* t ' ? / Wtp Cljemlu Cljt cnicle ? ? ii "Til Not in Mortal! to Command Success, but We'll do Mora, Semjironious, We'll Deserre It" Volume 16 CHERAW. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY. S. C., APRIL 11, 1912 Number 24 f WATERWORKS AN WIN! VOTE WAS'GRATIFYI One Hundred and Ten Vc dred and Sixty Regis Votes Agains The election on the question of is . oniric hnnriR for the installaion o x a system of waterworks and sewer -age and for tbe improvement of th municipal electric light plant va held Tuesday as advertised. On the question "Shall the Towi "Council of the Town of Cheraw, S. C. be authorized and empowered to issu .and sell 40 year coupon bonds of th ..said town, bearing 5 per cent inter est, with the privilege of redemptio: -after twenty years from date there of, to an amount not exceeding forty seven thousand dollars, ($47,000) fo the purpose of installing and main Gaining within the Incorporate limit of said town a system of waterworks with all its necessary appurtenan mf 110 votes were cast of whic "104 were for the proposition md against it. To handle this propsition the fol lowing gentlemen were elected: Mcb -are. Wm. Godfrey, G. W. Duvall an M. B. Crigler. On the question "Shall the Towi ^Council of the Town of Cheraw be au thorized and empowered to issue am -sell 40 year coupon bonds of th said town, bearing 5 per cent inter est. with the privilege of jedemptloi ^ after twenty years from d^te tbersol - . ? "fltlll!U!l SCHEOULES SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWA1 Southbound .No. 81 Arrive in Cheraw 3.12 a. m Ho. 57 Arrive in Cheraw 8.22 a. m .No. 43 Arrive in Cheraw 9.45 p. m Northbound -No. 84 Arrive in Cheraw 12.30 a. m No. 66 Arrive in Cheraw 8.22 a. m No. 58 Arrive in Cheraw 9.48 p. m No. 58 Northbound makes connec tion at Kollock with the Bennettsvile & Cheraw R. R. train. No. 66 makes connection at Kol lock with Bennettsvillc & Cheraw R R. train for Bennettsville and al points on the B. & C. system beyoni Bennettsville. No. 57 makes connection at McBe with the C. M. & C. R. R. fo Jefferson, S. C., also with the S. C & W. R. R. for Hartsvile, Darling ton and Florence. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILWA1 Southbound x*~ " T * " Choraiv C M n. T\\ U UJL i^ca ? k, viivtt*" - -? ? No. 63 Leave Cheraw 5.30 p. m Northbound No. 62 Leave Cheraw 11.57 a. m No. 60 Arrive in Cheraw 10.10 p. m No. 62 makes connection at Wades boro with train for Winston-Salem. No. 61 mokes connection at Florenc, with trains for Charleston,*Columbia and Wilmington, and at Darlingtoi with train for Sumter and Columbia No. 63 makes connection at Flor ence with trains for Columbia, Char leston and Wilmington. CHESTERFIELD & LANCASTER RY Westbound No- 7 (local) Due to Leave 7.00 a. m No. 35 Due to Leave 4.50 p. in Eastbound No. 8 (local) Due to Arrive 4.50 p. in No. 36 Due to Arrive 3.45 p. m No. 36, if on time, makes connec tion with the Atlantic Coast Line, No 63 for Darlington, Florence, Colum bia, Charleston and Wilmington. No. 7 subject to annulment. ID SEWERAGE > BY BIG MAJORITY NG SURPRISE TO MAN! >tes Cast Ouf of One Hun tered Voters?Only Six t tho Propsition i- to an amount not exceeding thirl f thousand dollars, (30,000), for the pui - pose of installing and, maintainin e within the incorporate limits of th s iaid town a sewerage system, wit all the appurtenances necessary t a its complete and successful open tion?" 108 votes were cast?102 b< e ing for tbe proposition and 6 againi e The law provides that the town coui cil shall appoint a board of commii Q sioner, two of which may be membei t- of the council, to handle the sewei - age proposition. r On the question "Shall the Tow - Council of the Town of Cheraw, ! 8 C., be authorized and empowered to ii i, sue and sell 40 year coupon bonds < - the said town, bearing 5 per cent, ii h terest, with the privilege of redem] 6 tion after twenty years from da! thereof, to an amount not exceedin - eight thousand dollars ($8,000), ft i- the purpose of increasing the adequac d and efficiency of the municipal ele< trie lighting plant, already in open a tion, together with all its necessai - appurtenances?" 