V Citato*, S. C, Thnrifcy; M|r^7, M« THE CLINTON (tifRtiNICLB i - > ' v . <» •',*#. **• t • # * ■ S * - | .• •••.* ^ v JT ; . - > '* * '’>;?> # ' ' \ ** ' ’ • i —/.mc- •_ —f" ---yW , Information r* P | a a c a I Items of Interest About Clinton Folk — As — Reported By Anne M. Jones Phones 833-0541 or 833-0542 9:00 A. M. — 5:00 P. M. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Leake on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Snm Leake of Union, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Taylor of Laurens. Misses Loii Belle and Jose phine Neighbors,, Mrs. Julian Coleman, and Miss Elizabeth Copeland are spending sever al days at Myrtle Beach. Rev. ^nd Mrs. C. Davis Young, Candice and Kimberly arrived on Wednesday for se veral days stay with his mo ther, Mrs. Henry M. Young, Sr. Rev. Young is now pastor of the Pendleton Presbyterian Church of Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. James O. Sanders and daughters, Kathy and Jan are visiting relatives in Texas this week. Mrs. Robert S. Owens of Summerville, is visiting her son, Tench P. (Owens and Mrs. Owens for several days. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reed, Jr. and children of Avon Park, Fla. who are spending several da^s with Mr. and Mrs. Lelahd Young will leave tomorrow for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reed in Winnsboro. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Ow ens are vacationing at Litch field Beach this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Work man, Jr., and son, Henry, are vacationing at Myrtle Beach. Wayne Dixon left Monday from Charleston Airport for Philadelphia, Pa., where he will be stationed at the U. S.* Naval Shipyards, after spend ing the past three we^k§...With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dixon. Mrs. Joe Dixon, Gail and Joe, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dixon, of Clemson, and Wayne Dixon spent the week end in Summerville with the former’s sister, Mrs. Ernest Locklear. C. C. Giles is convalescing at Bailey Memorial Hospital following surgery and sever al weeks stay at Temple Uni versity Hospital in Philadel phia, Pa. Mrs. Thurston Giles flew to Philadelphia last week and accompanied him on his flight home. Mrs. C. B. Kug- ler of Myrtle Beach spent several days last week visit ing her father and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Sheely, Jr., are vacationing at Myrtle Beach. Mr. Sheely is conva lescing following an illness and stay at Bailey Memorial Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sum- ereel, Jr., and children, West Liberty, Ohio, are guests of the former’s aunt, Mrs. Jack Anderson, and other relatives in the county. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hel- lams, Jr. and daughters left last week for Samoa where Mr. Hellams will be station- “Shoes for the Entire Family” i \ 107 E. Main Phone 833-0667 * i t ( *5.00 - *6.88 Many Styles To Select From • LIFE STRIDE • CALIFORNIA COBBLERS • RED CROSS ed for a year with an air line company. Mrs. George R. Futhey and family have returned to their home in Woodward, Pa., after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McMillian. Mr. and Mrs. Jobe D. Hol land, Danny Holland, and Mrs. P. M. Pitts visited Dr. and *Mrs. A. C. Holland in Falcon, N. C., during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Holland were in Greenville on Satur day evening to attend the wedding of their niece, Miss Joan Irene Kay, to James Richard Keziah. Mrs. W. W. Harris spent the week-end in Newberry with Mr. and Mrs. George Senn and family. VISIT WASHINGTON AND MARYLAND Mr. and Mrs. Denton Hum phries visited their son and family, Sgt. and Mrs. Robert Humphries and Angel in For- estville, Md., during the July 4th holidays, and also visited Andrews AFB where Sgt. Humphries is stationed. Also visiting Sgt. Humphries dur ing the 4th were Furman, Shirley, Donnie, Randy, and Rhonda Humphries of Clin ton. While there they visited President Kennedy’s grave, the Capitol Building and the White House. Reholoth Beach, Del., was also visited. Debra Mills has returned from a four weeks stay at Camp Burgiss Glen. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cham bers and daughter of Mem phis, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beasley and small daugh ter Mary Grace of Charleston spent last week with Mrs. Chambers’ and Mrs. Beas ley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Quarles. Col. and Hrs. Henry T. Cro- nic of Ft. Bragg are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. King, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dow were weekend guests of Nan- nell Blalock Moore in York. Mrs. Robert Hamer and Miss Katherinei Dicus have recently returned from New York where they were on a buying trip for the Tweed Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Garrard John son of Savannah, Ga. recent ly visited Mrs. Irene Pitts, Otho Johnson, and other rela tives here. Also joining them on Sunday