The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, February 01, 1968, Image 1

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Index The Clinton Chronicle Vol. 69 — No 5 Clinton, S. C, Thursday, Fobiuo/y 1, 1963 ► Laurens Mayor Sees Benefits ror Clinton 1 l;issifi«*d Deithk ;i Sports Editorials Society 10 •/ I *' H) - ' I ><.‘ttr;i 'I'hat 1 • J Carole s Calm- But Mom s Nervous Ms DON.NY WILDER Chronicle Editor .1 Mr. and Mrs. HORRY SANDERS • i. and ti :•'»() Sunday. Fei). 1. ap thc>- II hv watching daiiKidci- c AROl.i: on l In 1 TV Collcye Bow l program. ( arolc is a membor of the Furman l nivorsity (jiii/ team uim li will bo oompetiny on the program. Askod it Carolo appoarod to be nervous about the upooininy perlormauoe, Mrs. Sanders said. "No. s11e doi's11') seoni to bo oxoited. But 1 am. I don’t know if I’ll make it.” The Samtorses have a color T\’ sot to watch the program but tlio> appreciate ad the invitations they’ve received from other color TV sot owncis around town. Cai lie's team w ill com pete apainst t lie 1 diiver- k ity of I'lttsbur'di 'a hn b will 'do yoitty for its third w in, having defeated the uni\ ers’ties oi K;ms;is and Missouri. ('a! <do i , a iimior ma ioriny in IdTryv and she 1 " ■ o deian. 1 on;d 'i a !• ' 'r- ' . mes F ■ 'ok. a a IT .mir. • •• Cen- k »' * i , llow- an : 1 . ational Mat lo a* ; Sninn e;' In 'date Iraiu K City-County Government Complex Proposed A :numeipal-e'junl\ - ot all the ]jeople ol C.iurens a ( <'iaMh u-t urnmenlal complex has been ('ount\ it we could wm k out aeltin,: iv.t e propo.ed in Lauren, details with the counts " hall I Laurens Mayor I A He also said ' I Icel we hoove Lmms said that need nnlv one tail in eniisiile the count\ courthouse and rens, one radio A 'em and | here Laurens Cry Hall pi'otH -nis many ether items that are i. (her.; ha v mnk it w ouid Ol U'. to ■ ’ o t|o pinpe-.s; a to , e v i • i ' i i pa w hi 'li cuuLl h.ah fie selved in tin. now i duplicated :n itv lee Li 1 \ complex w lueh ..Co could w ith tlie county and the and include some fiemiits lor the city " 'Ml. Clinton or. •a (irig gs told the Chronicle. | (ingg . said "1 think it •Die cdy ol l.auretn needs t 1 a; would be to the advantage a eitv hall, the e. unty needs t 'id !)' ■ i hi Th II J> jail :ae,!.i.e- ! n. .1 lee pre- < ’ 1! \ 'o11Iiei 1 v " ( ’ {1U* ■ kr.j ()() hr ‘hr- and :t vv. .a 1 «! ; ake Clin ami to;, pole ; , l"e>l . • i ,. iii.’a 1’ to n. ii pr, oi'. 1 S t i jai 1 in .UTs 1 .'ll-"': i hah t d' - lor • ( ‘ v N ( liar!. >11 .ii p< ii;, a m-’ II ' o take c 1! \ ' a e ,: i . ' i'' -dI e ti . the :' h i n oj!a 1 ai that e ’ t V It s nine " ’ ! ail N . ■ •. 1 ’ 1 ( liar e .ton ’ ! 1 1 ! '.he i ha i". i i »r pad n 11 d P ' - not ‘I: .1 ! a •’ he' We, 1) 'A P h 1 . n and ( nP ( .1. Lric.M said the cities and duty at niutht. With a con- 'he > amts could pay thiur solidation of sort ices, we pro rMa share ot ttie costs would need only one and ei 'L hu.Ldum di-peodiru; that could he a tremendous hi what space and services saving and we could use the 'a. i'el /el iiom the build- extra men elsewhere if need- Clintonian h Injured In Crash plans t" She ha' Honor : ship. : Schole Seltola »• slap an<l < ipportuni tend trie Space I- at l ( search ‘ :tnt (AROLE SANDERS ' .L k, J\ N 'i MASON lost a kfood friend ;!,|(l birm. r t . r imate in the recent death of Lov- iiiyton ((mat) .McMillan, the lonkT-time mtunber of tne coaching stall at ('lemsott Fniversity. Mr.'