Have four sources feed your crop throi ing season. They will be sole point in this county. Next week we w paper why they are iLSi " ' ' ' - uw iiaui Armour Fert ATLANTA. #^(?fl(LE - Successor to The Cher aw Reporter Established July 9, 1885 which was Entered as Second Class Matter According to Act of Congress of March 8,1879. Published Weekly by Stricklin Printing Company ?Bss=a================ J. N. STRICKLIN \ Editors and . , W.J.STfclCKUN Managers subscription price $1.00 per year in advance. $1.50 per year when not paid in advance. Advertising rates made known on application. ? * '* .. I,- .1, .. - . i ... ' 1 , Will be glad to publish any articles concerning P town or surrounding country. Also news matter of any kind gladly received. T ^ nn a .? in 100-4 tne most powerful twelve-inch gun was a muzzle loader, twelve calibres in length weighing about 23.5 tons. Its ^ charge of powder weighed eighty five pounds, the muzzle velocity of the 614-pound projectile was 1,800 feet per second, and it could perforate sixteen inches of wrought iron armor at the muzale, or 8 inches at the maximum range of 6,000 yards. The 12-incli gun of the present is a breechloader, 50 calibres long. Its pro jectile weighs 850 pounds, the muzzle velocity is 3,000 feet per ec.; its perforative power is fiftytwo inches of wrought iron at the muzzle, thirty-seven at 6,000 yds., and 17.5 at 24,000 yards. Uhe "safety match" bill introduced in the senate, has been killed. c 5 Bales of Got Mr. John B. Broadwell i cotton per acre on his entii at the rat$ of 1,000 pounds ] able to do as well as Mr. Bro By Ui Virginia-* Fertili O.* ' " xjti. a nupy oi our 1910 r arme from you- fertilizer dealer, o Mr. Broadwell tells in this b he got this big yield. 8ALB9 OFF Richmond, V*. Mail ( this Coupon Norfolk, Va. _ _ _ ? Colombia, S. C iioimia Carolina Chemical u r Company. Durham, n.c. Please aend ma a eopr of jroar 1910 Winston-Salem fanners* Yea* Book tree of coat. Charleston, 8. 1 Baltimore, Md. FiMO ............................. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery. A Memphis, Tent HI I ??.wn,l., of ammonia* They 1 igh the entire grow- I I at every shipping- I ill tell you in this | the best goods to . > ' tlizer Works GEORGIA Boys' Corn Club How many boys in Chesterfield couuty are going to join the "Corn Club?" Some valuable prizes have already been vouched for, beside the chance of receiving a diploma from the Qovernor or from the President of the United States. Think of it, four boys from the South were given each a trip to Washington, entertained by the Department of Agriculture and were given a national diploma for the greatest yield of corn per acre among the boys of the County Clubs in their respective states. The boy tuat wins in his -own county receives a diploma from the Governor and honor and distinction in manyother ways. "The Greenvilie County Corn Club was organised a month or two ago and you never saw so much interest in selecting and procuring the best seed. At the meeting which Dr. Knapp addressed In Greenville, the boys and farmers were requested to bring forty or tif ty of their best selected ears for seed and the rtnflrtBLam the department reMHBH^^^the best tears of seed selection in the yield. These contestants were very anxious to procure the best seed and were willing to pay almost any price to get it. It is the general opinion of experts that the best seed for any locality can only be secured by breeding up from a good variety in that locality. Chesterfield has some as good farming laud us