y1 '-S * 'vv' S ">V "y' \''r * 7 * >: . ?je. CljcrOT: Cfjrontrlt f - ?_? .? _?__ ^ i Volume 19 CHER AW, CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, S. C., DECEMBER 17. 1914 * Number 7 * I? ?"" m?nn hAipiTAfd VAW . GOV. BLEASE TALKS IN WASHINGTON General Julian S. C'arr Also There ami Deelars That Soutli's Hysteria ! Is Gon^. ** Two interesting visitors in Wa-P; Ingtou during the past several dayA 'were (lov. Cole L. Blease of South .Carolina and (ten. Julian S. Can- of N. C. These two gentlemen wer, interviewed l?y a representative of The Washington I'ost and they are quoted as follows: " Gov. Cole L. Blease of South Caruring My term tis Governor of South Carolina I have exercised my prernga " live ?u granting cicncuey x?? prisoners ?11 jicrhaps 1.40(1 cases, anr not half have either been pardoned or paroled. I have commuted the sentences of many prisoners from Jerms In the penitentiary to seve on the chaingang employed In improving the public roads and. in many instances. after a prisoner wlio served on the roads for a time sufficient to showthat he is capable of lieeoiiiing a good Citizen, 1 have paroled him or pardon rf'him. I have not emptied the pciiitentiary. In the last batch of prisonJ ers whose eases I considered for elemCney on Thanksgiving Dry there were only a few granted pardons. Most of tjhem had thqir sentences commuted to work on the ehaingang. There are numerous men in the South Carolina penitentiary whom I never could pardon or whose sentences I would commute. I know the difference lietwoen t deserving man and a criminal who Pit irredeemable. I believe.* " ! " The hysteria which overrun the p fiaith nix 'weeks ago because of the inafc " ^ IbiPty of the v.cm fanners to mat k |et theft crop has ?i tirely ilisMtpicir r ed,' said Cen. Julian S. Can- of Dm> (inn, N. C.. at the New Willard. w*' : " 'There never w as any real foundam ' fOH J*lamlty. .howl, and the < will do* the South good in the at prices varying from 10 to 15 flints a pound, ami, to say the least. ic calamity howlers were previous. Their outcry not only did not help the farmers, but injured the credit of 'flhe South. It must Ik' borne, iu mind that the crop has Ik?cii made and today the South has on its hands the biggest'cotton crop on record. " 'When (Jeneral bee surrendered on April 9, 1865, not a cotton seed had been planted: our mutes wort' ? our help dissa* ared: credit was inc. but the South diil not sit down I ami wait for help. n??r did it whine. The jieople wont t<> work, and ;i 1 It 11t- while WO I*o:;;UI to recover. " "Tito Kurfiponn war lias stop; nil tin*- mark*f'atf of our eotton'erop for a t'tno. but wo arc recovering rapidly, aiid wo are not bc.itiiV- for liolp. Wo >bal! protit immensely in tho end. for it uil! tiH' b our farmors that it is tbo of wisdom to diversify, and th:> ; lesson we rci|iitrcd. It eoubl not jmm have boon impressed upon our < ;"ou p'rliters in any other way perhaps lUw than by actual demonstration. And the war has given us this object le.< .soli.* ANTI-AIUCR.UT (UN PROVES SrC'CKSSFl'l. P.N TESTS >I \I>K Washington. 1 >ee. I.'t.?The Navy's antl eiaft pin has lieeti shown by tests to be amply coiuiictcnt lodes! with a I rem ft. aeenrdiii- to a re] tort to the House Naval Committee by Jtrj.r Adtil crrC Strailss. eliief of lis i'nri ait of Ordna'uee. 1' "'Ye li:ive t ri*M 1 it against a Kit** J ait ::.ihm> fee! altitude. :i sullielent alti W tml?* t.? |' e"ate. hilt we are eliaihleil to jlldiV fioia the Mi'-?es>e> that we haul at I'taf rniiile what o e would have ait M::her all.tii'les. The ran;:e of Mr* jcun in the air its athotit 7.WU feet, '.t is not ?pse. hut that will he iimi! in at iliffereiit waiy. They ate for vertical lire from nlionrd small craft." The Adiu'ral also reported that the Navy manufactured at Imliuii Hear, i i??