The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, June 24, 1965, Image 1

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Clinton Legion Team in 1st Place me Qinton Chronicle Vol. 66 — No. 25 Clinton, S. C, Thursday, June 24,1965 Surplus Is Seen Body Found in Woods Prominent Qinton Man Dies From Pistol Wound Funeral aervices for Richard Edward Ferguson, 48, prominent business and civic leader, were held Wednesday at 3 p. m. at the First Presbyterian Church, con ducted by Rev. A. L. Bixler, Dr. William Redd Turner and Dr. Malcolm A. Macdonald. Burial was in Roaemont Cemetery. Pallbearers were employees of Industrial Supply Co. The honorary escort included other employees, elders and dea cons of the church, Robert B. Wassung, Alex R. Hamilton, Powell A. Fraser, Ben Hay Ham- met, Dr. Marc C. Weening and Dr. R. M. Fuller. The partner and general man ager of the Industrial Supply Co. at Clinton, former presi dent of the Duke University Foundation, more recently president of the General Alumni umcnBr mikb wniamsan kdc . — *— —*— . ■ *^ajm. Association of Duke, died of area of ^ £arm he owned the hometowners’ attack un-boc- ance iyve material such as we re made by the following an apparent surplus of $47,- a i s0 p ays the Auditor $4,161); $1$,•69.32 a pistol buUet wound in the right about five m 116 * southwest of . t . t , ^ that now being used in the fin- contributors: 674.05. first assistant, $3,284.52; third Salaries— I^urens, $1,971^, temple, according to Sheriff R. Clinton Officers said a .32 caU- J o urth frame Lairr y Trefsgar est court8 in **»• country. In Azalea Homes, BaUey Foun- Included in estimated reve- ond assistant, $3,284.52; third 11 ™J’ Eugen. John™. her Pl»tol w., fo^d ta hi, right connectKl twlce (or lM er, addition to thl,. U*y are to dation , Bank C Unton. Balk’. nue! „ $190 ,ooo which will ba .'deluding Sl,2 R. EDWARD FERGUSON The league - leading CUnton American Legion baseball team, fresh from two victories over Laurens last Friday and Satur- . day nights, defeated Greenwood _ T # Monday olght CUnton jeorad J Q COnStlUCt SlX 160111$ 8 runs in the 6th inning. In the 5th Joel Whitsel stole home which gave Clinton its first run. Going into the 6th it was 2-1 in favor of Greenwood Plans are underway for the pating in the project is re- Thirteen man came to hat in construction of ri, tennl. queried to mall a check to B. ....... ... ... courts at Clinton High School Michael Turner, Box 545, Clin- that big inning which was high- a8 a regu j t 0 { a f U nd-raising ton, made out to Laurens lighted by several walks. 2 err- campaign being waged by a County School District 56, ten ors, and doubles by Mike Norris, gj-oup of interested citizens nis fund. Mike WUliamson, Gary Laney. who are sponsoring the project “We know that the people of ----- 8 inhnnv BnX ln con j unction with 8011001 Dls ' Clinton will be interested in priation o*u, eiutcicu u. «« Jnn VhkP trlct 36 The of ^ providing a place for the young closinK days of the recent ses- $360; office 8U PP lies - $5 * 35 °; Probate Judge, $900; drive i8 10 P rovld « * tor P« 0 P le ol the town to learn Cl ° S,ng , da ^ P hoto8tat machine su PP Ue8 ' ««PPUes, $1,500. J!th P la y and P ra ctice of Clinton and to play tennis, especially slon of the South C $3,000; Circuit Court and Civil Health Department p pern High School teams, as weU as in view of the fine high school General Assembly, lists expen- a nd Domestic Relations Court $23,MO ^ >€ for public use. tennis team we had this year, ditures for the 1965-66 year —expenses, including jurors. County’s part of salaries and ToUl cost of the operation is with prospects even better for wh ich begins July 1, at $655,- witness and bailiffs, $20,000. travel allowance of county lUrL »V ni/hi fn n’rotj^ estimated at $20,000, accord- next year,” a spokesman for 140 95 County Auditor employees, office supplies, and XS TSMSSeSl 53?? ■ .pokesman tor toe toe toud-ralsing group pointed ^ „ e 8tat . of buBding. *3, 5-1 record group. The six courts are to be out this week. . . ... . Salaries — Auditor, $2,174.35 600 - Patcher Mike Willamtan cot surfaced with a non-mainten- Advance gifts and pledgejs «d as $702,815, which will leave (the state o{ Carolina Magistrates ance type material such as were made by the following an apparent surplus of $47,- a ] so pays the Auditor $4,161); 674.05. C0u,t, . 