Cheraw chronicle. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1896-2005, July 04, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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\ \\ \\ kyJirtht f " Jnwlrt ADVENTURE Of THE DEVILS FOOT "Upon my word, Watson!" said Holmes at last, with an unsteady voice, "I owe you both my thanks and an apology. It was an unjustifiable ! experiment even for oneself, and doubly so fpr a friend. I am really very 60rry." "You know," I answered, with some 'emotion, for I had never seen so much of Holmes' heart before, "that it is my greatest joy and privilege to help you." He relapsed at once into that halfhumorous, half-cynical vein which was his habitual attitude to those about him. "It would be superfluous to drive us mad, my dear Watson," said he. "A candid observer would certainly declare that we were so already before we embarked upon so wild an experiment. I confess that I neuer Imagined that the effect could be so sudden and so severe." He dashed iniO III*; I'Ulia&e, auu, with the burning lamp held at fall arm's length, he threw It among a bank of brambles. "We must give the room a little time to clear. I take It, Watson, that you have no longer a shadow of a doubt as to how these tragedies were produced?". "None whatever." "But the cause remains as obscure as before. Come Into the arbor here, and let us discuss It together. That villainous stuff seems still to linger round my throat. I thftak we must adthis man, Monlmer Tregennls^nav!^ been the criminal in the first tragedfV though he was the victim in the ^iC* ?. ond one." "Then his own death was suicide!" "Well, Watson, it is on the face of it a not impossible supposition. The man who had the guilt upon his soul , of having broughi such a fate upon his own family might well be driven by remorse to inflict it upon himself. There are, however, some cogent reasons against it. Fortunately, there is ? ? - ? 1- Irnnn'C oil one man in r<i>Kiauu now *??? . about it, and 1 have made arrangements by which we shall hear the facts this afternoon from his own lips. Ah! he is a li:tl? before his time. Perhapr you wruld kindly step this way, Dr. Leon S; rndale. We have been conducting a chemical experiment indoors which has left our llttlo room hardly fit fcr the reception of i so distinguished a visitor." 1 had heard the click of the garden j gate, and now the majestic figure of I the great African explorer appeared | upon the path. lie turned in some I surprise towards the rustic arbor iti I which we sat. "You sent for me, Mr. Holmes. I had your note about an hour ago, and 1 have come, though 1 really do not know why I should obey your summons." "Perhaps we can clear the point tip before we separate," said Holmes. "Meanwhile, I urn much obliged to you fgr your courteous acquiescence. You will excuse this informal reception In the open air, but my friend Watson and I have nearly finished an additional chapter to what the papers call .m/t n-n nrof.ii* :i ^ liJtr v. uiiiir.ii i.uuui, uuu ??v v.v. ? clear atmosphere for the present. Perhaps, since the matters which we have to discuss will affect you personally in a very intimate fashion, it. is as well that wo should talk where there can be no eavesdropping." The explorer took a cigar from his lips and gazed sternly at my co r pinion. "I am at a lm-* ' . *> v, sir." 1 > said, "what y: ! i about which . ; . ,-_vr. !y it; a very !-. !' . fash. "The :.g t- TrcgcnBis," 5 -h. Ho1 s. For a mom ;.r ' .vished that I wore armed. Sterne, .j's lk'rce face turned ic a dusky :id, his eyes glared, and the knotted, passionate veins started out in his forehead, while he sprang forward with clenched hands towards my companion. Then ho stopped, and 2 with a violent effort he resumed a cold, rigid calmness which was, perhaps. more suggestive of danger than his hot-headed outburst. "I have lived so long among sav ttisccuccsof IER10CK [OIME5 tr CotwtfDoj/Jc moils by V.LBdrnes i ages and beyond the law," said he, "that I have got Into a way of being a law to myself. You would do well, Mr. Holmes, not to forget It, for I have no desire to do you an Injury." "Nor have I any desire to do you an Injury, Dr. Sterndale. Surely the clearest proof of It is that, knowing what I know, I have sent for you and not for the police." Sterndale sat down wi* a