109 votes were cai d ?100 being in favor of and 9 againi e the proposition. Of course If the ele< - light plant la ?old to the Radkln Riv< l Power Company the $8,000 t * PATRICK NEWS ! There will be a hot supper at tb Virtiann TiiaoHqv n I ?fh t Anril 1 D^uyui UUUOO X UWVUUJ u?Dub ?r? ? for the benefit of the M. E. churcl All are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. S. L. and Miss E. L. Gillei . pie returned Friday night from a vis . to relatives in Fitzgerald, Ga. Mr. D. M. McNair made a flyin * trip to Cheraw Monday night. We regret very much the chang * that has been made in the schedul ' of the trains here. Before one cou] J go up to Cheraw at night, but nott ing doing now. 6 r Dr. A. A. McManus, of Jeffersoi * was in town/ Monday. Mis? Veil Williams visited reh tives in Columbia Saturday, Sunda L' and Monday. Rev. W. C. Bowden preached very lme sermon last Sundiy aftei . roon. Miss Fannie Hodge, of Osborne, ? I C., is visiting relatives in town. Mr. J. S. Folson left a few day ago to take charge of the Osborn e (N. C.) Section. We wish him ever ,J success. 1 Rob Roy FOR SALE. My residence corner Market an Marion street, also brick store build in on Second street. Apply to THURLOW BELK. "My little son has a very severe col I was recommended to try Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy, and before small bottle was finished he was a . well as ever," writes Mrs. H. Silk: ? 39 Dowling Street, Sydney, Australia . This remedy is for sale by all dealers We have a few tons fertilizers fo sale. All grades. I)o you want a fe1 sacks for your garden? H. W. Harral (IVES NO PROOF ' ON INSINUATIONS f PROBLNG INTO OLD DISPENSARY Review of Work by Legislative Com mittee. Governor Blease Bey fuses to Appear rB 16 . From The State. ,n -0 No definite announcement has beei i- made?as to the date of the next meet J- ing of the legislative committee ap 5t pointed to investigate the charges b; the governor as to the members of th Ansel commission and Attorney Gen r_ eral Lyon in connection with the al fairs of the old State Dispensary. Tb next meeting will be called by Sena g tor Carlisle, the chairman of the com 1 mittee. The meeting will very prob ably be held following the filing o the final report by the Blease com mission. . Members of the committee state te . g several days ago that it was the in tention of the committee to subpoen the governor. He has been requeste ' to appear three times and refused. n The members of the investigatin >y, committee are Senators Carlisle, Clii ton, and Sullivan and Representative jt Daniel, Cary and Evans. A Urged Investigation ' \ Thd^overnor sent a special mes jt H&e td|the genera} assembly inlAl j. resolution providing tor the lnvestlgi j, tlon was,passed and sent to the chie j, executive^ for his signature. He ap plied the veto, and the bill was sen ie back to the last general assembly g( It passed over the veto. Abou t! the first witness to be called upo: to testify before the committe was Governor Blease. He refuse j. a second request to attend the session lt and stated that he did not purpos to be troubled by the committer Th members of the committee took th g position that the governor ought t know something about the wrong do ing, if there was wrong doing, an rg thought he should appear in persoi |e and testify because he made th d = i- ? SAME AS MONEY 1, * m a FIND OUT WHY? i. Deposit y e i dXlin Rotil/ I- X lit/ xruuiv Cheraj d a STRONGER THAN ALL OTHER i 8 5, 40 compo 0 savi 1. CALL IS ISSUED N I FOR CONVENTION r COMMITTEE MET LAST NIGHT A1 State Convention on May 15?Connty T! Conventions on May 6?Town* ship Conventions April 27 The executive committee of the Dema ocratic party met in Columbia last 0f night and issued a call for the State ^ convenion t o be held in Columbia . h in on May 15 at noon. The county cony ventions were called for May 6 and 0< 0 the township or club meetings for ch April 27. sh Col. Wiley Jones, for 14 years State p( e Chairman, announced his retirement from that position. The last convention was composed cu i- of 334 delegates. The number will ? if be increased considerably at this meet- be i- ing. V in Yj Hon. E. Walker Duvall Tepresentd Chesterfield county at the meeting lo of .the executive committee last night. a ? d charges. All efforts have failed and , .. el tne commitete win very propaoiy reg sort to the courts. Holds the Letters. w b H. H. Evans declared that the gov ernor had a number of the "T. B." if to get the letters but failed. The oi >- committee made formal demand on r t the governor for the letters and he . replied that he would not give them gl it up except upon the orders of the u courts. 