there is in the State and why should not her hflVG pnrvf-noi 1 - ** u uvu?.au c?t;i ji niuii oi ground for every prize offered, large or small ? If they do not, the fault will be with the teacher and officials, who should arouse these boys to take advautage of their opportunities. We hope to see in the near future a day set for the organization of the "Chesterfield County Boys' Corn Club." Whenever a man says prohibition does not prohibit, he admits that he has not been doing his duty as a good citizen to enforce the law. Did you ever think about that ? Representative Duvall's bill 'Providing for the safekeeping ol funds in Chesterfield," meaning, we suppose, the funds of the county, has passed the third reading. ton Per Acre iveraged three bales of re crop by using fertilizers per acre. You should be adwell sing r>i 1 ^aroiina izers rs' Year Book or Almanac r write us for a free copy, ook his own story of how ICE9: Atlanta, Ca. Savannah, Ga. c. PfXcrtMcr^Bm gVlrtfiiiiaQirollnaJ HKxiiem||Bc^3|H > 'M children? How many of the parents visit the graded schools and to see how the work is car, ? ried on and to encourage the teachers? How often do the trustees go there? Is there a visiting committee? Any well-regulated school is glad to see visitors, provided the visitors do not come "on a lark" or out of idle curiosity. Any teacher who is doing faithful and J efficient work will be helped in that work by the viBit of an inintelligent and well-meaning man or woman. There is no surer way to find out what the schoois are doing than to see them at work?and at play; for the way the children behave on th? playground and on the streets to and from school is also a good indication of the kind of training they are getting. Parents get reports from teachers montdly. These reports mean something, of course; and it ought to be a source of pride to a parent when the child brings home marks of 90 and a hundred. But, after all, marks are only relative The important thing is the school's standard and whether it is living up to its standard. Cheraw is spending a great dealof money on i s public schools Is she getting the worth of it? A negro in Greenville county will spend five years in the penitentiary or on the chaingang for a cup of buttermilk. He broke into the house of Mr. Ashmore, oi that county, but got nothing but the milk; and then the circuit gave him five years for housebreaking and larceny. But Gar lington, who fleeced citizens of South Carolina out of about $55,000, gets only three years, and Young, his "handy man," gets nly one year. Such is life! Poor negro! ' The post office department has < issued instructions to R. F. D. carriers to thc^bffect tha^tf^^ therefore, enclose coins in an envelope, or wrap them securely in a piece of paper, so that they can be easily and quickly taken from the box. For indigestion and all stomach troubles take Foley's Orino Laxative. It is the natural remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, bad breath, sick headache, torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Foley's Orino Laxative sweetens the stomach and breath, and tones up the entire alimentary system. Sold by all druggists POLEYSHONET^TAR ? ?,uugn and heals lungt J. H. Schooley 20th CE1 Washing M SOMETHING N THE F1 HE EO CENTURY L wn tSall Bearirv and Foldii Comb The first Laundry Machine ing Tu h rest, Rotary Wash boa ment, High Pressure, Ball Beai er and Folding Bench Combii 44It Washes 'e "Rinses 'em ( 4 4Wrings 'em 44Irons 'em Sd The machine is worth 50c i 25c a week to do ironing, savin ? i. i ? > a v/cck, uiHKing a dollar a wee year saves $50. In ten years y $500, and we will pay $500 for it in merit. We warrant the machine ant part. Business chances for making ment for those who wish a pr wanted. Address Schooley & Be BfcWWaliiifl iC COVRl viftfl^^m!