\ \\ \\ kyJirtht f " Jnwlrt ADVENTURE Of THE DEVILS FOOT "Upon my word, Watson!" said Holmes at last, with an unsteady voice, "I owe you both my thanks and an apology. It was an unjustifiable ! experiment even for oneself, and doubly so fpr a friend. I am really very 60rry." "You know," I answered, with some 'emotion, for I had never seen so much of Holmes' heart before, "that it is my greatest joy and privilege to help you." He relapsed at once into that halfhumorous, half-cynical vein which was his habitual attitude to those about him. "It would be superfluous to drive us mad, my dear Watson," said he. "A candid observer would certainly declare that we were so already before we embarked upon so wild an experiment. I confess that I neuer Imagined that the effect could be so sudden and so severe." He dashed iniO III*; I'Ulia&e, auu, with the burning lamp held at fall arm's length, he threw It among a bank of brambles. "We must give the room a little time to clear. I take It, Watson, that you have no longer a shadow of a doubt as to how these tragedies were produced?". "None whatever." "But the cause remains as obscure as before. Come Into the arbor here, and let us discuss It together. That villainous stuff seems still to linger round my throat. I thftak we must adthis man, Monlmer Tregennls^nav!^ been the criminal in the first tragedfV though he was the victim in the ^iC* ?. ond one." "Then his own death was suicide!" "Well, Watson, it is on the face of it a not impossible supposition. The man who had the guilt upon his soul , of having broughi such a fate upon his own family might well be driven by remorse to inflict it upon himself. There are, however, some cogent reasons against it. Fortunately, there is ? ? - ? 1- Irnnn'C oil one man in rKiauu now *??? . about it, and 1 have made arrangements by which we shall hear the facts this afternoon from his own lips. Ah! he is a li:tl? before his time. Perhapr you wruld kindly step this way, Dr. Leon S; rndale. We have been conducting a chemical experiment indoors which has left our llttlo room hardly fit fcr the reception of i so distinguished a visitor." 1 had heard the click of the garden j gate, and now the majestic figure of I the great African explorer appeared | upon the path. lie turned in some I surprise towards the rustic arbor iti I which we sat. "You sent for me, Mr. Holmes. I had your note about an hour ago, and 1 have come, though 1 really do not know why I should obey your summons." "Perhaps we can clear the point tip before we separate," said Holmes. "Meanwhile, I urn much obliged to you fgr your courteous acquiescence. You will excuse this informal reception In the open air, but my friend Watson and I have nearly finished an additional chapter to what the papers call .m/t n-n nrof.ii* :i ^ liJtr v. uiiiir.ii i.uuui, uuu ??v v.v. ? clear atmosphere for the present. Perhaps, since the matters which we have to discuss will affect you personally in a very intimate fashion, it. is as well that wo should talk where there can be no eavesdropping." The explorer took a cigar from his lips and gazed sternly at my co r pinion. "I am at a lm-* ' . *> v, sir." 1 > said, "what y: ! i about which . ; . ,-_vr. !y it; a very !-. !' . fash. "The :.g t- TrcgcnBis," 5 -h. Ho1 s. For a mom ;.r ' .vished that I wore armed. Sterne, .j's lk'rce face turned ic a dusky :id, his eyes glared, and the knotted, passionate veins started out in his forehead, while he sprang forward with clenched hands towards my companion. Then ho stopped, and 2 with a violent effort he resumed a cold, rigid calmness which was, perhaps. more suggestive of danger than his hot-headed outburst. "I have lived so long among sav ttisccuccsof IER10CK [OIME5 tr CotwtfDoj/Jc moils by V.LBdrnes i ages and beyond the law," said he, "that I have got Into a way of being a law to myself. You would do well, Mr. Holmes, not to forget It, for I have no desire to do you an Injury." "Nor have I any desire to do you an Injury, Dr. Sterndale. Surely the clearest proof of It is that, knowing what I know, I have sent for you and not for the police." Sterndale sat down wi* a gasp, overawed, perhaps, the fir , time in his adventurous life. Tt. e was a calm assurance of power in Holmes' manner which could not be withstood. Our visitor stammered for a moment, his great hands opening and shutting in his agitation." "What do you mean?" he asked, at last. "If this is bluff upon your part, Mr. Holmes, you have chosen a bad man for your experiment. Let us have" no more beating about the bush. What do you mean?" "I will tell you," said Holmes, "and the reason why I tell you is that I hope frankness may beget frankness. What my next step may be will de. pend entirely upon the nature of your own defense." "My defense." "Yes, sir." "My defense against what?" "AgainBt the charge of killing Mortimer Tregennis." Sterndale mopped his forehead with his handkerchief. "Upon my word, you are getting on,'! said he. "Do all your successes depend upon this prodigious power of bluff?" "The bluff," said Holmes, sternly, A Thick Black Cloud Swirled Before My Eyes. "is upon your side, Dr. Loon Sterndale, and not upon mine. As a proof i v ill tell you some of the facts upon which inconclusions are based. Of your return to Plymouth, allowing much of your property to go on to Africa, I will say nothing save that it lirst informed me that you wore one of the factors which had to be taken into account in reconstructing this drama." "I came back?" "I have heard your reasons and regard them as unconvincing and inadequate. We will ya~s that. You came down here to ask me whom I suspected. I refused to answer you. You then went to the vicarage, waited out, side it for some time, and linally returned to your cottage." "How do you know that?" "1 followed you." "1 saw no one." "That is what you may expect to see when I follow you. You spent a restless night. at your cottage. and you formed certain plana, winch In the early morning you proceeded to put into execution. Leaving your door I just as day was breaking, you filled j your po< k? t with some reddish gravel which was lying beside your gale." St