0n S !! ,00, P ! 0pertv County Appropriation Bill Totals $655,140 The Laurens County appro- travel for Clerk of Court, $300; $6,912.16; clerk, $3,612J8; bill, enacted in the court house custodian travel, sistant, $3,284.52; travel ays sion of the South Carolina The body was found about hand. for two-run homers in the third be lighted. Department Store, CUnton Pa- r • , hv „ P01intv . w i d( . 14-mill * 700; omce suppUes (lnolua ing SZZ 9:40 p. m. Monday in a wooded _The_ discovery ended a search and gixth innings. The group of local business per Box Co., Barcraft Homes, , ov laavw J thp s „ m p fls ^ IBIV ? maintenance), $1,300^; that began when Harold Crow, x I _ u , hprpv rm nna non— 00 s onV nrnfessional men who with Inc. Lynn Cooper Inc. Citi- tax leVy ’ which is the same as Board of Assessors and Equali- graphic help in holding in- S t 9“.m^M«S , tJr^- ( ^ UH1 002 331 02X-11 9 4 R. P. Wilder, »u^nnjtendert ^^*1 Savl^S^d^Loim %^h eTesUma'tod revenues ^ r tio j^ 3 - 750: travel for Audi - “Tu League , OmenwriK. 1. la ^1^1 ^ee^g' £? ft. - ^ - Rev. A. E. Smith To Preach Sunday At C-sNsIti CnrinfiC 1 I uflia Sheriff ’ 8 Deputy Ralph tfnay jpnnySr Lyaia and CUnton poUce officers The Reverend A. E. Smith, ley Richards, AUen Simmons and Sheriff’s Deputy Ralph Riddle 2nd place followed by Ches- Shoals, Newberry, and Laurens. Anyone interested Ware been paid or pledged to date. Payne & Co., Plaxico Chevro- ln JU5SA&S SSrSr RmemM m*o «" To Benefit Presbyterian , r . MVIie ^ ri-xlco ^ nevro . tax . $12,500; income tax, $62,- (the state of Carolina fice suppUes, $450; stamps and Jontirai I / c -II rv’ nu 000; delinquent taxes (county), also _ av ^ Treasurer $4- stationery ($10 each magis- liartlcl. I,,, SadlerOwens Pharmacy, recording fees (office „|"SJ* r , x 7 r k Irate), WOO; W ment of jur- Sunshine Cleaners, D. E. Trib- \\ ’, eoArmn- Hivi 10iJ ’ assisiam > exira /’ , . bie Co Torrinaton Comoanv clerk of cou rt), $24,000, dm- jioo ; travel for treasur- ors in criminal cases, and for Mac Adair R C dends ’ $2,000; Library Board, er> ^qq. supervisor tax collec- nuscellaenous expenses, in- ’ ‘ $5,000; bank tax, $5,500; Ser- tor , s office $788 2 9; deputy de- eluding payments to magis- Also, I. A d Atoxalide/c' 1 ^Anderso'l.' vlce 0ffice ’ ,4 ’ 815; insurance linquent tax’ collector,* $4,729.- tnrtes for holding jur ytrials J E Anderson fGeoree Bagl license feeS ’ $31 ’ 000; miscellan - 72; office supplies, $3,100. and inquests, $2,300. J. E. Anderson, George Bag ^ {ees ^ unappropri . ^ P f Agriculture $8,495.90 $ 8 ’ 585 Salaries — Superintendent of Supplement to State income Springs-Lydla Methodist Church- * mile alon « ^ ^ »?J e. by to* recant Araunl Confer- VJ®” , body. Hid; ence held at Wofford CoUoge in dle »*t d ‘‘ b * l Ueved 1 ^« r ^- Spartanburg, will hold hi. first had b «" d “ d P d “«»y - .. - _ .. . w ..... services Sunday June 27. He wil' kroner Marshall Pressky said Presbyterian CoUege is one by Dr. Davison Philips, pastor c Baldwin, Russell Emerson, aUd surplus ’ ^v^ha at 10 o’clock Church no de cision had been reached on 0 f the principal objectives of a of the Decatur First Presbyte- Dr R M j*ui| erf Mrs. Marion APPROPRIATIONS - . c/hnni will h<« ronducted at 11 wheth er an inquest would be fund-raising campaign being rian Church. C. Hiers, Mrs. James Macdon- Following are the amounts Education, $953.82 (the State ot —bounty Agent, $600; secre- n'plnok scheduled. He said investigation panned for the Synod of Geor- Georgia interest in Presby- a , d( j 0 | m L Mimnaugh, L. S. a PP r °P riated for the various south Carolina also pays the tary to coun ty agent, $420; u u i tii k -i ♦ had indicated no evidence of foul e i a nex t year President Marc terian College has grown R^ddeck, Dr. D. O. Rhame, count y offices and agencies: S upt. of Education $5,202); as stenographer for Home Dem- Church school will be conduct- next year, ^ _ .