^ ^ftAAJlSSB<tMlll^ deajh?t^^^^^^auflferiug- often ohiH8?ndYi^Sparfc' of noB^ sore, cougb, WhflK a throat-gripping you value-yoi* Grip attacts, as getting life, don't delay "One bottfiWB?g*8 New Discovery. L. Dunn. dfmred me," writes A. "after beua??*^Bine Valley Miss, with GripiT^flnd up' three' weeks HemorrhagtijH'For sore, lungs, Whooping Coughs, Colds, Asthma, itsJ^Hugh,. Bronchitis, Guaranteed hJBpreme. 60c. $1.00, maker. .jjxheo. E. WannaSouth CarolM***1?11' et- aL Chesterfield By virtue cW^11^ u G. W. Gag^B?? order of Judge 1909, in thfeS~3ated April 5th, I will offer f^B>?ve stated case, Court House jflt 8a*e before the S. C.ion th^B^ioChesterfield, ruary, 191()^^P^fonclay in Febhours of saBParinff fhq legal bidder, the fB k) the highest lying on Bjj?>wiuig tract 6f land than's branc&B -sides of JonaBeaver Dam waters of upper ed as followsJB&ok) sod describruns east 4|^Ba stake 3xn and a stake 3xn;^H^snd 25 links to _ a -a a - _ nA...1. Or J east 12 COS. ouum ou ufg. south 28 de^^B>ine 3xn? thence stake clis. to a west dcP[39 chs. to tl^^^Kinning. Con taining 229 aciMrmore or less. Terms of safe: One-third (h) cash, one-third (i) one year from dateofsale. ontJ tfiird(ii)twoyears from date of sale The unpaid por tion to be secur id by bond of pu r chaser and nortgage of t! premises. Interest on unp: portion from date of sale t< tlement. Purchaser to haw Ma option of paying all cash. The ab< ve stated tract of land sold at the risk of C. K Johnson j a former purchaser. The pur ; chaser will pay for all necessary papers. R. E. IvlVKIlS, Jan. 12th, i'JIO. Clerk of Court. ,1 I E. C. Bcckman NTURY achine Cn. EW [RST SUCCESS ELUNDRY MACQUE H v- == ! g Wringer I ng Bench ' >ined b ever invented having Fold- b rd with Automatic Adjust- j ring White Rubber Wringtied. vv m Clean" zieat" v *,t Y( Dry" h nooth" 01 1 week to do washing and b, e of clothes from wear 25c b< k. Using the machine a Ti rou save ten times $50 or ^ - a machine that will equal J X Ir i make good any defective oi hi money and a! good investofitable business. Agents w ""T"s 1 . " I TH. KING m I PR. Kl HEW MS FOR COUQH8 FOR WKAK, 80RE BRONCHITIS, H AND THROAT ' ft/IOC# PREVENTS I I regard Dr. King's Hew Diecore modern times. One bottle comp cough, which was steedily growing SARI PRICE SOo i I __3 SOLD AND 6UA Ladd'e Drug Store & R. A. from Willi Well known to many South C knnu/n orr\i11-?A \V.? m i.wivtmi u1vuiiu V V ilxieol'ui I J, Will Big Sale of Horst Wades Monday, tlie 31i and Mules, ^tock wilWoe in vious to the sale at Coward'; and you are cordially invited to It you don't know me, come; you will. R. A. I Just Re< I have just received the finest ca Western iver brought to this market. I \ )r good papers. Call and see them. T. S. Gr * NOTICE On Wednesday, the 9th day of ed February, 1910, at 11 o'clock A. A , I will let to the lowest bidder * t bridge the contract to furnish it i uoiber and build bridge across P? Thompson's Creek near Mays-IJJJ ille, known as Mavsvillft I - ? ?- ?o? 10 Will reser?e right to reject all c&? ids Plant will be made known at ridge. fE. R. Knight, j an. 19. Co. Sup. Cheraw Produce Market. (Corrected Weekly.) on ok chick ens 15 to 80c ens 25 to 85c Id roosters 85c ggs, per dosen 25 to 80c utter, per lb 25 to 80c | | /vo n ua? |/cr iUi ? 