for a family pic nic there on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Lawing and Mrs. R. W. Johnson and fam ily of Greer. Lt. Col. and Mrs. W. G. £ Will You Be 6 Years Old In August! Get Your FREE Pepsi Party Package THURSDAY, AUG. 3rd Baldwin Motor Co., North Broad Street, Clinton, S. C., 2:00-2:30 1*. M. Milam Chevrolet Co., By-Pass, Laurens, S. C., 3:00-3:30 P. M. LOOK FOR m> b Tta m. h« THIS TRUCK! ~ If ymu ftwe fe« OreenvdM and wfN be rfx <*) yMft heft's dR you have MfnMi I is i Dti uvuuy Mam or Dad, or your guardian toko to Pepsi-Party Truck to help you carry your Pepsl-Partv Package homo. Yaw moot bring birth certificate and twenty cents for bottle posit (this will be returned to ydu . . . rem her. o bottle returned is money earned!) f you eon hove your ewn Birthday Party and vtte your own friends' MORE THAN 66 PEPSI-PARTY i ITEMS Popsi-Porty Napkins □ J 12 BI6 BottW* ef Papti-Cola 12 Cap* of Pat lee Cream* wlH» tpaant A Mb. Birthday Cake* from Boat Bakery, the people who bake Boat Bread Birthday Caka Candlae Pepet-Party BaNaone Pens!-Party Birthday Cortiflcofa Pepsi-Party Straws Birthday Party Gama • Shoot This Toy Choet far your W|LL YOU BE 6 YEARS OLD IN SEPTEMBER Watch Papers For Your Pepsi-Party Package Locations PEPSICOLA e».. m i rswI-Cal* Comnnn'. N.Y.. N.Y. Clothing School For Girls Slated A clothing school will be held at the Laurens County Agricultural building Aug. 7- 10, from 2 to 4 p.m. each day. Miss Helen Camp, assistant Extension Home Economist, will instruct girls, 10 to 13 years old, in the use Of the sewing machine and simple construction techniques. Each girl will make a tote bag. Materials needed for the class are an equipped sewing box and a portable sewing machine. A few sewing ma chines will be furnished by the office. Fabric required for tote bag: Interfacing — 37” fab ric non-woven, 35”-5Q” fabrics with or without nap, 5-8 yd.; lining — 35”-39” fabric, 44 yd.; spool matching sewing thread; decorative non-fray applique (optional). Girls are asked to call 984- 3021, or write the Agricultur al Building, 219 Laurens St., Laurens, by July 31, if inter ested in joining the class, which will be limited to 10 girls. King, Jr., Kristi and Jan have recently .visited Mrs. King’s mother, Mrs. Agnes Brodie in Florence. Col. and Mrs. Francis Vin ton Smith have just returned from a vacation at Surfside Beach where they had as guests, their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vln- nie Smith and granddaugh ter, Jan Neptune, New Jer sey. They also spent a few, days with their other son and daughter - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Ty Snqith, flow residing in Athens, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. King have returned from a visit in Spartanburg with Mrs. Harry Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Duncan have returned from a trip to the furniture markets in High Point, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bonds at tended the funeral of Mr. Boyd Timmons in Hartwell, Ga. the past Sunday. He was the fath er of Mrs. Hugh Williams. Mrs. Fred Scott spent the weekend in Columbia with her daughter, Mrs. Carroll Reed and Mr. Reed, going especial ly for the wedding of her granddaughter, Linda Reed, to James Hodge on Saturday. C. A. Holland left Tuesday for the Veterans’ Hospital in Charleston where he will un dergo eye surgery. Mrs. Hol land will stay with her sister, Mrs. Eugene Brown, in Mount Pleasant for the duration of his stay. Miss Ella Little McCrary is in Columbia visiting her sister, Mrs. R. P. Cdpp. Mrs. Jerry Holland is a pa tient at Self Memorial Hospi tal in Greepwood. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Phillips and sons, Mark and Ray, vis ited in Laurens and Gray Court. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anderson, Jr. and children, Kim and Lu- anne were the recent guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Edwins. Recently Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Edwins and children, Rich ard and Connie, visited Mr. Edwins’ brother and Mrs. Ed wins’ sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edwins in Slocum, Ala. Later, they visited in Pensa cola and Panama Beach, Flo. Mrs. M. C. Hiers, Biba and Robert were at Fairfield Home in Ridgeway on Wed nesday to visit their mother and grandmother, Mrs. L. O. Hiers, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and family are leaving Friday for a trip to Sault St. E. Marie, Canada, for a visit with rela tives there. Mrs. R. N. White of Win ston-Salem, N. C. is visiting Mrs. A. O’Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crayton and children are visiting rela tives in Raleigh, N. C., Wash ington, D. C., and Atlanta, Ga. Miss Almena Blalock, who has completed the first term of summer school at the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is on extended trip with friends to Hawaii and California. They plan to return to the East coast by car in August. ON LEAVE Pvt. Keith Cauley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cauley is home for two weeks from Fort Benning, Ga. He will leave on Saturday to report for further duty with the Na tional Guard at Camp Stew art, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cauley, Keith and Frankie Cauley, Sallie Milam and Joy GaUlt spent last week at Lake Greenwood. IF YOU DON’T READ THE CHRONICLE YOU DON’T GET THE NEWS _ ! —M Lawson at Dinner J. D. Witherspoon, Jr. J. Donnam Witherspoon, 54, of 1907 Lone Tree . ^ Sit- 1 Jr r At ' *7^ x>’ > :€ r I m i , !