gasp, overawed, perhaps, the fir , time in his adventurous life. Tt. e was a calm assurance of power in Holmes' manner which could not be withstood. Our visitor stammered for a moment, his great hands opening and shutting in his agitation." "What do you mean?" he asked, at last. "If this is bluff upon your part, Mr. Holmes, you have chosen a bad man for your experiment. Let us have" no more beating about the bush. What do you mean?" "I will tell you," said Holmes, "and the reason why I tell you is that I hope frankness may beget frankness. What my next step may be will de. pend entirely upon the nature of your own defense." "My defense." "Yes, sir." "My defense against what?" "AgainBt the charge of killing Mortimer Tregennis." Sterndale mopped his forehead with his handkerchief. "Upon my word, you are getting on,'! said he. "Do all your successes depend upon this prodigious power of bluff?" "The bluff," said Holmes, sternly, A Thick Black Cloud Swirled Before My Eyes. "is upon your side, Dr. Loon Sterndale, and not upon mine. As a proof i v ill tell you some of the facts upon which inconclusions are based. Of your return to Plymouth, allowing much of your property to go on to Africa, I will say nothing save that it lirst informed me that you wore one of the factors which had to be taken into account in reconstructing this drama." "I came back?" "I have heard your reasons and regard them as unconvincing and inadequate. We will ya~s that. You came down here to ask me whom I suspected. I refused to answer you. You then went to the vicarage, waited out, side it for some time, and linally returned to your cottage." "How do you know that?" "1 followed you." "1 saw no one." "That is what you may expect to see when I follow you. You spent a restless night. at your cottage. and you formed certain plana, winch In the early morning you proceeded to put into execution. Leaving your door I just as day was breaking, you filled j your po< k? t with some reddish gravel which was lying beside your gale." St<rndale gave a violent start and locked at Ilolmes in amazement. "You then walktd swiftly for toe mile which separated you from the vicarage. You were wearing, I may remark, the same pair of ribbed tennis shoes which are at the present moment upon your feet. At the vicarage you passed through the orchard and the side hedge, coming out under the window of i!o lodger, Tregonnis. It was now daylight, but the household was not yet stirring. You drew some of the gravel from your pocket, r and you th -.. the window above you?" Stemdale sprang to his feet. "I believe that you are the devil himself!" he cried. Holmes smiled at the compliment. "It took two, or possibly three, handfuls before the lodger came to the window. You beckoned him to come down. He dressed hurriedly and descended to his sitting-room. You entered by the window. There was an interview?a short one?during which you walked up and down the room. Then you passed out and closed the window, standing on the lawn outside smoking a cigar and watching what occurred. Finally, after the death of Tregennis, you withdrew as you had come. Now, Dr. Stemdale, how do you Justify such conduct, and what were the motives of your actions? If you prevaricate or trifle with me, I give you my assurance that the matter will pass out of my hands forever." Our visitor's face had turned ashen gray as he listened to the words of his accuser. Now he sat for some time in thought with his face sunk in his hands. Then, with a sudden impulsive gesture, he plucked a photograph from his breast pocket and ' * *A - ? * no ' rnrew 11 on me rusuu unuic no. "That is why I have done it," said he. ' It showed the bust and face of a very beautiful woman. Holmes stooped over it. "Brenda Tregennfs," said he. "Yes, Brenda Tregennis," repeated our visitor. "For years I have loved her. For years she has loved me. That is the secret of that Cornish seclusion which people have marveled at. It has brought me close to the one thing on earth that was dear to me. I could not marry her, for I have a wife who has left me for years, and yet whom, by the deplorable laws of England, I could not divorce. For years I waited. And this is what we have waited for." A terrible sob shook his great frame, and he clutched his throat under his brindle beard. Then with an effort he mastered