10 t>0 22c I allow, per lb 4 to 6c 9 >rn, per bushel $1.10 a >as, per bushel 1.65 I its, per bushel 60c I iah Potatoes, per bushel 75c 1 lions, per bushel 50 to 75c J ams, por lb 17 to 20c A 'led Apples, per lb 6c I ool, washed, per lb 22c I ool, uu washed, per lb 20c I ool, burry, per lb 12% to 18o | sen Hides, per lb 7c i y Hides, per lb 8 to 15o #? %'v A,\ , ;i: s ^? KCURES IWO'81 iUUVLHY amd COLD8. 1 LUNQ8, A8THMA* IEMORRHAQE8 all kNo LUNG l8E8. I >NEUMONIA ty m the grandest medicine of Lately cored me of * very bed < I worse under other treatments. I L SHAMBURG, Codell, Kas. AND ei.oo RANTEED BY C I < T. B. Wannamaker. mksm* Dodd, rvore, K.y. [ Carolina people and better F hold a ?s and Mules in E ?boro ? it of Ja.nua.ry, s Barn not only inspect but buy. P if you do, i hope and believe )ODD. ? A ? L; Cj ceived. tc rload of Mulac! a m v%> lV/O vill sell them cheap for cash j ar egory. ? Profitable Chang*. 1' 1 well known conjurer one day vlaita Scotch village. After performing iny astonishing tricks he asked for halfpenny, which a collier lent him. e coujurer then said he would tarn Into a sovereign. He did so. as the >ple thought, and handed it aronnd them to see When It reached the ller be coolly pocketed It and said j the astonished conjurer, "Will ye ^ inge me anlther?'?London Mall. Cfl; SBMBHifliaMsaMiSBmaHi in. v^*f- *> ' .' ;' Cw*"? ' ?r , v~ ' ^r>" ' ''. '{>>v** < v ;. . "v-.? ' *?>. -*">*r': Vmuihr'S Column. 1st?Pure Drugs and Medicines. I buy my drugs only from Manufacturers of established reliability. Every article is warranted to be absolutely pure and full strength. 2nd.?Prescriptions. My prescription department is carefully looked after Purity, accuracy and moderate prices are points we aim for. 3rd.?Patent Medicines. 1 keep all the leading kinds md am constantly addin^je^^^^^^^B Dnes my 3e to 12 bottle Ith.?Soda Water and IceFlavored with pure fruit uices. Very refreshing. >th.?Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Teaspoons Lnd all odd pieces. 1 personilly warrant all to be Solid stealing Silver. I have also Rogers Platey Knives and ^ -nrk< (TU* AQAn D V ^ v. .w v i nt IUT/ ivugcrs/. ^one better on the market. China Ware, Cut Glass. j A large assortment at all J >rices from one dollar to ten JA lollars. 6th.?Stationery. 1 Box Paper, Pound Paper, . 1 Envelopes, Writing Tablets, A .ead Pencils, Ink, Carbon Pa- A ?er, etc. A 7th. ^ Blank Books, Ledgers, Time l looks. Cash Books, Day A looks, Memorandum Books, ^A )rder Books, etc., etc. 8 th.? L U. ^A 9th.?Toilet SoapsT^^^^^^^^B A large assortment. All ^ rices. 5c. 10c to 25c a cake. 10th.?Hair Brushes. The largest assortment ever rought to Cheraw. Carefulr selected. Every brush full alue, 10c to #2.50. Combs, II D_: r> - u i ulcs. cxira neavy ones. ast forever with ordinary ire. Prices range from 5c f ? one dollar each. % I 11th.?Lamps. Glass Lamps, 25cents to 60 :nts. Burners, Wicks, chimtys, kerosene oil, etc. 2th.?Paints, Varnishes, etc. I carry Lucas' Line. They ok good longer, last longer, id cost no more than others. 13th.?Wall Finishes. Such as Muresco, and Alaistinp. All mlrvrc on/1 on'" m mm m VUIV/1J AUU tdOJf put on. tteo. E. Wannamaker, Dealer in Pure Drngs and Medicines, Cheraw. S. C. PrucUnc*. I *rudence Is common sense welil lned in the art of manner, of die-1 mlnatlon and of address. ? i Save I Work I Worry 1 Money I by using a Stover Gasoline Enjme. I Made right, sold right. I Send for iUust rated cat- | alogue of engines, wind mills and grinders. 1 Sumter Iron W'ks., Gen. Agts., 1 Snmte-, S. C. ^ ^ ^