\ iiair t-'puitnl. Maryland. .'hi LMlss 1 ?*i'n < of p< wiler at a eo?f of ami a ' * net ion cents *i |M?uiel. at- I pur : )i:i * <1 at .- nt - ; >1 ml ?!mi iiiir Mm- i :?-1 jour, r 1 !? st:iI1 1 li;tt I In- Navy l>ii!M i I cutis ill im-- \V:t 'rinM-'ii :;iiii fa-torv ;tt :t'i < ! * pen earli. parol villi i m it I f..r siritihi nun- niiiiitif;n-f iiiv?! by t-oitii.-t. t. Admiral Slrsni'S timed tin* n ? <>! tv for :?ifi-(Ms:o I s'ovato Iil" "s for il!i!iiiii:titi<>ii s?i;?j !i?-s. oNplaiiMtir :t plan to coiieont rate tin* innva-e :?1 I'ort Mi'lHn. in-;ir Philidolplt'.a. f"i III' i:,l-l t. ill!.I I llo l'tl.'ot Sol|lJl| Mil-;ii ivif-'itziiii' for tin* \\V>t eoa>t. Segregate Art Treasures. Why not sot apart one oountry where ?rt treasures of the world ean he sojrr? rated? Maybe Provideneo has been p,. in ins? American million?'!;- a" hpn ! K instruments, in so far as they n... been active in removing European an 5 :reasuiv.s to tin's country. H 1'KITISII MTt.MAKINK SINKS ISA I UF.SHir I.nlidnn. I??c. 14.?A <-? >iiiliiiliil'a ' tini' issued by the nflj -i;iI bureau In i. nun .iivi 'i the Tu Kisli battles it, Ar ??IS*I'i,II V:?c eeen .1 ?S l?\ nj 1 triti--lt sulti c. T!h' oliieial bureau's statement e. as i fobnvs: "Yesterday submarine 1*11 in I-.haw <>f i., int. t*niu. Norma ii It. II<>Ibrook of the royal navy entered the. { 1 >ar?lanells and in spite ?>f ilie di!H [cuit current dived under five rows of mines and tnrpodned the Turkish Messudieh. Whh-li wjis jrunidiier tlie li'ilie fields. Although pursued by a mi tire and tnrpodoe hnats tlie 15-11 j' returned safely after bein^r submerged. j ' ii nne neeasinii. fur nine hours. "When last seen the Messudieh \vas(( unking by the stern. - i i WAR'S END IN SIGHT. , Tin* Seinticlie American in con- < rihnting its own guess as to li >\v long ( lie war w?11 last ventures tin* ??] ?i 11 i j m ) hat tin* wearing out of machinery j rather than tin* exhaustion of men ( vill hasten the etui. t I'.argc runs such as are useil in hat- f !It h'.p turrets antl coast defclic.' forti- ( iications. cannot lire more than LMK) h .>c. wit limit bving their accuracy, t Vimn la at ; ' . rcssure are eonsitl- ] ered the grent - men are captured with them are taken their rifles and cttnin. g I nieiit w'.iich either are desiro>od or go "nto the hands of the u:emy. \n \r ?-*, 1, iitreating i.i panic leaves bohis; 1 .t ii equipment valuable enough to consti- n tute a king's ransom. u The I'nited States government ;.u- ! nounees in slowing down work in jts ; armories that the quoto of a million of the new Springfield rifles'has lc nlo furnished. It was seven years in mak- |, "i.g a million ?>|" these v.enjious. <>!.,. L can imagine how work is being ni.-dn djn in Kt jopean ordnance foctori< s to jmake good the losses and to supply I ? new troops taking tlie fold. Should!p any army meet with a crushing do?' a1 it might be unable to supply arms and 1 v equipment enough to make itself a factor in future fighting. ,, COMrrLSOiiY KIHTATION IS ' FVVOIli:!) \ Teachers of Vnrk \sk Legislators 1.!.t< . in ('a T lietii county. Ciea.v t!* ;<; uo' i th.r negro named Ingram live ti:m . kiting him instantly. They w. linking and Infratu old ' r to leave v. lu i? the kit- r p I .. n in hegttn shooting sit -.t r i. i :r I 17 years of nee and die ie no li'nd was 22. I'rc-s 1 "inumcnf The I'nitcd States is bound on the Mast by the Atlantic, on the \\*? hv tin* I'aci'ie on the North by mo!:| i/.ition, alld on the Sou i; by Icdd. Tli" State. Villi KM'OIKWJK (iOOl) nni! lillWTS Speakers at Washington Conference Kxpluin Feasibility of Helping Situation. Washington Dec. 12.?Resolutions calling 011 the federal government and tiie Southern States for legislation to care for immigrants who seek refipn in this canntry after tie K::rope-,;i war were adopted tonight by the immigration oiiifen.