himself and spoke on. "The vicar knew. He was in our confidence. He would tell you that she was an angel upon earth. That was why he telegraphed to me and I returned. What was my baggage or Africa to me when I learned that such a fate had come upon my darling? There you have the missing clew to my action, Mr. Holmes." ?mv^-friend. - v Dr. Sterndale drew from his pocket a paper picket and laid it upon the table. On the outside was written, "Radix pedis diaboli," with a red poison label beneath it. He pushed It towards me. "I understand that you are a doctor, sir. Have you ever heard of this preparation?" "Devil's-foot root! No, I have never heard of it." "It is no reflection upon your professional knowledge," said he, "for I believe that, save for one sample in a laboratory at Buda, there is no other specimen in Europe. It has not yet found its way either into the pharmacopeia or into the literature of toxicology. The root is shaped like a foot, half human, half goatlike; tlip fanciful name Riven by a botanical missionary. It is used as an ordeal poison by the medicine-men in certain districts of West Africa, and is kept a secret among thejn This particular specimen I obtained under very extraordinary circumstances in the Ubanghi country." lie opened the paper as he spoke, and disclosed a neap of reddish-brown, snuff-like powder. "Well, sir?" said Holmes, sternly. "I am about to tell you, Mr. Holmes, oil that actually occurred, for you already know so much that it is clearly to my interest that you should know all. I have already explained the relationship In v.l.fc'i I uood to the Trtpennis family. For tho sake c-f the I sister I was fri-sidlv with the broth-1 ers. 'Ji"-i?' v..s a irtmiiy t?nu:el I about money which (-stripped this mar. M"rtii.i<r, bin i! v-as s imposed to be made up, and I al'tcrwaids inet him as I did the o" iiers. lie was a sly, subtle, scheming man, and scv< ral things arose which pave me a surplcion of him, but I had no cause for any positive quarrel. "One day, only a couple of weeks ago, he came down to my cottage and 1 showed him some of my African curiosities. Among other things, I exhibited this powder, and I told him of its strange properties, how it stimulates those brain centers which control the emotion of fear, and how either madness or death is the fate of the unhappy native who is subjected to the ordeal by the priest of his tribe. I told him also how powerless European science would ho to detect it. How he took it I cannot say, for I never left the room, but there Is no doubt that it was then, while I was opening cabinets and stooping to boxes, that he managed to abstract some of the devil's-foot root I well remember how he plied me with questions as to the amount and the time that was needed for its effect, but I IP you I Demanc the o/coa-Cda. f ' j^P ^SU- .., the COCA-CI T"1 Our new booklet, tel 1* lf0k& vindication at Chati & II vv asking, ^ little dreamed that he could have a "f ha personal reason for asking. Central "I thought no more of the matter half flnl until the vicar's telegram reached' me "Go i at Plymouth. This villain had thought Holmes, that I would be at sea befbre the news to prev< could reach me, and that I should be . Dr. S lost for years in Africa. But I re- ure, bot Ju,rneiL,|it once. :Of, course, I could the arb not listen to the details without feel- handed ing assured that my poison had been "Sonv I used. I came round to see you on the ous Woi I chance that some other explanation yie. "I ! had suggested itself to you. But that it there could be none. I was convinced called v fhat Mortimer Tregennis *as the mur- gation 1 derer; that for the sake of money, action * and with the idea, perhaps, that if the denounc other members of his family were all "Certi Insane he would be the sole guardian ?