! i 11 a 11 and Mason played in the same haek- Teld at Saluda Hiyh School in 1921-2d. Another member oi that baekfield was the late O. D. LAIM.E'I f, the first winner of the Jacobs Rlockmy tropy in tlu 1 stale ol South Carolina. Faduett play ed biockino back at Liemson when he won the nward in 1928, but was a halfback, alony with Mc- Aliihm, at Saluda. Masott was recoKiu/.ed as the finest fullback in tile state. That Saluda team lost only one Kamie during Mason’s senior year. The loss was to Gaffney for the upper state championship. That was back be fore teams were rated according to classification mtsed on enrollment. * * * When HI GH JACOBS got up to present the state blocking trophy at the Columbia Touchdown Club banquet last week, he said: “I quote Mark Antony as he sneaked into Cleo patra’s tent: T didn’t come here to talk.’” * * * Dr. FRED E. HOLCOMBE, optometrist, has an appropriate office telephone number: 82.2-2020. * * * if an volte can better the one-armed paperhanger description, it’s MRS. BIRDIE’ SPENCER at the Blalock Clinic. The receptionist slipped on ice and broke her right arm recently. She warn indeed, busier than a one-armed paper- hanger Monday morning. With an office full of patients, the telephone ringing incessently as she tried to fill out forms with her left hand, her com posure was amazing. Marc m I'linier ol Clinton was injured Tuesday m an aii'plane crash m lllmois Turner is confined to Princeton, 111 hospital with broken rdo a broken collar bone and a cut on his fore head (employ ed b. S C (iro\ es and Si ns, he and two lllmo s State Ti i •opeiw h : , ( j hern tak mu aerial photograph' ol a road con (ruction protect prior to die crash One of the trooper, was pilotmu the plane Tla i’rmi don airport run way reportedly \es>, Kvd ov er (in landing, the (ilane skidded and hit some trees 'I he two tie >' ip‘'l’s also were hospitah/ed I urner : e ides al -iOl \ \ lair St m ( Imtun Operatic Trio Concert Set Feb. 13 1 lie New York < )pornt ic Tno w;|| t'ertorm on Febru ary Id a i Pie I itial attraction ol the 19Y7 its Community Com ert erics, 'I he smuers. ineludim; Kli/- aheth Mobile/, .ui|)rano. Kmi- lio Hflaral, tenor and David Smith. ha,s baritone, will ap. pear at Helk \uditorium on the Pre by tenan C’olleye campus and will present a program ranttin^ from grand opera to the hits of Broad way New subscribers, pur chasing their memberships (hat (oening. will receive this concert as a bonus and will he admitted free ol charge. Harry Boliek, chairman of the countywide Community Concert Association. an nounces that workers will he on hand horn 7 30 p m. until curtain time, and again at m- , termission. to receive new members or to renew current memberships Mrs L H Sahelqoul memhersfiip chairman. is making plans tor the annual membership drive which will take place later in the month She urges that the public take notice ot this upportuni 1y to subscribe early and attend the concert on Febru ary 13 without charge What Do You Think? <H ESTION : What do you think should be done about the Laurens County Courthouse sit uation? Do you think the county needs a new courthouse or should the current courthouse he renovated ? ( . H. LEONARD—“A courthouse definitely is in order but I cannot see one so expensive (as the $2.9 million proposal re cently voted down). To remodel the old one would cost just as much as to build a less expen sive new one.” HOWARD SMITH—“A new courthouse is a ne cessity hut on the other hand Laurens County does not need a $2 mil lion ‘white elephant.’ ” MRS < . H. THOMA SON—‘‘We don’t need a $2 million courthouse, that’s for sure. Factories can be built for less than that.” CHARLES C A M P- BELL—‘‘We need a new courthouse and a morg central location — but not §3 million worth.’ JIMMY McKEE—“Just remodel the one we have, there is no need to spend so much money.” KIWANIS OFFICERS — Hulette Wasson, center, recently was install ed as president of the Clinton Kiwa- nis Club. The Laurens Countv Pro bate Judge. Wasson tsucceeds L. 11. Lee. left. At right is Dick Sweeten- burg, the club secretary. (Photo by Dan Yarborough) Broad Street Methodists Top Goal B r 0 a d St 1 ret Meth<idi.