order. BOOSTING THE STATE Business men of Maine gathered the other day at Augusta to devise ways and means of spreading the fame and furthering the development of the state. Recently in Utah, there was formed the State Development Association to cooperate with the state university to further state indusries. Texas Chambers of Commerce organized a cooperative movement to secure factories for Lone Star State cities. Missouri has the Federal Commercial Clubs which is doing a great deal for agriculture in the four corners of the commonwealth Vermont lately organized the Greater Vermont Association for similar purposes. Movements of this sort mean a great deal to the small towns as well as to the largest cities. Often the former are to be the most benefited and the state-wide boosting movement should be given hearty cooperation and endorsement in the smaller thriving communities sucn as cueraw. The state has seldom been considered as an industrial or prosperity unit, much as cities and the nation have so been considered. Individual communities, however, are coming to realize that they can do more by consolidating and working together for the common good and for the common interests of all. Isolated commercial and agricultural propaganda shoots high or low but * ?a By THE tf ONKEYS Imitate. Sheep follow a III., women and children alike?ar example *oiiOWed is bad. But if H safe. Just so with us mortals. Ins great thoughts and do things worth we can sink into the depths of despc But, thanks to human powers of ment We can make it what we wll e our own Interests linked with those J prove our own surroundings, be it ev e Right there the monkey in man a J Today your neighbor fixes up bis e ers, trims his hedge, paints his house Tomorrow your own place looks e a little cleaning up and painting up i home life happy and healthy through So you get busy with the pruning garden hose. You sturt a painter v lngs. Forthwith you, your wife an J fully the "Joy of living" in the good Day after tomorrow otner neij J premises ami their persons. Then u ?o the spirit of spring's regeneration J block to block. But let's not wait for this creep! organize immediately a continuous ' and make the refurbishing a tlrorou ? ctal community tan help, ami so c bualuess men, and the women, and t 2 Let's make "Clean I'p and Paint live up to it. Now That tl School Wtr You Have Y ears ? It is of the utmost im study of music should ha ue her studies during the SEMBRICH uses a B Represented by Mr. J. Frank Davidson. state-wide efforts are a broadsido' shot with telling effect. '"Get toge.her" should be the slogan of communities large and small in this state. We can boost the common cause and help everybody, the reby helping ourselves in very great degree. Sitae agencies, such as colleges, olfinals, etc., can be pressed into such a campaign for Greater J South Carolina. The prosperity of cities, towns and state are dependent upon one another, the strong may help the weak and the weak may do. their share to help all. Coouerate. Get together and push ' South Carolina as the business men are doing in Maine, Vermont, Missouri, Utah and Texas. RIDDING CHICKENS OF LICE AND FLEAS Advice on How to Put Down TIiom Pests of thee Poultry House. L How to rid the henhouse of lice, those pests of poultry, has long worried those who raise chickens either for eggs or for meat. Some good advice on methods is given by Clemson I nollooa follows: vuut&v, "Lice live and breed on poultry and can be exterminated by greasing each fowl with 33 per cent, mercurial ointment which can be bought at a drug store. The grease is placed on the flesh below the vent, covering a space not larger than a 25 cent piece with a small amount of the ointment. This ointment poinsons the lice and it is month. necessary to apply it only once a "Sitting hens can be greased before the commencement of the hatch and when the chicks are dry. If the latter peep and stand with their eyes closed examine the head minutely, and you will probably find one or more large head lice. Anoint the head and the part under the beak with carbolized vaseline, or one port of the 33 per cent, mercurial ointfment ?nd four parts of grease. "Fleas attach themselves to the side of the face and under the beak of the fowls and chicks. They are brown in ! color and can be removed with one greasing of 33 per cent, mercurial ointment. They breed in the sand where the chickens are accustomed to gather, and to rid the premises tf fl ^as it is necessary to saturate their J | breeding places with a solution of; one part of cresol (or similar