The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, July 27, 1967, Image 7

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Clinton, S. C., ThuMflay, July 27, 1907 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE West Clinton News ... ' ~ Okinawa and Vietnam Veterans on Leave With Samples Family quick remedy f r paper?. corn starch and water, letlff of grease spots from wall- Answer — Apply a paste of dry, then wipe it off. MRS. CLIFTON HEATON Correspondent-Representative 104 Milling Avenue Dial 833-3192 Private First Class Kenneth Samples of Okinawa, where he was stationed for eight een months, is spending a 30- day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Samples. He will return to Fort Lee, Virginia where he will be sta tioned. Sgt. Junior Tucker of Viet nam is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Samples. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harvey and Sheila of Cleveland, Ohio and Mrs. Robert E. Roberts and sons of Lima, Ohio and Airman Second Class James Lee Price of Seymore John son, North Carolina visited Mr. and Mrs. George Price recently. Vyrelle Roberts of Shaw Air Force Base spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Price. Mrs.'Ray Cauble enjoyed a picnic dinner on Sunday in Ware Shoals with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pitts and family. Also there were Mr. Bill O’Shields and. family of New York. Mrs. Inez Sorrow of Green wood visited her mother, Mrs. Rosa Owens over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and son of Charleston visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skelton, Sunday. Patty Sue Cranford returned home with her par ents after spending several weeks with the Sheltons. Stan Foster of Charleston spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Caugh- man visited Bud Carr in Co lumbia, Sunday. Guests of Mrs. Ella Harvey on Sunday were Mrs. Henry Smith and daughter of Chi cago., Ill and Mrs. Pauline Matthews and son and Mrs. Clara Smith of Greenwood. Mr.- and Mrs. C. W. Wind sor and daughter, Sybil, vis ited their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brazill and family in Colum bia, Saturday afternoon. Hubert Leopard visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Leopard near Saluda, Sunday. Airman Third Class Mike Sanders returned to Fort Stew art, Tenn. Monday after spending the week-end with his wife and also his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders. Miss Sara Nell Heaton was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jefferson in Green wood. Mrs. Gibbs Manor and daughter, Patty, of West Palm Beach, Florida are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Saw yer and family, while on va cation, enjoyed a trip to Cher okee, North Carolina, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Rob- Why The Christian Science Monitor recommends you read your local newspaper Your local newspaper keeps you in formed of what’s happening in your area —community events, public meetings, stories about people in your vicinity. These you can’t—and shouldn’t — do without. HOW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national and world news... with exclusive dispatches from one of the largest news bu reaus in the nation’s capital and from Monitor news experts in 40 overseas countries and all 50 states. TRY THE MONITOR —IT’S A PAPER THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. I enclose $ (U.S. funds). □ 1 YEAR $24 □ 6 months $12 □ 3 months $6 ertson of Greenville visited tlje Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Downs then brush off—and in. most latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. observe their wedding anni- cases the stain will brush off, L. C. Heaton, Sunday after- versary July 28. noon. Sitkness Mrs. Andy Hames has re turned home after being a pa tient for a few days at Bailey Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Myrtle Whitsel re mains a patient at Bailey Me morial Hospital. Tommie Creswell has re turned home after being a pa tient at Bailey Memorial Hos pital. Birth Announcement How Can I? By ANNE ASHLEY Question—How can I re in o v e perspiration stains from some of my clothing? Answer—Such stains on un- washable fabrics sometimes yield only to dry cleaning— too. The care and cleaning of wall paper is dealt wiih fully in my new household hints book. % • Question—How can I cope with a rain-spotted felt hat? Answer-^-Bub the surface of the felt with steel wool until the nap is raised, and;you will find that the spots have dis appeared. Question—What ii a good ’home-made cleaning prepa ration for wall paper? Answer—One quart of flour, Answer — Use alcohol foi this chore, drying them with tissue. The alcohol cuts the grease and dirt, and makes your specs sparkle. Many other short-cuts are included in my new household manual. Question—How can I pull out the shortest threads in a seam without ripping the fabric? Answer—By using a pair of tweezers for this task. Question—What is a good , T but first try sprinkling moist , hn n nnnminrpH tho birth of COrn starch on the area ’ then 0n ®* f ° Urth ^ UP ° f amm onia, borne announced the birth of K . . .. . .. .. . and enough water to make a a son, Lonnie Harold II, on dned On wasLbe fabries P«‘*- Knead these in- Juiy ? 