♦gb ftd i,v since that svnod as- Board of Commissioners sistant, $3,612.98; attendance Oration Agent, $380; assist- $285,153.68 teacher, $433.55; supervisor of an V ^ ounty Agent, $600; second Salaries — Supervisor. $d,- school lunch program, $433.55: assistant County Agent, $600; 912.16; Commissioners (two at travel for Supt, of Education dem onstration materials for ori eonHt, enwinfic at ton o'clock play ‘ C. Weersing announced today, steadily since that synod as- william M. Shields, Dr. Louis Llthlhc^cv^r wth nreach Native of Ware Shoal s w h° He said recent synod action sumed a share of responsibility M Stephens, Dr. E. N. Sulli- .ng a? the 11 o’clwk wor-shhi J 1 .® 41 Uyed * n p linton most of hU set a minimum goal of $3,500,- for PC in 1928 At that time. van R Michae , Turner Dc hour 5 llfe ' ^ Victim wa * ^ wn of ooo for Ite drive to be conduct- Columbia Theological Semina- James L Walker ^y B Mrs. Florence Jones Ferguson . in 1966 ^ behalf of p C and ry was moved from Columbia Young and j Youn ' ggog 14 each)> $1,750.96; clerk, $900; travel for lunch room su- J 0 " 16 Demonstration Agent, Sought By Police hour Mr Smith hopes to be able to 0 f Qinton and the late Richard ” h " r " a0 p nc ip S suoDorted by to Decatur, Ga m«t rii too member of too Edwqrd Fergbrim 8r. SX?.i. Pwrtyteri^ It is The’ most recent Georgia churehes at those hoars. H e attended public schools in cam p a i gn campaign in behalf of PC was The public is invited. CUnton, received toe A. B. de- d T toirgroup in 1956-57. when *281,287 was gree from Duke University in .. . owns Presbyterian Col- raised toward toe Diamond County Escapee OMdMto S^illf BMto?"“ rd l'*e jointly With toe South Jubilee development program. He was a trustee and chair Carolina Synod, man of the executive committee Dr. Weersing said PC hopes LuHlOrOIIS TO Laurens County officers are 0 f Thornwell Orphanage at Clin- to secure sufficient funds from Thoir Own seeking a prisoner who escaped ton and ger ved as chairman of this campaign to construct a * neir . " who escaped Monday from a the National Council of Duke new men’s dormitory, under- Building CdRlpOign Monday from a work unit in the University during 1962-63. More write the cost of renovating At the request of the Council, Hopewell community south of recently he was named president Neville Hall and classroom the official board of St. John’s Ulntwtefxnit 3:30 p.m., accord- pf the Duke General Alumni As- building and make substantial Lutheran Church, Shelton J. mgto ShenffR. Eugene Johnson, gociation. additions to the endowment. Ri me r reported to the congre- A member of the First Presby- H e emphasized that aU are g a tion last Sunday that the __ whn ..ntonJvkkH in fianor terian Church at Clinton, where emergency needs of th^. col- Council had unanmiously de al ’ Session? rvu.rT^e 116 was a 6e * con ' ** was a vet - lege as it endeavors to fulfill cided not to employ the ser- Tuesday for housebreaking and era ” k f ^. orld . War and p* ld its responsibiUty to the mount- vices of the Lutheran Lay- larceny. memberships m Pi Kappa Phi, j ng num bers of church young men’s Movement in conducting Kennedv rereived n fmo-veor a T S ^ lub ’ tile Pied ™ oa t seeking to enroll here, at a later date a campaign to sentence to he susnended Iftrr c U *k Lake * ide , CaU ^ try The Georgia Synod has au- raise funds for the building sentence, to be suspended after Southern Industrial Association .. . . .. CQt . , he serves one year, and two and the Clinton Chamber of Com- thon . z . ed lts " d furai8hing of new years probation merce specific amounts to be raised church edifice and educational After his escape, Kennedy was In addition to his mother, he for