disin- < fectant) and 20 parts of water." I ' as* EDITOR. v the leader. And most of us?men, e prone to do the same. J onkey and bad for the sheep if the ? . i guud ror UUlU 11 IUD UWUClalll), M ? | plred by environment, we can think while. Depressed by environment, * * udeney. Initiative, we can shape our environ- * 11. If we will. And so intimately are of our neighbors that when we im- * er so little, we improve theirs. isserts itself. ? . - ?foninrM t-iihhl aiu, auiw ^>wu?.w mv ? ^ j sick. You never noticed before that J tvould accomplish so much in making the long outdoor months of summer. shears, the rake, lawn mower and ? forking on your house and outbuild- [ d the kiddies begin to realize more j old summer time. j ;hbors will begin to perk up their ? ; thers will follow their example, and will spread from house to house and ; lag regeneration of our town. Let's j "Clean Up and Paint Up" campaign ; igh community movement. Our offl- j an each civic organization, and the J ! be children. Up and Keep It Up" our slogan and J c j i le Girls Are y Not Get Tha Been Promisir portance that every girl th; ve a Piano of first quality, ! summer vacation. ALDW1N, why can't your ; Music Depattr CRAWF Mfg Je\v( CI Those fatigued J can find cheer in a glass of k?? ? c Bottled By PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. d Cheraw, S. C. (? p Heartily recommends Dr. Register's treatment for piles. Desires to help others similarly affected. Mas recorn- ^ r mended to Dr. Register by a neigh, t Ijor who bud been cnred. r Lamar, S. C.. Route 4, Jan. 10..1916. ii- n n ">06 Union National Bank Budding t Columbia, S. C. My Dear Doctor: I wish to give you a testimonial in prais>- of your treatment for piles, , with which 1 was affficted. I was < a sufferer from piles for a number of ] years. 1 used many kinds of patent remedies without avail, and the doc. tors 1 consulted claimed that an operation would be necessary, and this f 1 dreaded. Learning of your having ] cured Mr. R. M. Josey} my neighbor, < and knowing you all my life, I took j your treatment, which cured me. This was last April and 1 have not been troubled with the piles since. You may use this in any way you ( wish, with a view of helping others > similarly affflicQed. t Thanking you sincerely for what i you have done for me, 1 am, Your l'riend, . C. H. WATFORD, Route 4, Lamar, S. C., Farmer and Miller. 1 i ! Home From j it Piano That : ig Them For j K 4 I di has oeen pursuing the ^ so that she may contin- J ti Sfir 1 use one? ' * nent J ORD JEWELRY CO. J ders and Opticians, fc Cheraw, S. C. PEPSI-Cola You enjoy every 1 t; Sip. I In Bottles At Founts (1 F I \ ,J, .L_ li i i Candidates Cards Announcements of candidates fc ounty offices will be printed und< >e above heading until the close < le campaign for $3.00; for State ar ongressional offices the charge wi e $5.00. No cards accepted uulei ash accompanies the card. I'PERINTENDENT 0E EDUCATIO I announce myself a candidate f< le office of Superintendent of Edi ation for Chesterfield County, sul ?ct to the rules of the Democrat rimary. J. ARTHUR KNIGHT. FOK REPRESENTATIVE. 1 hereby announce myself a cond ate for Representative, subject he action of the Democratic pi nary. A. F. FUNDERBURK FOR SHERIFF. I respectfully announce myself 'andidate for reappointment to tl fflca of Sheriff of Chesterfield coui y subject to the rules governing tl )emocratic primary. D. P. DOUGLAS I hereby announce myself a cam ate for Sheriff of Chesterfield Cou v, subject to the rules of the Dem ratio Primary election to be held mgiist next. EMS G. INGRAM. FOR CLERK OF COURT I am a candidate for the office 'lerk of Court subject to the actii f the Democratic Primary Eleetic W. P. OPOM TREASURER I hereby announce myself a cant late for the office of Treasurer Chesterfield County, and pledge my elf to abide by the result of the Dei icrstic Primary election. M. S. WATSON. I hereby announce myself a cam ate for Treasurer of Cbesterfu ounly, subject to the action of t tenu,ciftic party in the approach! ? A TIfT7?T CLI riniar> election. j. a. hduo.i, FOR SUPERVISOR I want to thank the many voters :hc.?terfield County for their past su iort, and I offer myself for reelecti 'hesterf^tf^V^ subject to t ules ?atic Primary. Superior inn nf fhp tic Primary. I P. H. ARANT. I hereby ^announce myself a .ca didate for thf office of Supervisoi f Dhesterfteld^County, subject to t rules of tho Democratic primary, E. R. KNIGHT At the earnest request of ma 'riends in different parts of the cour [ announce myself n candidate 1 Supervisor, subject to rules of t Democratic