1 at Bailey Memorial remove the perspiration stains, sponge with vinegar, then Hospital. Before marriage Mrs Os borne was Miss Priscilla Wil- wash again. liamson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Williamson of this city. Receives Discharge John D. Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Price, re- Question—How can I re move the black deposits that have built up in the grout joints of my bath room wall tile? Answer—Merely by damp- gredients until they are smooth, then spread the paste over the paper, using long strokes. All spots, dirt, and dust Will usually vanish like magic. . Question—How can I give my eye glasses an especial ly good cleaning? CREDITORS’ NOTICE All persons having claims against the estate of Martha Slocumb Shields, deceased, are hereby rotified to file the same, duly verified, with the undersigned, and those in debted to said estate will please make payment like wise. CHARLES F. WALDRON, Trust Officer, M. S. Bailey & Son, Bankers, Clinton, South Carolina, Been waiting for your favorite Olds togoonsale? » It just did. ceived his discharge papers en j n g a cloth with ordinary from Shaw Air Force Base on kerosene, and scrubbing the July 21, 1967. joints until the soil and grease Birthdays and Wedding have dissovled. And the coat- Anniversaries ing left on will prevent the Mr. and Mrs. Ray King will accumulation of more grease, observe their wedding anni- Question—How can I re- versary July 30. move rust from the corners Randy Heaton celebrated his 10th birthday July 24. Mrs. Krieman Leopard, Mrs. Arthur Lawson, and Mrs. of cake tins that have been in use a long time? Answer—By dipping a raw potato in cleaning powder, William Brewer observed and scouring the tin with this. their birthday July 25. Truman Leopard observes his birthday today. H. R. Williamson, Elsie Williams^ and Lonnie Osborne Question — How can I achieve a hand-rubbed ef fect on a newly varnished - high-gloss surface? Answer — Let your varnish celebrate their birthday July harden for three or four days, 28- then use a pad of No. 0000 July 29 Kenneth Thomas, steel wool to rub on a thin Mrs. Verla Griffin, Joel Ginn, layer of good quality paste and Joel Lawson have birth- wa x. Rub this on lightly with tteys. parallel strokes, working with Ricky Lyda and Charles the grain. The result will be Madden will celebrate their a smooth, satiny finish which birthday July 30. can be buffed to a lustrous Happy Birthday to Mrs. Al- sheen after the wax has ice Kinard, Sandy Campbell, dried. Merel Graham, of this city Question—How can I re- and Bardy Cannon of Green- move grease spots from ville July 31. wall paper? Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owens Answer—Cover these spots will observe their wedding an- with a paste made of corn niversary July 30. starch and water, let dry, ■Hr' • 'i- GORDON'S <44 Shoes for the Entire Family’ 107 E. Main Phone 833-0(>6i FINAL CLEARANCE! £ ‘5.00 - ‘6.88 Many Styles To Select From • LIFE STRIDE • CALIFORNIA COUPLERS • RED CROSS ■m -Sale! . On E7 OMsmabilei Clever you! You held off on a youthful new Olds till you could get the biggest savings of the year. And they're here—at your Olds Dealer’s annual Year End Sale! So check him today. He’s saying Y.E.S. to your kind of price. Y.E.S. to your kind of trade-in. Take your pick of Olds Toronado, Ninety-Eight, 88, Cutlass, Vista-Cruiser, 4-4-2 or F-85—the extra-value cars that arc priced for extra savings, right now. Go Oldsmobile at your nearest transportation center LYNN COOPER, INC 302 - 305 E. Carolina Ave. — Clinton, S. C. MAM or UCtlUNC* ARGO PEAS NO. 303 CAN 2 for 33c - V -rtf' - * V 1,1 ‘*»*'*+> • •r*. . •Viy« SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES BOX OF 200 25c Kraft booking OIL Quart Bottle Limit: 1 With $5.00 or More Order GROCERIES Plastic Squeeze Bottle /OR- - 10 oz. 2 for 37c A-G i/ 2 GALLON ICE MILK 39c Duke's Mayonnaise Limit: 1 with $5.00 Order, Please DUKE’S MUSTARD".. Castleberry’s BEEF STEW, 1V 2 lb can 49c NABISCO DANISH SWIRL 15% OZ. PKG. COOKIES 45c JERGEN’S REG. SIZE RATH SIZE DEODORANT SOAP 10c 15c SKINNER’S SHORT ELBOW 7 OZ. BOX MACARONI . . . : 2 for 27c MANDALAY CRUSHED or SLICED NO. 300 CAN PINEAPPLE 19c HI-C 46 OZ. GLASS ORANGE or GRAPE DRINK 37c LISTERINE REG. $1.0!) 14 OZ. BOTTLE ANTISEPTIC . Special -89c KEG. 89c BOTTLE OF 50 ANACIN TABLETS Special - 89c FRESH PRODUCE Red Ripe TOMATOES 10c Delicious WATERMELONS, ea 89c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE REGULAR or DRIP 1-lb. LIMIT: One With' $5.00 or More Order. CLAUSSEN or SUNBEAM PKG. OF 8 Hamburger Buns 19c FROZEN FOODS MORTON’S FROZEN TV DINNERS . CHEF’S CHOICE FROZEN All Varieties Except Ham EACH . . 39c 2 LB. BAG FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 27c MARKET SPECIALS Fresh GROUND BEEF ... 2 lbs. 99c - 3 bs. S1.39 Wisconsin State CHEESE, lb - 55c DIXIE PRIDE Sweet or Buttermilk 8 OZ. Canned BISCUITS 3 for 25c PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 27-28-29, 1967 Grade A' FRYERS CUT-UP lb. Name. Clinton Mills Store — Lydia Mills Store Phone 833-0710 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Phone 833-0631 State. ZIP Code. PB-17