-in-e called by the Southern t'omnicreial congHvs to c aider the feasibility of distributing in; migrants on farins in the South. A committee was appointed to work out some practical plans of action. Dr. Clarence .1. Owens. managing director of the Southern Commercial [ digress, declared in an adress thn' the future development of t'.e Soul!: was measured in terms of an oftk\;>:.f industrial and agricultural immigiY. ion. At the afternoon session Seerclaiv Wilson predicted that many of tk lestitute immigrants who wou'd eon o the United States from K'.n ur aror the war could he placed on youth>rn farms if proper efforts are mad o secure them. lie explained the c orts of the labor, postofficc and agri ultural depatnients to bing together the jobless man and the m.:nl"ss job, he landless man njpl the nia iless and.,, J. J. Dekindor, an expert on I)uch F e We nuke a spedu > Phone 34 ]Vfp,' '? i?ri? Mil -1 it^w; Jul olonization, Who recently cainc from' [olland. s^id many Duch and Bol-j ian farmers, ruined by the war, werej nxious to come to the United States: j Senator Duncan U. lrletober ol' lorida, president of the the Southern! ommercial congress,, presided at the; jssion. Many Southern States werej yegt^by t ^ w I wens. T. It. I're.dtou, rhnttni!oo<.':i; [uub Mncllae. Wilimii, r,m, X. [. V Richards, indv ^ii eonimis.) oner, Suuthern railw . . We.- dnnton, nd Robert M. Mixson, a of je South Carolina leglslat. <;; tmui.s cam. rem ACTION I rop should be Tied and (f aded for Sale ?n Warehouse Hour. MuUius, Dee. 12.?A repver.entative athering of Marion county citizen as had in M> liins t!:is moniinu. tie urjioso of meeting as advertised he ]g *o discuss the advisability of imtorializing t ie legislature to make it nlawful to sdi tobacco on a ware1 (loot* Utile s itiw* unfiled and ied. Several men of prominence front ther counties were on hand. The ankers, the merchants, the edit' v.. be tanner-, the labnFht<. e ii-elioii ion and tobacco buyers all were we!! epresented. All w? re of |;:t tiiid, that somethiijg should b d'> y the legislature to remedy present onditions and brohiblt tobacco being >M titiurnde.d ? ? 1 i ?...( . i l.- t r;i ijXJHM lS ruilicr i . t . ipi- rent, increase it? priee wruihl lie ; ?:< ? ii' tin- iir. .lilt liSOi! ()I liul'J'V 4i.nl theis. t\?i:P COii * < i' . ? ' ?! m .::? ) I 1 *i I Toper enniiuM'i?K were ii"**:1 and unler-i. .;. ? <> ^r?n\ r; ;i!! ovr tin- i .'i an I iliiMrr'i v if t lit * <* ii i >:i ; ivrr.v i- i> lu? t I will ha\e ni'iliin.' Isp to do. Tlf ! :?>!.-.Inre^TjI also l.p as!:e! o reduce the charm-:; lor .-adlm:; 1? : tobacco in the Slate m Soul . C.iro Una. The l;\v priee el" I he m u-i?ii jiM IhxhI !ia-' lii*?uti'liI\ ai'nu.'i'l the 'en >!e to action. ~:?i :?i?i ' ' i Ca'-y li.tiTlO :?a!cs of ('<>( ? i; t ? f;'C!tCs. Savannah. ! I! -T| irw.'^i:!!! ilcjiiiiiT I!; :* i!c?n v. >I s:"i w.i : i I' I . ! I I M < .J I left t! i |nrt thfs ?! '; >oil i':T :i ?!! ry. Y!>: i . i-oiisist :i" i ;i?" r'(| i i liii ( ')!! 1;I. ' 1 l>i;t I < ?:r 1 r.ir i'i iit i' ".iri i-- ' '(.r r.in,: I> ' ( r.iri'A rfr. 1 "> ! i?rt. mi 'Ji pic'.i f ?.j* r . p. Ktprsi't: It:-; I?i!. !*tiri'!!I .iiti'. CMTON .MILKS T1IE KEY. i j Tin* riillidclphia Record is move* , to observe and "We grov i till' Cottoll IlI'lV ill tile t'llitl'll States j'.Villi 111 i < bash. firsthand advantagi i why should we not spiii a ml weave ,ai'l make tin* i!#v?*s to color the flu isln ! faln'ic fur ourselves ami for out purchaser--." Tlio ' liarlolotti !-a:!y ''broiib lo reninrl.s that .' a! is j; i the point it lia." : ' -!!! ' .! it is just tlio point it hat i t rii I'Tidt a vi?riilyr to cmpinc izo for . :i When tin* Smith lupins to spii :;i:d weaie all the cotton produced ot its plantations, it will soon beeouu tiic inn l prosperous section of the lTni ted States. The main advnntantngt would !