<j j,a^ of their joint property, he had used j ^id a the devil's-foot powder upon them, mct sue driven two of them out of their senses, our jaw] and killed his sister Brenda, the one knows? human being whom I have ever loved fen(j y0 or who has ever loved me. There was wjiat is his crime; what was to ha his punish- ^e win mem: starting "Should I appeal iO iho law? Where unlike i were my proofs? I knew that tile den. 0 facts were true, but could I help to been dr make a jury of countrymen believe cottage so fantastic a story? I might or I lamp si might not. Rut I could not afford to the rer fail. My soul cried out for revenge, shield w 1 I have said to you once before, Mr. ly obvic i Holmes, that I have sp nt much of Watson, my life outside the la'.., and that I matter I have come at last to be a law to my- with a self. So it was now. I determined of thos< that the fate which he had given to surely t others should be shared by himself, branch * Hither that, or I w- chl do justice upon him with my own nand. In all Eng- ^ land there can be no man who sets lees value upon his own life than I j do at the present moment. l icgnss "New T hrv* ycu -.11. You have set yourself supplied the rest. I did, as'fllying i you say, after a restless night, set omail. Pe early front my cottage. I foresaw i'.a eS? jn a difficulty of arousing him, so I h-! Tha.t*a w ercd some gravel from the pile which ! you have mentioned, and I used it u to throw up to his window. Ho came an(* lunf down and admitted me through the medicine window of the sitting-room, f laid his a dreadl offense before him. I told hiir. I had Davis, < come both as judge and executioner. (ioctor's The wretch sank into a chair nara-1 .. , , . .t , ? , ' , ernes na lyzed at the sight of my revolver. I lit the lamp, put the powder above It, <lua"e?* and stood outside the window, ready bottle fi to carry out my threat to shoot hirn Sons. should he try to leave the room. In jn tin five minutes he died. My God! how ;her and he died! Hut my heart was flint, for op, he endured nothing which my inno- t)V ^yj] cent darling had' not felt before hin?. years o There is my story, Mr. Holmes. Per- y^g ^rai haps, if you loved a woman, you would ter nii|j have done as much yourself. At any ^j's rate, I am in your hands. You can jt take what steps you like. As I have jo^ed ^ already said, there is no man living who can fear death less than I do." some w, Holmes sat for some time in silence. j "What were your plans?" he asked, ' ? . , ieart. at last. ^Satisfies There never was a hirst that Coca-Cola uldn't satisfy. )es, straight as an aro the dry spot, besides this, ; to a T the call foi ing purely delicious eliciously pure?and esome. Delicious Refreshing hirst-Quenching !f i Genuine as made by DLA CO., ATLANTA, CA. ling of Coca-Cola tanooga, for the W ~ll d Intended to bury myself In! Africa. My work there Is but ished." ind do the other half," said , "I, at least, am not prepared snt you." terndale raised his giant flgjved gravely, and walked from or. Holmes, jjt his pipe ayi me his pouch. ' * e fumes which are not poisonild be a welcome change," said think you must agree, Watson, is not a case in which we are ipon to interfere. Our investilas been Independent, and our shall be also. You would not :e the man?" dnlv not." I answered. ie never loved, Watson, but if nd if the woman I loved had h an end, I might act even aa less lion-hunter has done. Who Well, Watson, I will not ofur intelligence by explaining obvious. The gravel under dow-sill was, of course, the point of my research. It was inything in the vicarage garnly when my attention had awn to Dr. Sterndale and his .. did I find its counterpart. The lining in broad daylight and nains of powder upon the rere successive links in a fairlus chain. And now, my dear I think we may dismiss the from our minds, and go bark clear conscience to the study e Chaldean roots which ate 0 be traced in the Cornish of the great Celtic speech." I fail Carriers Will Fly. s an age o". great discoveries, j rides in the air. Sjju we 1 Unci) Sam's mail carriers n all directions, transporting iople take a wonderful interdiscovrey that benefits them, rhv rir Kine's New Discovery ghs, Colds and other throat ; diseases is the most popular in America. "It cured me of Cul cough," writes Mrs. J. F. Stickney Corner, Me., "after treatment and all other remtd failed." For coughs, colds Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial ee at T. E. Wannamaker -fe ; presence of his widowed moI a brother, John tV. Stevenson, , was shot aud instantly killed liam Poole, a boy about 15 Id, also the son of a widow, sjedy occurred at the Manchesvlllage, Rock Hill, both of the ing been operatives in that was another case of the "un!un.". The boys were playing j pistol, the weapon being in ay discharged and the unforboy was shot through thn i