81 e j The governor went up to Newberry d several weeks ago and among other 0 s things, declared in an interview, that e the legislative committee was apply- 15 e ing the "whitewash" to the situation. 00 e This led the members of the commiso sion to make request for a third tim?a ^ i? for the governor to appear in person d or to name in any witness to give ce a testimony. Again the governor failed e to appear. cc . The charges contained in message No. 4 were aimed at the members of ct the Ansel commission and Attorney General Lyon. The members of the ce Ansel commission are Dr. W. J. Murray Columbia; John McSween, Tim- co monsville; A. N. Wood, Gaffney; Avery Patton, Greenville, and J. Steele Brice Pe of Yorkville. These men were dis-J missed by the governor 011 the ground ne of "incompetency." 8*3 Many Witnesses failed ca th; Over thirty witnesses have appeared ^ Tt (Continued on Page 4) tbi ? 32 mc our money *ra an [N ' Co rai t rai of CheraW'* foi iv, S. C-. !h< th( r 5ANKS IN THE COUNTY COMBINED of th< coi fai unded quarterly wl. ngs department Z tio IASS MEEEING AT 8 O'CLOCK LL CITIZENS SHOULD ATTEND le Question of Disposing of the Municipal Electric Light Plant to be Decided. / As advertised In last week's , issue The Chronicle, a mass meeting of e citizens of the town will be held the town hall this evening at 8 :lock at which time it will be deled whether the electric light plant tall be sold to the Yadkin River >wer Company. The matter has been thoroughly disssed during the past week but Theironlcle thinka it will probably not i amiss to put before the citizens concise form, the proposition of the , idkin River Power Company. Folwing is the proposition as we unsratand It: The Yadkin River Power Company fers the town $10,000 cash for th* ectrlc light plants. This includes igine, boiler, dynamo, transformers, ires, etc., the power house and land 1 which it is located. They agree at the town may retain for its use WwnvflpBr' to id to be turned on one-half hear ter sundawn and not to be turned I until one-half hour beforei eunse. k . .. -fr.. The Yadkin River Power Company larantees the city against any, claim >r damages that might arise as a re- ' lit of any accident. Following is the rate to be charged r incandescent lights, based upon a inimum rate of $1.00 per month at i- cents per k. w. hour, and dis unts are to be allowed as follows: Up to 17 k. w. hours 10 per cent, scount. From 17 to 27 k. w. hours 20 per nt discount. From 27 to 35 k. w. hours 30 per nt discount. From 35 to 42 k. w. hours 40 per nt discount. From 42 to 50 k. w. hours 45 per nt discount. From 50 to 57 k. w. hours 50 per nt discount. In excess of 57 k. w. hours KK r cent, discount. It is stated that the average busl- * ss house of the town burns fifty to cty k. w. hours per month and by Iculating a little it will be seen at the above rate will be lower than e rate now charged by the town. ie rate will not be quite as low for e small consumer, but after about* k. w. hours have been used per )nth then the rate will become lowthan it now is, but consumers will ve lights at their disposal both day d night. The Yadkin River Power mpany further agrees that this te shall be as low as any other te charged by them to any other vn and guarantees that if the rate reduced by them in any other town ; rate in Cheraw will be reduced. / The franchise and contract asked ' seems to us to be reasonable and appears to us that the citizens of ; town are amply procted in aU iir rights. rhe construction and maintenance the lines in town are to be under i supervision of the city and the mpany is to pay a penalty when it is to make any needed repairs thin a reasonable time. Let every citizen come out to the seting -tonight and if there is any ng you don't understand ask queens.