-t Church - eon :i fgation top p<*d the Sanctuary Buildiru' Fund goal by over $5.000 m a 1 wo eek cam pai gn \t a \ a-toi y ,er\ ici at the ehurch Tuesday iiigfvt it wa- announced that $130.31/) had hern roali/e I m ca-'h or pledge- durm ; tho campaign The goal was $125,000 Ninety Iw . eliuioli meir. hers made a total ol 2ii7 earn paign calls The -anctuary to eo t estimated $2.„) out), is t< eon -i na ! 1 1 oo ' 1 ie sp e • .| cuiTent ( hureti AnoUr'e ea m pa 1 f) w 11 conducted in 1371 to raiM an he t he he the hah nee mi the tnnne\ needed Children i 1 ; :1k enuren ga\ e over St 0oo t' ( the cam paign School District Gets Allocation Of S143 877 An allocation ol $143,827 for Laurens School District 56 s Summer Heading Fro gram has been approved un der Title 1 of the Flementar, and Secondary F.duealion Act The funds are used 1 i strengthen programs lot ec-c nomically or educationally de prived students. Last summer. 358 students participated m the District 56 summer reading program Tuesday Fee Damages House A house at 311 S Bell Street was heavily damaged by fire about noon Tuesday. No one was at home at the time ot the lire and firemen were unable to determine how the fire started. Mrs. Clara Garrett resided in the house. Make-Up School Days Announced Sc bo< J 1 ia v > PiCmii recently because id staev and ae g ;!l C- made up op .\pri! I ’>, May 2udt 1 and J ! 111 e 1 . 1 I’ e : I list CCS ml School Dl St l'l e f • >' i Noted in a speri.hl meetdig Monday Iligill to extend tile -eilooi year by t v. o da > > and elnrmat' one seiieduied iioliday in ordet to nuike un the lo.-t <1 liool days. April 1’> originally \\;is sehednled to ie a holi- da\. tfie Monday after KaMer. I lie iiood Friday iioliday si ill will lie obser\ ed. The school y 1 at’ was to be concluded iqj May 2(1 but now student,-- will attend seiioni on May .‘»(t-21 And w ill return to reeei\'e their report (;ir Is on .bine I'eaeher' wii! work on regord.- Saturiay. June 1, and that wdl eomi.t a- one ol tin make i n mavs al- t liougli H won’t involve student' attending class es. Teachers originally were ,'ciie.iuli i to bring their records up to oate 0:1 May 29. Clinton Ring Road Response Favorable IP • > m?i ,0 t m t h - - prori oed "ring road h; pa - ai ound ( lintoii ha been t ivoraole aoeonlitiu to (looi „e : '01 iiel son. (diairnu.n ol tin Clin ion Llanninj ('onun. -,.oa ( orneksoii sa d the comm 1 ss’i'll lias 1 ei e 1 \ ed i 1 ec ui .igei;.( nt Irom represeii tat w e' ul business mdn dry . d man,, p.ibl e otiauals 'I ae general ti)e..;e ol 'e< word:, ot -ujjport has been that tne proposal woubi ale \ lute t. aiiie eoiige-tiuli ;a di , nl 1. < .aiton. ( orneisi .11 sail " : dunk that tin pi op isai is ge.trpj : oud suo poi t Sin ai oi th on. pel's 01 pioperty winch wi! 1 he air; e(ly alleeted by the ‘ring road’ are naturally eon cerned and are interested in exactly ho.v il will alleet them We want to make sure that cveiyone gets ail the neces sary information. The maps are still on display at the Chamber of Commerce and we urge al| interested eiti- ' , M ) \ < 1 m 1 ,t tub ' o:. P ( I'uion Iwl io 1 in.'i’li ohjeel is to i.Pe ■ I'.pii:e;it ion ill gov a’ ,1! ■ t\ :ee<) For ex - 1 row have them' thing that saves the tax do! ra lr. operators on lar is worth looking into" I heliexe this would save t lie county mone\ and anv- Hotel Operation Will Continue Mar, Mii>ei-,,ve Hotel will continue to operate r : - not in financial difficulty, according to 1 M Apdei'snii, ch;iirm;tn of tile hotel’s lioard of . 1 11 us \ ’d- f'OM s a id. ‘'()ur Operating (ommittee is ' ..King mine plans and tin* hotel wdl continue to "lerde and serve tiiis community.” \nder mu noted that tiiere have been local ru- n’mrs ’ mm ..niing the hotel and said, “'The hotel is i t m am danger but rumors such as these which n.rc p."d circulating can hurt its operation.” Amii rsnii said that breakfast and lunch will In* -i ■ ed daily and the hotel will he closed on Satur- v . - m11 iv, He said tiuit elitijs, iiamjuet.s, parties, re epti<>p>, pri\;it** luncheons and dftnees will con- t;i tie to ni■ siu'vinsi. County Auditor Visits On Feb. 9 at ( lie t the (Imloi !) a m to 5 p m i .am en ('mint \ \u(iito! ctinie V ( ulhertson will fie ei on (' it \ Hall Friday, Fe|| 0 3 I, t d.c 1368 tax re t urn Sill- Will or ;re f r. i. on 1 e h 9 Miss (dilhei t on pomied out 1)..