>e in obtaining control of tin colt.m market and not only sotting and niahit.lining the prices on raw eottoi: ' .it 0:1 the tiiaunr.'U'tiired goods. Tin io.i! solution of tIio cotmi problem i> not in the reduction or control of tin acreage. lo;t in manufacturing all id the raw product into finished goods, In cotton the South has a great natuworld?and the hoy to its absolute . e.ti'o! of this monopoly, is in the cotton mill. I Irvin ('oldi. la mow* as the otiiy man t-i... 11.i.i*v*ti.winl Kitchener of Klin! Intiiii. says; "'i' I crultl write (lie story of J iridium sis I ssiw it I : wiiiiiti i-rcvil (lie !{? irding Angel "out I of Ills J*?!?."* m- t,,4 , biiim ? ii n ? i mi i mm mm nwwn IRE S N i:y <)i. writing fire I-i3uranci Losses Pa ynard-Rafey Real! 4 . Slhr iOuJ!^ GUuuir^ r " . Vtr'j ? i ; f While o' course T know you' "* So I'll make my note a she care? Still 1 want to thank you Santa year. ! An* I hope you're well an' happy. ! 'Cause I know you can't ho &ic!: ltut I'm wrltin' you, Dear Santa, i :Jcst to tell you of a little girl tl i I It was next day after Christmas, ft'lieu I lirst made lior acquaint! That I couhln't help hut like her If you'd only been there with mi An' 1 had my dollie with me?you 'Twas tjio one you gave me, Sant /n'ter eyes they filled with tear An' she answered ?I'm a little j Why, her papa's (lend dear Santi An' she never does pot notliiN' o So I let her have some dandy an As I had a lot o' dollies I could So I made her Christmas happy. An* I told her 'bent you Santa, That you'd likely call next Chr you might, So it's in her interest, Santa, thi Now I want to say, Dear Santa, An' it wouldn't be a-askin' somct T.:at in callin' 'louiul this Chris You will please include some pr< Dot i:i case you haven't got none You may bring her seine o' mine An' I'll be much gladder, Sanata. An' I'll lie much gladder, Santa, I Deposit y l I i 1 v/'r, / v. f h '1 k} a I -i- Ia? t Chora stkomji:?! than am. oi::r ; n. j 0 /I ; ccmpo-3 & 0 In s>avi i I ':tt ! l. ( flAI'MA \ Lhcry ?;ix! I'ef:>re regular "f l^use committee. The naval cont> mittee will resume enns'deratlon of ' the ::ibpro)idfiti.?u mil tomorrow with Sc? etaiy Daniels . gain on the star. 1 Tl?e ninek'iat i< n bill, with its eia'T test for a: ens will a-rain ? titKW debate in the senate while thai body.; waits for the appropriation b'?b? to /-erne from ti,o IIousc. Its su> j?ut?vs Insist 1 ' :?t It will he pas??d althijtgli it was of inelttded in tii?j I'iv>ylcnt's outline of legislation. , it sites nappy 1^111 isuu?i& ???.>, if she's hai?py Christinas day. our money t r - <0 oi Mseraw w. S. C. < Mis l? *1*11 K CIHM V OlIKIMI. : -led quaI'terly ng-j. depaitmsni ' IV:-'.: :::!iiss:;:r<* -rs market* ;M: VJ ?!:!?.. .JSm j::1 s;.-< < I V * if r > (T. v %/ 9 -o" * u-At . * w/WMWK. w ".uiMyvtarMUMara IOH IJi: NT Two connecting office looms in ncu' I'ost Office building, fre lj. Ms wn'cj- unci lient. iiee us for ! .:t f!3. j ( Insurance S: Trust C?. jv?- J" i <5(n (Sid j&utta irt o'.^H' I don't suppose you'll , for^^Hhings you brouglit last ihoupjl^jjuess you are, no doubt, s-pine oT-us would find it out, as I (meant to say before, lat's llivin" here next door. the ljist one that we had, nice,, tin' she looked so really sad ?you would like Iit too, I know, 3 an if id seen her lookin so? remember it I guess, a, with the little Princess Dress, drops! when I asked wmat she ant., girl that Santa Ciaus forgot." 