eacb a * ency ’ f based ^ fauUtl * 8 to °l said to have gone to his home at is survived by his wife, Mrs. ommendations of a UtecJ® 1 recently acquired lot in Bald- Joanna and hurriedly got to- Beatrice Abernathy Ferguson; gether some clothes. He was seen by relatives as he left the — , J J ^ house and disappeared. He has guson of the home; a brother, vestigatmg needs, through on- and conducted by the local not been seen since. He was Lawrence R. Ferguson of Green- the-spot visits to PC and the Lutheran Church, wearing prison stripes when he ville; and a sister, Mrs. Emily other agencies, and making Mr. Rimer is chairman of Edwards Promoted two sons r’ e '(Dick)'Ferguson This latter group has been at Instead, it was stated, the T |f I* I ■■ ■« ■ HI and John Ramsey (Jack) Fer- work for the past year in * campaign will be organized |Q f-K DY .... m rt virmAc ♦V»s»r\n rfVi f\v\- ort/l 1a/4 Vktr 4 Via 1 aa a 1 • escaped, officers said. F. Beckman of Lodi, Calif. $3,612.98; assistant, $3,284.52; pervisor, $522; travel for a. $*20- ai r conddooning and re-' travel for Supervisor, $2,400; tendance teacher, $600; office P a ' r i n 8 auditorium, $2,000; travel for two Commissioners supplies, $350; attendance travle for 9 ounty Agent, $300. ($350 each), $700; office sup- teacher—aid for needy chil- Agriculture building—janitor plies, $800; court house—wa- dren, $200; County Board ol supplies,, etc., fuel ter, fuel, lights, telephone, jan- Education, $400. water, lights, telephone, post- itor, supplies cleaning, grounds Sheriff a 8 e > $1,475. —$10,000; beautifying lawn and $113,092.34 Club work, $300; FFA, $115; building walks, $100; ladies’ Salaries — Sheriff, $6,912.10; travel tor Negro County Agent, rest room, $1,023.74; insurance chief deputy, $4,531.93; deputy 5300: rent for AAA office, —for court house, jail, county sheriffs (nine at^ $3,815.31), $ 600 > and FHA office, $300; home, agriculture building and $34,337.79; deputy for day Coun ty Cooperative Breeding chain gang camp buildings, work, $3,815.31; deputy for Association, $200. $2,010; salaries for operating night work, $3,815.31; jailer, Dept, of Public Welfare employees, $65,744.98; mainte- $3,815; deputy sheriffs for $14,575 nance of roads and bridges mills (three at $245.67), $737 - Maintenance, office expense and supplies, $90,000; equip- 01. Total, $57,964.82. and for child welfare ment and supplies and for Travel—Sheriff, $2,400; dep- worker $5,515 (board members patching and otherwise im- uty sheriffs (ten at $200 per $$® per month for this fund); proving blacktop roads, $50, month), $24,000; deputy sheriff emer 8®ncy assistance, $2,400; 000; county home—supt. sal- (one at $100 per month), $1,- hoarding care, $2,000; aid for ary, $2,543.52; assistant’s sal- 200; day and night clerk— indigent aged, $1,000; travel ary; $505.81. additional help to $125 per month, $3,000; two ex P en ses for employees on pro care for inmates, $3,815.31; deputies at Joanna, transport- ra i a basis, $3,360; heart fund, food, clothing, fuel, lights, ing prisoners and witnesses to etc., for inmates and for farm- jail and trial at magistrates' County Service Officer ing expenses, $11,000; South courts—$100 per month, $2,400; $19,196.68 Carolina retiremAt system for head deputy at Lydia Mill— Salaries—County Service Of- county employees, $11,200; transporting prisoners and wit- ^f r ’ $®*® 1 2-16; secretary, $3,- county’s part of social secur- ness to jail and trial at magis- 284.52; office supplies and Lawrence O. Edwards has ity $i 0 ,200; county’s ^part of trates' courts—$150 per month. trave1 ' $ 1 - 000 been promoted to vice-presi- Travelers Insurance, • $350.00; $1 800 Total $24 800 Domestic Relations Court $7,793.32 Salaries—Judge, $5,460; sten- L. O. EDWARDS preliminary plans. It is headed the congregation’s committee deat in charge of production south Carolina Industrial Com- Uniforms and overcoats— on plans and construction, and and plaat OP® 1,3 " 01 ** of Hal1 - mission — premium for