• 'I* Road, Victoria, Tex., died Sa- Ryan P. Lawson, of the tur J d , <,y hls home a£ter * wi Hopewell community, presid- sud Joey was also awarded a July 20 at the Grange Hall, deferred scholarship by the Rev. Wiliam Crisp, present- ciemp. A rising senior, he i y residing at the Mary Mus- plays trombone for the Clin- grove Hotel in Clinton, a mis- ton High School band. z sionary to Hawaii for the past V • 20 years, took those present on a behind the scene tour of the islands of Hawaii. • Mr. Crisp told much of Ha waii that the. tourist doesn’t see. One of the highlights of his talk was about the work carried on in the leper colony where he worked for nine years. The number one induBtry in Hawaii is sugar cane with 'Ll y 5 SPECIA 1/2 PRICE PI.AYTEX bathing caps , 10% OFF ALL SUN GLASSES POLAROID — FOSTER-GRANT DAY-VUE — WILLSON YOUNG’S PHARMACY .. :ii v r. Welfare directors and su pervisors from a six-county area will meet for an in-ser- l a ‘ ni " g sessi0 t n pineapple being second. The. u“n n second largest cattle ranch ™ ' w?l. Str ? “ ethodl f, in the world is in Hawaii. Church, Clinton. Leaders will be. Mrs. Sarah Gaskins, field consultant, Spartanburg, and Mrs. Ferebe Cone, chief, state Department of Public Wel fare staff -training, Waiter- boro.. ‘•New approaches to Public Welfare” will be the subject discussed by administratvie staff members from Ander son, Pickens, Oconee, Green-, ville, Spartanburg, and Lau rens counties. Mrs. Alice Davidson, direc tor; Miss Joyce Dunaway, senior casework supervisor; and Mrs: Frances Johnson, clerical supervisor, will rep resent' Laurens County De partment of Public Welfare. County Farm Bureau Officers, Directors In Quarterly Meet (Officers, directors arid their wives of the Laureris County Farm Bureau held their reg ular quarterly meeting Tues day, July 18 in the Laurens Dining-Club in Laurens, to make plans for late summer and fall''activities. It was de- Cidsd i thaL the annual picnic will be 'held August 8 at Cur ry’s Lake. .Members will be mailed cards later. Tentative dates for the annual county Farm Bureau meeting was discussed. Those presnet were T. J. Copeland, Mr, and Mrs. R. Lw Wickham, Mrs. Agnes Bai ley, Hugh B. Workman, Hugh Finley, John L. Adair, W. P. Dickson, J. Herman Power, Robert Burns, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. James Wasson, Niles C. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fennell, W. D. Lomas, Mr. and Mrs. Milton S. Woods, Richard Tate, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Qdell. Also, Emory Bishop and Courtney Staley of the South Carolina Farm Bureau office. OFFICE SUPPLIES CHRONICLE PUR. CO. P80NE 833-0541 y r, • - 0 Johnsons Mert's i j SPECIAL! Save as we m “Where Does He Get ; The Money?” The first rule of getting ahead is to protect what you have. Cover your risks arid exposures with ade- insurance from the Yf. S. Hatton Agency, to reim burse you for any loss you may, sustain: - i . W. S. Hatton , , , Insurance. Agency : , Phone 833-3829 C5l> S E C U K IT Y INSURANTS V .1 ■ n • •: t, <» Frigidaire Jet Action Washdfs havp a YEAR PROTECTION PL ...at no extra i -'■qMHUSIRMa m Longest, strongest Frigidaire Washer Protection Plea eylr- backed by General Motors. One-year Warranty fof repair of any defect without charge, plus four-ydar;Protecti6ri Plan fgf furnishing replacement for any detective £art in the cgmpleti transmission, drive motor, or largo capacity water pvitiO; Jet-Simnle dAfiian . r* Jet-Simple design for top dependability! NO BELTS to break! NO PULLEYS to jam! NO GEARS to wear out! | Oiriy M, $ v • * • f •yS' , i - •- ’) J Afleri Sriifttf > ■ J i . Dawh Pay meat- • . ’i * ‘v ' Compact and Convenient! FRIGIDAIRE Food Freezer! m/ f-m - mu K • Big 473-lb. freezer. Keeps your favorite frozen foods at zero tone temperatures. • Roomy Slide-Aside basket for easy loading and selection. Fast-freeze shelf, too! Only • Automatic interior light, mj rn - - Safety signal light. Weekly After Small Down Payment Magnetic lid seal. • Built-in lock with 2 keys furnished! -if ,..tV - " ^r* r *^’r*Y* * freezer!: I • Com# its the glgnt 151- , lb. size zero zone freezer! • Gome touch 9.9-lb. Melt fender for fresh meat*. • Compere Frigidaire Fro5j-Proof system—rib froJt even in the freezer. • » • . > / ‘ 1 , , - ’ . • Twin vegetable Hydretort. m' ;" After Small Down Payment"* ' . . . r <•..'* . . * , ,, , SEE OTHER MODELS IN WINDOW — OPENaAN ACCOUNT NOW 1 « ■ y 204 N. Broad St. Dial 833*2628 r * r, W J Ltt'^ M W '