■ i' ii a')'Olutely necessar;, thai n ' urn lie made on real and p"i s mat prmperU , in cluding iiiidor vehicles and nn-m.i" and larm equipment She said that it motor ve First Baptist Recital Slated hide are not piopeily listed or it taxes aren't paid, the owner is threatened with loss ol hi« driver's license She also said that any changes in real estate-trans fer of land, new buildings and improvements to buildings, any building destroyed by fire or removed for any other cause hould hr reported She said it is necessary that her office have the correct mailing address of taxpayers ,f they are to receive tax no tices at the proper time, sav ing costs and penalties. .1 iiee A (h r will present die'mry rental on the new S< ham/ organ at the F ist Baptist Church of Clin ton, on Sunday, February 4, at 4 pm (h r a native ol Greenville, i.bamei dir Bachelor of Arts ii Music Degree from Fur- 11 an l Diversity in 1965, when la -tudled organ with Smith He received In via n r ot Sacred Music : . p i t rom the School ol sic red Music Cnion Theolog. i al Snninaiy m New York ( dv in 1967 While there, he Mudicd organ with Vernon d< l .ai prominent teacher and ehurch musician Water Bills Vary This Month < ,inP.ii re wieiits' water htMs Hus month mav he a lit- InghtM- than usual be- o| the recent freeze, ('lerk Brooks Owens sa;d that the mider were hatnpered in /CD t I hem Thi h., i i - i, dc myicd to or m trail a a round Lie ;u p> -al calls ladi o: ;wo-lant ,. ,d : a ■ and ( i i.iton with major intersections at Higli ways 56 and 72 north and s;.ut!. add. ei i ' and wes. United 5&10 Opens Feb. 8 I he l rated 5 N 10 store w ill open 1 eh. fl in Clinton I >1..,/a Shopping (enter. It is the 39ih store ot the ( as .i Is L mtcu St.a’c-, Inc., chain in South Carolina. CaSsels L nited Stores is a diviion ot McCrory Corpora tion with oil ices m New York, York, Pa.: and Easley. The buying and warehouse facilities of United 5 & 10 are locating in Easley call e ( 'it \ said Ho ’■cad.. hen rounds by the recent ice ; mi ilicrcfore the reading w Inch appears on this monthN lull may cover five oi s;x week instead of the usual one month,. Hampton Ave. PTA To Meet Accreditation will he tile topic ol the Tuesday night Hamilton Avenue School PTA meeting. The meeting will start at 8 o’clock and will be held in the school auditorium II L Shealey, principal of the school, will be featured speaker. His topic will be "Accreditation: ' YVh a t It Means To Our Children Now and In The Future." He will explain the procedure of the accrediting team which will he in the elementary schools this month. Merchants Warned A r e a merchants w r r warned this week to study cloudy anv mail notices they may receive from directory puhlphing companies. Several local firms this week reeeited notices from a company in Cal fornia. The notices appear to he a hill fop directory advertising already contracted. However, the cards actual ly are soliciting business. An explanation appears on the back of the card. ON MANSION COMMISSION — Mrs. Bailey Dixon of (’linton, l ight, is a member of the Gover nor's Mansion Commission. Purpose of the com mission is to acquire antiques and objects of art which have been made in South Carolina or which have historical significance for The state. Shown with Mrs. Dixon are Mrs. James Todd and Mrs. P. W. McAlister, both of Laurens, who are also members of the commission. Mrs. Todd is chair man of the Laurens County group.