1, an' her mama's awful poor, n the Chiistmas Trees no more, ' some little dishes, too, spare her one or two. anyway, the best 1 coul l bow y'jou were so very good, istmas, t'hen she thought perhaps it 1'nu writln' you tonight. if it's all the same to you, bug that you couldn't do, tiuas like you always have before 'sents 'for this little girl next door. . or your stock is gettin' small, . for I wouldn't need them all. > Lands early in January. Hearings I I begin tuiuorroow before the Senate 1 Plyllippine Committee 011 the House lull to give larger measures of selfgovernment to the Filllplnos. Some t part of each day In the Senate also h will he given ever toexecutive con- C : Monition of the safetya-t sou treaty, t Ship purchase hills still are In c.>m- t mittee of iotl*. houses. ( / 1 IKVAN CALLS FOB CONFERENCE v ic Washington. Dec. 14.?Secretary ,v I try an annonneed tislay he had calle?l 11.' a meeting for Wednesday ewes Holid | To consistin Jewelry Hand Set End Our line is wit) cl Cor and ? t 1 I . I Yours re The Ci ( SALE 1 -'[JL ItEPODT OF C^000#M)0 TO> COS. TRACT FOR COAL FOR EXPORT Spartanburg, 8. C., Dec. 14.?That [he Jenkins-MC)Robej*ts-Burdine-Duriara coal interests operated as the lonsolidated Coal Company of Kenucky, with mines located on a line applne the Elkhorn Extension of the j., C. & (). Railroad, have contracted or the delivery of 90,000 000 tons of rill move through Southern ports, is oal to foreign interests and that it rill move through Southen ports, is he report here. Confirmation is lack, ng but there ig decided interest in the ossibilities of such a movement for he railroads of this territory. It rould'mean that the Elkhorn extenlon of the Clichfield road would be utfhed to completion and put in opration without delay, as this is the ine over which the bulk of the coal rould move as far as Spartanburg, 'rum here to Charleston or Savaunal' t would be handled by the Southern nd the C. & W. C. The freight alone n such a movement would be more han a million dollars. For some time there have been umors that tre Italian Government < /as in the market for large amount f coal that would move through louthem ports, while South American ountries have also been mentioned as uying for delivery to Charleston or avannah. The Chroncle, One year, One dollar. < are eager to rve you !and >preciate r business / a Your D 1 IS HOW YOU ( > the low price o: depressed busines: erally we have de 'ne-Fourt of our entire ^loc t and Swellest li lay Goods ever brc ? Chera ? g of Watches, r, Silverware, Cut Painted China. 1 9 s and Novelties lless Vari is complete and fiheld, everything luded in the sale ne in E* 1 rv ? tb r* /\ 1 /N /-* 4 matte yuui scieci while the line is complete. spedtfully, rown Jewei Cheraw, S. C PERMS SPO l ^ * ' A I'li.l.M Mian ruimviAi i"#" The Federal Department of Agricultnre Tells How to Make Biggest Yield of Potatoes. "We would suggest to the farmer that hd geto hlg potatoes ]into the ground at the very first favorable opportunity as weather conditions are apt to bo very uncertain (luring the winter months and the quicker the planting the letter for results in this section," declares a prominent seedsman. "The department of agriculture at Washington says that our yields would t>e materially increased if our farmers would treat for scab; make better seed selection; use more $eed per acre," continued thei seedsman. The following information has been gleaned from a government bulletin >n iMitatoe planting.: 'Treat for scab by immersing your er acre. > .' * Don't give up; try again. Take . the advice of the Swede to his. son John, who was being pursued by an angry bull to the very edge of a ' road ditch; "Yump, Yonny, yump; '<>u can make It In two yumps." / The farmer who raises something to cat has a crop for which there Is * always a demand. ? ?????? >0ta ||y f cotton s condicided to h Off . i r ^ * k of the ne of >ught iW . Clocks, . Glass, Toilet in ^ Tm nothing I 11 is inJ trly ions !ry (Jo. : CASH J