work- j u i y i, 1994 to June 30, 1966— as such is a member of the executive building committee. Of this latter committee, a Ratchtord W. Boland is chair- ot Poin, • N - c • o™ 8 mark Shirt Co. in Clinton. The announcement was made early this week by E. A. Pey- men’s compnesation insurance, thirteen at $175 per year, $2,- ogra P ber > $1,733.32; office sup- $3,000; county attorney, $500 ; 625; office supplies, $1,400; ra- plies and rent ' $ 600 - South Carolina Police Officers d i 0 system—maintenance, $1,- man. Other members, besides Messrs Boland Rimer, are Dr. N. Carl Wessinger, Herman L. Shealy, Robert I. Boland, and Mrs. F. M. Boland, Sr. ident of the company. The Clinton plant is the manufac turing division of the Hallmark Retirement System, $4,700. Clerk of Court $49,175.42 Salaries—Clerk of Court—$6, '^Edwards has been associated 912.16, deputy clerk, *3,612.98 PC Gets $2,000 Grant from 3-M Co. teaching tools and reference materials has been awarded Presbyterian College by the 3-M Company of St. Paul, Minn. This gift is clerical assistant, $3,284.52 second assistant, $3,284.52; jan itor for court house, $3,071.24 200; supplies, $700; payment on sheriff’s radios, $2,402.52; jail—water, lights, fuel, disin fectants, plumbing, returning and dieting prisoners, $12,000. Judge of Probate $16,209.66 Salaries—Judge of Probate, Laurens County library $30,545 Provided that distribution (Continued on page 4) with Hallmark since early 1957, beginning as resident en gineer of the local plant. In 1929 he was promoted to plant Mr. Edwards is a native of Teen-Age Youth Reported Run Down 5."“? Near Clinton By Automobile Monday Laurens County offleers were it xatheredspeed and accord^ to motion and time study. s ‘ m investigating yesterday toe mg to her report, ran down toe work simplification at North birarre report of a white teen- yo“®. ^kt-dhim tothe p Carolina State College. ager run down by a car he had then backed away from made by the Mr Edwards and his wife jumped from to flee, then scoop- atop 016 boy - company’s visual products de- id s U n R Pt Rn.,w*.r d ® d screaming into the back seat The woman said the two men partment under a special $1,- T f th , hjlH , v by two white men and hauled jumped out, cursing. One of 500.000 program designed spe- LTp.tti ^ atTome’and at away them ’ She Said ’ deClar * d AT SCENE OF DROWNING Laurens County officers, a doctor and members of the County Rescue Squad are shown as they attempted to revive a young Laurens Negro. Sheriff R. Eugene Johnson is at top center in civilian clothes and Coroner Marshall Pressley is second from right — Photo by Paul Quinton. cifically to assist future teach- ’ . , , The report was supported by were going to kill him for be ers now enrolled in undergrad- 1 , , Wh ,!! e at least four witnesses, hut of- ing so hard headed.” They lift- uate training. , a y ’ is c enoo ‘ led at the ficers Wednesday had no report ed the boy and put him into JamCS W. Wynn Grants are made to the edu- v, *£!? y J Carollna ; of any such youth being treated the back seat and drove away. Associated WiHl cation departments of accred- m for injurks As they were placing him “ D s* * rk..^k ited institutions which certify B f d St ^ 1 Methodlst Church Deput y wUbur Traynham of the car, holding him under the Joanna Baptist Church more than 12 graduates each Where he 18 a member of the Sheriff R. Eugene WUson’s of- arms, he cried out for help, the Continuing its emphasis on the year as teachers The purpose official 811(1 supenntend ' fice said the report was com- woman said, and yeUed to her to mus i C ministry, the First Bap- is to expose the reHnient in- e ? t of Sunda y school. He is piled from ac counts of a Negro get the police because “they t ist Church of Joanna has secur- stitutions and their students to 8 80 8 director of tbe Chamber W oman, Mrs. Ollian Vance, 45, are going to kill me.” ed the services of James W. modem te^hina ^ Commerce •“<* a member and her three children, 10, 12 