primary. P. W. RIVERS. I hereby announce myself a cam lute for the office of County Sup Isor for Chesterfield County, subji o the action of the Democratic P nary. H. W. CROSWELL. For Auditor. With thanks for past favors, I hei jy announce myself a candidate 1 reappointment to .the office of Cour \uditor, subject to the rules of t Democratic primary. T. W. EDDIXS. .. VILL MY CHILI) TAKE I)R. KINC NEW DISCOVERY? This best answer Is Dr. King's X< ?1 sen very itself. Its a pleasant swc yrnp, easy to take. It contains t iiedicines which years of experieu rovon best for Coughs and Colt 'hose who have used Dr. King's Xt >iscovery longest are its best friem tesbles every bottle is guaranteed, on don't get satisfaction you get yo loney back. Buy a bottle, use as ( * i vr -t.-i i . n ,... i'i'umi. iveop wiuu in ifii mi toui nd Cold insurance. Magnolia Bain a the Liquid Face Powder used by famo Jeautiea. If you have Sunburn, Tan i 'recklea try j&agnolia {Jjalm. It quick jJPP*. burn and removes Tan ai flemishes. Makes your skin soft at mooth. Easy to use and ure to please. Three Colon: WHEEanl while, 'Pinh, Rote-Red. 5e. o I Drug/bU or bu mall direct tSjjpV SAMPLE FREE^M# LYON MFC. CO., 0 So. 6th St, Brooklyn. N.Y. V T J OLDER DOT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy, prepare a 3rty, is sound advice, because in th trength of middle life We too often forge hat neglected colds, or careless treat lent of flight aches and pains, simpl ndertnine strength and bring chroni weakness for later years. To be stronger when older, keep you lood pure and rich and active with th trength-building and blood-nourishini roperties of Scott'a Emulsion which is aoa, a tonic and a medicine to keep you lood rich, alleviate rheumatism ac void sickness. No alcohol in Scott's. Scott ft Bownc, Woomflsld, N. J. ! I 1783 191 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON SWutli Coijoliiia's Oldest College 182d Year Begins September 2 Entrance Examinations at all th county-seats Friday, July 14, at 9 a. n Four-year courses lead to the B. t >r and B. S. degrees. A two-year pr( " ^ medical course Is given. . A free tuition scholarship is as ^ signed to each county of the State. as Spacious buildings and athleti grounds, well equipped laboratoriei unexcelled library facilities. Expenses moderate. For terms an *r catalogue, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. ic How Bad Backs Have Been Mad Strong?Kidney Ills Corrected All over Chernw you hear i Dean's Kidney Pills are keeping u [j. the good work. Cheruw people ai to telling about it?telling of bad bad i. made sound again. You can belie\ the testimony of your own townspoi pie. They tell it for the benefit of yu who are suffering. If your back ache a if you feel lame, sore and mlserabl ie if the kidneys act too frequently, < Q_ pussnges are painful, scanty aud o ie color, use Dean's Kidney Pills, tl remedy that has helped so many < a your friends and neighbors. Folio 'his ('lieraw citize n's advice and gi< jj. Doan's a chance to do the same f< n- you. l0. J. W. Eskridge, High St., Cherui in says: "I had rheumatic paius and ki ney trouble. The pains were in tl small of my back and I had to st< work for a week. I could hardly bet over to put on my shoos and it was ju of as hard for me to straighten. Tl on kidney eeeretions passed too fneel m. and I had to get up two or tiiree tlm during the night on this account. Tl flow was scanty and highly colore Doan's Kidney Pills, which I got fro li- the Oheraw Drug Co., cured me. of can't praise them too highly." x- Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sh 11- ply ask for a kidney remedy?g Doan's Kidney Pills?tlio same th cured Mr. Eskridge, F<>ster-Milbu no? Trops.. Buffalo N. Y. n ii ;ld state of Ohio. City of Toledo, he Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney make? oath that t Qg Is senior partner of the Arm of F. Cheney & Co., doing business In tt City of Toledo, County and State afon said, and that said firm will pay tl: sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ft each and every case of Catarrh tht nf cannot be cured by the \:se of HALL' 01 CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENE p- Sworn to before ir.e r.-.d subscribe In my presence, this 6th day of Decen uu ber. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, nf (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interr he ally and acta through the Blood on tt Mucous Surfaces or the System. Ser for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipatloi 'or !or - - . tc~ --T*'1" - ( . I ml How erkt tire ?T nettled Bill Parr con: 0r 1 So many Motorists . that "all Tire Tubes ai J He determined to show so he In a way they would never forge There were four Cars at Owners or Drivers at his elbow. To these he said,? "Boys,?how strong do yoi Brown Tube actually is? "Do you believe it is stron Oden's five passenger Car, with 20 blocks? "You don't, eh! nv "Well now here's a bit of i with any, or all, of you. >et "I will bet you a Dinner tt he lar Goodrich Tube (34x4) wil Oden's Car, but will tow all iltrci passengered,?through the s: pet! Is. (more than a mile and a half)? as many times as the crowd :ak "I will,?if you Gcml. ' Is. t,p all four of your Cars, i ig!hei If regular Goodrich Tubes hup '..a?2 ?tie one tube between . ac't tw ur hauling three Cars on .' ' It- all that way to' The Co ?! -. * ?h "Are you willing i ' >.. a *? of the three Tubes wil! ; b: -he a flaw which would leak .sr. or j - for its origin?,'. Tire purpo-c ai'.ei "You arc, eh? "Well,-the Bet's r ! WU111C auu ; -:t . v. w us * * * t>r Jy ^TMIE Dinner was a \ >d As Oden said aff< >d ting up his share f! I have bet ir.c a Million on thai I tab en you up?even if I had to b I ' I don't see how the blar.-t ' out,?especially going up Savo : l. "With eit'lit people in the 1 y a to!.:' load >: ovcr fs.;s?k> pounds] ?,! snap before Second l:b. r *"V; haddve put imu Mat I r? nnylu v/, to make it hauj? {:t&fthrr J-'rii>: .-aid that v. hat pu:-:dt I brown Kubbtr Tubes "not he nj ! I INNERA P ,e I ?it answers < ? I e I quiremeni?vin ,r \ wholesomeness. * \ It wilt sat Demand the gem "J ^^k Nicknames encou ;ie " m THE COCA-CO |y W ATLAN1 l,p Whenever you see an d. Arrow think f Bottled in * Cheraw Coca ( Z Con ? The Bailej ie 5i? Machinery, Mill an it | Automobile Supp id [ G. & J. "* Tires and Tubes i Charles ?-wc v- - v ^r t? ?? the Texas Tu i & happened! siderably! shape after such ; had carelessly stated at the finish, -e just Rubber." "Look you me folks the difference, load,?after the t. into just three-qn : the door, and their were at the start "And that less than two hov t think this Goodrich g enough to tow Mr. four people in it, for "W-" a Bet I want to make about all Tire Tu lat this little old regu- "If the Bh 1 not only tow Mr. weights,?and y. r of your Cars,?fully Sign of Heavy Di i, for the full 21 blocks than 'Just Rubbe starting and stopping ter buy the 'Just es it necessary. "I'm going are agreeable,?line to this'Texas Tin re and now, take three have taken part ii ii d out of their boxes, well north record u Cars, (which means So indeed t Tube) and tote You Dinner that any one . ' on the way. or show . This certi jrevenl its being used part m end witn -wards'' to in the advcr WarU ' Tube TYst Happ date of Nov. 11, i,? TllfiCT<.c " ered being twer he Judges. was as describvd cry Cheerful Affair. irwards (when put- c u, ribec the Bet) "you could ~, i \f Parrfand Id hava M; tlic Million. this the Jrd dai c d Tube.* ever did hold under such a strain, ast three Cars.- and ! sure iliought to hear ,r!<' - j-KPnhher Now what il r." Tubes that could b hh^L. th>- Reflect that i all stretched out of "ordinary" Tubes ; I ^yeryhodij fr WmL ' -. H#*' wcta i jvcry beverage rei, vigor, refreshment, isfy you. JM line by full name? fll LA COMPANY ? Cheraw By ?ola Bottling Go. ipany r-Lebby Co. d Plumbing Supplier dies and Accessories VEEDOL Oils and Grease ton, S. C. ibe test | 1 a tug, even if they did hang together ," said he, "when we released the Haul,?they instantly snapped back larters of an inch longer than they % of an inch, they took up again in irs rest." * * boys,"?Bill Parr remarked,?a9 smoothed out a wrinkle in his well! vest, "that'll stop the Argument bos beitvj 'just Rubber,' won't it?" nvn oli1!i that toted all you Heavy>ur .~r.;,?for 21 blocks, without a ity af crwards, isn't something MORE r,' li! e oilier Tubes,?then you'd betRub :r' ! ind hereafter, to E-\; ait of you to sign your names ; Tube Tost,'?just to show that you n a t svlar Exploit which is mighty ing." hey -!:d,?and here is the affidavit: /."Fi DAVIT, fies wo, the undersigned, took esse.', t':Texas tube test referred tisci.v ?: entitled "How the Texas enci:"?4hnt the test was made on at . acn. i exas, me utstance cavity-*..: .5 frocks and that the result I Signed? W. M. ODEN, J. M. NASH, R A. FRITZ, W. A. PARR [ and sworn to before me by W. Nash, B, A. Fritz and W. A. Parr, >f May, A. I). 1916, at Waco, Texas. Signed? J. G. WREN, Notary Public, McLennon County, Texas. 'link Yon of these GOODRICH Tire , 'cur up under such a gruelling test? they cost you no more than the r'ou so carelessly accept! y Tires 1