The story was substantiated W ynn as its new minister of Laurens Boy Drowns in Swollen Little River modern teaching tools wMch of t he Lions Club offer them greater flexibility in their classroom presenta tions. The materials provided under the grant include both classroom and portable over head projectors, transparency maker and copier, a variety of Patterson Death Is Ruled Accident A coroner’s Jury ruled here Wynn and 15. by the womans’ three children mU sic and religious education. Mrs. Vance, he said, put the and officers got a description prior to assuming his duties time of the incident at about of the car. The neighbor, Mrs. i n Joanna on June 6, Mr. Wynn 7:30 a. m., Monday, near the Miller, told officers she heard was minister of music at Judson intersection of Secondary Roads the sound of the youth being R a ptist Church, Greenville, and 46 and 43 about a mile west of hit and came outside her house a i S o was associated with Allen Clinton. in time to see him carried away. Music Company. She and the children, she said, Officers found tire marks at a native South Carolinian, Mr. Laurens—One of three young had gone under. tree eight feet out from the transparency film and refer- Tuesday the June 3 death of were walking to visit a neighbor, the scene but no (blood and Wynn attended North Negro boys out for a midday Assistant Laurens Polios opposite bank. Foster drown- ence material on visual aids. Brooks Patterson, 62, of Lydia Mrs. Connie Miller, when a car there- was no trace of the car ville Junior CoUege, Furman Un- ’JT ^ f“*''““EZ ‘7*7 To Attend Meeting £« River last Wednesday drowned ter, Mars and Michael Daven- of ^ Lmma Rescue -g T Fi^anda F Lyda. Tt ed two lost from the tree. It MiU community, was an acci- passed and she heard loud voic- late Monday. iversity, and the New es and cursing. Suddenly, she Investigating deputies indud- Baptist Theological - - y* * w «•»» vr. «. - tj—rr. Three witnesses testified at said, the car seemed to stall and ed Ralph Riddle, Sam Bishop, where he received his nuuAsr*it In spite of rsocue attempts ay port, 12, went to the river squad found the body at about Clinton representatives for Pilot the inquest conducted by Lau- the white youth jumped out. Arthur Dunaway and Wilton degree in church music, his companions. shortly after noon. The river, 1:00 p. m. in five feet of wa- Life Insurance Co., of Greens- rens County Coroner Marshall He appeared to be about 15 years Cooper. Mr. Wynn’s, his wife, the James Edward Potter, 12, normally 15 feet wide, had ter. - Attempts to revive the boro, will attend a company Pressley at the Lydia MiU Rec- old, she said. (Note — Some local officers, mer Dorothy Vaughn of dsiappeared under tbs water swollen to a width of 10 feet, boy failed. agents meeting at the Grove reation Center. The car’s driver—there were speaking unofficially, and while ville, and their chUdren, aMhnagh James Mars, 14, tried Davenport told Barrett that Foster was pronounced dead Park Inn, AshviUe, N. C., July A physician's statement read two white men in it—seemed not doubting the facts in the Sharon, and Alison, in vain to reach his hands, just “the water looked too deep” by the county physician and 7-11. at the inquest said that Patter- to have trouble starting the ve- case, are inclined to believe that Pickens Street in a 1 beyond Ms grasp. Mars went and that he and Mars stayed Coroner MarshaU Pressley Representatives from North son “died instantaneously of a hide again and was almost in horseplay may havt entered into tly purchased by the to the shore to find a limb and cloae to Hie bank while Foster empaneled a jury but no in- and South CaroUna, Virginia and gunshot wound Injury In the neck collision with another car, light the related events. Investigation, Dr. Byron Harbin ig, to find that Foster attempted to swim to a willow quest date was set. Georgia win attend toe session, and penetrating toe brain.** blue and cream colored, before however, is continuing). the church.